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Pregkane soon.
She's going to have to abort again... should've used condoms when she was pleasing all those old men.
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Kamiki is moe
"Let's get married!"
"No way!"
HOLY FUCK I predicted this as a joke
Yeah I'm starting to think the
>She still loved him!
Cope is going to be short lived, or another one of those things where Hacka doesn't understand a person in love doesn't act like this.
How the fuck a DVD can change someone's perceptions after he lived through this makes no sense.
Fuck Ruby
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Finally, some good fucking spoilers
Ai a shit
I kind of want a short Ai-Hikaru rom-tragedy spinoff.
It would be funny if Ai just used Hikaru as a semen repository.
>Kamiki: ...I see. Then let's get married! If we do then...
>Ai: No way! You are nice looking too, but we could've been together if we were normal young people. But if I'm together with you forever, then it's going to be quite a burden for me
>But if I'm together with you forever then it's going to be quite a burden for me
What a fucking whore, holy...
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Yeah that's what I mean, this just makes me assume what's in the DVD isn't her saying she loves him because otherwise it stops being realistic since she clearly went above and beyond lying here
Jesus fuck that’s brutal
I kinda like that Aka is breaking the readers image of Ai as “perfect” by giving her actual flaws and writing her saying/doing things that could make people dislike her or have her come across as not completely saintly, as opposed to how she was portrayed in the prologue. It’s really meta if you think about it. Both the readers and the characters in-universe idealized her
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Since Ai and Kamiki could tell when each other were lying, then does that mean that Kamiki was right and Ai never loved him. and the only thing we might see in the next chapters is Ai saying that she cares about Kamiki, but not as in romance?
Is this why the chinks were mad?
>But if I'm together with you forever, then it's going to be quite a burden for me
proceeds to have twins
>Akaneschizo wakes up
>Immediately creates a new thread with Akane
>Claims to not create threads
This guy really has DID.
According to the timeline, this would happen when the twins were alreary born (after the Himekawas offed themselves)
Sorry to disappoint you before you start your routine schizophrenia in the new thread, but I didn't make the thread.
By me
This is what Kamiki FEELS he experienced. Not what Ai said on the DVD. And his assumption is she didn't love/care about him. So mind you, could be that Ai declined to protect him, or perhaps she thought she would hinder him.
Some reach ojisan would have taken care of them in the future, that's not that big of a deal.
This is his ilk's thread. He creates these all the time.
She wasn't lying there, she can't marry him while she's still an idol
Going by the chink reaction from yesterday, looks like either Ai will say something not quite nice in the DVD, or this whole chapter is going to be a flashback and Ai's message will be delayed for the next one
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Yeah alright but lets apply normal people logic here.
If you were in Kamiki's shoes would a DVD where Ai probably doesn't even say she loved him sway him to believe she did?
Whenever I see those flashbacks I can't really find a justifiable reason for Ai to say those things, she's gone way beyond the mere "lying to protect him" here. Changing Kamiki's perceptions with a DVD after years of him believing this situation just doesn't come off as realistic.
I am leaning to think that's not what the DVD will say at all
Yeah Ai isn't really being unreasonable. This is Kamikis perception, and he's an emotionally vulnerable mentally broken boy.
Ai-chan the CUTEST!
The point is that Ai wasn’t perfect and fucked up because of her own emotional issues not because she wanted to protect him or because she was still an idol. That rejection was brutal. Aka is trying to show that they were both broken and fucked up people
You literally don't know that. Ai wasn't perfect yes, but that doesn't mean she's being malicious in that scene. She could be trying to protect him but did it in a bad way that negatively impacted him because she is 15 here and immature and not used to stuff like this.
The only thing I know is that nip idolniggers reading this manga will now have another reason to start meltdowns
Your idol's sign is B.
>she's being malicious
That’s not what I was implying. I am trying to say that Aka is trying to tell us that she wasn’t a literal saint like she was portrayed in the prologue, that she could have hurt him by accident because of her own fears. It would connect with her being just a regular girl narrative
I warned people about how evil Ai was, and no one listened
The ONLY thing that makes sense on the DVD is for her to say she did love him. OR to say something vile that mindbreaks him further before Aqua kills him. Those are really the only two options that make sense with what the narrative is building up. Either Aqua is telling the truth about Kamiki having the entirely wrong perception, since Kamiki denies the movies authenticity on the premise that Ai didn't return his love. OR he worked with Ruby where she cosplays as Ai and created a fake DVD and just had her say whatever Aqua thought would mindbreak him most. I do not see a scenario where not at least 1 of these things happen. There's no way it's going to be some casual "I did care about your father" or something, narratively it just doesn't make sense. And she doesn't seem hostile or against him in her rejection here, she was always smiling and hiding her true feelings so I don't really think you can take Kamikis interpretation of her rejection at face value. Mind you Ai is 15 and Kamiki is 14 and he's asking them to get married. Not even legal. He's kind of crazy.
>they were both broken and fucked up people
We've know that about Ai since the prologue
Well, yeah sure. But I see a lot of people here who seemingly have the interpretation that it's Ai's fault somehow but yeah, she was just a normal teenage girl so of course she might have broken up with him in an awkward way, and she might have been going against her actual feelings there.
What does protecting him has to do with anything?, she's being very literal there, she's an idol so marrying him would be quite a burden on her
I don't think the burden she is talking there is related to her job
Also not even legal. Age of marriage was 16 for girls and 18 for boys in Japan, Ai is 15 and Kamiki is 14 there, maybe 15 depending on his birthday. Kamiki is quite literally insane here. Especially if his response after Ai told him "Maybe it's better if we don't see eachother anymore" was "Let's get married!". That's clingy psycho shit.
Yeah but we always saw her as a victim. And don’t take it literally, of course she was a victim in many ways, but we’ve never seen how she could have directly hurt others due to her own issues which is realistic for fucked up people.
>And she doesn't seem hostile or against him in her rejection here, she was always smiling and hiding her true feelings so I don't really think you can take Kamikis interpretation of her rejection at face value
I'm not really taking it at face value but whenever I consider the surrounding events of this narrative I don't see how you can fit the idea she still loved him in it.
She still loved him, yet she took his kids away from him? Flashback Kamiki comes off as someone who actually wanted a proper family with her, she gave him an illusion of it only to take it away?
I just don't believe there's a reason that holds to justify Ai's actions if they were done out of love, it'd just come off as contrived writing again because what's shown isn't consistent with what's being told.
They could get married in secret just like Ai was raising the twins in secret. It's not such a big deal.
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Hacka is such a bitter faggot. I hope this retard never finds happiness.
Hoshinos are cancer, what a twist
Yeah. All of them.
Shut up, idolcuck.
I mean, assuming he knows Taiki is Kamiki's son, and that he was raped by Airi, Spica makes it clear Ai wanted children , and I think it's mentioned early in the manga too? She might not have thought he was mentally in a place to take care of kids like that, but she still selfisly wanted kids. We won't know until we see it, but to me there's many reasonable explanations for why Ai could have loved Kamiki, but also distanced herself from him.
Ai could tell because she is a goddess with mind reading powers, but Kamiki only thought he could.
Kana avenged Nino
>Since Ai and Kamiki could tell when each other were lying, then does that mean that Kamiki was right and Ai never loved him.
From what we've seen, she NEVER said she didn't love him. When we see the movie scene of him asking if she loves him, she says "lies don't work you, so I'll be honest, I don't know". But we never see her say she doesn't love him. From what we know this is Kamikis assumption due to her breaking up with him.
This is why Kana should marry ME instead
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>She might not have thought he was mentally in a place to take care of kids like that, but she still selfisly wanted kids.
Okay but then it's hard to sell to me, a reader, or to even Kamiki himself that she ever loved him via a DVD.
We're talking here about having a mcguffin that somehow can change the perception of someone who experienced those things years and years back + readers who just saw things that objectively frame Ai as not really being that attached to him to begin with
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ohnonono rubysisters? What's this? Another Ruby parallel to Kamiki? But I thought her love for Aqua was pure and totally not setting the stage for becoming a crazy person like Kamiki!
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Ruby won
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Cute cat
Retard they are the good ending version of it. They BOTH won’t make the same choices.
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AquaRuby and KanaKane.
crackships, just what yuritards like you love
Reminder Nino is an antagonist.
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So with all the parallels Ruby has to Kamiki, is Aqua paralleling Ai? Aqua is pushing away Ruby, Ai presumably pushed away Kamiki, except she probably did love him? So probably the same thing Aqua is doing? Also if Ruby is paralleling Kamiki and Aqua Ai, this page from Mem was prophetic.
Yeah, that explains why it makes Asians seethe over their idol waifu not being perfect at 15 years old.
Probably the DVD will reveal that Ai realized she fucked up and that she was lying to Kamiki, hence 15 year lie.
Both are canon though.
Ruby isn't paralleling Kamiki, retard. She is Ai but the better and brighter version.
the words of a crackshipper, who genuinely believes his own farts!
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>So with all the parallels Ruby has to Kamiki, is Aqua paralleling Ai
Wow, it's almost like something like this happened already in the story and it's almost like Gagby has nothing to do with this at all, because she is irrelevant to the main romance plot of the story. What could it be... I personally don't know at all.
Akaneschizo, you somehow manage to remain the most retarded person in these threads.
>is Aqua paralleling Ai?
yes, from the very beginning

