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>anime is now mainstream enough to consistently compete against mega western productions in their own backyard on a weekly basis
What happened?
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Zoomers entered in full force
People like you happened.
>what do they think about my hobby? how do normalfags react to it? what are the most popular ecelebs interested in it?
Zoomers have always existed.
They were invented in the last 10 years.
American media sucks at entertaining shonen spics nowadays. Everything cable shits out is designed to appeal to middle aged women
>refreshing amount of creativity
say that to the fifteen new isekai every season
zoomers consume more anime/manga/webtoons than western media and it's not even close
>especially if you're new to the genre
Anime is not a genre.
What is this /v/ level of obsession with what normalfag thinks?
lmao get fucked Disney. Keep on spending $250 million dollars every year on a new Star Wars production. It's sure been working out.
>season finale generates "engagement"
whatever the fuck that means
So true.
Zoomers aren't 10 years old they're 25+ for the oldest.
Or are you talking about the term zoomer and the connotation behind it ?
SEAsians all got internet at the same time. Whenever I look up something about anime online 80% of the commenters are SEAmonkeys.
It was just a dumb joke.
after reading only the first word of your rambling I would suggest some meds
Jews controlling Hollywood isn't even a conspiracy. They don't even hide it themselves. You need to go back.
I specifically said
>If you're new to the medium
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Someone completely ruined media for the average man. Even people who aren't willing to admit what is happening know that something is wrong western media. Anime, especially if you're new to the genre, offers a refreshing amount of creativity. Combine the feelings you had when you were first introduced to the medium with the fact that it's an instant relief from the incessant sociopolitical pandering of western media and it's not hard to see why it's trending
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>a refreshing amount of creativity.
Not everyone has been watching anime since 1985 grandpa
anime really isn't that good, retards. Western movies and TV-shows have fewer but definitely way higher peaks
But none of these peaks are in OP list. Current landscape is quite bleak.
Check the wording of your pasta before posting it
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Anime cliches are different from western cliches, and there's a much greater variety of content being made for anime so it takes a lot longer before you become jaded about the cliches. Less if you only like 1 or 2 genres, I guess.
Western productions may be abundant, but anime has consistently evolved to a point of absolute mastery in recent years, thus gaining a substantial following.
Anime has developed and matured, transcending the realm of mere entertainment to become a medium of art, with intricate storylines, relatable characters and stunning visuals. It's no longer "just anime", it's a force to be reckoned with.
Wtf is this retarded engagement score? It means nothing. Go back to /v/ you fucking faggots.
Any shonen-slop is way better than an average American TV show, boomers were in denial because "animation is something for kids" but now the demography is changing.
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I can't wait for the next movie where the ugly black woman who is super smart, highlighted only by the fact she's surrounded by bumbling idiotic white men (I hate white men), saves the day from the bad guy who's based on the fictionalized exaggeration of Nazis (god I hate white men so much bros) while shitting on religion and telling me to buy Pepsi products
You don't need to pretend you like anime ironically. It own't earn you brownie poiints here.
Calm down anon. We all know we only are here for the cute girls.
Nothing new to see.

AoT and Cyberpunk: Edgelords was also a huge anime in the West.
I think it's really just the transition among younger generations to more short-term, less involved content: Youtube videos, twitter feeds, tiktok, etc. Pretty much every young person I've spoken to or seen talk about anime and manga is engaging with it on a very shallow level. Even on this board, the vast majority of discussion is just centered around fight scenes and dumb powerlevel shit.
>repsonding to chatgpt posts
Zoom zoom
do you really need to write all this to justify your likes?
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I... can no longer tell.
I mean if a normalfag picks up Demon Slayer the reused tropes are gonna fly over their head. There are barely any modern western shows with determined goody two shoes protags
Correct, and western suits want to ruin that, too.

