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Post scenes that mindbroke /a/ to this day.
Riza did nothing wrong.
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Where did this retarded trope come from? Is it a nip cultural thing?
Its common in western media too; look at capeshit
it’s a christian thing
you wouldn’t understand
>christianity invented morality
It's true though.
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Read a history book, nips are a completely cucked race of "people".
All they do well, is copied from western, real humans, meanwhile these examples you posted, are what they would ACTUALLY want to say and do, attack on titan is the pinnacle of an example of that, and how the subhuman normalfags ate it up with a smile is basically like a funny unintentional slip.
in its modern tropey form, ultimately the idea is that only people that have already sullied themselves by becoming killers should be the ones to do necessary killings, and people who have clean hands should keep them clean
though this believe has also bred prejudice. butchers, coroners, and executioners (who traditionally tended to be poor and/or from ainu/ryukyu islander descent) got branded as burakumin and discriminated against as being too deeply unclean to live alongside normal people the same way murderers are perceived.

though that doesn't extend to mustang. in that case him and hawkeye both consider themselves fuckdeep in mud and the point was just that if mustang is going to be a benevolent dictator he needs to keep his emotions in check in matters of life and death no matter what
>Japan is a christian country
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Didn't everyone in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood agreed that Envy should be killed but just not by Roy?
Also, this anime did the same thing
Yeah, Riza offers to kill him herself.
That's because this scene is retarded
And nobody killed him. FMA is implicitly trying to say that acting on revenge no matter what is wrong. It's why Winry treats the injuries of the man who murdered both of her parents and tried to kill her childhood friends.
This was written by a woman, so it checks out.
Teenage boys are able to understand this scene just fine, I don't know how people on /a/ can't
Why should Winry have killed Scar? Are you retarded? Scar isn't on the same level as Envy and Windy is just a normal teenage girl. She also treated his wounds because he was needed for the mission so she put her personal feelings aside, which was the mature thing to do.
Roy killing Lust was framed as 100% the right thing to do, so was Greed getting revenge on Bradley for the deaths of his chimera buddies. Winry's whole thing was 'I am a doctor, like my parents before me' evoking a little thing called the Hippocratic oath. not to mention a huge plot point in the finale was the thousands of souls inside both Hohenheim and Father getting their revenge on Father for what he did by fucking him up from the inside
NTA but I don't think he disagrees with you
To add to that: Winry still hates Scar after sparing his life
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I'm really arguing for and against this being a problem.
good job proving OP right, this was never full metal point.
they feel ashamed from WWII
it did.
>Roy killing Lust was framed as 100% the right thing to do
No, it was too soon.
Everybody agreed that Envy should die. Just not at the hands of somebody teetering on the brink of psychotic revenge rage.
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It did invent the concept of forgiving your enemy
It's the subconscious intergenerational traumatic words that nips' grandfathers repeated 99999 times to China, Korea and USA to avoid getting rightfully justiced after loosing the war. It worked because only 8 of the millions of cold blooded genocidal maniacs were put on trial.
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>if mustang is going to be a benevolent dictator he needs to keep his emotions in check in matters of life and death no matter what
I never understood this. What happens to the country after the benevolent dictator dies?
the epic of gilgamesh exists
Mustang's plan was to dismantle the current institution and instate something like a proper democracy. He never planned to be in charge until his death and infact, planned to have to go to jail for war crimes in the end.
I thought his plan was to force all the women to wear miniskirts
>small part of something is presented
go back to school kid
>implying that other cultures didn't have a system of moral values before them despite the existence of many texts like the poems of homer
that was just kayfabe as part of his 'shallow power hungry upstart' persona
he played up being a huge womanizer to hide the fact that one of his biggest sources of intel was the brothel he frequented, which was actually owned and operated by the woman who raised him and every time he went there it wasn't to fuck but to hear the latest secrets spilled by the other johns trying to impress the women there
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>Post scenes that mindbroke /a/ to this day.
who is /a/? if 4 people make the same thread everyday for years, can I say /a/ got mindbroken? how many people do I need for it to be /a/?
>Mustang's plan was to dismantle the current institution and instate something like a proper democracy.
>Creates a power vacuum
>Lol, govern yourselves
What a fucking retard.
>What a fucking retard.
hey if it works it works
I like his scheme with miniskirts better.
It just simplified Ma'at 42 laws into 10 commandments.
it wasn't even ten commandments, xtians were just too lazy to memorize all of the laws of moses and ignored everything after number 10
based alpha chad
>made up twitter genders
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i think that the 10000 years of wait of where much impact-full to the fanbase
Guys the issue wasn't about Roy killing Envy. It was about the fact that he was torturing Envy.
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You can cause an infinite amount of seethe just by storytiming this.
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It was a funny manga
>You can cause an infinite amount of seethe just by storytiming this.
I don't believe the seethe is real, is pure larping
After being nuked in WW2 and being occupied the Japanese developed a serious cultural trauma. Same reason Germans have a fucking cuck martyr complex to this day since they're obsessed with proving how they've totally changed and are different.
>After being nuked in WW2 and being occupied the Japanese developed a serious cultural trauma. Same reason Germans have a fucking cuck martyr complex to this day since they're obsessed with proving how they've totally changed and are different.
that is fanfiction
It was instrumental in domesticating the western world. It absolutely did invent the "You should just let your enemies enslave and kill you" branch of morality.
>he sees humans as animals that need to be reduced to pets
way to self-report, reptilian alien
German guilt-porn is totally a real thing
It's actually hilarious, they basically take pride in how guilty they are and get an ego trip from acknowledging how "horrible" they were so they can turn around and act holier-than-thou to their neighbors (because they're still fucking g*rmans at heart) and hold themselves up as an example for others to follow.

