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>manga artist does not want to show their face
Why is this a common thing in Japan?
I don't know but it's ok with me. Maybe they just value privacy, or don't want to get recognized by schizos.
They're embarrassed that they can't write endings.
Otaku are fucking nuts. Better to err on the side of caution.
They're ugly. Probably better for nerds not to show their faces. I've never been embarrassed to like anime just from watching it but I do feel ashamed when I see an anime convention.
I don't know anon. Why did some guy mad about a train anime burn down an entire studio full of people?
Because the obsessive fan base is dangerous. Do you remember a guy burning down Kyoani perchance?
>be mangaka of popular series
>fumble the bag
>face posted everywhere
>receive death threats for the rest of your life
It's a mystery.
Think about western obsessive fans of Taylor Swift who dox anyone who say that they don't like her music. Now, multiple that madness by 10000000, add in a lack meds and you have the most tamest japanese otaku.
Insane and unstable fanbase
Japanese privacy being very important
Japanese Autism

Take your pick
Anonymity or pseudonymity only stopped being the standard when copyright law became a thing in Early Modern England and the Netherlands.
Nowadays you don't need to be so focused on proving your identity, so you get a return to form.

Basically this.
Have you read inuyashiki? The manga mocked not-oda for his appearance and made him do plastic surgery (in the manga, not irl). If another mangaka actually make fun of other mangaka's appearance, imagine what a hater or disgruntled mentally ill fans would do to you.
It wasn't a train anime but it was because they stole his work
They're afraid of consequences
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How did he get away with it?
This. Majority of people who make and majority who like anime/manga are ugly individuals.
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We actually do have at least one picture of her without the mask.
He maintains his vampire powers by feeding on otaku who track him down in real life. That's why Jojolion ended the way it did, he's deliberately baiting them to get more victims.
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Namori a cute. A CUTE!
Holy sex
Most mangaka are shy nerds who chose a solitary work-from-home career and dislike public attention and don't want to be recognized and approached by random strangers even if there is no nefarious intent.
because of creeps like you
why do you even care?
kill yourself
Dios mio…. la creatura
I will find her just for you
They are self-aware enough to understand they are ugly, and it's better to be in incognito mode for many reasons
How about show your face
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Because there are some fucking psychos out there. Didn't the former prime minister get shot with a fucking homemade shotgun? I honestly don't get why most people show their faces, people seem to have lost their sense of reason regarding popular figures online. They show up to their houses, touch them during events, they treat them likes objects for their amusement. Toys. Look at that speed kid, fucking Norwegians turned him into a ragdoll. Look at those artists murdered by their fans, people are scary.
she cute
That defnitely a man in a wig
You ask this on the anonymous image board.
He got shot because his ties to the Moonies (or some other cult, I don't remember) caused the guy's mother to basically lose everything, so he decided fuck it. Shinzo had to pay.
>they stole his work
His arguments were literally on the level of "their characters breathe, mine do as well".
Why not? If I ever got famous, I too wouldn't want to reveal my face
What benefits come from showing your face? Better to remain an idea...
Even if you look at the internet today, do you really not understand the risks of exposing your face?
Otaku are crazy and have no lives. When those are your fans, you must take precautions
I feel like most of the people here who defend Japanese people hiding themselves are themselves introverts or anti-social, but given this is 4chan that shouldn't surprise me.
>Didn't the former prime minister get shot with a fucking homemade shotgun?
Abe deserved it
I believe there was a famous 2ch story where they doxx'd some kid who was shitposting, and the kid hired a lawyer who made himself look like a fucking clown so 2ch doxx'd him too, and the whole thing escalated so badly that it was pretty much the catalyst to why everyone in japan has an unspoken strictness when it comes to revealing their face online.
I read it somewhere but I can't look it up, nothing I search brings it up
>be antisocial weirdo
>posts on chans as anonymous
>but also draw
>suddenly you're popular
Now you have to deal with:
>nosy ass newsfags
>corporatey editorsfags
>liveaction normie chad/stacies
>crazed fans who will burn down your whole aparement if you do something they don't like
Nah, I'd stay anonymous too. What kind of fag wouldn'- Oh right you're OP
anonymity is valued in japan in some industries
Became famous before social media existed
>it was pretty much the catalyst
It wasn't. They were intelligent enough to be afraid of their own kind long before that.
>I can't believe people are posting their info on facebook, what morons
>why doesn't this fucking gook show her face
Nope comic writers always show their faces and that's why western comics are trash.
Video games are generally not like that either. It seems to be primarily an anime/manga thing. Most video game staff for example have known faces, and the ones who don't still have old ones available if you know where to look (Yoko Taro is an exception not the rule).