>Aqua is pushing away Ruby
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>because she is irrelevant to the main romance plot of the story
And other jokes you tell yourself.
I'm talking about Ruby paralleling Kamiki in the romance part of the story with Aqua. And Aqua having the role of Ai here. And yes, it's the good version of it. If the reveal is Ai pushed Kamiki away to protect him, or because she had her own issues, but she did truly love him, then it's the same shit Aqua is doing with Ruby. But in general sure, Ruby is the Ai parallel.
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Once again, you show signs of dementia, being unable to recognize who's who.
Let me make it clear.
I'd never argue anyone but AquAka can be a parallel to KamiAi. Because AquAka is the ONLY CANON COUPLE in this entire manga so far that involved Aqua.
So the other two cannot be parallels to anything because they've just done nothing but sit in the background and have 0 development with him that can be served as a parallel. Hope that clears things up on my stance on it.
Don't call me that or I'll find you, cut your balls off and make you to eat them.
>Aqua is pushing away Ruby
This isn't even good bait. Nobody can be this retarded when Aqua LITERALLY distances himself from Ruby and her feelings towards him by diminishing them as not being for him, while we literally got a chapter of him and Kana hanging out. We literally haven't seen Aqua and Ruby interact since 145. He interacted with Akane in 148. He interacted with Kana in 151 last.
>Aqua LITERALLY distances himself from Ruby
He doesn't. That's literally your headcanon. He just doesn't take her "feelings" seriously enough as revealed in 150.
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Akasaka Aka's ships are canon.
Especially when the whole deal was distancing himself from Ruby and settling on Kana.
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Aqua literally never distanced himself from anyone but Akane. Dumby is the one who did her retconned melty over petty shit and then came back around as soon as she could do her pathetic 180 out of nowhere.
Distancing yourself means that the party involved actively avoids the person out of his own will. Aqua cannot avoid Dumby, he quite literally lives with her and is seen still watching over what she does.
He did avoid Kana during the timeskip year and then Akane ever since they broke up and hasn't been dealt with either. You incestlosers need a reality check that you can't fit shit where it doesn't.
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You are so fucking dumb.
And Aqua going on a catchball date with Kana is distancing himself from her?
Wonder what Ruby's DVD will be about.
Will Aka deliver? Will he make Ai an psychopath who is unable to love anyone?
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What you're showing me is her distancing herself from him. You're illiterate.
He didn't cause that reaction for Dumby's sake, he did it to kickstart his movie and save Kana's retconned scandal.
>as distancing himself from Ruby
Where? What are you even talking about? Do you, inbreds, have followed Akaneschizo's path, and now treat your schizofanfic as an actual manga?
>Have sex, femcel
>”I know the person Ruby loves is you, Goro”
>He just doesn't take her "feelings" seriously enough
>We literally haven't seen Aqua and Ruby interact since 145. He interacted with Akane in 148. He interacted with Kana in 151 last.
Read slower next time, rat-kun
That should've been the case since the start, but he's trying to fit in this "she always loved him" bullshit that simply doesn't fit with the rest of what he's even showing with those flashbacks.
I still don't see how he can make those flashbacks have any sense with the actions she has taken after if she did indeed love him
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>He didn't cause that reaction for Dumby's sake
You are so fucking retarded it's unberable. I am so fucking confident you just write down the first thing that comes into your mind because you just pivot and pretend you never said it everytime you're proven wrong so you don't care about saying something intelligent.

Most of the things he does he does for Ruby.
>when you are in trouble, you should ask your father for advice
Rats before this chapter
>Aqua and Ruby are LITERALLY avoiding each other, it’s clear something has changed, I bet he’s already rejected her offscreen or something she has more interactions with Melt kek
Rats after this chapter
>Aqua? Distancing himself from Ruby? Wtf are you saying retard? That never happened
Never changed you magnificent disingenuous schizos
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Aqua TOTALLY does not care about Ruby!
Yes, This is exactly what this means, thank you. Her loving the ghost of Goro is irrelevant to the current Aquamarin Hoshino as he is now, at least from his own point of view. It doesn't even worth to waste his time on it.
>It doesn't even worth to waste his time on it.
So he wasted his time bringing up Ruby as a romantic option BEFORE Kana? Good to know.
>he says this even after the new OP
Lol, lmao even
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>Most of the things he does he does for Ruby
I'm sure Aqua caused Kana to have a scandal and then revealed his mother's pregnancy just so he could have Dumby get mad at him and still have her act in his movie.
Incestloser, your contrived logic of retardation is the very definition of bullshit. And you still believe it despite the blatant fact you're just trying to fit things where they don't to try and keep Dumby relevant.
He never distanced himself from her, he quite literally lives and still assisted/watched over her after in multiple occasions. Read the actual manga, please.
Give it a fucking rest already
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>bringing up
Yeah and then dealt with it in a millisecond. Meanwhile Kana is a much more complicated.
>Read the actual manga, please.
Yeah you should do that.
>Aqua caused Kana to have a scandal
How is that relevant?
> and then revealed his mother's pregnancy just so he could have Dumby get mad at him and still have her act in his movie.
His original plan was to have her get mad at him for revealing Ai's secret. Produce the movie, get revenge, and die. Ruby isn't terribly hurt because she now hates him. Instead, Gotanda sees Ruby in chapter 112 and sees how similar to Ai she is and lobbies for her to be cast as Ai instead. Setting up the competition between Frill, Akane, Ruby. Ruby wins and plays Ai. That was not part of his plan. Making her hate him was part of his plan. Making her idol group work out properly was part of him helping and protecting her directly or indirectly throughout the manga.

Then he sees her crying in 121, sees that it's Sarina, and though he wants her to keep hating him so he can die at the end of his revenge easier, he literally cannot stop himself from revealing the secret, knowing it will change the dynamics completely and make the end he'd chosen for himself so much harder to carry out knowing how much it would devastate her.

