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Is Dragon Ball about communism?
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Have they been setting up Gohan vs Frieza for a long time?
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Bulma is built for big dinosaur cock.
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Back then we had no idea what this word meant... and then, HE showed us the way...
How could we have predicted or even guessed what was to come? None believed that the title of the Strongest In Fiction could be claimed... well, at least none believed it sincerely.
In jest, we gave this title to the undeserving, in jest...
But then... HE arrived...
Do you understand what i'm saying? i saw- no, WE saw fiction be solved...
HE truly is...
The ISOTS...
Dragom ball hardly talks about economics, but there's far more facists and dictators that are portrayed as evil and greedy businessmen. However, the capitalist Bulma is the head of Capsule Corp which is depicted as am objectively good aligned company. Goku, who has saved the earth numerous times, still has to wage slave as a farmer with his wife Ina capitalist society.
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You have to admit Hunter x Hunter goes HARD.
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Pic is more about anarchism.
I love shotas!!
Tenfag... Toyofag...
Older women.

Do the math.
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You perverted pickle.
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Why would I want a little boy in any other way than maternally? Can't work, can't have a conversation like an adult (or properly regulate their emotions for that matter), not attractive. Makes no sense at all.
...in Tennedy's ass.
>homosexual fantasies out of thin fucking air
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I NEED NIPPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plantosexual realities*
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Can't he just make them?
*grabs you by the throat and forcefully pushes you into Goku's warm bossom*
ROM Pan's has perky tits.
He looks like Donkey Kong.
Truth nuke.
I want to be hugged tightly by Goku directly after he comes out of a shower he took after a long training session...
no, in fact its the opposite of communism. Dragon ball is about how you are not a number. Everyone in dragon ball has a set power level, they have scouters to measure someones worth. the ultimate bad guys all lord their position as entities over the protagonists, who train and grow stronger, while the enemies simply stay static.
I want to be embraced by Goku.
I want to be loved by Goku.
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We could use this for a BBC ad.
Yeah, since RoF, to be precise.
Tenbitch btw.
That's a pretty good idea
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Princess Snake...
You think I care? You can literally put anything in the OP and the thread will still go as "normal".
Kek, that would be hilarious!
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All wrong.
Goku tanked that and won that fight.
TinkerBITCH lost just like his ZERO.
There are 3 people that could be behind this post.
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I don't know about all that, but I won >>268697631 and Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
...is what I would say if I had over 9000 cocks in my ass.
...which Bejita does.
There's only so many words for what you view Papa Bejita as.
>please look at this already responded to post
You didn't. You ran. While not addressing any of the thoughts therein. About why all three can be canon despite discrepancies present.
>as I run away from all your points
>raising none of my own
KEK! Now who's parroting? Basically
>N-no u!! *sweets and keeps running*
That's more KWABjita's speed. Kneeling and crying like a toddler.
>Dragon Ball Z
This is a Dragon Ball Super thread. Fuck off with your offtopic, you attention whore bitch.
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Sorry, I fap only once a week.
>Ever fapping at all
Weak bitch. No wonder Vegito loses everytime he's on screen.
1. Scholar falseflagging as a Tienbro
2. Scholar falseflagging as a falseflagging Tienbro
3. Scholar falseflagging as a scholar falseflagging as a falseflagging Tienbro
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Sorry, but we are animal enjoyers in these threads.
This but for every character about every post.
Its introspective, like inspect the element of my mind.
I consider many aspects of my life while doing it, because I take so long doing it.
And I am all three of them
>removing the (you)s in his mind
This creature would kill you without mercy if you were smaller than it.
But enough about women.
Most animals are like this. Mutual respect for those you acknowledge to be stronger than you or have stronger will than you.
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True. My husband is just barely taller than me and if he were an inch or two shorter I would have eaten his head during mating. Bulma btw.
Piccolod CHADnimal enjoyer.
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Animals>e-whores any day.
>admitting that Goku is a top
K, b, c.
This looks like a drawing made by a gay bara artist.
