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is it a plothole that Hancock sisters never covered up their slave mark with a new mark just like fishmen did?
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That's not what plot hole means

without slave mark nonsense, most amazon lily shit wouldn't have happened, luffy wouldn't have become friends with Boa sisters and might even have been killed and never made it to impel down.
File deleted.
Bonney pulled haki out of her asshole and no one bats an eye. Everyone clapped. Luffy did like a week training arc and went from basic haki "mastery" to advanced level. I can put forth any argument and it'll be brushed off or downplayed, but then Oda could write them unlocking it mid combat like with Usopp's observation and everyone would clap, so I don't have much interest actually discussing it in further detail.

It would've been nice as bonding between them all, or just helping them get stronger. Doesn't need to be haki. Nami has Zeus now at least, but Usopp is still using his same stuff. It's kind of embarrassing every other character uses it.
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yup this is it
Usopp lucky
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Built for abuse.
>one piece ace of spades
stop this, you dumb cucks
It's an unironic dbstard Zolocuck that's into this faggot cuckshit.
I want Katakuri to sit on my face
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>ace of spades
it's queen of spades, you dumb fuck
holy projection
Disgusting celestial ugly bastard whore
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>enslaved, starving, 14 year old Marigold looks like THIS?!?
Women's liberation was a mistake
Their pussies filled with CD's cum...
she got sumo fat (according to oda it's muscle) to "protect" her siblings
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The main excuse before Luffy arrived would probably be that it's painful and no one would dare look on them anyways, but afterwards they should have understood that it's too much of a fucking risk.
But I don't know if Oda really cares about such things anymore. Things happen not because they're logical and in character, but because the plot demands that they do, for some reason or other.
The gorosei are now revealed to have been stronger mythical zoans than all the prior yonko, but have been doing fuck all all this time.
>it muscle
It isn’t really
complain to oda not me
Incel typing
wapol was unironically right here lmfao
Why would that be a plot hole? You can't have a plot hole where the idea and the problem with it are introduced at exactly the same time. A plot hole is when something doesn't logically add up with what the story established earlier. It's not a logical plot inconsistency. This is just "a weird thing". Yes, the fishmen pirates did it, but Oda could have never introduced that and just independently had Hancock and her siblings do it. He didn't for some reason, even though it would be the easiest thing in the world. It's not like Oda doesn't know you can add tattoos over tattoos or brands over brands when he introduced the idea in the same sequence of chapters where it's paid off.
Maybe Hancock has cognitive dissonance? She doesn't think she can erase her past, so must hide it instead. If she did have an altered brand, then she'd have to come up with some story for that too. Maybe she just didn't think of that and wasn't as inspired as the fish men?
The idea of tattoo covering up is seen first with Nami, but then again, I guess getting a tattoo might be hard in their society?
Warlord reduce? Pathetic.
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This is Nami job.
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>doesn't get the stiffy when he's with bludssop
Prettiest wife for the oni prince(ss).
Yamato won't stop farting...
Out of every One Piece girl, who has the loudest braps?
Random Oda’s fat late middle aged woman
York obviously
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They call me the Lizard King
He was probably an ancient armadillo zoan or something
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>lipstick mark
Where is the CD's mark?
>zoro out of nowhere
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it's me, i'm a bejitabro btw
Based Bejitabro
Post more cdmark kino
i dont remember, what is this mark supposed to be?
need more mommy Robin
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Those are lunarian mark
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Imagine the state of these threads If Imu is officially revealed to be women instead of another frail old man
the amount of fanart will be glorious
next strawhat posts would increase
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Bigger bugle:
I need the souce
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>is it a plothole that Hancock sisters never covered up their slave mark with a new mark just like fishmen did?
Wearing symbols of slavery or oppression as a form of solidarity or remembrance is not an uncommon thing.
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I like where this is going post more.
陰茎ペニス djävulen frukt by STORMFEDER
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The funny thing is that if devil fruits were real then a power like this would likely exist due to the desires. But would it be a paramecia or a Human Human model Futa zoan?
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*Krrsh*...JOHN D. CENA!
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Double d the canon
[Death Stare]

