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>Here is my totally original take about Rent-A-Girlfriend
>Did you know Rent-A-Girlfriend is le bad
>Did you know that the ml is le cuck and le pathetic
>Did you know the girl (doesn't even remember any of the characters name) is also le bad
>Animation is le good but it's actually le bad because it is Rent-A-Girlfriend

Why are all fagots acting like saying "Rent-A-Girlfriend bad" is such a original take and none of them even acknowledge how they are even beating a dead horse.
I love Chizuru.
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Never read/watched
To get internet points obviously. The manga is currently in a pretty boring state, but acting like it's the worse thing to be ever written is funny and pathetic.
There are far far far worse romcoms out there, some so bad fans deluded themselves in thinking they are actually good and some people don't even talk about anymore
Kanokari was good for a period, got worse and currently it's just mhe
>anonymous poster on 4chan (formerly 4channel {formerly 4chan}) confused why people repeat ideas even if they aren't original
what sort of faggots are you even talking to to get annoyed by these points?
Here is my original take about Rent-A-Whore;
It's bad.
I like Chizuru, she's so hot just like a supermodel.
Chizuru is my goddess.
>show a turd to 100 people
>they all say "This stinks"
>get angry and accuse them of an elaborate conspiracy where they are all copying each other's opinions instead of acknowledging that maybe the turd really does just stink
they don't think it's original though. the shitness of RAG is so self-evident that it's impossible to witness it and think you're being original when you point out that shitness. someone thinking that that take is original is like someone thinking that "the sky is blue" is an original insight; that is to say, no such person exists
That sounds like the sub and server. Even the series' 5ch threads are full of Kanokari simps who are upset that the series gets a poor rep.
Spoilers are out by the way. Mami is back.

過度な甲斐甲斐しさはエスコートにあらずっス元気出してくださいきっと上手く行くっス自信持ってくださいと言って励まし和也の背中を叩くのであった 次はキャバクラ
Spoilers are also out for Kekko and Amagami.


>Give natto to 100 people
>70 says it's bad
>They go online complaining about how natto is the worst thing ever and get tons of internet points
>People start repeating that ad nauseam to get internet points
>>get angry and accuse them of an elaborate conspiracy where there an objective quality to manga instead of acknowledging that maybe people do have different opinions and mindlessly repeating the same thing over and over gets boring fast
Mami is back
and does absolutely nothing.
Chizuru is simply asking to become a rape victim
Translated spoilers.

Mami wondered if it was her imagination.

It ended without any contact.

"Chizuru Yae Mori" came to the pancake store again.

Is this a test? Please tell me, okay?

Apparently pulling out the chair and letting her sit down was the right answer, but that wasn't enough.

Show cell phone order photo

I don't know a lot of words and I don't know what to order ...... I thought I'd play it safe and order a cheap curry and ask the already hydrated Mini what she wanted to eat.

But then "Chizuru Yae Mori" (cat's eyes) got up from her seat and said she was leaving!

Kazuya tries desperately to grab her, but she coldly pushes him away and tells Kazuya that she will never go out with him again.

Mini: You've got to be kidding me, Master Shifu, you're taking this too lightly!

Mini is back to her usual cute self, explaining what Kazuya's behavior has been so far, and explaining that what a girl wants is to feel safe and comfortable.

There is no need to be overprotective as a flower protector. Mini encourages Kazuya by patting him on the back and saying, "Cheer up, everything will be fine, have faith. 

