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>movie is called The Boy and the Heron
>it's not about the relationship between the Boy and the Heron
Unfocused movie. It keeps introducing new elements while having a thin excuse of rescuing someone. It wasn't a journey, Miyazaki was making stuff up as he went.

His previous stories had tight stories, this one felt way more schizophrenic. It's nott a bad movie though, it just loses its way after the boy goes to the magical world.
Will his next movie be the nausicaä sequel?
Should have had just a bit more sailing and weird island encounters. Less parakeets too.
>his next
>took him over 7 years to make his last movie
>83 years old
If the Boy and the Heron didn't kill him, his next will.
Thanks for this detailed analysis, Anon. I am glad I was able to witness you take the film apart in such a concise manner. You should consider writing reviews, run a blog or publish on anitube. You really have the intellect necessary to succeed to contribute to the anime analysis media space. No seriously, when will midwits finally stop thinking that writing 3 lines about something is an analysis, a review, or anything worth reading for other resaons? You're not smart, you don't get what you watch, your criticism is meaningless, unsubstantiated, intellectually dishonest and undercooked and you should never have been given a space to express it. The internet really was a massive mistake, cause it made midwit clowns like yourself think you should waste your time doing something you suck massive cock at. Do the world a favour and stop bothering. I could get a toddler to write more on the films poster than you can muster for this analysis of yours.
They can just ai him
Its called How Do You Live in Japanese
but you are right that the herron relationship was resolved too quickly.
>movie is called The Boy and the Heron
It's not, you mental midget. It's called 君たちはどう生きるか
>doesn't know the movie is called 'how do you live?'
>doesn't know enough about japan to see the political criticism inspired by the novel the movie is named after
you poser
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I think the Heron should have been better developed and he should have been with the boy the whole journey. He had no arc or goal and the boy kept meeting new characters.

>what is post-movie chitchat
This is not an "analysis", dumbass. I just saw the movie and shared my thoughts.

>Its called How Do You Live in Japanese
I know, and is a much better title too. Very provoking.

I didn't read the novel but I doubt it's a fantasy one. Most of the movie was Miyazaki making up.

Also, this showed up on the credits. Whats up with that?
>movie is called The Boy and the Heron
stopped reading there
Maybe OP just wants company and the thread is just an excuse for anons to gather round. I know thats what i usually post for. Do you expect a thesis in every thread? Tell us your worries.
Checked and keked
>what is post-movie chitchat
Sure as shit not being deliberately retarded.
>I just saw the movie and shared my thoughts.
Please refrain from doing so in the future. That "thoughts" of yours are a waste of valuable data space. Just look at the archives. There are dozens of people equally dumb who've already "thought" the same thing. No need for you put it in writing.
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>provoking title "How Do You Live?"
>movie is about a magical journey of boy rescuing his stepmom, meeting his unborn dead mother and other magical beings

I fail to see how any of this has to do with the question "How Do You Live?".

Nobody asked for your input. Talk about the movie or fuck off.
>Maybe OP just wants company and the thread is just an excuse for anons to gather round
This. I want to talk about a movie I just saw with people who probably have seen it.
>Please refrain from doing so in the future.
I'll do it more just to make you seethe :)
>Do you expect a thesis in every thread?
No I don't. But I sure would appreciate for dumb people to stop acting smart. Especially when they can't even get the name of their target right. In a way someone saying
>duuude this is so mid
is more appropriate than the shit this clown right here does. Cause the mid poster just calls it mid. This joker right here thinks that writing 3 lines and saying ugh oh unfocused!!! lends his argument substance in ways. He's probably the same shitposter who never uses anything but the term "weight" to articulate why some animation is worse than other.
the heron for the first half of the movie is a self-serving cunt that only cares about fulfilling the role he was created for, which is an exaggerated caricature of the MC's father and what was expected of japanese men at the time. But he's also an 'outsider' from the MC's perspective and interacting with him makes him start to see that it's hypocritical to condemn others for doing whatever they must to survive when him and his people are just doing the same thing. the most important scene regarding this theme is when they are standing over the dying pelican and the boy is looking at it with hatred when the heron declares that the pelican died a noble death, and explains how the pelicans are dying of starvation and hunting the soul-critters is the only thing they can do to survive because the oceans are barren
the book 'How do you live' is indeed not a fantasy story but a psuedo-biographical tale told in a series of vignettes about how all kinds of people in high an low status do what they must to survive that is deeply critical of the idea that there is one, singular, 'correct' way to live and that being in a situation where the only way to survive is to defy cultural norms is not a moral failing but a failure of the state to provide for it's people.
It's weird how you could take the heron out of the movie and basically nothing would change.
>I fail to see how any of this has to do with the question "How Do You Live?".
>I fail to see how the boy making vitual ethical decisions like saving his stepmom over ditching here, or rejecting wonderland for reality, have anything to do with the question "How Do You Live?"
Folks, we've got Roger Ebert over here.
Actually it's called How Do You Live?
Local movie theater occasionally has a clerk come in and greet everyone and say something about a movie before it starts and even he doubted this is his last
>remove heron
>MC doesn't suspect there's something about his family being hidden from him
>his desire to hunt the heron doesn't make him double down on his initial paradigm that as the firstborn son he needs to be a big man that does whatever violence is needed to fulfill his duty
>mom never disappears
>he never goes to the world of the tower
OP here. I don't even use /a/, how autistic you must be to not understand that I just want to talk about a movie. Not everything is an essay.

>acting smart
>calling mid
who are you talking to?
Seriously, why are you replying to baggage in my fresh thread?

>the book 'How do you live' is indeed not a fantasy story but a psuedo-biographical tale told in a series of vignettes about how all kinds of people in high an low status do what they must to survive that is deeply critical of the idea that there is one, singular, 'correct' way to live and that being in a situation
That does explain some of it. I don't think the Heron is a caricature of the MC's father, he acts like the rabbit of Alice in Wonderland, he is the "gateway of the magical world".

I hardly think this movie has any deeper meaning aside from the Greatuncle's world.
I have to read the novel to make more sense of it.

