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Why is Goku laughing?
Chi-Chi asked him to kiss her.
He saw my micro penis
He's a happy cuck.
He saw his own micropenis.
Because SHITjita sharted in his diaper again.
Golu is a pretty meh protagonist compared to the prince.
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When will the halls be cleaned up?
Tien won.
Goku opened the catalog and didn’t see a Bleach thread.
Based thread. I am not posting in the esl one.
reminder that the tienfaggot tries to derail his humiliation by shitting on goku
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Because TARDjita the cucked PIG jobbed again.
>no edit where she says Bleach
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What's that Ai that you can use to talk with DB characters and that Ai that was used to generate TRAPly images?
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>Bulma is away on a "business trip" to the Kame House
Yup, it's time to watch moeGOLD.
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The collage? Still not refuted.
Tien? Keeps winning.
Stop threadwarring.
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Did no one notice this?
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...the jobbing contest, with Bejita coming in 2nd.
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The sudden cut to that bald jobber is still so funny to me.
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>FEMBOYly AI shitposter is revealed to also be a scat poster
>everyone unanimously calls him a Tienfag despite literally all other Tienbro posts being untouched by the moderators
Never change guys. I'm rubber and you're glue, what bounces off of me sticks to you.
>DB and DBZ have 0 cuckshit
>DBS is full of cuckshit
What has happened to this franchise?
SCATccolo lost.
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>The Tenshart is starting again
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Delete it.
dude you're so retarded, the tienfaggot obviously spams scat and femboy porn with his phone and LARPs as a regular poster with his PC
>equating the bald three-eyed faggot that’s less popular than Dende and Mr. Satan to fan favorites like Bejita and Piccolo
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>every /dbs/ thread be like
>when Tien says something perverted about your sister
Does anyone have that picture of Vegeta offering Bulma in a bath towel to Goku
I legit think it's funny but Jesus Christ I wouldn't want to imagine how it feels to have that kind of shit drawn of a character you made
Rename the file to “Bejitabro vs Gokubro” and it’s accurate.
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>Nagataro ending
>Mha ending
Fuck, now I have nothing in life to look forward to.
>the IESLB SHITjitaPIG thread got deleted
Dragon Ball Daima!
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Traply. NOW.
fucking kek
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This but with a Bejita gif.
You will never be friends with the Bejita and Piccolo posters, you faggot. You already became enemies with the Piccolobros.
Why the fuck does the Tienfag always falseflag with a Goku pic? He's even more mindbroken by Goku than he is by Nuly.
I am a Bejitabro and my cousin is a Tienbro and we get along well enough.
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Goku humiliated his hero, after all.
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This image gets proven right every single day.
calm down bejitabro
The Tienfag had made enemies of everyone here.
NO ONE is on his side.
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Kill yourselfes. You are fucking fagot and will never be a true men.
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Even a literal ape could falseflag better than that.
Tien lost and your dad is dead btw.
This IESLB... It is too obvious to be made by a true nulyfag.
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It's weird how the Tienfag was almost a well-respected scholar, abd then ruined everything with his dumb collages.
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I want Traply NOW.
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Why is she wearing that?
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>TienFAG wants to start shit