Actually when I think about it, the industries most likely to hide their faces in Japan are otaku-adjacent. Think utaite and their ilk. There's also the JAV industry but that's a whole other beast. In other industries it's not really as common.
They don't want to make a fuss
UHHHHH... so they aren't easily recognizable maybe? so some psychotic schizo who misinterprets their works doesn't hunt them down and stab them maybe?
I'll respect you asking this if you show face right now.
Otaku have an easier time imagining their waifu are real when the one who made them is a faceless blob
"Norwegians" kek
Post your face.
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>Anon does not want to show their face
Why is this a common thing on 4chan?
>industries most likely to hide their faces in Japan are otaku-adjacent
seems accurate, but maybe missing the mark a bit. these are industries where one singular person is likely to attract a lot of negative attention for what they create, and a big company can easily stand in front of them and protect their identity without attracting too much criticism themselves.
On the other hand you have people like Isayama, Miyajima, Oda, Tsukushi, or even ONE that don't seem to have an issue with it
>one singular person is likely to attract a lot of negative attention for what they create
And you're saying the same can't be said about video games? Just look for example how bad Balan Wonderworld turned out and that was Naka's brainchild.
Remember kids, the average person is a fucking moron, and nearly half of the people on the planet are dumber than them.
If people knew what gehe looked like he would be dead so I get it.
>carry .40s&w
problem solved

The reason Japan has such a wild stalker problem is because their culture promotes the idea you're supposed to "sit down and take it" when people harrass you, because defending yourself 'disrupts order'. If they adopted a 'fuck around and find out' mindset that stuff would go away real quick
i'm saying it has to do with the structure. there's a difference between an industry where a big publisher stands between the customers and hundreds or thousands of individuals who usually work with maybe 1 partner and maybe a couple of contracted assistants, and an industry where the central roles tend to also be key figures in the entire company who are making business decisions and have dozens or potentially hundreds of people under their command.
it's this
t."My name is Shirou Emiya and I only have one skill."
You can't even run a shooting range in Japan without using airsoft.
Not wanting to facefag is perfectly fine, I think it's good that privacy is encouraged more in Japan
How is you bringing a gun into the equation going to do anything but disrupt order?
You live in the most violent first-world country in the world, dawg.
Post his dick
If you write your manga ending poorly you risk actual death if you enjoy regular civilian life. Japanese people don't have sex so the manlet otakus are actually fucking crazy.
A lot of people ITT mention the danger of obsessive otaku but imo an often-overlooked one is that a lot of mangaka, especially for more niche subjects (aka moe/ecchi/etc., stuff that filters normalfags), probably don't want the social consequences of having their face attached to their work; e.g., the mangaka for Kyou no Asuka Show mentioned more than once how embarrassed he was that his family found him out and his stuff was pretty tame. Nipponese autism is strong.
P.S., post your face, name, and a timestamped drawing, OP.
FWIW, Oda is pre-social media like Araki and I recall ONE's face got leaked. The only thing he revealed about himself deliberately was that his name is Takehiro, and even then that was hidden in one of Mob's omake.
Next they'll ask their real names, and then home adresses, how they look without a mask, family ties...these people can't be pleased.
>remove California from the data, crime rate falls to western euro levels
>remove black-majority districts from data, crime rate falls to a lower level than Belgium
Just because 2 cities 1800 miles away from me are murder zones doesn't mean I am in constant danger. Touch grass
Famous last words.
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>ONE's face got leaked
I didn't know this was a leak
Don't forget Kyoani getting burnt to the ground. A small time mangaka in his slumbox has no chance compared to a public building with security
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It's not just mangaka.
It's all authors in Japan. Because authors in Japan are extremely private, and have been so for like 100 years now.
>have been so for like 100 years now.
Someone post that old Jump group photo featuring their mangaka uncensored.
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>It's all authors in Japan.
You know nothing.
>Joey the Anime man
His manga history video sucked.
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Late showa early hesei mangakas were built different .
I wonder if for some at least the "don't show your faces" thing is not actually something the mangaka themselves decided on but is rather a publisher order. For example, I've seen pics of Kouji Seo and Miki Yoshikawa with their faces censored despite both having multiple uncovered/uncensored pictures floating around. Meaning it isn't always the artist's decision but rather the company's.
Seems I misremembered, but that seems to be the only picture of him online. Maybe he just lays low unless it's for an accolade kek, wouldn't be the first.
How many are still alive?
I don't want to show my face either. I wish I was Japanese sometimes solely so I could get away with this.
Faces were less of a big deal before the internet. How many of those are real names?
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Quite the recluse and doesn't want anymore death threats because they joked about the idea of a boyfriend twice
it's not the 4th of July anymore anon, you can drop the american caricature
>if you manipulate data and make shit up its actually super safe
ok buddy
a mangaka is a type of artist that is recognized by their work not by their looks, is not an actor or model, plus like >>268476919 said is quite useful to keep your privacy, especially if your manga becomes too successful or you do controversial twists on your story
I've seen at least one other picture of him other than that but I don't have it handy.

