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Volume 109 SBS leaks are here.

Question : In Chapter 1100, the Warlord that Ace beat which was being talked about by Kuma and St. Saturn, what was that person like?

Answer : He looks like this. His name is "Hanafuda". His hobby is collecting Ancient Zoan Devil Fruits. On what he's scheming behind this remains unknown up to now. His height is 514 cm. His other name is "King of Lizards"
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Question : Please tell us the name and rank of Fujitora's sword.

Oda : It's called the "やくざ火線" (Yakuza Kasen - Yakuza Firing Line). It's a "shikomizue" (swordstick, cane sword) and its one of the Supreme Grade Blades. Its a meito (named blade) made by Fugetsu Kisaburou from Wano Country.
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Shiki, Strong World
So same as Brook.
So Luffy can freely float because Nika is all about Freedom
I bet he was retarded enough to go after Kaido and that's how Kaido ended up with all of the Ancient Zoans.
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The jobber was weaker than Ace who at the time was way weaker than Jack.
Jackbros, we can't stop winning
>I have a self-rule that I won't make a guy that can freely fly and float in the air

...Doflamingo? G5 Luffy? Anyone with wings like King or the Seraphim?

what the HECK did Oda mean by this?
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Well.... that was an unexpectedly forward, and frankly very fucking cool reveal. Feels like he's an orphaned Beast Pirate.
>514 cm
= 16' 10". So he's not quite Dogtooth but taller than his triplet brothers. Or shorter than Diamante but taller than Trebol and Pica, to select a different post-TS trio. His height is in a unusual place for the Warlords, being neither a 20'+er like Kuma, Moriah and Weevil nor roughly 10' like Jinbei, Doffy and Blackbeard.


This reinforces a lot of impressions and insights we've made into what goes on behind the scenes of One Piece, how Oda writes his story, how much is planned in advance vs. winged and the level of editorial influence and control over the content.

>absolute strength-tier wanking in a setting that doesn't have that as a feature
>comparing characters who have never be shown to have met, nevermind fought
0/10, and this is coming from someone who thinks Jack rocks. Awesome design and an interesting, understated personality.
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Jack's not weak, he's just too strong
Ace was equal to jimbei before joining the WB pirates and becoming massively stronger
Jimbei was on par with luffy during fishman island
Ace was yc1
Doffy is limited by clouds/stuff he can attach string to.
G5 Luffy bounces, Geppo users etc. are just bouncing on air and use stamina. Winged characters also need to flap their wings constantly.

Shiki has unlimited flight.
I think the point of oda putting this rule on himself even though there are exceptions is to not cause the fighting to become yet another Dragon Ball.
Same Shiki means Yonko level character lost to Pre timeskip luffy i
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This entirely fan-headcanon phrase only has meaning in terms of a functional hierarchy within a given pirate empire, and in the case of the Whitebeard empire that place can only go to Marco. Ace is either Emperor's 2nd or 3rd, ditto Vita.
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who tf is Dogtooth you retard
Jinbe pre-ts was yonko yonko officer tier
Marco>Jozu>Vista>Ace and that was Ace after he defeeated that jobber and spent 2 years in the new world.
Jack is the equivalent to Vista and would have defeated Jinbe in Wano
Ace was stalemated by Smoker.
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But then along comes Issho, whose gravity powers let him make anything he wants float and levitate anyway....
I guess this means he won't do anything in the story if he even appears.
Who cares
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>doesn't know how to translate japanese into english
>can't type in grammatical and punctually correct sentences
>one line response to several thought-out paragraphs

>calls others retarded

Every single fucking time
Toei could do a filler Arc about Ace, but they won't
>adapt novel A
>adapt his fight with this jobber
>adapt his journey in Wano
Would be a pretty decent 12 episode filler arc and it would fix a bit of the pacing. Why can't they do that?
>I guess this means he won't do anything in the story if he even appears.
Kek, what would he even add to the story?
We should use our local translations names more often, it woul be fun.
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I hope nothing bad happens to such a strong character as Ace.
which part about contents of movies are not canon do you not understand?
Oda said it twice now
What about Atlas, Lilith, York's 3 sizes?
Sanji would know those for sure.
has Oda gone senile
>We getting repeat answers of old question now because whole fanbase runs on headcanon

Next time they gonna ask if the anime is canon
If It wasn't same Shiki,
He wouldn't need to gave him same fruit when he will only appear in flashback
Pathetic that Teach struggled with that weak jobber, barely Snack or Who's Who lvel.
I agree and indeed amplify:

It is actually actively disrespectful to the author and original source material, full of carefully-thought-out meaning and references, to NOT translate such names, titles and epithets so that they can be understood without resorting to keikaku.

There are many principled exceptions - for instance, Sakazuki should be kept so as a reference to the specific type of cups, and ditto the newly revealed Hanafuda for the type of playing cards. That said, most names should be translated wherever possible.

Best example: Vice Admiral Crane. We now have another character in the series called Tsuru, and that character is meant to be overtly Japanese, so the right thing to do is let her keep Tsuru and translate the Vice Admiral. The latter's character is better understood for this translation.

Will provide other examples for interested anons.
Shiki appeared in previous volume retard
Sauce on that Pic with the asses
And we knew already strong was not canon beside shiki
this is old info
Jack inherited this guy's fighting style. He probably got trained by him or something. No wonder he is a jobber.
Maybe, but that would be a literary stretch since he's already invested a lot of the character into his "Flying Lion" epithet and persona.
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Oda doesn't want to answer questions he gets asked all the time like if Crocodile used to be a woman because the answer is yes
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>Pathetic that Teach struggled with that weak jobber
Are you talking about Shanks?
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Fujitora needs to actively emit gravity beams. I don't think you remember how broken Shiki's fruit is.
Film red is more canon than strong world now
You're the same moron who posted >>268336024, are't you?
I declare Movie 7 canon.
I'm a moron, but is Shkii a canon character or what?
Always has been.
There is a character called Shiki with the same design, same personality, same history and maybe same abilities in the manga canon, but the events from the movie did not happen.
Luccikino soon
sorry :(
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Written by Oda vs supervised by Oda
1) I wasn't saying that Issho's DP is stronger than Shiki's - and never would, as I believe it's apparent that all DPs are equal in value to each other via various checks and balances and it's how you use them that counts. My point is more about the oddness of Oda's flgiht-limitation statements and what it takes to reconcile that with what we see in the comic itself.

