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Obi fucking where?
Weekly Shoseki
>154. Kagurabachi 2
>167. Kagurabachi 1
Bandage obi situation
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They may be all reused, but french sure are lucky.
Also basically confirming volume release in france SOON.
International circulation about to go crazy
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Mr. Shiba... Please disappear from this manga.
four hours, trust the plan
I still dont care about Hakuri
I don't care about this manga anymore
At least you care to post in /kgb/
Why are you here?
Sunk cost, I will leave after this arc ends.
>sunk cost
>less than 40 chapters in
to be fair, if he's been following weekly that's like 9 months
Yeah, been here since chapter one. Time sure flies.
Each arc follows a movie format. Meaning the next arc would have a brand new theme
Time to move onto Astro
>been here since chapter one
Same. Though I am still enjoying it.
>Time sure flies.
I remember chapter 19 dropped as if it were yesterday.
>chapter 19
The character’s introduction chapter and who kept the momentum up to save the manga
I think the way the manga is structured is getting to me. Hype cliffhangers every chapter don't get me hyped anymore and the follow up chapters are not even close to as exciting as I always assume they would be. Action is good and I really like the poses Takeru uses but it's kinda samey and I stopped reading for the action like 20 chapters ago. A lot of small nitpicks I had since early on and ignored are still there and way more noticable in this arc. There is still a chance I will get hooked again if the ending of the arc is absolutely amazing and ties up all loose ends but I don't have really have hope, or care.
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>Nobody cares about MHA anymore
Not even a year. In fact, it hasn't ended yet.
>kagurabachi #409
>akane #410
Finally side by side.
I wonder how kgb would change in a few years, I'd probably stop following these threads by then but I hope it would get much worse so I can pester tourists by then
These threads wouldn't survive an anime adaptation.
just the thought that someday someone would unironically salesfag while quoting kgb as a top performer somehow warms my heart
>kgb because the international equivalent of the kimetsu argument
Would be funny.
I may actually need to start ordering this Manga.
Is it still hard to find anons?!
Your problem now fuxk off!

>hurr what's everyone see in this Manga
>sell me on it

Don't like it, not engaged?!
These are the kind of people who can only enjoy things knowing everyone else enjoys it too!