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Jesus fucking Christ, listen to yourself. You sound like an unmedicated schizophrenic who believes the government is behind every little inconvenience in your life, except it's worse in this context because you think there is one central Tienbro behind every single bad post that goes on these halls. At least everyone else who parrots that retarded logic is doing it for cheap laughs. I hope you realize that almost everyone in /dbs/ nowadays are unaligned shitposters who side with a random character and shit on others for laughs. Or at least I hope it's all done out of laughs, because if this olympic mental gymnastics everyone is performing is acted out of genuine belief like >>268343066 then you're all a sack of depressing fucks wasting your lives.
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My cock.
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You're a porn-addicted faggot that looks at lolis, scat, blackshit, and god knows what else.
And then you post that filth here. Nothing you say will ever have any value.
Daima will be kino.
The super manga will continue being shit.
Why are you so insistent that there has been one single Tienfag across months of posting? Are you afraid it'll ruin the joke for you?
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Thoughts on Yoko?
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You know what? I'm getting tired of all this petty online banter. I think it's about time we settle our differences in REAL life.
Name a fucking time and place, bitches. I will beat the shit out of any of you that comes. Or what, are you all fucking pussies when you can't hide behind the screen, huh?
Nothing wrong with lolis.
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Nobody else gives a single shit about Tien.
Nobody cares enough to even make him "look bad", because you already do that yourself.
You retard.
Too old.
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Your damage control won't work, Tienfag. You brought this upon yourself.
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WE want Traply.
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>G-Goten you...you really want to do that? Well ok...just don't tell Gohan...
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Are you up for a game Nulybro? Battleship or x and 0? I can link it here.
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Meet at Times Square, BITCH.
You know the park.
Because Goku destroyed ended Tien’s character arc for the rest of Dragon Ball.
>Nobody else gives a single shit about Tien.
You guys constantly hatepost about the character in every thread and others make OC mocking him. Some even go the extra mile and pretend to be a fan of him to falseflag and ruin the faction's image. You give him way more attention than any other Tienfags out there.
It's the truth and I think you're aware of that.
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Do what?
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Kek, are you that one Tienfag that got assblasted because everyone started making fun of him?
Honestly, you're just making yourself look worse by crying about it.
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>over 100 replies
>zero mentions of Jiren
Bros... Are we irrelevant?
This is how the Nulybro actually writes in broken english
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FEMBOYly's ass saved the halls.
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>You guys constantly hatepost about the character in every thread and others make OC mocking him.
Because you're an insufferable faggot who spams porn and other garbage every single thread.
Kek. It's just you.
Cute bunny.
Is the Hawaiian one ready?
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>literally picrel
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>admits he’s evading
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The absolute state of our halls...
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>wall of text meltdown
I only get mad when smug retards like you post stupid fake shit like the dead dad stuff and act like you're on top of the world. Doubly so for that one falseflagger who posted about his dead girlfriend and spammed gore. It's annoying insect behavior. My dad isn't dead btw.
>schizophrenic delusion that there is only a single person behind bad posts again
You're making yourself look worse.
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I'm not the AIchad who makes these, I just save them.
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His name is Tenshinhan.

