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117th Period
Previous chapter:
He truly can only be her trophy husband. There's no helping it.
118th Period
Kek Seki's face
Done. I feel like Edison's reputation has gotten undeservedly low lately, mostly to lionize Tesla. Seems like an overcorrection to me.
Are you into idolshit? Who's your favorite?
See you tomorrow!
Thanks for the dump OP.
I guess Rumi is too dorky even for Seki's autism kek.
DOUBLE HELIX YOU DUMB BITCH! Maybe you should spend less time watching Seki and more time paying attention in class.
How would you have heard about it Rumi? Do you look up underaged idol groups?
Thanks OP
>Are you into idolshit?
Does falling in the vtuber rabbit hole for a bunch of months count?
>Who's your favorite?
I liked Kanata
Yokoi isn’t beating the allegations
Has Edison done any good stuff?
All stuff I hear about him says he stole everything.
Are you a teacher or what?
thanks, OP.
Never really into idols, but I will defend iM@s > Love Live
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
Thanks OP
You need to become a witch and do a rimjob to Satan to learn aiuto the Double Helix, didn't you read the previous daily?
>iM@s > Love Live
Never watched/played Idolmaster but I can't see how someone could think love Live is better
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where's my nigga mo?
Nope, nothing education related, I'm a stonemason.
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Seki's so fucked up...
>mo's toes
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>Has Edison done any good stuff?

>All stuff I hear about him says he stole everything.
Depends on whether or not you're talking about Edison the businessman or Edison the inventor and how you define authorship of an invention. Professionally he was a ruthless bastard (look up the War of the Currents)but one of the most important figures in human history and as an inventor he was brilliant and responsible for some pretty massive advancements and developments.

Things were kind of fast and loose in those days but what Edison was good at - REALLY good at - was refining half-baked ideas (and oh man were there a lot of big ones around in the late 19th century) into products and processes that then spread everywhere. Electric lighting is a good example; it had been demonstrated as early the 1840s but the bulbs were hideously expensive to make and extremely short-lived which made it electric lighting extremely expensive and impractical but Edison changed that by devising a much cheaper and more durable filament and dramatically improving the manufacturing process. To sell these light bulbs to the public, he then started the world's first electric utility and used his connections to show off electric lighting everywhere he could and the rest is history.

Amusingly enough, for someone who was arguably more responsible than anyone else for the development of the technologies that pioneered both the recording of moving pictures and audio he hated talking movies and preferred silent films.
Thank you for posting.
Thanks OP
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did you know that Jun can actually talk in the sequel unlike her whole family
Seki can clearly talk - he's been shown multiple times talking to other classmates in the background
It's just that he never talks to Rumi directly
Yokoi, the fact that he was ambitious enough to try it in the first place is what separates the truly exception people like Seki from you.
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>Electric lighting
Yeah, no that was Joseph Swan
Feels like you stopped reading his post there.
No, Swan's light was practical providing the first electric lights for a full home, a commercial building (the Savoy Theater), ships (SS City of Richmond and HMS Inflexible), and engineering purposes (construction of the Severn tunnel) to the extent that Edison literally couldn't compete with it outside of the US and had to join forces with Swan to become the Ediswan company because he was about to be sued by Swan and knew he couldn't prove that he'd done the work first.