2) I've actually never seen Strong World, not very interested in OP movies and the few I've seen were underwhelming. I'll take your word for it, it makes sense to me that Shiki can levitate things much more easily than Issho.
Even if we consoder the movie canon, he is an old men in his seventies who crippled himself and got a steering wheel stuck in his head. He is completely fucked up.
>Oda’s message to young mangaka: In the early days, I was constantly told that my manga is good but the artwork is weird. It was no surprise because I *risked my life* to be different from others. Do something different!! I'm waiting for your manga that only you can draw.
What are you guys waiting for? It doesn’t matter if your art is objectively shit as long as you own it, you can make the next One Piece!
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holy fucking redditors thank god i got out of browsing this general a long time ago
there is so much blatant newfaggotry running rampat in these threads its crazy
Stated by Oda to not be canon twice vs non such statment
This, goyrp alone was low diffed by zolo tier shitters
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Dragon is so lucky
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Here’s a summary of the page counts for the last 25 chapters of One Piece:

>6 chapters have 13 pages
>6 chapters have 15 pages
>11 chapters have 17 pages
>2 chapters have 19 pages

What’s going on with Oda?
Oda said you can consider it canon.
So strong world is canon
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By all means, point to the newfaggotry and make your case. Btw, I think most people here dislike reddit and it's only if a preview is there and nowhere else online that they'd look in it. I think you're the same retard-poster who's been blown out twice before in this thread and is now pretending to be an oldfag to score pity points.
Hermanos he didn't said that read the statment and get tacos out of your eyes
I do like Walmart Vegapunk from that movie.
Is that page count properly treating double-pages as two? You'd be surprised how easily people flub that up.
Will we ever know why Mangastream opted to translate Katakuri into Dogtooth and not Starch?
Oda forgets whatever he writes in SBS
I declare the second movie canon
>unnecessary avatarcuck attentionwhore jpg
>"by all means, point to the newfaggotry and make your case"
>"Btw, I think most people here dislike reddit and it's only if a preview is there and nowhere else online that they'd look in it."
>i think you're the ________
i'd much rather kill myself thank you very much, i shouldn't even be mad, i should be happy i will never interact with a retard like you in my life
Since it's incredibly, eye-watering obvious why, I think most of us knew immediately, upon researching the topic after reading Dogtooth's debut chapter. Do you seriously not know? Or are you pretending?
>Is that page count properly treating double-pages as two?
Yes, I did it manually.
I declare all Zoro toei scenes canon
>Since it's incredibly, eye-watering obvious why
Why don't you talk like a normal human being and tell us why?
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FTFY tyrese
Live action's fault
>I'll take your word for it, it makes sense to me that Shiki can levitate things much more easily than Issho.
To go over the differences:

Shiki can float/fly without any restriction.
AFAIK we've never seen Issho fly around by himself, he always lifts himself by floating something under him.

Shiki can make any object, no matter how small or big, float after touching it. The object stays in the air indefinitely and Shiki can control its movements telekinetically.
Issho doesn't need to touch an object before affecting it, but he uses gravitational forces (with hus sword as a conduit) which must be applied constantly and mostly in one direction at a time.

Shiki can't make other living things float though he can float something under them.
Issho's gravity beams do affect people .
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The only thing that makes a movie character canon is whether they are in the manga or not. Shiki was Oda's character in the first place and was even mentioned during Impel Down arc.
The idea for Uta originally wasn't Oda's creation, but he loves father/daughter stories so much that he got attached to her and even put her in the manga, kinda sorta.
Those? All canon
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Because they're retarded
realistically what does nami's vagina smell like?
Never used an avatar, never liked use of avatars. Posting appropriate reaction pics to accentuate points is effective rhetoric on 4chan, as anyone who's been here as long as me should know - assuming you are as much of an oldfag as you previously postured.

Your other three greentexts literally amount to nothing whatsoever. You are salty and unwittingly conceding defeat, in a fight which you started by calling people retards while acting like one yourself. Sad little man.
strong world is canon
luna is canon
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fem croc is too sexo
Arlong's dick
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Fishmeatand usopp
Awesome! I guess Oda's just getting old and dying. It's a good thing the story is moving at breakneck speed post-Wano.
Fishmen cock
>Presenting himself
Oda should write another move about Nami.
Luffy/Nami can have sex in movie
He can call it non canon later
So Shiki doesn't have the Float-Float fruit in the manga? Explain how he escaped Impel Down then. Make it make sense Oda.
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>Shiki will never actually be relevant because Toei gave him the float-float fruit on their own and Oda doesn't like it
i'm looking for a real answer

i fingered someone yesterday and made the mistake of smelling my fingers after, it wasn't bad but it did smell kinda odd, i got to thinking, do all pussies smell like this? is there any vagina that smells better than others? is it pleasant? or do i have to mindfuck myself into getting turned on by this smell?
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He wasn't supposed to have.
He gave him float float no mi because it was just a movie.
Maybe Oda never thought about he will become part of main story someday.
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>invoking """normal""
>in a One Piece thread
>on 4chan of all places
It would take an essay to explore how monumentally wrong this is.

Anyway, ask politely and I'll explain.
Sauce on that Boco art
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You fingered a man
Oda himself wrote the movie
Toei generational set up off virgin shipperfags will surpass pierrot and bleach ichiruki

We will see mass suicides and the threads will be unusuable or for 2 years
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no personification of Robin's tits yet?
Thanks for the summary. If I'm following, Shiki's telekinesis can let him slam things downwards once he's touched them? If so, then his and Issho's powers really are similar, to a similar extent as Buggy and Berrygood or Ace and Sakazuki.
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It smells like meat and I am serious
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lmao these niggers are counting colour spreads as pages
Man, release schedule has never been the same since Dressrosa. A while back I'd started dreading 13 page chapters becoming a thing but thought we wouldn't really go there. Now I'm seriously worried we might see 11 pages or less soon.
i'd much rather invoke a monumental paragraph pointing out how obviously your way of posting gives you away in every thread but i can see why people avoid replying to you
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Why would anyone kill themselves over a fictional character? lol
He does.
do you have the stussy and robin with the text too? i forgot to save it last time
If he will be never part of story then he doesn't need to give him float float no mi.
Shiki will be part of Rocks flashback
So Ace basically beat a filler Warlord.
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I don't know how shipperfags minds work
Despite subjected to their legendary melties science the days of og Yu-Gi-Oh
There's no universal meat smell. You're made out of meat. Do you smell like bacon? And even if you did, that's different from chicken, and that's different from lamb. And they all smell different when raw vs cooked.
Might as well join in

>"""Invoke a monumental paragraph"""
Nigger what the fuck does this even mean? You don't need to try to out-English me, and please don't if it means embarassing you.
Nice headcanon about me btw, cool that you're thinking so hard about my posts.
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Ace was always supposed to be strong, I don't know why you are surprised
there's just not much you can do against darkness fruit as a DF user, bad match up
Not him but I can definitely see why he would say that. Raw chicken (post-processing) has a similar weird pungent but not bad as a vagina.
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>Sussy in a leotard and shorts
I didn't know I needed this
Toei only ships Sanami and Luhan
>there's just not much you can do against darkness fruit as a DF user, bad match up
What about haki? Well, you know, Teach has LOGIA, and even Pekoms defeated Logia with the help of haki. Ace has CoC.
It's obvious he went back on his rule after introducting Shiki in the series. Everyone is levitating post-timeskip. Kid is also levitating.