I've seen a picture of Kakifly before but I can't find it at the moment, he's a fat dude who wears glasses.
Your argument is like me saying Norway is dangerous because Moscow has a high crime rate. You're an idiot.
>ends up being bigger than yours
>what are outliers
It's basically several reasons

1. They are afraid of fan backlash which may actually end in violence or death, unlike seyuus and idols, mangaka do not have bodyguards.
2. They are embarassed about what they do or afraid of how their families would react to it, not hard to understand why in some cases.
3. They are not good looking, usually when they show their faces they are under a PR agency, see for example the videogame example some anon brought up, those are all well paid people who were touched up for interviews or events.
4. Japan encourages people to be private.
5. It has became common for them to associate themselves with mascots or avatars, some authors and artists basically are vtubers with how much they stream nowadays.
>if you remove all of the outliers from my country and leave them all in your country mine looks better
>togashi the CHAD is the one who is still relevant
How did he do it bros?
kek keep coping mutts
That's my fetish, sadly rarely the case.
Fuck off, everyone.
I'm in hawaii , so no anon.

It was different era . I remember Hiroya Oku talking about how manga fans in that era would go to the authors house to get autographs (and usually succeed ).
oonga boonga
>4. Japan encourages people to be private.
I actually wonder if this is the main reason and the others are just secondary, because you could arguably apply some or all of those other reasons to other cultures, but the hiding faces this is a primarily Japanese thing. I'm not sure though about Korea or China but I think even there they'd consider it unusual?
It's not just Japan. Gary Larson and Bill Watterson have also never shown their faces in public. It's because they don't want to deal with being constantly recognized and harassed by their massive audience.
>both have multiple public photos
she did actually show her face. itagaki made a special appearance on this japanese aikido channel, where two guys replicated scenes from the manga while itagaki gave input. she pops up for a few seconds. oddly uglycute vibes.

went and found the video:

14:38 if the link doesn't time properly.