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He finally duped Bejita into kissing Chi-Chi.
I'm gonna go play XV2 see you!
The perfect woman
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Nothing manlier than making another man your bitch
>doesn’t deny it
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>Daima will be ki-ACK
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Damn falseflaggers.
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>literally crying because he's now on the receiving end of what literally every other charactererfag has been through
Now THIS is funny. Perhaps your cohort should have been such a degenerate and maybe your favorite jobbers image might have been spared the mockery.
It's a Tienbro falseflagging as a Bejitabro falseflagging as a Gokubro.
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...I don't know about all that, but I do know that Tenshithan is the most irrelevant Z fighter and will never amount to anything.
Okay, but who's posting the "Traply" shit then?
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Tienbro, your father wouldn't be proud of this...
Just stop...
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Also the Tenfag. He's been obsessed with Nuly for literal months now and can't go one thread without talking about him.
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I don't see people here pretending that there is one singular Bejitabro or Gokubro behind every single bad post in the threads.
And not Chiaotzu?
Name a more popular character than Tenshinhan. I’ll wait.
Then who are you?
Who am I?
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Me, I don't read or watch super :)
We are Tienbros too.
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At least Chiaotzu beat that metal guy in the manga. Tien couldn't even do that.
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Imagine the farts...

How is he this bad?
At absolute BEST, there are 3 of you. Hardly enough to call It a "faction". And of course 2 of the most popular characters in the series have more than one characterfag in the thread, as opposed to the irrelevent literal-who background character that is JOBSHITFAILURE.
Okay but there's only one :o
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Cute old lady.
/dbs/ is fucking dead and it'll stay dead until Daima and Sparking Zero come out, and even then it won't be a Dragon Ball Super anymore, only Dragon Ball Daima. It's over for good this time.
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Truth nuke.
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>there are 3 of you at best
I'll agree with you this once, but that number excludes every single falseflagger that spams gore and scat.
>too afraid to reply directly
>no argument
That settles it. You are unable to refute that Tenshinhan had nothing to offer to the series as a character after the semifinals of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai.
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Do you love Pan too?
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The Guardian of motherfucking Earth, BITCH.
>M-master please
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TenKINGS are known wardens of these halls, but just like the Majin Elite they show up when they're needed the most, when the thread is in absolute CHAOS.
I want to put her in a jar.
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Super Pan is alright.
GT Pan is annoying, but I don't dislike her nearly as much as some of the people here.
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>he's deluded himself into thinking his alternate personalities are separate people, and there are multiple Tien posters when it's obvious it's just one
I accept your concession.
Imagine killing yourself
Fuck you RTHly. Ten won btw.
Tourist here. I've learned a lot from these halls and now I can win so many more arguments and debates in other threads. How can I thank you guys?
>doesn't exclude the blackedshit
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clap clap clap clap
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What would it take to return our halls to its former glory?
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Can we talk about humans that aren't that three-eyed fuck for once? I'm sick of him.
100 deadlifts NOW, little BITCH
It’s the same thing as scat.
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What did you learn?
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That's not even a quick typo either. He genuinely thought it was spelled like that. Shameful.
My body is not ready for that. Anyways I will just say it. Thank you.
>TANKED the collapse of Muscle Tower
Holy strong!
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Banishing the pedophiles, moeRATS, and ANYONE that spams THAT.
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Official content to first unify the lost scholars.
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This, and the permanent exile of the Tienfag.
I love Plapn.
The anime coming back. Nothing more. Nothing less.
For me, it’s the Ox King
Yoshihiro Togashi, mangaka of HUNTERxHUNTER, will be the next artist to participate in the DRAGON BALL Super Gallery Project in next month's Saikyo Jump Issue #9 2024.
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So much better than the GT one.
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It'll look like shit, won't it?
I don't think I've ever seen Tien falseflaggers post blackedshit, it's always
>text post about black dicks
>some random person responds with a picture of Tien
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Honestly after watching Super Hero again, it isn't as bad as I thought the first time. Obviously it would be better if it was traditionally animated, but the CGI is actually pretty decent. And it had some good choreography too.
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The only times I disliked the CGI in SH was when it cut back to Beerus' planet.
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I'm sure Daima will rejuvenate these threads.
>one chapter released every four years
>crayon scribbles for art
>half of the panels taken up by character internal monologues
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Yep that's KinoxKino alright
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its over
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I dunno.
I'm genuinely about to leave this shithole until Daima or Sparking Zero drops.
Whichever comes first.
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Dragon Ball Volume 17 Cover by Takehiko Inoue, author of Slam Dunk.
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I'm considering it too.
The thought of hundreds of more threads that are just some fag spamming his fetishes and porn here while also blaming everyone else for it... it's not too appealing.
Was Yu Yu Hakusho ever written like this?
Recc me some moe anime and manga
I agree.
When did Piccolo get a boobjob?
> Not laughing so much anymore are you Gokek
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That doesn't even come close.
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>That doesn't even come close.
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>They're ALL leaving.
Yes, yes! It's working! My plan's WORKING!
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Back for more, huh?
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Mfw no traply
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I see nothing...
DBZ review:

Crappy popular anime can be split into two categories. Those whose appeal eludes me, and those where I perfectly understand the reason for their success. DBZ falls firmly in the latter category. Hell, I loved the series when I was a dumbass 14 year-old!

The premise is practically catnip for a male that age. Martial arts battles for the fate of the Universe against increasingly more powerful foes, with showdowns that destroy literal planets in their wake. As simplistic as it is, what could be fucking cooler than that? It's a young male teenager's power fantasy in anime form. Complete with over-the-top transformation sequences with entire minutes of pants-shitting yelling amidst intense music.