You are functionally illiterate. No further responses to you faggot.
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True, complicated teenage romance!
Excuse me but how the fuck are you to criticise a manga? Do you know how to write? Do you know how to draw? No? This is what I thought. You can only fart and drool. You only care about current chapter without consider what exactly it might build up in the future and how it's connected with the previous chapters. Bunch of mindless morons.
Make a few VERY succesful manga to criticise CHADsaka CHADka first.
Poor rats and akaneschizo, today was a rough day for them. This whole week has been a deluge of AkuRubi.
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I think it's time for a GRIM reminder for the inbreds! Kana won. Cute AquKana in the OP with her wrapping his arm around his and him smiling.
Shut up, Aka
But Ruby didn't even appear in the last chapter and it doesn't look like she is going to appear in the next chapter.
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Grim reminder to RATS that Aqua dropped the ball.
What's that?
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The ED being confirmed to be completely centered on Ruby instead of Akane like he thought really sealed the deal lol
Please understand. Inbreds have literally nothing going for them besides covers and OP/EDs not made by Aka or Mengo. The actual canonical material BTFO's them so they have to resort to stuff like that.
>have to
They were like this from the start because AquRuby is so underdeveloped and poorly written in the actual story.
>covers and OP/EDs not made by Aka or Mengo.
The new cope..
You think Aka/Mengo are sitting there animating the OP/EDs? No.
>Q: How much did aka and mengo participate in the creative process of the anime?
>A: Director Daisuke Hiramaki: We have them review every aspect.
You know that the animation team also knows the ending?
>His original plan was to have her get mad at him for revealing Ai's secret
No that wasn't his plan. Aqua cannot predict how Dumby reacts to shit.
He leaked the info to kickstart his movie plan, unrelated to her whatsoever since he doesn't even care or budge whenever she gets tangled in it. Meaning that to him whether she did it while angry or not with him was a non issue.
>How is that relevant?
Because, as most things you pretend revolve around Dumby, the entire situation was not engineered to revolve around her. She's just a consequence of something else.
Yep Ruby won
I expected a little AkuRubi in the OP and/or ED but not much since she doesn't have much presence during this arc.
It's just too funny they went all out with it.
>>A: Director Daisuke Hiramaki: We have them review every aspect.
So could be as simple as "You cool with this?" over some quick talk and they nonchalantly agree. Doesn't mean deep involvement.
>You know that the animation team also knows the ending?
I do not believe you.
The schizo is malding
The RATs' worst nightmare.
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It's sad that the most cancerous part of those threads resurfaced because they think visuals from an OP gives them relevance.
I guess there's going to be a lot of crying in the anime threads whenever her relevance will be close to 0 as everyone who reads the manga knows.
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A-Ai-bros... Our response?
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Don't worry, I believe you as much as I believed you when you declared you'd leave like a retard.
Kamiki did nothing wrong.
Why do people post this sort of reply to stuff that takes like 5 seconds to read through?
Stop bullying us, Ratbykeks.
Why would you read akaneschizo's nonsense even it takes 1 second to read?
Is that all? 1 page?
Not even summary?
She is probably thinking that "Kamiki Ai" sounds weird or something like that.
Can't stop replaying the 2nd part of the opening
A woman can keep her family name in our day and age. It's not a problem at all.
They look like they're bffs kek
Ai wasn't aware of that
Ai was playing dumb, but she wasn't really dumb.
>They look like they're bffs kek
Those don't look like flaws to me. If Ai really actually loved him all along, then it's a fucking mental illness.
You're defending a guy half of whose works got axed.
You mean like her being unable to say I love you to her kids until she's dying because she was afraid to do so?
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Just noticed it's Aqua standing over Sarina's deathbed in the opening.
But half of those are huge hits.
....that's Sarina herself
Anon would've fixed Ai btw but she's gonna have to fix him first for that to happen
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Just came inside Akane's coffee. Hope nothing happens.
Ah, you right, the pixelation made her hat look like hair.
Not in Japan
Both should have the same family name (his or her)
No wonder nips don't want to get married anymore.
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Are you retarded?
Because of poor quality you can't see their psycho smiles
Kamiki does all that cause he knows that Aqua can't do shit, and if he's gonna try to kill him, it's Aqua who will get jailed, not him. He have ways to protect himself for sure (Nino and cameras 100%)
AI feels quite stupid for having kids but not relationship with him (and what's burden here, 2 babies that you need to take fucking care for, or a dude that could potentially do that, so you can keep being idol or whatever?). And note that it all could be in secret!!!!
AI => Dumby
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They cut out first half of chapter 42

So everything here won't be in the anime
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It's not hard to figure out Ai's deal when she was afraid of even saying I love you to her kids.
Also, Ruby is the better Ai.
>they are cutting all the akane and aqua moments
Uh oh, akaneschizo is going to freak.
Would the series be even more popular if it was about Gorou and Ai?
>Aka, trying to show how CRUEL realty is, and that unwanted kids could get into those problems
>Like we don't know
>Need to add magical plot here cause it's popular

Now it all make sense.
Aqua looks like Ai and Ruby looks like Kamiki in that new illustration by Mengo
Hmmm I think left most should have been kept if its not there in some form. It's more important for Aqua than Akane really and it ties into the climax of the arc itself and how he enjoys acting.
The rest is fine, it's just reintroducing Akane after some chapters and a Kana gag which are skippable since that's most of her screentime anyway.
The twins being reincarnated had nothing to do with isekai.
Aka has always had mythological elements in his stories and already played around with rebirth shit in IB. He wanted to do a story like this with the twins.
If Kamiki actually cared about Ruby, she'd become AI God Mode and started destroying all her rivals, including Kana and Akane. Sadge that we're not gonna see a plot like this
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She literally already outshines them.
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Kana, the light and sun, will outshine everyone soon.
future comedy diversity hire in hollywood comedy movies soon
Yeah, Shima D will convince his {American} friends.
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Uhm, what is that? Part of the movie or Ai's DVD?
>Kana meets Harvey Weinstein chapter
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Wait is it saying "Love Letter from Ai"? KEK
>Ai's DVD?
There it is, Ai loved him the entire time and regretted rejecting him. He killed her for no reason.
>Aqua and Ruby made fake DVD which mindbroke Kamiki
How can this manga be so lame?
Doubt it.
Don't forget there is also Ruby's DVD which no one has ever seen.
It will probably be Ai telling her to not make the same mistake and to chase after the one she loves.
Anyways Aka is making a Kaguya Sama sequel after onk
I'm starting to think that first half of Kaguya was a fluke
Is Kana going to be in it? kek
Yeah, a love letter transcending time.
his mommy issues started to flare up
This is pathetic
Episode preview (early?)
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>revenge is that you killed a woman who loved you

Really hoped it wasn't gonna be this gay shit. I guess now the rest of the arc is gonna be about Kana's concert and her drama.
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Ruby won btw.
Imagine if this "confrontation" is all there is to the revenge story

>ruby in the graveyard
Wonder what they make Kamiki sound like, bet he sounds like a femboy bitch.
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>he hasn't listened to the loli Ruby ASMR (RJ01105332)
what's your excuse
Don't know what people are surprised about. Now Nino will stab Ruby.
Ratirrelevantby does not deserve any anime frame.
Gojo will return
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That's completely in Kekqua's style. Acting all edgy just to make the most harmless and toothless thing imaginable.
>The final boss already defeated
Damn, this final arc was
Makes Akane look like a fucking retard again.
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>They think Aka won't deliver in the dome arc
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We're not surprised, it was always the worst and most cheesiest possibility. Whole series Aqua was talking about killing his ass and offscreen he magically becomes cheesy fucker who wants to kill kamiki with kindness.

But even the execution of this was shit. Aqua out of nowhere became goody boy with white star and is calm while confronting the mom's killer. The killer himself is also lame af now, just some retard who killed for no reason. Also him killing other women doesn't matter now, just killed bad about killing this girl specifically.
Sure that sucks but it's obvious what happened with chapter 147 and Akane talking about Ruby over and over. I do agree it shouldn't have been offscreened but maybe we'll get shown it happening later.
>became goody boy
Like he always was, unless you read the manga with your ass?
>this movie is a love letter from Ai

I wanna barf
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>bet he sounds like a femboy bitch.
Just like his son, Aqua-chan.
Anons here would fuck that slutty bitch(male).
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Imagine the lucky guy who gets to be his cellmate in prison
You know that Kamiki will only appear after Akane and Aqua talk on the bridge about his dad being dead?
If she didn't know for sure if her love for Hikaru was true, then it's impossible to prove "I can't love you" was a lie, and Aqua is wrong. But if he knows for sure it was a lie, then so did Ai, and then she lied to Hikaru on purpose and abandoned him for no reason.
Okay, and?
....and that means the Ruby graveyard in the episode preview doesn't mean Kamiki will be there.
What are you talking about? The anime is going all the way to the crow showing up and most likely ending at the prayer.
I know, schizo,
the whole conversation started because Anon saw Ruby in the graveyard in episode 1 preview so he thinks Kamiki will be revealed in episode 1.

Calm down, retard and read the conversation.
>"Ackshyually I loved you all along"
>"Sorry for breaking up with you teehee pero"
Sounds like Ai.
Shut up you mentally ill retard. I'm not Akane"schizo"
Yeah she deserved to die.

gay ass manga
Aqua has his fucking earring.
Ruby won.
Also Ruby is there, white star for Ruby and the earring, damn being a ruby GOD feels good.
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Kana will kill Ratby soon.
Does the shipbrain ever get turned off?
Aqua will kill Kana and then himself.
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Can't be stopped.
so that's it
Where can the revenge story go from here besides Kamiki killing himself maybe?