Toriyama liked drawing:
>Hot women
What else?
Broly, Bardock, and Cooler? Agreed.
Bejita being humiliated.
Shitku lost.
Only about 35 years, dumbass.
Actually that's me being disingenuous. It's really been since RoF, but it recycled stuff from Namek
>Frieza remembers Gohan and how a saiyan child was more impressive than any Saiyan he remembered prior
>Gohan was a super saiyan but got clowned on anyway
>Gohan was chosen as the leader of U7's team
>Frieza was not only intimidated by Mystic Gohan, but mainly intimidated by how much he had changed since his last revival
>Gohan and Frieza are the obvious current mightiest in the world
Frieza will kill Ultra Saiyan Goku. Probably in a way that's not pretty. And Gohan will clean it up. Or vice versa, honestly.
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Do it for the CHADnimals...
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True. Toriyama hates that guy.
Why is Goku wearing a chastity belt?
I'm new to these threads. How the fuck do you all know who's posting? Is Jiren poster a degenerate? It's all so confusing
He bitched about having to draw all those spots on multiple occasions, I don’t think he liked drawing Cell.
Chi-chi put it on him to keep him out of Bulma's roaming grasp when he's not around.
Which bro said that?
Majin Puu...
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Yes, and it should really be the final battle of Super. No fusions, just Gohan vs Frieza, a classic DBZ-style beat down.
Based Half-SaiyanChad
Welcome SCHOLARku-friend. Hope you have an awesome time with Dragon ball.
YWNBAW so it doesn’t matter.
You lost, pedophile.
You won, chadophile.
CHADkey Kong would one-shot Zeno btw.
Majin Bejita absolutely would masturbate.
He has a wife who gets wet when he kills people why would he masturbate
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Aesthetically pleasing scenery?
>He [complete and utter headcanon]
>bejita doesn't have a wife
Get a load of this guy, has he even seen 1 episode of Dragon Ball?
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Good morning more like GOGETA morning.
Tienbitch vs the average Ratkufag in a who can go longer without thinking about cock
Prove that Bulma and Bejita are married.
A Bejitabro.
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Tenshinhan? A Hero in these Halls.
They refer to each other as husband/wife.
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Goku has never worn a watch.
They both beat Bejitabros.
...unlike in the Dragon Ball Z anime.
... To Goku.
I bet he's a BEAST in bed.
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Pan? A Hero in these Halls.
...is what I would say if I was a pathological liar.
Goku has never won a match*
Sorry, typo.

See >>268698416
He's West City's most famous bottom
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Maybe YOU'RE a pathological liar, but not me.
Was Trunks born out of wedlock?
...on opposite day.
Yes. Future Trunks says they his parents were never married, and they only call each other husband/wife starting in Buu arc.
Damn, poor bastard.
...'s one hour period of regular activity.
Yes. They got married during the 7 year gap.
*squirts doo doo feces onto your forehead*
...which means opposite activity because it's opposite day.
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It's not proof if I can't understand it.
This could mean anything and I'd have no idea unless I ran it through a translator.
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Was he a good dad to normal non-future Trunks? I remember him being a absolute shitheel to future Trunks.
What would be Goku's servant and his wish from the holy grail?
Yummy yum yum
Goku fan btw
>What is Goku vs Piccolo
>it's not proof if i'm too stupid to understand the proof
Concession accepted.
I don’t know what you mean by servant or wish, the Holy Grail is the Seat of God.
Don't mind him, he's just our retard we keep around to laugh at.
God sits in a fucking cup? Lmaffle.
Best character in fiction btw
brap brap brap, brap brap brap
brap brap
brap brap
brap brap
Bejita, what does the scouter say about his power level?
Dickshart. Jobber cuck faggot Jirenshart cuck cuck cuck spic shart fart fart shart. KEKAROO BEJITA KISS MY WIFE SHART
7 years of wild mating with his mom.
I thought about something, is there someone with a big enough penis that can wrap it around his waist like Nappa does with his tail?