So yeah, I read your post, falseflag kun
No, I avoid it. It seems like an endless mountain of generic characters.
They only get better
Do you avoid shonen and other genres?
Now make her achieve Ultra Instinct
Good to see that Seki isnt affected by idol brainrot
What type of brainrot would Seki get?
If he ever gets into videogames, minecraft, factorium, maybe even rpg maker and other autistic games like that could easily devour him whole.
She will have lesbian sex with her sister in law behind her husband's back one day.
How high are the chances of Seki just using the fact for some of his shenanigans?
>Are you into idolshit?
I actually actively avoided it cause I knew it'd fuck me up in the long run.
>Who's your favorite?
I'm not a diehard fan, but I have a buddy who got concerningly into Iu.
Rumi there's one immature kid in this page and it isn't Seki
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She's becoming like Seki.
Yeah, mostly. I look for the exceptions.
I concur.
Any exceptions to recommend?
I want a Jun sugar mama
>t. Yokoi
protect Jun from Yokoi
>Swan's light was practical
Not nearly as practical as Edison's.
>In use in multiple places before Edison's
>Couldn't compete with Edison's
But no, keep claiming that Victorian Elon Musk was le based
Not the original anon but Joseph Swan is part of the long list of inventors who made advancements on the incandescent light bulb before Edison made electric lighting not expensive and impractical. The light bulbs from Swan's original designs lasted 13.5 hours and later 40 hours. Edison's lasted 1200 hours. Edison's goal was large-scale electric lighting powered by a single system. Swan's design was impractical for that purpose.
>Edison literally couldn't compete with it outside of the US
You mean in Britain. It's Swan's design that couldn't compete with Edison's outside of Britain. The Ediswan merger occurred because of Swan's patent in the UK.
>Not the original anon
>Literally sucking Edison dick in the exact same way
>Edison also couldn't get in to France
Such an obvious falseflag. Here's your final (you) now go back to upvoting posts about killing elephants to dump on Westinghouse is le cool
>Literally sucking Edison dick in the exact same way
You mean stating facts?
>Edison also couldn't get in to France
Funny you mention France when at the International Exposition of Electricity at Paris in 1881, Edison's light bulb design was determined to be the most efficient one.
You should stop misusing that term if you don't know what it means. It doesn't make you look smart.
Quite some time since we had this type of discussion
119th Period
120th Period
Incredible how you can recognize the kabedon.
Done. I can't believe Seki's dad is a furry...
How do you draw manga?
See you tomorrow!
I'm pretty sure Edison the man had nothing to do with the elephant affair.
Seki and Jun have got some incredible genes.
Seki is having a baby, a bird-Seki junior
Before reading that it was a shoujo I thought is was a shonen and the lines did the *teleport behind you*
She is such a kid
Thanks OP
>How do you draw manga?
Do nothing for the first six days and then draw the chapter the last day
Yokoi's just jealous it's not her eggs he's interested in.
>Mother an autistically skilled cook
>Father an autistically skilled Mascot
Yokoi's lack of autism is weakening the Seki bloodline.
Thanks OP
>Implying she isnt autistic about cute things

Just look at her relationship with that mascot character and the robot family
>lack of autism
She's in too deep, games aren't even her first option anymore
She has her own brand of autism, she can interpret things to a point it's scary, almost bordering on mind reading, if she developed that and writing skills she could easily be an author that can turn any simple interaction into grand scenarios
she can straight up read his mind based on how he's moving blocks around on his desk or something, she's got plenty of her own
But is Jun autistic? She never did anything crazy
Suit actors are some pretty cool guys. I'd love to meet Satoshi Fujita (although he's graduated to Action Director)
Thanks for the read, OP
You draw the square, and then you put the squares inside them
the realistic gaijin lmao
surprisingly she's the most normal person out of the family.
maybe that's the reason why she can talks in the sequel.
She's got fishing and bow skills, at least. And I don't doubt her idol performance was very good too.
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thanks, OP. Me, a mangaka? I-i'm just a regular salaryman at a normal office, I wouldn't do anything weird like draw gag manga
My jun
This needs a follow up, we had like eight robot family chapters and a bunch shogi and othello. I need a the jun idol arc
Thank you for posting.
Thanks OP
>How do you draw manga?
Well I guess I'd pay someone else to do it
Fucking Yokoi; When are you going to learn?!
So this is the power of El Grande Padre.
Never ever.
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A dark horse medal design
Mokyo 2020
Weird and adorable.
Higher dimensional beings be like.
>Mt Fuji