same arms, same pale skin, same frame, same weird hands.
Fair enough desu, I only really followed his stuff during the '10s so admittedly my info is out of date. TIL.
Not unusual in China or Korea at all. Their batshit insane otaku problem is arguably worse if gachatards and their pinching hand symbol schizophrenia are any indication.
Their last pictures were taken in the late 80s . Thats like 40 years ago .They probably look completly different now .
See >>268480846, but quickly going on Google shows their pictures no problem. In the West and most other places, when personalities never show they're faces it's unusual enough that people actually bring it up as something unusual or even a selling point. There's a reason why Daft Punk was considered unusual and why pics of them without their masks were big deals. By contrast in Japan it's the norm, to the point that if pics exist of mangaka or authors, THAT would be the unusual.
Introverts. Or just want to hide from fans.
The anon said "never" so it doesn't matter if they were taken 40 years ago or recently. They still have known pictures.
oh shit in the moncleezy doe??
It's ironic because Japan is probably the safest place to be if you get doxxed.
More death flags.
>Japan is probably the safest place to be if you get doxxed
they're extremely savage, you might not be likely to get shot but most countries don't make a habit of defiling your family's gravestones
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Is she the girl on the left? How did you know it's her? She doesn't seem to match >>268477436, but then again that pic is an older one.
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hand pictures is all I need
>racism out of nowhere
>most countries don't make a habit of defiling your family's gravestones
Do you want me to post my defiled gravestones folder that has examples from every country?
The US is literally twice the size of the entire EU
Euros are genuinely braindead
>vampire holding a severed hand
lmao he is just Mob
compare the arms and shoulder frame to any chickenheaded paru pic.
What is a pseudonym?
>Europe covers about 10.18 million km2 (3.93 million sq mi), or 2% of Earth's surface (6.8% of land area),
>From 1989 through 1996, the total area of the US was listed as 9,372,610 km2 (3,618,780 sq mi) (land and inland water only)
>Europe had a total population of about 745 million (about 10% of the world population) in 2021;
Did you see the reactions towards recent Oshi no Ko chapters? Those freaks wanted to kill the mangaka over fiction, it makes perfect sense to not want to be known when that's a common occurrence now.
this is some high def image
to be fair the chapters are bad
It was a korean cult
the moonies are a korean cult
Aren't the figures out there that if you remove all non white crime then america has a similar murder rate to somewhere like switzerland?
>nonwhite crime
>murder rate

two different subjects, anon
I thought they were american? Was that just a branch?
if you remove all nonwhite perpetrated murders then the murder rate is comparable to countries like switzerland
It seems obvious that the people most concerned with privacy would be people that dislike attention, but what does that matter? I don't see why anyone would have the right to know what an author looks like.
If that's actually her, then sexoooooo
European literacy in action
they have their hands in a lot of countries
>Moon founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) in Seoul on 1 May 1954. It expanded rapidly in South Korea and, by the end of 1955, had 30 centers nationwide.[17] The HSA-UWC expanded throughout the world, with most members living in South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and other nations in East Asia.[37][17] In the 1970s, American HSA-UWC members were noted for raising money for Unification Church projects.[38]
Why are koreans so prone to these insane cults?
good question but on the other hand with all of this experience they have truly mastered the craft
They treat their president like a cult leader too.
Their old president got removed from power because she was too close to a cult.
probably because of autism
but also pretty sure that statistic can't actually be true just going by conviction population by race totals
Im ugly as fuck so I never show my face on any media.
Many people also do the same. It's just that coincidentally they are also mangakas.
They got big in America and had 1 chance to stop them and blew it. Their leader was named Moon who was a N.Korean prisoner who escaped and fled S.Korea then moved to America. While he was in N.Korean prisons he somehow got a hold of a christian bible and was how he was able to hold out in those rough prisons. After going to America, he starting preaching the word of the christian bible back in the 70's and how he managed to gain a big following.

The CIA eventually had to get involved because his actions and what he was getting his followers to do was raising some red flags but the only thing they could get him on with fraud charges. This pretty much taught him to be smarter and eventually fled back to S.korea where his cult would grow and be more cunning by changing their names.