You can't answer, can you? Shitposter vermin.
That's like saying you can remove the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland (which the Heron likely was inspired by in parts) and nothing would change. Completely retarded take. Many events in the film only happen because of him, similar to how they only happen cause of the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.
Doesn't your whining take up more "space" than OP? Don't you know its better to let a thread die if you don't like it? Can you even survive going through the catalog?

Maybe its from a causality standpoint. The boy lives because he completes the timeline. Makes the viewer have a thought or two about how they're here too.

It's like Alice and the Rabbit
>You can't answer, can you? Shitposter vermin.
I already answered it. The fact that you can't see that speaks VOLUMES, Misstiano Penaldo-kun.
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I did shed tears when Himi said her goodbye and went through the door. Neither Chihiro nor Howl's made me cry. The only other movie from Miyazaki that made me cry was Totoro (during the tree-growing scene)

Did a youtuber give you that opinion?
Alice trifecta over here.Nice

Some guy in /tv/ said the 13 pure blocks at the end represent Miyazaki's movies (no idea if they are 13) and him finding no successor,yada yada. Also ecosystem stuff. Pelicans eat the Warawaras,they eat the guts of the fish then become souls in the human realm etcetc.

>That jam viscocity
>I hardly think this movie has any deeper meaning aside from the Greatuncle's world.
the great uncles world is a disjointed mess, which we learn is the result of him having a finite number of building blocks to work with and he has spend the whole time there trying different configurations of those blocks to try and make a world that is self sustaining,
this can be argued at a metaphor for storytelling itself, because all stories are fundamentally made up of the same basic 'building blocks' just configured in different ways,
when the king of the parrots learned of this, he was outraged that the granduncle was hesitating at all because as far as the king of the parrots was concerned, one configuration was as good as any other, so long as it kept existing. While the MC/Scion concluded that wellbeing of the actual people caught up in this bullshit mattered more, and ultimately was fine with the destruction of the tower world so long as everyone got out and was free of the illusory restrictions that existed within it
Some argue this is a metaphor for Studio Ghibli itself, with the king of the parrots representing a certain producer Miyazaki often butted heads with because all that producer cared about was Ghibli keeps making movies for the sake of making money even if those stories sucked
Some argue its about how letting your job consume your life comes at the expense of your family, which can just lead them to making the same mistakes you did if they get caught up in the idea of being a worthy successor to you regardless of what they want in life
Some argue it's about how people create narratives to help them cope with life, but it becomes too easy to 'mistake the map for the territory' and just neglect or ignore the parts of your life that don't fit into a neat narrative even when you know in your heart that's not right
>The Heron starts out as a creepy malicious creature tormenting the Mahito in the shape of a Heron
>Turns into a silly comic relief sidekick
What the fuck happened with this character? Did they just forget Mahito tried to kill him earlier and that he said they weren't friends?
did you just turn the subtitles off after the first 30 minutes and space out? Do you expect people to post all the relevant exerts from the script after that point to spare you from the grueling torture of paying attention for the entire duration of a feature length film?
>itt brainlets realizing they're stupid and can't understand ghibli films
The greatuncle made him his servant and also he needed his hole to be fixed.
>the characters only faced the camera and said all that they were feeling twice, rather than every 13 minutes. this movie is incomprehensibly random
Even if the movies is a insider movie about miyazaki and his production core members and a movie about ghibli itself with a shitton of references to his prior works its still a jumbled movie that unlike all the other films, lacks a red thread that keeps it consistent, leaving the audience confused instead of amazed
>a boy is hunted by the trauma of his mother death
>he moves out to live with his new stepmom
>the house has a mysterious heron that harasses him
>he spends a lot of his time trying to kill the heron until his stepmom goes missing
>on his quest to find his stepmom, he defeats the heron and goes into a magic world
>he meets a brave fisherwoman and re-meets the heron
>then he goes with the heron to find his stepmom
>then he ends up in a house full of human-eating birds and gets rescued by a girl of his age who is also his mom
>then he finds his stepmom and talks with his greatuncle, the creator of the magic world in a dream
>then he is rescued by the heron because the human-eating birds caught him
>then he meets up with his greatuncle, and rejects the offer of heritage to the magical world, the king of the human-eating birds fuck up and destroys the magical world
>now he is back in the real world
And I still left out the unborn souls, the gang of grandmas, the rock/school incident, the pelicans, the tower, the backstory of the tower, his father, the blocks, the "black souls that can't fish but buy fish" and much more.

I like to see this movie like a museum, every piece is genuinely beautiful, but does it work as a collection? As a whole?
I can interpret deep meaning in the malice of the man,
the young inheriting the world,
his come of age,
and many other elements of the movie but how all of this works as a whole?

This movie is unfocused.
the whole red thread running through the movie is Maki being torn between what he was raised to believe he ought to do and what his heart says he ought to do, with the caveat that as a young child getting all these responsibilities thrust upon him that keep contradicting one another, that just doubking down on one or the other makes things worse and he needs to figure out for himself what is important and why before he can see clearly what he actually ought to do to be the kind of man he wants to grow up to be, and that some rules exist for a reason but others are just obsolete traditions and there is no cheat sheet for being good
I wouldn't call it an insider movie. I picked up on my first watch that it works on at least three levels: the surface level of Mahito's coming-of-age story / hero's journey, the autobiographical level of Miyazaki reflecting on his own life and revisiting recurring themes from his past movies, and the social commentary level where it criticizes Japan's values near the end of WWII, shows why a new value system was needed, and depicts the anxiety of not knowing what that new value system would look like.
It's not perfectly elegant, in that some elements only make sense on one or two of those levels, but any story this ambitious amazes me more than a story that aims lower and succeeds purely by sticking to tried-and-tested formulas.
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Raised to believe?

You are engaging with the movie in a way so open that you are reading meaning where your imagination is filling the answers. Unless you keep repeating "X is actually a metaphor for Y" throughout the whole movie, nothing you said holds up what is actually presented.
If you don't think "X is actually a metaphor for Y" at any point during any of Miyazaki's movies, you're not even processing them.
Unlike all his previous movies, the underlying message was not caught in a tangled mess of multiple elements. All his other movies had straight tight narratives, this movie is messy.