Unrelated but Jesus look how clean and readable Oda's panneling used to be.
it was a glorious era before Doodle Piece took over
>enhanced super human strength.
Worthy of mjölnir
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Forgot pic:
Based BlackProf enjoyer
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i cant believe this thread still up
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Bald guy Smoker?
>Marrigold's flashback
Crusher Creel?
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Dead Thread. Post Kino post-TS moments.
>Potential Zeus-like conquerer haki (paramecia)
>Human Human model Uatch-ur or Agdistis (zoan)
neither two way
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Also Loki
Uta is cute pog champ.
Ulti is VERY intelligent.
With what? The sun? Everyone would know, since the sisters were never part of the sun pirates. Sounds to me like it's easier just to cover it up
>burnt roast beef
>pretty pink peach

Come on, the choice is obvious.
Is Hancock Balkaner or South American or Asian Minor?
If Imu turned out to be a sexy women like >>268418760, I would praise GODA.
CDMarkposting doesn't have anything to do with cuckposting, you retard.
That's what people are expecting though. Imagine the state of these threads if it's not a character we can coom to.
why are we so dead?
"People" don't like seeing her waifus getting CD'd
More's like worthy of my cock.
theres another thread up and OP doesn't just let this one die because of his thread possession autism
That guy is evil
Jannies are CDchads like us.
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Not enough porn of fem law
Post more
it's the same people who do shit like this, cuck mentality
Yes, both.
Why is this so... hot?
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Fuck off, I haven't commented in this thread in like 9 hours
Pic with no mark
Finally we can have one dead thread instead of two
It's likely an autist will make another thread out of spite
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Oda's contribution to the Eyeshield 21 anniversary thingie
>He was fighting spiritually
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I really wish we'd have a small arc about the Straw Hats acting like pirates.

I have this idea in my head about a news coo dropping some pamphlet about a Devil Fruit action, and it would contain a Devil Fruit that Usopp desperately wants, and the arc would be about the Straw Hats going there and stealing the Devil Fruit from the auction, and eventually having to fight their way out. The arc would showcase Nami's and Robin's thieving skills, Usopp sniping guards, and generally just have it be an arc of character interactions with no big consequence for the overall story or politics of the One Piece World. I think it would have been kino. The arc would end with the Straw Hats having a ship battle with marines to escape, and perhaps an intelligent Vice-Admiral combined with one of the criminals from Big Mom's party who's also the host of the auction, be the big bads of the arc.
sure you haven't
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You haven't forgotten about him have you anon?
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N what?
I try to forget him, but Oda insists on shoving Yamato down our throats
Nika, duh
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What's your favorite character btw?
Gamer Nami hopping into the DMs of a 13 year old boy after a long Fortnite stream!
No they kept it because deep down they feel a thrill of being branded as sub human
Desert Flower
post bonney’s feet now
Fucking kino. Would love if we got that.
Ulti is shit, but not shit at being shit. I hate her cockiness, I wish Zoro or Franky would have fought her and just utterly beat her into a bloody pulp.
Isn't that just film gold?
>ultifags are starting to annoy me as much as carrotchuds
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Yes, surely this image will make people hate you less...
OK, cuckposter.
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>CarrotSTACIES out of nowhere
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stay mad
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would Carrot listen to LMFAO

Fuck Nika
epic falseflag carrotshit.
And you'll be crying about Ulti even if no one posted Ulti, you schizophrenic attention whore. That's your entire personality.
Sometime during Wano, Luffy had sex with Carrot offscreen and accidentally got her pregnant. Luffy has had feelings for Carrot since WCI, but he didn’t understand what they meant or what to do with them until that one night. Still confused and fearing his journey to become KotP will be jeopardized, Luffy parted ways with Carrot and neither told anyone what happened. This will eventually be revealed at the start of Elbaf, leaving the SHs variably shocked and angered. Part of the arc will involve Luffy exploring the strange emotions he felt and realizing what he did wrong. He ultimately vows to make things right by taking responsibility for Carrot and their unborn child, who will be extremely important EoS
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There are no women on this site, let alone Stacies. You will never be a real woman, Carrottranny.
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Nami can sew Luffy's balls
>ctrl+f "Wed"
>150 results

