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Dumping raws

Ai: "I don't want to see you anymore"

Hikaru: "B-But...but why..."
Ai: "Well...I'm pregnant"

Hikaru: "What?...I'm going to be a dad..."

Ai: "It happens...did no one ever tell you about the birds and the bees?"
first for akane a best
very based, Anon.
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Page 2

Hikaru: "...wow...Then I'll take responsibility! Let's get married and start a family-"

Ai: "No way! I mean, you look good and all. And I was fine with casual sex and enjoying my youth. But spending my entire life with you would be too much of a burden for me"
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Page 3

Ai: "I know, Daiki-kun is your child with Miss Airi, right?"

You already have a kid you should worry about. I mean, yikes!

Getting me to take care of him too is too much.

Let's just end it here"
wow so she was used goods all along? whore
The fuck is she talking about? He's not Taiki's legal guardian and she wouldn't be either.
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Ai: "I can't love you"

Hikaru: "This is the inevitable outcome. After learning about what I had done, she ultimately chose to leave me"
>What?...I'm going to be a dad...
He said "but we used protection"
She is an idol. What do you think? The problem with the manga aside from the plot being shit is that it's retarded. It has no idea what it's saying. Like aka loves going on about light but this retarded. The entertainment industry is shit and the people in it are shit as well by association. If you want to be a non- hypocritical moralfag, leave the industry. Dark Ruby manipulating shit is just how the industry operates but she is le bad for doing baby shit. If aka had any consistency, he'd have the characters realize the industry is morally bankrupt and leave.
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Page 5

Hikaru: "I was the one who told Ryosuke, the the guy who killed Ai, her address

Although I have no intention of shirking responsibility, I really didn't think it it would go that far.

I just wanted her to feel as hurt as she made me feel.

Feel what I felt when she, whom I loved with all my life, said those words, "I can't like you"
idols are pure, dumbass
No they aren't. You're a fucktard if you think otherwise. This is the only time aka has made any sense in this manga which is idols aren't pure.
idols are contractually obligated to stay away from relationships FUCKING RETARD
Manager fucking is a thing. Contracts exist but it doesn't mean people do shit anyway that they aren't supposed to and hide it from their employer
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Page 6

Aqua: "Did you believe it? Ai's words?"

Hikaru: "Of course. Ai's words were completely reasonable

We imposed our self-centered fantasies on Ai. Ai was just a typical woman in real life. Just like all women, she shirked responsibility, and she was self-absorbed.

They're all are the same."
>fanfic translation
bro come on
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Page 7

Hikaru: "Ai never loved me, just like every men before me...it was just my turn."

Aqua: "If that's the case...then why...were we even born?"
Nuke this shitty fanfic thread.
Based but I know aka didn't write this. That would be too based for a simp like him.
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Page 8

Aqua: "Have you ever considered the meaning behind why why we were born?"

This initial screening is incomplete

We're currently discussing whether to include this footage in the final end credits"

the movie is still not done
That's not what he says. Fuck off
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Page 9

Ai: "Aqua, you must have sensed it too, the reason why we have to break up

Because 'he' was desperate"
That'd not what she said
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Page 10

Ai: "He was tainted by the darkness of the entertainment industry, becoming someone way too dependent and clingy on me, He had way to much baggage...

He was already... on the verge of breaking down.

In the midst of all that, I found out I was pregnant.

I thought, "This is getting too serious."

That's why I said those things"
Sure but that's what her words mean without sugar coating. Clingy means desperate for all intents and purposes in relationships
Yeah, that's good and all, but don't ever correct me ever again! Did I ask your opinion? Answer: NO
I'm not the dump anon but nobody cares enough about this to post a proper translation, so you'll have to do with a sloppy MTL copied from donut's xitter.
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Page 11

Ai: "I can't carry you so let's break up

'I can't fall in love with you'

Even if we're not together, I thought he'd be okay.

Falling in love with someone, I don't really understand it either

If you ask me if this is love..... I feel like it's not

I felt very anxious about it"
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Page 12

Ai: "I thought lying to him was my form of love.

At first, I was even afraid to give birth to them. It probably would've been a burden to him. But I still gave birth to them

Because deep down, I still wanted to stay with him forever"
We already had a dump thread yesterday, retard
I don't give a fuck. Cope and seethe.
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Page 13

Ai: "To share the burden he had to carry, with his children I wanted to live the future together

I don't really understand love. I wanted to love. Because it's my first time

So, Aqua, from your perspective fifteen years later. The words at that time. Was it a lie?
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Ai: "I don't love you" That was a lie, right?

A request to you, who has now grown up:

If he is still lost today, I want you to save him, with me..."
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Page 15

Aqua: “Ruby portrayed the words "I can't love you" as a lie.

Understanding Ai's wish correctly,

It was a fifteen-year lie”
Does Hacka REALLY want nips and westoids to hate Ai aka OnK's most popular character so badly?
What the hell is wromg with this hack?
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Pages 16-17

Aqua: "This movie is Ai's confession of love. Her true feelings after pushing you away back then."
>Aqua: “Ruby portrayed the words "I can't love you" as a lie.
>Understanding Ai's wish correctly,
>It was a fifteen-year lie”

Wait, the title of the movie was decided way before Ruby even git the role of Ai, so did Aqua always had the right interpretation of that line being a lie or the title had a different meaning back then?
Aqua always has the right interpretation; he just really didn't want to run it that way
Of course. Killing her wasn't enough to not make her overshadow Kekna chan
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Aqua: "And this is also our revenge against you, who couldn't understand Ai"

End of Dump. So with overreaching arc going to its conclusion and the boy's abyss manga reaching its end too; who pulled it the "revengeful but ends up regretful father" off better? Esemori or Kamiki?
To clear the way for his Waifu, Kana.
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>Aqua always had the right interpretation
Gotanda was the one who suggested the title
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Ai did wanted to get back together here btw
>Kamiki: *in Anakin's voice* What have I done?
Aka just created a plot black hole by expecting us to believe Aqua didn't understand Ai when she clearly stated her intentions.
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Also, Ai only called Kamiki and gave him her new address because of what Ruby said here
It's Ruby's fault Ai died
Now that filler plot is over.

