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>let's all take jabs at the blonde girl who said cheating is wrong
>falls into mob mentality
>finally apologizes for doing nothing wrong
They never said she was wrong about that. Sylphie was referring to her pushing her religious beliefs on others.
>I like being a cuckqueen stop being such a religious chuddy
I haven't read this in years and I remember that scene. Her sister is the product of "cheating" and she's denying her existence. It's super rude and she deserves a spanking and anal as punishment.
why does Norn care who her brother fucks? she should mind her own business. stupid little bitch
>Her sister is the product of "cheating"
That doesn't make cheating okay.
>thinks cheating is le bad
Nothing makes loudly yelling "my sister shouldn't exist" okay. Being right doesn't make you correct, and Norn isn't even right her religion is stupid.
Literally nothing wrong with polygyny. Redditors forever seething.
No one said that you disingenuous hack. Saying “rape is bad” does not mean you are telling the child of rape to kill themselves.
This is why abortion exists, y'know. Kys
False equivalency. You're a retard and an aspie.
I wonder if you guys would have the same mentality if your wife had multiple suitors.
Norn was in the wrong
You should be used to everyone in Mushoku Tensei being retarded. It's literally the only way the plot can work
Men and women aren't equal.
I would never have multiple wives to begin with and neither would you since this isn't an unrealistic wish fulfillment fantasy world.
Having Sylphie for example have side men, a boyfriend and a few sex friends would push anons to suicide.
It’s not at all. Let me replace the single word so your addled mind can comprehend:
> No one said that you disingenuous hack. Saying “cheating is bad” does not mean you are telling the child of cheating to kill themselves
You could also replace it with incest or any other word you’d like that pertains to sexual reproduction
Her existing does not make cheating okay. If she can't handle the truth it's her problem. Norn did nothing wrong.
You're retarded. Nigger-tier stupid. Gas station clerk level stupid.
Cheating is bad
>Rudy, it's okay for her to have sex with someone else besides you when she's pregnant and you mourn the death of your piece of shit father. She was sad that you aren't there besides her. You should have expected this. No one should push their stupid religious ideology to you or her!
>Gas station clerk level stupid.
Based Aisha one-upping her older sister.
Based Norn for not taking it serious and just playing around with her.
I really wish everyone who watches this slop a slow agonizing death
>doesn't know what words mean
>uses them anyways
would be a shame if you ever shut the fuck up and not act like a retard
When does Rudeus start adventuring again? Fighting mobs, pushing his magic to the limits, and etc.
>rape is when both say yes
look i know your therapist said what your uncle did wasn't ok just because you asked him for it
but the situation here is different
He just returned from a big adventure, anon.
From now on, he'll go on missions.
>Being right doesn't make you correct
Being right does make you correct, retard. What are you an isekai protagonist? You're as retarded as one. Saying cheating is bad doesn't dematerialize every child created via cheating. Your retarded argument that the ends justify the means is so fucking retarded that I can tell you're a liberal because only liberals could be this retarded.
man I love how she said that so much, Aisha is so fucking adorable
retarded nazioid crying about cheating as if thats any relevance for him with his limp dick not ever getting any pussy
>Gas station clerk level stupid.