If no one else enjoys it, then they can't feel like they are a part of something big!
Typical monkey
Sister is on PMS biting the most obvious (You) bait possible
Oh no someone's mad. Take your meds.
More like 1 hour
Until 00:00 JST? There is no new chapter to justify the timing, though
Obi is always revealed 24 hours before volume drop
it's over...
brasilschizo will off himself before an official obi reveal
brazilbro* will live* and see* the* official obi reveal
Brazilcuck with jack off to Char NTR while eating sopa de macaco in the favela
>There's only 20 minutes left until it becomes July 3 in Japan
I see
Have bookstores received the volumes?
Yeah, that's how we saw the Boruto hair on the obi.
Hakuri volume cover
I pray
That was from editor-san who just received the samples.
>next volume isn't for 3 months
waiting right there with you buddy
hoping for souya and hakuri back to back kino
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Should Kagurabachi go to space?
The final battle must cut the moon in half.
NGL I lowkey regret going out of my way to make these threads worse
Would have happened even without you, don't worry.
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Kek, based, canon.
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Kagurabachi Fast and Furious arc when?
>kgb becomes a movie parody manga
>no obi reveal
>no countdown pics
>no pv
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>less than 24 hours till volume drop
>still no obi
why would you not advertise the shit out of a kishi rec
because it's not
Because it's not kishi
For the wow factor.
They want people to see it first at stores.
the wow factor is gone the moment he posted that on twitter
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Is Murrica the last place to get Vol. 1? Even Kiribati or something is getting it before us, bros.
Most people are dumb and won't figure it out, especially nips (target audience)
It's Japans way of getting revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki
I wasn't responsible for that
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>No PV
>Not allowed to advertise the likely Kishi rec
Nakano did everything in his power to fuck over KGB before he left
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>Not allowed to advertise the likely Kishi rec
That's a likely Ikemoto rec to you, anon
Don't get ahead of yourself now
That just makes it even worse, deliberate sabotage if it's Ikemoto
It is
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>Why should we advertise it? It's going to sell out anyway. I made sure of it
It's better actually.
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Nue and Nayuta FUCKING lost
I’m willing to admit, this is the best arc so far.
That’s now how you get (you)s
I'm willing to admit, this is the worst arc so far. This series died with Sojo.
when is catduck's appearance?
Sunday 12:00-12:45
you deserve the bad things in your life
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has anybody made a french catduck edit?
Thai is easy neighbor and brazil&france are the largest consumers of manga and comics in the world outside of japan
France is an absolute manga reading juggernaut, plenty of manga and shit get french tls even before english bc baggetes eat it up, way more than burgers
brazil's getting a print?
Char saves Christmas arc when
If its Kishi I hope he's an actual fan cause that would be huge for Hokazono
But it's Ikemoto.
>>MHA (ending)
>>kiyoshi (flavor of the week)
the big 4
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hon hon hon
>he kept the lower nig lip
it's already november remember?
Yaaay x Chadruma when?
tres bien
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>Rurifags thinking they can still compete
They are giving away Ruri and Kagurabachi handheld fans and t-shirts at anime expo
>still no obi rec confirmation
it's Ikemoto isn't it?
Ikemoto doesn't work as a rec, no one knows him.
That's why we got that as a rec.
Both popular and known, you don't get a literal who after this.
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Hidden Inventory Kuregumo first wielder Mei lightsaber
Is the US really a smaller market? Do Americans just not read or all they worse piratefags than the fucking Hues?
>giving away
I thought they were selling them?
don't try to deflect
the eng versions get sold to canada and the uk too
equalize the slander
And scandinavia and probably other small markets
you don't get swedish publications?
I brought up canada and uk because the back of viz volumes literally have their prices printed on them
You can pre-order the english viz version here. No news for our own localization/license (yet).
>kgb #398
>akane #450
Stop running away from your wife.
I feel like the Kamunabi arc is going to be the next one. Also a good opportunity to introduce a lot of new characters.
Amazon press
The question is how to introduce it
>chihiro gets arrested (chance for some hot torture sessions)
>something something shinuchiman
>they just decide to get his sword after what happens during the rakuzaichi
Good time for the Hiyuki arc nonetheless.
>chihiro gets arrested
>check him for secret weapons
>kamunabi hag corps enter the scene
I don't want Chihiro losing Enten AGAIN so quickly not after he's finally been reunited with her. It would feel superfluous.
Hakuri can teleport enten to his storehouse probably.
Chihiro being locked up and Hakuri/Shiba trying to get him out would be fun, since kamunabi should be filled to the brim with anti teleport barriers and the like so shiba and hakuri can't just instantly solve the issue.
>even less chihiro in the next arc
lol no
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>even less
Yeah, because he hasn't been in every single chapter but one, mostly driving the action.
The main character doesn't need to be the sole central figure of the series that everything revolves around.
He doesn't have to be, but then it'll start getting boring because this isn't whatever other shit you read where the protagonist is the most boring irrelevant character.
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>husky = us
>heat = lack of obi news
>ice cubes = our assurance that it's a kubo rec
trust the plan
Didn't the image have clipped Naruto/Boruto style spiky blonde hair? Who has that in Kubo's work?
*hand holding
Honestly, part of Kagurabachi's appeal is the main character being a core driving force.
The Anti-Kuregumo Squad had me nervous that the cast was expanding too quickly when the chapter dropped but that got thinned out pretty quickly.
i meant to write kishimoto, but kubo is a funny typo
Who does Catduck like more?
So what are the chances of kgb volume 3 pv having another astro ad for its entire second half?
Tafuku NTR
The pv included the other two series, you know.
And Astro isn't doing so hot, if it sells less than nue I'll laugh a lot.
Kishimoto by a factor of one million
>naruto was the reason he started drawing manga
>his editor said he is obsessed with naruto
>more than tocs or jump promotion
>his reward for performing well is a kishi rec
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I've never seen Naruto.
Next to France yes, baguettes consume an insane amount of manga and comics. For brazil, they arent as rabid but they still have quite high consumption per capita.
And regarding your other point...
An english TL IS in fact more profitable, particularly due to much higher global appeal than say, french. Fanscans and pirating however, seriously drain this market
But conventions, events, etc you want turnout. The baguettes and hues, albeit technically smaller markets, will attend your events in bigger numbers, which is more apparent bc their bigger cities are comparable to the bigger usadian cities, but events in theirs drives better numbers. They are just bigger weebs.
for a few frames the dog resembles a bowl of curry rice
Do not redeem
Is the manga still in the possible axe zone?
So far it's safe, volumes 3 and 4 need to massively underperform to be back in the axe zone
>if only they gave it an actual print for Volume 3
Why is there no PV?
Volume 3 having the same print number as volume 2 truly is Nakano's last stand against Kagurabachi.
It's even more petty if it ends up having Kishimoto's rec.
>Boy I sure do love approving the monthly reprints of Kagurabachi!
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It honestly doesn't look like Naruto's hair.
It's probably Boruto. So, the obi recommendation is from Ikemoto.
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Meds, now.
guys what if agumon wrote a recommendation
CHADs, now.
>The post that KILLS the Kishi rec denier
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What we know about Issue #32
>Cover & LCP: Himaten
>other colors: The Elusive Samurai, Kill Blue, Nue's Exorcist
>absent: One Piece, Witch Watch
There is such a thing as Marine Day?
I'm thinking cover & lcp will be on 1st anniversary.
It's for the sea
Imagine Chojo getting cover next week.
color page for kgb for marine/ocean day
(even though goldfish are a freshwater species)
it'll be roboco fishing chapter cover
There was a leak about a Witch Watch anime. My guess is
>Issue 33 - Witch Watch
>Issue 34 - One Piece
>Issue 35 - MHA
One Piece and MHA can switch places