If he actually meant the rule is active then he's out of his damn mind.
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Their reconciliation will be the peak of this arc
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My favorite character is Bonney (after Nika)
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newfag-kun, "dogtooth" has nothing to do with his teeth

the decision was made due to some nip linguistic shit i don't understand enough to care about
Lucci hates Stussy
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Do not look up who made strong world
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Hmmm Carrot's tail
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idk why you have a thumbnail saved maybe masking it's slop
Guys, Atlas wants to do something, but Saturn is not in the new chapter.......
If Oda isn't involved, Toei isn't gonna make a whole movie about Nami
Did we really need job peter's reaction and not Saturn's
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>releases question every 1 hour
what's wrong with Pew?
>Luffy (at Impel Down)
why is Teach like this?
Huh? What the fuck? How is the digital colored version already out?
Movie was necessary because Hancock got too popular.
He is an Arab, not a Jew
Fan colored
You need to at least watch one piece before you baiting little bro
Saturn will have one last conversation with one of the satellites, my bets are on Edison who simply disconnected himself
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Leakers used to post screenshot of whole sbs.
Now we have someone like pew who will take whole day to post SBS with his wrong translation
>nooo strong world is canon Oda typed on his typewriter by hand ozukin told us!!!

>Oda:"I really hate what they did with shiki, nothing in it is canon"
Another sbs, another lunatick assrape
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>with his wrong translation
holy cope
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good lord that's some really good coloring
Since strong world, there is only movie that Oda isnt involved with and that is Stampede.
In Stampede Nami was in ship for whole movie and Hancock played more important role
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Why didn't Hancock use Haki?
Dangerous duo

Not at all - as we've discussed earlier in the thread, Skiki's free-floating abilities are much easier to implement than any other in the series.

Has to set up a stable gravity beam with a direction to propel himself and other things
Only works on ferromagnetic materials - his awakening can make anything magnetic but is not a casual technique
>Kaidou, Momonosuke
Making those flame clouds is not free or easy, is not free flying so much as stable sky-crawling
Needs a tall object or an ideally-placed cloud to Spiderman off of, and has string/thread-based limitations like hand count or where to put it, the string can be snapped etc.
>Big Meme
Needs an imperial homie to ride and they can be vulnerable to all sorts of attacks, and in Zeus's case betrayal
>anything with wings
Actual effort to fly
>Airborne Logias
Generally means turning to a drifting whispy substance that is vulnerable to wind, hence why most don't travel far in a transformed state (Smoker uses his motortrike)
Okay Borsalino is hax lol, but really light is actually quite vulnerable over long distances for various reasons, ditto Ener and lightning
Has to put up with Nika's childish personality while running and jumping in midair

But if you do want a statement made in-comic that seems to be nonsensical by now, it's Pell with his "only 5 flying DPs" statement.
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lilith booty
Oda is the one who wrote it retard
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>the Warlord that Ace beat
poor guy
Haki doesn't work against someone stronger than you
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I can't see shit.
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lilith's ass. my face. you do the math.
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not impressed
>Skiki's free-floating abilities are much easier to implement than any other in the series
nigga the fuck you mean "easier to implement" it'll take oda 3 seconds to write a dialogue box on why the ability works and 2 additional seconds to draw it working
She doesn't have haki
Produce one quote.oda himself said that
I have a quote he says he didnt
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I counted up the panels up to Chapter 1119

>1. Bonney: 494
>2. Luffy: 481
>3. Kuma: 430
>4. Vegapunk: 368
>5. Jaygarcia Saturn: 237
>6. Franky: 193
>7. Sanji: 188
>8. Usopp: 171
>9. Nami: 166
>10A. Lucci: 159
>10B. Kizaru: 159
>12. Chopper: 146
>13. Zoro: 138
>14. Jinbe: 128
>15. Robin: 116
>16. V. Shaka: 114
>17. V. Lilith: 113
>18. V. Atlas: 107
>19. Kaku: 99
>20A. Sentoumaru: 90
>20B. Marcus Mars: 90
>22. Stussy: 88
>23A. Garp: 86
>23B. Koby: 86
>25. S-Snake: 70
>26A. Topman Warcury: 69
>26B. Sabo: 69
>28. Ethanbaron V. Nasujuro: 68
>28. Broggy: 67
>28. V. York: 66
>29. Shepherd Ju Peter: 66
>30. Dragon: 65
>31. Blackbeard: 63
>32. Dorry: 62
>33. Ginny: 59
>34A. Brook: 58
>34B. Ivankov: 58
>34C. V. Edison: 58
>37. S-Shark: 55
>38. S-Hawk: 53
>39. Kuzan: 51
>40A. Buggy: 49
>40B. Cobra: 49
>42A. V. Pythagoras: 43
>42B. S-Bear: 43
>42C. Emet: 43
>45. Imu: 38
>46. Shanks: 34
>47. Helmeppo: 31
>48. Crocodile: 30
>49A. Law: 27
>49B. Mihawk: 27
Float float no mi is overpowered fruit
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Not sure who you're calling a """newfag""" when you type like one. If you can't even translate Japanese and parse linguistic meanings then I doubt you're an """""oldfag"""""" unless you actually have a double digit IQ.