The projection is wild
>I wonder if you guys would have the same mentality if your wife had multiple suitors.
Does said wife pay all the bills, bring home the bacon, and protect the family? If so, fine, she can have multiple simps if she can afford it. She better be sexually aggressive too. The simps get to cook, clean and take care of her kids.
Stop being mean to Norn. Her religious grandmother taught her to be like that
I didn't think there would be an episode that makes me cringe harder than the seiyuu radio walk of shame this season, yet here we are.
Sylphie should get a male lover to sleep with when rudy is sleeping with his second wife. Otherwise it's not fair.
She deserves to be mocked
Gary stu harem king MC is always correct and right, stupid anime girl
sounds like normal sisters
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I agree, genders should have equal rights
wait until his third wife gets back lol lmao even
Did you even watch this scene?
Aisha was talking about the fact that everything Norn said could be applied to Lilia and her, so she indirectly insulted them. Norn didn't realize that at the time, and that's what Aisha refers to.
OK Abu-Sven al-Stockholmi
Only if my wife was the queen.
>t. Luke
Mushoku fans are redditors and this is reddit's favorite anime. They would go out of their way to prep their wife's bulls (especially out of fear).
And? "I wouldn't wish my situation on another kid" is a perfectly fine opinion, even if, in this case, it turned out okay
People here are thinking that larping as a player on the netz is based and redpilled and that owning the libtards is all that matters.
I don't get the hate on Norn; whats the fun in including polygamy in your story if there isn't any opposition to it?
I didn't like the ending. I was so invested in this series because of its Oscar worthy quality. But why did they have to go with polygamy? Rudy only needs 1 wife and that's Sylphie
It's not actually polygamy if only the man is allowed to fuck around.
It needs polygamy because otherwise the losers watching will get mad their waifu lost over the others and since it wouldn't make sense to keep rudeus single forever like in other harem shows he just marries them all
And you'll coordinate with your fellow simps on which days who gets to fuck your wife? Engage in a ménage à trois or the like where you stimulate another man's prostate to arouse her? And help establish a clear uke-seme pecking order to prevent any infighting all to support your loving though distant and distracted woman of choice?
That is a perfectly fine opinion. However, as Norn's reaction suggest, she didn't mean to insult Aisha and Lilia.
>*inserts the argument of monogamy being a thing only recently (see 1800s) and it was uncommon for people to have multiple wives*
The issue is that by rejecting Sylphie's acceptance of Roxy she's rejecting her own mother's acceptance of Lilia, and the legitimacy of Paul's relationship with Lilia and Aisha.
a man is not a man until he has 3 wives
Rudeus Greyrat (pbuh) is a prophet and roxy is our Goddess
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why does she choose to be meido instead of studying or training? Her mother was a decent fighter and royal bodyguard until she took a poison dagger to the knee.
Lilia groomed her into being a faithful servant to Rudeus.
In end she was type "janitor who is high member of big secret organization" type of maid
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It's an inoffensive way to be close to her mother, much like how Rudy was happy to train with Paul even though he didn't have talent for it.
Why is this a seperate thread?
Stay in your fucking containment thread
Clean it up janny
I don't know man.
Reddit only allows one thread on this series
per episode
why can't this place be more like there.
if you post your username i'll
upvote your profile
you're speaking truth.
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Lolilia is so cute~
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The author knew that the harem would never work if Sylphy was anything other than a complete doormat, but he also wanted some kind of pushback otherwise it would have been too contrived. The solution was choosing the character with the least amount of authority and who's the easiest to discredit to speak up.
Truly a master of his craft.
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It gets better. He will redeem himself.
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Total MT domination
I honestly believe that they should stop producing other isekais for a while they should gather all the available budget available from the other planned isekai adaptions and just pour them into MT until it's fully adapted.
Nothing can stop Mushoku Tensei, truly.
no shit he knew already harem would not with eris being the first one which is why he created a forced drama to make them split so rudy can fuck around,
she should get bred by a certain green haired chad five hundred years older than her
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>muh forced
Nothing was forced and there was no drama.
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Pretty much no drama, only thing happened was that he almost became impotent. But that's a good thing.
>cheating is… LE GOOD… unless it happens to me
men and women are not the same. Sorry not sorry femcelanons
it's not cheating. roxy groomed rudy as a child, then she raped him at his lowest moment.
No abortion exists because women don't want responsibility for sleeping around
Polygamy is a shitty relationship structure that falls apart faster than most, but it'd be acceptable enough if it wasn't built on cheating and breaking promises in this case.
only sylphie truly loves rudeus
unless he sleeps with actual whores. then she'll divorce him and dies instead.
not the same in some things. Cheating viewed as disgusting is something that happens with both genders.
Why is millis church the biggest cunts in the story?
>hoards all the best healing magic books
>refuses to allow healers to learn decent healing
>sends assassins and kill squads after anyone who might know some higher level healing
>tortured, killed and crucified Rudeuses family and friends in one timeline
Why isn't this shitty death cult wiped out yet?
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Now why would they ever share? Asura is the richest country in the world. Millis has the edge when it comes to military force and monopoly on certain magic types. Why would they squander their advantage.