Next time: Song and Dance Show

Mami just saw him and thought it was her imagination then... another master bait from the mastur bator. Also, Mini is starting to realize this date will fail spectacularly. Faith won't make Chizuru accept her feelings.
I just realizee Chizuru and Kazuya would only reach to a status in the relationship similar to the one Kamiki and Ai had. Pump in the heat of a vulnerability moment and then Chizuru fucking off, ghosting, blacklisting and severing ties with Kazuya until the fucking little shit gets born all because she didn't take the red pill.
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Just like Nagi. She literally asked for being the producers and fans fetishes toilet.
Ruka and Sensei best girls and winners.
>Next: Cabaret/Hostess club.
MTL was mistaken once again. It's also a tankoubon finisher so expect a major cliffhanger and rude awakenings for some fans incoming.
Stop bumping the thread, no one fucking cares anymore
always remember the mentally ill author is a millionaire.just write more cuck stories anon
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>Next: Cabaret/Hostess club.
Chizuru is looking for a new job? About time.
Wanna see Kazuya's reaction the next chapter if true. Chapter is gonna be a volume finisher, so it should have a big cliffhanger coming.
Reiji also said there's gonna be several announcements in july, and recommended us to follow them. Season 4 (218 being adapted)? Series entering final arc (impossible LMAO. But the hostess shit sounds like a final arc conflict)? Shiunji-ke related? We only can wait and see.
it's easy to hate it so tourists can fit in
also, literally every anon that shits on it STILL reads the manga like a good cuck
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Imagine defending this garbage but I get it, you're biased as fuck cause your waifu is in this and you've fapped to her a lot, blablablaba
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I want to kiss Chizuru
>I want to kiss Chizuru
Same here, those kissable and suckable lips are sheer SEXO.
And also take care of her big boobas and bootah. That spread asshole is asking for a dicking.
I wanna marry Chizuru
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me too, after she has been making out with 3 other anons
I stopped reading when MC rejected Ruka. It's not the worst series I've read because the art is so good, but I can't take the MC seriously when he cries about not having a gf when there's a girl ready for him. Also, I don't know how bad the later chapters get, but him getting a boner from imagining some guy fucking Chizuru really didn't help.
>when MC rejected Ruka
Anon, he gave up into breaking up with her. The fucker had been living 1 entire month with Chizuru and is still taking her out to outdoor dates.
I preordered the season 3 bluray the second it was announced.
>he gave up into breaking up with her. The fucker had been living 1 entire month with Chizuru
Damn, what the fuck did I missed?
Just catch up.
>look at all the plebs saying the earth orbits the sun.
>pfft, I'm am a free thinker
I wonder how that's gonna be resolved. she's definitely the type to either suicide because of that or stalk him and do some psycho shit.
>stalk him and do some psycho shit.
This. Possibly confront and traumatize Chizuru
false equivalence
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why is the author still alive?
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>Here is my totally original take about mathematic
>Did you know that 2+2=4

Yes? It's not an opinion, it's just the truth.
The writer is beating the dead horse. So will I.
>Wanna see Kazuya's reaction the next chapter if true
She mentioned working at a hostess club if she has to quit doing the rental girlfriend thing and I don't see Kazuya and Mini ending up in that kind of establishment, so if that is correct it's probably about Chizuru, maybe someone will scout her or something like that.
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Yes, seducing ojiisans so they'll buy more overpriced booze is definitely hot
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>someone will scout her or something like that.
Ohnonononononononono... and that someone will have the painful duty to inform Kazuya.
>If Mami,she'll text Kazuya to meet him and tell what she saw.
>If Ruka, same... or maybe she'll send the photo to Kazuya.
>If Kibe... he'll tell him on the campus, Kazuya will chimp out, force Kibe into a fistfight, threat him to sever ties if he is just photoshooping a photo to slander Chizuru and kickstart a scandal that will get him suspended the next 2 trimesters due to his impulsiveness.
All things considered, if it's Chizuru papparazzi'd whiñe coming in/out from a cabaret, then very possible the "Date and Boyfriend" arc ends next week and next arc is the final one (named The Boyfriend, the Girlfriend and the Curtain Call).
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Bottom right panel is literally picrel.
Serve the respective simps right for not choosing well their partners.
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I watched it because of cringe, while the MC is complete retard at least his antics are entertaining and girls are cute but it gets old fast. Plots seems to go nowhere from what i've seen from manga(i havent finished S2 btw)
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Mami pls come back
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She appeared in this chapter, but went away instantly.
I am absolutely furious that Mizuhara has no self-awareness for the things she does. Of course she is a whore that much is obvious but it shouldn’t have been so blatant.
>psycho Ruka
Would be kino.
She's already lost it tho.
She's basically Abyss' Yuri when pretending to be a sane woman.
I'm sure being very blatant is the point
Unless someone tells her she sucks dick, she'll think every shit she does isn't bad or it's excusable because of some greater bs.
She's the type of bitch who would mindbreak an already mentally unstable Cuckzuya and then excusing herself and pretend there weren't consequences, she's also a big coward who rather prefers to run away instead of facing consequences or her inner demons. Basically a slightly less cruel Ai Hoshino
How the fuck is this thread still alive
Objective fact can't be an original take.
I don’t like how the whole Umi thing was swept under the rug by her multiple times. It’s just physically painful to think about because you can never really tell if she is being sincere or if she has been lying to herself this whole time or not.
Chizuru's pasiveness towards him when he confessed and her heated blind defense when Kazuya had reasons to distrust him during the movie chapter makes me think she is also considering him as a more viable option than Kazuya. He's all the things Kazuya wants to become (protective without being suffocating, assertive, passionate yet not hotheaded, determined, but not obstinate, confident but not an arrogant individual). It's ironic Ruka is the thing Mizuhara thinks what an actual ideal woman and gf should be, and she still is being too overly considerate towards her.
Cohab and Date arcs are basically a study case on Kazuya's fatal flaws and Mini losing hope on him.
Mizuhara is so nice she really doesn’t care who she holds hands with. Whether it’s someone who has been simping for her a couple of years or random one-time customers she has no standards as long as they pay. She will even give everyone cuck gifts as well right before going out on a big Christmas date with her eternal lover Umi to kiss him near a big Christmas tree with couples all around. The audacity of this bitch.
I still can't believe this series still has defenders.
As a romcom it's dishonest af, but as a human drama and misery porn manga it's quite good.
Except there are people who unironically like it as a romcom, especially in the sub and server.
All accurate and you're a fucking faggot that killed a thread just to bitch about it.