>Why are koreans so prone to these insane cults?
Its all asian countries. Remember the Japanese sex cults?
>While he was in N.Korean prisons he somehow got a hold of a christian bible
That reminds me, the north koreans basically run their system off a warped christianity thing.
the father, the son and the holy party instead of father son and holy ghost
always found it strange
>Remember the Japanese sex cults?
What was that japanese cult that bought land in australia to test chemical weapons?
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He ate the dead fetus from virgin women, it is the key to immortality
You forgot making it about the work and less of the author. Could fall under autism too, but desu I don't mind an author that just wants their work to speak for themselves, even if it's just hentai.
too bad she's ugly
Koreans got hard into Christianity because it helped them stand out from the imperial Japanese who hated it and tried to force them to adopt Shintoism (at the time the Japanese government was also suppressing Buddhism). They basically used it as a rallying cry for Korean nationalism prior to WW2. Nowadays it's associated with middle class/rich people.
>out of nowhere
maybe read the thread nigger
Don't the koreans have a hard on for shamanism?
One can stay anonymous and avoid publicly showing their face without dressing up in weird animal costumes.
I know it's been said 100 times but Araki has aged amazingly.
it's because they don't want to be anonymous, they desperately want attention and an "identity", they just don't want it to leak into their real life. they're namefags.
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Why can't this guys do something else than whore a tomato's designs to every gachage that slips him a tenner?
In my memecountry some actors and actresses, usually those that interpret villains, describe that some people on the street could reach some extremes that they try to stop hurting the MC's. So add that to the craziness of some fans and you have the perfect recipe for a shitstorm brewing when their manga or anime doesnt gets they way the weirdos want.
There was this series about noob seiyuus (past season) that get molested on street and even doxxed because they "break character" and that seems to be a terminal sin in the mind of some extreme fans. So yeah, opting for privacy would be the sane choice in a world were some fans cant control themselves.
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Built for bullying
>You find yourself alone with her, minding her own business reading her phone standing up against the wall, obviously trying to be out of the way
>You break the silence by blurting out "Have you ever even been kissed?", the question sounds as accusatory as it is curious
>She looks up confused, you have her full attention, you step a bit closer
>You make a shrugging gesture towards and ask "WELL!?"
>Her face makes a small grimace, she's uncomfortable with the question but moreso she's embarssed. She looks away ever so slightly and you can read the answer in her expression
>You dismissively "No of course haven't", she looks back at you with a shock of pain. Only now does she notice how much closer you've gotten to her
>You're a little over half a foot away from her, she's more nervous now. In her minor panic she can't think to walk away only press her back further against the wall.
>As you stand inches away from her face, you just stare her down, you're close enough that the excited breath of your nose gently moves the bangs of her hair. She can not only see how close you are, but feel it as well. The nervousness in her eyes, she knows what's about to happen.
>She flinches as though you made a sudden move despite you standing completely still. Closing her eyes and tensing her face, she holds this face for a moment before untensing, eyes still closed. She leans back her head a little bit, and purses her lips ever so slightly.
>She stands like this for a few seconds.
>She finally opens her eyes to see you've stepped back from her space, standing there with a mocking expression as as to imply without saying a word "DID YOU REALLY THINK SOMETHING WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!?
>The grimace returns to her face even stronger as her eyes water. She quickly walks away, she obviously wants to run but she needs to keep this bit of dignity. Her breathing choppy and uneasy, obviously seething, she could break into a sob at any moment
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because squeenix won't pay for it and he's not rich enough to fund entire games out of pocket. that's why he makes so many novels and stage shows that could have been dlc campaigns
She's a married woman anon. Femcel status revoked .
Either privacy or they don't like their face, both of which are ok.
If you dislike something about yourself and can't change it it's ok to hide it. More people should do that.
>hey honey is the rooster mask in the car? can you grab it and take a picture of me? i need to show my wedding dress to my readers
He defends himself from otaku stalkers with Heaven's Door.
Why not? Might as well brag about it.
Have you seen how unhinged idol worshippers are?
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Ugly Bastard Mode Engage
What even is nonwhite for murricunts? Like 99% of you are some form of racemixed abominations.
Please tell me she wore the mask during the ceremony.
does she has any children?
I can't prove she didn't
She has a cute body.
Showing your face it's only good for reo types of comment: "I would fuck that" or "ugly". What benefit does that have for a mangaka?
>reo types
Execute the assailant, and public order increases for the low, low cost of a brief noise and a little cleaning.
It was "two" types. I have no idea what happen there.
>everyone sees you shoot a guy, so they shoot you, everyone that sees these people shooting you shoot those guys, now there's a massive gunfight killing hundreds
You have more chances of shooting a bystander or worse if ir becomes a shootout.
Sounds like a Family Guy bit. Why do retards always assume you're in the middle of a human tidal wave in the heart of the city or standing around in an orphanage when someone is most likely to attack you? If you're a mangaka and someone is going to try to hurt or kill you they aren't going to magically hunt you down in the city in the middle of the day like they have a fucking waypoint or quest marker in their vision, they're either going to find your home or wait for an event they know you're going to be at. In either case no one's going to see you shoot a guy trying to kill you and then kill you for it, in this hypothetical scenario in which Japanese people aren't cucks that can't own guns.
Sure, retard.
what even is objectionable about concealing your identity, in any capacity? forget about fear of stalkers or slander, is there any *need* for somebody like writers or illustrators to show themselves? or is it simply about your *want*?
if not, then they are free to do as they will
They should just re-legalize swords.
most people in japan live in apartment buildings with paper thin walls
most of their biggest mass murders are from some guy pulling a knife out in a store, if they had easier access to swords imagine how much worse it would get
It's so when they write something stupid, I don't think of their pathetic ugly faggot face immediatly and instantly feel better.
They can't even fuck in the safety of their own home, having to go into a hotel instead, or the neighbors would start banging on the walls
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I'm guessing you're on about this one.
If so then you've fallen for the old meme of saying any random person is Kakifly. With Kouichirou Soutome's image being the most popular
Japan is the size of California, but with 3x the population. It's not like the US where you can just move to a different state and enjoy relative peace. Sure. There's stalket culture, but the population density being so high is the bigger concern, imo.
Wow really? So happy for her. Sorry about her husband tho, lmao.
Swords are big though. Be more of an open carry situation.
>Japan is the size of California, but with 3x the population.
The size is irrelevant when people live in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya and KitaKyushi and not in Hokkaido or Tohoku.
They aren't attention whores
Not really. It was eerily similar. It was a well deserved arson
Have you seen the shitskin shippers reaction from the AoT fanbase?