I don't think he took 7 years to make this movie because of his age, but because he didn't know what to do with the story and it shows. The movie keeps introducing new elements on top and one could say that it has a total tone shift halfway when he goes into the magical world.
>All his other movies had straight tight narratives
Explain Spirited Away in three sentences or less.
your conclusion is unbegetted
all you've done is list the events that affected the MC while ignoring how they affected him, and claimed that means its unfocused when the emotional growth of the MC is the focus
I really enjoyed it
The heron being a creepy asshole was the best part of the movie
The magical world stuff has a satisfying second half
Would say one of the better ghibli movies
>ctrl f "hack"
>ctrl f "trash"
0 results
I'll go ahead and say Miyazaki is a hack and Ghibli is normalfag trash
thread is over
nta but
its hubris to assume what you think is normal is universally applicable.
you'll never get anywhere without hard work, and people working together can accomplish more than someone working alone.
just because someone sees you as a threat does not make them innately evil.
>the emotional growth of the MC is the focus
The MC is the weakest character in the movie.
>He had no reason to accept his stepmom as his new mom, it was to move the plot forward.
>He does not come to terms or any resolution about his grief.
>His rejection of inheriting the world was entirely rational and lacked any character's motivation
>the MC only shows agency when he smashes his own head with a rock (which is just a plot point to be used for the malice argument), the rest of the story is him obeying orders and going with the motions
Disliking a meal, having good manners, and being quiet and reserved does not make him a good character. He is plain.
saying the word "facts" and then putting your assumptions in greentext format doesn't lend your argument credence it just makes you look like a shitposter
Your first and fourth points contradict each other as do your second and third points
to throw a bone of good faith, the whole reason he accepts his stepmother is because he realizes she's not just a "wicked stepmother" but a real person just as much as he is, and she's just trying to exercise what agency she has to try and bring about a better outcome for those she cares most about the same way he is
>He had no reason to accept his stepmom as his new mom
Pragmatism and basic empathy. What would he have gained from now accepting her?
>He does not come to terms or any resolution about his grief.
He resolves to support her the way he would have supported his birth mother, because the family you have matters more than the family you wished you had.
>His rejection of inheriting the world was entirely rational and lacked any character's motivation
The great-uncle was a mystic. Mahito has a cynical bent, and recognizes he is too young to bear the responsibility of governing a world of millions.
>the MC only shows agency when he smashes his own head with a rock
Suicide is the only philosophical question. Mahito asked that question and rejected it, which is more agency than most people ever show in real life.
>the rest of the story is him obeying orders and going with the motions
His real lesson was that there are ultimately no orders. He doesn't have to inherit his father's kamikaze plane factory. He can be whatever role model he wants to be.
>Pragmatism and basic empathy.
He had no reason to, he constantly called her "the girl his father likes". He was saving her out of good character, not because he liked/loved her. She even says she hates him (???). Both characters never had a moment of connection, they just tolerated each other because of his father/her husband.

>He resolves to support her the way he would have supported his birth mother, because the family you have matters more than the family you wished you had.
That is (You) filling the gaps. He never comes to this resolution.

> Mahito has a cynical bent, and recognizes he is too young to bear the responsibility of governing a world of millions.
He doesn't, he recognizes the world should be a better place away from malice and excuses himself from creating a better world because he also is tainted with malice.
So let the world end or someone else do the job? We will never know.

>Suicide is the only philosophical question. Mahito asked that question and rejected it
He wasn't trying to kill himself, he was just injuring himself to skip school since he was still processing a lot of shit and didn't need more in his plate.

>His real lesson was that there are ultimately no orders.(...) He can be whatever role model he wants to be.
That is (You) again filling the gaps, the MC is not going into any identity crisis or worrying about the future. His only distress is his grief and his new life. By the end of the journey he seems to come to terms with his mother's death and accept his new family but I hardly think it was because of the adventure he went through.

Someone mentioned Chihiro, she starts weak and frightened and grows a lot through hard labor, helping others, and learning lessons. Mahito learns nothing, he is already pretty capable and fears nothing.
>he constantly called her "the girl his father likes". He was saving her out of good character, not because he liked/loved her.
That's the difference between recognizing they're strangers and recognizing they could become more if they opened up to each other. It's called character development.
>She even says she hates him
That was a spur of the moment because he trespassed during her most vulnerable moment, while she was giving birth and on death's door. Learn to read context.
>That is (You) filling the gaps.
Learn to read characters' internal mental states from their actions.
>So let the world end or someone else do the job?
"The world" was the symbolic world of myth and nationbuilding. He recognized he was too young for that, and decided to start with what was in front of him: his own family.
>He wasn't trying to kill himself
Learn to interpret symbolism.
>the MC is not going into any identity crisis or worrying about the future.
That's literally the whole movie.
>He had no reason to accept his stepmom as his new mom, it was to move the plot forward.
This is downright satirical and all it does is show us that you're not emotionally intelligent enough to get this film. She is vital to his fathers happiness and did nothing that warrants his hatred. In fact, she suffers the same way he does. And that's what he comes to realize during the second half of the film. That they are the same, and that they hate each other for it, but that they shouldn't because neither is responsible for the other's circumstances. It's not them who decided to make the other suffer, so it makes no sense to feel malice. That's why he goes back, why the chamber scene happens, why he suddenly calls her mother. Saying that Mahito is the weakest part of the film is ludicrous cause he may very well be the Miyazaki character with the most notable quantity of character growth. He's a completely different person than he was at the start of the film. A person who has shed his illwill, who has come to realize and understand other people circumstaces and emotions, and who is willing to prioritize other peoples happiness (like his fathers) over perhaps even his own. He went from damaging himself to gain his dads attention to risk his life to actively pursue his dads happiness.

