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What Everyone Sees

Chapters 3.5 and 4
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Hello OP
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Hope you have a nice day day
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Chapter 4
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This used to blow my mind too as a child

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We Lain now
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And that's it for today
Nothing is real

Are you fake?
I'm the realest person in the world

Thank you for reading
Previous thread: >>268574904
Thanks OP
Depends on your definition. Call it what you want, lying, code-switching, faking. I call it surviving
Trolley problem
A real philosopher
I don't feel real
Thanks OP
Thanks OP.
I already contemplated the idea of nothing being real and my perception of reality being a fake illusion conjured by something else when i was 5.
Years later i realized Descartes had the same questions i had.
On a similar (not really) note. From a very young age I've entertained the idea that people, especially people I know, are watching my actions through my eyes. I don't actually believe it or anything, but I think of it a lot and it ends up influencing what I do sometimes
Thank you, OP.
Did you pursue a career in philosophy?
I used to think that about mosquitos for whatever reason.
Lol no. I am studying architecture.
I've kept a pair of safety goggles from a chemistry lab class so i can not tear up from onions
thanks, OP. Fake it 'till you make it
Thanks, I'm the realest, you're just text in my screen that posts funny images
I don't think she should be handling a knife.
She's a very smart and capable girl
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Thanks for the dump like always OP.
the COOLER ryushika
Where's her dad?
We dropped the thread...
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Don't do it again.
Thank you for posting.
Probably out working like her ma
I don't think this would actually work. Goggles should work.
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Oh, nice. I've been meaning to reread Ryushika, I guess it's time
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Thanks for reading everyone
Morning OP
Afternoon, OP.
>I've been ignoring the comma this entire time
Too late to change now
Well commas are stupid anyway.
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I'm a big believer in the oxford comma myself
Thank you, OP!
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Holy shit, that lizard ate her.
Cute and checked.
I hate how now my initial reaction to seeing a rainbow is concern and suspicion
>ryushika installa openSUSE
I am a philosophical zombie
I wish I understood philosophy.
*But I tried /lit/ and that just made me more confused.
/lit/'s a faggy board. If you want philosophy, just observe the world around you and think for a while
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Chapter 4.5
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Hello OP
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Hope you have a nice day
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Chapter 5
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reasonable reaction
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And that’s it for today
Pacifism wins

Is there anything scarier than math?
I can’t think of anything

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>268675463
She's insane
Thanks OP
Thanks OP
Devious and diabolical
bad math?
>you should be able to solve this
Thank you, OP.
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I always wanted to try Takoyaki.
The fun windmill
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Extremely disturbing
Nobody is safe from this monster.
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I don't understand YOU, lady
who tf is ryoshka
>paranoid psychoses
This manga is great.
Shame about the spotty scanlation
real schizo hours
thanks, OP. A feral jackalope with rabies
Very Yotsuba-esque
That's a nice way to put it.
A world of misunderstanding.
>How Can Candy Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
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Holding bread in your mouth works too
Ugly creature.
Don't be cruel
Thanks op
>Is there anything scarier than math?
no, 8 ÷ 2(2 + 2) = ?
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But depending on how you was taught, 16
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Thanks for reading everyone
Morning OP
Thanks for waking up
Good evening.
This is why no one uses ÷
Watch the thread!
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Standing back and standing by
Just one more
Thanks OP
>Are you fake?
I'm more valuable than the real thing
Cute detail that she goes for the ladle instead of the knife because she's probably been told not to play with knives
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That's a deadly weapon
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Chapter 5.5
Hello OP
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Hope you have a nice day
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Goodbye OP
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And that's it for today
What a chaotic family

When was the last time you got attacked by food?
I think when I was drunk last month

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>268713197
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The Silver Spoon watchalong will start in about an hour
Thanks OP
I'm impervious to food poisoning
This girl isn't right in the head.
The pizza I ate a few days ago didn't sit well with me.
Thanks OP
Thanks OP.
When i ate an orange and some juice hit the corner of my eye.
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It's been a while since I've thought about Mikage's dumb long face
You leave her alone
What? I like her elongated early hominid face shape
Thin ice
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Honestly anon I'm having a hard time remembering all the things I said about Mikage, could I get a refresher?
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She is so dumb too
Thank you for posting.
Good times
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Today was the episode
I like her 3/4 lengths. They're cute
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tfw you develop capgras syndrome
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for a moment i mistook aki for akki
>since the ancient times
Ramen is barely over 100 years old
that's ancient for a preschooler
How many tiny akkis did we get in the end?
>It's alive...?
Don't give up.
great bump there
very original
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i have eight akkis pequeños
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Thanks for reading everyone
Morning OP
Took your time there, OP.
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We need to stockpile more in case of emergencies.
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Chapter 6
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Earlier today
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I have never seen someone refer to that as katyusha
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And that's it for today
What a brat

