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Fanservice is cringe and it ruins every single anime that it's in. If I wanted to see tits I'd go watch porn.
Why are zoomers like this?
Fanservice is why anime exists.
This but unironically.
>When the subject is not porn
zoomer detected
redditor detected
twitter tranny detected
concession accepted
Return to your place of origin
Virtue signaling. They think it makes them seem less threatening to the low-value females who think they want that. Peak male feminist/predator energy.
Obsessed. I am a cis male. Fanservice takes away from the seriousness of the story and the characters. Not to mention most of the fanservice is done on underage characters.
Zoomers are scared of sex, more news at eleven.
>seriousness of the story
>posts an image of Nisekoi
really dude?
>"aahh, where are you looking, you pervert?!
>*mc gets punched into the orbit*

That's how many of these fanservice scenes turn out, with the MC getting punished for his sexuality. I just don't find that all that amusing
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>seriousness of the story and the characters
>posts romcom haremshit
Surely you have a better example?
I didn't watch the anime in the picrel. It's just an example of cringe fanservice.
No one tell him
> most of the fanservice is done on underage characters
Why do you deprive teenagers of their sexuality? It's a natural part of being human and should be accepted for what it is. Teenagers want to look sexy and look at other sexy teenagers. That's just the way it is and that's the way it's always been.
fanservice is trash
>be fan of show
>TITS BOOBS ASS here this is what you want, right? TITS CAMELTOE NIPPLE