>Anime is not a genre.
Also correct.
> Even on this board, the vast majority of discussion is just centered around fight scenes and dumb powerlevel shit.
What are you talking about? Outside of shounen threads no one cares about those. The vast majority of posts on /a/ are either shitposting or image dumps.
Why watch anime, or any other media really, when you can watch 1 minute short recaps done by indians on youtube? Like >>268350510
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Rhaenyra a shit
Brutal trvth nvke
Modern anime is also propaganda, it's just more subtle than putting black people in the frame like furniture. But even Hollywood used to be subtle in the 70s-80s.
Season 3 gonna break top 3 on MAL for a few months. This is why it received an anime in the first place
>online engagement
this means indians and other retarded races
Angel Cop dub is insanely funny. If you've never watched the dub before I would check it out
Shounen threads are what get the most engagement though. And most of the storytime threads are lacking in actual discussion. Let me revise and say that most of the discussion is similarly shallow and stupid. The point that I was getting at is that people aren't getting into anime because it's an untapped market overflowing with creativity or anything like that, they get into it because most anime is really accessible and easy to mindlessly consume.
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>Propaganda about raising a family with a cute wife
Oh no how could they do this
Used to be rare to find somebody else that liked my hobbies but when I did we were instantly friends. Now there are many people that like them but they like them the wrong way and are massive faggots that should die.
This but unironically
Humanity is doomed. Even at such a crude stage we can still be fooled.
By image dumps I meant cute girls dumps not storytimes and shounen threads move rather slow outside of 3 generals. When I got into anime as a teenager it was becasue of something I’ve not seen before at that time(ecchi and gore in animation). I imagine that at least some of the people are doing it because of that. I know that everything popular is because of mass appeal and not necessarly quality but that’s besides the point. And last but not least 4chan is not a good site for discussion and it has never been one.
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>online engagement
Means nothing when the internet are filled with Chinese, Indians and other third worlders
In a healthy society propaganda is used to shore up basic stuff like that, instead of subverting the population. Constantly sending messages that it's good to reproduce and marry and remain faithful to your wife is a form of propaganda, but it's good propaganda, because the results are beneficial for everyone.
Maybe it's just me but it feels like Western series don't have a target audience, or target it weakly. It's like no matter the story they must absolutely have 50% of the screentime dedicated to drama/romance/sex, stuff I don't care about. But it's nothing new
Modern western shows are targeted to middle aged wine aunts. I have two that watch only western slop.
I bet you think The Sopranos is uniquely good and not just a soap opera with guidos.
Excessive verbosity that says little is the calling card.
Like 90% of ChatGPT's 'casual speech' is derived from top Reddit forums, so you get that verbose pseudo-intellectualism throughout everything it generates.
Western entertainment is dead, killed by DEI, leftism, the cult of ugliness, political propaganda, browns and general lack of quality.
>9. The Simpsons
please tell me this is due to reruns
>Cyberpunk: Edgelords
Dunno how you could call Cyberpunk particularly edgy.
It is the default background filler in a million households.
No one watching TV? Put the Simpsons on for background noise and go about your day.
The general impression I've gotten over the past few years from social media and real life is that most people, especially younger people, have a very low to nonexistent level of critical engagement with media. This is why short-form content is so popular—it's really easy to consume. I fit anime into this category because most of it is really dumb and easy to binge without ever turning on your brain.
Literally nobody was talking about it until the last 3 episodes
Anyone who is intelligent doesn't discuss media they like online. Not with all the cancerous "fanbases" that surround everything.
This Anon >>268351780 is actually right. Western media tends to cater to childless wine aunts who got suckered into having a "career" instead of a family and now Western media is basically catering to them as a kind of security blanket because it's telling them how awesome they are and how they didn't ruin their lives. It sounds utterly absurd when you say it like that but it's actually true. Western media really is catering to old childless feminists.
anime is always high engagement on twitter, if they include japanese tweets, the top 3 will pretty much always be anime
>4chan understands anime is fairly mainstream, with anime such as the Pokemon movie beating out Hollywood shit, doesn't make a big deal of it
>2024 now that every monkey in a poor western country has an internet connection
>"Why is anime suddenly mainstream" threads with screenshots of normalfag shit posted constantly
What happened?
the bear s3 was shite
Because Pokemon, Digimon and the sort usually fitted very well in the western animation canon that animation is for kids so topping the charts isn't anything weird for Minons or Paw Patrol. It was a good fit.
Something very different to have Kimetsu no Yaiva and fucking Mushokou Tensei being there.
>anime is mainstream
But don't younger people also like 2+ hour long video essays
Dunno if it's the same with anime but I know they'll watch those instead of playing a game.
I am based and redpilleding your post before even reading past the first sentence. And yes, I will be savoring the rest of your post as well. The 3tsubocchi thumbnail alone cinched it.
Sadly this is true. It's just 20 years or so behind the Hollywood pipeline
Good point.
>from top Reddit forums
But that would make it a pro at talking like an /a/non.
>IDF has deposited one rupee in your account.
>Pokemon, Digimon
>Something very different to have Kimetsu no Yaiva
All have the same target audience, niwaka.
Is it mediocre? My friend loves it but I watched one episode and already my gut instinct was that it would be boring.
It is good if you once watched The Young and the Restless and found yourself liking it more than you should.
Exaggerated character drama and stacked idiot plots but if you really like that type of soapy writing it is good.
too many non-whites in western media
the quality is abysmal now
>And last but not least 4chan is not a good site for discussion and it has never been one.
Then no such site exists.
I mean I agree and enjoyed reading your post but parents whose kids have grown up probably mass consume those shows as well
>Exaggerated character drama and stacked idiot plots
sounds like typical anime drama
Thank you for baseding me bro. Have a good one.
Never watched that but okay. Thanks anon.
So The Sopranos is on the tier of a typical anime drama. Thanks, I won't keep watching it then.
>It is good if you once watched The Young and the Restless
Anon... My 84 year old grandmother watched that. That shit is old.
Utterly Correct. American media is a complete and utter shell of what it once was. You can't go a single fucking episode of anything without "insert socio-political commentary about a current issue from someone out of touch" happening every 15 minutes.
Well no need to be thanking me for this, but you're welcome. I just replied out of courtesy and respect for you.
God I dropped KnY and MT this season for THIS EXACT reason
They're making this shit too mainstream
NTA but you'd be surprised, for instance none of the original Halo fanbase watches the Halo TV show. My aunt does though, who hates video games. Poetic irony really, since the Halo show bastardized Halo.
This is the most harrowing image I've ever seen.
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I don't mind watching a rare gem not and then, but really Western media is a poisoned well at this point.
I'm not even American - I don't give a shit about your new religion that's basically just reskinned communism but with victim group hierarchy instead of proletariat/bourgeoisie.
First, I'm kind of at the receiving end here, thanks to being a healthy, white, male human being, second - it's just fragrantly retarded. I don't need it.
I will just watch my oriental cartoons.
Wow, that anecdote is pretty surprising. Interesting stuff. But lots of moms I know consume kdramas nonstop so I would assume moms are no exception to the "aunts watching halo tv" case.
Shut the fucking fuck up you dumb fucking kike/dubnigger
>But lots of moms I know consume kdramas nonstop
Never met any of those kinds of people. Then again, I live in America and not Asia.
Well, I live in Canada. The rest is self-explanatory.
Western garbage changes a man
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...into picrel.
You are pretty stupid, so I can only assume you weren't alive during the 90s. You're talking about rare case of children anime getting mainstream popularity and achieving good box offices results, but that really only applied to Pokemon, Yugioh, DBZ and maybe Digimon. Anime may have achieved greater awareness by this point, but it wasn't exactly mainstream.