That is the film. That is Mahito and his arc. The boy who thought he hated his stepmother, who griefed his mothers death, who then, half way through, realized that he actually hated his father for marrying his stepmother, and ultimately overcame those childish emotions to come to accept the circumstances and cards all people were dealt. His fathers grief, his stepmothers position as a replacement wife, and his own position within the newly found family of his. Hell, I honestly have a hard time thinking of a single other Miyazaki character that is even remotely close to being this emotionally layered. Worse thing one can say about him is that he's too mature for his age.
>It wasn't a journey, Miyazaki was making stuff up as he went.
Same as my neighbor Totoro then
And that's his best movie. Coincidence?
>But I sure would appreciate for dumb people to stop acting smart.
Then don't call him a midwit, since a midwit possesses slightly above intelligence.
>That's the difference between recognizing they're strangers and recognizing they could become more if they opened up to each other. It's called character development.
It's called plot convenience. Til the very end, none of the two had grown any connection. They might as well still be cold with each other.
>That was a spur of the moment because he trespassed during her most vulnerable moment, while she was giving birth and on death's door. Learn to read context.
No, the entire point of that was to call her "mom" and accept her for the first time. Plot-driven interaction, not character-driven. A single silent hug would suffice, we didn't even have that. I say more, Mahito connects with everybody but his stepmom, he is closer to the grannies than her.

>Learn to read characters' internal mental states from their actions.
You confuse your imagination with what is actually presented.

>He recognized he was too young for that
Nope, he recognizes he is also tainted, and only that.

>Learn to interpret symbolism.
Again, your imagination. My interpretation of skipping school to deal with his shit is valid as yours. I'd say it's more valid because the character is shown to be crafty multiple times, as in sequence he steals tobacco to trade for skills. You are wrong or self-inserting to interpret the rock scene as a suicidal allegory.

>That's literally the whole movie.

>Same as my neighbor Totoro then
But Totoro only loses itself when the little girl disappears for the sake of closure. Before that, there was no plot, it was just kids doing kiddy things.

I'd say the best part of TBAH is him hunting the heron, which is half of the movie.
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Its too Deep for me

Im a simple man, these 4 are my favourites, simple as
What happens in the underworld symbolizes what Mahito is processing in his feverish state in the real world. Almost no time passes in the real world between the moment he enters the underworld and the moment he re-emerges. He hasn't grown any connection with his stepmom yet because they haven't interacted in real life between her (symbolic) disappearance and the moment they next see each other. The end of the movie marks the start of their connection, not the conclusion.
>You are wrong or self-inserting to interpret the rock scene as a suicidal allegory.
If it was purely about skipping school, why would it be a sign of malice? Mahito knew that his classmates bullied him for his privileged background and his father's complicity in the war, he couldn't really blame them, and he wanted to escape the only way he knew how. The journey through the underworld serves to show him why that's not the solution.
Yes. Pleb. Rewatch the movie.
They're all great. No need to make excuses for liking them.
you sound frustrated
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"It's a piece of cake to bake a para cake."
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I am. Believe me I fucking am. I seriously wish anime discourse was better, but it's legitimately hard to find worthwhile people to talk to. And even if you do, odds are they will constantly feel the need to tell you that they are trans. I genuinely tired Wobbie.
He said it'll be like a Princess Mononoke jidaigeki
Heh. I only realized just now the Mussolini bird cake parallels the Jenga tower and the Tower of Babel imagery. So many fun details in this movie.
>that warrants his hatred. In fact, she suffers the same way he does.
Hate is a very strong word to describe how they feel about each other. She is cordial with him and he tolerates her, that is their relationship.

>ho has come to realize and understand other people circumstaces and emotions, and who is willing to prioritize other peoples happiness (like his fathers) over perhaps even his own
You, people, are reading into stuff that isn't there. There is a big step to come to terms with when dealt a shit hand to (for the sake of overkill) become an "empath".
No, he did not think of prioritizing his family.
No, he did not put his father's happiness in the first place.
No, he does not think about the future of the nation.
He just processed his grief and tolerated his new life.

>Worse thing one can say about him is that he's too mature for his age.
He is mature. He kept bottling up his internal problems, he is capable, never spilled his shit over other people and at worse he hurt himself to skip school, not to get his father's attention.

>why would it be a sign of malice?
It's a dishonest act, like shooting yourself to skip the draft. Not evil per se, but malicious.

>and his father's complicity in the war

>Yes. Pleb. Rewatch the movie.
The MC is stuck in the past and not accepting his present. IT'S NOT ABOUT THE FUTURE.
Not the spastic OP but I honestly think this suicide reading or yours (or allegorical for the will to commit it) is rather fatfetched. It seems much more likely to simply be him lashing out for attention. To make sure his father pays attention to him once more. His position is threatened by his sibling, by his stepmother, and he is desperate to avoid being sidelined by them. By damaging himself, he accomplishes for his father to pay attention to him once more. Or rather: to show affection and make it more clear to him that he cares. He's just a kid, who after seeing how his father embraces his replacement mom is desperate to not lose his place. To not lose the other parent.
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The movie was better when it was about a boy hunting a heron.
>Not evil per se
So not malicious.
Why do you think the plane cabin covers are shown prominently? Why do they look like the pelicans' beaks? What do the pelicans do in the underworld? What did Japan do during WWII? Why would Mahito's classmates hate him? Think, anon, think!
>The MC is stuck in the past and not accepting his present.
What part of the MC's actions in the final scene suggests he's stuck in the past?
>You, people, are reading into stuff that isn't there. There is a big step to come to terms with when dealt a shit hand to (for the sake of overkill) become an "empath".
I am not gonna bother with this any longer cause it's very clear that you're not intelligent enough to discuss film. And by that I don't mean this film, but any film, really. You're exactly what I described you as in my initial post: A fucking mouthbreather who should keep his mouth shut. You don't understand film, can't read allegories, can't read visual cues, lack the emotional intelligence to get personal films such as this one, and on top of that deliberately refuse to suspend disbelief and think youre being snarky for doing so. You are the sort of cancerous midwit that destroys discourse on art, because you lack the most basic understanding of what it exists for. To you film is some mystery puzzlebox, some jigsaw puzzle that needs to be solved and that, to make sense, needs to explain every single one of its elements for you to be satisfied with it. If it doesn't? Well, then it's "not playing fair". And if it's "not playing fair", then what it expect me to see simply isn't there. But that's not what film is. Especially not the sort of film that utilizes audio-visuals means to convey huge chunks of data through subtextual means. Stick to Legend of the Galactic Faggots or other works where the ability to read between lines isn't a requirement to evaluate them. Cause you clearly do not posses the ability to appropriately evaluate film.
Based snarkanon.
And I don't mean that ironically. /a/ needs more gatekeepers like this to make lazy retards feel unwelcome.
Why did he fuck himself up with the rock?
Just to get attention from his dad that comes back only to fuck his moms sister?
Also what about Kiriko having the same kind of scar?
Prob to get out of school. Also, unprocessed trauma and grief.
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>So not malicious.
Milice does not mean evil. Just like inpure is not evil.
>2. : intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse.