I want to watch the show, fucking degenerate animators. Fanservice is for the trash shows that can't keep an audience
Something something the alt-right.
What is it a drawing of?
30+ year old men ogling underage anime characters is not normal.
All romcom is shit and its only harem if there is sex with three or more women.
Remember, having girls as friends does not mean you have a harem.
>It cant tell the difference between fiction and reality
And it wonders why it was called a tranny
Still not as bad as yuribait
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I shouldn't have to do this while playing videogames.
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This isn't an anime but it's the perfect example of fanservice ruining a serious scene.
>most of the fanservice is done on underage characters
Stop reading shonen, where the demographic is teen boys?
> 30+ year old men ogling underage anime characters is not normal.
The target audience for most fanservice anime is not 30+ year old males. Why does it have to be perverted to cater to the tastes of the older generation?
I will pronounce cringe with a soft g and there is nothing you can do to cringe your way out of it
What serious scene are you talking about? It happened at a party, in a light/comedic setting.
Like the 2nd g in gringo?
It was the murder scene
literally 90% anime? If you think you are actually watching something decent let me tell you that you are mistaken.
Where is the fanservice in attack on titan?
>Fanservice is for the trash shows that can't keep an audience
Im referring to this
>If I wanted to see tits I'd go watch porn.
I mean, it makes sense. But if I wanted to watch a serious show I'd watch an actual serious show and not stuff that's likely to contain heavy comic-relief and pandering shots. Yes, I know you're baiting, but still.
If you niggers feed this troll any more I swear
Better to kill the troll by posting tits.
>implying that wasn't his plan all along
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I miss pantyshots.
If I was a troll I'd just leave the thread after making it then come back in 1-2 hours to read the replies.
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This was before the murder itself, so it was the typical "comedy scene" to "murder scene" that often happens in danganronpa. Gotta caught you off guard and all that.
>literally 90% anime
yes, 90% of anime is pure trash
>Safe horny garbage
Has the thread been hijacked yet so we can have a stealth official anime/manga titty thread?
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A good troll needs to add some fuel to the fire so to speak.
Also rate the booba I just drew.
This isn't fanservice.
The non-fanservice ones are part of the 90%
How would you know the context if you haven't watched the content?
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Who cares it's a hyper stylized drawing.
>She's 14 you sick fuck!
She's also a drawing that looks nothing like a real human being
Cool. What's her name?
>30+ year old men ogling underage anime characters is not normal.
It is on 4chan.
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One of the problems with my characters is that I really don't give them names.
If you're not a zoomer and you're actually on /a/ commenting on ecchi threads you are a fucking disappointment.
Close this website and never open it again. This is your last chance in life. Stop being a fucking failure.
It literally fucking does not take any seriousness away in and of itself. It's entirely dependent on framing and context. Nudity doesn't suddenly make something lose seriousness.
Incorrect, beauty shouldn't be restricted to porn. You're retarded.
Huge dosis of black culture in their development stage
Big tits flashing at you are bad
Big asses twerking are good
>This low quality thread is still alive
Jannies never do their job i see
I am a zoomer and I call others zoomers all the time.
Ok. She looks like a fun gal to be around.
only if it actually bogs down the story to drags on screentime. other than that its fine. hot camera angles while actions, short jokes or dialogue is happening are fine.
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Fuck off faggot
>I am a cis male.
dude, if you want to make your self identity traits known, why the fuck are you on 4chan?
happens in nature with other mammalian species...
how is this proving him wrong?
that makes it funnier.
I say we lower their wage by 25% this year.
I can't believe they're getting uppity after we took the time to increase it by 50% last year.
OP is a fucking faggot and everyone should not bump this thread (S)
Zoomers should be fucking dropped in a pool of acid
This post is peak zoomer. Your interests and personality aren't going to magically change upon hitting arbitrary numbers.
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>acting like a normalfag
the point is that the existence of fanservice doesnt soil the work as its was already trash from the beginning
gayest post in this board and that includes trap fuckers
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OP is a bitching closeted faggot, simple as.
because they don't have any real problems to complain about.
>Your interests and personality aren't going to magically change upon hitting arbitrary numbers.
Lmao that sounds like some pathetic excuse a 40+ year old would use to explain his parent why he hasn't moved out or married, you have fucking peter-pan syndrome.
>image of bullshit that was believed to be true
>all 100% disproved in modern times
Kubo is a shit artist
>He unironically believes this
i don't know how to break this to you but the average man jerks off a thousand times before he ever gets laid
Post scientific proof.
please be bait...
No that's on you, you're the one who said it was disproven.
You are all gay and my dick is disappointed.
Are you gay or some shit?
>The American Medical Association declared masturbation as normal by consensus in 1972.[75] It does not deplete one's body of energy[76] or produce premature ejaculation.[77]
decent bait, 5.5/10
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How about you stop watching anime that triggers you.
>I am a cis male
sissified male, you mean
How does /a/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Give me scenes where the girl has her boobs touched by a male that is not her romantic interest or the MC without getting mad or embarrassed
That one scene with Rei in NGE.
I love her make more busty characters
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I'm not opposed to fanservice on principle or anything like that, but I feel like a lot of studios and fans don't understand the idea that sometimes less is more.
I used to be a faggot like you, but then I grew up
Now fuck off until you're 20
>it's another "compulsive masturbator can't see eyecandy without immediately jerking off and projects it onto everyone else" -episode
If you want violence, just go watch snuff
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OP is a faggot thread!!
Are you so afraid of liking girls or is simply you are too much of a faggot.
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is mostly faggot that has a trauma with girls and don't want people thinking he like girls because he watch anime with fanservice.
in other words a fucking underage fag.
>I'm suuper straight bro! tits are awesome
No, I just want to focus on the story without porn logic retardation factoring into it. If I want to watch naked women pornhub or 4chan is just one click away.
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It's a consequence of being raised on the internet.
A lifetime of watching youtubers and streamers who self censor themselves to keep their channel monetised made these zoomers more puritan than television.
Hope she sees this, son.
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as long are real natural woman nothing else matters either be 2D or 3D.
>hur dur, not wanting to have porn in everything means you are a simp
Is that really your argument?
The fact that you are equating fanservice with porn tells everyone more than enough about you. Again, hope whoever you're trying to impress sees this, because otherwise this is fucking embarrassing.
Why are ntrfags like this?
fanservice is softcore porn more often than not and its just done for coomer purposes. Like I said, if I want to coom there are better ways to go about it, I dont want that stupid shit in my stories. The fact that your only argument is that this must mean I am trying to impress someone is very funny.
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>look my girlfriend is free to have sex with anyone she wantssince she is not my property i want her to see i respect any all women and i find offensive anime that disrepect them.
that sound like (you)r argument.
That sounds like some retarded story you made up in your head. Is cuckolding the first thing that comes to your mind typically?
If I wanted to see picturesque sunsets or hear nostalgic late summer cicadas I'd watch a nature documentary.

If I wanted to see city skylines I'd watch drone footage.

If I wanted to see cherry blossoms I'd virtually tour an arboretum.

If I wanted to listen to music I'd go on Spotify.

See how fucking stupid this "logic" is? Anime contains elements that are meant to be aesthetically pleasing to the viewer, because it is fucking entertainment that people watch for leisure you retarded shitgoblin.
But anon! My social credit!
Social clout is indeed all it's about. "But think of the women who have to see..." Women love fanservice too. All this retardation is born out of the minds of white knights who think women have the same kind of same-sex aversion that men have (a misunderstanding of female sexuality), and that women are pure and above "objectifying" content (when the reality is they love kinky shit).