Gorgeous. I do wonder how the Elder Beasts will be coloured tho. Oda generally nails the colours but then Toei butchers them anyway.
>10A. Lucci: 159
>10B. Kizaru: 159
Italiankino soon
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Go on...
I really wanted to make a ‘hero saves the heroine’ story. It makes for a satisfying story and it’s fun to watch anyway. You might think otherwise, but I had no intention of bringing in someone new to fill that [heroine] role. So when I had to think about whom to use for it from amongst the Strawhats, of course that meant Nami. But I was worried if I could bring Nami into it that way and considered it from several angles. (Editor’s Note: After the credits of the previous film “Blooming in Winter, The Miracle Sakura” , a special ‘Strong World’ teaser ran which suggested Nami left the gang, now in the latest trailer we see her as she pleads with ‘Gold Lion’ Shiki, “Please, let me be a part of your crew.”) When she first appeared in the main story, she had to be forced into a corner with the threat, “…all the villagers will be killed.”, before she finally asked for Luffy’s help; I wondered how she’d react to that situation now.
It’s already gotten to where she believes a little too much in Luffy and the rest; so for small or light matters she’d just say, “Whup ‘em good.”, and by the time the words left her mouth things would be settled. (laughs) Because really, when you think about it, Luffy and the others have gotten so strong that they’d wind up winning…that’s something I spent a lot of time agonizing over.

Whole interview -
shiki's aren't directly gravity based and he has pretty much perfect telekinesis over everything he ever touched with his hands. he was holding an entire archipelago of islands in the sky effortlessly until he got knocked out. he could even manipulate the geology of the island as he saw fit
if he wasn't a movie villain i could see him being easily one of the strongest characters ever, that's how absurdly op his fruit is
Oda always end up drawing mini Usopp and Usopp in Background.
why are lunashits sperging out this time?
>hurr durr i'm an oldfag notice me
i'm not a fucking retard like you who's gonna claim to be an expert at nip while only having base level research abilities which even a chipmunk can do,

i'll even write it out for you
is potato starch
is a retarded mangastream translation we put up with

dogtooth is simply a mistranslation, there is no reasoning or justification behind which you keep making innuendo's to
>if he wasn't a movie villain i could see him being easily one of the strongest characters ever
But... He is one of the strongest character ever. Sengoku and Garp had to team up against him, he was in the Rocks pirates, he had Roger cornered. All that is canon.
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previous empress revealed!
One Piece is the plug to drain the ocean.
You have to go back ASAP
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im just gonna say i haven't really understood what the shiki post meant but either ways im assuming oda is terribly senile or we're taking something out of context or a mistranslation or whatever
Wow this is fucking nothing
i was talking about the movie's portrayal where he jobs to pre ts luffy like a bitch. shiki is simply too strong to have been beaten like that and it's a shame they wasted him on a movie
>currently on one-sided love
Luhansoldiers... they keep rubbing it in...
Wow this is fucking something. Oda's not hiding these characters for too long now.
That part was added by pew most likely
What in fuck's name are you even talking about? How do you not know what "implement" means in this context? if you're that bad at English you should back out of the conversation because this isn't advanced shit.

Maybe, but it's certainly too blunt and boring an ability by the standards of the series.

See, how much of that was the power and how much of it was Shiki being a once-Emperor-tier badass? The fruit power still seems too simple and blunt but there's always this important out when you look at any ability. For instance, if some random 12 year old ate the Light Logia, would they be able to do half as much shit as Borsalino does? Probably a fraction of a percent.
Katakuriko is the starch, katakuri is the dogtooth flower. Before Japan got potatoes they made starch from dogtooth.
I declare all the cute fanarts canon.
Don't believe in Pew's translation
Next post is One Piece canon.
Luffy's mom being Kuja is finally dead
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Educatioal shitposts.
>what she's referring to in this line, "The Empress from two generations also..."
I am 100% sure this part is Oda trying to deflect from plot hole like always

SBS screenshot will make it more clear
Did you count the cover story as one page or starting with the actual chapter page?
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>get better reading comprehension and read slower retard
Wtf Oda...
I wish he stayed loyal to his "no mascots" rule and didn't turn Chopper into a soulless plushie.
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Luhan is garbage
get better reading comprehension
no your reading comprehension is just shit
Yes, I counted the cover story as one page.
Hm. Yes...
Next poster has to eat Carrot's shit.
That shit was already mentioned in the novel.
Not Oda but leaker
So.. Either Hancock ends up with Luffy or she dies.
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My 14'10 tall wife Sandersonia
Na they will run with idea that Toritoma is Luffy's mom
Ace defeated two Warlords Jimbei and Hanafuda.

Luffy defeated 3 Warlords Doffy, Crocodile and Moria.
does she? 2/2 relevant characters escaped from it
Gloriosa didn't ended with Whitebeard
So, the novel is canon. I should really read this shit.
>caring about sbs in the year of our lord 2025-1
First I've heard of that being a "thing"...
Luffy's mom is that time travelling woman.
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What makes you think that Gloriosa was in love with Whitebeard?
So it's actually 1 page less for each chapter, interesting to know
>spends half the thread posturing self as an oldfag
>gets blown out
>""n-n-nuh-uh, you're the one pretending to be an oldfag!"""
>"heheh, this UNO reversal card will definitely make my argument look right
Fucking pathetic

Is the name of a flower which is literally called a Dogtooth in english. Said flower was traditionally also used to make starch and flour in Japan, hence the simple and very effective double-etendre - Dogtooth is both made out of flour, and also has a mouth full of dog's teeth. The pun cannot translate 100% perfectly into english but it can be translated 80%, and with the added bonus of sounding cool as hell.

>"is potato starch"
Wrong lol. Katakuri is nowadays supplied with potato starch as it's much more economical, but that doesn't mean that's what the word means. You can make a bolognaise with any sort of minced meat, but traditionally it's beef and that's what bolognaise means. If you happened to always have a lamb bolognaise, or if a country happens to make it with lamb more than beef, the meaning of the word remains the same.

Now I'd appreciate it if you'd take a moment to think about the following factors in this topic of debate:

1) The purpose of names and labels and why we choose certain words for certain meanings

2) Why Oda would choose Katakuri for the japanese name for the character in question over a more generic term for flower, and why he'd give that character a mouth full of canine teeth if he didn't intend the pun - which he obviously did, given his incredible track record of advanced puns in the entirety of One Piece so far.

3) More than anything else, I want you to ask yourself what any English-speaker with no knowledge of any other languages would find cooler and most befitting as a name for a badass mind-reading shapeshifting trident-wielding fang-mawed giant: "Dogtooth", "Potato Starch" or "Katakuri"?