Also it's thanks to millis chads that necromancy is now completely extinct. They're also one of the few reasons the central continent is more or less prospering since they're the bulwark against the demonoids and first line of defense.
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Rudeus is a big pussy who was able to survive only thanks to his OP powers and extremely friendly environment.
Why do writers even put in killjoy characters like Norn?
Even Simpsons at it's peak couldn't pull off Killjoy Marge
Everyone reads/watch thing for why thing is popular, not to hear someone shit on why you came to read/watch thing.
>Millis has the edge when it comes to military force
Lol. Therese who's like advanced is their strongest swordswoman. Ariel's guard could take over Millis on their own
it's so funny how people call this power fantasy slop "peak fiction"
Name a good well known series that isn't a form of power fantasy.
girls' last tour
people always had sex outside of their relationship, it's a natural thing - as it is natural to find someone else attractive even if you already have a partner. The only problem with cheating is if you make babies with another person because then there's two families and not enough parents - unless you marry both and provide for both. But overall, I can't find anything morally wrong with having sex with someone who isn't your partner as long as it doesn't jeopardize your relationship because you stop taking care of her. This is all teenager fear of being abandoned, once you touch on your thirties you see that sexuality is really liquid, and relationships are almost never closed, at least on a mental level. You also discover that sex is not that big of a deal and that people have sex outside of their relationships all the time and almost nothing happens.
>I do things that are excepted of me in a society
>that means women owe me sex and their loyalty
It's only a matter of time until you shot up a school and then kill yourself.
It's so fucking funny how you're going to die a virgin.
It's literally for the self gratification of the mentally ill readers.
She's there solely to be proven wrong. So the mentally ill freaks who support the poly shit in this story can point at her say "see!! see! she was wrong, that means i am validated in my sexual depravity!!"
>But overall, I can't find anything morally wrong with having sex with someone who isn't your partner
That's because you're mentally ill and have porn brain rot.

>people always had sex outside of their relationship
Only cheating scumbags. That's not everyone. And is a very, very vast minority.
>if your wife had multiple suitors
The purpose of marriage is reproduction and raising children. Since only one man can impregnate one woman at a time, it would make no sense for a harem to have multiple men and only one woman. Multiple women maximizes the amount of children that can be had and raised. "Reverse harems" don't maximize fertility, and they also introduce all sorts of conflict and danger for the children, both violence and molestation from men who have no blood connection to them while they're just trying to grow up.
>very, very vast minority
Go out and talk to real people who actually date regularly. Most either cheat or get cheated several times in the course of their lives, that's how common it is. You're a kid if you don't see this, and you still have to get past the stage where you believe what adults told you as a kid.
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Norn is a trad girl with good morals who would make a fine future wife to raise kids with in a healthy household no wonder it makes degens seethe
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so basically what you're saying that if he'd had slightly better genes and friendlier relatives the MC could have thrived in Japan as he does in the six-faced world?
I'm enjoying how this show pisses off certain schizos.
It's mentioned multiple times that Therese is the weakest member of their entire squad.
However she's still the leader because of her resourcefulness not strength.
Norn should not be allowed to talk to the man of the house like that. She stepped out of line and needed correction.
My wife is my property, I don't want anyone else to use my pants, they are mine. And IF somebody somehow will use my pants, I will discard them, simple as.
>Her existing does not make cheating okay.
You don't get to have a cake and also eat it, retard. Either she believes her sister's existence is immoral or she's a hypocrite.
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>people that are okay with themselves cheating... don't le have sex!
Random youtube shorts where "content" creators cherry pick the responses isn't actually representative of real life.
Yes. You are supportive of the idea of cheating. But you are an impotent loser who no one likes, so you can't have sex with anyone.
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When evaluating cheating it's most importantly to look at who is being cheated with and why. If Rudy cheated with some slum whore because lust eroded his standards as a person, that would be one thing. Instead he cheated with Roxy who is best girl and he's always loved, and also only interfered with Rudy's marriage on account of the fact that his marriage was effectively failing without said intervention (Rudy wanted to die, that's in part a failure on the wife's part). Therefore in this case it's morally justified for the man to cheat, because all parties ultimately benefited. Women wouldn't understand because they can't think in big picture terms, they can only think in terms of arbitrary of social stigmas and a base fear of being humiliated for going against the grain. There was room and need for multiple women in Rudy's life and he had the means to be a husband for multiple women, he made the correct choice.
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You don't get ahead in life by following the rules, anon. Sorry to hear you haven't learned that yet.
this anime has a weird way of dealing with conflicts. i first noticed this when kid rudy scolded his father for not being a "proper" father. it sets up a moral ground but fails to actually tackle the issue. instead it choose to grand stand and make rudy the paragon of virtue.
the characters may say something about it but remove that and literally nothing changes. so does it really matter what other character thinks? every problem solves itself and every loss does not affect rudy at all. he's still the same shitty person from before getting isekai'd and yet we have to suck his dick whenever he achieved something
It's always funny how clowns say "projecting" instead of "n- no u!!" when they are trying to sound smart.
>mentally ill freak trying to justify his mentally ill behavior
Many such cases.

>There was room and need for multiple women in Rudy's life
Nope. That's just called being shallow and unfaithful. Agreed upon cheating and unfaithfulness is still cheating and unfaithfulness.
The former draws attention to the mental imbalance of the kind of person that would scream arbitrary claims about a stranger that disagrees with them on the internet, whereas the latter would just be sinking to your level.