>the Nulyshart out of nowhere
DBS has no stakes. They have already gone too far with the bullshit. They need to take it a step further, or else their show will forever remain in history as that lame continuation of a legendary series

Here's what I had in mind, for example:
The grand priest goes rogue, he destroys both Zenos and hakais every single God, angel and Kai in all universes with his true form. All mortals live in absolute fear and tyranny, HOWEVER, Shin had given Dende 2 pairs of potara earrings before his inevitable destruction. Using the potara, Goku and Gohan fuse into Gokhan, Vegeta and Trunks into Vegetunks. After this, the fused fighters use the metamorran dance to become the most powerful entity that has ever existed: Super Beast Vegekhan. His only goal; the total annihilation of El Grande Padre and the restoration of the order of the universe (But this time without gods and bullshittery.) It's gonna a some dystopian fantasy survival type thing, like the future trunks arc but actually good and with real stakes, so the rest of the cast could actually do things too.

With this scenario end of Z, and even GT could also canonically happen and make sense. Watch this happen
Sorry, I don't know anymore TFS quotes to keep fucking around with you. Sorry.
Gokek watched every single second from the other world
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>Rddit space
Didn't read.
I was talking about (you), actually, ToyoBITCH.
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He mellowed out a lot and one of the first things we see after the skip is him training with Trunks in the GR. He was a strict and emotionally distant parent but not a shitty one.
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I don’t speak Chinese.
Only chuds post images like this.
>Here's what I had in mind
>[unnecessarily edgy bullshit]
For real though why do they do this every time?
Sounds sort of shitty, but who am I to say? Aside from race mixing and homoeroticism Trunks seems like he turned out alright. Dunno about Bra, though.
>everyone is a Toyoturd
You're definitely RTHly.
Oh wait, my bad. Got it mixed up with the Arc of the Covenant. That said, I’m not familiar with the Grail giving you servants or wishes.
>You're definitely my boogeyman that I brought up with no provocation whatsoever
Okay, Toyofarto.
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What if Dragon Ball was made in 2024 California?
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I post what I want.
I wonder how long it took White archeologists to transcribe this ancient Aztec tablet into English.
This is really gay and cringe, but you should turn it into a fancomic if you think your extremely brown ideas are any better.
Where is Slurpza?
First two and last two episodes of every season would be fighting and lore
The 38 episodes in the middle are gay/lesbian relationship drama and girls being superior to boys
There's also way too much swearing in lieu of any actual jokes and a visceral sense that it's being written by 30-something Jewish women specifically to make white men mad, despite the fact 98% of the people complaining are blacks and browns who just want the fags to shut the fuck up and everyone to start punching each other, and yet it's also bizarrely brutal towards female characters by having them get ryonaed all the time even though they're also girlbosses who are effortlessly better, smarter, and more capable than all the male characters except Goku who's now a Himbo
Despite the DB characters already being a motley crew of ethnicities that wasn't obvious enough so now way more than half are very obviously black/brown, especially Bulma who's now a sassy political activist who hates her adoptive dad who is a stereotypical chud
Also Saiyans (the empire) and Frieza are more obviously European coded, and Frieza's not effeminate and likely more overtly German/French with an all-White alien force
Poop can be white and yellow/green, too. Just thought that was interesting to share.
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Not my problem.
He still makes sure that he trains. Gives Trunks rewards for succeeding (the amusement park trip), roots him to win over Goten in the WT, and the whole hug scene before he blows himself up. Even tells Gohan to not skip out on training which he didn't need to at all.
This post is true and is full of CHADcism.
The Uub schizophrenia arc will be lauded with the likes of Citizen Kane and Hamlet.
Why does Jiren fap naked?
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Hmm........that's quite similar to my idea..
I have no talent though. This is just a draft scrap concept anyway I'm sure there's a million better things to do and a million different ways to execute this, I just want super to end on a high note, I don't want the characters to be overshadowed by some unfunny moe omnipotent god forever
What other kinds of images do they post? Asking for a friend.
Which is?
Stop bullying the brown boy!
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>when you meet videl
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I'll find it..