Are you ready for Kana's concert and Aqua's confession to her by holding 3 glowsticks?
And this series ending with their kiss or sex scene.
Her stalker needs to make a move first
No. That's not what this says. She only called him cause of Ruby.
>aqua confessing to kana
Ai was always a broken mess. It's not really that surprising.
Yeah. I hate kana. I loathe this bitch as a plotchud but I want to see Akaneschizo and Rubykeks to finally lose it and admit that aka is a hack. They keep coping that he has a plan and kana isn't it.
Don't believe her lies
Yeah, that's why you posted your seething transcript of the actual dump.
No one fucking cares.
Stop falseflagging, kanabro.
I'm not the OP dimwit. That's someone else.
And you care seeing as you are mindbroken by OP to accuse people who aren't the OP that they're the OP.
Kana a shit.
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Eventually they will understand.
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Nevertheless, kamiki still had way too much baggage, and she didn't want anything serious.
Kana avenged Nino
Kamiki was lucky Ai didn't find a different man
It's also noteworthy that while interlocking fingers is a common gesture among romantic partners, it's not exclusive to them. This gesture can also be significant among family members, close friends, or even between a patient and caregiver, each context giving it a different hue of meaning.
Meanwhile, romantic couples in Japan are known for being in an inner competition: you can spot them bantering, doing mutial aggression, being rivals within the relationship and being awkward to each other in public, but their actual closeness is shown in bed.
>It's also noteworthy that while interlocking fingers is a common gesture among romantic partners, it's not exclusive to them. This gesture can also be significant among family members, close friends, or even between a patient and caregiver, each context giving it a different hue of meaning.
Pretty much only couples do it
>Meanwhile, romantic couples in Japan are known for being in an inner competition: you can spot them bantering, doing mutial aggression, being rivals within the relationship and being awkward to each other in public, but their actual closeness is shown in bed.
That’s why Japanese people are so sexless?
How to sleep with Kana?
Nothing cause she doesn't exist fag.
I can't really see how Kamiki was wrong here. Like yeah she loved him but a lie is a lie, and that lie fucking killed her. She actually, unironically deserved her fate because no one in that state of mind, in that mindset, could fathom her lie. It makes her a loose whore
Kana is more real than you.
She was always a whore. She is an idol. She sells her body and lies about shit for lonely men to buy merchandise and tickets. I never cared about her lying and her whoring cause I'm a plotchud and don't care about shipping. But the plot is shit so I'm just here to see how much more aka can make this manga crash and burn and to laugh at Waifufaggots when their ship loses.
Did Mengo finally stop hiding her mommy issues?
Only in your head mentally ill faggot. She if was real wouldn't have the personality aka gave her. She has her personality cause aka got divorced and aka became obsessed with her being his waifu.
BEEG Futakane will destroy Kana's cunny.
>Ai was just a typical woman in real life. Just like all women, she shirked responsibility, and she was self-absorbed.
>They're all are the same.
B-Based. Aka I kneel
This means Kana won.
Retard. That for sure came from the OP and not aka. aka is too much of a simp for women to actually write that.
If Kana wasn't real you wouldn't be seething like this, Kana is real.
What seething about kana? I'm seething at aka who is real. Kana is just a coping mechanism for you and aka. she isn't real fag. Btw, don't cut your dick off.
>Ai was just a typical woman in real life. Just like all women, she shirked responsibility, and she was self-absorbed.
>They're all are the same.
I can see Hacka's not being able to supress his divorce PTSD anymore. That's not Kamiki, it's the author talking and venting his hatred and incel tantrums through him.
Kana is real, look at how upset you are.
>Aqua and Ruby planned everything offscreen
>Ruby was pretending to be retarded when she met Kamiki
>their relationship probably progressed offscreen too
Good job hacka
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How will Ruby react when she realizes crow loli reincarnated her and Goro to have her be cucked by the red loli?
It's Donut's TL, not MemeTL.
Faggot. If you can't read nip then don't bother replying. That is exactly what is written

>meanwhle Aqua
No. I was giving you advice of don't become insane like aka. Especially to the point of cutting your d off.
You seem to be obsessed with dick cutting, don't do it. Kana is real btw.
If he actually wrote that and you're not screwing with me. Then all I can say is bravo aka. but I don't believe it. I will wait for official translation
Was Akane's appearance in the temple according to keikaku?
Isn't el padre a serial killer that kills talented women?
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*mindbreaks you*
He has divorce ptsd. He may have done this chapter as a self-therapy to finally move on.
Whatever mentally ill fag.
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All I know is that none of you have the balls to confront Aka in real life, he'd heem you.
I broke her hymen in front of Hoshino Aqua in return. HAHA!!!
He is speaking truth. Cope and seethe tranny.
I don't understand the OP. Aqua and Ruby are together for like half of it. Menawhile in the manga they have like 2 interactions total between chapters 40 and 120.
Ruby is barely in this arc so they have to put her somewhere to remind people.
Aka offscreens everything cause he couldn't give a fuck about anything that isn't his coping mechanism.
>Ruby was pretending to be retarded when she met Kamiki
No ruby is actually just that retarded. She only realized offscreen. That's why she looks so dead inside in that panel, she's thinking to herself
>Fuck I really am retard aren't I? Couldn't even recognize my own dad when he looks just like Aqua
He is not the miserable man you think he is. Have you seen him trying to get in Chigusa's pants back in the day?
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>Aqua said numerous times throughout the plot he doesn't just want to physically but also mentally destroy his father
>He knew he can destroy his father with this DVD. He was aware of the obvious interpretation of it
>Didn't show Ruby his DVD, he only tells her and Gotanda about the "I can't love you" line respectively writes it into the script basically saying "Yeah if someone ever objects it and sues us I can back it up with a source" however never shows Gotanda or Ruby the actual footage
>Wants to show this footage exclusively to Hikaru
>Because he knows it will utterly destroy him mentally
>Ruby is behind doors realizing that Aqua played them all
>Aqua was always fine with any interpretation of the "I can't love you" line that Ruby goes for
>Ruby for the first time heard the content of the DVD too, together with Hikaru
Why can't Ruby stop thinking about Akane's pussy?
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*Aqua's pussy
Ai's popularity will only increase
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Guys, are women really like this in real life?
Are they really that callous about hurting guys that they like?

Or is this just mengo's influence on aka?
Ignoring aka, mengo is a woman and she writes your pic and you blame her for influencing him. Why can't you just face up to the fact that maybe women aren't angels you want to think that they are and that they are people? Basically, stop being a simp.
Mengo and Aka walk through entetainment related circles full of degen human pieces of shit and then wonder why the people they associate themselves with behave like this. It's like dating the fatherless blue haired chick and then realizing she isn't a good human after all.
Mengo is a femcel.
Last I heard she was married. But she is a woman. She can get dick anytime she wants.
Good cope, I think I'll adopt it.