>Why do you think the plane cabin covers are shown prominently? Why do they look like the pelicans' beaks? What do the pelicans do in the underworld? What did Japan do during WWII? Why would Mahito's classmates hate him? Think, anon, think!
These are the underlying themes.
I'm talking about the bullies' motivations.

Again, these are up for interpretation, that is why some of you are reading "suicide tendencies" or even the MC acting like a Utilitarist, putting his father's happiness in the first place. It's valid but not factual. (but not the suicide shit, this is pure bs on your guy's part and I will die on this hill).

>retard takes his interpretations as facts
And that is why people call you a tranny, you are so intoxicated by your own farts that you are incapable of distinguishing your opinions from real-life facts. Then you paint me as a strawman and add all the things you dislike to "prove" your point.

You are a bad person and deserve everything bad that happens to you. Keep whining.
>Why did he fuck himself up with the rock?
To get to the other side.
>Also what about Kiriko having the same kind of scar?
Only those with mental scars get a glimpse of the other side. You can't be a visionary without being an outcast.
I get that this movie supposedly has a deeper meaning, and it's all a metaphor and whatnot, but the plot ha so many holes, and it's so messy that it's not enjoyable anymore. To me, a movie has to be good and make sense first, and then you should care about its deeper meaning, if you manage to do well both you can create a masterpiece, but if you clash random stuff together and serve the metaphor before the story, it stops being good.
>but the plot ha so many holes
Huh? Plot holes? The movie was unfocused but the main story was still cohesive.
To me, this movie looked like a parody of Miyazaki stuff with nothing that made the others good. I think during production he just got tired, shat on the desk and said "let's see if they'll still call this a masterpiece just because I did it"
>2. : intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse.
How convenient of you to dismiss the other two definitions, especially when the law isn't a major theme of the story. Let's see what you omitted:
>1. A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite.
>3. An improper motive for an action, such as desire to cause injury to another.
Note how those are almost equivalent to the dictionary definition of evil:
>Morally bad or wrong; wicked.
>Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful.

>These are the underlying themes.
>I'm talking about the bullies' motivations.
Why do you think those are unconnected to the underlying themes?

>the MC acting like a Utilitarist
No one said this.
You know the English title was made up by Gkids, right? The title in Japanese is completely different. It's still mediocre, though.
I don't remember it very well, it has been a while since I watched it, but I do remember a lot of stuff not making sense like Mahito and his mom having to run on top of the tower following the parrot king to the door for his uncle's palace, the king destroying the stairs but a door appearing in front of Mahito magically after he survived the rubble falling all over him. I also especially disliked the fact that he went in to save his mom, which was what the entire plot was about from the start, but in the last act Mahito completely forgets about her, and she basically escapes on her own, meeting again only at the corridor with the doors just before he managed to escape, dude was literally about to go away forever and forgot about the entire reason he went there in the first place. The movie is full of this "small" things and I hated it, it felt like nothing was there for the purpose of telling a story, but was just a big metaphor with no direct meaning
His close friend and colleague died midway in the making of it. That alone took the wind out of the sails of Miyazaki, supposedly it took awhile to get back to prodcuction after that.

>captcha GAY02
>His close friend and colleague died midway in the making of it
yeah I know that, I think isao takahata's death completely destroyed this movie, Miyazaki didn't know what to do, he got basically infinite budget and time which probably inflated the scope too, and it ended up a mess
>You can't be a visionary without being an outcast.
This is the kind of shit this guy >>268381268
would believe and get really mad if you disagree.

>dismiss the others
Because he hurt himself, the first two does not apply.
I don't get your point, the MC himself recognizes his act as malicious, he was dishonest, and he hurt himself and lied about it. Acting maliciously does not mean acting evil, there are plenty of malicious act for good or grey. Like I said, dodging draft.

>Why do you think those are unconnected to the underlying themes?
Because the bully's plotline is very simple and quickly resolved, you could make the connection with the war zeitgeist but it would not add or change the resolution.

>No one said this.
tomato tomato, putting other people's happiness above his own. Same shit.

>The title in Japanese is completely different. It's still mediocre, though.
Back when Miyazaki first announced this movie, I really liked the original title. It's very provoking, but after watching the movie, it's not very reflective of it. I still haven't read the novel.

>t felt like nothing was there for the purpose of telling a story
Yes, I felt that too, the characters were not characters, the plot wasn't a plot, it was all over the place and nothing made sense logically, I hope the guys with the metaphor interpretation are right because otherwise this movie is irredeemable
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>it was all over the place and nothing made sense logically, I hope the guys with the metaphor interpretation are right because otherwise this movie is irredeemable
I wouldn't call it irredeemable. Neon Demon falls under a similar umbrella and shares very similar qualities (although less cohesive than The Boy and the Heron)

There is a lot of value here even if you read deep into things.
>Because he hurt himself, the first two does not apply.
What a bizarre individualist perspective. What makes you think hurting himself wouldn't hurt others who love him?
>Acting maliciously does not mean acting evil
Look up where the root "mal" comes from.
>you could make the connection with the war zeitgeist but it would not add or change the resolution.
If you didn't make the connection, the bullies' plotline would be entirely meaningless. Everything Mahito goes through represents something Miyazaki went through personally and Japanese youth at the time went through collectively.
>putting other people's happiness above his own. Same shit.
That's literally not what utilitarianism means. Look it up.
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Sorry for the non-/a/ meme, but these title changes for overseas market always make me laugh
even if you DON'T read deep into things*

>What a bizarre individualist perspective. What makes you think hurting himself wouldn't hurt others who love him?
I know you are being cretinous on purpose. This is the same sentiment that blames the suicidal for their acts. Suicide is more than often a social issue, not an individual one.
>Look up where the root "mal" comes from.
Are we now seeking the etymological meaning? What about in the context of the movie?
>If you didn't make the connection, the bullies' plotline would be entirely meaningless.
Ocran's razor. Rich kid causing envy.