>Captcha: GAY0M
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they are ugly
you fucking btfo that guy lol
are you illiterate or just low IQ?
Imagine your average 4channer
Now imagine them being able to recognize you on the street
holy shit you are fucking retarded
EU = European Union
turbo fucking moron trying to appear smart by copy pasting wikipedia lmao
you are legitimately brain dead
That's not true at all. No need to spread falsehoods.
la creatura del ado...
let's put the mask back on
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By marrying your replacement who's actually the one finishing hxh
>asking why anonymity matters while posting on anonymous website
go ask yourself this, why are you anonymous?
such a braindead thread
it's offtopic bait
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It is a mystery why socially inept Japanese autists would want to hide their faces.
Everyone itt is retarded but that's the norm for /a/. Shit board with low IQ people. This board hasn't been good since 2007.
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Beastars is a furry anime and a lot of people hate furries to the point that they'll get beaten up or receive death threats.
Nta but please do
Glasses girls are the worst. I understand footfags more than I do glassgays
it's babby's first disability kink. they love how those girls seemingly becomes helpless when they don't have their glasses. I've seen countless glassesfags pick up shit like medical/cripple/amputee fetish later in their life
What? I like glasses because Bayonetta taught my lizard brain that glasses = dominatrix mum.
It makes sense that they would want to hide their face considering how fucking insane otaku are. Drop the ball when ending a series or fuck over someone's favorite character and they might walk outside and get stabbed
Because they want to remain /a/nonymous?
>Asking this on 4chungus of all places
Lurk ten thousand years please
People want to share their happy moments with others and the fans likely got a kick out of the picture, I mean just look at it.
Peak autism
>Drop the ball when ending a series or fuck over someone's favorite character and they might walk outside and get stabbed
Has this ever actually happened?
>Carrying a weapon in japan

Good luck getting beaten the fuck up by police.
Only subhumans desire fame.
Remember when that furry convention got mustard gassed? Truly the peak of internet trolling.
Have you seen average japs? they are ugly as sin
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Farmers league
I'm still mad about balan. The companion book was kind of nice though
No, everyone's throwing hyoptheticals. No kyoani does not count.
Not everyone is as self-centered as westerners
Baltimore dindu nuffin!
did people already memoryholed gainax death threats over eva ending
You say it like its a bad thing.
>Not really. It was eerily similar. It was a well deserved arson
>Kyoto Animation revealed that they had received a draft novel from Aoba; however, it did not pass the first-stage assessment and was forgotten, and its contents were confirmed to have no similarities to any of their published works
>Aoba believed that a scene about buying discounted meat in the fifth episode of Tsurune was similar to one in the novel he submitted.