But why do people>>268367608 believe that ai is the most popular character despite being a carbon copy of that callous woman in mango's Neo dutch manga? Why is ai so popular is she's a degenerate?
Not really, Kamiki didn't mention woman in his line, he was talking about people in general.
He was saying that Ai was an ordinary person that you can find anywhere.
Also, that entire rant was Kamiki copping.
My critque of my own cope is that Aqua says "they" are currently discussing if they want to add the footage to the end credits. So this would mean he did show everyone after all. But when exactly idk. However the main point is: Aqua always understood the content of it and he didn't really care how the movie interprets it.
Kamiki is using "hito" (person) not "onna" (woman)
Why would you trust an anon who talks without backing his arguments?
Try to find a single 女 in that page (hint, you can't),
Kamiki was talking about people in general, using 人間.
Isn't 人間 ningen and not hito?
Hito is just 人 without 間 right?
What did Yura do to deserve it?
Anime only here. So aqua's father was aqua all along?
By that point, kamiki was desensitized to murder.
She was stealing away the Ai role for the movie. Hikaru is obsessed with Ruby.
Negligent homicide at best.
You think a memetl cares about that? Usually they'll just sprinkle dumb shit in between actual translations. You already see it with Ai saying she enjoyed casual sex in this thread's tl when she doesn't seem to care about sex at all
My boy Kamiki is a good guy who didn't do anything wrong. Surely she deserved it in some way.
It isn't kamiki. Kamiki was just talking about how Ai was just human and even she had her selfish or flawed sides
So she didn't really say she prefers the casual dating stuff they did? What did she say then?
No. She's only fine with casual sex if it's Kamiki.
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why did KEKqua go back to his gay haircut?
Why do we have a dump thread again when we've already had one?
She said that his face was good and she didn't mind dating with him like young people do, but it will be too heavy for her to spend their lives together.
In no part it says something about casual sex. Casual dating can be inferred from context, but there is no implication about her dating other guys with her phrasing.
This series has already reached its limit on confessions from the MC back in chapter 97.
Yeah, I was mainly skimming for the 女 which doesn't exist on that page
Did you really believe that she was born from virgin conception? She was fucking Kamiki.
Also, there is no mention of casual sex, is just the translator using mtl the anon who posted it is just trolling.
>but there is no implication about her dating other guys with her phrasing
I never read it that way, I thought she was just saying she enjoyed the casual couple stuff like sex that was their relationship
Does it matter, Anon? They obviously had casual sex given by how Hikaru points out they were careful and Ai saying impregnations can happen nevertheless.
She 100% had casual sex with people after leaving him. Based Aka with the sweet NTR.
From what the other anon was saying, it seems he believed that Ai was fucking more people besides Kamiki so clearing that point seems important enough.
It's not even a haircut, but the way he styles them for some reason. We see at least two hairstyles in Season 1. The gay one and the cooler one
I think she was pleasured with her kids. Not everyone is a coomer like you
Oh yeah, that's retarded. She clearly was not.
Donut is a retard.
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This is why.
>Not everyone is a coomer like you
AI is. She loved being an Idol but couldn't stop herself sleeping around and getting pregnant like the little whore she was. I wonder just how many dicks she took by the time she died. Probably approaching triple digits.
No, it's a shitty translation by someone seething.
Ai has only ever fucked one man.
Kamiki is an actual murderer and the real father, Esemori was just a bitter simp with 0 head count and a shrodinger's dad.
how do we defend this
This chapter seems to suggest otherwise. She admitted she loves having casual sex and breaks up with Kamiki because she doesn't want a proper relationship, she just wants to sleep around
What are you freaks on about now?
Donuts actual translation is:
>"We imposed our self-centered fantasies on Ai. Ai was just an ordinary human being living in the real world. Like anyone else, she kept her distance away from terrifying things, and she had a selfish, cruel side as well. She was just an ordinary human being"
Ojisanschizo has switched targets from Akane to Ai.
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This is what rats are coping about.
This reads like a leftoid cope translation, queer certified and trans reviewed, suicide
No, she specifically says she was only prepared to casually date Kamiki but marriage is too much. Of course the whole point is that she's lying and thought that running away would be better for him in the end.
Is there anyone in this thread doing more tricks on aka then you? the leftoid cope is Aka's.
Since when Ai is supposed to be a “good” person? We know from early on that she was a good liar and extremely selfish to boot.
>Movie arc conclusion: Ai is just an ordinary frail girl
>Hikaru: Ai is just an ordinary frail girl
>Aqua: You think so but this DVD proves she is actually exeptionally retarded
Is more accurate than the shit posted by this thread op.
Tell me in which part and in which line she says about her loving having casual sex.
Also, she breaks with him because she was pregnant and didn't wanted to marry Kamiki due to his circumstances.
Ai wanted to give her love to everyone.
Also Hikaru's cope isn't ideological but self-condemning. He just thinks he legitimately scared the hoe with what a fuck up he is.
How come Kana didn't sleep around?
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From Donut, episodes 2 and 3
Because she's a loli otakubait for (you).
She's not a whore like AI
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I love her
Because Aqua can only get hard from a Hoshino.
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oh man, really don't like how they are covering up Akane's face for her cute expression
And Aqua seems dead when he should be happy

Also they are outside with shit lighting
That doesn't seem right. They cover chapters 41-44 in episode 1 but only cover like 3 chapters in two episodes? Seems more likely it's the same episode.
Akane looks like Ai here.
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Ai was always a shit, Aka just made it clearer.
Meanwhile /hisgirl/ has done nothing wrong
Cute, I already see the date coming.
It's the panel in the bottom right, it's just extended. His smile comes before then.
It's fine.
maybe more anime original content or smth. Also the way they are covering 41-44 is a bit weird from what I took out from that reddit review of the pre screening event. Like they start with an anime og scene, then 42, then bits from 41 or something like that. It's a bit more mixed.
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>>>/r9k/ is where you do belong
Well, more importantly if they are supposed to be separate episodes then that means all of episode 2 is covering a single chapter. I think it's just wrong.
Would Yuko and Ai get along?
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>give Akane sexy pregnant outfit

>cover it up

It's just episode 2, D0nut is tripping balls. That's the preview of the next episode.
That's what I assumed.
Yeah, I think we don't have to worry.
So Cuckmickey becaame an antropophobic reject.
He's literally instrumentalization EoE Shinji after telling Rei everybody, him included, should die.
Guessed as much. It made absolutely no sense to rush 4 chapters in 1 episode and then adapt only 1 chapter per episode.
We're getting Blushkane in the first episode
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The date is episode 2. I made the count already.
The other scene could be episode 3 if its the moment whenever she talks with eyeglasses guy, so it wouldn't be an issue either way. Still 3 chapters per episode.
So you freaks will never consider chapter 150 canon? Not a surprise. Tell everyone you know about this "win", I guess.
It was planned, dumbass.
He knew Ryousuke was fucking mental, he gave him Ai's address too.
Surprising Akane didn't rape her then and there. Must have required immense self restraint.
And he was only cucked in his mind. Another victim of cuck genjutsu.
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I wonder how are they going to adapt this
Akane has strong will
Apparently the TB scenes are being treated like shounen so who knows, maybe some sailor moon shit.
He just wanted to send a fan to her place to make her freak out, it was just a prank bro.
>He knew Ryousuke was fucking mental
No he didn't
The most hilarious part out of all the movie arc is that Akane would've actually solved everything if she was asked to use her Ai.exe again with the info from the dvd
>He's literally instrumentalization EoE Shinji after telling Rei everybody, him included, should die.
What are you smoking. He is not saying anything in this direction at all. Cool it with the dogshit analogies you're not good at it.
She would've come to the same conclusion as Aqua. She was already trying to stab Kamiki.
>TB scenes are being treated like shounen
Unironically hoping OnK becomes the battle shounen of this year. That would be so funny.
But Aqua doesn't want to involve Akane with his revenge...
I don't even need to check his Twitter feed. This is memeTL faggot from Abyss threads jumping ship now that the manga is ending. I suspected it just skimming through the 'translation', but closing sentence confirmed it.
That might have made sense if Ai wasn't clear in the DVD. Aka made the mistake of having Ai spell out her thoughts and intentions. The whole thing just seems dumb and Aka was baiting for bait sake without realizing how dumb it makes his characters look.
Because she only had outsider information.
She already knew that Ai loved Kamiki.
There was nothing that had to be solved. Aqua knew it from the very beginning.
See >>268368854
When will you desperate dyslexic retards learn to actually read 150?
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Can't wait
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>this but it's Ai and Hikaru after having sex
We're talking about Yura here, she fell.
>le minimum requirement cope
stfu retard, you don't even understand what this means.
Series is ending with the show scene from the first chapter
Ai deserved the stab
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>shown the ending at the start
>people will be shocked
>Goro is waving yellow
That's Hikaru btw
>Aqua, Ruby, Goro and Sarina live as separate entities
>Goro is a Memcho chad
>Ai is back
From Hikaru's dick.
Ai cared about her children you speedreader.
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>3 covers (2 shared)
>3 covers (2 shared)
>3 covers (1 shared)
>3 covers (1 shared)
The main protagonists of the series. It cannot be refuted anymore
Incelmoron was just a salty simp who got hyper salty bc he couldn't get Yuuko's first.
Cuckmickey is basically Elliot Rodger larping as a regretful simpcuck who wasn't aware of the consequences of his actions, but he was actually le mastermind behind Ai's murder.
Their offsprings however, Reiji at least owned up to his life motivations and is getting his 1st (and only) body count. Kekqua couldn't even lay a hand and chose to use a DVD.
It was MemeTL.
Abyss is ending, so MemeTL is now using this manga to do his funny haha translations.
But Aqua says "our revenge".
僕達 = bokutachi = our
Ruby was in on the revenge.
Of course. Both can bond over being cum toilets. Ai and Nagi too.
It was Ruby that convinced Aqua to do this retard. Read 147, then read what Akane said about Ruby's performance in 152, then in this chapter Aqua calls it OUR revenge. Ruby knew and it's Ruby who decided how it was going to play out.
>Ruby was in on the revenge.
>2 week break
Nice... Very nice...