>implying the ends don't justify the means
Being a vegan is unhealthy, Greta. Also, you're reddit spacing again.
>every MT thread is now full of seething reactionary 12 year olds who haven't yet learned that their schoolteacher lied to them
Anime becoming mainstream was a mistake.
Eris' love is stronger, it's so strong Rifujin had to damage-control and have Eris "admit" hers wasn't as strong in the first place.
Just because you keep repeating "reddit spacing" over and over doesn't mean you actually fit in here.

That term was literally not even used, ever, until like 4 years ago when a small handful of redditors game here and started spamming it to try and fit in. You literally are calling standard English text formatting "reddit spacing".

Also, what the fuck point are you even trying to say about "ends justify the means". That has literally nothing to do with your mental illness and obsession with fucking multiple women because you're sexually depraved.
I don't give a FUCK about what that loser Norn thinks. This little shit gets together with Ruijerd dude.
It's not arbitrary. It's obvious what kind of person you are. You are literally an Andrew Tate wannabe.

By the way, how do you feel about the fact Tate's getting fucked in the ass by black dudes in prison?
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>so basically what you're saying that if he'd had slightly better genes and friendlier relatives the MC could have thrived in Japan
Yes, and mushoku tensei inadvertently shows that NEETdom is a social issue not a personal one.
>as he does in the six-faced world?
No way, people in real life don't have as big power gaps as those that live in pseudomedieval fantasy worlds.
>shows that NEETdom is a social issue not a personal one.
Hah, yeah. Totally. Anything to remove fault from the MC (self inserters).
that's based and completely normal
>Age gap is bigger than Norn's entire lifespan
Motherfuckers changed that scene from the LNs so they can appeal more to the haremfags and avoid drama, Norn never apologizes.
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>Also, what the fuck point are you even trying to say about "ends justify the means"
The outcome of Rudy inviting Roxy into his household was ultimately better than the alternative. Therefore, the adults involved were exercising good judgement, and Norn is a retard with bad judgment. Simple as that. Arbitrary ideals always lose against reality.
>Just because you keep repeating "reddit spacing" over and over doesn't mean you actually fit in here.
Conformism isn't the problem, aesthetics are. Certain posting formats are simply not suited for the platform they are posted on. If you're such a rebel I would suggest posting in a way that exhibits an identity while not conforming to the exact same posting style that ignorant newfags and attention addicts always default to. Also
>That term was literally not even used, ever, until like 4 years ago
"Literally", you suck at lying.
oh poor innocent anon, someday you'll grow up and realize EVERYONE cheats and they've been doing it since before porn was invented
there's no age for love
These are the same people who have never been in a relationship and have never been cheated before.
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who cares about a fictional number that the human mind cant even comprehend lol. he looks handsome ripped and healthy which is what actually matters.
My only exposure to him is that funny webm where he makes fun of /ck/. Did he have strong opinions on japan, anime, or manga?
Polygamy is fine, cheating isnt
Based. I think I look healthy and maybe even handsome but not ripped, how much time do you think I need to spend in the gym before I can walk into a primary school and pick out a ten year old?
I'd say Hitogami helped a lot too
I'd say about a year to see actual results but I don't recommend kidnapping a ten year old from school as that would land you a life sentence in prison.
That's one of the main points, yes. The way he died in his first live was to illustrate that he was a person with a fundamentally good heart who was corrupted by circumstance.
The positives outweighed the negatives.
It's hilarious how you will intentionally go out of your way to format your posts incorrectly just because you want to pretend you're not "reddit spacing".

Wow, look at all this "reddit spacing" moot did.

>Certain posting formats are simply not suited for the platform they are posted on
You mean like your cluttered mess of a post?

>better than the alternative.
The alternative of them not being morally depraved degenerates? Be a shallow unfaithful degenerate is not "good judgement".

