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>demons killing humans is fun
>humans killing demons is not fun and infuriating and humans killing each other thinking they're demons is just lame on humans and just very very sad
How does this make sense?
what are you even trying to say?
I'm talking about Devilman
It doesn’t make sense at all, and I’m referring to your post. Learn to write your thoughts coherently, because right now it looks like you’ve never read or watched devilman.
>is just lame on humans
It's somewhat simple what I mean:
Demons kill humans in the most horrible ways imaginable = it's fun gore anime entertainment
We do the same thing demons do = it's tragic, the anime/manga/whatever the fuck starts to get preachy
I'm not saying it's intentional, but even if it isn't it's still a hypocrisy. Humans literally hate humans more than they hate demons.
what the fuck are you talking about. are you by any chance indian
No I am not indian
Fuck you for tricking me into explaining further
I hope your mother gets raped by a dolphin
Living in Canada doesn't make you canadian, indian. Before you cry about racism or something, just remember that it was you who made this awful thread.
My thread was a very basic thread with basic points trying to get across, simply sabotaged by either troons/monkeys/dykes/kikes or just simple idiotic niggers who can't get their monkey brains working looking at a simple original post.
And no, I don't live in Canada.
Simply kill yourself. That's the only option for you it seems, your kind doesn't get fixed. Euthanasia for you, sir! Please die hehehe.
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What Mr. ESL is trying to say is that he finds it weird that an anime about demons massacring humans is fun Vs. animes about humans slaying demons being portrayed as tragic/sad. He believes that humans hate other humans due to enjoying the former as fun entertainment while viewing the latter as tragic.
>demons killing humans is fun
If you actually think Devilman glorifies the demon on human violence then you’re either new or an autistic retard.

Come back after you’ve watched an anime that actually does what you’re bitching about like Blood C.
Also I hope your parents die in boiling semen while your little sister watches
Because some people feel very intelligent when they point out human failings and attempts at moral ambiguity even when the moral ambiguity is "I know the other guys are feral beasts solely driven by sadistic murderous bloodlust at all times, hellbent on total human race extinction, but you know what? Sometimes humans do bad things so I'll pretend we're on the same level to sound smart"
No, I am talking about a single anime. It's called Devilman.
Eh it's not intentional but that's the vibe I get, at least if we're talking Crybaby
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Sure, its not like the very inspiration for the horrific acts in fiction are based on any particular species...
>Eh it's not intentional but that's the vibe I get, at least if we're talking Crybaby
The only violence Devilman Crybaby glorifies is Akira killing Demons to protect humans, and half of the time he is also weeping over the fact that he is forced to commit these acts of violence. You’re an autistic retard.

Go watch Blood C if you want to see what an anime glorifying violence actually looks like because I can smell the newfag in your replies.
Humans do have the capacity to become sadistic, murderous, and bloodthirsty monsters bent on annihilation, but it's not by inherent nature. Societal degradation can do awful things to people, and the zeal with which humans can commit to illogical actions out of fear, opportunism, or some other debased idea born from ignorance or hatred is absolutely demonic. Raving lunatics who think themselves justified, if they even bother to think that much about it, do appear from time to time and usually in groups.
It isn't that humans are the same as demons, but humans can act like demons and that is evil. Demons are evil by nature, but humans turning to evil is almost worse because they do not have to be that way. Akira never pretends that the whole of humanity are as bad as demons. He witnessed humans who behaved no better and called them out on it. If the humans want to decry demons, then they ought to act better than that.
Even in the original Devilman, Akira basically wanted to kill all demons for their inherent nature, but he did recruit the few who showed the capacity to be more than that. Just as well, he condemned the humans who showed that they were just as bad as demons when left to their own devices. He called out the exceptions from both sides.
Your take is reasonable and covers the subject quite accurately. But I don't think the fascination for HUMAN BAD moral equivocation is quite as nuanced or balanced. The suckers I described really don't refer to a process of degradation that applies to some but not all people when society shatters, they straight up say shit like humans are the real demons and so on.
I didn't watch the Netflix anime in full but the original Devilman manga also lacked the substance you put in its portrayal of humanity. Just look at Miki's killers, they didn't even have self preservation instincts. They were fine with eating bullets to the face to keep going (while also making cartoon evil faces to remind the reader that they're reaaaally evil).
>it's not by inherent nature
Go Nagai's original work is far less nuanced that one would hope for, but he tends to push for extreme depictions and exaggerations deliberately. It was less of him showing "human bad" and more trying to make a highly fictionalized depiction of humanity going down a dark path. In the manga, humanity had gone as far as building demon research/torture facilities for studying demons and devilmen while getting sick enjoyment out of it. It was most just a hyperbolic representation of humanity's deepest evils in the same way that demons themselves are a representation of an "inherently evil" other. Thematically, it's meant to show that you should examine all sides of a conflict not just for its best or worst actors and to also try to overlook the superficial trappings to see what lies beyond. Akira found great evil in a humanity who had been manipulated by demons and pushed to self-destruction and he also found great good in the devilmen who wanted nothing more than to co-exist.
I don't think Nagai's tendency for extreme and radical depictions of violence and morality deprecate the content of his work, but it does mean you have to step back and look at it for what it is by separating the shock value elements from the points they're connected to. His art style, for better or worse, is also very cartoonish to the point of nearly being caricature at times.
Not in the same way that people, on the norm, don't just walk around and commit murder, rape, etc. because they feel an indescribable urge to. There are people that do those things, but that isn't normal. The demons of Devilman do it all the same as breathing air.
The thing is that it feels cheap when Nagai portrays bloodlust taking over practicality to this overwhelming extent. Would people torture demons and enjoy it? Absolutely. But would they really be so much wrong for it? Demons are an existential threat. There's definitely a righteous perspective to this and it can be also very interesting how this kind of feeling binds us and can lead us towards dark paths, it's just not really acknowledged, these guys are just evil. And to expand on the practicality point, the fact these were 99% torture facilities 1% research ones is what bugs me, you'd think they'd try to develop chemical weapons and so on and value the demon bodies they retrieve. Making the torture stuff far less fitting.
How many times have you gone on a sadistic torture killing spree?
OP is Indian so at least twice a week
basically, the author wanted to draw a lot of edgy crap. if I had to sum up, I'd call it pure slop.

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