Honestly, I'm interested in healthy debate with fellow OP-loving anons, my request is genuine.
Shakky escaped by sucking Rayleigh's cock.
I mean... We don't know if anything happened between them.
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I miss Garp.
Shipperfags has been pushing it for so many years
Good, hope she dies
yeah but gloriosa literally got cucked and survived
I'm sorry but Luffy isn't dying without a son. It was always obvious he would at least impregnate Boa. Now, it's basically confirmed.
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I cannot believe how 3/3 SBS questions so far are actually.... relevant and not retarded

Did Oda have a stroke or something?
Was Shakky in love with Rayleigh?
It will soon get revealed she used to love Garp
She killed billions.
Your mistake is assuming I'm from anywhere but here. Sorry you can't follow simple reason - Oda would want you to be able to understand his story.
If Boa was relevant, this would have been revealed in manga and not in SBS
Hancock will survive without Luffy, she’ll just turn ugly afterwards. It will be a lesson in how beauty isn’t everything or whatever
>literal headcanon, hypothesis and theories
t. mangastream

literally no one but a retard like you is using the word "dogtooth", its "katakuri" officially everywhere.
Science bro arc
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yep, LuHan won so hard
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Not everyone is fit to please her.
>7. Sanji: 188
>13. Zolo: 138
Lolonoa blos...
...or to make sea and ships relevant in a pirate manga
Rayleigh and Shakki are married anon.
I can respect that even luhanfags have been beaten into using "he will fuck her and run away" as the best possibility for their ship.
Oda's dying/Toriyama's death scared him so bad, so he's realized he has to start answering shit seriously. Also, he's realized his readers are kind of retarded.
>Looks like Hancock's inside will match her outside.
>Not much of a difference then
Boa has to get with luffy or she dies
Relevant to what?
Best part of Hachinosu, chapters and pacing were great, threads were alive, and the thread queers were seething.
I've always believed Luffy would fuck Boa but I'm not a Luhanfag. I'm not shipping shit.

Based Goda be shitposting in here
>Chopper negdiffed Zoro
Holy fug is that THAT man???
I meant best part of Egghead arc
Why does it matter?
She used to love Garp but then choose Rayleigh.
Gloriosa used to love whitebeard but then choose Kaido
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So he is the man marked by fire with the last road poneglyph
Its thanks to the mass majority fans like you we get dumb subverts like "kinemon was actually ALIVE all along!".
>Zoros void half a year
Translator doesn't understand Oda.
He is always joking about things.
bullshit, there were morons who were indignant where the hype was, scolded Koby and “muh nothing happened”
What about Marigold?
She never loved Garp.
what the fuck is this character design? this is so ugly
>Nips women are talking about Emily and Inaki hugging each other
The fuck are you on. I just believe Oda will have a child for Luffy and the only candidate is Boa. It's also kind of a Goku/Chi-chi situation.
But we have a hint that Gloriosa loved Whitebeard but she didn't end up with her
Yes, the queers were seething because they can't understand two men fighting in a shonen, good times
>read slower nigger
What did Oda mean by this?
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I still miss the Niggastream days
>Gloriosa used to love whitebeard but then choose Kaido
Calm down Speedy, she was pining for Rocks.
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Next you'll say Luffy and Kid is a Goku/Vegeta situation.
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LA kino is officially being made!
Nah, he's a novel OC Oda had to make canon. Not relevant enough.
Luffy rejected Hancock two times
Goku never rejected Chi-Chi
We have Snake princess in Dragon ball too
>no Zoro Sanji or bullsopp question
Lame ass sbs
kinda yeah
not him but when did gloriosa start pining for rocks
Kid and Luffy is a extreme bejita and broly situation
Creating headcanon
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>Ace beat this warlord
>Ace couldn't beat Smoker
>Smoker = warlord tier
>Mihawk was also a warlord
>Smoker is Mihawk tier
My man is just that strong
>Luffy is prince of warrior race (Elbaf)
Sun God Nika of Elbaf
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this absolute yamcha clown is not vegeta
>Ancient zoan

Ace made page 1 and shit orphans

Wtf I love ace now????
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I just want to point out that One Piece isn't anything like Dragon Ball. Luffy isn't anything like Goku. Obviously it's a work that influenced Oda enormously (and every mangaka of his generation), but trying to patternfag One Piece is dumb.
There was no strawhat in last volume.
Random question about Strawhats doesn't make sense here
Gloriosa most likely loved Rocks, not Whitebeard.
>Ace was a fraud
>Mihawk is a fraud
>Smoker is a fraud
You are correct.
Yes, it's "oFfIcIaL" everyone -
- Just like how Blackbeard's swordsman underling is called """"Shilliew"""""
- And Vice Admiral Bastille is a giant despite being well under 30'
- And the Headliner that tortured Tama is called "Holed-Em"
- And Sanji reads books about "Cocking" (see pick related
- And every other obvious brainfart mistake that unfortutanely makes it through the naturally-limited veil of human translation.
All these obvious and normal errors in the famously-fraught-field of Japanese-to-English translation MUST be intentional and thus immutable canon. Fucking face-palm tacular.

>responses to a fully-fleshed paragraph of reason and evidence with "h-h-headcanon!" and nothing else
You began your role in this argument as someone who throws words like retard around apropos of nothing while acting like a moron, and after a brief spell of attempting to cobble an argument you've returned to that level of shitposting.

Is this really the best counter-argument that can be mustered against the obvious truth that Dogtooth works better on every level for English-speaking audiences? Will anyone else rise to the task of making a more salient, less fallacious and ad-hom-flecked argument? Itd be a thrill if someone would try.
Ntas but there is genuinely more pattern overlap with kishi than Toriyama

Even having gag rivals like Kakashi and guy
Stussy and Gloriosa were arguing over whitebeard
>the man with no taste has spoken
>The goofier one was the at stronger one

Zolo bros....
Ulti and Page One were made orphans when they were very young, not 4 or so years ago.
I don't know. Stussy was beefing with Gloriosa but she was defending Rocks.
This isn't arguing over Whitebeard.
We know that this crew didn't like each other much.
>linear strength tier-mongering in a series with explicitly doesn't operate on that principle
>using nomenclature, titles and ranks as a measure of power

>when the series proves the above line of thinking wrong, declare the series fraudulent
Back to WorstGen
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Based Kaido taking in orphans and raising them as his own.
This design is way too detailed to not be used later down the line.
Still a headcanon that she used to love Rocks
Tbh the only explanation is that the yami yami can suck strenght and haki from the opponent when blackbeard touches it
The shadows are so badly photoshopped it's not even funny.
Hope they kill Robin and chopper
We don't need any one else in crew
I wouldn't be surprised if it was some concept art for a video game character
Hell, think about it - a guy who was obviously an important big-name pirate only a few years before the start of the story, who was defeated by FIRE FIST Ace and suddenly vanished off the face of the earth....

... and now everyone is pursuing a guy called "Burnscar" who has secret knowledge about how to reach the One Piece?

Hanafuda's now literally our strongest candidate for Burnscar's identity. This could be huge people.
The difference is you write 1000 words of theory which you call your "argument", I only need a single fact to shit on your theories. I can tell how desperate you are when you shift the goalpost to "well, the fact is wrong!!".