Are you a good big bro?
I don't have siblings, but I'm sure would be the best

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>268747426
She's cute so it's okay.
I don't have any younger siblings
Thanks OP
Bratty youngest sibling.
What does he even play? I know he has a DS.
I can't deny that.
Thanks OP
Not at all.
Thanks OP
Not always the best, but I try to be
Thank you for posting.
I don't really like her.
Ryushika or your sister?
Ryushika, my sister's great.
cute bed head
>1500 yen = $18.46 (Oct 13 2010)
That would be $9.50 now
Thanks OP
I wasn't a good role model, so I cope with anime imoutos as a form of escapism
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I'm no bro.
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Thanks op
>Are you a good big bro?
No I'm the youngest
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Stinky girl.
Absolutely massive ribbon, it's almost as big as her head
ryushika im afraid thats not poop...
Love this page
why does puddle jumping feel good?
Chaos? Rebellion agains't establishment?
Big splashes are fun.
Sometimes startling the people next to you is fun.
We're not dying here.
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Thanks for reading everyone
philosophically deep
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Morning OP
>capgras syndrome
>demons exist

Yes, yes they do, it's a scary thing to realise. They're other dimensional energy prasites that feed off of our emotions through resonance.
was this an old joke?
This, but actually
She'll never trust spectacles again
at least they weren't varofocals
Is she single
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Good evening, OP.
Man it’s been ages since the yen was that high. Like 2012 was the last time, been declining ever since
She needs a dentist.
It's baby teeth
feral fangs
We'll be a bit earlier today too, we'll start in about half an hour
Tomorrow we'll be on time
Ryushika was extra annoying this chapter.
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Chapter 7
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Hello OP
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Hope you have a nice day
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And that's it for today
Tasty looking donut

Had any strange dreams recently?
I had one last night, but I don't remember most of it anymore

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>268772291
Thanks OP
My dreams have been growing more intense lately
What the fuck
Yes, but I'll describe that elsewhere
Thanks OP
A vcr, a cable box, a wii, a ps3, a dvd player, and a stereo? Thats an absurd ammount of equipment for one tv.
Almost there.
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
Might want to check again bro
Cute pajamas.
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Thank you for posting.
thanks, OP. I had a dream last night that I was with my cousins down in New Orleans and we were being annoyed by some people who had caught a turtle and kept on talking to us about it, so I told them that we ate turtle soup on the Chesapeake and they were disgusted with me and left and then one of my cousins put me in a headlock and held me underwater because I was being a bitch or something but I did literally nothing wrong
Thank you, OP.
What's this about? Is it good?
Yotsuba if she was a schizo. It's cute.
the art reminds me of a webcomic I read once, but I can't remember which
maybe it was zero.
I've had really vivid dreams this whole week. Last night I dreamt I was packing up absolutely everything I owned in a backpack and going in a roadtrip from coast to coast through the united states with my family.
I'm not even american.
Thanks OP
Last night I dreamt up an incredibly good guitar riff. Something I'm certain would make for a super catchy hit single. Unfortunately I forgot most of it by the time I woke up
Probably, but I barely remember anything from them.
Man, remember the blue glow of a message on your wii? It was always some stupid bullshit too, like some happy holiday message or whatever. Maybe someone else actually had friends and messaged them through the wii but that seems ridiculous when like email and phones exist
Back to sleep.
Sneaky chapter showing up out of nowhere.
>Had any strange dreams recently?
My dreams are boring, and I forget pretty much everything after a little while
When I was a kid the lounge's little lights were more reassuring since I knew what they came from unlike weird noises, but I didn't think scotch tape was donuts or that plus signs were my worst enemies either so idk
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Thanks for reading everyone
Morning OP
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Good afternoon, OP.
She's a little schizo
Thanks OP.
Not really, but i havent had dreams in a while because of bad sleeping habits.
I do remember having sleep paralysis for the first and second time in my life earlier this year.
A couple nights ago I had a dream where I started working at a supermarket and Yamazaki from NHK was my coworkers and Arcueid Brunestud was our manager. All I remember was eating lunch in the bathroom with him
Go back to bed
That's why she's fun
My dreams never feature fictional characters. I wish they did.
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Thanks op
Had this one about a month ago that I wrote down
>At university (location was my old high school science computer room though and no computers)
>Teacher looked alot like Chris-chan's mum
>Some science but maybe mixed film course
>Near the end of the trimester
>Hadn't done any of the exam stuff yet (seemed alot of others were behind too)
>4 total exams
>1 of them was to be a 5 minute written speech about medicine
>Let a girl (reminded me of someone I knew from primary school) borrow a planner of mine or something then she gave it back midway through
>Was worrying that I'm gonna have to spend the next few days just doing nothing but sorting this out
>Part of me wondering why I haven't been going to these classes for a good while for some reason
>At the same time, the class was catching up on this big activity book (related to the course, but it gave a film related feeling)
>Woke up a bit after when I starting wondering why am I so behind on all of this
College trauma, many such cases.
I was going to make fun of you for accidentally using 'trimester' instead of 'semester', but it turns out some countries use it that way
Is op gonna post?
In 2 hours
my most recent weird dream was that i joined a class in the desert to observe a miniature supernova of the sun, where it got really hot for a second and then went back to normal. the sun was a white dot that you could stare at without anything happening to you and the sunset was very beautiful.
I had a dream about a supernova when I was a kid. But it was a horrible nightmare in which the sun was dying and everyone knew the end was near. I woke up crying and my mother got cross and threatened to take away all my books about space
I have a recurring dream where my college advisor tells me I'm short a class to graduate, at the very end of the semester when it's too late to fix it. That's always a fun one
Almost there
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Chapter 8
Hello OP
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Hope you have a nice day
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And that's it for today
What a wasteful girl