>I have no talent though
Talent is a joke. You can learn any skill if you try hard enough.
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Goku likes Hamburgers.
Bejita likes Hotdogs.
Gohan likes Poop.
Trunks likes Pizza.
Erasa is the superior choice
Still a critical success…and wins multiple awards.
>Gohan likes Poop.
Panbros there's finally someone who loves us!
Why would I waste years off my life creating a dumb webcomic only teenagers from south america will ever read anyway? I want something like this for the real series. However I actually don't see it happening anymore since Toriyama is dead and I doubt toei would do something this drastic just to play it safe, something about respecting his legacy I guess
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I'll chase the clouds from over this world...
Only I can fly high enough!
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Gohan should of kept his ultimate form mode eyes at all times, they make him look COOL.
Toyo made fanmanga initially too therefore it's not impossible.
...among the Californian journalists.
Settle down, Icarus.
>should of
Dragon Ball AF canon In 2025
Lets fucking goooooooooo
Toriyama would make a gag series. Nothing like you described. The only reason Z and OG were like that was because of his editors.
There is not a single cuck in Dragon Ball.
Gohan isn't allowed to look cool or Gokufags get anxious
No. Sasuke will save us from the Toyoclowno menace.
...except Tenshinhan.
Basically impossible to happen either way I guess
You're right.
...except for Krillin.
...except Bulma.
The Cell Juniors were literally only able to be made due to 18 being inside of Cell, that’s from Toriyama himself. Verification not required.
There is not a single BVLL in Dragon Ball.
...except for my favourite character.
...other then trunks
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Yum yum
Except for Gohan.
Chi-Chi got knocked up a month AFTER the Cell Games btw.
>still referring to that fake screenshot with no source
Kekkykwabbychookyroo, the Shartmans are cucks and so are (You). Verification not required btw.
I can't refute these.
>[degenerate headcanon]
Yup, yup. It's a COOMhanfag.
...is what I would say if I had over 9000 cocks in my ass.
>no proof
Yup yup. I fact check things I see because I'm capable of critical thinking.
>[moral canon]
Yup, yup. It’s a GODhanbeast.
Saiyans have time-release sperm.
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Bring me the tienanimal.
Opposite posters get the first bullets in the upcoming characterfag wars.
How about I fuck your mom's opposite holes?
>Yup yup. I [twitterBITCH activities]
Shartlin, Shartlin, where art thee? Thou art feltching, kekkydee! Cell, and 17, and Bejita, too! Shartlin’s a cuck, and so are (You)! Verification not required btw.
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I’ll remember that when the SameLORDS rip you limb from limb. KWAB!
I won! That was a great battle, I really respect those I defeated. If we had a rematch I'm not sure who would come on top. Looking forward to it...
>his hero has rivals
My hero is PEERLESS.
>admitting to RTH
Bejita said this.
Goku said this.
Verification? Not required.
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The absolute ETHEREAL BEING.
isn't this Trunks's girlfriend (male)?
Nah that’s (You), in your pedophilic homosexual fantasies.
Nice projection, but GT Trunks and Goten are in their 20s.
I don't know what that means, but I'm sure your you can't do shit with that microclitty.
Yes, that's (Him), in Toriyama's pedophilic homosexual realities.
>doesn’t deny the rest of my post
You mean one guy? Easily handled.
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This guy and General Blue are the only confirmed homosexuals in Dragon Ball.
GODiyama only draws CHADerosexual pedophilic content.
...and Bejita
...and Trunks
...and Bulma
Super really fucks over Frieza's Empire and planet selling business making sense if there are only 28 fucking planets with sapient life left
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I have two alternative endings for Super:

1. Goku eventaully wakes up from a dream and descends into the kitchen..

2. The strongest characters band together and fight Zeno. This ends with the complete removal and knowledge of the Gods existence.
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A single mistake, no matter how small, invalidates the entire post. You should know this scholar. I'm disappointed in you.
Bisexuals are NOT homosexual.