The landscape is completely different these days. Anime can easily beat mainstream movies on a regular basis in the box office, and can easily be more popular then many mainstream American shows, despite not being merchandise driven kids anime. Hell, even a Japanese media Godzilla movie can be brought to the USA and beat out many Hollywood movies. This would have been unheard off back in the day.
Sounds like a "you" problem
I find them creative. What are you going to do? Cry?
>Series where the main character is a man abandoned by society and his family who reincarnates into a fantasy world where he gets three women who love him and he has a loving family
I fucking wonder?
Ok retard
> healthy, white, male human being
Imagine that kind of self-identification. Pure idpol brainrot.
No idea how these series did relative to anything else, but when I was a kid everyone my school during the late 80s to mid 90s knew Godzilla, Power Rangers, and whatever anime was on television at the time like Devilman & Macross. Given this, it feels hard to believe the level of success you describe being "unheard of", unless you only count the absolutely most successful Hollywood movies.
The kids watching Pokemon and Digimon 23 years ago are adults who can pay for Amazon Prime today. The viewing charts reflect that.
The passage of time can be disturbing, but we can't stop it.
I recommended Jellyfish to my workmates and now I'm officially a pedo.
>What happened?
Everyone under ~35 grew up watching anime on Toonami as a kid and never stopped watching anime as an adult.
Americans got their media pozzed and their own people flee to one that it wasn't pozzed
Now they are trying to get that one pozzed as well
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So many zoomers are being mad over the slightest fanservice and seething over characters like Mineta that it's just unreal.
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What does this mean?
Many notable figures in the industry such as Hayao Miyazaki are champagne socialists.
Tons of famous series such as Cyborg 009 preach about the strength of diversity.
Flaming faggot is a very common character archetype, especially in kids media.
Yaoi exists.