>Ruby was in on the revenge.
The movie is as a minimum killing Hikaru socially. Ruby's understanding of revenge could simply extent to that, just like Hikaru's understanding of the revenge prior to Aqua's DVD. So I think, this is not an inconsistency.

Yeah >Read 147
Literally the chapter where Hikaru speaks about social death by the public's malice
>then read what Akane said about Ruby's performance in 152
Akane didn't say anything about Ruby's performance in 152. Akane commented on her performance in the beach chapter, saying that Ruby got her revenge with the final scene and that Hikaru will be killed socially.
It’s one week break
So anons, thoughts on Akane's dad?
He seems accepting of Akane's lesbian crush.
maybe that's her brother?
>Minimum requirement
What are you talking about, schizo? Actually, I don't care. Watching paint dry is more productive than teaching you retards basic literacy.
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You might not like it, but it's right there.
>how everyone felt about the movie
>Hikaru felt nothing and refused it as fiction
We were talking about Aqua, retard.
>You might not like it, but it's right there.
... Forgets the scroll down to the next page

What are we discussing even? Don't you get that Ruby can arrive at this conclusion without the DVD? I literally covered this in my greentext lmao.
Aqua had the DVD from the very beginning. I rather assume he understands basic human speech than super autism. As long as I'm not proven wrong I'll stick to the cope.

I don't care what you think though
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>i have to choose
And she chose.
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Ruby watched the DVD tho
There's no fucking way Cuckmickey didn't know about Ryousuke's psyche. Also, Aqua's dad was breaking down in the latest pages. If you have seen detective series (Conan, Kindaichi Shounen, Tantei Gakuen Q), when the culprit gets cornered, they break down and admit their crimes.
Now i get why the break and cliffhanger. The cuck will admit he sent a fan to murder Ai because he couldn't stand her wanting him to meet the kids only to clear things, but won't accept being jailed, that would not fix the damage he had done.
Kekaru will give Aguwa the choice to kill him or spare him... Wooby ENTERs with her dark star and stabs him, she lashes out at her dad for acting worse than a fucking fan and being a naive codependent simp. Aguwa has to hold her and order her to stop, Kekaru tells his children he doesn't want forgiveness and is content enough with his life ending like this. Aguwa has to drag Wooby outside. Kekaru, while fading into the eternal sleep, monologues about his mistakes in life and his traumatic childhood, wondering if shit would have turned different if both him and Ai were just mere civilians instead of celebs. He then sees Ai, her silhouette behind a blinding light, stretching her hand while inviting him to cross the frontier. Kekaru, for the 1st time in his life, shows a childlike smile and his 15yo self stands up to run to the other side, while Kekaru's body stops giving life signs. Chapter ends.
Yeah and? You're now suggesting that not only Aqua is unable to understand Ai's plain and simple message but even Ruby.

>Ruby arrived at her conclusion for reasons
>It matches the original message of Ai
Far more impactful and superior assumption as it yet proves again how much Ruby understood an her own. Interpreting the DVD NOT as a plot cheat code but like I did is reasonable.

Now stop btiching at me.
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>no one was purely born evil in this world
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>Poor anon, so mindbroken by the chapter he only fixates in 1 page and not the rest of the chapter
I shame how they went from feeling triumphant because of the novel to fighting around over semantics to defend their ship
>it seems to be the actual line
Gotanda didn't saw it himself
>Aqua wrote in into the script
That's the only part that made it into the script
>And Ruby interpreted it as a parting word and acted it out
She made her interpretation based on her script-reading, not based on the DVD. She did not watch it, this page is not saying that at all lol.
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What does this have to do with Yura?
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You will understand the point of this chapter when you realize why Aqua refers everyone in his dream by their full names
Ruby won
Ai only cared about Hikaru's dick.
I don't get it. If she truly loved him why didn't she at least tell him she had the babies? She said she was afraid but still did it, she spent at least 5 years with the kids. Fuck love, he about letting the kids know their father? And it's not like he sent an assassin to her apartment.
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>"I told her to go to those woods where she slipped on some rocks, which basically means I killed her. I am such a heartless murderer"
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So you admit Aqua likes Ruby too? And why would “Goro” bring up Sarina if she doesn’t register as a romantic option?
It's actually Aka spelling it out for you that they don't exist at all.
>rat deleted his post
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Ai just cared about her career. Kekaru was just one of the thousand cocks she tasted, and maybe the only one she regrets having conceded.
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Remember those other guys from Love Now? Pretty sure end of TB's premiere is the last time we see them kek
I literally said that I don't believe it and will wait for official translation
>Anon realized that irrelevant side characters aren't supposed to return
More troublesome is that Kindaichi returned since TB only in one stupid Hikaru flashback scene.
We love Ruby here
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>More troublesome is that Kindaichi returned since TB only in one stupid Hikaru flashback scene.