Alas, the execusion is as putrid, pathetic, and downright lame as it gets. To begin with, DBZ is a notable departure from the series, Dragonball, that preceded it.

The original was heavily based on the Chinese classic "Journey to the West", with Son Goku being based on Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, even copying his tail and magic staff. It focused more on fantasy and adventure, with a more light-hearted approach.

DBZ abandons all that to be a more simple, straightforward battle shounen centered around power levels, while taking itself far too seriously. Goku and his friends battle opponents across almost 300 episodes who fight exactly the same but we are told have much higher power levels; first Radditz, then Goku and Nappa, then Frieza and his henchmen, the androids, Cell, and finally, the Buus, with a filler arc featuring Garlic Jr.

And yet, DBZ manages to be a far worse fighting series than Dragonball in every way. It has several crippling flaws;
This is like three pages of text squished onto one. What the hell, Toyo.
1. Crappy choreography.

While Dragonball featured the odd quality action scene and interesting sequence of moves based on actual kung-fu, DBZ is stripped down to a single punch, kick, or elbow either landing or missing, as well as a stock sequence of jerky animation where both combatants throw strikes and block, reused endlessly throughout the anime.

While the final series antagonist, Perfect Buu, is at a power level of 100 billion while the initial baddie Radditz is at 1500, they fight almost identically. In fact, Radditz's martial arts looks better, since the animators were trying harder back then.

Thus, enemies become more "powerful" while their techniques and fighting skill stay mostly the same. This power is simply demonstrated through the new antagonist being able to crush a previous antagonist with a single blow.

And how do Goku and his friends manage to overcome these beastly enemies? Through some clever strategy, new technique, or superior martial arts? Nope! It's from their own numbers going up, like a brain-dead RPG, usually through a transformation sequence and fusion, many of which are completely unmotivated deus ex machina and likely a cynical ploy for Toie Animation to sell more action figures and posters.

Choreography, or cool-looking, exciting battles is at the heart of battle shounen, and it sucks here. The resolution to the major battles is also disappointing, coming from a random spike in protagonist power levels, or worst of all, the "Spirit Bomb" attack, essentially a get out of jail free card for the writers when there is no reasonable way for Goku to triumph in battle.
His scribbles rival even Toyo's.
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2. Dangerously idiotic and unlikable heroes.

Time and again, Goku and company have an opportunity to easily defeat a threat to humanity only to forego it for utterly idiotic, selfish reasons, leading to the enemy becoming much stronger and beating them down.

Think Vegeta utterly wrecking the second form of Cell, only to allow him to absorb Android 18 because he wanted to face Perfect Cell. Think Vegeta joining Babidi or Goku not revealing his true power level in their fight, allowing Buu to be resurrected to begin with. Think Gotenks not taking the battle against a different version of Buu seriously.

If these supposed "defenders of Earth" don't give a shit about their suicidal actions and the countless billions of beings in the universe it would doom, why the hell should the viewer? And how can we possibly see them as heroes, as opposed to the overpowered, egotistical idiots (Goku) or outright villains (Vegeta) which their actions betray them to be?
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Why are you copying and pasting some MALfags rant?
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Tell me a funny canonical story.
3. Glacially slow pacing.

DBZ is the most painfully dull battle shounen ever devised. Entire episodes can be wasted on a single character powering up, composed of flashing lights and diarrhea screaming while a few music tracks loop endlessly. If we're lucky, an episode features a few punches and kicks in an episode in-between combatants standing menacingly and exchanging third grade level insults. As noted, the choreography sucks, although it beats the idiot characters talking. Oh, and that's not even mentioning the endless filler, which this show is notorious for.

Battles can last for dozens of agonizingly boring episodes, and what's worst is that at least 90% of what happens is entirely meaningless. All the blows and energy blasts until the very climax don't alter or determine a damn thing.

The entire anime is an exercise in tedium and time-wasting.