>background king
This manga is boosted by Bleach memers
I'm going to miss this one when it ends, been bringing back fond memories of a guy I used to work with about five years ago who over the entire time I knew him, never did an actual days work but instead:
- Grew a garden on his desk (not a pot plant, I mean an actual garden complete with grass, a garden gnome, grow lights, the works)
- Built a model ship
- Spent a month writing any emails he sent in a different poetic form each day
- Learned amateur magic tricks
- Had an actual nap
- Read multiple books
- Played a chess game with someone in another office using the company internal mail system
Plus loads of other random shit, despite sitting across from his manager in an open plan office, and never getting fired or cautioned over it. Before handing in his notice because he'd made enough money day trading to retire at 35
Eggplant is what you spit out when you hawk a Fuji
Seeing tech advance through the series feels surreal
The fact they almost reached the coof era is funny too
I wish I was him
It was the fact that he didn't try and hide it that was the funniest part. His manager would ask him sometimes "What are you working on today?" and he'd just reply with what he actually was doing as if it were a stupid question, "I'm building a trebuchet out of chopsticks", "Finishing up chapter 8 of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy", "Learning about Dumpo Octopuses".

I wish I knew how he got away with it.
Maybe he was friend with the manager, maybe his lover?
Maybe, but that wouldn't explain how there was no push back at all from higher up the chain about the guy who kept bags of soil and fertiliser next to his desk
could be that he'd been with the company so long that even if they fired him, they would have been contractually obligated to pay out so much it would put them in the red that quarter
could also be he was so good at fixing IT issues on short notice that him saying he was fucking around was synonymous with 'No news is good news'
>they would have been contractually obligated to pay out so much it would put them in the red that quarter
inb4 the guy was trying to get fired to get that payout
>eh, guess I'll game the stock market instead
I wish I could live life on whims like this.
Truly a man among men
>It emerges out the guy was who Seki was based off of
With reckless disregard.
Didn’t noticed it at all
>Amusingly enough, for someone who was arguably more responsible than anyone else for the development of the technologies that pioneered both the recording of moving pictures and audio he hated talking movies and preferred silent films.
Pretty sure he was also going deaf. But, it is weird he's remembered for "muh lightbulb" and being a credit stealer and not at all for being a pioneer in film. I only learned about that in a film class and basically nowhere else. Really weird.
It's a little long, but this guy explains the history of electricity and along the way describes a great deal of the positive contributions Edison made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TttHkDRuyZw
Skip to 30:00 if you're only interested in Edison.
Yeah, it seems very unlikely.
Edison isn't bad but he never married a pigeon so Tesla is better
I remember I promised to translate the sequel a while back, at least the text. I'll still do it but I'm probably gonna post them at lower speed than these threads happen.
I guess the Seki daily will have talk about Edison
Seki would enjoy building an automatic biter death camp farm in Factorio with the Krastorio mod.
It's not a proper daily without off-topic talks
121st Period
Dawn of the last volume.
I think this is the most direct that Seki messed with Rumi yet
Proposal soon
122nd Period
Done. I think it's cute how the first chapter was basically a performance from Seki to Rumi.
How do you properly interact with the internet?
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See you tomorrow!
Cute future couple
Will wait for the Mo edit of top panel
Look at her face
Thanks OP
>How do you properly interact with the internet?
4chan is the only place where I interact with people and I act like everyone is mentally ill
Cute Rumi-fly.
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>not Molympiad
checked anyhow
Thanks for the dump OP
>How do you properly interact with the internet?
It's simple, just act like everyone is trying to find out where you live to come and hurt you, and you'll know how to protect yourself
>"Electrical engineering must be a Musk-worshipping Redditor's thing"
>t. not at all a retarded faggot
Put just a little more thought into your post if you're going to try to employ a clever way of marking posts as "off-topic."
One of my favorite yokoi faces so far
the early anon from first chapter was right.
Seki does looks musculine later chapter.
Gotou my wife
They will live in our hearts and under our desks
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Where does Seki's hand go?
Good as always
Oh, the Internet
I know about that