He was in Akane's ceremony
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>You will understand the point of this chapter
It's just Aka once again spelling it out to people still in denial of Aqua's feelings for Arima
Are you also the drawanon from choujin x threads?
How many idols have told you that they are pure and virgin?
Still AquK*na is the endgame that makes the least sense because they lack chemistry or a connection. Everything they do is fight insult each other, resort to physical violence and not being able to interact or talk like human beings unless it's through activities (interview, catchball).
>Everything they do is fight insult each other, resort to physical violence
But that's the most kino type of japanese writing
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I’m sure there are less roundabout ways to confirm Aqua’s feelings for Kana than through some schizo dream and calling it a hormonal crush
It's the most basic and cheap way to write dynamics with the series being a slowburn over 150 chapters long manga.
You fight, banter and insult your enemies, rivals or "friendly rivals", not your lovers.
She seems more like a morality pet than someone he loves from this.
>and calling it a hormonal crush
nta but Kamiki used the same words to describe his relationship with Ai in the movie (relationship "appropriate of their age") and he was implying that was much better than his (in his eyes) fucked and loveless relationship
Ruby is so tight
That was just a way to say Aqua's pp is only hard for Kana
>she is hard working
So are Ruby, Akane and Mem
>she is sensitive
So are Ruby, Akane and Mem
>she has straight gaze
Do have have Ruby, Akane and Mem. Hell, Ruby and Akane have even more potent gaze
>she is bright
In the very next chapter Kana admits her inferiority to Ruby and Mem in brightness
So, why should Aqua like Kana over any of them?
Hormonal crushes are fucked and loveless relationships tho.
K*na hasn't known the real Aguwa like Wooby and Akane did. She only is crushing on an idea about him.
Actual healthy relationships have to go over the crush phase.
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Aka has been spelling out that Aqua loves Akane the entire manga.
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That was was basically him saying Ai and Hikaru in the movie had a romcom relationship which was fictional creation of Yoriko and Abiko
Also that’s what Aqua said
>So, why should Aqua like Kana over any of them?
He doesn't, Ruby is one of his loved one's while Kana isn't. Aqua wants to be with Akane forever, but doesn't feel the same way about Kana.
You are missing the key line
>...as if we understood each other in our own way
It applies to their relationship. They banter, they put on each other nerves but they still enjoy their company to the point of developing romantic feelings. You don't have to follow a textbook romance to develop feelings for someone
If Hikaru is already mindbroken then what's about other interviews?
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Aka literally shows us what Ai should've done.
Because of the opposite: because she's actually an awful human being, but it's the only person Cuckqua can be together with because of that, because both suck dick as human beings despite of one being a prodigy and the other being a talentless cunt who's only got her ego inflated because of in-universe media shill.
It's the same why Cuckji chose Sensei, he'll duck his suicide attempt and live because he found someone as mentally warped as him. He's also gonna be a daddy soon, that's why he's gonna live too.
Kanaputa lost
>So, why should Aqua like Kana over any of them?
Imagine if you like someone you know for a couple of years. And then they put her in a room with other girls who have similar "capabilities". Are you going to dump her right on the spot and jump to any of the other randos?
But Aka still hasn’t provided any real explanation why Aqua should like Kana, especially given his basically perfectionist tastes
What a bitch
I don't get how this is revenge
>any real explanation
You should cure your autism first.
So fucking what? He knew Ruby for far longer and knew Akane about as much as he knew Kana, excluding their first meeting. Never mind the fact that they never fucking dated in the first place
>I think she was pleasured with her kids.
>It applies to their relationship. They banter, they put on each other nerves but they still enjoy their company to the point of developing romantic feelings
Only when both are human garbage personality wise (double tsun/double cunt/double psychopaths) or if one of them is a hotheaded and stubborn autismal with dunning krugger syndrome who gives zero shits about societal rules, shows a worrysome inmaturity and has just one or half a redeeming quality and the other is a cunt with a reason to be one who has to check on him and can't help to develop feelings out of having to be stuck with him despite of him/her getting on his nerves (boke/tsukkomi couple).
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You should read the manga with open eyes instead of your ass and tell how does Kana apply to any of Aqua’s criteria here
Easy, because both are horrible persons.
A cunt will never be able to connect or relate to a good girl/guy, but can relate and feel safe around people as scummy as him.
>killed the woman he loved but thought she hated him
>finds out she did love him
How do you not understand?
So Aqua liking Kana over Akane or Ruby makes zero sense especially considering that Akane and Ruby are better in pretty much every way, got it.
>Never mind the fact that they never fucking dated in the first place
It was implied (thanks to Aka's beautiful prose) that they were usually hanging out after school and stuff (before and after the ghosting year). Aqua wasn't even surprised Kana messaged him to hang out in 150-151, but instead puzzled at the cosplay and later at knowing that it was actually a date
Ai is the root of the problem, dead or alive
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>So fucking what? He knew Ruby for far longer and knew Akane about as much as he knew Kana
He knows they both are pieces of shit deep inside.
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>all of this cope
>rat is now relying on headcanoning what happened offscreen
And he knew Ruby since she was little and even before he got reincarnated(he was visiting Sarina every day) we and dated Akane for a year, what is the point you’re trying to make here, retard
>Only when both are human garbage personality wise
So Aqua and Kana
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That's literally Kana at her best.
Hacka is a subversive author. Remember he is from Negi Haruba's school, so he can perfectly do the same (make the unexpected girl win without logic or proper explanation ust because he enjoys seeing the online meltdowns in the communities. Basically a sadistic author).
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All of the AkuRubi art and now season 2 OP/ED really got to rats.
Then Mengo drops another fucking Akane and Kana art, lol.
>Then Mengo drops another fucking Akane and Kana art, lol.
Kana will only ever be Akane's fucktoy at most, after all.
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>pretends Ruby's quick description what's so cool about Gorou is exceptional and convincing either
It's a manga lol.The motivation will always be spelled out with short descriptive catch words. There is no "meta-critique" that can be applied to the value of these words. There is a feeling in the protagonist and gets voiced with short remarks in small speech bubbles.
Is this your final cope?
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Now on top of all the recent art we get next chapter showing that Ruby saved Aqua in the end is the source of his white star (again).
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>Negi Haruba's schoo
We called it Kubo's school during 5tobun years.
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You mean Sarina?
You would have had a point if Hacka didn’t shove down Kana into our throats at every turn, not to mention that Ruby fits the secret winner troupe more anyway
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It literally isn't.
Rats love to brag about Kana getting attention in every arc and now try to pretend she would be the subversive winner.
You guys are barely fucking literate and to be honest, most times you aren't even that.
Btw, it's Ruby that has all the meta support, destiny, and MacGuffin on her side like Yotsuba.
Fucking moron, my issue is not the exposition, my point is that it’s not consistent with the way Aqua’s character has been written so far, especially restring his preferred type which Kana doesn’t fit
>especially restring his preferred type which Kana doesn’t fit
She has the body type
>especially restring his preferred type which Kana doesn’t fit
I love how you inserted your premise headcanon at the end of this shitpost.
>his preferred type
His "preferred type" is literally Ai's stage image which isn't even a real person. Besides, I'm still waiting for a real refutation of this:
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>His "preferred type" is literally Ai's stage image which isn't even a real person.
Oh she's real.
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>people still mad at Aqua’s taste in women
Leave him alone
>taste in women
There's nothing to refute, because it doesn't prove your headcanon.
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>unironically spamming buzzwords because a character isnt a pitiful of a human being as much as you are
Either do your own translation or just get back to your echo chamber then
There are cases of idols having secret relationships, though
Shut up Memcho
Ruby doesn't have a stage image for Aqua because Aqua knows who she truly is. There is no deceptive aspect left for your own imagination or idealization.