This story legit only gave 2 chapters for revenge (and flopped hard) and the rest of this "final arc" will be about Kana's love and her attention seeking.
I think that two of them should kiss at least once a day.
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Nino is going to target Ruby.
Aqua has distanced himself from both Akane and Ruby because of his revenge. But he's only currently distancing himself from Akane, as he's already reconciled with Ruby back in 122-123.
Aqua and Ruby are the protagonists.
>Yeah I'm pregnant so best to break up
>Oh shit, then in that case, let's get married
>Nah, it'd be a pain
So she became pregnant and they broke up, that's why he offered marriage but she ran away from that out of fear.
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You have to remember Ai is an airhead and 15 years old.
What are the chances Kamiki breaks down and kills everyone in the building with a gun he was hiding? please
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Ai was just trying to protect Kamiki from her rabid idolfags. The problem is just she sucks at communicating with people. She died because of that.
Yep, he misunderstood her words "I can't love you". He thought she meant he wasn't someone worthy of loving.
lel, that face
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The bottom line is that it was all Ai's fault. They would be a happy family now if she was not super stupid.
Well, I am willing to bet it's still Nino that twisted Kamiki into a killer and Ryosuke too.
>Ruby won
what does an earring have to do with aquruby? honest question
The bottom line is that it was all Aka's fault. The readers would be happy now if he was not super hack.
Idk. Maybe related to some cover or the first page of the manga with Ruby and Aqua together
I'm still enjoying the manga :)
>Kamiki becomes good
>Nino becomes final villain

kino or shit?
Oh, look! Aka remembered that Ruby and Aqua are supposed to work together to take a killer of their "mother" down. At least he isn't senile.
It's about a prediction regarding them becoming an idol duo based on art done by Mengo way early on.
People shat on the idea because Aqua no longer had that look and then in 152 when he got the haircut but no earring people said it was confirmed wrong. So, now he has the earring.
Other people give the earring more meaning than that but it's a little too schizo for me.
>some random literally who
>only appeared in the latest part of the story
>final villain
It's not good even by battle manga standards.
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>4 years of build up
>2 chapters, it doesn't even make sense
That's literally Naruto
Except, you know, all the people that predicted it playing out exactly as it is. As I've said, the major plot points are all foreshadowed, Aka just sucks at connecting the dots.
Yeah that's where this story is going. But Kamiki is going to prison anyway.
Literally Kaguya from naruto.
>main villain was defeated by the power of love and friendship without any fight
I've never doubted Aka. But don't worry bros. We still have Nino. Why am I lying to myself? She is going to be defeated by Akane or Kana before she even attempts to do anything to the twins
Obito was a bitch like Kamiki too. This is actually just Aka's version of Naruto.
>Nino is evil Kana
>movie arc was mostly about Nino's feelings towards Ai

>final arc is about Kana's concert and Aqua loving her

>Kana vs Nino

Everything becomes about Kana in the end. Even the revenge plot.
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Sure it is.
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>Now I tell you what I like ya and I want ya now we can do this the easy way or the hard way
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You can predict whatever you want
>Whoops actually I loved you I was wrong, this movie is a love letter
Doesn't make any sense. You sucking up to an hack doesn't make you cool or anything, just blatantly retarded.
The rest of this final arc will actually be about Aqua and Akane reconciling now his revenge is over for real.
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Did Aka just forget about mystery aspect and then decide to develop it in the last 20 chapters?
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>Whoops actually I loved you I was wrong, this movie is a love letter
Oh, Akaneschizo, you could try having basic reading comprehension for once.
Kana, Akane and Ruby shipping is the only reason people keep reading the hacks shit. Or it would end as easily as love agency.
>More Miki chapter
>Ship war, again
Amazing, keep going
He isn't normal human, r-right!?
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You guys missed the best part.
It was all a mistake
>It was me who told Ai Ryosuke-kun her address.
>Although I had no intention of evading responsibility, I never thought it would lead to murder.
>Please look at my scary eyes and understand my despair at that time. Feel my despair when she, whom I risked my life to fall in love with, said, "I can't fall in love with you
Did you also predict this smart ass? This plot makes no sense.
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>>It was me who told Ai Ryosuke-kun her address.
>>Although I had no intention of evading responsibility, I never thought it would lead to murder.

HOLY FUCK, Hacka, I kneel.
I could never imagine such a hackery.
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No, I will retain my sanity and not delegate my ego to being right onto something that makes no sense, thanks.
You're defending hack writing, I'm not. I'm not going to predict things that didn't make sense and still don't make sense.
Because shit like >>268333228 is the result of your "path" here and I want none of it. The entire point of this story is ruined without belief.
Is Kamiki bullshitting? Why would he hang out with Ryosuke if he didn't intend to tell her adress?
>I never thought it would lead to murder.
What kind of retarded shit is this? At this point I hope Kamiki is just pretending.
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>Although I had no intention of evading responsibility, I never thought it would lead to murder.
Wow just wow, what the hell were they at the hospital for then?!
So what about Goro and Yura then?
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>He was infected by the darkness of the entertainment industry and became dependent on me. He was almost crushed by the weight of life...
>He was already... on the verge of collapse.
>If he knew that I was pregnant, I was afraid that the situation would develop into something even worse.
>So I said that.
It gets worse! She didn't lie because she loves him, she lied because "the darkness of the industry took a hold of him". She also never said she was pregnant! She literally denied him his children
Pfff hahahahahahaha
>the character can only be as smart as the author
What does this say about Aka?
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>told address by accident
>didn't think it will lead to murder

>was in hospital with Ryosuke for no reason

>killing that actress is now a random murder that Kamiki did

Hacka, please, more. I need more.
TB anime being where I drop this shit I need more Hacka's writing to feel good.
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Did you guys miss to spot the blatant plot hole?
Kamiki was there to know Ryosuke killed Goro, yet he still told Ryosuke Ai's address without fearing he might kill her.
Blatantly speaking, this hack doesn't remember his own plot.
Anon, we already have the page where she calls the movie a love letter to him and apologizes for pushing him away at that time.
Maybe there is still a hope. Maybe Aqua is outplayed by Kamiki and he is pretending to eliminate him and Ruby.
>RATs are m***ing non-stop
Good thread.
She can apologize all she wants. She didn't leave him out of love, she literally left him, denied him his children and made him more miserable than he would've been with her.
Mengo said Aka is a monster of logic and reasoning btw.
Again, pay attention to her previous behavior.
Reminder that originally Ai wasn't even supposed to die and there was no murder subplot. No wonder the killer and the resolution both fucking suck. Aka never had any plan.
Maybe he didn't know about Goro. Goro got killed by just Ryosuke after all.
The only part that is left dangling at this point is Yura.
>"the darkness of the industry took a hold of him"

What darkness? The fuck? Being fucked by a milf that is already dead somehow was "darkness of the industry"?
Why after that milf died did she leave him then?
That's not her previous behaviour retard.
>Kills off his most popular character
Bravo Aka
Is that why he excels at writing characters whose actions and thoughts make no goddamn sense?
>Never told him she was pregnant
>Call a few years later suggesting he meets the kids
Sasuga Schizosaka Hacka
Not understanding how to love and being afraid that any love is a lie is 100% part of her character.
No, I pay attention to what was done and shown, I don't care about your headcanon.
There was no love in denying him his children for years and then calling him years later telling him he had kids and to meet them.
She doesn't love him. That's not love, it just doesn't register as that.
Ruby is alive retard
Hacka obviously doesn't think.
Nino killing Ai out of jealousy makes more sense than Hikaru accidently killing Ai for no reason.
>Reminder that originally Ai wasn't even supposed to die and there was no murder subplot.
That was when he was first drafting the story. Not when the story actually got made.
Anon, Kamiki did not want to kill Ai

it was an accident
she will never replace Ai in my heart
He's a monster who destroys all logic and reason.
I hate kana
>Kaguya shat the bed
>OnK shat the bed
>Renai Daikou was so boring it got axed
Was IB Aka's only good manga or did it shit the bed too?
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He says he didn't expect him to kill Ai, only to deliver the flowers. Nino is still out there and Aka gave her that deranged short story.
He's going to make Nino the ultimate villain of the story. Yura got killed because she might've surpassed Ai.
We know, Aqua.
Ruby isn't even the most popular Hoshino twin, let alone character in general.
>it was an accident
Yeah, that's what I said.
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Now I understand fully why this chapter made leakers angry. The entire premise of this story doesn't have any reason to exist anymore.
Aqua knew that Kamiki was without blame from the start, hell this DVD gives him even more info than what he pretended to have to find Kamiki.
It's a retcon mcguffin that wants to replace writing a revenge plot.
But as it stands Aqua just hurt Akane for no reason. Kamiki is getting blamed for literally no reason, he's not responsible for what Ryosuke did now.
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>pathetic and weak Kamiki is manipulated by evil and whicked women all his life
Bravo, Aka! You made it pro-feminist and anti-feminist at the same time.
so why the fuck did he kill Yura
The struggle was always a personal one for Aqua. Deciding to kill him or not, with Ruby's performance/influence becoming the deciding factor.
He didn't, she genuinely just had an accident.
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>Hikaru: "It was me who told Ryosuke, the one who stabbed Ai, her address