>Arbitrary ideals always lose against reality.
The sheer irony. Because in reality monogamy developed all over the world in every single culture, entirely independent of each other.
Wasn't MT funded by an oil prince or something? Do muslims have discussions about MT and Rudeus' reltaionships?
It's funny how all the people who support poly shit are either ugly or perma virgins trying to live out their sexual fantasies on 4chan.
Are they in the room with you right now?
Thankfully no. No one wants to be around these mentally ill sex obsessed freaks.
What does inequality have to do with it ? Sylphy could find and love another guy and fuck with him while Rudeus was away, and then tell him that she loved them both. In this case, you would vomit and call Rudeus a doll and sylphy a whore. Why would that be a bad thing?
moot was an administrator, not a role model, and he probably is a redditor considering he went to google after he left. May as well try saying Hiro is proof that ESLposting is okay. If you want to spend 10 more years spouting canned defenses every time someone calls you a newfag then be my guest.
>The alternative of them not being morally depraved degenerates?
The alternative of them being unhappy, dumbass. Happiness is much more important than validating the arbitrary demands of some busybody on 4chan.
>The sheer irony. Because in reality monogamy developed all over the world in every single culture, entirely independent of each other.
Should those people exist, they aren't the ones in the show. I would suggest being happy for them instead of resentful over the fact that they succeeded the wrong way.
guys are in constant competition with other suitors their entire lives. the "gotcha" comparison falls flat on its face.
What a shame, then, that this thread has to be around your schizophrenia.
Quick question
>perugius hates demons
>plapping the migger demon literally saves the world
Is Perugius the bad guy?
That's how you know it's a roastie. To them the idea of having to compete instead of being competed for is fundamentally strange and unacceptable.
>still going out of your want to incorrectly space posts solely so you can pretend you're not "reddit spacing"
Fucking hilarious. It's even more funny because you are literally having a total mental break down over correct English formatting.

>The alternative of them being unhappy
All of the girls in the harem have points in the story were they wish they could have the MC to themselves, but decide to settle, because it's the "only option". They are not happy, they are literally just tools to pander to the author's fetishes. They objectively all have weak and shallow relationships, and are all unfaithful.

>Happiness is much more important than validating
>reee!!! the only thing that matters is my personal satisfaction!!
Why are all mentally ill woke people like this? You are exactly the same as the trannys. All you care about is your own sexuality and fetishes.

>Should those people exist, they aren't the ones in the show.
How does this even sort of disprove the point made against you. You tried to appeal to "reality" as proof your assertions are correct. Reality goes AGAINST you.
yes, which is why orsted kills him.
You do realize that you aren't actually in the same room as people who are in a thread on 4chan, right?
>Fucking hilarious. It's even more funny because you are literally having a total mental break down over correct English formatting.
Spew as many accusations as you want, I will just respond with a reminder that you were caught lying about how long people have called out reddit spacing and by extension why. You know dishonesty is a sin, right?
>All of the girls in the harem have points in the story were they wish they could have the MC to themselves, but decide to settle, because it's the "only option".
The characters are human, not omnipotent, and so they make the most correct choice among many imperfect ones.
>They are not happy,
>They objectively all have weak and shallow relationships, and are all unfaithful.
Nice headcanon.
>Why are all mentally ill woke people like this? You are exactly the same as the trannys. All you care about is your own sexuality and fetishes.
The only person so fixated on sexual particulars as to ignore the story is yourself.
>How does this even sort of disprove the point made against you. You tried to appeal to "reality" as proof your assertions are correct. Reality goes AGAINST you.
You misunderstood my point entirely. I'm not making a comparison between MT and real life, I'm saying that Norn is a short-sighted person who chooses principles over practicality in this fictional circumstance. That wouldn't change even if circumstances were changed to conform to her principles or if her principles were changed to conform to circumstances.
Unfortunately, Captain Obvious, a schizophrenic doesn't need to be in a room with anyone at all to post stupid opinions on 4chan.
Space your post correctly. I am done humoring an ESL clown. Type with correct English if you want your posts answered. They are all objectively wrong, by the way.
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anime-only here, how long until Eris comes back?
It's honestly funny how genuinely retarded you are that you can't even sort of talk coherently.
Oh, you're a nigger. That would explain why you're so stupid.

2017 is still being a newfag by the way. Reddit has existed since 4chan was made. And people on this site went well over a decade without saying "reddit spacing". You will never fit in here.
Polygamy, cheating, raping, abuse, divorce everything is based as long as it's man doing it. The fuck do you think you are normalfags? GTFO to reddit
>post video
>they think you're the person in the video
Sub-70 IQ post.
Probably 2 years.
Only niggers post nigger "music".
You still haven't answered why this site somehow magically existed for 15 years without someone saying "reddit spacing".
So next season? Somewhere at the end or in the middle, if we go with anime's pacing?
We ought to get an episode 0 showcasing what Eris's been doing, like we did for season 2.
But overall, Eris should reunited with Rudeus by the end of the first cour at the very last.
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Rudeus having a supportive family that he only came to appreciate in his second life is a pretty basic part of his character. There was an entire episode focused on him coming to understand how his older brother felt when Norn locks herself in her room, with him coming to the conclusion that Norn was stronger than he was.
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Norn only spoke truth
>well known
>Gas station clerk level stupid.
lmao. unfathomably based
Yet another anime where glorious pagan naturalists can't stop winning and emotionally stunted christfaggots get shat on. Christchuds, leftists, and femcels cry. Simply great.
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>Mushoko niggers are open redditors