Fuck off back, you tourist.
Chizuru isn't considered with Ruka in the slightest, sure is thanks to her that Kazuya and Ruka were (are?) dating, but after that she keep having rental dates with Kazuya despite the fact that she knew that the other two were dating, she also went to Kazuya birthday despite the fact that Ruka didn't want her to come, not only she didn't help nor care about Ruka relationship with Kazuya (despite the fact that Reji wants to pretend that she does), she keeps entertaining Kazuya delusions and that's the problem with Chizuru, she thinks one thing (like feeling bad for Ruka) and then does notjing about it, it's so bad that even the introverted shy character is more pro active than her, and in all honesty, this wouldn't be a problem if her character was intentionally written like this, but she is written like if she was a perfect goddess who can do no wrong yet acts like an emotionally stunned teenager
>Chizuru isn't considered with Ruka in the slightest, sure is thanks to her that Kazuya and Ruka were (are?) dating, but after that she keep having rental dates with Kazuya despite the fact that she knew that the other two were dating, she also went to Kazuya birthday despite the fact that Ruka didn't want her to come, not only she didn't help nor care about Ruka relationship with Kazuya (despite the fact that Reji wants to pretend that she does), she keeps entertaining Kazuya delusions and that's the problem with Chizuru, she thinks one thing (like feeling bad for Ruka) and then does notjing about it, it's so bad that even the introverted shy character is more pro active than her, and in all honesty, this wouldn't be a problem if her character was intentionally written like this, but she is written like if she was a perfect goddess who can do no wrong yet acts like an emotionally stunned teenager
Chizuru's "perfectness" has a fatal flaw... she can't take criticism, and when she is put under scrutiny, she either chimps out (towards Kazuya, Ruka and Mami post kiss at the hawaiians) or gets easily shut down and goes full gomennasai, gomennasai, gomennasai, gomennasai, gomennasai, gomennasai... (towards Ruka when aggressive, Mami when saying unavoidable truths... or even Umi).
And when it's about her feelings, she always puts on guard against her heart. The batting cage where Chizuru misses one strike is an analogy with her own mind and heart, even if she let one ball pass, she won't let pass more balls, she won't lose against her own feelings and will do everything to deny and even bury them deep inside her heart.

She's like a world champion boxer who may have trained subtle ways to dodge/dampen hits without losing his guard/stance, uses tactics to reduce the opponent's blow's fists and has a lethal punch made to finish the battle quickly and finish his opponent's life as well, but truth is that he does all of that because he can't take heavy hits.
half of those aren't accurate, the manga is bad specially right now, the MC isn't a cuck by definition of the word but he is pathetic, the animation isn't good but the art is pretty in both the anime and manga (at least when I'm not seeing photo backgrounds in the manga), the girls being bad is pretty subjective
>>Did you know that the ml is le cuck and le pathetic
Objectively true, thanks for playing.
>this manga is still going
Kazuya would be almost 30 now AND HE'S STILL A KEK.
>she is written like if she was a perfect goddess who can do no wrong
that's only from Kazuya's point of view. the reader can see her flaws and can decide whether she's likeable enough or not.
This, but we also have people like Mini or Sumi who also are full blown Chorizo dickriders.
While those who have the guts to call Choriputa's bullshit out like Rucute, Mamibest, or even her acting colleague on a subtle way, are portrayed as mentally ill evil people because they had the ovaries to put Charizard's bullshit under scrutiny.
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Would be better if it were actually this.
Chad protagonist just trying out different prostitutes, sex scenes included.
Oh wait, it exists.
wow, the threads aren't actually dead.
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>when Kazuya had reasons to distrust him
While there is no reason she should tell him. it's still incredibly scummy that she is hiding the fact that Umi confessed. It's funny to think that this conversation was after Umi tried to confess for the first time.

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