...and Goku
...and Gohan
...and Goten
...and Chi-Chi
How do y’all not get it. God is good. Fkn jew
Does anyone actually like Uub?
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Pan is stronger than Goten.
Goku never ran from a fight.
Bejita did this multiple times.
Bisexuals are literally heterosexual and homosexual at the same time.
Pan hasn't achieved Super Saiyan 1 in 30 years lmao xd what a bitch.
Goku ran from Semi-Perfect Cell.
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>Bring me MORTALku and NINGENjita.
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Pan never ran from a fight.
And Super Buu.
Yup! My HERO is a GODlike entity.
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Uub is just a character I hated since a kid and Super just makes me hate him more.
Fucking Frieza, Beerus, and Broly now fucking exist so the idea of Goku abandoning his family once again but now for the chance of training kid Buu sounds fucking retarded when there are way stronger people now
Goten Black...
Have any of the octoroon saiyans done so?
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Do not equate Uub to Kid Buu. Kid Buu is based.
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...on opposite day
I need to fuck Pan (Super)
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On what?
On monkee.
Kid Buu is like a low functioning autistic child.
Tienfag-Gigifag-Uubfag pipeline
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>Goku never [HEADCANON]
Why do we hate Uub from the canon ending of the beloved canonical Dragon Ball Z by Akira Toriyama?
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>The RAT cowering away from the 2nd form ROACH
And there’s nothing wrong with that. Also, to look at everything Kid Buu was capable of and say he’s like a “low-functioning” autist is just wrong. Verification not required btw.
Yes and? He doesn't even have a bbc. You don't have to be jealous.
He poos outside of the loo.
>strategic retreat = running away

this is insane cope.
>comes back to life knowing this move
Autists are often savants. Highly skilled at a few areas, and unable to function in almost every other respect.
Having under developed brains doesn't make you physically weak.
Fat Buu killing himself for him and then watchin the little shit still job made me mad as hell as a kid
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These two cuties apporach you and DEMAND you take off your pants so they may properly SUCK your COCK. What do you do?
So did Goku and various other characters in this series (who are also brown btw).
Retard he is Kid Buu reincarnated so I kind of have to mention him especially when comparing how strong a character is.
Yeah and Bejita strategically retreated from the Earthlings.
After defeating them all.
He just sparred their ekaelive
Say, "No way, Fag." to both and shit myself as a self-defense mechanism.
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Low functioning autists are drooling, screaming, flailing retards.
And what does Kid Buu do?
Say yes BUT only if I am allowed to fuck Bra afterwards.
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His design sucks ass and Goku abandons his family once again
I’m saying his abilities should classify him as a high-functioning autist, at least in terms of combat. In terms of socialization, then yes, he’s low-functioning.
He was about to get katana'd by Krillin right through his chest.
I literally can't get off unless it's /ss/ femdom.
Say yes to Trunks and tell the whore to fuck off.
...publish many peer-reviewed scientific papers that change human history with paradigm-shifting discoveries
>Leave CHADten's unsucked dick to us.
Kek they really said this.
>Say yes to Trunks and tell Trunks to fuck off
What did he mean by this?
But he’s nothing like him. No charisma, no wildness, no battle intelligence. Verification not required btw.
>First part
>Second part
That's not Uub's problem.
>unsucked dick
Virgintenbros!? Our response!?
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You know. It's pretty amazing.
There is not a single character who doesn't have atleast one person who hates them. Everyone has someone who will always say "I hate that piece of shit".
Freiza TANKED that by the way.
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My HERO only has (unprotected) vaginal sex.
CHASTEten was saving his 12” cock for his wife.
99% of Uub's screentime in Dragon Ball is in GT, where he's a completely useless jobber that gets humiliated every time.
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The ideas conveyed in Dragon Ball, Dragonball Z and Dragon Ball Super are those of Buddhism.
To believe in one self, to strengthen ones body and mind, to not worship gods (especially not the genocidal ones), to never turn a blind eye to evil (Gohan's arc) and so on.
