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So sadly, it seems nobody liked the harem-shit in this show. Tell me, how could you incorporate this theme into your show without it coming across as incel wish-fulfillment? Is it even possible?

Even based Roshi who agreed Eren did nothing wrong and should've finished the job is filtered by this. What is our response MT bros?
>groid reaction streamers

bait too obvious
weebanese translation: touzen, kore wa esa dess
Yeah nobody cares, we only care about random people from twitter here.
>random e-celeb thread
Perhaps if Paul didn't cheat on his wife, maybe the idea of polygamy would be much more easily accepted as a major cultural thing.
fuck off back to your eceeb shithole
kill yourself latinx
In fact, although it is an anime with a serious atmosphere, some people may not enjoy it because the story is about main character just having sex with heroine.
Muten Roshi from Dragon Ball sided with Eren Yeager? That's kinda surprising.
>Reaction tubers
Fuck off
>Cool medium. Make it gay and full of niggers.
Thanks, Blackstone!
>Black people against harems
They ain’t really black
Well, to be honest, I don't know why this anime about just having sex with cute girl characters is so popular.
>Is it even possible?
no because it's always incel wish-fulfillment and always will be
OP is speaking facts doe, it's cringe fanfic shit
Don't worry, everyone will be back for Season 3
black people hair looks so bad, no wonder black women just wear wigs
didn't normies not like the chainsaw man anime because of all the coomer shit as well?
80 percent of Americans have shit hair
Let's be real yaboyroshi is only watchable anime reaction
>how could you incorporate this theme into your show without it coming across as incel wish-fulfillment? Is it even possible?
Yes, if the MC is a charming and handsome rapechad that hits on the girls and seduces them. There are a few like that and nobody complains. Bu when the MC is a pedophile loser and girls want to suck his dick 5 minutes after they've met him for no fucking reason, then it's incel power fantasy.
the fact that rttv was the first reaction channel to hit a million subs will always be crazy even the guy who owns the channel couldn't believe it lol
the le willpower guy ruined it for me
Just do whatever you want and if normalfags get mad it's their fucking issue. It wasn't the first time they got mad at MT for retarded reasons anyway.
I like yaboirocklee much better, they are much more honest and you can see they really enjoy the hobbie
rape is powerful
The fact this thread is still up after an hour is why I say jannies are overpaid.
pot, meet kettle
1 million subscribers 100k views per video bro. Diss us next time AFTER you get those numbers.
Hell no
>Michael Angelo
Also some others for specific niche series. Like clucilian, e.d anime and thejetrod
They are a lot more smarter than your average anime reactor on youtube that's why they get so much views
Yeah, but Heatah and SOSbros clear. So does Michael Angelo
unsubbed them bc their weekly schedule is absolute cancer
Unsubbed from YT or patreon?
Idk their weekly schedule is autistic but overall their only downsides are them sometimes getting too autistic in their fringe theories that detract from understanding the anime. And also their polls are trash I mean their fans vote for the shittiest shit
Why is this thread not deleted?
>nooo you can't talk about anime in the anime imageboard
why are /a/nons such janny cocksuckers? No other board is like this in the entire site. You've taken jannies' tendency to missuse their powers to delete any thread you don't like.
Possibility 1) The mods and jannies really are asleep or otherwise occupied
Possibility 2) The mods and jannies are letting AI programs check if there's anything that needs to be deleted, and the program sucks
Possibility 3) The latinx who posted this paid to advertise them
Possibility 4) One of the mods or jannies currently on duty posted this on purpose
>Tell me, how could you incorporate this theme into your show without it coming across as incel wish-fulfillment? Is it even possible?
He likes 100 gfs so clearly rentarou has the answer
Maybe you are a zoom zoom but rather than posting shit from other social media you should go there and discuss this stuff,
>Possibility 1) The mods and jannies really are asleep or otherwise occupied
There is scat porn up in a thread so this is the only true option
I'm 30 years old
Which thread?
Why isekai haters love youtubers so much?
So, what we currently know is that OP is a latinx, who pays money to watch niggers watching anime.
I don't see anyone discussing anime so your argument fails.
Nothing about OP is against the rules however racism outside of /b/ is against the rules. Just thought I would inform you of this!
And said nigger-watching latinx is advertising for those niggers.
Harem is only good if the girls are friends with each other. What Rudeus did just felt like cheating.
I like how they deleted a 'jak thread but left this one up. Really makes you think there's some sort of AI to detect most blatant rule violations
I'll diss anyone with a reaction channel period, no matter how many retarded children they have watching them.
They already use AI for NSFW image detection on SFW board
>What Rudeus did just felt like cheating
Probably because it was cheating. The author just bent the entire universe and every characters sensibilities around the act afterwards to justify it and enable Rudy to have a harem.
>Is it even possible?
sell it as the american soap opera trope, which MT basically is
after the 1st season it stops being a fantasy adventure and becomes a family drama
its quite fucking garbage honestly
This guy (the one in the middle) said verbatim:
"There's nothing wrong with polygamy, I don't want anyone to think I have anything against that" while siting next to his wife whom he recently had a baby with.