Do you ever get tired of being retarded?
That was fake.
He has this low-key hotness and charm in him and of course the vampire genes so it's no wonder
No one cared who she was until she put on the mask.
>>Joey the Anime man
>His manga history video sucked.
Who the fuck cares? He's not even the one talking, you're completely ignoring the point.
>Why is an artist hiding her identity in the current times were people will investigate everything to your name looking for something to complain about, ruin your life based on rumors or try to insert into your life?
The best desicion I ever made was not make my life public or put a name on social media
If you show your face and become public figure, you compromise your freedom of drawing I guess. People will look at you a weird way if they know you're the author of some specific works. And god knows a lot of manga artists start by doing shady works.
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Usually when an artist wears a mask it's because they're offensively ugly, and people pretend it's about privacy out of politeness.
I doubt his manly dignity would let him allow you wife to finish his life's work.
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These hands are pure sexo
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He also took part in an interview where he showed his face. I can't find the whole thing anymore but I did find a random video with a clip of it. Pic related
Because somebody will photoshop 50 cocks into it 10 seconds later.
Tomboyfags and musclefags are worse, tho. Most of them start out with safe faggotry and "ironic gay" shits like feeling attraction to girls with 0% feminity who are indistinguishable from men, then they went down the paths of gorilla ma'ams, MtF trannies, traps, twinks, and futa.
You were expecting them to tell the truth? Or justice system would? (((They))) don't like it when man takes his own justice so there is 0 chance that he would be declared "right" by anyone
There are about 2 known photos of JD Salinger and he only died 15 years ago.
Honestly it's refreshing to see a culture that values privacy and individualism. Westoids' short sighted obsession with money and status is a cancerous evil that will ultimately be our undoing.
>he thinks she isn't showing her face
anon she's a furry
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>manly dignity
You realize the reason Naoko even married him is SPECIFICALLY because lacked such nonsense?

Besides with his health problems, he doesn't exactly have the final say in who can finish his manga, better to leave it in the hands the of the second most successful female mangaka and mother of your children. Be real for a second, the Sailor Moon remake finally ends, and in less than a year 'out of nowhere', hxh comes out of hiatus? Don't be this delusional

Besides, YYH was better
That picture is a dignity in itself. Having someone else do your own job is embarrassing.
I'm punching the air if this man die's in my lifetime
>That picture is a dignity in itself
Massive fucking cope

>Having someone else do your own job is embarrassing.
Then Toriyama and Miura must be seething with embarrassment in the afterlife. Hell, with that logic, then Iwata must be seething with rage for the past 7 years at the Switch's success
Better question would be "why would mangakas, a group of people whose entire claim to fame is their writing and drawing abilities, even need to show their face at all?"
If I ever get famous for something I made, I'm making sure to hide my face, it's smart and lets you enjoy life without being harassed. I'd imagine it would be kind of fun to visit something related to your manga like a public event, and just being among the crowds, maybe even chatting with randoms and ask about their opinions on your work
People will find out the rumors of breastar creator being mixed race because her mom had a affair with an American sailor are true.
>Was that just a branch
everything is a branch of a bigger sect
have you seem twitch streamers getting raid by some randos viewer.
Nah bro, it's disgusting. Don't do that.
Where did he hide the painting?
some of them do it
I don't see any real westoid genes in her here >>268477436

Unless "Breastors" is a completely different series by a another artist
So Oda was actually a woman...
this, is not just in manga but there are famous japanese chefs that do this too

like a cookie baker wants to stay anonymous since he wants his cookie to be more revered and not let his identity be in the way of that
Take a shower
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Not everyone's got the balls to be openly degenerate.
Ok, so can we say the ones who have those are are the shit authors and the one's who are known to the public are the legit ones?
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Didn't their addresses get posted in magazines for readers to post letters too or was tge the earlier mangaka? I imagine one reader went a bit mental and caused an incident.
Is there any valid reason for any person to ever disclose their face to the public? I can't think of anything.
Yes, if I personlly want to know their appearance, I'm entitled to that information. Why? Because I'm a fan and I deserve it.
Found it.
context of picture.
Stand powers
A Colombian woman lied that she was an animator in the latest Ghibli picture, The Boy and the Heron, claiming she animated 25,000 frames by herself and her lie temporarily worked because there are no group photos of current Ghibli employees.
I laughed
Privacy and because it's just a part of the culture at this point. I know I wouldn't be complaining about it if I was a manga creator.
Goku and Toriyama look hilarious. Goku looks very unamused and his hand around Toriyama's shoulder and wrist like that remind me of a handler. Like Toriyama fucked up and Goku is squeezing his shoulder and wrist to correct him.
>here's an unrealistic scenario that never happens in real life, to include in places where it is legal to own guns, so I am going to use this completely made up hypothetical as the grounds for my argument on why guns shouldn't be legal.