Or how Toriyama has borrowed elements from many religion, like introducing Zeno also known as the Scientologist's Xenu, to make a complete mockery out of him. Or like how Zamasu's angels and halo show the author's rejection and resistance against the rise of Christianity in Japan (all religions for that matter, but it was clearly Christianity in this case).
Or like how Zamasu had his name from Shamash, the Babylonian sun god, as in, he thought that he was the light and was blinded by himself in the end (a tale of conceit, similar to another Buddhist story).
Or how the Buddha rejected gods and how this reflects in Toriyama's work in which the protagonists are literally training to defeat/surpass the gods.
You don't know how deep Dragon Ball is, because you have no knowledge of Buddhism, other ancient far Eastern and ancient near Eastern religions, mythologies and philosophies.

Dragon Ball teaches the viewer that they should better themselves and it gives Goku and Gohan as examples on how to achieve that.
By training the mind (studying) and the body (martial arts).
Which also reflects the real story of Bodhidarma, the Indian monk who brought martial arts to China.
I like almost every character except one, but I'll shit on or praise all of them impartially because they all have flaws and boons.
Does anyone hate Piccolo?
Surely those people are shitposting. All things considered, there isn't a single Z-fighter or villain that's actually a shit character. Unlike 99% of battle shonen that have 0 good characters.
Funny how he's been more useful in Super than he ever was in GT
GT is as canon as video games.
…except for Master Roshi.
...is what I would say if I had over 9000 cocks in my ass.
I do genuinely hate Bejita.
Even if you don't include GT he's an ugly kid that shows up and then Goku just abandons his family to train him.
>Funny how he's more useful in Toriyama's canon than in Toei's fanfiction
Yeah, funny that.
In what universe is that a communist talking point? Neither communism nor anarchism have leaders at all, both are supposedly entirely flat non-hierarchical structures.
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Nobody hates Z Broly.
It’s okay, Trunks. Goten’s just into girls.
Tenbitch does.
>this is the average gotenfag
I bet you weren't a sexy when you were a kid, stupid!
…according to my headcanon, which I dutifully espouse nightly to ensure myself that GODten isn’t liked.
How could a Tienbro turn his back on a fellow ROCK CLIMBER?
Bejita is a terrible character that has regressed since Buu.
But enough about Trunks’ sexual preference.
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Faggot status: Owned.
>since the canon end of the series
KanzenSHIT and TroonFagShart constantly seethe at him.
We know, Trunks.
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>buu arc
...of his anal friend, Goten.
I'm not a fan. I watched one and a half (got bored half way through the second) of his movies in order and I don't get the hype.
Knock knock
>admits that Trunks fantasizes about Goten fucking his ass
Trunkstards are so imbecilic it’s unreal. Verification not required btw.
No one cares about the second and third Broly film
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Goten is a childish retard with zero sex appeal. His design is boring. He was created as fusion fodder. He lost to Trunks.
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Who's there?
>Forced Goten vs Trunks war
Am I a fucken prophet or what?
What's that Chi Chi face?
>he thinks GoTROON isn't the bottom
Oh, my sweet summer child.
>Trunkstards are losing so badly they have to whip out their commissioned porn
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Woo who?
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>Trunksfag is a porn addict
Not surprised.
What is the stupidest character rivalry in the history of these halls?
Calm down Goku, I didn't say I'd kiss ChiChi
...at GoTROON being a cuckold.
What are you even talking about red ribbon is clear reference to communists and it's evil and retarded as it can get, Goku/Vegeta also are individualists both don't truly care about their fellow citizen's just about their enjoyment, pride and immediate family and friends but they acted against the wellbeing of even close related much less about mankind or sayans several times, they are belligerent individualistic hedonists, while they are as far from communist as they can get they are also inherently degenerate and goku is borderline psycho
Right. He's not a very interesting or deep character to follow. I guess without the nostalgia goggles it's hard to get into sweing him as the "big scary monster" he was.
TurdShitFart vs Piccolo
Blacked vs Bleach. I like both anyways.
Me vs Gas.
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Very funny.