>Although I have no intention of shirking responsibility, I really didn't think it would escalate to murder
>I just wanted you to understand my despair, even if it meant scaring you a little

>Feel my despair when she, whom I loved with all my life, said those words, "I can't fall in love with you"

He just wanted to scare Ai with Ryonosuke in the hospital
She reminded him of Ai.
She was surpassing Ai and he became Nino's bitch.
I'm sorry but did you see how he kill her? Oh, that's right. The manga never showed us how he killed her, he was just next to her dying body. It could be anyone else who knew Kamiki and he took a blame (in Yura's eyes)
But why would Aqua kill him when it's not his fault? It doesn't make any sense anymore
Yes. Kana is the only thing in his head. Hard to write anything with his obsession.
Because he was still responsible for Ai's death. Also, Aqua didn't know he didn't intend to have Ai killed until this moment.
>"I took your precious life"
I guess he was just lying to a corpse and to the readers for no reason
>I told my ex's stalker her address PRANK **GONE WRONG**
He obviously got more fucked up after Ai died and that's probably where Nino comes in.
He quite literally wasn't. It was all Aqua's guesswork that Kamiki killed him without any kind of proof.
That's why this development sucks dick because the idea it was just a mistake removes all sense from the weight the story carried for this plot.
The main responsible already killed himself and it's not even because the father told him to, he was just a plot device killer that's not going to be explored beyond that
I think this fag is bullshiting and playing a victim.
>Ai's murder was an accident

>but let me kill this random actress and try to kill my own daughter

>accidentally gets the woman he loves killed
>Nino tells him he must make sure no one ever surpasses her memory to forever immortalize her
>we're shown a flashback
Yes. It is logical for the twins to have sex.
Aka promised Mengo twincest, she'll say whatever she has to say.
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>Lies are love, that’s what I thought.
>At first, I was a little scared to give birth to them, because I knew it would become a burden to him, but I still gave birth to them because actually, I still wanted to stay with him forever.
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Welp all we have left is Kana's concert and whoever ripped the other posters on that door I guess
There it is, she loved him 100%.
Akashills are going to have very difficult times in 2 days.
>and whoever ripped the other posters on that door
that's old posters that always get ripped off once the concerts are over, you retard.
Kamikis face tells you everything
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>"I can't fall in love with you" or whatever... I wonder if that was a lie?
>This is my wish for you who two have become adults - if he is still confused now, I hope you can redeem him, and have him join us...
Makes sense, truly hacka, a lot of sense lmao
Ai is such a drooling retard
So she really did give birth before Airi's death. But there's no way Hikaru didn't know, he was at the hospital with Ryosuke the night Goro was killed.
>I hope you can redeem him, and have him join us...

Good Kamiki kino sooon
This is just a warning about what happens when you fall in love with a retard.
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This could've been them but they chose not to go to a therapist
But these were some random posters there most likely. Haven't you seen a callboard in your life?
There is going to be so much what if fanart of this shit now.
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>Let us carry his burdens together with him, you, his children and I
>I don't really understand love
>I wanted to love you because it'd be my first time
>Hey Aqua, I wonder how you're going to interpret those words of mine 15 years from now
>What I told him, was it a lie?
So, as expected, it's not even made clear. She might've or might've not loved him.
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>I hope you can redeem him, and have him join us...
Aka is a fucking genius. Nobody saw this coming. What a twist, wow.
It's already in the chapter lmao
Anon, come on now. Practice a little bit of reading comprehension.
Also, thanks to Ruby, Aqua was able to understand it.
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>Ruby interpreted the words "I can't love you" as a "lie".
>That was the correct understanding of the desire for love, a lie that lasted for fifteen years.
I can't, I really can't.
>if he is still confused now
>if he is still confused now
>if he is still confused
aaaaaa, make it stop
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Our girl is just too powerful.
Reminder that Ai had plans to make this movie right before she was killed.
An entire movie instead of just talking to the guy.
The monster of reasoning and logic btw.
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The one speaking there is Aqua, not Ai. He says the movie is a love letter and that it's their revenge for someone who didn't understand love.
But Ai didn't say she loves him, she didn't know even back then.
It's literally left to Dumby's headcanon and supposedly we have to accept she did despite all the dumb shit she did that clearly show the opposite. It's beyond retarded.
>>Ruby interpreted the words "I can't love you" as a "lie".
She didn't, her pussy was just leaking as she was talking to her sensei so she couldn't say she can't love him with a straight face.
What did we see? Him being unrelated to Ai's murder and just telling Ryosuke her address? It's no more than his bullshit. Kamiki probably knew very well what he was doing back then.
>i don't understand love
>but I wanted to be with him and kept his babies to always have a part of him with me
Akaneschizo, please stop embarrassing yourself.
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Bruh, just read the rest of the spoilers, just wtf was that "development". Hikaru just did a prank that went too far.
Will Aqua just let him be free like that? What Kamiki said is enough to stab him until he stops breathing and then throw his body from the Media EYES rooftop..
Yeah, as I thought Ruby's DVD is the real key.
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so, uh, I don't understand anything.

Was Aqua's plan was to kill Kamiki in the beginning and that's why Akane said she will stop his plan?

Or was Aqua's plan was always to make Kamiki feel bad because he started that movie?
Did Akane say she is gonna stop Aqua from making Kamiki feel bad?

If he intended to kill Kamiki before Ruby's bs answer, why even make movie in the first place?

Also, if not killing Kamiki just required Ruby's interpretation of words, what was the point of Akane saying she will support Kana's love so that Aqua won't go for the revenge?

I just don't get anything.
Knowing that Ai loved him now, Kamiki will turn himself in, he was basically already planning to do that anyway.
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>Also didn't let him know he had kids, kept them away from him, traumatized him and just randomly called him back for no reason
No, you should stop sucking up to an hack because this is embarassing.
So wtf, Ai??? She just saw Kamiki as a pathetic sperm donor????
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Yes, Aqua was leaning towards actually killing him but Ruby saved him from that path.
Kamiki and Ai are fucking Aqua and Akane. Akaneschizo was right, Akane is going to win the Aquabowl
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>Reminder that Ai had plans to make this movie right before she was killed.
Yeah, with that look on her face for "some" reason.
>I hope you can redeem him, and have him join us...
Only a knife can redeem Kamiki.
Anon, Aqua literally looks like the AkuRubi art Mengo has done.
Now in this chapter we know it's Ruby who ultimately stopped Aqua from doing the "wrong" thing.
Aka is going to become a legend after that chappy
Look at this
Kamiki = Ruby
Aqua = Ai
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Ruby saving Aqua from darkness? What? How could this have been predicted.
Why did he need Ruby to make this conclusion? I swear he inherited the autism genes from Ai.
>Aqua got answer for revenge from Ruby's interpretation.
>The same Ruby who had to be told by every person what Ai really felt during the scenes instead of understand herself.