I understand liking DBZ as a 14 year-old new to anime. I was one of those myself. But looking back on it now, it's embarrassingly bad. The fight choregraphy sucks in the rare moments where characters don't just stand around powering up or shout "You're going to pay!", and the protagonists are a bunch of narcissistic morons or evil-doers.
Tien will never be popular.
Because I felt like it. What are you going to do about it?
Ignore it.
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Notice how the seething over Piccolo stopped exactly when some retard started spamming homoshit started?
>Tienfag swapped back from seething over Piccolo to Nuly
Yes, we found that out days ago.
Why do you guys cope and seethe?
Sex with Gigi
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Why do you guys hope and breathe?
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>Jerk off your dick, get hard thinking about kid pan... do it... jerk your penis...cum for me
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Remind me again why Bra is such a slut?
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Of course, you don't need to tell me twice!
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Glory to Babidi-dono!
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N-No...there's one thing I will always keep my RESTRAINTTTTTTTTTT
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(((Babidi))): jerk off your diiiiick

Based No Fapper: argh... I refuse.

(((Babidi))): what?!

Based No Fapper: Your business in porn. It means nothing to me. Self-Improvement is my only objective.

(((Babidi))): That amazing, NoFapper. But I'm serious. By every fiber in your body I command you to jerk off.

Based No Fapper: argh...

(((Babidi))): Jeeeerk. Jerk off your dick.

Based No Fapper: Noo...Get out of my head! I already told you. I will not be distracted from this anymore! I won't! It will take more than head games to stop me. You may have invaded my mind and my body. But there is one thing a NoFapper always keeps... HIS PRIIIIIIIIIIIIDE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!

>(((Babidi))) dies
He’s still doing that? It’s been several weeks now.
Which Pan? GT Pan and Super Pan are ok. Baby Pan is disgusting.
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>JOBgium lost
>bronies trying to argue again
Gents... make them both evade.
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We're all just ignoring this?
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Holy SHIT, she is FUCKING strong!
Wpm Piccolobro
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>It doesn't matter, just pick your favorite one... and jerk to her... do it... the young body of Pan consume you... lust is growing... i command you to jerk off to her now...
The REAL thread got BOOMED, so we had to make do with this one.
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>RTHccolo having another meltdown
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>Tienbro stopped spamming homoshit so he could seethe over Piccolo
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All of this Piccolo shit is so forced.
Can someone please explain these terms:
I don't quite get the /dbs/ lingo.
I can't believe Videl darted towards Broly without any fear at all. Remember how scared Bejita was of him? And here a normal regular human girl just treats him like any old punk.
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He can't, he's too busy with all of his moewives to only hug one.
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>No Flandre
Why did Bejita betray her?
Don't forget that more than once the anti-Piccolo spammer has been outed by IP wipes as a Gigifag that spams tranny porn.
Words per minute. Usually used in reply to someone accusing them of being IESLB.
Hiding behind other characters. Usually used when someone is losing a debate.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a state-sponsored news organization and the world's largest broadcast news operation.
Inane English as a Second Language Babble. Used when someone says something indecipherable.
>Wanks per minute
>Hill billy on command
>Big bangladeshi chickens
>Innately english structural lending building (another word for a bank)
Jirenpajeet cope
Gokubro and Bejitabro cope
Tienbro's obsession
Latinx filter.
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I want to fuck a Saiyan woman from U7...
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Bejita, still hanging out with little girls I see. Guess little girls can't comprehend what a small penis is, huh buddy?
Why is Zolo there?
He helps Goku get it up.
Why is HE here?
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Doesn't flush or bathe
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>this is what Daima threads will look like
His servant. Goku's numerous wifes shouldn't cook or clean, it's his job.
It's kinda an in-joke among shonenshitters to put Zoro into everything.
It's shounenKINO in this house. Ok, little bro?
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Exactly. We bejitabros love Tien, and we love his cute little friend who wears makeup even more!
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Here's the truth.
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Ain't no way...
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And? What's so weird about that?
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Make him evade.
>Shitgang post
>asks about bathing
On it.
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So, when Daima starts airing, should we separate the threads? /dbs/ for the manga and /dbd/ for Daima.
What happened to yabbaposting? You guys used to love yabbaposting.
/db/ - Dragon Ball
We stopped enjoying it ever since... the incident.
The saddest part is that the tienfag thinks he deserved to have a w*ki page just because he came up with some deranged cuck shit. Literally his only contribution here.
They were pretty popular with the new holo and spice anime. I want more of them.
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I second this >>268346123.
The Super threads are for the ANIME discussion. Toyotaro's toilet paper was always a lame ass joke.
1. The tienfag didn't invent
2. They are some of the best exports of /dbs/ around the site
3. The wiki is dead
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>literally crying
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>They are some of the best exports of /dbs/ around the site