The serialization is coming back
Man I love rhino beetles and stag beetles
History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man.
Up Yokoi's fat ass
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Image blurred by the government, to keep the truth hidden
But do you know how to interact with it properly?
this is indeed the proper way to interact with the internet
Super cute!
>How do you properly interact with the internet?
I use email for professional work and I shitpost on anonymous imageboards.
>How to properly interact with the internet
kek, Seki immediately starts touching grass
The whole light bulb affair is a good example of why Edison is so remembered. He knew how to market himself, but more importantly, he knew how to make ideas practical in the real world and make products people want. Edison is remembered for the incandescent light bulb over his predecessors and contemporaries not because his version was merely more efficient (though it was). After all, many scientists and inventors made important improvements and optimizations to the light bulb before and during his time and obviously after as well, so that's hardly a special accomplishment. The difference is why Edison's ended up being more efficient. When others making their designs for the light bulb, they were only thinking about the light bulb. When Edison made his design, he was thinking about an entire integrated system of electric lighting. That's what made the advancement to, in his own words, make "electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles."
Thanks OP
Dump anon will you be dumping Junior sequel after this one?
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>How do you properly interact with the internet?
Perhaps one day, with all of humanities brightest minds working on it, we may yet solve this mystery.
As for right now, I just stick with saving funny pictures and not posting when dumb arguments happen.
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>How do you properly interact with the internet?
Buy a dog and thicker curtains
>One anon still sucking that fraud's dick
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Yes, I will.
That is a very strange penis
I only see one obsessed faggot in the thread
Thank you for posting.
>Slurp slurp gobble gobble suck suck
Okay, enjoy your weird fraud dick
Sex with the mushroom
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Does he get more or less autistic?
Why are you so mad? Did Edison kill your dog and shit on your pillow?
there are irl idols, anon
As if IRL idols doesn’t act like generic anime girls
Cute side character
They are just standing there
It's when Mo infect other manga (nothing wrong with that)
Lethair weapon.
Can they beat Metal Gear?
Mo never dies, she just moves on.
Adventure-seeker Mo in the Daily Manga Quest
123rd Period
that's a really fancy desk...
cute Rumi of the day
124th Period
does Uzawa and Maeda ever show up in the Junior series?
High functioning autism vs low functioning autism
Done. It seems every single character has dangerous levels of autism except Maeda.
Are you evolving?
See you tomorrow!
>Super American
what the fuck does that mean, Uzawa?
i hate this fucking cunt so much
Someone shoot this fucking prick
>can literally smell autism
Uzawa finally did it, he killed Seki
You can understand only if you aren’t american
Thanks OP
>Are you evolving?
Don't need to
I thought the first panel had a Mo on it, what have these threads done to me
>Are you evolving?
I'm trying to evolve to having the ability to sleep like a human.
It's not working.
I see what you mean, the thingies for the tires kinda look like her eyes
I like him because Seki shouldn't be omnipotent.
So Uzawa is the devil to Seki's Jesus
>T. Uzawa
Satan is cooler anyways
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What the hell type of shirt is he wearing?!?
Wow, what a retarded son of a bitch.
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Why do Japanese workers all wear those bandanas in manga/anime? Have they not researched hard hats in the tech tree yet?
What is this fucking nigger behavior?
Seki's probably long since locked Uzawa in a Jigsaw-esque death trap in some warehouse or another.
Thanks OP
A shirt for fisting
Now edit sick Mo over the damaged car
Uzawa would simply smash down a wall and escape
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It's just to not get hair caught in your eyes and things. They wouldn't have used a helmet in those situations anyway
Thanks for the read, OP
I thought I was evolving as a machine that turns water into piss, but apparently blood is not considered an upgrade
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I have seen work like this before, and there is no way that didnt make a noise loud enough not to be heard by class, inmersion ruined
I had classmates that they only liked to destroy or ruin things are entertainment, and they were the popular kind, so yeah, I wasnt part of that crowd because they were assholes.
Thanks OP