Nakano delayed the anime announcements for Sakamoto Days and Witch Watch to block Kagurabachi from getting a summer cover
roboco will finally do The Pose but instead of a sword it's with a fishing rod
Make sense. KGB can get its cover on 1st anniversary.
>Tsugimanga winners announcement
>Obligatory first anni cover
If KGB didn't get it on September, i'm riot. It's perfect time.
Yozakura's birthday is August 26 but its anniversary covers have always been delayed until October because of the new September batch.
I personally blame all of you for not believing hard enough.
It looks like a N
Naruto's son
so bejita right?
>KGB backlogs are now selling at almost the same figures as Gachiakuta.
Saito better reward KGB dearly.
What will happen to him next?
Isou blasting through multiple obstacles.
steel chair
flamethrower'd by nakano
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but it's takeru-duck staring sadly at nakano as he holds [his favored manga]
getting chocked and manhandled.
it's souyahaku volume intro after all.
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A doodle of Ducat getting 『 ISOU 』by uncannily caricature doodle of Nakano by :
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it's kishimoto
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Just a reminder that they kept the same print size from volume 2 for this.
Meaning the editorial team will not see a sales rise.
This has to be a dream come true for Hokazono, the guy who inspired you to start drawing and create manga is now recommending your work? He's gotta be going insane right now
That's just Nakano sabotage.
>people actually thought it was a meme despite all the evidence
Takeru won simple
yjk Hokazono is flooding his office with his coom
You just know that the editorial sabotage is true when even the nips finds the 350k copies in circulation quite low especially for volume 3 stock.
Now I can't wait for Takeru words in the upcoming chapter or volume.
Truly a milestone moment for any new mangaka to be acknowledged by their inspiration source.
This would be the perfect time to drop the PV (with astro ad)
Dubs confirm it. Another win.
what does it say? I think kishimoto should be happy that a mangaka is openly his fan and not Kubo's
from br schizo:
>The text on the obi says:


>"There is power and emotion in the pictures that turn over and captivate you.
>This talent, this style, is what manga fans love".
Credit Brazilbro
>"There is power and emotion in the pictures that turn over and captivate you.
This talent, this style, is what manga fans love".
its over
So it really is the next industry plant huh? 350k for 3 volumes isnt even that much for such a overshilled manga