No. CHADren posting is. Kneelposting is. ENTERposting is. Nobody cares about some porn-brained faggot's fantasies.
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Me (BejitaCHAD) after reading another uncompehensible Gokufag post
Does anyone remember that thread where a characterfag(idk remember which one) said that he is emotionally affected by these threads and he can't go without defending his character? Was is Gohan? I don't remember.
>was is
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We Prefer Meat.

Heaven Brings Opulent Cake.

Big Beautiful Cake.

I Eat Sausages Like Bananas.
My bad.
It was a Teen Gohanfag, yes.
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It gets pretty bad about it near the end
That was a falseflag.
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God, you're morbidly obese.
>I Eat Sausages Like Bananas.
That sounds sexual.
Fat Faggot Pedophile
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Never forget.
Ok but which character was it?
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Reminder that there are TWO Panfags, the PanLARD and the PanTWINK.
I still remember when that skinny bitch posted his arm.
But it's literally impossible for this to be his weight considering his arm and feet images unless there are 2 Panfags.
Might have been a "nulyfag"
Ok, next time don't forget to attend your English course.
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I've finished it a long time ago. The final exam was to argue with someone in a /dbs/ thread.
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Pretty sure the PanTWINK was the one who did THIS.
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Favourite EVA soundtrack? For me it is "Contre Les Agresions"
I want to adopt the Pantwink and make him my perfect malewife.
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>spent the past 8 minutes picking juicy dingleberries out my butt while laying in bed
>now have stinky poop finger
just thought I'd share the news. No i did not wash my hand and yes im typing this message on my normal keyboard
The violin rendition of Cruel Angel's Thesis during the finale was really good
I call this a lie unless you post your hand.
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Fuck off, SHITccolo scum
I have lost all respect for Goku and Bejita because of these threads.
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Here it is. The Shimada one is in this folder next to the Makima one: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18MM0_njqH0Lxb7FsZrJ1yx2E31i7Rwu6.

Kek I made both of these edits ages ago. Glad to see they are still being posted.
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They have a lot in common
Hey its me! Goku! AMA
What do Chi Chi's lips taste like?
Bejita has never losted a fight. He only jobbed which is not technically losing.
What kind of men do you prefer?
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>He only jobbed which is not technically losing.
Jobbing is making a character lose via author fiat when in reality he would have lost.
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Kek. Thanks.
Can I have a template?
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>making a character lose (...) when in reality he would have lost.
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Can I have a template, please?
Meant to say "would have won" but I was in a hurry to do something irl.
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Just search cry template in the archives.
Both are optional pedo moeshit installments
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Being the strongest has a price.
>top image is like 60 years after the bottom image
>upa is only a young man and bora just looks middle-aged
Why are white men like this?
Is that scooby doo?
>pedophilia out of nowhere
based bleachbro
Can you delete the footage where I lost?
>pedophilia out of nowhere
based piccolobro
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>Off to go training with Beerus again Cheelai? .....okay
k, b, c
Why did Nuly say this though?
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Watch a real alien break some moves.
Related to Jiren.
>that absolute calm as the ki blasts explode behind her
>after being hit by Broly, the only thing she's worried about is her modesty
Holy fuck!
It's DRAGONBAL with 1 "L".
Broly wouldn't care.
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B..but we love moefriends here.
>*sniff* I don't care!
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NOOOO! Has HAS to care or else my cuck fantasies aren't as hot!
Farewell scholars. Till next time.
He wouldn't.
Kek what a bunch of kwabs
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This happened.
Enny Renny Roo
Where are you
We got some work to do now
Enny Renny Roo
Where are you
We need some help from you now
They were spammed to death.
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...except for er*sfaggots, they get the rope.
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where is aiCHAD?
Jirenposting is easily the most cancerous to come out of these threads. No one but you retards jirenfags like this shitty character.
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how many of you even are there in these threads? we should count out everyone who is here one at a time. i guess i'll start. i'm number one.
Decisive Battle and Rei I and II
EVA is for trannies btw.
Your hero.
Your favorite Konosuba girl.
Wtf is this? Reading this fanfiction that is super for the first time and I get to this part. I need to watch some movie between chapters 4 and 5? At least write which one. Frieza coming back seems like a pretty big deal why is it brushed over in a single panel
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Holy fuck, you'll NEVER guess.
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He woke up from a dream.