What's the difference between this stuff and whatever you /tv/ tourists call pozzed?
How does /a/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
the west has produced nothing but woke slop for 15 years
are your workmates lesbian?
>Definitions from Wiktionary (pozzed) ▸ adjective: (slang) HIV positive. ▸ adjective: (slang, derogatory, far-right subcultures) Culturally or ethnically diverse, or left-leaning and adhering to political correctness. Found in concept groups: Drunkenness or being drunk Extreme patriotism.
Kimetsu no Yaiba is just the same as other shounens but worse, so i don't think there is any problem with it being so popular. I believe that the true problem is how empty media is becoming. Older media had a story to tell, an artistic intention or other goal behind it. In the early 2000s I was reading fables, book for kids and Disney movies, they were good narratives with substantial content and they could even teach good moral lessons to kids. But lately with the high flow of information is transforming media into a more empty thing. The stories and its fundamentals are getting weaker, something you can easily connect and disconnect with, like Bauman would say. To make it short, the current internet development is changing the way we interact with the world, letting it more empty and ephemeral.

That's why even anime remakes of other series are poor. Say, Urusei Yatsura 2022 is obviously an anime for a tik tok audience, even the opening runs around lip sync dances. The colors are way too flashy and Lum is just a hot bitch now, because people are simply just more attracted to superficial things now. That seasonal anime that got popular here too, that Lv2 Kara thing.
I don't get it. Unless this is about the fact a shit ton of Pajeets are flooding Canada.
They made the ogre known for only wearing a bikini look identical to how she appeared in the manga. Media has fallen.
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Hollywood fucking imploded. Why else do you think (((Master)))card went nuclear on Pixiv?
What site is this?
Dude, are you watching The Boys new season? Scratch that, are you watching The Boys at all? Even the worst isekai you can think of is a billion times better, I wouldn't even call it a series because the whole thing is just a compilation of bad jokes with no direction or coherence whatsoever.
You say that as if the most anime aren't made to cater to childless virgin neets
Nta, but your image showcases something that I think Hollywood is incapable of. Which is actually writing a diverse range of characters and not almost exclusively trying to showcase minority groups as role models. On this chart, you have guys like Sylvando, who's a really supportive companion and bro. To a gay prison rapist, and the deplorable homos and trannies from Tokyo Ghoul. Basically, Japan doesn't have a fear of exploring different character types, no matter how extreme. Meanwhile, Hollywood is too focused on maintaining a clean image.
The only anime on this list the most generic battle shonen ever and the most generic isekai ever.
But /a/ told me Mushoku Tensei was le based and redpilled and that it would filter normalfags en masse?
I think these threads are more of an excuse for anons to freely yell about people they don’t like. It’s entirely pointless ragebait that anons fall for EVERY SINGLE TIME. In other words it’s typical /v/ behavior. I personally ignore these threads because I’m fully aware of what they’re like and this one is no exception
What wokeshit did boys do this time?
not in the US
I hate MT and I struggle to understand why normalfags don't. Unlike most of this board I'm not dumb enough to think the masses are progressive but I still would have expected a lot of it to be off-putting to them, it's off-putting to me almost.
>The Acolyte
>8th place
holy lmao
I cant read this ooga booga language
>not multilingual
>refreshing amount of creativity
Where? Every good anime has ripped off better Western media. You can listen to/read interviews of your favorite creators where they mention their inspirations and they will mention something Western. The little bit of creativity in anime used to be in animation and we don't even have that any more.
the same autistic cretin you see watching demon slayer 100% is also watching pokemon, sonic, or my little pony
Im a turbonormalfag and I hate MT. The scene where he crawls around as a baby with his mother’s panties on his face made me drop it
[citation needed]
take you med.
Because you're female.
>I'm a turbo normalfag
And your kind isn't welcome here.
A ghost told me while I was time-traveling in a semi-conscious state.
western productions went to utter shit last decade
Big shoutouts to moot for the wonderful gift of the /pol/ "containment board"
It's been years since I watched modern Western media and I don't even miss it. And I'm not just talking about the forced woke shit. Are there any films and TV series after 2010 that are truly original and creative? Today it's all continuation "Spider-Man goes shopping" "Batman and the Bat Cave" "Superman with kryptonite in his ass". I'm not fawning over Japan, but it's a fact that the variety of entertainment is what attracts so many people. Even hentai is better than western 3d porn.
Blade Runner 2049 mogs most anime
Normalfag website now loser
2% of the population. 60% of Hollywood.
streaming sites can fake the numbers dumbass
everything you see online is bought and paid for
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Blade Runner 2049 is sweet but animanga has been carrying the cyberpunk genre since the original came out in 82. Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Battle Angel Alita
People that grew up with anime as kids kept with the habit as adults.