Every time there's some anime that's chock full of fanservice or even rape scenes like Redo, it's always "surprisingly" popular with female viewers.

Anyone who wants to relegate sexual content to porn is really trying to take away what women want. Women get off better when there's a story with characters they can feel a connection to. That's why they don't watch so much porn, but they do read a lot of erotica. "Just watch porn" is a completely male-brained way of looking at it that relegates the female perspective while pretending to coddle it.
Thats a lot of words for "I want to see tits in my anime"
>>When the subject is not porn
Yes, non-porn media shouldn't contain imagery meant to sexually stimulate the audience. Glad we're in agreement.
Ad hominem circumstantial — and yes, I want to see tits in my anime. There's fucking nothing wrong with that you screeching termagant.
It's bait, dipshits.

Kill yourselves, retarded tourists.
It's fan service for normalfags who are afraid to admit any sexual attraction to female characters that aren't:
- visibly over 30yr/old
- extremely masculine
characters older than 23 rarely have major roles in anime
It's possible to recognize something as bait and still choose to rant about it for catharsis.
I could not give less of a shit about the female perspective or whatever other retardation you use to justify your coomer tendencies. Tits are fine when used correctly, most fanservice just detracts from the story and is just there for people to jerk off.
>n-no see I'll totally stop once I hit [age]
Just like how kids were going to grow out of vidya, right? Youre here forever faggot
You're probably too young to remember when fanservice meant more than lowbrow sexual hijinks. Even Gundam scenes showing various mechanical parts engaging and interlocking are classified as fanservice.
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Consider this fanservice cat
Pornography has outright replaced sensuality in the contemporary cultural mindset.
Fanservice used to be more subtle and suggestive. Now they just slam anime tits in your face.
Very rarely does fanservice actually detract from the story or spoil some serious moment. People who say this are trying to make their criticisms rooted in wokism, social signalling, etc. sound more objective, and themselves more sophisticated. You're not such a story connoisseur that a choice of camera angle that shows some skin has violated your recondite sensibilities. You're a poser.
>most fanservice just detracts from the story and is just there for people to jerk off.
If you are unable to see some tits in a bikini without having to immediately jerk off, you are the problem. Don't try making it into everyone else's problem as well.
Social media has done so much damage to the perception of sexuality it's insane.
>denying the obvious
>No, I just want to focus on the story without porn logic retardation factoring into it.
Anon, sexual shit happens every fucking day. I can barely walk down the street without seeing some teen/20 something wearing booty shorts. I see panties on a daily basis because women wear skimpy shit and bend over at the market or whatever. I see tits every day because those same women have low cut shirts with their cleavage hanging out. This isnt in a red light district, its just out at the park or grocery store. So why, WHY is it such a fucking problem to have a little fan service in a fictional work? And why do you fags always target anime? TV shows, movies, music videos, etc all have rampant sexualization. Why is anime the jrpgs where you draw the line? Why do you not give a shit about 15 year olds twerking on tiktok but get upset about a fucking drawing?

You have no fucking morals. You dont give a shit about the medium. You dont care about anything other than virtue signaling to convince yourself that youre a good person.
Not to mention that literature is full of lewd shit.
Anime creates unrealistic beauty standards for women.
I often think about how people look back to practices of years past in horror. "You mean you gave kids beer? You let people drink and drive?? There were smoking sections in restaurants?!"