(it was about Super)
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Can I kiss Asuka's hands? They are pretty cute.
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>Twittercordjaks in 2024
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>Goku being shot at?
Oops, sorry, gifrel.
>Yes, but those pods are not saiyans..
Yes but the saiyans are inside, that means the dragon can't interfere.
>Why not? Pan's eyes are still being rehydrated, aren't they?
I'm not really sure...
>That's going against the whole purpose of his creation. Why didn't Dr. Gero programe the computer properly?
He did, and Cell knew what he was "programmed" for but his genes were stronger, another failure from Dr. Gero's part.
>I mean, he didn't have to punch him like that..
He can take it.
>Yes, but it's obviously some kind of coincidence..
There are no coincidences...
>If it was a bug, then I imagine it would make those sounds..
Why, maybe it was juicy?
>Not on purpose? Why did the tournament officials involve themselves?
Officials? It was just one guy with a clipboard.
>Did you notice how she stopped herself from hitting the ground?
I did?
They would have in DBGT.
>Buu was able to sense billions of people from Kami's location..
Hmm, was even able to sense ki?
>Pan never ate that bug..
I mean, how can you deny the facts!?
>........The chef has left everything up to the staff to carry on cooking on his behalf. The customers visiting that restaurant won't know the difference..
That would depend on what type of restaurant we are talking about....
>Pan was right to be suspicious about him. What if Giru had been the villain that she suspected all along?
But he wasn't, and Pan did more than suspect him, all that physical and mental abuse suffred at her hands? Was she also right to act like that?
>Did Goku lose any memories during Pilaf's wish?
No, but his brain became one of a child, right?
>In which ball does he live inside of?
He doesn't live insed the balls...
>Giru had the advantage of being a Machine Mutant..
Don't try to blame Geerus for her inabilities.
>To escape from Luud..
How exactly did they accomplish that?
What happened?
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>HBOCris still hiding behind my hero's wife
No surprises there, seeing as she hides her chest behind a stack of pads too!
Future Trunks.
Do you think Aqua's boobs are padded?
Why aren't the CHADmericans posting fucked up porn?
Her ass is padded. With my cock.
Goku Black...
Mommy Wiz
Imagine if Golu actually did something.
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am i still gonna enjoy reading the manga even though i already know every major plot point from hearing other people talk about it because i put off reading it for a decade?
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You mean Super manga?
>enjoy reading Toyo's toilet papper
dragon ball in its entirety
There's nothing to enjoy out of the super manga.It's no supper, it's cold supper at best.
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HBOC is a shameful act and whoever does such a thing should be ashamed
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We love Toyo here.
Fuck, is this real????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????!?!?!????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!>_>!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!????
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nuly lost
Why dead thread?
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The thread is real slow when the turdkubitch isn't crying about bejita/jiren/tien/piccolo/whichever character is his current boogeyman
We're watching the Euro.
I'm playing video games.
>I'm gugu dada
Gentlemen, please.
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I saw a fellow LuppiGOD in that thread
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Chest padding is a shameful act and whoever does such a thing should be ashamed.
I've been jerking off and shitting at the same time, all while being spun out on meth. You should try it, it's like your in the very center of the universe all while taking a huge dick in your ass, greatest FUCKING feeling ever.