Rent free
>I really wish we'd have a small arc about the Straw Hats acting like pirates.
We have movies
>capture King Cobra
>a mafia milf and warlords of the sea
Dragonsis so lucky…
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zzzzzzz Carrot nakama zzzzzzzzz
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I love these 2
*wakes up* *she is still in Zou*
After reaching laughtale and going around the world on the Sunny
I miss Kin'emon
I miss Wanzee
fuck off tranny
Nope, schizo
only in your fanfics of course
How often would you go into Nami's dirty laundry and sniff her underwear if you were on the Sunny?
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Drop here.
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Call me Boingo then
I’ll call you delusional retard
Would you still marry S-Snake even knowing that her Amazonian DNA will result in all your kids being female?
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it's okay everyone, I will have sex with Kiku so you don't have to, it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.
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It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!
Part of evolution
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Nojiko about to get a devil fruit? Sheeesh Nami’s sister (Kidd’s lover/Roger’s daughter) coming in hot!
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Sorry but Kiku requires very fertile semen

I’ll go
>Nojiko about to get a devil fruit?
Yes, Monet's after Nami accidently shipped a box of tangerines from the Sunny back home, shortly after Punk Hazard. Oda's uncle told me this in a dream.
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Zoro is so lucky
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>t. Daifuku
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Ugly Bastard is cuckshit 101
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>you know who you're as annoying as with your ironic posting? A group of characterfags who have spent almost a decade insisting their character is about to join the crew
Should been Carrot
Damn, this break is worse than the LA gigabreak of this year, what happened?
No Luccikino
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Elbaf awaits
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Baby shark doo doo doot baby shark
>you schizophrenic attention whore
I'm going to impregnate Zoro
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Fruit, veggie and flower and reindeer
for the thousandth time I am glad one piece fans dont write one piece lol
Kaidul lol
Zoro gets gang raped by apes while Mihawk watches from his castle laughing with a glass of wine on his hand
Since they're Humandrills, which operate off of monkey see, monkey do, they learned from the best: Vista sodomizing Mihawk
mutt's law
Nice big oni club she got there
what if Vivi (Miss Wednesday) learn rokushiki technique from Kalifa’s sister during Water Seven arc?
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What kind of gorosei kaiju would Klaus Schwab transform into?
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Glad you understand.
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>tfw you learn what his father is famous for
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Gimme a quick rundown
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She is joining tho
Fucking hate kung fu point so much, it's worse than the mascotification.
He's responsible for the invention of the flammenwerfer iirc
There's no irony in how mentally ill you are.
yeah honestly
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it would be difficult to cover up
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>Oh vey, always fund both sides
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She fits the best as a SH, most people already consider her as a part of the crew.
How do we salvage Egghead arc? The live action news and SBS were more engaging than this shit
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A.) Multiple threads
B.) Cuckshit OP
C.) Break week
D.) Schizo circlejerk drove off the sane regulars
E.) Shitposting tourists fucked off back to their own threads, now that their series aren't on break
The correct answer is F.) a mixture of all of the above
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Dragon is so lucky
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Say hello to the former empress of Amazon Lily.
also OP necrobumped this thread for 11 hours to begin with

next time you see something like OP's image, keep that in mind
>we got Crocodile's real name
>we got the name and NOT a silhoutte of the warlord that ACE beat
>we got some backstory on Fujitora and a Meito confirmation
>we now know what Mars doesn't sit down
>we know what Vegacola taste like
>we know how CP0 started

why have more actual things happened in the SBS than the manga?
Hello desert flower
I agree out of the people that gets talked about Carrot actually would seem like a valuable asset
>actually has a role, 2 maybe, people talk about it a lot for a reason
>contributing both as a look and a messenger, like Rockstar of The Redhairs
>goes with the teen friendship vibe that the strawhats have
>stands out from other girls not being a nami face
>most famous member of a unique race in One Piece
>creates a new set of animal trio with Chopper and Jinbe
>has a dream that is endgame relevant with the dawn of the new era
>she cute
>she cool
>she funny
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That's Two Pieces though
She lost, move fucking on.
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C. Backspine enhance haki
You should post more Nami slop with colossal boobala