I honestly think Uub is the only character I actually fucking hate.
Jiren is a close second with a large part of just how many fans he has.
Jiren is so fucking boring and is less of a character and more of just a fucking obstacle.
…is what I would say if I was a tranny.
Gotenbr- actually they don't even exist. Goten is a non-character without fans.
>Deflection and ad hominem
As expected of an IQlet. Sorry I hurt your feelings.
Jiren is a ham fisted and poorly executed version of Buddha from Journey to the West. Instead of having him be the one to teach Goku something, Goku teaches him something, because “dude, subversion.”
You're just indifferent about him which isn't hate. I'm indifferent to most of the characters.
...said the tranny who never held a biology book in his life.
Jiren has as much character as OG Broly without any memorable lines
I dislike him. I don't really hate many things that aren't actually morally objectionable. Like if I were forced to sit through more content focusing around him, I would not like it at all.
Gotenbros (non-existent) embarrassed Trunksbros (also non-existent, outside of Future Trunks, which this Trunks is not) within one thread. Tell your tranny discord to pick two new characters, this “war” is already over.
Femboyly vs Gigi
>Like if I were forced to sit through more content focusing around him, I would not like it at all
How did you survive the PS2 and PS3 era when he was a selling point in games?
It's about the aryan struggle.
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Who do you think you're kidding you worthless Gotenshitter?
No, he doesn’t. Broly from movie 8 is a representation of the darker aspects of Wukong’s character, whilst also being a product of untreated mental illness and having a father that treats him more like a deranged animal and an object than a son. Go peddle your bullshit to the trannies on Kanzenshuu.
Verification not required btw.
>Western MOLD
This is the true face of Trunksbros.
Gotenshitter is a Gokucuck/Uubvermin btw. He hates ARYANks for being great.
Speaking of films and Trunks I wish a game or better yet the main series would bring back Bojack Unbound Trunks' design.
Muscular Trunks with long hair and the jacket looked sick. He also had his sword but never used it in the film
Kek, based Roshi.
Didn't play those games.
I didn't play Dragon Ball video games. Especially not Dragon Ball fighting games.
Nigger what the fuck are you on?
Both characters are very one dimensional I'm not talking about philosophical shit you insane faggot
This conflict already happened right before Super Hero came out.
I don't hate Master Roshi but I do find the amount of people who make porn games and art featuring him as the protagonist weird
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>Goten please I know it hasn't even been a week already but I need another taste.
>Goten please its the only thing that keeps me going, the taste of your cum is the only thing I look forward too these days
>I need you to shove your 12 incher down my throat while your big bvll balls slap down on my chest leaving your manly black pubes spread out on my nipples like an animal marking its territory.
>After you cum i need you to slowly pull your cock out of my mouth like king arthur pulling out excalibur out of the ground as I sob with pain and ecstasy gasping for air but the only thing I get is goten-samas lovely cock fumes filling up my lungs
>PLEASE GOTEN, i need this please i'll even dress up as a girl again and i'll throw in mom and bra too please goten you can't do this to me I can't live without it
>elaborate homosexual fantasies
Go watch the movie and look into Broly’s character, you single-digit IQ faggot. Actually learn about the inspirations for these characters, rather than going off of what you think you know.
>I-I’m not trying to get into deeper concepts of the character, I’m just trying to assert the false notion that he’s one dimensional! AAAAIIIIIIIIEEEE!!!!
I prefer the original diaper duo shitflinging
>admits that GoTROON is in a faggot relationship with Trunks
Capped btw.
Movies are promotion for the anime and mirror the arcs and villains.
There are no actual Gotenshitters mind you. It's simply one or two pedophiles obsessed with shota porn. They also like Uub btw.
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Now ain't this the truest truth
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imagine the pegging
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>falseflagFAG attempting to muddy CHADten's name through a homosexual fantasy
Clicked it without thinking.
Knew what it was and clicked it anyway, just like I do every time.
Retarded or blind?
>trunksfags are also schizophrenic paranoids
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Do you think the manga will ever start again or will Black Frieza never be expanded on?