Also image believing the conclusion of the mangw will be: Yeah we returned to worshipping a fake stage image, that's true love. Bruh
>trips confirm

his cock and balls were able to produce literal divinity, I have nothing but respect for him
Have you considered the fact that he can't really hold conversation with retardby because that bitch knows jack shit about anything but idolshit? Also recall the dates with Akane, she always did teenager shit which Aqua was clearly not interested in or entertained by. How the fuck is he supposed to fall in love if he doesn't have fun being around them that much
Rats once again exposing their own illiteracy by not reading Love Mow where Aqua spells out his preferred type
Whether that Ai was real or not is irrelevant to the fact that her idol image is Aqua’s type and that Kana doesn’t fill the bill in the slightest, especially considering that Ruby’s real personality is basically like Ai’s idol persona and Akane who can pull of he performance and effortlessly
He saw Ruby falling into darkness, he saw her having a meltdown, he saw her almost wanting to off herself. Ruby is anyone but invincible for him, unlike Kana.
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The point is that it's not fake, Ruby is actually like that.
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>”My dad is such a kek, you should’ve seen him crying like a baby. I didn’t cry though, I’m mentally strong. Not even Ai’s death affected me”
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>failure to read
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If anyone is his preferred type it'd be Akane.
Akane's problem is her height. Aquakek is into womanlets.
>I loved him
>which Is why I told him to fuck off
>And 5 years later I told him to come back cause muh babies, not me though(but actually yeah for me)
So Ai knew the guy wasnt right in the head yet decided to mess with him like that because she was just in denial?
Ai was just having a woman moment, please understand.
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Forgot image. Also reminder that Aqua is canonically a lookist and Akane and Ruby are canonically prettier than Kana
And what the fuck Aqua can talk about with Kana that is not random fucking banter?
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>that Kana doesn’t fill the bill in the slightest,
The ability of inbreds to create the wildest headcanons is truly impressive.
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>he saw Ruby at her weakest
Yeah, that's the point.
Imagine if Aka decided to let Ai live
think the manga would reach another level of shitshow
Aqua is into Akane.
It would be oyakodon kino. That's the real reason he killed Ai.
I'm still lost. She made two DVDs for one twin each. Why can't we see what was on ruby's and why is only aqua's important
KEKmiki is not my hero and never was. Hikarumoths lost.
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>I just want her straight gaze. Why am I not supposed to have it?
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I think it's fair to say that Mengo's character design and art are responsible for at least 80% of the show's popularity
I mean, look at this
meanwhile aka is embarrassing every week
>and Akane and Ruby are canonically [headcanon]
I assume we are dealing with a former akaneschizo who jumped the ship after 123. Many such cases.
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>If anyone is his preferred type it'd be Akane.
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The inability of rats to read the manga is truly incredible, Kana admits her inferiority to Ruby and Mem and they would still spin it into a victory
Man I fucking hate it when official tls fuck up
>僕達 = bokutachi = our
Aqua is leaving Goro behind. He used "Ore" before. Now "Boku" after 150.
>aka made a point that Kana's confession had no affect on Aqua's eyes
>meanwhile fulfilling his revenge the way Ruby decided on results in his star shining brighter than ever
>Also recall the dates with Akane, she always did teenager shit which Aqua was clearly not interested in or entertained by.
Is that why going on dates with her was among the first things to come to his mind when asked to think of his happy memories?
Shouldn't have been an asshole to her. Asshole.
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It’s obviously setting the ground to make Kana shine the brightest she has been in her life at her graduation
>The inability of rats to [HEADCANON]
Yeah, because Kana is not a retarded moron like you who believes romance will be decided on a fucking idol stage of who "shines" the most for some retarded idolfag crowd lmao. Fucking manchild.
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I love breaks.
>Yeah, because Kana is not a retarded moron like you who believes romance will be decided on a fucking idol stage
Huh? That's literally what she's trying to do. Fucking rats.
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>Kamiki killed Ai because he loved her
Ok so why did he kill all those other women then??
I ruined another character with my writing…
because aka said so, otherwise that whore would have no chance of winning
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>otherwise [HEADCANON]
Is Ai the most retarded women in manga?
A woman moment that costed her life.
Kekmiki will confess he planned Ai's murder and sent Ryousuke, fully aware of his mental issues.
>Huh? That's literally what she's trying to do. Fucking rats.
Obviously not in a competitive sense as indicated by the fucking points you brought up yourself. Unbelievably braindead...
there's Yura who slipped to her death
>I don't see you as a girl of romantic interest
>sees her as fuckable meat
>And what the fuck Aqua can talk about with Kana that is not random fucking banter?
His mouth may not speak, but his fists can speak for him.
AquK*na is what's actually wrong with relatipnships. It's not only "muh bantz", there's domestic violence there too.
Well there is Airi...
Plapping Akane without protection
>i don't like her, so MC shouldn't either.. because BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE HER
Dumb fucking rodent, Kana specifically better everything on her last concert was with her demanding him to support only her and her alone
Kana exists
Not the same anon.
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>I mean, look at this
anime Akane is different from manga Akane tho
Domestic violence is a sign of love.
>Yeah, because Kana is not a retarded moron like you who believes romance will be decided on a fucking idol stage of who "shines" the most for some retarded idolfag crowd lmao. Fucking manchild.
Yet she wants to confess on stage and cause B-Komachi's fans to riot because she hates themand is only obsessed with a depressive fag.
Who's the womanchild, uh?
I'm guessing the DVDs are the same except maybe minor details like addressing them personally. Probably as a back up in case they're not on good terms when they're 15.
Gotanda just gave the DVDs to Aqua assuming he'd give Ruby hers but he just didn't.
>her demanding him to support only her and her alone
Because she will do a show specifically for him, looking and shining specifically at and for him. She says if he is interested in her he has the chance to accept her offer of love by supporting her on the concert.

It's a pretty simply and cute rom plot. You're an autist.
"I don't see you as a woman" was a lie since he had been fantasising about fucking her this entire time.
Except Aqua didn't "like" her for years, he started taking an interest in her after they acted together in Sweet Today, which was around the same time he met all of the other girls
there's just no logical reason for Kana to be chosen instead of the other two, since all the girls display all of the same qualities, and Kana is the only one who treats him like shit all the time
But enough of your schizo rambling. Everyone can see how you're fulll of seeth you disgusting pig.
Have you paid the alimony for your children, rat?? How's your ex-wife after showing your tough love??
Sidegirlfags are so retarded that they actually believe Aqua is gonna end up with a girl who knows nothing about his past and his circumstances. Do you guys actually expect Aqua to tell either Kana or Akane all about that if he ends up with them, or is he just gonna hide it from them for the rest of his life?
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You think that’s funny? Do you even know all the alimony I must pay every month?
The irony of rats saying that considering that they want Aqua to end up with Kana only because they want to fuck Kana through a proxy or because of petty win chasing
Not this shit again. You are severely autistic. Get help.
"I don't see you as a romantic love interest" doesn't mean he sees her a man, anon... Do you see every porn actress you wank every day as a "romantic love interest" lmao
It's what K*na is betting everything into, rat. Confessing during the graduation will only cause an uproar amongst B-Komachi fans.
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Akane already knows about his past life though