My hero? Zly.
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then he jobbed xD
Ore wa Super Penaldo!
/dbs/ is dead, why are you still here?
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>Oops, sorry, gifrel.
I thought Beerus destoryed them?
>Yes but the saiyans are inside, that means the dragon can't interfere.
That's true, but the saiyans are completely separate from the pods..
>He did, and Cell knew what he was "programmed" for but his genes were stronger, another failure from Dr. Gero's part.
Can Cell really override his own genes?
>He can take it.
Sure, but Goku could've just grabbed him instead of punching him..
>There are no coincidences...
I think another example is required..
>Why, maybe it was juicy?
Didn't you mention it was a Dung Beetle?
>Officials? It was just one guy with a clipboard.
Only the tournament officials can involve themselves, when attendees are violating the rules..
>I did?
And we acknowledge that gravity played a part in that, right?
>They would have in DBGT.
Is there any proof? I've never actually seen this..
>Hmm, was even able to sense ki?
What about the scene of him walking around Kami's place?
>I mean, how can you deny the facts!?
Because there was no mention of it and we never saw it..
>That would depend on what type of restaurant we are talking about....
Any restaurant that has a chef known for his unique cooking skills..
>But he wasn't, and Pan did more than suspect him, all that physical and mental abuse suffred at her hands? Was she also right to act like that?
Pan literally didn't do anything to Giru, infact I will make the claim that he was being violent and playing the victim..
>No, but his brain became one of a child, right?
How come he didn't lose all of his memories? In theory, Goku should've forgotten everything after DB..
>He doesn't live insed the balls...
Where does he live?
>Don't try to blame Geerus for her inabilities.
Geerus? Pan stood no chance against a highly advanced lifeform..
Giru's involvemnent in the game ought to be scrutinized..
>How exactly did they accomplish that?
>What happened?
Hmm.........I think it would be better for you to watch those episodes..
Just to suffer. Every night I can feel my leg
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>What do we like?
>What do we post?
>How do we fight?
>Your role mode?
>BLACKED out of nowhere
Why is "he" like this?
I don't think that's your leg...
I know you are joking but black men are pretty kino.
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waiting for more traply kino
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O..of course Master Tien!
>Who do we love?
>What are they?
>What do they deserve!
>What's on our mind?
Can't do that, I've been holding my shit in for six days now.
Stop HBOC you pathetic fatherless MAGGOT.
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OUR hero!
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The MAIN characters of DRAGON BALL
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I do not look like that.
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Fucking gold.
I miss the B.
You fat BITCH.
You need to stop obsessing over these thread personalities.
That's the first step towards improving these threads.
How would Master Shen feel about this?
Do not order me around you fucking bitch.
There's no improving these threads, the schizos won. The scholars lost and the old guards left.
All the good posters left, too.
stop bullying the panfriends
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Why are you shocked? You're the one that did that, you freak of nature.
In the sweltering summer of ‘97, Uub chased down and brutally raped SHARTku’s ass.
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Uub’s hard, black dick.
Chi-Chi big ol’, jiggly white ass.
A careless, unsuspecting husband.

Do the math.
>so, we gonna fight or something?
>i dunno
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Did Gohan think this was normal?
Uub is a hindu or something.
What, you can't do that? Amateur.
>Uub, I have to leave the earth. Take good care of Chi-Chi and my children.
>Don't worry Goku, I'll take REAL GOOD care of your wife, hehe... and uh your children of course.
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Make the next thread NOW!
>Toyo's headcanon babble that Toriyama shut down
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Cell max is better
*Toyo's canon that Toriyama contradicted with slopcanon
Your IDOL fucking KNEELED to his MASTERS Toriyama and Toei. And so should you.
>things that never happened
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