Thats going to be happening in a few decades, but with social media. "You let a fucking child have unfettered access to predatory social media sites that are designed to be as addicting as possible? You let them fucking post things that are permanently available when their brains are still developing?!"
thank you for reminding me your sexual orientation mate, that's what I really wanted to know to express an opinion about your post.
KEK. As opposed to Lizzo tier women?
Who gives a flying fuck about that.
Actually porn has ruined fanservice like it has ruined nudity in art
if you draw a nude female figure now it's "NSFW" just like hardcore porn is "NSFW" and porn addicted niggers will use the excuse that the line is blurry to push actual porn. So any depiction of the human figure is now porn. Thank you very much you fucking "NSFW" niggers. The fucking faggot whore that invented this dogshit faggot euphemism needs a fucking sledgehammer to the face
porn is fucking cancer
if we just gassed every single porn peddler and porn industry worker, ewhore, franchise-raping patreon parasite and all the fucking kikes at the helm of this shit we'd enter a new utopia
I miss reading nisekoi with /a/
Best girl won
And the big booty bitch in random movies and TV shows doesnt? Also, how about women stop being insecure as fuck? No man gives a shit that they dont look like Goku. Instead they were inspired.
I'm so fucking sick of reports not working after over 10 hours absolute cancer that blatantly qualifies as low quality or trolling stays up.
>if we just gassed every single porn peddler and porn industry worker, ewhore, franchise-raping patreon parasite and all the fucking kikes at the helm of this shit we'd enter a new utopia
Hey zoom zoom, did you know none of that existed a few hundred years ago? And, get this: life fucking sucked even worse back then
But anon, the mods are hard at work protecting AIshit threads to spam and shit up every board!
Kill yourself, retarded tourist. You don't belong in this world and never did.
>women tell men to stop being insecure
>but you cant have sexy women in fiction, that makes me feel bad!!!
shut the fuck up retarded spic
>I am a cis male
No straight male would use such a faggy term like cis. Kys tranny
NTA, but no, you really should fuck off. You contribute nothing to society. You are going on some gay moral crusade, but you will refuse to actually help anyone. If porn didnt exist (like a few hundred years ago), prostitution and rape would go back up and people would just have to use their minds more. Literally nothing changes. If you lack the critical thinking skills to see how your gay ideology changes absolutely nothing , then you're too stupid to warrant existing. You're a net drain on society.
It's fucking bait. Report and spam like the old days. What the fuck happened to all of you dickless faggots, who used to make narushit threads completely unusable before Poole became another cancer pushing normalfaggot? Tell me what happened to self moderation.
How did Zoomers somehow collectively become those retarded anime MCs that are afraid of seeing tits and ass? Is this the final evolution of the weeaboo?
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My considerations are complete.
I want to have sex with her boobs.
>If porn didnt exist (like a few hundred years ago), prostitution and rape would go back up and people would just have to use their minds more.
that's a fucking problem isn't it
I was too old for Naruto when it was newly airing and will never watch that garbage lmao. Suck my dick.
Nice bait, fanservice is the only reason you still have anime at all. It would be hard for all the leftist losers to try and complaint their way into power with an industry that is worthless and dying. If anything, more fanservice is necessary for both the viewer who is normal and healthy and straight and the rest with maladaptive intentions.
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it seems OP went to see "that" doctor.
It means that porn suddenly disappearing would do fuck all. People masturbated before the invention of porn
I just came...dont do this to me
Did you even fucking read that post?
>What the fuck happened to all of you dickless faggots, who used to make narushit threads completely unusable before Poole became another cancer pushing normalfaggot? Tell me what happened to self moderation.
The mods protected them and neutered self moderation. You'd know this if you were there.
Report and spam, you fucking niggers.
It's a lot harder to spam now due to accelspammer
>OP is a faggot
I know it's bait, but I haven't seen one of these threads in a while, there are a lot of people pushing this shit who aren't baiting, and it's worth taking the argument apart as a demonstration.
Okay, then let's show sweaty, bareback sex and people's heads getting blown off in Shinchan. See how disingenuous your argument is? Overt sexuality doesn't complement the vast majority of media depicting such "fanservice," and when it does, it's in a medium that's clearly advertised as sex fodder (e.g. MahoAko) or it's depicted matter-of-factly, seinen-style where it solemnly describes an event rather than meaning to give dysgenics a chub.
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Can you report and spam loli or gore then reset your address? If the answer is yes, then you don't have an excuse now that it's gotten this bad.
In a decade or so we'll have AI bots watch our every step in the internet, and maybe outside of the internet as well. The reason will be protecting children and reducing "harmful" behavior in general. It will be a true 1984, except that everyone thinks it's justified and necessary.
Actually it's already reality on social media, with heuristics that shadow ban users and all that shit.
>softcore porn is necessary to... own the libs!
I think I have a bingo now
Go back to fortnite tourist
You want to ban Comiket? There's a core of truth in your post, but it's surrounded by a thick shell of retarded.
Kill yourself, retarded tourist. You all need to die.
Nta but the last 2 days I’ve destroyed 2 threads made by the same person. It’s possible to destroy threads without using any images that would get you banned. Just use your brain.
>Okay, then let's show sweaty, bareback sex and people's heads getting blown off in Shinchan. See how disingenuous your argument is?