Everyday my loathing for you people grows.
Because men and women fear cheating for different reasons. For men it's parental uncertainty, for women it's being abandoned and loosing their provider / protector. They're not the same, at all.
Did he not just come back from an adventure?
Why not watch the other 100s of anime/isekai with monogamous relationships?
monogamous marriages make more children so your entire argument is retarded.
Last I checked, Japan does indeed believe in monogamy. In fact, the only people who believe in polygamy tend to be weirdo pedos like Muhammad or Rudeus.
I don't care about the music, but the mockery of deceitfulness certainly resonates with the situation. Imagine being so contemptible even niggers can be used to criticize you. Couldn't be me.
Someone who actually gets and understands characters.
They're subjected to it, but whether they believe in it is highly debatable. Their birth rates alone show that the current social paradigm is slowly genociding them.
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It doesn't matter what all of your stances are for whether Norn is in the right or wrong. You guys would still impregnate Norn if given the chance.
I'd really want to see if she'd hold her position if it was her who Rudeus was cheating with.
Unlawful impregnation of the sister of the most powerful mage at the Ranoan Magic University, who could easily throw a thousand superdrill-stone cannon bullets at me.
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Second part of season 3.
Rudy first needs to meet a cool mouse, get traumatized, build up power to face Dragon God and then Eris comes back.
You're a neet, I can tell.
>Japan does indeed believe in monogamy
after christcucks and jews wrote their constitution, sure. The moment you last checked was after WW2 when they became a US satellite. Japan escaped christianity, jews, and the WW2 myth religion, but they didn't escape corp capitalism and feminism.
>the only people who believe in polygamy
Belief has nothing to do with it. If you can afford polygamy and there's no legal or social rules disallowing it, it happens and often. As if you can believe anything organically, you have no original beliefs, just what you're given by your culture.
>weirdo pedos like ...
Most westcucks think of japanese as weirdo pedos. "Diversity" ends where christfaggotry begins.
The strongest enemy in Mushoku Tensei was a rat all along.
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She is salty because Rudy didn't choose her first.
And then it was too late when he married Sylphie.
>whether they believe in it is highly debatable
Oh really? Where is this debated?
I like how Rudy was implying that Norn was obligated to fuck him, by using the argument of "Roxy helped me when I was depressed, so I have to marry her".
This. It's cathartic when they win while moralfaggots and cunts can only seethe.
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Norn secretly hates her sister and wishes she never existed
Through action in the form of their birthrates.
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Rudy is right though.
She should have fucked him then and there.
In japan it is socially acceptable for married men to go to brothels or to have mistresses.
I hate your retarded moralfaggot ass over fictional polygamy is even still here after last decade, but great to see you're miserable.
Men and women aren't equal, normalfaggot. We don't pretend they are on /a/, either.
If you went back in time and prevented basically any murder ever, the butterfly effect would ripple throughout history and erase the existence of countless people, and result in the new existence of countless others in their place.

That hardly means you can go around murdering whoever you like and trying to justify it by saying certain people in the future wouldn't get to exist unless you killed that person.
>Is that... a man carrying his legally married wife??!??! IM GOING INSAAAAAAAANE
Sorry faggot, your high verbal iq rhetorical "understanding" of the situation was snowplowed here >>268369295
He was with Eris when she last saw him. And he was very much going to pursue a life with Eris if devastating shit didn't happen.
Wonder how big of a harem these Chad's have assembled so far with these mindsets and personalities.
Must be massive.
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>babby's first contact with moral relativism
The future people who you just saved won't be able to come back in time to save you from the people trying to kill you for murdering someone. Might exists in the present, whereas morals exist in peoples' imaginations.
It's genuinely hilarious how obsessively refuse to address the point that no one said "reddit spacing" on this site for 15 years after it was made. And is only a newfag phrase that a very, very small number of people say to try and fit in.
Monogamy isn't a Christian invention, you absolute clown.

That's highly outdated information. Many, many people are now openly against that type of "relationship".

>or to have mistresses.
No, that's always been bad. Because the only reason people "didn't care" was because you'd never see the person again.
Of course you hate people who aren't miserable the way you are. That's why you have to delude yourself into thinking other people have bad lives the way you do.

