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the East has fallen, billions must read
That's a lot of shonen shit.
prepare to get burger'd
Mmm yes I love all my entertainment being owned by the same companies, capitalism good amirite
As compared to being owned by governments?
West is healing!

Kill urself commie.
as compared to entertainment being owned by many competing companies
who cares? modern manga is garbage porn for losers
>More than three-quarters of its customers are women, mostly in their 30s and 40s.
fujos are the future.

It's so fucking over.
You forgot the [sad news]
Then its time for me to stop buying manga and back to pirating. Not gonna gib my shekel to blackstoner.
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>You rike, guyjean pig?
the problem is, if that the studio wants funding, they have to meet ESG and DEI requirements
Didn't we have this thread a month ago, also.
>Mecha Manga
>Largest distributor
Kek, the headline got exaggarated more and more whenever someone posted it
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>>Mecha Manga
>The news is about Blackstones launching a bid on a company named Infocom
>Headline: "Blackstones acquire the largest manga distributor
I'm not really familiar with journalism but is this really acceptable? Isn't that basically lying to your customer?
Which site?
Then make a better product and don't accept deals lol
>lying to your customer
Welcome to journalism
When did ESG and DEI become the go-to boogieman? Ugly characters have existed in media for decades, but it wasn't until these past couple years I saw people bring them up.
People are confusing Blackstone and Blackrock. Blackstone isn't really heavy in ESG shit or anything, and this headline is exaggerated anyway. Infocom is not the largest by any reasonable metric.

Even though this story is scaremongering bullshit, you are fucking oblivious and obtuse to not see the uglification agenda in western media.

As usual, a pox on both houses &c.
>the uglification agenda in western media.
Yeah, that's been going on since that jew feminist bitch opened her fat mouth at least. I'm asking when exactly everyone's fingers pointed to ESG and DEI?
> blackstoned
"Going on" and "becoming ubiquitous to the point there are practically no mainstream counterexamples" are two different things. ESG and DEI have been the mechanism to use government to overcome the profit incentive for creating aesthetically-pleasing content for the people who are not bought-in to the demoralization agenda.
It became that the second people had something to point at, the faintest hint of the man behind the curtain, regardless of how much they actually control.
>yet another thread where vacationers are bringing up their boogeymen again and making mountains out of molehills
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I can't believe Mr. A.R. Madillo is not adhering to journalism standards.
Yeah, the ESG and DEI finger pointing are just copes to prevent swallowing the black pill: that modern western creatives are inherently cucked and emasculated and getting rid of those 2 entities wouldn't change that in the slightest. The uglification of media isn't because some entity behind the curtain is controlling things, it's the natural result of creatives being filled with cynicism and self-loathing to the point where they don't want to see or create any sort of role model, beauty, or admirability in their work.
if only Americans knew how to read...
Infocom? Like fucking Zork?
>blatant /pol/ bait thread is still up
>clear factual errors in the thread (Blackstone != Blackrock, the site is a literal who, it hasn't even been bought yet) but it hasn't been deleted yet
Where the fuck are the mods and jannies? Is this yet another weekly authorized /pol/ colony thread and that's why nothing is being done about it?
Blackstone is a massive publisher over here
Which means they'll DMCA literally every single one of these. Mangadex is finished.
when did oligarchs owning everything become a staple of capitalism? that's literally how the soviet union was ran.
>Mangadex is finished.
Nothing lasts forever I guess.
Blackstone = Blackrock
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Yes but it's not going to stop for the same reason that this thread would have 0 replies if the OP was honest. It's an economy of clicks, not integrity.
Wait is Blackstone the same as BlackRock
Also what led to the fall of Rome apparently
This bullshit again? The site mechacomic.jp is not the largest E-Manga site by any metric, they are pretty irrelevant and mostly sell BL and Manhwa.
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are you telling me the boomer pension fund got scammed and lied to about them hip chinese graphene novels? will my grandparents be ok?
>hating cuckpitalism means being a cuckmunist
This is what the (((cold war))) did to amerimutt brains
Why did she do it?
And then get censored
>fail to say is just a manga publishing site.
i keked....... isn't blackstone funded by murrican government.
No. Similar roots though.
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It only gets worse from here
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It's worse, American government is funded by Blackstone.