The truth is anon, you had no argument to begin with.
What a waste time.
Why don't we have 4chan leaker?
Yeah for sure. We have actually no idea who she loved (she fucked him tho).
Have you ever joked or had fun in your entire life?
the fuck is burnscar?
Go on, amuse us. What is this "one fact" of which you speak? Bear in mind: you've yet to state one single fact of consequence this entire time, so this had better be something new and well backed up by reasoned evidence.

>inb4 you just repeat "h-h-H-h-HeAdCanOn!!!" again like a trained parakeet
I would say he's Ulti's and Page 1's dad but 2-3yrs ago is way to young for Ulti to be considered an orphan, she would be like 19
>Why don't we have 4chan leaker?
he's in jail
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I love Lucci, even when he returns to the World Government, and I miss him.
we know Stussy
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Yeah, constantly. I love discussions about who would win in a fight between X vs Y, and going into the how's-and-why's of things. I wished that happened more in these threads, but they're blocked by mindless "powerlevel" discussions that belong literally nowhere outside of DBZ.

When was the last time any of you starting to talk, say, about how Ace's techniques could be used effectively to beat, I dunno, Doflamingo in a fight? Rather than trying to say who's abstractly "the stronger", try talking about HOW you would attempt to beat Kuma with Moriah's skillset. That's my idea of fun. I'll start if you want me to demonstrate.
Korean guy killed himself.
Chinese leaker got Justed
The arab in Japan got imprisoned
Redon shitdon is all we have.
The man marked by flames. But there's no way he's the Lizard King. He got his ass kicked by Ace and was probably affiliated in some way with Kaido (card game based name). It's not a high profile enough to be the guy who has the last road poneglyph. I would be shocked if it's him.
>Oda realizing how retarded his readers are
He would have a mental breakdown if he spent an hour or two on this general, kek
>Korean guy killed himself.
Carrotfag killed himself too
Sbs is waste of time
It was just supposed to be Oda interacting with fans not info dump
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>Oda realizing how retarded his readers are
What? Where?
The best translation atm for "Hinokizu", which can alternatively be translated as "Firescar" or "The Man Marked By Flames". If you don't know who that is, reread Blackbeard's recruitment of Kuzan.
Why would they leak on 4chan for a couple of anonymous (You) when they can get mass followers on Twitter and become a micro internet celebrity.
I thought the Korean got arrested too?
>This is a matter of reading comprehension
These 4 lame questions were the biggest ones btw, don't expect anything else
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The big three
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>not info dump
Zorobros...........our family tree.....
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whoa, she actually looks like Yamato like that theory
So your argument dies not with a bang, but with a whimper. Not even an attempt or effort made to rebutt any of the points I've raised, just rolling over and perishing. I accept your concession.
Redon will forever be a fag.
I think he's a pretty cool guy.
whatever helps you sleep bud
Well, I said micro but they are actually huge. One Piece is one of the most popular thing in the world.
Gloriosa? Yamato's mom
I don't give a shit about Aces, Mihawk or Smoker strengths, I was making a simple joke elevating Smoker to someone as respected in his strnegth in the One Piece universe as Mihawk, that's all, don't sperg about it. I also want to say that powerlevel discussions belong in One Piece threads too just like discussions about any other topics, it's a battle shonen, it's completely normal that it happens, if you're not interested then don't participate and stick to what you like about it.
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I'm not Stussy. Lucci hates Stussy.
Life always gives us troubles, but lucky for me sleep problems isn't one. Pleasure publicly proving a point with your posts as a counterprop, chum.
Hope the horns grew in after, or... aye yai yai...
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Yamato's mother
I want to bully loli Tashigi
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Sanji speaking
Wouldn't she survive if she had sex with le kaido?
She seemingly died from the love sickness, so no child.
Yet still, not a single official page or anything was posted with "dogtooth" written on it. Poor, sad, dreaming, headcanon jerking cuck. Has to go through the whole "hahah so you lost" shtick.
Should've drawn Kikus
fujos btfo holy shit
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Why is she touching like that
after birthing Yamato, Kaido had an affait
Is Tama now hunting down every big breasted lady in Wano?
i don't remember whose ship that is
Of all the 4 empresses Hancock is the ugliest by far
Just joke q&as from here on

SaNa is real, literally
Animated by the end of july according to my calculations
This was a question asked by Sanji
And answered by sanji
The trouble with that joke is that people actually legitimately take it seriously and proceed to shit royally all over general after general after general, It's by far and wide the most annoying, noxious and in particular negative form of shitposting across the One Piece community, worse even than the Carrot vs Yamato fags and the coomposters and cunnycunts and the whole rotten lot.

The joke would be "funny" if it wasn't tied into this thorny mess of a situation and indeed if it wasn't a direct excarcerbant. When a great chapter drops and I pop into /opg/ only to see a wall of text of people screaming about how Shanks is a """"fraud"""" or how Oda is a """"hack"""" because of what is exactly a deranged system of headcanon logic that isn't even native to One Piece or 4chan, that bores and sickens me in a way that all the other types of faggotry does not.

The fact that "muh powerlevels, muh linear powerlevels, Oda is a hack because he doesn't have them" gets in the way of what I would find really engaging in the form of a real "who would win and why" discussion is just the icing on the shit cake for me, personally. The former sort of discussion ties into the very reason why I LIKE One Piece in the first place, as a source of interesting battles and fights, while the latter is the reason why I DON'T read other shonens. But the greater issue that impacts everyone is the - and I remind you serious, not joking - powerlevel wanking that periodically inundates these threads. I'd never dare pretend to be one of those people, not even for a laugh.
kek fags btfo
This was a question asked by Zoro
Your posts are unorganic to /opg, you are not from here
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Yeah it's very obvious he took back this rule, just look past Alabasta of Pell saying only 5 people have a flying devil fruit, even past Skypeia when flying was sort of a big deal
How many of you retards confuse Haki to be the counter to DF? it's a solution not a counter, BB completely negates it
if Luffy is hit by a Haki infused bullet(if its real) it'll hurt but he'll bounce it back, but if BB holds Luffy using his DF and shot him in the head then Luffy is fucking dead
If Ace was hit with Haki, it'll hurt him but his bones and organs are still flames so it'll have almost no damage, if BB hits you Ace's bones will fucking crack
That's Gloriosa
The only thing I remember from then was shitposting about Koby's bussy being ravaged by BB
I wonder whose favorite character coomer Odas is...hmmm
I been calling him Dogtooth for years because its funnier

same with Marasu D Chochi, Pro Sound Cloud Ouga and Tahjiando Loluflamingo
Rayleigh fucks other women and gambles while Shakky is in the bar 24/7
>BB completely negates it
Once again, Pekoms used Haki to defeat Logia.
Weird triple way hug between Inaki Emily and Sanji's actor
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>drags out the tattered carcass of a point slain long ago to hide behind
Sorry but your name isn't Gecko Moriah and your zombie isn't getting up to defend you or defeat me.