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>Lucci has been busting up Level 6 escapee during the timeskip in SBS109
are you satisfied with this explanation to Lucci getting stronger? I am
My dick hurts, I already came twice today
Why do I have entered this thread anyway
Now I understood the actual meaning of One Piece
>*slits wrist deep enough to amputate her hand then then across herself
wtf was her problem?
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You are weak
forgot pic

cute Kuja Empress Tritoma
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these things happen
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When are your accepting the reality?
>most people already consider her as a part of the crew.
Why must you lie?
>has conquerors
>has a supreme grade blade
>has a top-tier DF

he could've solo'd all of Onigashima, in a poetic way of a meteor killing the dinosaurs
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When are you?
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Kumamoto Village does
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Sorry, there's only room for one Nika on the crew. She will lead the RA with Dragon.
Lewd boss hag
Deconfirmed by SBS
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the crew is full
>the crew is full
Yes, after Carrot joins.
…in my headcanon
t. stupid catfags poster
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who is her Blackbeard matchup?
Oh looked here, Yamato’s biology mother on top left
her mom is the Kurozomi hag
None, she will never be a straw hat
Her clone mother is literally right there
Bonney’s crew being alive doesn’t change anything she is joining.
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PedoGods? Winners.
This series died after the Nika bonney shit. No one cares anymore
God, my hero would never disgrace himself like that.
imajun my shokk when is the beaner who is pedoshilling
Perona did the "spoiled fashion princess" better.
Perona is just better.
yep, but that's every thread nowadays. thread possession faggots are cancer.
Cope Oda likes pedos, you lost.
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I love Lucci, even when he returns to the World Government, and I miss him.
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>Yes, after Carrot joins.
This, but only in the timeline where Oda is smart enough to kill off that fat blob of shit Jinbe. Carrot should have join in WCI.
They are literally her caretakers and the childhood friends of Kuma and Ginny, are you really suggesting that Bonney just abandon them? Even Jinbei got to formally leave his crew
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My Wife
Ulti wasn't spoiled at all
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Why are women in One Piece so weak? Only Yamato is a strong female character, and she is unfortunately childish.
Luffy so lucky...
name their podcast
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>Because no strawhat has jobbed ever
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Shanks is gay
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>they do that often
Pizarro, the queen of the living island vs the living island king. Her youth on Zou let her know the weak points of island sized creatures.
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Was Kung Fu-Point Chopper always this big or am I tripping?
>sleep naked
let me guess all in one room?
sounds possible but him being a cat and his favorite food being "shark fin soup" makes me think of Jinbe more but who knows
Pizarro is Sanji’s matchup
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There will be too much swearing and heated arguments. Something in the style of Joe Rogan.
Why are the yonkos so gay?
at what point did jobbing become synonymous with everything, from taking a hit to losing a fight?
>t. jobber
Sanji makes more sense against Kuzan or Burgess
>Why are women in One Piece so weak?
Because women irl are weak. Big Mom is the only top tier female, and it's only because she's a true genetic freak of nature. Yamato and probably Smoothie are the same but weaker. After that there's Boa Hancock, who although is strong, is mostly carried by her Devil Fruit, as she physically speaking was no-diffed by Blackbeard.
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Only sexy little girls are OP in One Piece, just like in real life.
Too much projection lol.
What's the record for notable character Luffy beat and notable characters Carrot beat?
>too much sleeping naked with men

this is your hero
>Didn't invite Uta to sleep with them
Yep, he's a fag.
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Luffy has only beaten Ceasar Clown in a fair one
I don't like this one cause it looks like the sand is coming out of her crocussy
I bet he can sing Binks Sake face first in Yassop asshole. Not gay btw
We stick donuts know what happened when Bonney was caught by Akainu, all says they are in Impel Down she could rescue them later and disband the crew.
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why did they do this exactly, it could've just been
>drink until they sleep
and leave out the being naked part that just makes it sound like they fuck each other, mind you in a crew with no females

there is no reason to write this unless they wanted to confirm that they gay
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Vivre card just released in Japan so we'll see info coming out some time tomorrow
Brulee and Daifuku
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Yonkos Fear This Man
>he often sleeps naked with men
you can't escape this
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>fair one
yes, Katakuri literally just threw that fight because he became a luffyfag
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>Luffy vs Teach
Captain vs captain
>Sanji vs Burgess
Superhuman vs superhuman
>Usopp vs Van Augur
Sniper fight
>Chopper vs Doc Q
>Nami vs Vasco Shot
Rapist vs young beauitful girl, who's canonically known to have a high alcohol tolerance.
>Robin vs Devon
Beautiful woman vs ugly hag known to hate women prettier than her
>Franky vs Sanjuan Wolf
Giant robot vs giant monster kaiju fight
>Jinbe vs Pizzaro
Le heckin oppressed former Fishman slave vs a former tyrannical king. Sea vs land

These are the obvious matchups.