No? You just threw this red herring out there that has nothing to do with anything I worte.

>Overt sexuality doesn't complement the vast majority of media depicting such "fanservice," and when it does, it's in a medium that's clearly advertised as sex fodder
This is begging the question, because the lack of complementarity depends on the implicit assumption that sexual content is inappropriate* and should be ghettoized, the thing you're trying to establish.

*yes it's inappropriate for little tykes as in your absurd and misplaced Shinchan example, that's just common sense
> we'll have AI bots watch our every step in the internet
AI bots will use internet instead of you, they will shitpost and read shitposts, make memes and whatnot.
you are seeing this shit under the lens of an addict, you believe that people like you would still jack off nonstop without porn lmao
have you ever tried not watching porn? how many times a day do you mash your stubby mongrel dick while watching porn? you're fucking broken, porn is a fucking major cancer, literally opium tier
You don't understand.
ALL ZOOMER CONTENT is heavily censored.
Tiktok has a language filter so extremely aggressive that we've begun bullying people on other platforms when zoomers out themselves by censoring curse words (Sh*t, S*x, etc.) outside of Tiktok.
They are trained to signal they're virtuous.
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OP once again is a tremendous, cum garggling faggot.
You sound regarged.
Then why would demand for me to spam images?
Sorry, but you’re never going to make me say a series is bad because it has lots of tits and ass. Pointless sex scenes in western series are far more egregious. Softcore shit isn’t a big deal
Kek, yea they keep using alternate words and phrases because of this. Calling someone "acoustic" means you're calling them autistic.
This is bait right? I mean fanservice isn’t just an exclusive thing to just anime you know it happens in all forms of media. Complaining about this is just gonna make you come across as some freak of nature.
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>in the last chapter when she had been fully feminized and was a supermodel
I'm sick of these good for nothing fucking faggots not answering anything but straight up porn. We have to take matters into our own hands if these cucks or trannies don't care enough to even check reports regardless.
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>Pointless sex scenes in western series are far more egregious.
Watching the sex scenes in old movies made me realize it was all about easing people into porn
Every Hollywood actor and actress is a fucking whore, always has been. This is why Hollywood is full of pedos, it's a prostitution ring.
Not a coincidence that kikes own both industries
We have examples of societies without porn. Abbos and other stone-age tribespeople literally molested kids for fun when there was nothing better to do. All these porn crusaders should have a read about how fucking degenerate most cultures were in the past with no porn to speak of. Funny he should mention opium, because that was just a chink version of serial mass hysterias surrounding gin and absinthe, never the real social menace it was made out to be.
who the fuck cares about what niggers do? holy shit have some self respect
Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
>complains about fanservice
>on le 4chinz
What happened zoomite? Got lost on your way to xitter?
>you are seeing this shit under the lens of an addict, you believe that people like you would still jack off nonstop without porn lmao
No, I'm operating under the fucking fact that people still beat off before porn was invented. Rape and prostitution was also higher.
>have you ever tried not watching porn?
Yes? I've gone 50+ days. It did nothing for me.
>you're fucking broken, porn is a fucking major cancer, literally opium tier
Describe how me imagining sex in my head is fundamentally different from watching it, outside of one being arguable a bit better for you mentally since you are forced to exercise your brain a little.

