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Chapter 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63: >>268277248
Chapter 64
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end of volume
I'm glad they didn't have him win, that would have been a stretch

Also, based Ukegawa giving his bro some space
This is what romance is all about!
Thanks, anon.
>that whale
Shit’s gonna be amazing next volume.
Ganta did win. He won her heart. It wasn’t about the race but the fact that he stood up and gave everything he had to protect the club and Isaki.
Awesome spread. Don’t forget that Ganta could’ve been a track runner. Ukegawa mentioned he had much more energy before his insomnia. This is why he could keep up for even a moment.
Thank you for posting.
Thank opsama
This artist never disappoints when it comes to drawing athletics.
Cumming on Magari's brows, or cumming on Fujiyama's brows?
Good for him.
We can make it.
I still like Fujiyama better.
I have a feeling her next series will be sports-related.
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Epic spokon in the vein of Adachi would be a dream come true
I wouldn't mind at all.
What do you mean? I don't quite get it.
We're not going to sleep yet.
soon maybe
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Fuck, this right here is real love. Powerful idealization yet grounded in realism.
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Chapter 65
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yo opchama
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How the fuck do you rub your own eyebrows off?
thanks opsama
ok picked up
Usually it's a sign of severe stress, if not flat out abuse.
He shaved them to make a joke about rubbing them off.
Thanks for the dump, all the dumps really
I love this volume cover so much, really dynamic.
Ganta, you are a gem.
Look at that catloaf. So fat!
Thanks, OP. What I really love about the post confession of this series is how Ojiro explores the hardships of being a couple, particularly when it comes with someone with Isaki’s condition. It maintains strong intimacy between the couple without relying too much on physical aspects like kissing and layers conflict in a way that doesn’t introduce an outside party but rather keeps the inner conflicts of the characters a looming “threat”.
what a magical series. Real moving stuff.
That’s what you get with a mangaka that know what they’re doing. The writing of this series is really tight.
Not today!
Thank you for posting.
A lot of intense facepalming.
Beautiful brows.
That have been rubbed off
They will grow back.
Better than before.
Gotta appreciate the forehead / brow panel.
Hair down Isaki is the best.

It’s unfortunate that she has to know this but more admirable that she can keep moving forward.
The author is so good at it. I don't know anyone who does it the same.
Slightly less dorky looking dork.
Same, Ojiro really has a good balance between giving her characters energy while keeping them down to earth.
I love the hugs in this series so much. I don’t know how but this author draws them really warmly.
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Chapter 66
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yo opchama
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end of chapter
Cute dork
thanks, OP
thanks opsama
How can you NOT love Shiromaru?
I don’t I’ve said how much I love the detail of the fur of Ojiro’s cats. It’s like she puts all her energies into that, the setting and eyebrows.
million dollar smile
Fuck my heart
this kills me inside
>sneaky pic
Didn’t Shiromaru say she used to look at the students with the observatory’s telescope? Make sense she would sneak a pic of her crush.
Thank you for posting.
It's back.
At least I don't have sinus infection induced toothache any more
Good to hear, anon.
This looks dangerously cozy.
noooooo kot come back
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tripanon here from previous thread, bumping with more pics from nanao, get on the insomnia bus
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insomnia ramen
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random photos of shops in nanao with insomnia related stuff
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photo taken with the AR app
Did you buy some?
That's neat.
Thanks for sharing, anon.
Are these permanent setups or an event based thing?
lmao cats
Very fuzzy cat.
now way she is beeing funny
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Chapter 67
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end of chapter

big eyes
>thread suddenly popped into my head
>took a peek just after the first page was posted
I may be a psychic. Anyway

Thanks for the dump as always.
I would peek too.
thanks opsama
Thank you for posting.
i'll keep on saying it: i love these little vignettes that
he's got it
thanks, OP
>you’re very handsome
I’m blushing a bit and she’s not even saying it to me.
Bald Nono?
This mangaka is something else.
Yeah, no bullshitting around with her and straight to the point. Kinda notice that’s a refreshing pattern with this manga. I love Nono even more now.
>I love Nono even more now.
She's mine!
my tanned tomboy girlfriend
keep dreaming big blondie
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kuso neko
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unfortunately no, a minor regret of mine

it was supposed to end last year, but iirc it got extended to end of this year
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We can make it!
Cute dork.
Leave the poor cat alone!
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How do you pronounce this kanji?
Trips confirm it.
The greatest mystery of our team.
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Chapter 68
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yo opchama
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end of chapter
thanks opsama
he wants to fix her
He's a king.
Anamizu and Isaki’s relationship is so sweet. I also just noticed she lost her tan.
This is conflict done right.
Thanks, OP. Ganta is such a great romance MC. He wants to help her but doesn’t try to smother her like her parents does. In a way he’s like her knight in shining armor but also not at the same time due to how equal they are as partners.
That he is, we’ve seen how forward he is and just how good of a heart he has despite his grumpy exterior. I can only imagine the love Isaki has for him as I think back to her saying she wants a picture of the happiest moment of her life.
Thank you for posting.
I am going to sleep right now and nothing can stop me.
Big beautiful brows.
I’m still awake, anon. Have a bump. Also Kani best girl.
not anymore
You'll be back.
That library sign says
>Space science
And the one below
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crappy attempt with the AR app
That's really cute.
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some kimisomu memorabilia from the irl okonomiyaki shop in nanao
For sale or for display only?
>we clean up and somehow end up with more stuff
women amirite?
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nah its purely the owner's, not for sale
I had a feeling but I wanted to make sure.
We're almost there.
>I also just noticed she lost her tan.
I actually didn't recognise her at first
I've never had anything with strawberries embedded like that. I don't think it's popular here.
I had my doubts too. Tragic.
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Chapter 69
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end of chapter