Blasting Naruto OPs from my speakers atm
i don't wanna watch this. QRD?
an industry plan would have 500k minimum by now.
not first month reprint announcements in FUCKING VOLUME 3
it's a rebel going against their expectations.
Kek, based.
It's been underprinted badly. It's been reprinted four times already
You could see the N in the open package.
>So it really is the next industry plant huh?
I fucking wish it is.
The editorial is treating it like a pesky weed that keeps on growing back.
Lol his reputation should be ruined by now after that travesty that is Samurai8. Whos even gonna take this clown seriously?
Can they keep doing that after this tho?
Basically them dunking on the meme pose for a few seconds and predicting it will die out
Yeah. Volume 1+2 embarrassed them and they still double downed.
The only hope is that it literally was just coming from Nakano and there will be a change now
One of the big guys is vouching for him now. Wow
>big guys
for you. . .
it would've had a cover by now if it were a real plant
Doomsissies lost. Now all we gotta hope for is that next arc is gonna be good again
for everyone
Probably not, but if they still aren't treating it well after this then the TsugiManga award is probably the only thing that would get them to start giving it the respect it deserves
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He still has Naruto to his name.
Is a kino anime going to come out of this? Some of the art is cool but the faces look like Mob Psycho 100 half the time.
It’s gonna be funny seeing them dick riding a few years later.
You can bet on it.
This is the nips we're talking about here.
It's not the first rodeo for jump editorial either.
Faces are probably the biggest issue in the art department.
Reminder whatever shit that has kishimoto name, becomes a flop nowadays
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Reminder you are a coping ESL and lost today
Holy fuck Kishimoto himself. I didn't expect that desu
I'm so happy for Takeru!
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Kagurabachi? Won.
Takeru? Won.
Weekly Shonen Jump? Saved.
Chihiro Rokuhira? Our FUARKING hero.
Yep, it's over. Fucking Gotouge would have been given it more exposure .
Editors? Crying
Doomers? Seething
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>I feel like that's gonna die soon
>I hope so
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>Industry plant
>Keeps getting underprinted
>Consistently kept at the bottom of the TOC
Kagurabachi is loved by both Kishimoto brothers btw
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no country was such a kino movie bros
Don't give yous to retards
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Reminder to thank Kishimoto's brother for putting him on Kagurabachi.
i still think hakuri sucks and doesnt belong in the manga
Arigato, Seishi-san.
Put me in screenshot
Yikes I wouldn't like my favorite manga be recommended by the author of Squid8 and Boruto
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>The Kishimoto rec is real
So are we getting Pierrot?
Hori and Kishimoto both is wild. Imamura really is playing some kind of 4D narrative chess.
The japs knew Kishimoto was recommending MHA when Naruto finished. Now Imamura's trying to do the same thing when MHA is ending.
You should try spamming AI walls of text again so you get banned again
I think Volume 4 / early Volume 5 is good enough to note lose readers, but he really needs to hit it out of the park with Shinuchi + next arc to keep up the momentum.
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>*Playing Dead Rising*
>"Hmm I wonder if anything is going on in /kgb/?
>"Let me check real qui-
We won
Kagurabachi won
Weekly Shonen Jump won
Hokazono won
Nakanosissies lost
>So are we getting Pierrot?
No. Pierrot is shit now. Borutofags & BlackCloverfags complain about it
>fm reprint YET AGAIN
good thing he's not the author of boruto
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Not the studio's fault, only so much you can do with shit source material. The anime probably unironically improved the two of them, kek
He created him so it's 100% his fault
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>Wait, are you telling me the recommendation will be from Kishimoto? Damnit! Fine, that's it! My last decree as EiC is for Kagurabachi volume 3 to receive the same initial print as volume 2!
What the fuck was his problem bros?
My hero
This obi could worth 5k-10k yen if KGB becomes million seller+scarcity of it.
I'm getting 10 of it.
The manga was made by shueisha after Kishimoto told them to fuck off. He doesn't care about it which is what borutofags always cry about.
Pierrot isn't in a good state right now is it? Iirc the president died and after his death the studio reorganized. Seems like they have too much on their plate.
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>It's real
So Kagurabachi is 100% going to become a pillar of Jump, right?
>Not the studio's fault
Nishio will ruin it.
Hmm I should order another then
>The manga was made by shueisha after Kishimoto told them to fuck off
Nice headcanon
whatever happened to that 4 episode naruto special they were going to do?
It's true. They wanted him to write/draw more Naruto. He said no.
TV Tokyo said it's coming out this year.
He approved Boruto so what's the point. And thanks to that Naruto's reputation got tarnished.
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>And thanks to that Naruto's reputation got tarnished.
This isn't true. Normalfags ignore it as do Narutofags. You're making a big deal out of nothing.
>350k revealed officially
>JP readers complaining about 100k print for Volume 3
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>Underprint Kagurabachi my final command. Goodbye.
we shit on Kishimoto but he's one of the biggest names in manga along with Oda, Togashi and Inoue along with Takeru's biggest inspiration. This is a real badge of honor moment and blows away anything he could've gotten to be acknowledged by Kishi
I kneel...
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This thread went from shit to awesome
Dub of based.
Imagine you get big names from the industry recommending kgb and yet doesn't blow up in popularity and keept the same numbers for the new volumes and becomes a permament bottomer in tocs, what a waste they're doing this. Jjk nor kny got recommendations back 2 back like this and see where they are.
Squidbachi!!!!????????? Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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i NEVER want to hear you fucks doubting us EVER AGAIN
>Kishimoto rec just for this volume to underperform
cope ESL
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Unironically, if there ever is a king of /a/ or something like that Chihiro will win
This is the first time I've read Hisoka's full name
We will get Wit, Toei, or Ghibli
I hope not. They're shit. Get the Fire Force Studio
David pro is fucking awful hell no
Busy with UU pls andastan
DP is way worse than Toei
If this were any other series then they would've printed 150k for volume 3 by now.
File deleted.
Volume 3 already has stock issues
Why would Kishimoto waste his time thinking about Kubo? That nigga had Bleach get cancelled.
What happened to Astro royale? Didn’t it was supposed to compete with bachi in sales but I don’t see any news about it
aye cromartie hs. now that was quality gag content
Internet Explorer-kun.....
how much does this help? Hori gave a recommendation early on
He made Naruto and nothing will take that away from him.
yeah but he made Naruto, it doesn't matter what he did before or after, he made Naruto
exactly. one of jumps big guys.
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just for fun, do we have any kind of salefagging data on naruto itself? i wonder how many volumes it sold by the time its third volume came out
>Masashi Kishimoto's high praise! The power and thought that goes into the drawing is what makes it roll up and captivate. This talent and style is what manga lovers love.