All mentally ill woke people like you who are obsessed with their sexual fetishes go into spastic fits of rage any time they don't get a safe space.
>I am done humoring an ESL clown
>keeps posting
Lol. Liars gonna lie. Get a life dude.
Why is everyone in Rudy's household female? He's literally the only male in the house.
God the house must stink of pussy
I didn't address a single one of your points, and am thus not humoring you. Do you understand what words mean? Clearly not.

"reddit spacing" will never be a thing, and you're fucking retard for being so obsessed with it. The fact you are obsessively refusing to address this only makes it obvious that you know you are wrong and are trying to damage control.
Because other males would threaten the fragile egos of the self inserters who worship this series.
Eris will birth him a son. She said so, and does so.
Sylphiette later also births him a son, but he has green hair, and she develops the urge to dunk him a mud pool.
self insertshit
Norn hated Rudy because her very first memory of him is walking in the room just in time to see Rudy beating Paul's ass. She doesn't care that Paul starred the fight by sucker punching his 10 year old son, and she doesn't care that he deserved every bit of what Rudy gave him and more.
Even if he was still with Eris, she would have found some other reason to be pissed at him.
you made me soiface IRL
If Anonymous on 4chan says so.
>I didn't address a single one of your points
First truthful statement to come off this redditor's keyboard today.
I can not stop laughing at how obsessively refuse to address that "reddit spacing" isn't a thing, and it's only newfag retards that say it.

And it's even more funny how you obsessively refuse to admit you're wrong about anything. Go ahead, retard. Where in this post >>268382828 did it say "stop replying"? Oh right, it didn't. You are insane, and will never admit you are wrong about anything.
>I'm not going to humor you
>I'm not going to address your points
>I'm not going to address the fact that I got caught lying on 4chan
>but I will continue to argue at you after explicitly announcing that I'm being entirely disingenuous
How many layers of mental illness is this guy on?
How do you not realize that more you refuse to address a specific point after being directly told to address it, the more it stands out that you know you're wrong. This is fucking hysterical.

Stop trying to side step the point, clown. Explain why not a single person, across MILLIONS of posts, said "reddit spacing" for the first 15 years this site existed.

Refusing to address this means you lose.
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And thus why they are hating on a 9 or 10 year old child so much.
fragile self-inserters insert themselves as Norn, the 9-10 year old girl who is dependent on the protagonist.
Your posts give me the impression that you're not even reading my posts and just spamming the thread with schizobabble.
it's just the bumpslut.
it keeps doing that all the time.
I don't hate Norn at all, I just think she needs a good dicking to straighten her out.
Imagine being gaslighted by your entire family.
She really needed Paul or Ruijurd to give her some.
You lose. Thanks for making yourself look so retarded.
"reddit spacing" will never be a thing.
You will always be a failure.
Polygamy is pure mental illness.
You will die alone.
>"reddit spacing" will never be a thing
He's already lying to himself at this point. Definitely going to troon out someday if not already.
Cuckolding is one of the most popular fetishes among men. Even if they say they don't, the male audience would immediately cum if they saw Sylphie doing things with another guy while Rudy watches.
More pussy good
More competition for pussy bad

This is the philosophical backbone of basically every self-insert harem story ever made.
You got blown the fuck out. And the only way you can cope is by refusing to address the point. Blocking out reality is the only reason you haven't killed yourself.