Zoro vs Shiryu seems likely, but Shiryu honestly seems to not be strong enough at this point. Zoro could also potentially fight Aokiji. After that we're left with Brook vs Lafitte, but Lafitte seems like a very important character storywise so I'm unsure if Brook would be the one to take him on.
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How long until it's confirmed Ulti and Pay-Pay sleep together naked too
I know a Yonko who is not afraid of Akainu.
>It was horrible. Every day I was forced to consume massive amounts of food, from the most exquisite pastries to the most rancid of leftovers. All for the unspeakably depraved purpose of me gaining weight. To become fat and bloated for the man's depraved amusement.
>I only shutter to imagine what such a beast of a man is doing right now as we speak.
>Cut to Mars, desperately trying to finish his environmental projections for the summer season before midnight
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It’s immediately obvious that you are some kind of pussies and you have no friends
Does any team where there are no women evoke such thoughts? Then the problem is you
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Their battle will be legendary!
>Zoro vs Shiryu seems likely, but Shiryu honestly seems to not be strong enough at this point.
If a moron like Lucci could somehow stop Zoro for six months, then I'm sure that Shiryu can also remove Zoro from the manga.
>he often sleeps naked with men
this is someone's hero

can't you guys look up to normal straight people?
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I've accepted it.

The world is ruled by gays and trannies, you lost.
Okay, is this character straight?
he doesn't sleep naked with men
We just need some better swordsmanship feats from Shiryu, as he was helpless against old Garp. The invicible trick is neat, but shouldn't be enough against a swordsman with ACoC who can cut through mountains and harm Kaido.
Slave Boa is so hot.
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lmao even
he was not helpless, he laughed at him while he was slammed and took even less damage than Kuzan
>he was helpless against old Garp
He didn't do that bad, he got slammed into the ground and laughed it off.
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Reminder, Admirals would have to suck Shanks' dick and swallow his cum if he told them to.
Admiralbros...............by the way, this is canon.
Remember Marineford????
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Shanks' the one doing the sucking
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Kekainu must bring the best lobsters, and Kekainu will do it.
Gays and trannies are supported to lower population
I think is going to be Nami with Devon since they both have polearms even though Nami doesn't use the climatact as a staff anymore and the nine tailed fox is a thief like Nami
But he's a giga jobber and hates women, only cares about Kaku's ass.
Fuck this.
Shanks is still the best!
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BBsissy is gay
cool headcanon bro

however he does not sleep naked with men
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Admirals are good dogs
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Ugh she's so adorable, I just wanna **** her
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Admiralfags have driven themselves into a trap
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The reality her fruit doesn't match the pattern?
Nami vs Vasco makes more sense.
Rapist vs young pretty girl
Nami can hold her alcohol pretty good
Both Nami and Vasco have elemental powers, lightning vs fire.