Is Kishi rec trending?
That was on twitter, This rec is on the volume itself
Huh? Anon?
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I wonder if we're gonna see a repeat of Vol 1 and almost the entire stock is sold out by the end of the first week
he's not of the big guys, he is the big guy, you can count on your hand the people that match Kishimoto's popularity and influence in the industry. He ate shit with Samurai 8 but it doesn't matter, Kishimoto made Naruto.
so was horikoshi's
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>Haven't checked the thread in a while, surely nothing happ-
>Inoue has praised Takerus work in the past
Vol 5.....
Axe soon.
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Nue gets Kubo rec.
Dunno I'm too dumb to access JP trends but people who talk about KGB are saying they're gonna be busy tomorrow because ZZZ is releasing rumao
100K first month confirmed. We should bully nue niggas in the next WSJ thread
>Kagurabachi has been so dominant as the successor to Naruto and MHA that when MHA ends, the editorial department will be torn between business and ethics, saying "We want to... promote Kagurabachi... but is that really okay...? Putting a manga about cutting up kids and blowing their arms off in the top half of Shonen Jump's ToC..." It's already awesome to think about it.
>100K first month confirmed.
That's impossible because not enough was printed
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>100k first month confirmed.
>He doesn't know
Anon I....
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>Putting a manga about cutting up kids and blowing their arms off in the top half of Shonen Jump's ToC...
It's about killing people who do that
>check MH
>the usual guys says that recommendations don’t actually help
MHA is way worse with gore and grotesque imagery funnily enough.
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Will Kagurabachi inspire a new generation of edge kino?
Since Toriyama passed on, it's only Takehiko Inoue who's on that level besides Kishimoto.

HxH has been irrelevant for years and neither of Togashi's series sold as much as Naruto or were as big.

Series like KNY that sold way more than Naruto per volume, well, isn't seen as much by manga readers judging by the polls because it was mainly older women and stuff buying it.
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we already have CSM for that
It’s not under printed lmao, JJK with 4 volume (first 3 + vol. 0) was at 550k in circulation, despite selling Better than Kagurabachi, it’s literally a normal situation for kagurabachi
incoming cancellation
>because it was mainly older women
chihiro will claim every hag
your mom included
>same amount as vol 2
anon.. i..
4 reprints in 2 volumes. KGB is being underprinted
We don’t care about Nue stop talking about it
KnY is just too short and went into its popular phase in an age where people consoom manga like junk foods. Will also happen to JJK. Will also happen to KGB if Takeru stops after KGB and not do anything else worthwhile
It'd be remembered as that flavour of the year series but not many would respect the author. Heck, Togashi who sold less than them and is in hiatusland is more respected. Even Miura was.
ultimately the authors want to tell their stories and sell
Kindergarten wars got more than 8 reprint for his first volume, that normal occurrence
That wasn't really the case until the final arc iirc. Also the MC's power is punch harder, unlike Chihiro who's slash and instant kill.
>getting underprinted is "normal" in my opinion, and therefore its not underprinted
its underprinted
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Predict his sorcery
>Inb4 it's something goofy and useless like summoning bubbles
Wow they really got him. Ok so what's the QRD on this series. Im skimming through this thread and people are saying it's being sabotaged.
I think another thing that helped them be remembered so much, aside from Miura, is that all of them had, or in the case of Oda has, long running anime that didn't end with only 12 to 24 episodes then 2 years for another season. Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball, Hunter X Hunter and Bleach where always just a constant for a long time in some peoples lives, the anime then.
KW sold less than kagurabachi but get reprinted more, that what happen when you are constantly in shoseki, it’s literally normal yes lol