It's like arguing that abortion should be illegal because every woman in a 30 mile radius has their fetus killed if they have one during an abortion procedure on one woman.

No gunz really are a special kind of retarded.
Why are Americans so obsessed with what other people think of them?
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Mushoku Tensei's author also wears a mask
High IQ
As he should, I operate a roving band of thugs who specialize in giving wedgies to isekai authors
>be this dude
>channel about reacting to dragonball in short 10 min videos
>started ~2018
>earned more with series than Akira in all of his whole life
>not a nerd
>is actually a outspoken normie
That's the secret why nerds never win.
Dont lump futa chads in with the rest of those degens
you have autists that can get idoru's address from small reflection in water bottle
Most are weirdos with crippling social anxiety issues, or they don't want their face to be associated with all of the hedonistic hentai they've drawn under their various aliases.
How can I restore my love for Anime/Manga? I'm old and sad now..
quit 4chan
get your life together
eat healthier, sleep better, and make some friends
I actually wish it was more common in the west to keep your privacy if you get famous.
didn't the law change? aren't they legally forced to show their face now?
Cant. Celebrity culture is dangerous, lots of society value fame and popularity. Not everyone values other privacy like in pynchon case.
There's two main reason why east asian countries are having this privacy thing for artist, first one being the 'shy' and polite culture (which means they are tend to be shy amoung the family member, friends, or everyone, if they become a popular person) or simply because they didn't have much confidence themselves (this one is prominent amog female artist). The second one is none other because of security and safety reason. I mean look at their fans, shut in people that are tend to do dangerous and impulsive things, what if they got stalked by them, abducted and raped over and over again like in those hentai doujin? or maybe their works are too provocative that will lead them into offline harrasment, lots of safety reason for this one.
Good thing is that both gov and corporation (publisher) they worked at are protecting their identity. If they want to do a face reveal they will do that themselves, whether its accidental or intentional, its their responsibility.
As far as I know there's not much continuation for that law, and I think their identity will only be 'exposed' to the gov. I think this happened because of those doujinshi and west reactionaries towards loli shota thing. Maybe U.S. gov, being a nigger they are, wanted to interfere with everything about this with their supposedly moralfaggot thing, idk, havent followed this case for a long time
If you were writing the most popular furry manga out there, it is absolutely in your best interest to hide your identity and location.
Nips are expert stalkers and everyone is crammed into Tokyo.
Their nation has some of the highest suicide rates, which is correlated with unstable emotions and a Mangaka making manga for the minority of them if probably a good idea.
If you're in the academia yeah.
anon absolutely destroyed femcels with facts and logic
Japanese otaku fan culture is really invasive. It's totally normal to stalk idols and police their relationship etc. with boycotts and sometimes real life harassment. It's not like elsewhere where "things blow over", whoever is having the controversy almost always has to make a crying public apology even if they did nothing wrong because of pressure from higher ups or collaborators. You have to be exactly how the fans want you to be or else you're in real trouble. Even if it's not exactly the same for mangaka, not wanting anything to do with that is the right choice.
Mangaka also tend to be introverts so it makes a lot of sense to try to keep your face from not being known, even if they don't go full anonymity. Getting recognized in public doesn't seem like something many Japanese people would appreciate.
Because it takes one psycho who goes ballistic over one artistic decision to try to kill you.
Relatively recent modernization that changed the average joe's position in society from one where he simply worked to survive to one where he suddenly had the luxury to look for more out of life, which led to a spiritual vacancy that was easily exploited by megalomaniacs seeking personal riches power and fame. It happened to lots of asian countries over the last century or so. Think about how less than a hundred years ago the Japanese thought the emperor was literally a god, then suddenly they lose the war and he goes on the air to tell the whole nation that that's bullshit. That's going to give a lot of rice farmers a crisis of faith which a charlatan could capitalize on.
Aum Shinrikyo, the perpetrators behind the Tokyo subway sarin attack.
Who else do you think Neon's Lovely Ghostwriter is based on? She's always been involved with HxH.
She has a huge thing for burly, chubby men. A santa claus fetish to be specific.
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Q Hayashida is the only one that makes me curious
"Have Sex"
And they shot him for it.
C'est la vérité

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