Japan is different and has a "see no evil, hear no evil" attitude to WW2 acts where they just pretend it doesn't exist, they simultaneously bemoan the tragedy of the nukes while glossing over why they happened, and in the post-war period and occupation a lot of resentment was directed at the former military as they were blamed for things, it was "their fault" they got nuked, either they should have won or not started the war to begin with. Macarthur showing up and mogging the Emperor in person mindbroke an entire generation too. That's why so much nip shit is obsessed with "BOTH SIDES BAD!" faggotry where you have to stand by and let awful shit happen since taking action means you'll be punished
>that need to be
Where did that anon claim it was a good thing?
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>It's actually hilarious, they basically take pride in how guilty they are and get an ego trip from acknowledging how "horrible" they were so they can turn around and act holier-than-thou to their neighbors (because they're still fucking g*rmans at heart) and hold themselves up as an example for others to follow.
You are biting subversive goverment propaganda, same for the eternal slavery in america
Not that anon but I don't see how you're benefiting from denying reality like this. Germans absolutely behave like that.
Except that Genthru did nothing wrong. Blame the game not the player.
>This kills the brit
And they said anime isn't realistic.
they're a zog society
Genthru was following the rules of Greed Island. As Killua even points out, he had killed way more people for worse reasons
God I've seen brits go fucking mental over this getting posted. I thought they were supposed to be good at bants?
It's just the brown ones who goes mental over this.
Yeah, like I said. Brits just go mental over it.
Did /a/ actually have a meltdown about this before? Besides the Chihiro won ending, I don't think this kind of scene would warrant a sperg out desu, knowing /a/
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gaelics don't give a fuck its just anglosaxons that can't handle criticism of the english empire
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Why are shitskins so offended by normal food
>burnt eggs with a side of purple and brown on bread is "normal"
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The whole last arc of FMA was pretty ass honestly. The villains were pretty lame.
>Not that anon but I don't see how you're benefiting from denying reality like this. Germans absolutely behave like that.
just like americans with slavery
Killua is a self-loathing little fag. Genthru and his buddies were shown on screen killing people when they had no reason to, simply out of fun. There is no worse reason; they're literally just a serial killers taking advantage of an environment that lets them do what they want. Any value system that excuses these retards from painful death is inherently pathological toward decent people.
war crime copium
Fuck you.
>no kino allowed because MCs are supposed to be badass masterminds
>Why should Winry have killed Scar
Not what the post said, retard. It was about treating Scar's injuries.
>He was needed for the mission
This was before they decided to team up, Scar was just a criminal in their custody when she did that.

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