Maybe in your headcanon though, it might. ;)
EoS foreshadowing
So No SBS Question about two women was with Garp
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It can easily be read as her being annoyed at the fact that Stussy is hiding behind Whitebeard.
Amazons are obsessed with female empowerment.
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describe a character with what sundae topping and flavor they would be and we guess them
Double penetration
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Gloriosa is the mom
Two men they know and they worship dick of both of them
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I pretty much came to 4chan back in 2011 to post on four things, and One Piece was the biggest of them. The others have all dropped off markedly over time and little has replaced them but One Piece remains. I've been here for 13 years and you bet that my posts come right from the heart. I fucking love OP and 4chan too, for reasons I hope I wouldn't have to elucidate.
Vanilla with rainbow sprinkles
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I'll admit, I chuckled
Please continue
Lucci fingered THAT?
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1) Cherry and chilli-pepper with dark chocolate

2) Blackberry and aniseed

3) Marshmallow bubblegum
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What are they talking about?
Sanji is 3:00 now
I was thinking of nami because of the very normal flavor and very normal topping combo
The style is cute but the monkey ears are ugly
I think I made it very obviously a joke, it's as dumb as it can get, if you don't find it funny that's okay, but I find it hard to take it seriously. Now next, there are plenty of different kind of shitposters here and I will defend all of them belonging it these threads even if I find some kind of annoying, maybe I'd draw the line on the pedoposters when they start to post some very questionable shit. Everything else I can tolerate, ignore, and just focus on whatever interests me, that's how these threads work. There are also forums that have different sub threads that focuses on different things, but here you know what you came for.
We already saw Luffy's mom in Uta's manga
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>I won't make a guy that can easily fly and float in the air
He doesn't look marked by flames, unless that's his look pre-Ace.
Taking SBS shit seriously.
If I could delete 2 shitposters it would be the carrotposters and the pedoposters
I can't believe Oda dunked on speedreaders and movie are canon guys that hard
It's serious. He just said fuck it flying is kind of cool after Shiki. He had Buggy flying in the same arc he introduced him.
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What happened to CP9 after their defeat at Enies Lobby and how they got promoted to CP0 answered by Oda
>Pew's translation
Oda points out that people petrified by the S-Snake find her adorable "like a baby or a child", and dismisses the idea of it being sexual attraction

>Real SBS
S-Snake has the ability to catch people off guard with its emotions such as cute. We all think babies are cute. If you are petrified by your *pedophilia*, there's no way to determine what emotion petrified you. Your pedophilia is not exposed. You must be petrified!
Damn this SBS just keeps giving more plot/lore stuff.
They should get horikoshi or someone to draw this as like a 5 chapter mini manga side story
Based Sandman-san.
>CP0 collaborated with criminals
Kek, is this a jab at the whole theory about the agency introducing crack into black communities?
I mean, that's basically what happened for One, right? Even if he let someone redraw OPM, Mob Psycho was his own creation top to bottom and it did great.
>Official translation

D: If I become petrified by loli Hancock's "Mero Mero Mellow", won't people treat me like a lolicon afterwards? It's okay? Please tell me it's okay!! P.N. Yamaguchi University One Piece Study Circle

O: In terms of ability, it's a technique that puts "cute" or "beautiful" emotions into "carelessness", so everyone thinks babies and small children are cute, right? Even so, it will be okay. Even if a lolicon mixes in and turns to stone, it is impossible to determine what kind of emotion he was petrified by. So lolicon won't be found out, but you will be petrified.
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Hah, I'm interested to see this story in its entirety. But already some piece of CP9 lore.
survey says chapter 1091 was the most interesting chapter of Egghead Island arc
Is Usopp pedo or not ?
You should decide that
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Kill yourself
>Is Usopp pedo or not ?
Luffy decides who he will watch
My pleasure:

Means a variant of bear, and given his apperance and unpleasant demeanour the best translation I'd provide is "Grizzly".

(Note that unlike this character, Bartholomew Kuma should probably stay as Kuma as it's almost impossible to create a phonologically-tight bear-themed name in it's place.)

>The Usopp pirate kids themed around vegetables
Bennion, Pepe and Carruthers. Real names that work as puns on onion, pepper and carrot.

Blagadore. Works great as it references both "Blaggard" and "Blagger" as terms, while maintaining similarity to Kurahadore.
>Sham and Buchi
Siam and Butch. Intent is obvious, a siamese cat and a big butch guy.

Black Belt. Literal meaning and it's obviously not his birth name.
Kissy. Ditto above
This is a toss-up. I quite like Eightboy or Eightface as names, but Hatchan has a really nice ring to it.

Principled exception as "Snipe" is very misleading to English ears.

Blackmoss, just an effective literal translation.

Should NEVER be Nefeltari, that's just insulting
Not "Bibi" lol
>Alabasta or Arabasta?
Open one, the latter is more on the nose but I like Alabasta for its architectural connotations. The buildings of the nation do seem to make use of alabaster.

>Shoujou and Masira
Currently in the same boat as Kuma. I may retackle these in the future.
Makes more sense than Enel. Ener seems to be short for energy.
>Norland or Noland
Signs point to Noland as a pun on "No land".

>Admiral titles
Huge names and they definitely should be rendered in elegant format.
Blue-quill - more concise than "blue pheasant" and the specific bird isn't that important
Golden-ape - monkey is too clunky
Violet-tiger - I'm not 100% happy but 80% happy with this, as Wisteria is too much of a mouthful

tbc, I have no idea how many parts this could take
>Pedo trio
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Hey, it was a team effort.
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Name should never be translated
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We love tail here
Where they all on the Puffing Tom's logbook?
somebody's favorite chapter is 1116
why does oda always make fun of foreigners japanese translations
how many languages do YOU speak oda???
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I miss them.
I like it
>Oda will never nihongo jouzu you
Why even live
I'm an ESL and I didn't understand anything from Pew's retelling. Explain in simple terms how they got the promotion.
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Reminder: don't watch Netflixs adaptation, they're woke trash who hate fanservice and don't have the balls to sexualize female characters, theyll censor every Nami outfit, theyll censor every Robin outfit, theyll remove any and all lewd fanservice scenes, don't support woke trash or theyll keep making trash without female nudity nor female lewdness
One piece fanbase is retarded

Well, I can always admit to human fallibility and subjectivity, but to me it looked absolutely indistinguishable from actual authentic powerlevel faggotry. You know the old saying:
>"those who act like fools for fun will sound find themselves surrounded by real fools who think they're in good company"
I would be very fucking wary of that man.