as always, ms manager is the best.
Yo opchama
Thanks opsama
Thanks OP!
As if I needed more reasons to like Shiromaru
based decision taker
>she lost her tan
I don't think this is the first time we've seen her without it.
Shiromaru, I respect and admire you so much.
The character development in this series is really nice. It’s kind of sad that the anime didn’t reach this part. It showcased a lot of Ganta’s growth but a lot of Isaki’s growth is post-anime, so she gets left behind a little.
Thanks, OP. I really enjoy the lesson behind this chapter. While I believe it’s important to do things that make sense, there is the case for following your heart so you have the least regret. Whether that pays off or not depends but in Shiromaru’s case it seems it did quite a bit.
what a great segment
thanks, OP
Thank you for posting.
Plot twist, mom hates astronomy.
Thanks for the dump
no one sleeps here
Sleep isn't real. Wake up, people, they're trying to keep the wool over your eyes.
I love that stupid smile.
I wish I could cope with the summer weather like this.
Double plot twist: mom gets astronomy and astrology confused and thinks her daughter is about to go down a path of nonsense and crystal bullshit
>crystal bullshit
Having experienced it first hand that triggers me.
It seems he genuinely likes the manga himself.
She hates astronomy because she loves astrology. Or the other way around.
Stay awake a little longer.
Best character returns tonight!
Contemplative Isaki. It’s also nice to see characters point out how much a passion developed for astrophotography and the reason for it is mainly due to Isaki being his muse
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Chapter 70
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end of chapter
There it is! Party Frog shirt, the best Ojiro character makes a triumphal fucking return! WOOOO!
Thanks opsama, happy Sunday!
>illegal sex
that's what she would do
Kurashiki is pure sex
Based sensei.
even better!
hell yeah
thanks, OP
very stoic
Top tier chapter incoming! Thanks OP
Thank you for posting.
She’s really beautiful.

My favorite fictional couple right here.
More like oyasumiJANAI
Thanks OP!
Ah I miss playing mario kart on the DS. With download play it meant only one person needed to own the game, and everyone else in your classroom/bus/whatever could play as guests. Good times
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Oh boy.
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I'm so glad the OP started posting these threads. I watched the anime when they started them, then I followed the threads, and I ended up reading the whole series to the end. It was the comfiest experience for summer nights. I love this manga. I still come and check some chapters in the threads some time, but of course I refrain from discussing any later events to avoid spoilers for those who are following along.
It's nice to have you here, anon.
I wonder what OP is going to dump next...
It's a mystery.
It will never go away.
I've been meaning to watch that movie for decades.
Deep sensei
Goofy sensei
She knows her priorities.
You will either really enjoy it, or be bored to tears
Space Whale
I'm usually the former in that equation.
Does the bus run through here?
This looks so much fun
It’s perfection
OP come on
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Chapter 71
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end of chapter
I love sensei so fucking much

The head torch just appears on his head...

It was a gift from the space whale
thanks opsama
With the whole whale thing going on, you could attribute the headlamp to magical realism.
Like I said the lamp was a gift from the space whale to show him what was truly important
Thanks OP
Unreal mangaka
I love characters that don’t run away from their feelings and are transparent with the ones they love. That’s what makes this love story stand out and stick to me.
Thank you for posting.
>getting decent sleep
What is this feeling?
What games do you think sensei is playing?
no way!
if you don't point it I would have miss the whale in the sky
I'm usually fairly good at this, but I can't actually tell if this is sarcasm
Me as sensei. I NEED a tsuu-chan pillow.
Look at the page before. Looks like she’s playing a racing game.
Seems like a good fit. At least compared to other stuff.
it's not, by my side
I saw this page in the previews from last volume and thought they were in an aquarium lol
You will never know.
I get where you’re coming from. I like to think it’s from the shadows caused by the rain that formed a whale.
That sounds like it makes sense.
Nah, it's a literal whale from space
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and they did not take a picture? one job
A space whale is cool
Kissing your Magari GF is more important though
you are right, specially if she turns off the light and jumps at you like this
God I love this one.
It looked like the mountains to me
Nope, Space Whale that delivers head torches to those that have need of them. David Lynch guest wrote this panel
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Chapter 72
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yo opchama
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end of volume
thanks opsama
Wait, where sensei?
I appreciate the subtle detail that the cat is ruining the chair. cats are such assholes
Who the hell are these kids? I thought this was a whale manga!
Thank you for posting.
This author draws the warmest hugs ever.
This page gets to me.
Space whales.
Important cat.
this last two chapters were completely ignored on the anime right?
We're beyond what the anime covered in general and the live action movie for that matter
Makes sense.
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>David Lynch guest wrote this panel
I should've known.

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