>Everything Mahito goes through represents something Miyazaki went through personally and Japanese youth at the time went through collectively.
You have to choose one side, it's either Miyazaki, the Japanese youth, or a rich kid with a warmonger dad because several of these are in conflict.

>That's literally not what utilitarianism means. Look it up.
>>The theory that action should be directed toward achieving the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people"
Not literally, but practically what you guys believe Mahito did (putting down his happiness in favor of his family)
all of his movies have a dream-like logic but this one took it too far. I get that it's a personal and in a way autobiographical film but: a good story has to stand on its own and make sense as a standalone work. you shouldn't have to know everything about miyazaki's life and work as well as the past 100 years of japan's cultural ins and outs in order to understand a movie.
It was a fine ghibli movie, middle rung for the studio, i liked it but the kids at the theatre didn't really, i blame the parents for taking kids to a subbed movie but i wonder if being subbed would've stopped a kid from enjoying totoro.
Mmkay, good to know.
>Suicide is more than often a social issue, not an individual one.
Nothing I posted suggests otherwise.
>What about in the context of the movie?
That's what I've been arguing this whole time.
>Ocran's razor.
Learn to spell.
>Rich kid causing envy.
Boring reductionist reading. No writer worth their salt would publish anything that could be boiled down to that.
>You have to choose one side
If you're a midwit, maybe. No proper writer would publish anything that only allows for one layer of interpretation.
>putting down his happiness in favor of his family
Family is not "the greatest number".
>made me cry was Totoro (during the tree-growing scene)
Me too, but i don't know why
I was under the impression that the film was going to be about the kid accepting and moving on from the death of his mother and accepting his new stepmother, especially since she had all those scenes in the beginning where she stepped in to protect him- bringing the bow to bear against the heron, etc.
Then she's stuck in a room for most of the rest of the movie and the two don't ever interact. I'm not really sure what the movie was about, to be honest. The soundtrack and visuals were as stunning as always, though.
>Then she's stuck in a room for most of the rest of the movie and the two don't ever interact.
First intelligent criticism in this thread.
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>Nothing I posted suggests otherwise.
And nothing in the movie suggest the MC is suicidal.
>That's what I've been arguing this whole time.
You say he wasn't malicious. I and the MC said it was.
>Boring reductionist reading. No writer worth their salt would publish anything that could be boiled down to that.
Life is often more simple than that.
>If you're a midwit, maybe. No proper writer would publish anything that only allows for one layer of interpretation.
Did you not read the "several of these are in conflict.". He can't be the rich kid and also be the common youth, totally different realities.

>Family is not "the greatest number".
Are you for real? It's always the dense folk that obsesses with details and misses the main point.
You are looking at an elephant.

Because it's truly beautiful.
It's like the opposite of watching an atomic bomb.
Do you also believe that Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is about bike maintenance? Or Reservoir Dogs is about feral dogs? Or Star Wars is about stellar suns fighting each other?
I come to these threads hoping for anons like this.
>And nothing in the movie suggest the MC is suicidal.
Except the part where he hits himself in the head and travels to the world of the dead.
>You say he wasn't malicious.
I didn't.
>Life is often more simple than that.
Life makes for bad fiction.
>He can't be the rich kid and also be the common youth
That's a big part of what his internal conflict was about.
>Are you for real?
Do you not understand the difference between family (concrete, emotional) and society (abstract, rational)? And that doesn't even touch on the third dimension of The People (mythical, religious).
You honestly sound too young to get anything out of this movie.
You don't need to use 'stellar' if you're already talking about suns. It's like calling dirt earthy.
I don't really understand much of any ghibli movies other than nausica, i just know they keep my attention and make me feel feelings.
And it's not cheap shots meant to make me cry either.
I wish smart and even pretentious anons would dissect every ghibli movie so i can read and think.
>not a moral failing
Lmao. Most people who are poor are drug addicted scumbags who are incapable of living normally no matter how much the state "provides" them. Every government program ever done to help these people has failed. Give them money and they spend it on drugs and iphones, give them a safe place to live and they trash it, give them safe places to get sober and they just continue to do drugs.

They deserve to be poor because their own actions are responsible for them being poor
>i just know they keep my attention and make me feel feelings.
Based Ghibli enjoyer.
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I know it's good because it keeps my attention. If it's good i sit and watch, if it's not i skip scenes and stop in the middle.
>he hits himself in the head and travels to the world of the dead.
The tower world was real and wasn't a dream.
>I didn't.
You said that hitting oneself with a rock wasn't malicious.
>Life makes for bad fiction.
Good fiction is based on life, including its crudeness. Otherwise, you end up with a movie like Joker.
>That's a big part of what his internal conflict was about.
Never was. His conflict is entirely personal, not social.
>Do you not understand
Do you understand that sociologic concepts apply to groups of all sizes? Yes, ultilitarism does apply to a family.

>i just know they keep my attention and make me feel feelings.
That is because their movies are sincere, it's like watching with your soul.