And Jujutsu Kaiden at the same number of volume has almost the same circulations, what’s happening to kagurabachi happened to other series, it’s not a special case
>Kishimoto rec
>Beaten by Akane
>Beaten by Elusive
Under 60k for vol.3 KEK
yeah, in this day and age, authors don't really do very long running series, so legend status would have to be reached the old school way like Toriyama, just make multiple hits and be apart of multiple iconic projects
This guy gets it.
84 and 86 on 7/1 Shoseki by the way.
They keep underprinting it and gave it basically the same print as the initial volume 2, despite volume 2 having needed a reprint and already is about to need ANOTHER reprint
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>Ok so what's the QRD on this series.
Let me a give you a basic gestalt
>Author started drawing manga during 2020 lockdowns, dropped out of college
>He's a huge Narutofag
>Kagurabachi gets serialized in Jump and blows up with the iconic meme image
>Some people think it will flop, but others hold the line
>The manga really picks up speed at Chapter 8 and slowly becomes more and more popular
>When Volume 1 releases, it sells out 25k+ immediately and there's a huge shortage in Japan (it has gone on to sell over 110k)
>WSJ has not really managed the success well. It sticks KGB in the bottom half of the magazine consistently (maybe due to violence and edge), and it keeps underprinting the volumes
The contents of Volumes 2 and 3 are extremely well done manga, imo. Volume 4 gets into more standard shonen territory but the manga is getting more popular as a result
That's kinda sad but understandable. Only maniacs would go on as long as Kishimoto, Oda etc.
I see. What is Jump's problem?
>Volume 3 isn't even out yet
>these pitiful amounts of (You)
Get on Madara's ENTER level.
Some justifications for their treatment, not that I agree with them:
>He's a rookie
>It's not a "good fit" for Jump because it's a violent revenge story
>They don't want another Samurai 8 / Phantom Seer / Ichinose situation where they overprint and burn themselves
>Volume buyers love KGB, but magazine buyers aren't voting for it that much (there's no way to verify this)
>The previous Editor-In-Chief (Nakano) who left last month didn't like it for some reason
>Nerve Manipulation
>(The ability to manipulate the nerves and nervous system of oneself or others.)

sounds like villain powers ngl
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Nakano tried to smother it in its crib
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>84 and 86 on 7/1 Shoseki by the way.
What in the
Will Kishimoto's recommendation change anything?
That sounds OP as fuck, especially if you don't need to be touching the person for it to work
The recommendation likely won't, because the first Volume was already recommended by Hori (My Hero Academia).
There are two things that could potentially cause WSJ to change:
>Kagurabachi gets Top 3 in the Tsugimanga awards
>The new Editor In Chief who just started a couple weeks ago changes things
I see. Best of luck to this guy then. Im gonna start reading it soon
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Jump do that with even more succesful series, like Jujutsu kaisen who sold more than bachi at this stage but had a 550k circulation with 4 volume
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Anyone want Chihiro to suffer immensely throughout the series? I want him to fall in love with a girl only for her to die brutally in front of him, I want Hakuri and him to be BFFs only for him to die, I want Shiba to die and it be Chihiro's fault for starting this revenge quest.
nips are stubborn as hell.
so no.
but Saito can change this and make KGB his own success story if he wants to. really doubt it at this point though.
So why is Hakuri putting up an end-game performance the moment he awakened ? Is he just that talented? I know his body is ready for it but still..
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Naruto edit when?
baby chihiro flashback when
Okay but
>giving it basically the same print as volume 2's initial print
>volume 2 needed a reprint
>volume 2 is about to need ANOTHER reprint

