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Less than one day for more Sukuna bullying your favorite characters
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I won’t forget you for as long as I live
Can't wait for another chapter where nothing happens and the next pointless character is lined up for his scheduled jobbing one or two chapters from now.
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drawig ti
sukuna jumps out of the page and kills gege
Personally I'm excited for next Binding Vow Sukuna's going to pull out of his ass
>Less than one day for more Sukuna
Sorry, Gege got ill again. See you next week.
Gege needs to get to the damn climax of this arc in the next 2-3 chapters.
>thread completely dead
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Yh hehwell Tlet u have Parasitic avatar maggots like Getobitch to feast on what left HEH HHE HAH
Could you imagine how op jjt would be if they had students like this?
we all know it's just gonna be another "nothing of substance happens" chapter so Yuta's five minutes can run out and then it goes back to more Yuji spamming black flashes or some shit
Memento mori.
it got offscreened
Sukuna and Maki sexual tension was so good, you can tell it was pure Gege selfinsert x Gilgamesh
stop making generals if there is no new content you ape
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I traced over Sukunas laugh and created a new Pepe to use
The correct term is monkey.
I have started watching jjk. So far pretty much every character has been slightly lackluster so far. The only exceptions are Sukuna and Zenin. Sukuna especially steals the show whenever he comes on screen. I hope that Zenin isn't revealed to be a pussy like Nobara was.
Which Zenin?
I like the anime, but the OP's are so bland and boring, very big missed opportunity.
Seems retarded to make an inter-school fighting tournament between extremely rare and valuable sorcerers while even more rare and valuable sorcerers waste their time watching them.
The glasses girl.
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Shut the fuck up homie
So Itadori just casually shot puts 2x the olympic record and nobody thinks that's weird

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