Could you get me some toilet paper real quick anon?
I'm in a pinch

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>268809186
Thanks OP
I keep it stored in my room, jumbo rolls of extra-thick stuff. It's a commodity I allow myself to spend a little extra on
Thanks for the dump
>Could you get me some toilet paper real quick anon?
Use the towel
Toilet paper is dead.
Toilet paper remains dead.
And we have killed it.
How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?
Thank you for posting.
Dumb girl
Best I can get you is some sandpaper.
Thanks OP
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Is 'OP' a pronoun?
Toilet paper is dead, toilet paper remains dead, and we have killed it. How shall we comfort ourselves, the wiper of all wipers. What was cleanest and softest that all the bathroom has yet known has perished under our waste. What will clean our bottoms for us? What paper is there for us to cleanse ourselves? What methods of cleaning, what forms of purification shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed to great for us? Must we ourselves not create toilet paper simply to appear worthy of it?
thanks, OP. Mail direct will take too long, I recommend you take that pinch
it's a name
The art is a bit strange.
He is a fag after all.
Looks interesting, are there any pee content?
Thanks OP
Thank you, OP.
>Could you get me some toilet paper real quick anon?
Sorry, I can't spare a square.
Poop in today's chapter.
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It's wonderful.
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Thanks for reading everyone
Morning OP
Thanks op
Fat face.
She's just a child
A child with a fat face.
Baby fat is cute.
Good evening, OP.
No, I'm still hoarding.
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Look at these badasses.
Why is this manga full color?
It isn't anon, you are seeing things.
Ryuushika Ryuushika, the meds are wearing off.
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Chapter 9
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And that’s it for today
Cold blooded killer

Have you ever snuffed out a living being?
I am not allowed to answer that

Thank you for reading
Previous chapter: >>268844801
>I love watermelon
Me too
Thanks OP
Too many times to keep count.
And suddenly, it's Masters of the Universe.
Green uni zebra.
Fat girl
Yeah, a few million at a time
Thanks OP
Thanks OP
Committed genocide in my room two nights ago after accidentally leaving the window open with a light on

i hate watermelon

That is all
Thank you for posting.
You are wrong.
thanks, OP. I've noticed that I've killed a skunk and a deer with my car, so far
Made me remember a strange old unsolved murder case here in Sweden, one from 90 years ago, where a prostitute was found dead in her apartment. One of the items found was a deformed soup ladle which had blood on it, most likely hers, as they also discovered her body had been almost completely drained of her blood.
They concluded that it was unlikely for the ladle to have been the murder weapon itself, as though she had been beaten to death and it was deformed, the ladle would have been too light and flimsy for that.
Thank you, OP.
I chuckled
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A squid?!
A kid?!
>yotsuba is popular
>lets make our own manga about a little girl
>but make her extremely autistic

Ryushika is less autistic and more paranoid schizophrenic
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Obviously a vampire, are the cops in Sweden stupid?
Fair enough.
ABe is an artistic genius
Any evidence they had Yotsuba in mind when this manga was made?
I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't the case. Yoshitoshi ABe was already famous for multiple iconic little girl character designs by this point.
Could be to steal her blood. If her blood type is O-negative, it'd be very valuable.
You joke but you may be on the right track. Blood drinking/vampirism fetish is a real thing. Like with cannibalism, necrophilia, and human trophies, there are plenty of sadistic men with those weird fetishes who become serial killers.
Swedish police are actually immensely stupid, yes. Go look up the criminal investigation for when prime minister Olof Palmé was murdered in the 70s. Complete fucking bumblorama, all the most retarded decisions were made, and all of the most foolish mistakes happened, it's like a dark comedy.

I believe that this investigation is still used as a nightmare example when other European countries are training police and criminal investigators.
Sounds like typical Sweden.
Yeah, it seemed like a fairly original design to me.
Redpill me this please.
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Thanks for reading everyone
Morning OP
Good afternoon, OP.
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