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How is fishing such a messy activity?
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There's a new fishing manga out
I don't think it's going for the same audience.
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Was this made to promote a japanese fishing website?
Aren't gyarus pretty much yesterday's news now?
about thirty years ago
>mid northern summer
What's in season for you anons?
weirdly the bakaupdates page doesn't have any reviews
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Dead already.
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I have no power and can't post as frequently as I would like.
I'm pretty busy cleaning up anyway
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Catch any apples today, Noa?
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I don't really fish but we alwasys used to do some crabbing down by the river.
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There are plenty of ways to get messy...
I honestly did wonder why the girls all wore their school uniforms instead of their gym clothes because you do end up smelling very fishy when catching fish, especially when using live bait and chumming the the water. I image the school made fun of them all behind their back.
They should have fished naked.
Natsumi is the ideal female.
Fashion over function and it's might have been easier for them, also it gives to hook Natsumi's skirt.
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new chapters so good
I need to catch back up
I never read the manga. Maybe I should.
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>they see your pb
Pb inspection day
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missing out on the comfy scenes.
Ohno no
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are you guys watching the rice anime? it's also being sponsored by the ministry of agriculture
Is it as good as Nourin or silver spoon?
not really, but it's cute. the game's pretty good too
What's it called?
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>Sakuna of Rice and Ruin
>12 chapters
how long are the episodes?
can she swallow that in one bite?
The anime is based on the game, the manga is a pseudo sequel
well that's a little complex to understand.
What sort of game? Pachinko?
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Did the teibous have an episode about catching SeaBream/Tai/Red Snapper?
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>i see your snektz is as big as mine
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It's lunch time!
Hina said that gym clothes are not cute so no
What are you doing to get your clothes to smell like fish? Usually, my hands are the only thing affected by fish smell. I don't rub them all over my body.
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They're still around for the same reason that buruma is still around in anime amd manga
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koi wo tsuru
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actually the first one I checked from the new season
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my girl with the onepiece
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snek posting incoming
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I will not let this thread die, even if it kills me. But rather than getting killed, I wrote a script that auto bumps the thread from page 10. You WILL have a Teibou thread and you WILL like it.
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get on the kart
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those threads were really nice, weren't they?
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Being alive really was fun. ;_;
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I have made my decision anons. I will take up hunting as a hobby. Looking to get my first firearms later this year
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Please shoot this meme deer first.
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I can try
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the sun radiates too much to go to the teibou right now
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>natsumi belly
She knows what she’s doing
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How are the fish biting today anons?
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I'm biting the fish.
Got a little bit of a nibble today, remains to be seen how it turns out
Had a preliminary interview for a job with HR. It would get me out of my current blue-collar situation but there are some things about it that have me a little unsure
very shy
Was pres an actual kitsune?
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Pero pero
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Not nearly enough clip art and/or fish puns.
what have you fished lately?
Some horrors out of my toilet.
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>page 10
They smell of fish and cheap sake for some reason
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>just wash your hands
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that's a very nice image
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What a terrible woman.
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I hope fish today, gonna fight the sun.
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lifeguard told me no fishi and I rebelled
fished a litlle fish and free it
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not much, the heat is terrible
waiting for cooler temps and fall trout stocking
I should too, also this is getting massfied with people it's getting boring
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>this is getting massfied with people
I meant my place, tourism
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oh, massified
i admit i had to look that up, though i'm not sure that's quite the correct usage
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it's my bad sorry, but if I think too much about what/how I'm writting I always end up not posting
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i understood what you meant when you clarified, just thought i'd point that out
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Can't she just provide me with booze?
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free food plz
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no way! real?
Hina jumped the shark.
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so hot...
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Hear me out anons.
>Natsumi but gyaru

We start the manga in the normal way but Hina meets a gyaru Natsumi
Would anything really change?
>want to go fishing
>the sun is angry as fuck again
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Natsumi should be a flat tomboy.
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Teibou is actually a horror manga.
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Is that too one of those boomer memes?
flat tomboy gyaru is not much of a departure
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>page 10
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Yea I need sauce plz.
Ok I found the sauce but could someone tell me if this is correct? I'm getting