Make of that what you will. I think he only had problem with rudeus/roxy marriage feeling forced/rushed.
ITT : spics
He has to be pc you know
>still up
There are africans and arabs that will come for your throat if you try to imply that polygamy is degenerate.
And you live to be obsessed with America
I will never understand this kind of subhuman mentality
> >>268404370 was deleted
> the thread wasn't
I guess reactor threads are allowed now. nice. heatah is getting a little less soul now that he had to slog through 900 one piece episodes.
but they're still nice.
sosbros are past their prime as well...
and the new people are kinda fags.
nicholas light can be fun in his "" way but it's too sardonic.
Too bad, sylphy is too bland to be the one and only romantic interest. It was never going to work out
I want to raep animaechan
never watched her stuff. just googled her. very narcissistic looking face btw. :O
Make the mc a bislut with a polyamorous harem where everyone is fucking everyone
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>Tell me, how could you incorporate this theme into your show without it coming across as incel wish-fulfillment? Is it even possible?
Sylphy tells Rudy that she still loves him, but she's very upset with him. She gives him the cold shoulder for a while, then (after she delivers their child) tells him she's going to take a little time off to clear her head.
She goes back to the academy to take up a teaching position, as Roxy settles in. She communicates mostly by terse messages. Eventually, Sylphy mentions that she's found a lover. While she'll stay legally married to Rudy, she won't be coming home for a while.
When she does, things are never quite the same between them. She's more passive-aggressive, more sarcastic, and it's clear that something has been broken that will never quite be fixed.
When Rudy brings it up, she tells him:
>"Rudeus, you were the only man I'd ever loved. I thought you'd respond in kind. Now I can't quite see you the same way again, and I don't know if I ever will. I just need time, that's all."
Polygamy / Polyandry works both ways.
eceleb threads belong on /soc/
>When she does, things are never quite the same between them. She's more passive-aggressive, more sarcastic, and it's clear that something has been broken that will never quite be fixed.
Jesus that sounds fucking miserable
I wonder how it would have been received if they kept the pregnancy scare from the LN. They changed things because they thought it'd be more palatable but I don't know. I think Rudeus marrying Roxy because he needed to take responsibility was better from a dramatic angle, made him more sympathetic, and felt less like wish fulfillment overall. They'd already made the argument for why Lilia needed to stay during a similar scenario.
Oh yeah, these people. When they watched re:zero I remember that the chick was in no way surprised when Subaru picked Emilia at the end while the niggas were shocked. She knows side bitch stuff it would seem.
Based kino.
>Eventually, Sylphy mentions that she's found a lover.
This has a lot of potential if they make the new lover of a more feral species known to possess larger genitalia that provides women with more satisfaction. It can lead to a whole arc about Rudy's sexual insecurities and inadequacies like with the ED arc, really driving the cheating away from being self-inserting wish fulfillment.
Btw do /a/ like harem?
I honestly hate it.
Nah, make him a dude. Possibly a handsome noble or one of her students, since she's a MILF now. Her being a married woman just adds to the illicit thrill.
I mean, who wouldn't want to bang Sylphy? The moral of the story is that the only reason why she didn't stray is because she felt she was Rudy's one and only love. Now that's clearly not the case, she can't quite be as devoted to him as before.
>hurr durr ecleb and nigger
then stop bumping it you fucking losers
>So sadly, it seems nobody liked the harem-shit in this show.
I did, Roxy is cute
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How the fuck someone would enjoy watching reactor per se and a buch of retards flinging shit at screen specifically, i couldn't ever understand that.