>Most people who are poor are drug addicted scumbags
>They deserve to be poor because their own actions are responsible for them being poor
I'm glad you studied well your Amazon fulfillment center notebook. (+100 sigma points have been awarded to your crypto wallet.)
>The tower world was real and wasn't a dream.
I never said otherwise. The mythical is real, but non-literal.
>You said that hitting oneself with a rock wasn't malicious.
I didn't. I said it was symbolic for his own suicidal ideation, which is a form of malice because to hurt oneself is to hurt to ones who love you.
>Good fiction is based on life, including its crudeness.
This whole movie is about Mahito's perspective being confronted with life's crudeness and him reconciling himself with it, even if he doesn't quite agree with it.
>His conflict is entirely personal, not social.
If you want stories to be one-dimensional, all you will see is one dimension.
>Do you understand that sociologic concepts apply to groups of all sizes?
Look up what sociology is.
The boy and the heron was too long.
A lot of scenes where just ghibli flex, just scene after scene where they pulled a "look at all this crazy deep shit"
It hurt the tempo of the story, and the story was not that deep so having it dragged out over such a long movie hurt it too.
>I never said otherwise.
You inferred that he entered the world of the dead by hitting himself in the head.
>I said it was symbolic for his own suicidal ideation
Which isn't because he has none. This suicidal nonsense was entirely confabulated by you.
>which is a form of malice because to hurt oneself is to hurt to ones who love you.
It was malicious because he lied, not because he hurt himself.

In the thread people said he hurt himself to skip school and to get his father's attention,, both valid. Suicide is farfetched.
>life's crudeness
And yet "bullies hurt him because he is different" is too below for you.

>If you want stories to be one-dimensional, all you will see is one dimension.
This story is focused on his struggles, you can even start analyzing "the feminine presence in the movie from a feminist perspective" for more dimensions, but then you start missing the point of the main story.

>Look up what sociology is.
Look up what society is.
>You inferred that he entered the world of the dead by hitting himself in the head.
And that doesn't mean it's not real.
>Which isn't because he has none.
You don't understand basic symbolism. Miyazaki would be disappointed.
>It was malicious because he lied
There's a huge gap between a little white lie and malice, which entails the intention to harm others.
>And yet "bullies hurt him because he is different" is too below for you.
You assume the writer is boring. I assume you are boring.
>muh feminism
Non sequitur and culture war strawman. I accept your concession.
>Look up what society is.
An abstraction of concrete human relations. Mahito chooses the latter, but you're still under the delusion there's no conflict of interest between the two.
>And it's not cheap shots meant to make me cry either.
Miyazaki said he really hates this kind of shit
The movie was great but the OST was lacking. Joe Hisaishi is so washed up now. Felt like I was listening to AI Philip Glass
Satan will personally barbecue your soul for this post
You are crazy, the ost is amazing. One of the best works Joe has done with Miyazaki.

I still think his works with Takeshi are much better though.

>You don't understand basic symbolism.
Literally schizo talk. You can't use this crutch for everything you create meaning. You are the only one in the thread that sees this. This is like a Christian seeing a Jesus on toast.
>There's a huge gap between a little white lie and malice
All lies are malicious but not necessarily evil.
Because as you learned with me, malicious does not mean evil.
>You assume the writer is boring. I assume you are boring.
That is on (You.), you assume too much.
>Non sequitur and culture war strawman. I accept your concession.
It was an example, you dense retard. Your carte blanche for everything has dimensions is the same as analyzing this movie under any pretense other than what is intended.
>An abstraction of concrete human relations.
Good to know you learned that sociology/society involves the study of families.
>Mahito chooses the latter, but you're still under the delusion there's no conflict of interest between the two.
You're under the delusion that he chose his family/father happiness over his own, and all I said he came to terms with his grief and accepted his situation.
Yours is an assumption, mine is what is actually presented.

I wonder what he thinks of the swing scene from Grave of the Fireflies, shortly after the main character's mom's death, the boy is swinging non-stop to cheer up his sister and dealing with his own grief while heavy emotional music is playing.
If you're not even willing to consider alternative interpretations, why do you bother to discuss movies? Feel free to stick to your surface level reading, I guess. I can't force you to get more out of it.
>If you're not even willing to consider alternative interpretations
Look who says that.
Multiple different opinions in the thread and you firmly with your suicidal theory, kids were bullying him because of his dad, and he chose family over his needs. And whenever questioned about it, all you say "you don't know symbolism, you can't understand, I know more than you".

You are not only dense but oblivious with no self-awareness. I said multiple times in this thread, you can't distinguish your opinions from facts.
>falling for the localizer’s title
The movie is called “How Do You Live?” in Japan.
try ctrl + f next time, you are late.
No. Hideaki Anno is gonna make the Nausicaa sequel.
>Multiple different opinions in the thread
And I don't disagree with any of them except yours, because yours boils down to "the whole story has one layer and it sucks".
Good stories have multiple layers. Bad readers have one interpretation.
>because yours boils down to "the whole story has one layer and it sucks".
I LITERALLY never said it was bad or talked shit about the movie aside from the main character, you not only assume shit all the time but makeup shit on your head.

You are not replying to me, you are replying to your head.
>I LITERALLY never said it was bad or talked shit about the movie aside from the main character,
You keep rejecting any interpretation of the movie that isn't about the main character's surface level arc, which you don't like. If the movie doesn't suck despite that, there must be more to it than that.
Go ahead, enlighten us. What else is it about?
>You keep rejecting any interpretation of the movie that isn't about the main character's surface level arc
Because it's not there, it's not shown. My main gripe with the MC arc is the lack of intention, which is why you keep filling up gaps. I can't judge a movie based on headcanon.
>If the movie doesn't suck despite that, there must be more to it than that.
Or gee! I dunno... what about
Damn, if only I could judge a movie based on another thing than underline themes...

>Go ahead, enlighten us. What else is it about?
And that is the actual MAIN issue of the movie and a bunch of people have point out in the thread on many different words.