>Now next, there are plenty of different kind of shitposters here and I will defend all of them belonging it these threads
I wish I could say this, and luckily for 90+% I am totally fine with it. On principle 4chan should have a substrate of nonsense and garbage because it filters the normalfags. But the fact that we STILL have /mlp/, and STILL need /mlp/ all these years later, proves that shitposting can only go so far before it becomes that word the true newfags don't know: "Cancer". I'm saying that powerlevel faggotry is a cancer in a way that Yamato vs. Carrot, though incredibly dumb, is not.

>There are also forums that have different sub threads that focuses on different things
Oh, how I wish One Piece had its own board so each of these weird subcommunities could fracture off and leave us all alone. That would be gold.

>but here you know what you came for.
Yes, but do you? 4chan is not a monolith. I come here for a place that's uncensored, nothing much else. The world is too full of nanny-state bureaucracy, and it pervades social medias. That's all I want: freedom.
Original Hancock
Spandine promoted Spandam as the head of CP0.
They wanted to collaborate with criminals without telling the World Governement.
Lucci and the rest of his goons found out about this and they got promoted while Spandam got demoted.
Oda bros, why is the average reader a 70 IQ brainlet...
Yeah considering that crocomom got confirmed already
>t. Oda
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Faggots on suicide watch. I kneel Goda.
Every time, same happened with Ginny
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>currently on one sided love
Not bad guesses, but actually I would struggle to imagine any of these three characters eating a sundae. Also Blackbeard's would definitely have cherry lol.
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Thanks anon.
Np, cute Straw Hat girls.
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Vanilla the bunny...
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There's no way this guy had sex.
Is this fanart of fanart?
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this one-sided love comment pretty much confirms luffy is gonna end up with hancock
oda wouldn't kill her off like that
So Lucci was actively fighting against Cipher Pol? Why would they bring him back after thwarting an operation?
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seems like it
Of course he's had, what do you think he's doing in the okama queendom?
Thank God Momo is quite hung for a jap.
The pussies of the whores I finger usually have a neutral smell. Like I barely smell anything. I guess it is because they rinse them so often after getting licked and fingered.
Unwashed vags smell like old fish, I am told.
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>feds collaborating with criminals
wow just like real life
Question : The CP8 member Alpha, is she a relative of Kalifa? Also, CP9 is an organization not known to the public, but is CP0 known publicly?

Oda : Alpha is Kalifa's younger sister. Among the members of CP9 from 22 years ago, we saw Laskey. He is the father of these two. Basically, Cipher Pol raises kids with no kin relations for them to become excellent intelligence agents, so their case is a rare one. In reality, they were individually raised apart from each other, with almost no familial connections at all. That's because "Emotion" can become a weakness in this world.
he's like 3 meters tall so it should be proportional
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just so you know, Tomorrowi s the Pirate Queen's birthday
Spandine kept abusing his power to put his son in advantageous positions. Clearly this was the straw that broke the camel's back.
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This feels somewhat rushed/garbled as a translation by Pew. It feels like some details are missing, like what rank Spandine has/had and what he was doing with which crime lords etc. Looking forward to a more proper translation
this thread is over
time to move on
My favourite example for this is Kuma. Just name him Bartholomew Bear for fuck's sake, it's just so much cooler than Bartholomew Kuma.
It's interesting that only shitty artists are drawn to this shitty character.
He managed to swoon Nami, Robin and Yamato while he was a shota, he had Oden's genes.
Kalifa is the kindest.
Why do new chapters no longer excite me?
Just like what a lot of us predicted, nice. I wonder where she is now.
Based, fags belong in JJK not in One Piece
I told you fools Lucci is a cool guy
Hancock won’t die, she’ll learn to move past it in a moment of character growth. Luffy has already rejected her multiple times
I've made my points and have nothing to add, so yeah, good conversation
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What a moot discussion. It was always obvious that the Mellow power works based on adoration, hence why non-lesbians who worship Hancock could be petrified and why male characters would at all desire it.

.... at the same time, Oda is totally lolicon-baiting, But then he's done that since the Arlong Park arc, so again nothing new.
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The most beautiful woman in the world
>the man marked by flame was actually just the man marked by ace all along
can we get off ace piece already he died a decade ago
I made a thread for the SBS, go there.
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>Someone unable to defeat a Yonko commander is the leader of the CP0
Man, I expected it to have a Yonko level (higher boss)... what a massive boomer..
Zoro is above YC level.
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Topical with the CP0 Sbs:

I'm genuinely torn, as Kaku has a nice ring to it and feels angular, but Square also works really well for his dorky personality. I'd veer towards Kaku for letter count purely.
An awkward name as its sounds a little like Fuck-o-row, so I'd translate it as Owlface for his ridiculous appearance and demeanour
Natural principled exception due to his kabuki themology
>The Buster Call Vice Admirals
Mountainblaze and Ogrespider are the two that need translating

Chick really would be too on-the-nose so excepted

>The Merman royal family
Sharkstar, Oarstar and Sunstar for the boys. For Shirahoshi, her name is quite iconic and I prefer it over Whitestar, but at the same time "Bianstella" works beautifully as a latinate transliteration. Otohime is probably best preserved due to its historical context.

>other Charlotte family members
Coin-toss on Prospero vs Perospero, since they both trip off the tongue similarly - the latter preserves the japanese pun but that doesn't mean anything in English, and the former is purer and more elegant.
"Daifuku" has the same problem as Fukurou - the name literally means "Great Fortune", so as an elegant compromise I favour "Fortuno" as a translation..
There are others in the family too but there's so many for such minor characters, I'll do them latter if anyone wants.

>all Wano names
Completely preserved, it would be insane to translate them at all.

>The ranks of the Beast Pirates
Oda possibled forgot or didn't know that "Waiter" means a server at a restaurant, so I'd chalk that as a well-intended mistranslate and change it to "Queuer". Natural Disasters, Headliners, Gifters and Laughters are all good. For the Topiroppo, since the card game analogy is lost on English audiences, "Soaring Six" is good as a literal translation. ("flying six" is more literal but lacks the alliteration) All Beast Pirate names are good as there are, except....

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