Devon is a psychopathic mass murderer, it seems more fitting for Robin, a former assassin herself to take her on.
She simply lost due to fate preventing her from winning because the path she chose wasn't the way.
holy long legs
If you put the SH Birthday tweets grouped only by them, she still manages to sneak in.
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So when will Vegapunk tell us the secret of feeding Devil Fruits to non-living objects? It was hyped as a secret since fucking Alabasta.
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that's true since she's with Jinbe
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fuck, you're right. SBS will answer is.
I need this to happen for real
>Kumamoto Village does
In the same village there is the same cardboard, but with Sabo. Is he SH now too? Okay, he's clearly better and stronger than Carrot and not an infantile piece of shit.
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Not trying to dismiss the question, but does it matter how it is done?
>complaining about "infantile" shit in One Piece
go back to HxH troon
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Bonney and her nakama
she's so cool
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ain't no way
Yeah, there's no way she's going back to this.
how many of them fucked her?
There are many non-infantile characters in One Piece. Just because you like a retarded furry doesn't mean everyone has to like it, Carrotroon
She can identify all of them just by the taste of their jizz
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None, Bonney is pure.
kissing rebecca
All of them, they were thinking about Ginny whilst doing it.
Sabo really isn't childish and that's good.
This is basically the problem with latest nakama candidates: They act too much like children. Even an adult Yamato, although she is 28 years old.
Perhaps because Oda himself became a father (although I think his children should be adults now)
so you stan a guy that childishly uses a pipe? yeah you're retarded
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Why not?
so... which one is true?
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She's got too much attention In Egghead to just go back to a shitty crew like that and be forgotten.
She can come to my bedroom
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Like Law?
how is her crew shitty? they made it to the second half of the grandline
They didn't even get her pregnant during all that time, how pathetic
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She doesn't fit in with them at all, unlike with the Strawhats.
Holy fuck I love fat tits
Have not been paying to that shit at all, did Sabo not get made yet or is he getting multiple?
Only Carrot and Luffy's brothers, by some reason she is strawhat level to the town dedicated to One Piece, what Oda's birthplace may know??
>she doesn't fit in with the crew that she founded
next level retarded
Sure I can see a situation where Bonney will stay with the Strawhats for a few years which will be when One Piece ends but not joining I guess.
this shit has to be b8, theres no way
Holy fuck I love flat tits
>by some reason she is strawhat level to the town dedicated to One Piece
Yeah, just like Sabo, what Oda's birthplace may know??
Luffy vs Blackbeard
Zoro vs Shiryu
Sanji vs Kuzan
Nami vs Laffite
Usopp vs Van Augur
Chopper vs Doc Q
Robin vs Devon
Franky vs Sanjuan
Brook vs Vasco
Jinbei vs Burgues
Carrot vs Pizarro
Sabo was part of Luffy's crew before any strawhat technically
Bonney deserves better than that shitty crew, is what I'm saying.
Staying with them till they find the One Piece counts as joining. Once the story is over they'll probably all go their separate ways anyway.
That's my point even if she doesn't join officially, if she stays with them until the end it's the same thing.
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honestly if Carrot has a matchup I say is Wolf
>both can possibly have connections to Pluton(I'll elaborate)
>Carrot now wheres a Little Red Riding Hood inspired outfit as to the BIG BAD WOLF
>Carrot is interesting in Giants
Luffy vs Blackbeard
Zoro vs Shiryu
Sanji vs Kuzan
Nami vs Vasco
Usopp vs Van Augur
Chopper vs Doc Q
Robin vs Pizarro
Franky vs Sanjuan
Brook vs Laffite
Jinbei vs Burgues
Bonney vs Devon
>thread still up
The One Goon is real...
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*Vivi vs Devon
She already has experience with an opponent who can swap faces
I'm just gonna say it:

I love big tits
Log off and get back to work on season 2 Randy
fair point

also another alternative is Yamato for Canus Deity vs Canus Deity thats almost too simple
I'm just gonna say it:

I love flat tits
Luffy vs Blackbeard
Zoro vs Shiryu
Robin vs Kuzan ---> Koby vs Kuzan
Brooke vs Laffite
Usopp vs Van Augur
Chopper+Karoo+Vivi vs Doc Q+Stronger
Bonney vs Devon
Sunny+Vicky vs Sanjuan Wolf
Nami vs Vasco --> Sanji vs Vasco
Franky vs Jesus Burguess
Jinbei vs Pizarro
Bartolomeo vs Caribou
I'm just gonna say it:

I love men's asses
I'm just gonna say it:

I love women's asses
I'm just gonna say it:

One Piece is shit Naruto won
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and most importantly canon
>Bartolomeo vs Caribou
>Chopper+Karoo+Vivi vs Doc Q+Stronger
>Sunny+Vicky vs Sanjuan Wolf
>Franky vs Jesus Burguess
>Robin vs Kuzan ---> Koby vs Kuzan
I disagree! My favorite character is Shanks btw
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I was disappointed in the last SBS too.
>My favorite character is Shanks btw
are you going to feel bad when he betrays Luffy?
>Luffy vs Blackbeard
>Zoro vs Shiryu
>Sanji vs Kuzan
>Nami vs Vasco
>Usopp vs Van Augur
>Chopper vs Doc Q
>Robin vs Pizarro
>Franky vs Sanjuan
>Brook vs Laffite
>Jinbei vs Burgues
>Bonney vs Devon
he's not going to betray Luffy, but he will be killed by Blackbeard
what kind of kisses would she like?
All kisses. I think she'd like tender ones the most.
Impossible. blackbeard cannot suck in haki