Don't ask me to make sense of Aka's schizo writing, the more I think about it the more my head hurts. If Ai's wish was to redeem Kamiki, why did Aqua go with it when he had black stars and why was it supposed to be self destructive on his own part? It's just a massive plot hole really.
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Because Dumby represents the nonsense of all of this incarnated.
She never knew Ai, yet she suddenly acquired headcanon powers to know everything even the entire revenge plot off screen.
Nobody is even pointing it out how she's suddenly into it despite never being told shit
So he is canonically more retarded than Ruby now. Impressive.
Fine, as long as k*narats have a melty because they were yapping about the eyes shit.
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What was this shit about?
I will say it seems like Aka was going to bait extending this harem shit but after his other manga got axed he said fuck it.
Akane is just a schizo who projects her own mental illness on other people.
I just assume that every character is playing 5D chess and Akane is the only character whose thoughts we saw recently.
Kana telling Akane "If I were a man I'd choose you", probably broke her
You did it Aqua, you made Ai's wish come true. Without throwing your life into the shitter even, because for some reason you thought that was necessary to fulfill her wish.
I love Ruby but
>5d chess
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One of the many moments that with today's reveal make no sense.
Maybe we'll get more insight on what Aqua was originally planning next chapter.
Aqua will take revenge from Kamiki by fucking his daughter
You're dumb if you think look-alikes matter more than the actual content. Ai is quoting Akane word for word, it's over
OKAY, I think I understand

Aqua AT FIRST wanted to kill Kamiki, but Akane's plan was to stop him and now Kana and Aqua became girlfriend and boyfriend offscreen and that's why he has white star and doesn't kill Kamiki

>Aqua telling Ichigo he has something worse for Kamiki than death
>Aqua began making movie even when he wanted to kill him
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It's July anons, have a Minami
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She also said it after this.
Kanarat delusions
Kamiki will fuck him for that.
>nd now Kana and Aqua became girlfriend and boyfriend offscreen and that's why he has white star and doesn't kill Kamiki
What? It happened because of Aqua-Ruby reincarnation reveal and Ruby's interpretation of Ai's words.
How is your takeaway? Especially when they specifically call out Ruby being the linchpin multiple times, including in this chapter.
I hate Aka Akasaka
>and now Kana and Aqua became girlfriend and boyfriend offscreen
Retard, she delayed asking him to be her boyfriend to after Christmas.
>now Kana and Aqua became girlfriend and boyfriend offscreen
Don't forget >>268334094. Aqua knew Ai's wish and didn't plan to go against it, yet his original plan was not redeeming Kamiki.
>All this seething
It looks like we have kino chapter to look forward to, sisters.
>How is
how is this*
Ruby's interpratation meant nothing in terms of Aqua killing Kamiki or not

It was just to reveal whether Ai really loved Kamiki or not.
Kanarats are desperate lol
And Aka argues that this means Aqua can't throw his life away until he at least fulfills Kana's wish to see her at the christmas concert.

That was Akane's idea: To buy some time as she was scared he could do a move any moment if nothing is seriously holding him back.

It's kids logic but that's basically what Aka wrote
That makes no sense, she can't reveal something she doesn't even know for certain
>she can't reveal something she doesn't even know for certain
Sorry but that's what aqua says in the chapter

>"Ruby interpreted Ai's words correctly"
In his original plan he thought Ai was NOT lying.
But she literally spelled it out for mentally retards that she was obviously lying. So i don't even understand why Aka pretends now Ruby figured something out here? This whole plot is a mess
And how does he know that? They don't.
Each chapter unironically raises more and more questions without answering any of them.
No, that was Hacka trying to setup AquKana conclusion whatever it might be
Aqua and story says they are correct, that's it.

Ruby meant nothing in terms of stopping Aqua from killing Kamiki.
What stopped Aqua from killing Kamiki is him dating Kana right now, just like it was in Akane's plan.
>Ruby meant nothing in terms of stopping Aqua from killing Kamiki.
>why Aka pretends now Ruby figured something out here
That's Aqua not Aka. Aka writes Aqua as a huge retard every time so, he can easily be wrong.
>Ruby's interpratation meant nothing in terms of Aqua killing Kamiki or not
Yes it did, if her interpretation was that Ai didn't love him then it means the revenge is killing Kamiki.
So they don't, you're just saying it's correct because you want it to be. But nothing in the story, not her own actions nor herself, state that she loved Kamiki at all.
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Oh, this chapter also probably means that Ruby did know who Kamiki was when she was speaking to him.
It's literally what Akane says
"If you have a girlfriend you can't kill anyone, right?" and at the end of the chapter "I know exactly what you hate, Aqua-kun" implying she knows he's handicapped if he has to make a promise or something.

A chapter later we see that she was literally manipulating Kana to aim for christmas, as Akane correctly predicted that Kana will in any case be too shy to just propose but correctly predicted that if she brings up Christmas Kana will take the last day of the "deadline" which coincides with the concert (Akane is aware of this) for her confession.

Effectively Akane binded Aqua by this. Akane was aware that they won't just become a couple out of nowhere, she wanted to buy time.
Maaaan, to think people were laughing back then at Kana being irrelevant to the main plot, meanwhile this is the state of the main plot.
It actually was a blessing
Why would that stop him from killing himself if having Sarina alive who needs him by her side wouldn't?
It's funny how she was telling them to redeem him. So she knew he will kill her? Lol. Why?
The we meant her, Aqua, and Kamiki (plus Miyako and Ichigo).
No she didn’t, Kana herself postponed everything to Christmas unless you’re a retard
She's one of the main culprits why its so shit
No, Aqua's revenge was just shit.
Also justice for my nigga Yura, she died narratively in vain
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So all according to Batkane's plan once again
Don't ask me. The Aqua at the beach was still planning to die though. That's a fact. The Aqua after Kana's invitation seems to not as evident by his interaction with Hikaru.
If Cuckqua realizes he was duped by Akane, then he may end up taking revenge on her or pull a reverse Kamiki gone too far and tell Akane he fucking hates her (and sincerely). I guess Akane may have considered that possibility and is ready to accept it
Because like dad, like son.
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Can you all stop arguing for a moment and answer me thess
>Does Ruby recognizing the lie imply that Aqua showed her the DVDs offscreen or not?
>Was Ruby actually playing dumb around Hikaru in 147 and she in fact recognized him all along?
No, she told Kana to become a couple with Aqua BEFORE Christmas. The fact that she delayed asking Aqua to be her boyfriend to after she graduated from being an idol means Akane's plan failed.
The cope in this post is crazy. Why are rats constantly trying to make Kana out to be Ruby.
>Akane brings up Christmas
>Kana says "she said everything I didn't want to her, she knows me really well"
It's not hard to understand
>>Was Ruby actually playing dumb around Hikaru in 147 and she in fact recognized him all along?
Yes, this chapter makes it obvious that Ruby knew.
Which explains her stare down in that chapter.
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>So she knew he will kill her?
We knew she suspected something a long ago, nothing new here.
Fuck off k*naschizo. You're legitimately one of the most retarded pieces of shit I these threads.

>Does Ruby recognizing the lie imply that Aqua showed her the DVDs offscreen or not?
Yes. He showed her the dvd offscreen, he also told her about his plan offscreen.
>Was Ruby actually playing dumb around Hikaru in 147 and she in fact recognized him all along?
Narratively it doesn't matter anymore since we can't even tell if there was a point in thinking he'd have murdered her there with how he's suddenly a victim of coincidences and a badly written resolution
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.We answer to both is WE DON'T FUXKING KNOW HOW AND WHEN, but yes to both.
Ironic how this whole thing is the main story yet Aka is allergic to showing how the revenge was developed, hell we never saw how in the fuck did Ruby even worked her way to the answer of "Ai was lying"
This whole revenge is ASS
>it was just a social experiment bro!
At least another revenge will be fulfilled next wednesday. And the executioner will Live in the Moment by doing that.
But i fear the executioner will feel empty after realizing he just stained his hands with blood and will finally understand why he came to be like that. Like mom, like son.
also, that terminally ill little shit was his dad after all.
Yes, I know that. But it wasn't explained why.
I don't care about plot
Just tell me if Mem-cho can still win.
And she postponed his response to her fucking graduation concert on Christmas, are you dense or something?
Memcho will get to watch Aqua and Ruby have sex, so yes.
>we never saw how in the fuck did Ruby even worked her way to the answer of "Ai was lying"
Her friend was mean to her once so this is how she fully understood Ai.
The irony of rats now relying on Akane to win.
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I told you, Kamiki's revenge plot would be resolved before Kana's romance subplot
Aqua's white star is there because Akane followed on her threat of getting back together with Aqua.
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Wooby won.
I mean, it's supposed to be a mystery still and Aka sure won't reveal this before the culmination.
Aqua's white star is here because he thinks he finally delivered his revenge.
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I remember long ago when someone told me
>They couldn't have had sex! Aka would have shown us that instead of off screening!
Here we are, at probably the most important part of the story.
Where 90% of what should've led to it was off screened.
She literally was meeting with him to invite him to the concert. Akane predicted this.
They still did not have sex and Aqua will never have sex with you, schizo.
Except she delayed trying to get together with Aqua to after Christmas despite Akane saying that she'd get back together with Aqua before Christmas if Kana doesn't.
Any chance that Kamiki is pretending?
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Sorry I forgot to say, my post was meant to be sarcastic and for the non mindbroken asylum patients like you, ruinfag.
>Aqua will never have sex with you
Yep, I won.
>Has a cheat code DVD that explains him everything since he is 15
>Story begins with him being 15
>Didn't understand Ai at all despite having a cheat code DVD that spells everything out for retards
>"uhh I thougtt I understood Ai but Akane showed me I didn't"
>100 chaptes later