>"A lot of scenes where just ghibli flex, just scene after scene where they pulled a "look at all this crazy deep shit" It hurt the tempo of the story, and the story was not that deep so having it dragged out over such a long movie hurt it too."
>"all of his movies have a dream-like logic but this one took it too far.
>(...)the characters were not characters, the plot wasn't a plot, it was all over the place and nothing made sense logically
>"I get that this movie supposedly has a deeper meaning, and it's all a metaphor and whatnot,(...)it's so messy that it's not enjoyable anymore. To me, a movie has to be good and make sense first, and then you should care about its deeper meaning, if you manage to do well both you can create a masterpiece, but if you clash random stuff together and serve the metaphor before the story, it stops being good."
>"Even if the movies is a insider movie about miyazaki and his production core members and a movie about ghibli itself with a shitton of references to his prior works its still a jumbled movie that unlike all the other films, lacks a red thread that keeps it consistent, leaving the audience confused instead of amazed"
Woah, what do these have in common?
>My main gripe with the MC arc is the lack of intention
How do you know he lacks intention?
My points.
>He had no reason to accept his stepmom as his new mom, it was to move the plot forward.
>He does not come to terms or any resolution about his grief, he just "moves on".
>His rejection of inheriting the world was entirely rational and lacked any character's motivation
>the MC only shows agency when he smashes his own head with a rock (which is just a plot point to be used for the malice argument), the rest of the story is him obeying orders and going with the motions
>Mahito learns nothing, he is already pretty capable and fears nothing.
Now we're just going in circles. You lack empathy, media literacy and openness to experience.
I got something out of this movie and you didn't, and you'll have to learn to live with it.
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Actual MC motivations
>kill the harassing bird
>hurt himself to skip school/father's attention
>get over the nightmares of past trauma
>curiosity about the tower

Plot contrivances
>rescue his stepmother because... it's the right thing to do
>Accept his stepmom and call her mom because... (fill here with your headcanon)
>reject inheriting the world because... (fill here with your headcanon)

Things that didn't happen.
>connecting with his stepmother
>resolution about his grief

Things that happen;
>not my problem, I will make frens!
And you people still think he put his father's happiness above his own.

>I got something out of this movie and you didn't
What you "got" you made it up.
Yep, it's all surface level. Congratulations.
>What you "got" you made it up.
Oh no! The fun I had was all in my head!
>Oh no! The fun I had was all in my head!
Pretty much, because the movie itself goes downhill after he enters the magic world and keeps introducing elements on top of elements without any time for development or resolutions.

Hey, remember the fisher lady with a fire whip?
Remember the multiple doors going to multiple points in time and place?
Remember the meteor?
Cool stuff, but how does any of that work as a whole?
Anon, I want you to answer the following questions, and I want you to answer them honestly:

Are you on the autism spectrum?
Are you Russian or Eastern European?
Was the last form of education you followed in a STEM-related field?
Did you complete it?
How often do you interact with people outside of that field?
what is the best rip of this, so far?
Sometimes people post stuff like this that's so dumb I question if I watched the same media or not
I accept your concession.

The movie is unfocused and gets messy, and you still can't argue that.

Again, none of Miyazaki's previous movies goes on like this.
That was my first post in the thread, I didn't concession a damn thing. Only that I bow to your stupidity.
>The movie is unfocused and gets messy
No one here argued otherwise. The question is whether there's something meaningful going on inside that mess, and apparently, you're not seeing it.
>no counter-argument
I still accept it.
Now go on, regurgitate that youtuber opinion.
You're "arguing" with two different people, and you're losing to both of them.
>No one here argued otherwise.
The nerve.

>The question is whether there's something meaningful going on inside that mess
You would love to watch Wavelength. Btw, do you also believe in zodiac signs? You seem to find meaning in anything.

You can't ask for a return, I already accepted.
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I laughed.
Miyazaki is a leftc°uck, also he treated his son like shit, so fuck his messages
How do you know?
>he doesn't know
It's an undocumented loyalty feature for 10+ year pass users
As usual with any kind of artsy movie you have people trying to read too deeply between the lines and spinning flimsy interpretations, but the main theme of the movie is abundantly clear:

The fantasy world is Miyazaki's filmography and Ghibli itself, and he's urging everyone to not keep the house of the cards propped up. Don't find a successor, don't let the business suits (the parrot king) or otaku fans (the parrots) take over and ruin it. Just let it all wash away when he's gone. He regrets building the kingdom in the first place, since he feels responsible for enabling adults to continue enjoying anime after childhood, which has twisted into the modern infantalized otaku culture. He'd rather it all vanish and for otaku to stop being manchildren, which is why the protagonist vows to grow up as a normal socialized adult instead of embracing the fantasy.

In other words:

>Anime was a mistake - Hayao Miyazaki
>His previous stories had tight stories
And your sister/mother has a tight pussy too, OP. I made sure of that, I'm your dad.
While I do agree with the spoiler, literally any other place but a boy and the heron thread would have been more fitting for it. Stop deluding yourself into thinking it's good because the cranky grandpa made it. It's easily the most forgetable movie he made after the wind rises and even its stellar animation can't save it.
Why'd you take it so personally?
Come home, daddy. We miss you.
Good to see someone who agrees with me holy shit I thought I was crazy when my friends disagreed with my anti escapist interpretation
>lmao anon are you crazy it's clearly about mourning not rejecting escapism, I don't even know what that word means anyways
Fuck you my friend, AHA ano hi no koto

>He'd rather it all vanish and for otaku to stop being manchildren, which is why the protagonist vows to grow up

And also the parrots. By returning to the real world (i.e. no more anime to keep them in arrested development), they regain their wings and fly again. Pretty clear metaphor.
>anti escapist interpretation
That's the laziest interpretation of any piece of animation, Japanese or otherwise. Glad to hear your friends are better than that.
It's stylized... but the world isn't... so, like, reject the thing it says. I am very smart.
It's not my fault Miyazaki became a lazy uninspired bum who grew to villify escapism because of exposure to otaku culture, I just call it as I see it.
If anything, you know what it reminds me of? The last album Uderzo made. Which is basically a rant about other comics beside franco belgian BD existing. It's an old man yell at thing kind of movie. Simple as that.
I kind of want to read that Uderzo album now just for shiggies. What's the title?
Nothing in How Do You Live is even remotely comparable to literally having a a bunch of superman expies fight a bunch of thinly veiled anime robots

Another facet, it wasn't the most visually striking ghibli movie.
Totoro and chihiro are the best looking
>September 2005
Fuck, I'm old.

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