Does Ruby even know about Goro's life?
Retard, 150 never registered on my radar. It's only when I come here do I see illiterates twisting it into something it never was.
I'm not a retard to actually get married in this day and age, lmao.
But enough of your jewish psychologistic deceptions.
But enough about what Aka wants to do!
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What a mystery.
>making up lines
fuck off
Yes, she’s a bitch that abandoned her real dream and now her a doing sole thing she doesn’t like only to impress a guy she knows nothing about
she designed the caracters, and oshi no ko only blew up after the anime's popularity, so
I think Ruby already lost actually. Because Aqua seems to have accepted himself as Aqua.
>Refers to Ai as "mom" instead of as "Ai" which he always did prior.
>Uses "Boku" to refer to himself instead of "Ore" which he used prior.
>This Goro/Aqua dichotomy is no longer even a conflict, Aqua has his white star and is mentally in a good place.
It's anticlimatic but Ruby (probably) lost already.
Ruby won
>Confessing during the graduation will only cause an uproar amongst B-Komachi fans.
Sure, the crowd will magically pin down the angle of Kana's gaze to Aqua and jump him. Very realistic. However Ruby is already shining brighter for the general crowd and Mem is more popular and engaging with the fans as Kana has already predicted. Nobody will jump her or Aqua for what she's doing.
>h-he just likes her... BECAUSE HE DOES OK??
please be serious, that's not how you write romance
because it's not romance, its haremshit
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Acting as a dream was already fulfilled when she was a loli. She just simply is settling with a man now, nothing weird about it
>b-but her fans
Idolniggers don’t deserve human rights or even be acknowledged as human beings
>that abandoned her real dream
Literally gets back into acting after her graduation concert. "Muh she abandoned her dream by emphasizing how serious her crush on Aqua is". You are a human piece of shit.
Akaneschizo was right...
Anon, the line was "I don't see you as a girl" not "I don't see you as a love interest".
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>that's not how you write romance
I guess you've never read an actual romance in your life because literally no sane author has ever tried to justify love using "facts and logic". All human literature always emphasize its irrationality.
>Acting as a dream was already fulfilled when she was a loli. She just simply is settling with a man now, nothing weird about it
Rat here, but this take is retarded. She's not going to quit acting even after winning over Aqua, obviously. And with a man on her side that supports her she'll glow up in her acting career too, reaching new heights and fulfill her dream there too. It's just that metaphor in her convo with Aqua for how important he is to her.
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>how serious her crush on Aqua is
Yeah, so serious, like saying he's cute and...
Oh yeah, he clung to the entertainment industry like her (he didn't). Only to immediately say him becoming a doctor sounds great!
Very serious crush with very serious feelings.
Goro you're an old man stop cosplaying as a highschooler.
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Sure Kekqua
I haven’t said she quitting acting nor the manga has implied that. Her dream has achieved at age 5, it’s just part of her daily life now. Her current dream being Aqua’s onapet doesn’t conflict at all
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He also used boku here
What kind of socks is that?
>Her dream has achieved at age 5
So you're just going to ignore all the shit Kana said before. Including when she announced her graduation in the first place and why the scandal happened in the first place. Rats are too funny.
Easy as say in her part of the farewell speech she doesn't gives a fuck about the audience, she hates all of them, and if she's on the stage now, it's just because she wants to take back at the industry by doing the shit producers, managers and idorushitters hate the most: reveal her feelings. Not crow bullshit or supernatural shit, just an awful person being an awful person and sharting all over societal norms.
That would be her 2nd and final scandal.
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That's not doing you any favors either. He's interested in her as an actress = gets horny whenever she's "Ai". That was also his realization after his baseball match. He doesn't have a sexual attraction to Akane but her Ai role.

You said he was lying back then. But the anime introduced a good indicator for when he's truthful by occasionally using a brightly! shining star at moments that show true character. In this particular case even directly narrated with "That is not a lie". We have many such moments throughout season 1 and will see more of them in the next one as well.
I had those years ago, they are good only if you use flat shoes. They get loose with any other type of shoe though
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The fact that she's asking him to love the performance she puts up on stage and not the real her should be a clear losing flag.
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Retarded lying rodent, she wasn’t doing that to impress Aqua, she was doing it because she has zero confidence in her ability to sell as an actress. She outright says that she was living a dreamless life and that becoming Aqua’s Oshi is her new dream
Dumbfuck, this is a harem we’re talking about, the woman MC picks should have some advantages over other heroines. Not to mention that “unconditional love” doesn’t exist anyway and Aqua himself gave the reasons why he finds Kana attractive
Foot covers or no show socks
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A brightly shining star you say!
A type of socks girls sometimes wear with their flats or other types of shoes
only women wear those
if so...
>Including when she announced her graduation
An official announcement will always use highly compassionate phrases to justify why she wants to leave. That's basic PR speech btw. She never said anything about acting as a dream besides that. Sure, Shima promised her an important role but saying she's not aspiring to get this role just because she told Aqua that being his oshi is her dream is maximum capacity autism and you know very well how fucking retarded you sound.
Is there any part of the fandom that takes Kekqua seriously?
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> So you're just going to ignore all the shit Kana said before. Including when she announced her graduation in the first place and why the scandal happened in the first place
She’s just saying she wants to continue as an actress because being an idol is shit. It’s not a dream but just the type of job she wants to continue
>He's interested in her as an actress = gets horny whenever she's "Ai". That was also his realization after his baseball match. He doesn't have a sexual attraction to Akane but her Ai role.
She hadn't been acting as Ai since lovenow, retard. Yet he's still sexually attracted to her and admitted he wants their relationship to be more intimate. The truth is that Aqua likes Akane, whether she's putting on an act or just being herself.
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>An official announcement will always use highly compassionate phrases to justify why she wants to leave.
Holy fuck, rats are fucking dumb.
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Is there any part of the fandom that takes you seriously, ojisanschizo?
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Looks like her life choices have caused some controversy
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Cute and canon couple.
>Kills his beloved in an angry spur
Man moment.
I'm saying that there are things the author sets up in his own story to show the audience that these characters developed real feelings for each other, and in this particular story it makes no sense since all 3 leads are extremely similar
If YOU actually read romance, you could always pinpoint some reason as to why a character felt some sort of way. There's always going to be one thing that separates the true heroine from the rest. The chemistry between the leads, maybe certain events happened, maybe it was love at first sight, whatever. It's literally romance 101
But when all 3 display the same qualities, and the MC chooses one "just because", it just comes off as insincere and lazy as fuck
Indeed, fucking all those horses was very controversial.
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Wooby won
1. Animated before 150.
2. This OP is for S2 content and is supposed to be relevant for that season. The Goro/Aqua dichotomy becomes greater as time goes on, and now it seems to have culminated in him accepting and viewing himself as Aqua.
Melt's a lucky guy...
>i-it’s a metaphor
It’s funny how rats cannot make up their minds why Kana said what she said in 150, whether because acting was her mother’s dream or because she just wanted to impress Aqua (baseless headcanon by the way)
Yeah, Aqua likes Kana and Ruby. Your point?
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>should have some advantages
She makes MC's PP harder than other bitches, this is more than enough. Besides every haremkek will say that their bitch was the best actually and MC is a fag who chose the worst heroine.
>A brightly shining star you say!
Yeah. Gorou is certainly touched by her words. But in which sense is rather vague. He has it also while encountering Hikaru, because his revenge is authentic and truthful. He has it in the anime while engaging the Love Now director and guilt trips him about what kind of adults do not protect children, because Gorou will always step up and protect. He has it when Kana mentions Sweet Today because his real self actually loves this manga (he has all volumes in his private library). He has it while he says Kana is cute when he's convincing her to join B-Komachi, later he says to Miyako it wasn't a lie.

The symbol of bright shining star as a moment of truthfulnes is definetely established as a consistent pattern.