There's 0 excuse lmao
Fujimoto is doing that yet he's still not as respected.
The mangaka needs both longevity and, this might sound weird, that weird artisan aura to him. As if he were a samurai constantly in pursuit of manga perfection. Like Ghibli's Miyazaki. Or, well, Inoue who's bordering Van Gogh-tier schizo for Vagabond at this point.
>Kagurabachi (End of Serialization)
Redon posted this ToC.
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ENTER the Oda and Kishi recs
>Receiving an indirect boost from Natsucomi because bookstores keep promoting it, even though it isn't part of the lineup
So hilarious
Sure, the common advice here is that
>It starts getting good at Chapter 8+
>If you don't like it by the end of first arc (Chapter 18), you can safely drop it
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Owari da....
>Japanese readers are also already complaining about 100k print, saying it'll be gone in a week
I hate these ironic weeb faggots so much is unreal. Catduck is on track to be THE shonen mangaka of our generation, he won.
Bookstores have been the absolute MVP for KGB. Many staff guys seem to understand the appeal it has to someone walking into a store
>Shinuchiman is literally has superspeed like Kokushibo and bisected Chihiro, Hakuri is in coma and Shiba telported him out.
Shinuchi in 1 day.
Stop adding bleach to this shit lmao
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Tafuku pulled Hiyuki and the other glowies into his arena to protect them, r-right?
I want him to suffer but at the end I want him to find happiness
JJk volume 3 sold 120k with similar print as current bachi, it's gonna be okay
>editor-san retweeting the tsugimanga thing just after revealing kishi rec
i see you, imamura
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HE is coming..... soon EVERYTHING will change..... EL HERMANO will redefine what it means to ENTER.......
Was JJK selling 3-4k every week for 6 months after that
Hope you enjoy it anon, I personally think it starts getting real good at chapter 6 and think you should at least get as far as chapter 18. Chapter 18 is the end of the arc and even if you decide to not continue reading if you finish chapter 18 you get good closure because that arc is written and paced like an action film.
I am almost sure JJK didnt count digital
Can't wait for Shinuchiman ENTER, but it's probably next week and not this week
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Post the panel that made you realize this series was gonna be good
Sure, but I want Takeru to do it delicately and meaningfully for his character growth so it doesn't turn into suffering porn.
You simply cannot compare Fujimoto to the greats, his biggest series is already fumbling before it even hit chapter 200, his other series have a cult following but ultimately small time as they're mostly just one shots that you forget about in a week. Toriyama made Dr Slump and Dragon Ball, he was the art director for Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest, Inoue made Slam Dunk, Vagabond and Real. You're absolutely right, Fujimoto lacks is vision and consistency, guys like Toriyama and Inoue have both, Fujimoto is incapable of creating a truly quality body of work that lasts longer than 50 chapters. He's still a young guy so maybe its not the end but I've been following him for a while and i just don't think he has it
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Jesus christ it happened
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Kagurabachi sales getting boosted by Natsucomi event even tho he ain't a part of it
Someone edit this so that it looks like he's reading KGB
>very bachi
no count down art though since Takeru is too busy redrawing Chihiro's bandages
>Very bachi chapter Anon has been missing for a while now
I miss him
we did it bros... doomposters are forever banished
Perhaps Fujimoto is better off sticking to shorter projects?
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Honestly the way the introduction was handled really told me this would be something great
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We're all gonna make it, bros.
Nardo was reading KGB this whole time kek
It was more gradual, the disturbing imagery began with Shigaraki's first appearance.
Gore was durum the training camp.
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Our FUARKING Knight of Darkness....
Looks like the Kishi rec is working because I'm seeing people on /nart/ and other social media saying they're gonna give it a try as a result
It'll be char. She'll die in his arms and carry her little body to get cremated.
>bleachtroon still obsessed with concept of big 3 even when japan never cared
Moot is rolling in his grave
Can Kubo gives Nue a rec for vol.6 please.
> Kagurabachi ranked #84 with Volume 2 and #86 with Volume 1! July 1
Volume 1 will take a longgg time to leave Shoseki
>He doesn't know
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Immortal ass volumes
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Naruto threads were always here but some threads were spammed.

Here's something from very early on.
>Volume 1 is outselling volume 2
That's a good thing, right?
>ranked 84 with volume 2 and 86 with volume 1
gotta include vaundy somehow
I'll pray for you Nuefan, I just hope your artist stops using greys when he uses a lot of blacks because it sours the contrast for me at least, it still looks good.
I really really really really really really really want to know what Shinuchi does
World slash.
Remember the room where Sojo meet the big guys?
What if that's what Shinuchi does?
Slicing reality, causing multiple dimensions to bleed into the world.
this >>268401503
wasn't me anon, I only added Bleach because despite how bad the series became people still remember Kubo, probably because they grew up watching Bleach everyday for a long period of time
Opens a portal to other manga so Akachihi becomes canon
I want to see the wielder combining his sorcery with Shinuchi's power, something that Chihiro and Soujo never did.
I don't like Nue but I can respect that the mangaka seems to be putting in genuine effort into improving but the contrast of the pages makes it difficult to tell what is going on a lot of the time.
12 hours.
24. oops
The artists style works on single page art but looks like plain shit smear on comic form.
it wouldn't have taken off outside jump.
24, more like
If they could learn to better manage the contrast levels the art would look a lot better. Kawae is technically skilled but it's like he's trying a little too hard to make his art look stylish when he'd probably save himself a lot of effort by simplying his art and it would make the art more legible too.
>Fuck it we Mamayuyu
>the MC never got his sword because it got into KGB's world.
I think that's what it does but it only leads into the yokai realm
honestly way too late for that.
the style has become the series' identity that going away will make it look even more shit
>Kawae is technically skilled
I disagree.
his character designs are quite amateurish and bad for a supposedly battle harem series.
Not to mention the MC's perpetual soi face is just fucking awful
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When he put some effort, it's actually good characters drawings
I really like that recommendation comment. "It is a manga where people die smoothly." なめらか is smooth/velvety/soft/glassy. People dying in JJK is like a scotch going down smoothly.
Every mangaka experiences stylistic evolution. People aren't going to complain if the mangaka incorporates a greater share of mid tones into his artwork or uses stronger white outlines to delineate between black-on-black objects. I don't like how he does faces but his art doesn't have much in the way of anatomy mistakes and the lineart is very polished. It just lacks appeal to me, if the underlying drawings were more stylized or edgy I think the way he shades would look more harmonious.