Actually, while you're at it, cite the sources of your claims. Remember, your feelings arent a source
So zoomers are not actually mouthbreathing retards who confuse the simplest words, they just evade censorship with low IQ methods?
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>mad as fuck that history proves you objective wrong
>I was ACTUALLY pretending to be retarded, fr
just think of african tribes and the rite of adulthood for girls.
>When they are 10 they can take the rite of adulthood.
>Consist on the girl being fed as normal but locked in a hut.
>She has to have sex with each man that visit the hood for a mon
>The hut is visited every fe minutes by different men's.
>The girl is considered an adult once the pregnancy is confirmed (belly showing up).
>The rite is thought to be because they think doing that the girl will give birth to a more healthy stronger lineage.
>Pass to next little girl.
Even monkeys and dolphins jack off, so I'm confident humans would do the same even if porn didn't exist. (That doesn't justify including sexual stimulants in anime, however. Just pointing this out.)
I am this fucking close to abusing phones. ACK hasn't successfully fucking been banned after a gods damned decade. Why should any of us play differently?
Very good post, OP, very good. However, consider the following.
Basically, yea. They do it all the time. "Keep yourself safe" = kys
You need a high amount of autism to be dedicated to that, youll peter out in a month. Feel free to prove me wrong though, lord knows this entire site needs to get bombarded so that gookmoot actually has to do something
That's because you're a vacuous ape with no imagination and tits
No need to "be confident", it factually happened. Porn is a recent invention all considered. Well, unless you consider certain sculptures and depictions on cave walls as porn.
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Agreed, I hate it when fanservice ruins what would otherwise be a respectable show.
>Actually, while you're at it, cite the sources of your claims.
There's plenty of research saying that porn is addictive and also changes your fucking brain and visual perception of sex and your arousal, and the most obvious sign of it is how fucking defensive you faggots are whenever someone says porn is cancer. Quote me the sources saying that rape and prostitution were "higher" in "the past" since you argued using nothing but your feelings in your post. I don't give a shit if people beat off, I am saying that porn factually censored any representation of human sexuality or even just the human figure because in the eyes of a porn addicted nigger "if this is OK why isn't a pornstar taking 3 dicks not OK? it's literally the same ayo" so the obvious answer is to censor everything and equate a fucking statue with whatever rotten dogshit you faggot consume because "it's the same thing" you are a literal metastasis, a fucking cult and I hate you
>There's plenty of research saying that porn is addictive
And yet you dont list it. Post the source faggot.
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Fuck off. You're just using false equivalency. Why should harmless fanservice be censored just because you're thinking about taking 3 dicks 24/7.
That's why I'm always fucking trying to rally anons and end this cancer once and for all. We can fucking do it, but only if everyone gets fed up and finally does something. Stop being more passive than even normalfags these days asking why we stopped killing our leaders.
Half-truths with malicious interpretations. TV is addictive. Sugar is addictive. The internet is addictive. Love and sex (the real thing) are addictive.
>Quote me the sources saying that rape and prostitution were "higher" in "the past"
Colonialism, the Rape of Nanjing, etc.
>I don't give a shit if people beat off, I am saying that porn factually censored any representation of human sexuality or even just the human figure because in the eyes of a porn addicted nigger
How? I can imagine a woman getting fucked vividly in my head. You have no argument and youre impotently mad that anon pointed out how retarded your argument is
>Well, unless you consider certain sculptures and depictions on cave walls as porn.
porn addicts will literally claim that because some researchers found a statuette with a big dick in a whorehouse this one time then everyone was jacking it to porn 24/7 just like MEEEEEE
literally the first argument they use is "this naked statue is obviously porn so either my porn is not porn or the statue is porn too" which got literally everything that remotely features human nudity "NSFW" I fucking hate the term "NSFW" so fucking much they can't even say "porn" because they know they're parasitic cultists and they need to slip between the cracks
literal fucking golems, they're literally a byproduct of jewish conditioning, they act like when they jews say "white"
no cap ain't goin' lie bruh fr fr, zoom zoom skibidi rizz gyat!!!
I unironically think it would be easier to win the lottery and buy 4chinz back.
>we're a cult for telling you smarmy retards to fuck off from our anime tits every time
How about we start personally showing what that'd actually be like.
> Colonialism, the Rape of Nanjing, etc.
All leftist talking points. No wonder you are so anti-sex.
Thats cool, but you were objectively wrong. People have beat off since the dawn of man, no need for porn. It changed nothing.
>Why should harmless fanservice be censored
You're retarded and you did not read my original post. I am not arguing against fanservice, I am saying that porn made so that everything even vaguely sexual is instantly escalated to porn and therefore censored, because if that's OK then actual porn is OK too. We're getting into a situation where the only representation of human "beauty" or sexuality will have to happen in porn which is a fucking nightmare because obviously, human beauty and sexuality are human things and they're nice things too. But porn is inhuman and it's removing humanity from this shit, it's a means of dehumanizing actual people though a weaponized army of nigger brained addicts
>People have beat off since the dawn of man
why do you think beating off = porn
yes I know that you can beat off without porn, but you do not seem to understand that you do not need porn to beat off. I am not arguing against masturbation you fucking nigger
Porn includes hentai anime, manga or games and that's all I need to kill all of you then sleep to old speedruns.
>All leftist talking points.
What the fuck are you talking about