I think anime also has better pacing than a lot of prestige drama because of the 22 minute format. So it always feels like stuff is happening and like you get your money's worth while a lot of newer television feels slow and bloated.
the last western movie I watched that I thought was good is beau is afraid. it's psychological horror
Because Jews, women and boomers also ruined all other online spaces, driving 'turbo normalfags' here in turn ruining this place too.
name one valuable thing you have produced with your time
"anime appraiser" doesn't count
The group of people who come here to discuss anime have mostly been on the site for a decade plus and remember when that was the purpose, and don't think of it as just a place where you can post "nigger"
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My hands have touched thousands of cars/trucks/pieces of heavy equipment/boats etc that keep society functioning as whole. If you're a woman idk why you're here. If you're a Jew you aren't the Jews anyone is talking about and should know your disproportionately represented in media and finance
A decade ago was 2014. It's closer to two decades at this point.
>weebs getting uppity again
woke inside out 2 came out a few weeks ago and already is the highest grossing film of the year, made 1 billion beating barbies record

wokeness has won and disney is dominating box office this year and the following years
I kind of understand why /a/ doesn't want anime to get more popular After seeing a bunch of seething Gookfags spamming the board like a jealous neighbor, it's fucking annoying
what i can do with this news?
bragging in /co?
This is not looking good fellas
DEI mandates
With as many outlets as KnY has listed compared to the rest, you'd think it would be the #1 show in human history.
Let's the Nips cook
Mushoku Tensei STRONG
I could've never imagined Mushoku Tensei being a mainstream thing in 2015 when I read the WN.

But to answer your question I think it's just a matter of accessiblity. Anime is no longer confined to niche fansub torrent sites. Every normie can easily view it in their catalog on streaming service like Netflix/Amazon/Disney
What if I like anime that is based on samurai books? Also that western media itself ripped off other western media which ripped of other western/eastern media etc. There is not a single original or creative piece of fiction in the last 200 years by that logic
>whatever happened there..
I watched 1 minute of it and they were cussing incessantly to show how "mature" it is. Trash.
every kid in the U.S knew about Pokemon 25 years ago, I'm guessing it was like that in other firstie countries too
Ive never watched a single episode of any of those
Who are the target audience for modern shows?
>look up something about anime online
That includes /a/ I hope, because this board is home for SEAniggers now
Yeah, you're exchanging culture for demographics.
Is it because of marketing? Just like Korea's K-POP, Japan wants to sell anime all over the world.

And hollywood imploded because of COVID.
Where's this from? I have yet to see a normalfag that even knows Mushoku Tensei exists.
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I was shocked to see #1, honestly

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