can he?!
he scarred shanks the first time without even having a DF
Which OP girl has sucked the most cock? I think it would probably have to be someone like Alvida or Big Mom, as unpleasant a thought as that is. I doubt it'd be Bonney cause she had so little time compared to the other two
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who wins in a brewing contest, shanks or mihawk?
so? blackbeard didn't have the fruit then, shanks was weak
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Boa "Hands on cock" for sure
Nami easily, she's been sucking fishman cock ever since she was a child.
it's called fermenting for wine, not brewing
I was going to suggest that, but how long was she a slave? and she's been on amazon lily for some time without any cocks to suck
thats what I'm saying, Teach can get the better of Shanks without even using a DF and has before
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that's for the humandrill's to worry about.
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Bonnika victim
Oda several times drew naked male asses, in SBS he was simply disingenuous
he was requested to do the entire male crew
Not disingenuous, he was just using the topic to indirectly address (again) the comments about him drawing a lot of female butts lately by implicitly saying "i'm drawing them because that's what I'm interested in right now"
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Accursed image.
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If Ulti is like Luffy, then who is her personal Usopp?
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blud can't get hard without paypay watching
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This >>268437032
It's canon.
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>A few months ago everyone said that he would be killed
Do we have the leaks of the new Vivre card somewhere?
>wanting to kill the guy Carrot used to release her sexual urges
You know she loved big daddy Jinbe's cock filling her up. Carrot is that young girl who loves overweight older men
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Pizarro vs Vivi gonna peak
The 4th Calamity
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Suck my wife bulge dry
>Vasco Shot
Where does it say this?
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Do you think Amazon Lily has lesbian orgies?
she looks pretty fire there
without a doubt
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yall talking a lot of shit for someone in headbutt range
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>that embarrased face
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Self proclaimed Flame Emperor yet not officially four yonko in new world
>licking the sweat off of Rebecca's boobs and pussy after a hard training session
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being concussed doesn't mean shit if i'm already retarded
Why does it seem to me that she farts smelly?
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Which Loras are you using bro?
He raped rebecca. He also raped Vivi's mom before she died.
No loras, it's Novelai. You can get the metadata from the image if you want the prompt and settings.
Thank you!
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it's the only correct choice
He more likely after Nami mother…
careful, she bites
Should’ve usopp give blowjob
Yw, enjoy. If you make some good stuff with it you should post it sometime
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Holy shit, are niggas really that desperate to nut to something now that they're paying people for fucking AI dogshit pics?
Like literally billions of different pictures out there and you can't find one to nut to?
I find it even weirder because AIfaggots will be like
and then 99.999999% of it is your typical swimsuit/nude pinups or blackedfaggotry all over patreon, with the same shounen/FOTM female characters.
Wow, "amazing".
forgot pic
>expect blackbeard
>it's actually just blacked slop
Where does it say this?
What about using the animals?
I normally don't care for hancock but this one is cute

I love her sister Sandersonia though
Vasco literally implied that he wanted to keep hancock alive "for fun"
There are somehow people that pay for ai images, yes. But I don't think any posted here are people paying, just saving or reposting free ones from twitter/pixiv or whatever else it was posted to. Also yes, it's caused a massive increase in blacked slop and the latest trend was futa (maybe it should just be called dickgirl) tranny shit. and yes, they still spam the same characters (yamato, nami, robin, hancock, vivi).
NAI doesn't seem to know blackbeard and I was too lazy to try to prompt for him beyond his bracelet and rings
I paid for it for a month to see how it is. It's better than any public SDXL model but not worth paying for every month
where do we go? Nami thread or Zoro thread?
The post was talking about people selling ai gens on patreon and people paying for it in that way. If you want to pay to gen shit, that's on you.
Their own head cannon
>and then 99.999999% of it is your typical swimsuit/nude pinups or blackedfaggotry all over patreon,
Coomers simply don't know how to draw and use AI to make their waifus wear different swimsuits.
Although why pay for it when coomers can simply DO it THEMSELVES using AI
Yeah, shit's embarrassing.
That's really the weirdest thing about it to me, half the time there's a lot of other AIshitters willing to share their stuff so then you can generate more crap on your own.
>bump limit
>page 10
Post it
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cute ulti

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