Gal Sawa-san who wants to fish and eat it / Kazuki Funatsu
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>Using Koi’s toes as bait for fish
Welp, I'm off to kill myself now.
Goodbye fishing
Goodbye all my rods and tackle
I don't deserve you
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see you at cabela's
How'd it go
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I miss 2020.
Same, also for my vision.
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>I miss 2020.
As much as how good the anime was that year and it got me through the hard times, I refuse to miss this year.
It's still 2020
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2020 was a blurr
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Can't wait for Monkey-pox, will be 2020 all over again.
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what are they doing
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pick up your lolis
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The next pandemic might be H5N1, didn't you observe the news? It's not certain yet that it will turn into a problem, but it's the candidate with the best chances yet, and its has its chance right NOW.
For >>268762476
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I think it's just VAIDS, but if it gets me another season then LET'S GO BIRDFLU!
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Wasn't she from that other fishing anime?
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The gyaru ruined it for me
Sniff that fish.
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Hina is small indeed
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It's bulllshit, all of it, don't spread this nonsense in my breakwater thread and retreat from the propaganda cannons
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Sorry you get triggered by facts. For what it's worth, all the scientists are saying it's not time to panic yet. The bird flu has been a pandemic candidate for decades, just because there have been are development recently it doesn't mean it'll actually happen.
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>The bird flu has been a pandemic candidate for decades,
Dig into this then dig more and more and more, what it is is not what they claim
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It's simply the most likely candidate, and terrifyingly likely. None of the scientists would have predicted that COVID19 would have predicted in 2019 the it's the new pandemic, but the bird-flu was always on the map.
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I jumbled some words. But the thing is: COVID19 was surprise, not what everyone suspected.
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It was a snek plan to dominate world animation.
And once again I'm telling you not to be satisfued by that and to actually dig into the topic because its much divorced from what you think
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How much money do I need to invest to try out a fishing hobby?
100 bucks
buy a rod+reel combo, line, sinker, hook and bait
fish is gone :<
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Reliving 2020 through necro bumps.
Farming sim/sidescrolling action platformer
Sorta like Actraiser in a sense
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It's kind of an old school plot. I've not seen the whole do what I say or I'll tell daddy plot used in a while.
But the gyaru will probably get annoying
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The last chapter I read was poste here, it was night and they were fishing at the docks.
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protecting Hina's smile
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Cute collection.
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Sex with Koi
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by me
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Oh no!
Hina is gonna get raped.
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salt water fish
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based octopus
I want to cut hina's hair things
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The flappy wigglers stay on, you brute.
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I will avenge my brothers
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Natsumi looks like THIS?
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Snek is real.
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it genuinely warms my heart to see a teibou thread. hope you guys catch many fish.
what's wrong with her nose
she doesnt have one
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nice feet
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I just got my fishing license a few weeks ago and ordered this for my tackle box.
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buy a fishing shirt, hat, and one of those camp chairs.
I want one so much
>I just got my fishing license a few weeks ago
Where do you live that makes you have to get a fishing license? I didn't know that was a thing outside of having to pay for a timed license to fish in certain waters.
The modern state steals whenever they can from you. Fishing license for interior waters, exterior waters, rivers and lakes, submarine, boat and then for specific places. Strong normatives, season restrictions, cannot sell the captures, cannot eat the captures(soon incoming), tourism priority, alleged toxic waters.
I'll stop there.
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Unless you are a native Indian, then you can fish for free
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Illinois, you need one to fish anywhere that isn't private property.
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Hinata is so excited.
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Her name is just Hina, not Hinata.
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I know, I don't know why I wrote Hinata.
isn't it Hinagiku?
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What does she want?
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Very attractive Natsumi.
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>This thread has been up for almost a week
Impressive I didn't know this anime had such a strong and loyal following. Is this the power of fishing?
Fuck off homo
cute girls and fishing
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Post fish.
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And Hina needs to KILL.
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What a hideous design.
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>the legs
Satan, why?
You don't know about her true form?
I want to go fishing more but I don't have a boat. I've toyed with converting a Jon boat into a bass boat, or buying a kayak, but not only are both of those expensive they also mean I need to get a trailer or roof racks installed. Shore fishing is alright but I'd be out every weekend if I could actually hit the lakes.
This thread made it to 7 days.
>I made 112 posts
But for what price?
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you win a fish
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been thinking about getting a fish cat boat. I don't want to install a roof rack either. it's a giant pain but fishing from an inflatable sounds like a pain too so idk.

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you better care of her, or you'll hear from me.
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Literally every boating option is massively expensive and requires special consideration for transport. It sucks. If I lived somewhere coastal I'd just get a yacht and make it my home so I wouldn't have to worry about it. Staying at a marina in Japan for a couple years would be ideal, great variety for saltwater and freshwater angling, and I'd just go full autism fly fishing in the mountain streams.
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Was that in the anime?
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Untangle it.
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How about you, anon?
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I'm much older than the average anon. I don't want NUTsumi to call me gross.
>responded to my own post
I'm too old.
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plump snek soon.
Poor Jashin-chan. At least Medusa prefers fat snek.
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Is she eating too much fish?
snek chapter 255 is out.
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Classic mistake.
I haven't watched Gundam
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what the fuck
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Literally me.
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