Bro you didn't understand her until recently as well. Wtf? Despite having the DVD all the time.
So you have literally nothing beyond schizo headcanons as usual.
Nothing is resolved, don't be a retard. There is much more to it, otherwise this wouldn't have happened at the very beginning of the arc.
Not your boogeyman.
Aqua was just pretending retarded. Epic troll
Don't let this thread distract you from the fact that it is implied that Ruby was up to date with everything, even the DVDs offscreen
My gut (and my hopes for this to have a coherent reaolution) says yes. No fucking way Aqua will buy the prank gone bad.
>Aqua will never have sex with you
Because Aqua will only ever have sex with Akane.
Again, it all ended up hinging on Ruby.
This chapter sements Ratby’s victory
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Were you wondering why Aqua's PoV was discarded since 80? Because it'd have been impossible to make sense of his actions if we did.
Aqua was just looking for excuses to date Akane.
That's not new. Gotanda said in when filming started that Ruby and Aqua interpreted Ai's "I can't love you" line as the truth. Of course Aqua showed her the DVD off screen.
The story is a complete clown fiesta and incest bait is the only interesting thing in it.
Don't let this distract you from the fact that there is a break after this chapter.
>Everything about Kamiki and the revenge has been revealed
>The DVDs too
>Apparently Ruby knew too
>Kamiki is pretty much whitewashed
>"Nothing has been solved"
Your only hope is for Nino to become a final boss because from this side, everything has concluded
But the point is that Ai spelled it all out that it was a lie. Her question towards Aqua was comically rheotrical at this point going by the content of the DVD
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>Don't let this distract you from the fact that there is a break after this chapter.
Wait, Ai did WHAT with Kana on that sweltering summer night?
Sure but Aqua had personal motivations to want to kill him. It's only because of his love for Ruby and her decision on it that he's not.
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>break next week
Ai raped Kana
Aqua raped Akane
Ruby raped Aqua
I offscreened the plot again...
I blame Mengo for that.
Gotanda be like:
"It seems I have to further spell it out by concluding the truth in the title of the movie"
just lmao

Aka's logic is just inhuman
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So why didn't Aqua ever let Akane watch the DVD if he wanted to know Ai's real intentions
It's called a running gag, you wouldn't get it
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I don't understand anything about what's going on because everything that is relevant happened offscreen with mystery boxes and out of order with bunch of plotholes

I guess I feel vindicated because it just confirms how shit the writing is after TB where the series peaked with Aqua x Akane.
OnK fucking finally entered into "final arc break hell". So there you have either 7 or 18 chapters left. Doubt how this shit will wrap up satisfactorily. I'm guessing once when shit hits the fan at the dome, Mengo or the OnK account will announce that was one of the final 5 chapters (and will have another break before the 2nd of those last 5).

Captchuh: wwwwh
Chinks were right, this chapter pretty much made the plot of this manga complete ass
>I just wanted to scare Ai, didn't wanted to die
Fuck off lmao
The next chapter is on the 18th >>268332691
You may not realize it but if the revenge is that shallow then so is Akane's "understanding" and "support" of this very shallow thing.

Any human interaction in ONK is intrinsically baseless.
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Every time Aqua said or thought about wanting to use Akane he was lying.
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>mfw I only read this for Kana
I did the right thing
>"final arc break hell".
This Oshi no Ko every other week. Stop beng so damn melodramatic.
Anon, Ai quite literally spells out her real intentions in the DVD, he doesn't need Akane for that. This is just more of Aka's hackery.
>break hell
But has OnK really been out of this phase in its whole run?
They were acting for a movie, he helped her up afterwards.
I think you are misunderstanding

I am saying everything after TB is shit. What is written after TB is not important for me because everything about it is bad writing.
Sorry, newfag, OnK has been taking a break after one or two chapters for two years now.
Both there accidental deaths. I'm not being ironic
No? Aqua found the will to live and a means of revenge that didn't involve murder, just as she wished.
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If the murder was a mistake, why didn't Kamiki move forward to take ownership of the kids or even take responsibility instead of murdering random girls?
If Aqua saw the DVD long ago, why didn't he just show them to Dumby on screen to have her get the correct image of Ai? What was the point of concealing them whenever nothing that crazy is said in it?
If Aqua's revenge was never physical, what was the point of torturing Akane with the idea his life would be over?
What's even the point of the interviews? Why was Kamiki even there?
>crow possessed ryosuke to kill Goro at the right time
I could see it.
>he thinks it's going to be an arc
>What's even the point of the interviews? Why was Kamiki even there?
Because it sounded cool in Aka's mind
>Yura's death is accidental.
>Kamiki stands over her and gloats instead of calling for help.
Even the "it was only a movie" theory makes more sense.
Please understand, Aka is feeling unmotivated because this plot point means less Kana to write
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Just give me more AkuRubi.
Yura simply fell off and it trigger Kamiki's schizo trauma of killing Ai by accident. Canon
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Akane is done working out
and my tongue is her towel
It wasn't about revenge specifically, but supporting Aqua through his feelings of guilt.
All of this was foreshadowed but at the same time is a perfect example of why you don't bait things just to bait. Unfortunately with a weekly medium you can't really escape stuff like that.
Not as frequent as now. It usually was 6 chapters before a break. Now we are having 1 or 2 chapters before break week, then another chapter, them break, then chapter and then 2 week hiatus.
Oshi no Ko will end with S2, if not soon afterwards.
People be like
>"Kana isn't even involved with [THE WORST PART OF THE PLOT]"
Yeah and that's a good thing obviously
K*na is the reason behind the manga being shit.
Once again, Kanascholars were in the right
it's been like this for more than a year now.
Series peaked with KINOblade
Learn English and drink more probiotics
Yeah. If she didn't exist, Aka could spend more time focusing on said plot instead of baiting with her dead in the water subplot.
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>All of this was foreshadowed
If most of it happened off screen it wasn't foreshadowed, no.
It was a case where the reader had to write in what the author didn't because he doesn't know how to do it.
I'd like for people to stop pretending that we can replace what Hacka should've written. The sole fact the conclusive evidence Ai loved him didn't come from Ai himself but was left as guesswork that a girl who didn't know left from right suddenly made "clear" is pathetic.
Nah, Aka is just allergic to writing the DUO PROTAGONISTS WORKING TOGETHER IN THE MAIN PLOT.
Also he can't write revenge/mystery/suspense for shit
Cope and seethe. You can remove Kana from the story and it will still be shit because Aka can't write for shit so the story is full of plot holes and characters can't interact like normal human beings.
>Unfortunately with a weekly medium you can't really escape stuff like that.
You absolutely can not write like a schizophrenic when writing weekly
Plenty of mangakas did it and do it
not an excuse for terrible pacing, off page story progress and characters that are all over the place

I'll admit he created something that stuck with people at the start, but by chapter 40 things were being derailed slowly but surely already
> supporting Aqua through his feelings of guilt.
Which we learned never existed really as Aka retconned this aspect by making it all about Sarina's reincarnation.

So Akane never understood anything about his feelings of guilt. Making it about Ai is surely the most reasonable conclusion as she is obviously not aware of reincarnation and Gorou's history with Sarina, but while it's a reasoanable conclusion it was also entirely false.

The result is that Akane could never save Aqua and there was no deeper meaning to their relationship from Aqua's perspective.
>Aka could spend more time focusing on said plot
think you overestimate Aka's recent writing ability a bit m8. Renai Daikou had no Kana and look where it got us
Yes. Just like Aqua who has been spending the entire manga saying I will kill Kamiki and people will suffer and I will suffer only for us to get a nothingburger movie
Just 3 chapters in and Aka already made sure to set the movie arc as the biggest waste of time of the whole manga
That's not how writing works. You're thinking he has a limited amount of chapters to fit in his story, which is of course entirely wrong. He can write and pace it how he wants. The truth is he thought his revenge plot is good while it evidently isn't. Nothing to do with Kana
>biggest waste of time of the whole manga
That would be the cosplay arc (mainstay).
what are you talking about?