>Are you evolving?
Arent we all?
> Let's play a game Sekikun it's called correction me
Looking at the onomatopoeia on the right, it's obvious that it did make a loud noise. I think the whole class knows at this point, but they leave them alone since they're the "special" kids.
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the makuta to seki's mata nui
if you have a finite set of legos, there must be exactly as much "taking apart" as there is "putting together"
because if there isn't, you'll end up with either "all your legos in piles on the floor," or "all your legos locked up in creations on the shelf"
and both of those are no good
Thank you for posting.
>They're doing their courting ceremony again
I'm now tempted to buy a volume or two next time I order manga online. My usual site still has three volumes available.
...how did they form the thick black outlines?
Maeda probably can't be bothered to appear.
Uzawa likely starred in a LiveLeaks video.
>villains who are just evil or lust for power
Poor Yokoi is considered autistic by the whole class
>The coloured glass is crafted into stained glass windows in which small pieces of glass are arranged to form patterns or pictures, held together (traditionally) by strips of lead, called cames or calms, and supported by a rigid frame.
So he filled the black parts in with something else?
One day you will only think about Mo
What about the teacher?
Black tape
Left hand
I wish I was that ice cream
She's the one who does the correction
>Are you evolving?
Very wise.
Maybe they could see Maeda on TV, playing professional baseball
I headcanon Maeda working at the same place of Seki with the latter goofing around behind him
do we have a crop of bottom-left Yokoi?
That's funny to think about.
That would be excellent.
I love how the lego analogy is twofold
I like how Yokoi went from rooting for Uzawa because he spoils Seki's fun to dreading him as much as Seki does.
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It's what happen when Seki's autism infect you
125th Period
Done. Yokoi is so jelly. It's kinda cute.
Do you like to be reprimanded?
See you tomorrow!
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
Based Seki
You weren't part of that crowd because you were an autistic sperg and didn't fit in with anyone
Seki is into women like his mom huh...
Is this the first time it's ever acknowledged that seki wants to fuck women
I feel like this is also the first time we’ve seen semi clearly spell out his thoughts on his own
>Seki likes being scolded
Imagine the sex
I'd say Rumi ruined him but she doesn't really scold him much, even before she got corrupted.
Seki and Yokoi in the Cyber Dungeon
Seki strikes me as someone with a mother complex
His future wife is essentially la madre blanca
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>real deal
Super cereal?
Now we know that Seki is the bottom in bed
Thanks OP
>Do you like to be reprimanded?
No but at this point it no longer happen
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When was this released? Because damn, that couldnt be cheap
hell yeah
thanks, OP. I don't like being reprimanded; being chewed out, I can take
Note that Yokoi has no way to know what the manager looks like, so it's her idea of a hot woman.
Or at least her idea of Seki's idea of a hot woman
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You shouldn’t kill Mo and she isn’t gross

Yokoi have good taste in women
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Hard not to when she sees the ideal woman every time she looks in a mirror.
Kellogg's bastard
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niche meme
Glad seki didn't find out about factorio
>If only you could talk to these creatures, then perhaps you could try and make friends with them, form alliances... Now, that would be interesting.
We already know Yokoi is a sadist.
Thanks OP
Hey, he tried his best!
Yoko is entering her "I need babies" stage, I can see it!
Their roles have been reversed...
It's not like anyone here would be so pathetic that they'd imagine themselves getting interviewed for their new novel, right? Hahaha
Does anyone actually ever dream about eggplants?
But Seki was supposed to be the sadist
Ayy lmao
Imagining Seki in extremely tight pants... what a lewd girl
I am in that stage all the time
Imagine Yokoi's fat ass in extremely tight pants
Rumi's baby bump
I expected this to move. Still nice though.
That's a lot of periods, I thought they only happened like twelve times a year.
Those kids must be german.
Is she sitting on his chair?
She is very fertile
Yeah, I think so.
Almost there.
Where is OP?!
With Mo
D-doing what exactly?
Holding hands.
If the grades are good and it's not spreading what's the issue?
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this is the time to revive the edison discussion
>grab my camera
Why doesn't Yokoi have a smartphone?
are there any VR sets that actually can cause pain?
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huge spoilers
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It's not over
I smashed my shin against a table while using a VR headset once, that was rather painful
The struggle is real.
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