>No wonder you are so anti-sex.
I am literally sitting here shitposting while my infant daughter sits in my lap. My wife wants to start fucking again after she heals up so that we can have another. I am not "anti-sex" by any stretch. And guess what? I still look at porn from time to time. Because if you werent a permavirgin, youd know that beating off and sex fulfill two different needs. Unless a woman is draining your balls constantly, you will inevitably want to jerk it.
>why do you think beating off = porn
Because its the same fucking thing except the mental load is taken off of me. If I imagine a woman being fucked and I watch a woman being fucked, what is the difference? You keep running from this argument because you have no answer.
>but you do not seem to understand that you do not need porn to beat off.
You are arguing that removing porn would suddenly make everything perfect. It would not. It would just make people beat off with their minds more, and imaginelets would hire prostitutes more and/or rape more. See literally historical data on this.
Would you rather have a good anime or a good anime with booba?
>There's plenty of research saying that porn is addictive and also changes your fucking brain and visual perception of sex and your arousal,
>b-but I wont post it
>How? I can imagine a woman getting fucked vividly in my head.
lmao not "fucking a woman" but "a woman getting fucked"
lmao holy fuck you're pathetic, genuinely go back
>I'm too fucking dumb to google
you're a retard
you people are cultists, you're just too far gone
>lmao not "fucking a woman" but "a woman getting fucked"
I was trying to make it equivalent, but sure. I can imagine myself fucking a girl. I can also use VR to watch myself fuck a girl. Whats the difference?
More like you sexualize things due to your coomer worldview and expect your media to reflect such worldview. Many such cases nowadays I am afraid.
>Whats the difference?
There's no difference because you're full of shit and every single argument of yours is in bad faith.
Oh man i cant believe the teen girl with her thong hanging out isnt sexual!
Kill yourself, /v/tard.
>No I REFUSE to give source
You wont because you cant lmao
>admits anon is right
>anon sees a girl in summer clothes and imagines a flirty teenager bending over just for him
This is what porn does to people
>lmao holy fuck you're pathetic, genuinely go back
You seem upset.
But I love anime tits. I love anime DFC too
>girl bends over in front of me and her ass is hanging out
You are so mad
only normalfags think it's cringe.
>She's also a drawing that looks nothing like a real human being
I wonder why some adults are attracted to drawings depicting kids and teenagers over drawings depicting adults. Surely it has got nothing to do with the subject matter.
Oh no, im so mad anon has porn brainrot. Woe is me.
Thats right, there is no difference. Therefore removing porn does nothing. You are objectively wrong in your claim, as proven by both historical data and basic common sense.
>every single argument of yours is in bad faith.
Says the faggot that argues a bunch of shit and refuses to provide a single shred of evidence to back it.
Anime is not for you.
It's part of a fantasy. Just like MLPfags aren't really into IRL horses (i hope), but into the very specific depictions.
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You are either mentally retarded or trolling
Still not as good of a girl as the first girl, and I'm sad she just disappeared
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Looks like I mindbroke the anti-porn guy
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this guy can't be more rertarded, or is just a feminist or fag.
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Have a demon sensei buttock
dont get mad anon, I hear there are places you can go get your degeneracy looked at.
Youre right anon, fantasies are 1:1 with reality.
>Results indicated that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy. For these women, the median rape fantasy frequency was about four times per year, with 14% of participants reporting that they had rape fantasies at least once a week.
Wow, so all those women that have rape fetishes (the majority of women) actually want to be raped. Yep.
I dont know if they want to be raped or not, Im just wondering what makes men sexually attracted to cartoon children over cartoon adults.
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>those girls are wearing skimpy clothes because thet don't .....don't.... THEY WANT TO BE FUCKED UP HARD UNTIL THEIR BRAIN MELTS
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Because cartoon children dont look or act like real children 99.9% of the time. I beat it to loli from time to time. I have never wanted to fuck a real child. I just like petite women. Any man that has had a child and changed diaper blowouts where their shit is running up their back and into their hair knows that real children are fucking gross.
None of them look like actual humans so it hardly matters. I like lolis for their unique blend of sexy and cute features. They are a fun part of anime culture.
There are plenty petite (its an entire tag) adult woman hentai out there. Cartoon children look more like children than adults and more often than not behave more like children than they do adults.
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>dont get mad
>he says as he froths at the mouth multiple times like >>268389406
>he says while he gets asspained by the fact that women sexualize themselves constantly
Surely you dont like them because they are in subservient positions and are almost always naive and easy to take advantage of. Like children usually are.
You must have me confused with someone else anon, >>268389406 is not me.
Porn addiction. Notice how OP immediately compares it to porn, as if he thinks that fanservice is supposed to compel you to goon for the next hour, as opposed to going "heh nice" for two seconds.
And it has a massive overlap with loli. And no, they dont act like kids. You are desperate trying to make a link when there isnt one. Again, if loli = wanting to fuck kids IRL, then the majority of women want to be raped since 62% reported to have rape fetishes. You cant have this both ways.
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>no its not me
>i just make the same retarded arguments and have a similar post style
>oh and the "other guy" keeps disappearing for a minute or so whenever I post, haha what a coincidence!