Reminder that this site existed for well over 1.5 decades before a single person said "reddit spacing".
Yes, I would because I have nothing against wish-fullfilment for women existing.
I simply wouldn't watch it.
>surrenders the argument by refusing to acknowledge the opponent's points
>"I've won the argument"
Hahah, I don't get it. How do you delude yourself like this? Do you think anyone else who sees this thread thinks you're "winning"? You refusing to address how "reddit spacing" doesn't exist only makes you look retarded.
the bumpslut will keep it up for a few more weeks.
I haven't bumped the garbage thread a single time.
Why do you try to pretend sage doesn't exist?
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That is too vulgar.
She only needs someone who understands her.
It's not reddit spacing. It's called double spacing so that teachers can mark your essay and write feedbacks. You would know if you went to school.
She needs a corruption/correction arc where Roxy the homewrecker incites her into seducing her brother.
We should get OVA about what she is doing now but her being back in actual story is different issue, at least she will be more closer to Rudy since then
He hasn't finished school yet. That's why he won't stop reddit spacing and is so embarrassed about being called on it.
Line breaks on subject changes is literally how you are supposed to type in English. Not that you'd know this, considering you're a retard (unable to learn).
It's funny watching you talk to yourself pretending anyone actually agrees with you. And what you said in that post is not only stupid, but also not what subject breaks are.
>obsessively replies to every post for hours on end with disingenuous gibberish
>everyone who disagrees is the same person samefagging
I didn't know ACK came back to /a/.
Didn’t Zenith deny pussy to Paul forever after the cheating with Lilia? I wasn’t even sure she eventually became a second wife. Am I being retarded or is this better explained in the LN?
ACK would hav already claimed everyone to be the akemi!
This one's just a mt-garden variety shitposter dubbed the bumpslut.
If the guy who claimed the reddit spacing meme only originated 4 years ago says so, then it must be true.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the boogieman i made up 11 years ago! it's impossible for anyone to say anything i dislike without it being a single person!!
Reminder that you are objectively wrong about everything you say, and "reddit spacing" will never be a thing.
Going full blown mental break down, huh? Got out your phone, while you are sitting at your PC, so you can post twice in a minute. You really are just obsessively consumed with never admitting you're wrong about anything because your ego can't take all the failure.
In that case I guess it's pretty evident what bumpslut's trigger phrase is.
You can stop talking to yourself, it fools no one.
When it's not even a fucking yuri thread, just a popular LN with actually having a harem getting discussion with countless fucking posts that can't possibly be samefagged. This fucking defect literally called multiple 8ch posters aKeMi using a voice filter. I want God to tell me right now why the FUCK MIURA, TAKAHASHI AND NOW
I wonder how many 'thread schizo's are actually some asshole testing his chatbot which is trained to be as retarded as possible because it prioritizes engagement.
Zenith forgives Paul in the LN as she does in the anime. Pussy was always on the table for Paul. Maybe not right after the cheating reveal, but relatively soon after.
Perhaps the bumpslut is also the ack-poster.
Horrible thought.
That's what I fear is indeed happening.
Unfortunately, it seems to have been improved, since it doesn't do the mass-quoting and claiming everyone to be the akemi anymore.
On the other hand, it's fortunately stuck in a thread or so.
>still obsessively refusing to admit "reddit spacing" doesn't exist
See, the funny part is that this isn't even about "reddit spacing". It's about showing that you are a mentally ill freak who will never admit they are wrong about anything. Showing how mentally unstable you are.

Who knows. But this retard who obsessively refuses to ever admit he's wrong, even when blatantly proven as such, sure is stupid.
The mononigger is still kvetching and seething I take it?
Does it suck knowing that the only way you have to cope with your shit life is by deluding yourself into thinking you make other people mad?
>reddit spacing thread
Is he still reddit spacing?
Can't do something that doesn't exist.
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That's a "yes" then.
>can never admit he's wrong because it would break his ego
>can never accept that people who mock him aren't mad
you will never drink Aisha's tears.
the rapist
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>I'm not saying to kill all jews, I'm just saying that procreative acts between jews are inherently immoral.
>mushoku tensei inadvertently shows that NEETdom is a social issue not a personal one.
No it does not.
It shows that it's a personal choice.
You can have everything around you to help, but unless you decide yourself nothing will happen.
retarded blonde girl hands wrote this post
don't worry, you can still get married to some nice guy
>It shows that it's a personal choice.
As is slavery.
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what happened to Rudeus parents from the past life after they died? what of the family they learned of the accident?
this, but unironically.
>But MUH religious beliefs!
And then the hypocrite takes Superd cock which according to her religious beliefs is also unacceptable.
the fact there is a religion that kills people based on their beliefs and the fact there isn't an afterlife is just bizarre.
>keep hearing Rudy
>keep thinking of the movie Rudy
>Rudeus in place of Rudy
>not sure if boxer Rudy or football Rudy.
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Do you understand what "inadvertently" means? I'm well aware what the intentions of the story are.
I'm fucking the girlfriends and wives of everyone in this thread.
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don't care I'm having a blast
only in patriarchal societies like islamic nations, where 6-9 kids per family is the norm. in a liberal societies it's not the case, as more women get kids from the "harems" aka the 5% top men who they all fuck and get 3-4 kids from, while the monogamous marriages are below replacement, usually getting 1, sometimes 2.
note, this does not deny monogamy, only that a liberal society is the death of society, because it doesn't produce enough kids to replace aging adults, making the group small and weak, susceptible to outside conquest, either via violence like in the past, or immigration like in the present.
islam is unironically right.
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That’s a very roundabout way to say that you're a virgin.
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Peak is peak no matter who likes it.
Except Rudy is a pussy and no man

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