And yes, Aqua adores Sarina and nothing changed in that regard either. Was she his "first love" too? Maybe. We'll see I guess.
I'm guessing Aqua's father is essentially Aqua if he had got his revenge in the darkest manner possible.
I still stand about that outfit being dumb
Because she is meant to be pure for Aka.
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Holy shit look at her face. The moment she fell in love
>Who is this tall hunk of meat who BTFO Kekqua in looks?
>It’s funny how rats cannot make up their minds why Kana said what she said in 150
You are talking to me. I don't care what other people say.
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Make me
No and it's truth
>all 3 leads are extremely similar
They are not tho? They all have very different characters and even appearances.
>The chemistry between the leads
Well, Kana has the best banters.
>She makes MC's PP harder than other bitches
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You are still a retard who is speaking baseless headcanons here, like when you shamelessly lied that Kana said her dream is to be Aqua’s Oshi is because she wanted to emphasize her feelings for him instead of her being an insecure fuck who is starving for acknowledgement and who decided to make her dream about Aqua because she believes in her inability to sell as a successful actress
Funny how the ratsisters keep spamming "inbred" as an insult yet they're the same ones that keep shitposting Ruby x Kamiki.
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It’s mutual so it’s fine
He used Boku before at other times too
>Yeah, Aqua likes Akane and Ruby.
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By banter you mean making ultimate demands?
Yeah anon, everyone and their mothers have been saying that they think Aqua likes Kana one way or another. That is a pretty clear sign.
Remember when rats were convinced that Kana was going to get targeted by Kamiki because of the roses?
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Akane won.
>ultimate demand
If anything Kana is giving him choices
/a/ saw it
Ojisan dicks
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This is canon btw
Only Aqua's confession counts when it comes to who he likes.
It's canonically a crackship.
The only response she can deem as acceptable from Aqua is being his only Oshi, which is pretty damn close to making an ultimatum
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Ok so Akasaka

-it's not a mangaka anymore.
-it's obvious he's not a good writer either.
-He just wants to collaborate with and fuck new mangakas.

I think working on TV is his next step. There are plenty of cute girls to fuck too.
Plap Ruby
I don't understand? If you have a better explanation for why she's saying to Aqua that her dream is to be his oshi, why did you start the conversation then with "Muh her character is inconsistent, she first said her dream is acting, the she said it's Aqua. It doesn't make sense" when you are now able to come up with the insecurity explanation?

However these two points do not contradict each other. I said already, that she'll become an actress anyway and with a partner on her side find the motivation to shine on the acting stage as well. >>268374169 ("And fullfill her dream there too").

Not sure why you're such an angry faggot, accusing me of "shameless lies" while you're the one playing retard for half the conversation to then just prove my point lol.
Aka will become like Shima D.
He'll do vtubing full time.
This is Akasaka Aka's manga. Tsundere x Tsundere pair will be the endgame.
>If you have a better explanation for why she's saying to Aqua that her dream is to be his oshi,
The reason for this is that her character regressed.
Shank Kana with a rusty kitchen knife
He’ll open a gravure company to groom all the failed idols of Japan
>Aka will become like Shima D.
So he'll become a cuck?
Yeah but bigshots also like to fuck those cute girls. Small fish like Aka can only go after small vtubers or no name mangakas
like who
He already is
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How can it something that doesn’t exist contradict something that does? You don’t even understand that Kana latches onto Kana only because she believes she’s unpopular as fuck and has no real fans. She would have no reason to crave for Aqua’s acceptance if she grows her own self worth
And it’s funny how rats are basically saying that Kana can have the cake and eat it too because why fucking not
>The reason for this is that her character regressed.
Her not believing in her abilities on her own is her problem since day 1 and it never progressed beyond that. There was nothing to regress, she is just who she is. So no, I totally reject your misusage of the word "regress".
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> She would have no reason to crave for Aqua’s acceptance
Headcanon, she’s just a maiden in love
>She would have no reason to crave for Aqua’s acceptance if she grows her own self worth
Ohhhh, that's what it is. Got it. The final character-assasination cope arrvied. "Muh actually she doesn't need to be with the guy she loves so much and fallen for since ever"
Her saying that she doesn’t need Aqua and that her real dream is to become an actress only to say that becoming an actress has never been her dream and she only wants to be an Aqua simp is a character regression, retard
No, she resolved to become more independent and pursue what she actually wants around scandal arc, then she regressed back into wanting to be an idol for Aqua's dick and being emotionally dependent on his attention for validation.
She doesn’t once you realize that Aqua is basically a replacement for her mother
>Muh actually she doesn't need to be with the guy she loves so much and fallen for since ever
That's the rat cope against AquRuby.
There is the jewish psychology again.
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It’s alright. Aka already stated that actresses can have boyfriends
>she resolved to become more independen
That's literally her whole life being self-dependent in the industry. What kind of a faggot do you have to be to read this as a replacement for the human desire of love and the strive for a partner? She was literally ghosted for a year and desperate. Chapters later he is all of the sudden meeting her again. Gonna blaim the heart of a woman? You are weird. Using the word "regress" is just a cope to reject the ship. It has absolutely no valuable application in understanding human relations.
Sorry you can’t read, but Kana’s desire for approval is her most consistent character trait. First it was her mother, now it’s Aqua
The appproval of a mother is indeed relevant in the developmental stage of a sexually immature child. Just as finding approval by a romantic partner is the natural state of things when people grow up. It's not a surrogate lol
No she wasn’t, first she was relying on her mother then after meeting Aqua she had him living rent free in her head and it was a huge relief for her to know that Aqua was “still” in the entertainment industry
>A child was relying on her mother
Paint me shocked
>"She was only in entertainment to meet Aqua!"
This must be the most uncherishable shit ever dropped by who ever the fuck you jerk off to.
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She doesn’t need her mother’s or Aqua’s approval specifically you autist
Ruby won
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>his must be the most uncherishable shit ever dropped by who ever the fuck you jerk off to.
But enough about yourself and your shitty takes, rat. Aqua was living rent free in her dead since she was a toddler
nta but how do you even translate that page into “she was in the industry just for Aqua”? She wanted to meet him again but wasn’t the main reason why she was still around
>"You're lucky, somebody cares for you"
>sadge face
>"She doesn't need nobody, anon!"
You're an embarassament.
That is called being butthurt after getting destroyed
>posts a panel highlighting why she has fallen in love since she met him again and got the chance to interact with him properly
Nothing to add to your nonsense.
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But enough about kekna after being btfo by childqua!
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Where did I fucking say she was as in it for Aqua? Her career just died right after meeting him and she fell out of relevance
>the rival I have been chasing in my heart since I was little
Ruby the winner
>"Here is another manga page to highlight my severe brainrot, please look at it, lmao"
It's fine Jester, go back in your corner.
People WILL be shocked when the girl who was foreshadowed multiple times and literally, straight up, PROMISED to be Oshi’d by Gorqua will in fact become the oshi and fulfill the foreshadowing and the reason she was reborn. Amusingly, she is the girl who is already Oshing him. But somehow, people still will be shocked.
You'd think the anime team shoving Ruby everywhere would cue them in but they're still as dense as ever.
>Fujimoto is also taking a two-week break
Weird how rubyfags are constantly posting "ruby won" as if they need to convince themselves of it. When Akane and Kanafags never feel the need to go out of their way to do that.
It's Abyss MemeTL. Ignore his TL.
It's to convince you guys since you lot are actually retarded enough to think that Akane and Kana has a chance of winning.
Well, no one really takes them seriously outside of their own echo chambers so they have to come to 4chan of all places to scream as hard as possible just so like 30 anons on here know about their existence...
It’s just a silly excuse to post canon AquRuby art
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>Meanwhile in reality

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