I am surprised the designs aren't sexier. But it isn't exactly a true battle harem.
lmao even
honestly made me laugh
I know what he's going for, but something about it feels off.
also the directionless black smear pretty much ruined it.
He should just team up with the ShE artist and I'll read their battle harem for sure.
They'd make a pretty good art duo
Well for my part i dont see any problem with it, so i'm not bothered
i tried for like 30 minutes but i cant edit for shit. this shit is so confusing it makes me want to kill myself. sorry anon
Okay so there may be a bit of method to the madness for the underprinting
>bookstores put reprints with the new releases at the time
I was also thinking about it too.
Teaming up with the ShE artist will instantly make it a true modern TLR.
The current art just doesn't have any appeal at all and all the blacks makes the MC unnecessarily edgy.
>Nips want volume 4 to have a Christopher Nolan / Oppenheimer recommendation
Fucking imagine
vol4 is tsugimanga if it wins it
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>tfw the chinese will absolutely bot the shit out of the competition
i hope at the very least, we're the ones they're botting
that top 3 position would be great
Why is this IA made garbage so popular with redditors niggerfaggots normalfaggots spics and brown people. Niggers too . Even pajeets are really liking this garbage.>>268402685
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Kishi recommendation is confirmed.
people fight but they're cool and it has more plot than sakamoto days, kinda like john wick
So IA made garbage. For low IQ people that are dumb enough to fall for IA pajeets shit from seaniggers.
Put me on screencap.
Amazon Preorder Rankings, WSJ releases of July 2024
One Piece 109: #2
Jujutsu Kaisen 27: #3
Me & Roboco 18: #1,283
Witch Watch 17: #768
The Elusive Samurai 16: #542
Akane-banashi 12: #439
Nue's Exorcist 5: 1,340
MamaYuyu 3: #2,979
Kagurabachi 3: #449
Green Green Greens 2: #6,599
Shadow Eliminators 2: #19,774
Shadow Eliminators 3: #21,116
Dear Anemone 1: #23,781
>Astro Royale 1: #2,119
Oh, was it posted already? I only just saw it lol.
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>Akane-banashi 12: #439
>Kagurabachi 3: #449
They're so close and they made their last digit match up, cute
So why sales and numbers matter so much to little cucks söyboys redditors in cuckchan
whats number 1
You’re not fooling anyone shitskin.
100k fm btw
JJK digital
Ao Aoshi
you forgot the french
Personne ne se soucie des Français.
good effort anon
Follow your feelings.
Will change Takeru’s dopamine levels
Nah, even an Oda and Anno rec did nothing for Akane Banashi
It'll make Takeru happy though, and I suppose that's all that matters so long as we continue to sell
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make one with the japanese volume
don't be ungrateful
Spirit animal is a pistol shrimp
>Kishi's rec
>Its underprinted

The last goodbye from Nakano.
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It's seemingly just a strategy they are doing

Leveraging less immediate sales for more constant advertising at the front of stores
The gap between KGB Vol2 and Akane was way bigger 1 day prior the release.
I guess Vol3 really isnt as in demand as Vol2.
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Shoseki 2/07
>climbing in top 100
>before Volume 3 release
>before Naruto recommendation
God it's never gonna die is it
Nakano was right
Vol 1 won once again
>Underperforming with Kishimoto rec
It's over for Kgbrats KEK
> After the recommendation reveal, Kagurabachi started trending. With the Japanese tag and Kishimoto also.
KEK Thanks
>nue nowhere to be seen
>only the last volume of KB is there because it was released last month
>shit writer recommends shit manga

Akane's previous volume suffered a decline, maybe it simply stabilizes again for this volume.
>50k slop above kekurabachi
At least wear your trip.
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>Anonymous Mon 01 Jul 2024 No.268333236
>>Kgbrats think they got Kishimoto
1. make bad prediction about kagurabachi
2. get proven wrong
3. pretend nothing happened, wait a while
4. make bad prediction about kagurabachi
Is this the most replied to post on /kgb/?
probably. someone screencap it rn
So the shitposters are the jews of the imageboards?
Souya x Hakuri NTR!
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where were you the other day when wsjsalesfags were ruining the thread? >:[
and canon!
answer me faggot
JP fujos are so honest about their likes
the thread was too shit back then.
i'd rather discuss on other threads

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