Even supposed "superior" reactors that indulge in analysis like semblance of sanity (eg: jacob "ya'll watch now this is going to happen" ad libitum, trope brainrot increases) or teeaboo (eg: *ignores something because of adhd, keep adamantly pretending it is the show fault*) are just entitled cretins, i would know because i tried giving them the benefit of the doubt multiple times.
You sound like an asshole dude
SOSbros can be fags but they have good discussion and can be genuinely invested, depends on the show
Teeaboo is just brain damage
I'm the nicest person that ever niced earth, still i think these imbeciles are just hot air inflated balloons of nothingness and i clearly expressed why. No u me won't change shit anon.
NTA but don't take it personally bro if you're one of those channels I'm sure lots of people love you man. It's all good
They were good in the past, now they just work on tropes, even the show they enjoy the most, like dungeon meshi are getting increasingly annoying because of that.
You will never be a writer
Stop trying to flatter him.
You are retarded.
Polygyny is based.
Polyandry is cringe.
Men and women are not the same.
Men value women's chastity while women don't for the most part.
Parental uncertainty is an exclusively male thing and it has shaped male minds even before we were anatomically modern humans.
Deal with it, faggot.
I am not even a fan of MT (I think the ending of the WN was quite lackluster after all the build-up) but I don't have an issue with the harem itself.
Seriously, in the 2000s you had all those "fake harems" where they teased, and teased and always had the retarded ultra-cliché scenes of "something is about to happen, but then someone barges into the room and ruins it and it never gets brought up again" happen and repeated for 1000 times with a third or so of the ""harem"" yet in the ending it was either left inconclusive or the first girls ended up winning while the fake harem still kept orbiting the MC despite finally being sort-of-but-not-really rejected by him. They just refused to commit and left things ambiguous. Don't tell you guys actually like that?
Now MT for all it faults ACTUALLY COMMITTED TO ITS HAREM all the way. And it's a manageable number of 3 to boot. Much better than harems of 10 and then the MC, after stringing the others (and the audience) along all that time just goes with 1 of them, yet even with that one chosen girl there's no sex, not even implied because it could possibly "offend" the ultra-purist otaku who view even the MC as a "rival" and would feel cucked if the MC actually had even just implied sex with the winning heroine. It was so retarded. Compared to that what MT did was great.
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>Please fuck my wife
t. Rudy
t. Bejita
For me it's filmbuff
Well yeah modern SOSbros isn't that good I do agree.
All he had to do was ask for permission, not do it behind his wife's back while she's pregnant. We know the concept of cheating exists in this world regardless of polyamory being accepted.
>3 hour old thread still up
What the fuck happened to this board kek
Anime related thread about a controversial theme in a recent anime
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Oh boy, if they are like that now, then I really can't wait until they finally get around to Slime S3. Watching them being filtered by the meetings will be so glorious.
It was always dogshit.
You brought this on yourselves.
>So sadly, it seems nobody liked the harem-shit in this show.
Kek, filtered by polygamy!
Time to take polygamypill OP!
This shit is very gay! Fuck you!
This is your brain on soap opera.
>how could you incorporate this theme into your show without it coming across as incel wish-fulfillment
That's exactly what it is though, and there's no reason to refute it
Jannny, do your fucking job properly you fucking lazy sod.
With sylphie being the first wife, there really isn't any way to incorporate it into the series without sacrificing her writing. Her showing oppositions to polygamy would be way too out of character. If you want the series to be a harem without making it feel like a wish fulfilment, a different girl would have to take her place as his first wife.
You have to have the girls Lez out before the Harem is formalized.

Wheel of Time did it, but also he was basically a godking
>black people watching it with other people including a woman
Opinion discarded.
black people are smarter than you think
sneed lol
>samefag is still replying to himself
You would get flamed and forced to backpedal if the MC turned into a cuck, or you already forgot the kek 100 incident?
I thought the mods were asleep but they've been deleting posts in this thread
Hahahahahaha the utter state of this place
'kek 100'?
Underrated post. That's definitely what should have happened and Rudy fucking deserved it.
Back to twitter
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>when shonen does same thing no one complains

beautiful double standard desu
When is the word "incel" getting spam filtered? It’s exclusively used by twitter immigrants
I would say the same about "mid" but that’s an actual word outside of twitterfag spam, so banning it would parasite regular discussion as well.
Have sex.
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