If youre going to pretend to be multiple people, then atleast change your post style and use multiple devices to beat the post limit
True, fan service is a good litmus test for bad writing.
You know jellyfish would flop when you see that opening scene.
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>she was forced to whore herself because of low pay on regular jobs!!
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i found a pic of OP fag (don't know which one is it).
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Does anyone have Claire
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Which Claire?
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That one, brother.
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Good to know
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>OP in this moments.
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I don't want to watch porn. I want to watch fanservice.
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Anime already has toned down more than it should have for you freaks, no more should be tolerated or you will just make every character an unattractive square. So fucking annoying.
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I was just a kid when SAO first aired and my fictional girls sexual awakening was Kirito groping Asuna.
I've been into tsun ever since.
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To be fair, some of it is ridiculously over used in the same way over and over again.
Panty shots, the same beach scenes and bath scenes thats been used to death. Over and over they don't come up with new stuff it's just the same crap with different paint.
Oops tripped and grabbed your boob.
Oops walked into your room while you were changing.
Oops some one was in the bath first. Oops your brah or top magically gets stuck on my head!
Then the same reaction, KYAAAAH! OR not care and nothing happens.
The romantic comedies are always like this.
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I already told you I dont really care about whatever the majority of women are up to, maybe they do want to be raped I dont know, I dont care. The point here is that we have clear depictions of children who act like children, shitting yourself is not the only characteristic feature of children and it stops being one past age 5. Cartoon children act like children in the sense that they are overly naive, they are curious and inexperienced about social interactions and they are in subservient social positions compared to adults. Sure, there are grown women like that and honestly, it would be equally fucked up to pursue one of those women romantically as well since the difference in power is pretty big.My question remains, why not just peruse the petite woman category instead of jacking it to loli if you truly are just into smaller frames for women.
Too much estrogen in the water and the food
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You could've just made a normal fanservice thread, but had to be a retarded faggot and cause this cancer showing how worthless moderation is now instead.
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>I was just a kid when SAO first aired
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>this post was probably deleted and banned for announcing reports
>but the bait thread is ok!
Thanks mods.
Maybe anon really does hate fanservice
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Best bait i've seen this week. nice job faggot,
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Then why watch anime? Specially seasonal anime.
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Dude it was 12 years ago.
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>Dude it was 12 years ago.
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Maybe it was OP's master plan all along to enrage the coomer enough so that they would post their entire fanservice folders out of spite
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It is quite normal in real life tho, and for good reasons
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I so sorry they take your balls away.
This place is full of redditards hololive simps Holokeks Holozhangs bootlicker of the CCP and China. And underage cum eating cuckold blacked Holokeks.
No reason to be called cuckchan. But underage children are retarded brown
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Are you trying to get this shit to bump limit by spamming hot girls knowing it won't be deleted anyways? This is the EXACT kind of initiative I'm talking about. More underage girls please. Nothing makes a tourist shit itself harder.
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>pic related
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They are higher iq.
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Zoomers are literally the porn addict generation, they literally grew up with tiktok and onlyfans being the norm
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You think you hate them enough, but you don't.
Factually incorrect. Since the creation of the iq test, Zoomers are the first generation that scored lower than the generation before them.
Millenianls are the most capable generation on recent history and zoomers will suffer under our hand
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Genuinely all it does is make it impossible to recommend or watch with anybody with a veneer of respectability
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other mammalian species in nature also throw shit at each other and murder each other with their teeth. do you look to the brute beasts of the earth for moral guidance? would you rather be a pig than a man?
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You don't seem to understand.
All women should be super hot.
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What's with the spammer?
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These are the same people that watch the boys and see no problem with the homoerotic aspects of the show.
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Elf get
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Thank you for all the great pics anon. My folder just grew by a lot.
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Glad that I could help
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Low quality bait threads like this that get so many replies are the real cringe.
Theyre based because they get bombarded with great fanservice images

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