She was offering to take a burden with him just like Kamiki wanted with Ai.
What is there to understand?
>saying I will kill Kamiki
He never said this tho.
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Stay mad.
"Have you ever thought about the meaning of why she wanted to keep the children?"
Okay retard but have you?
God I fucking hate Rapequa.
>Cocky ass mf with wanting to kill father
>plan changes
>Cocky ass mf thinks he can lecture now after being a complete NPC for 150 chapters
I hope you are just shitposting because Aka just revealed a massive offscreen bullshit with Ruby
Love Agency and Oshi no Ko will end in the same year.
>That's not how writing works
I know how writing works, I do it every day. Don't pretend to know how I think. If he spent half the time fleshing out the main plot than he did vacuous filler chapters including Kana (though she is not the only case of it, just the most pronounced symptom of the problem) - the plot could be half way decent.
If you don't know the real burden then you can't take it. Kinda selfexplanatory.
If he had more to say about the revenge, then he simply would have done it. You clearly dounderstand writing.
Unironically the only thing that can save this Manga is Akane finding out the twins are reincarnated, since the biggest plot point is a massive disappointment and the kana idolshit stuff is not really important
Good. And I hope Aka never writes anything again.
>and the kana idolshit stuff is not really important
And other lies you can tell to yourself!
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you're saying it like Kana is a sentient human being that actively influenced how Aka should write his own manga to the point the revenge part of the story took a lesser priority to be solved.
You aren't a writer.
Axed no Ko coming soon
I think the logical conclusion to all this bullishit has to be "AI was a bitch that was unable to talk about her feelings properly and fucked up everyone", and not to continue her mistakes
You can clearly see how talk with Ruby x Kamiki really made Ruby to keep moving forward, it was so short but helpful. So, I expect Aqua and Kamiki to just deal with it and continue living
Kamiki was absolutely broken and actred on pure emotions for sure, but Ai was able to rule it out by just fucking talking to him

Another conclusion: People are fucking stupid
If she was willing to take even a murder, what she can basically take anything.

She's literally what Kamiki wanted Ai to be.
>is not really important
This is the only thing that matters to Aka himself and which he treats with care.
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>he doesn't know
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Dumby knowing about the revenge and the DVD offscreen makes this shit so funny.
It means that she did nothing to influence his desire to kill himself or Kamiki and we still needed that pathetic Kana pitybait moment to put it "on hold" because Hacka believes it made sense.
I can't even be sure that what I'm saying is right, delusional or both because it's all done off screen so it just comes off as the characters being autistic as fuck.
Like, what was even the point of the shrine scene beyond being a retarded bait for an arc that never happened and instead we got a nonsensical padding shit arc followed by 3 chapters to wrap up a plot spanning 150+ chapters instead?
I find this all so baffling, I never want people to use Hacka's words, interview or whatever for anything because the man clearly doesn't know jackshit of what he's even talking about half the time. This finale was never written at the start of the story, there's 0 chance of that.
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Good thing Ruby was there for Aqua.
>jojo gif
I rest my case. I am an actual writer.
>It means that she did nothing to influence his desire to kill himself or Kamiki
Seething so hard you are now going to root for Kana, how pathetic.
Anyway, it was obviously because of Ruby even Akane testified as much.
Oshi no Ko may end with the ongoing volume or in chapter 172-173.
I hope so. I want to be free of this suffering
The only reason I'm not certain is that it's a very popular property in the magazine and I'm assuming they would have some kind of announcement if it was ending in a few months.
It would, they will announce when it is ending and in how many chapters.
Do we think this chapter was the one Mengo was hyped about drawing btw?
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I'm not rooting for anyone but Akane retard, you can't ignore the writing where we needed that writing to put his shit "on hold" because it exists.
And if Dumby knew about everything then it simply means she didn't change anything for him. It's simply what's implied and written.
I'll never root for Kana after that previous arc and her crying to get shit going her own way. If I have a belief in life is that hard working people should be rewarded and she never did anything to achieve what's given to her.
I hate that shit on a fundamental level.
No, it was the cover drawing for this week's YJ
Kana cried hard. That takes talent. Seethe more.

We are now in a circle >>268334782
>All the people eating this chapter spamming "cinema" up in D0nut's replies
Holy fuck I feel surrounded by mentally ill people
Aka calls himself a writer too.
Your point?
Why do people always blame the protagonists and not the writer of said protagonists?
Because they have the "right mindset". Just don't think too much about the writing and enjoy the episodic "kino".
>and we still needed that pathetic Kana pitybait moment to put it "on hold" because Hacka believes it made sense.
Don't believe what rats say.
Elder Rat Akasaka Aka wrote that into the manga though
>Which we learned never existed really as Aka retconned this aspect by making it all about Sarina's reincarnation.
Except he still had feelings of guilt even after he found out Sarina was alive.
they dated as girlfriend and boyfriend "for real" for some time. of course they slept together
>You clearly do understand writing
Glad you agree.
How DVD chapters have to end:
>Aqua: And what you're gonna say now?
>Kamiki: Idk, I want to sleep, talk to you later, here's my phone
>Aqua: I think I need some too
And both saying: This is bullishit
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I don't, because I don't even know what to think about all of this since we're just shown the conclusion without the leadup to it.
If I were to follow a simple logic, ever since Aqua saw Dumby's "I can't love you" scene he should've been convinced that this chapter's "solution" was the one to go with and that he was wrong.
The kana shit feels shoehorned in to fool the reader into thinking there was some bigger plan to his revenge than this but there wasn't.
The entire "end of the play" arc just feels retarded with this current reveal because all the off screen shit makes me unable to understand Aqua's actions and motivations.
What was even the point of the knife? Why would he say he wants to fulfill Ai's wish but want to kill him too? Those two things are at odds with today's reveal
>If I have a belief in life is that hard working people should be rewarded and she never did anything to achieve what's given to her.
Are you still seething because of Cuckane? Other than that everything she has was earned through hard work lol. Besides implying a romantic relationship is something one has to "work hard" for rather than it just happens when two people are attracted to each other tells me that you're some old unattractive fat fuck who really has to "work hard" to hold a conversation with a woman for 2minutes
Gorou saved his virginity for Sarina
Only explit sibling breeding can save this shit.
He actually wrote Akane getting back together with Aqua like she promised Kana she would if she didn't hurry up as what saved him.
If your proof of that are the dark eyes: No, he is avenging Ai for Ai's sake at this point, not for his own. Because she was robbed the opportunity of seeing her kids grow up and be happy.
>Besides implying a romantic relationship is something one has to "work hard" for rather than it just happens when two people are attracted to each other tells me that you're some old unattractive fat fuck who really has to "work hard" to hold a conversation with a woman for 2minutes
Clearly it is otherwise OnK wouldn’t have been a harem
Reminder it all happened because Ruby had a meltdown about daddy.
>Clearly it is otherwise OnK wouldn’t have been a harem
What made it a harem in the first place is this shitty revenge distraction of a "plot".
>no frill acting flustered in front of aqua

this manga has no soul. no fun.
Revenge has nothing to do with harem you dumb roastie
>Revenge has nothing to do with harem you dumb roastie
Except in ONK it does....
Frill is a massive PUTA. Why would she be flustered in front of some guy.
Frill already did romantic scenes in movies. She doesn't care.
Retard, Aka could have had a revenge with a one or no love interest at all, or have a harem without revenge, it’s something he chose to include into the story, and the inclusion of harem means that the protagonist needs to make a choice regarding which girl fits him better. You clearly don’t know anything about writing
you forgot to attach the basedjak.png
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He still feels guilt, and it's unrelated to Sarina.
It's also unrelated to Ai, you fucking moron. This panel just proves the point that Akane's motivation to have this relationship back then wouldn't lead anywhere.
Post the page
Kana won.
She's the reason Aqua took a different "revenge".
How, she was completely unaware. And as far as we know he chose the different revenge because of the DVD (or because of ruby's "amazing" performance that we've yet to see)

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