Both Blackstone and Blackrock are into ESG.
considering only a single disney film made a profit in 2023 i'm not sure they're actually trying to appeal to a wider audience !
It's not just fujoshi. Women seem more open to pay for ebooks than men, there's far more digital only magazines for women than for general audience even when you ignore BL.
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>Bounding into Comics
Not surprising. Aren't women more likely to own ereaders like Kindles than men too?
It's not a publishing site, it's a store. I don't even see them selling doujin content.
They already censored Bleach and they're not the only company, Wokeflix could be a problem too
They're based truthspeakers
Just have a democratic regulated market economy with a strong focus on education like Switzerland.
You can't say the R-word here! This is a free speech site!
What's the fucking difference?
Woke shit and Tranny manga soon
As long as it reduces the reliance on shonenshit to describe and market "anime" and "manga", I'm all up for it.
So you just want pseudo socialism?
>Market economy
do you really expect any better from /pol/tranny amerimutts?
>this is bad because it just is ok!?
Shut up /pol/tard.
I even stopped watching porn because I hate even that accidental, momentary sight of niggers just that much. Manga was the last refuge.
It's been a good ride tomodachi bros
It's a Japanese site, they don't do that.
Maybe they'll make an English version like Bookwalker or Renta but those don't do it either.
Go back to /pol/
A government is at least in theory supposed to be accountable to the government. A corporation never is. Sometimes, that does matter. It often means government is slower and less efficient at fucking you over and someone will get paid a lot of money to ensure that e.g. all published materials are available in all languages, multiple formats, colourblind variants, etc.
post nose
What especially bothers me is that they completely sideline the actual censorship issues manga is facing from Apple and Google.
>A government is at least in theory supposed to be accountable to the government.

that's a really stupid theory, then

>A corporation never is.
That's why so many CEOs are hauled before congress and made to answer their stupid questions, right? It's also why they pay nearly a third of what they earn to the government, right?

Government turns everything it touches to shit, and should be kept away from media as far as possible.
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You have got to be kidding me. Nothing is sacred, nothing is safe from them.
Very organic page 10 bump
Oh no did visa and mastercard just completely block everyone from buying your product?
>A.R. Madillo
I refuse to believe this is a real news article
Wanna buy embarrassing eromanga anonymously? Click here to set up your Monero wallet in one easy step! Also valid at other stores that accept cryptoshit.
What are Visa and Mastercard gonna go, cry like little girls?
>People confuse Blackstone and BlackRock yet again
Blackstone is a private equity firm, BlackRock is the investment management firm with all the ESG bullshit, they're two separate entities, although they have a common origin
when will you people learn???
not since 1999, Blackstone basically kickstarted them, but were not involved since then
both are corpo goyslop tyrants
But enough about monogatari.
If you haven't realized by now, the jannies actively encourage this shit because they're the same retards.
Cry back to /co/ or /tv/ faggot.
Even the most tyrannical government is constrained by the borders and power that can gather from their own country.
Blackstone and Blackrock influence at this point is larger that entire continents. Each step get us closer to the corporativism dystopic world of Alien and Blade Runner, which is the most likely scenario for us.
I remember reading somewhere that women are the main spenders of the advanced economies. Outspending man by like 40-60%.
If this keeps true for the manga/anime industry, then yeah, let's milk Fujos.
not all rocks are stones but all stones are rocks
Yeah I'm sure all the jap stores who got blocked by them have already adopted to crypto
Why do we hate Blackrock again?
>It's also why they pay nearly a third of what they earn to the government, right?
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>women are the main spenders of the advanced economies
This was mostly because at the time the study was taken, in the 60's from the one I remember, husbands used to give their wives the money they made to go buy groceries, cleaning supplies, clothes for the family, in general women just did the shopping essentially. There are probably more recent ones, but it's just the one I remember.
Why are americans always ruining everything?
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Millions must be pressed
This is based because latinX and SEAniggers on /a/ don't like it

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