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>attempting to muddy CHADten's name
What name?
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Bring me Bejita.
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>fight Bejita won
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>a lack of images posted during a meltdown
>the Trunksfaggot was actually mindbroken within the span of one thread
Great I look forward to seeing this in every thread for the next six months bare minimum.
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Stop drawing these giant ascii Es in the halls.
Swap Bejita and Goku, place Nuly above WHOas
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Just one won't hurt........
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Built to be bred by Frieza Force soldiers.
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Die you mentally ill rat.
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Silence TROONks, go be mindbroken elsewhere
Built for Farmer with Shotgun (canon btw).
You're retarded if you think there's non-future Trunks fans of Trunks here. Goten just fucking sucks and isn't a real character.
If Goten and Shin fused, and then the result fused with Gohan you'd get Tenshinhan.
>tfw it’s only a matter of time before the Trunksbitch makes a typo and sets off the Jirenfags
>tfw Jirenfags will be forced to incorporate Goten into their narrative
>tfw the Gotenren alliance will lead to the next /DBS/ cataclysm
please take your boots off and put your feet in my mouth
>FAGnks poster's mind has been completely DESTROYED beyond all repair
Gentlemen, we won.
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Average “Sparking Zero” fan btw.
Gotenfag attempts something sad here.
>he's into reruns already
Reminds me of trying to watch DBZ after school in 2001.
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NO ONE! Likes Goten. There are no Trunksfags here. Only future Trunks.
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Trunksbro.. this isn't a good look.
I take these halls very seriously, and I will throw a hissy fit if I do not win an argument in here. I also represent the lamest character possible.
So it's just one fag spamming irrelevant characters?
>hiding behind SLURPza
Do you have no shame, Trunksbitch?
…on the Playstation 5.
Obviously the Tiencuck falseflagging.
>hahah godku is wea-ACKKK
We know, TrunksBITCH. VNR btw.
You're retarded and also parroting gay fantasies of LORDza. No one cares about Trunks (kid) and Goten.
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So....who won? And who lost?
GODten won. SKUNKs lost.
>literally goes moist at 0:33
holy faurk... goten is such a chad...
>immediately on the defensive
>Oof! My squiggly spooch!!!
Who else posts like that, retard? Imaginary Trunksfag that came out of nowhere, OR, our resident Tiencuck obsessed with black men.
Why was GT’s fight choreography so shitty? No wonder the fight scenes are easily forgettable.
GoTROON lost as usual.
Tien lost.
Kek, that is how the pretend fights go isn't it? Right into the wiki!!
>gojo out of nowhere
I know.
Tiencuck is larping as a Gotenfreak btw
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>GoGOD out of no fucking where
He’s larping as the Trunksfag because he hates the Son family.
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What body type is Goku? A or B?
Tienfag hates the Briefs too.
What set him off?
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Why can't trunksbros and gotenbros just make up...
Hence why he’s making all these homosexual and black posts. Verificallydoo not requirereelydoo btw.
The last thing my father said before dying was that I was a faggot
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>when you hear GYEH GEH HEH HEH from Lunch’s bedroom
>goBITCH out of fucking nowhere
BITCHnks bro...
>calling for peace after he was found out as the TienBITCH
>continues to post gay porn all the while
>everything I don't like is made by a TienCHAD
Sure, moron.
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>both sides are mindbroken over Tenchad and accuse the other of being me
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Mindbroken pups.
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do NOT assosiate us noble GODten posters with tienVERMIN
The Toyofag has been awfully quiet lately...
yep he's fucking jobbing.
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>he immediately shows up to defend himself
>Trunks posts also stop
It was way too obvious.
Trunks, freshly after the defeat of Majin Buu.
12” cock, slathered in the spit and cum of Bulma, Chi-Chi, Videl, Panchy, and Android 18.
Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Bejita. All watching in the corner. All locked in chastity.
Trunks wipes the sweat from his brow and spits in Chi-Chi’s mouth. Orders her to swallow. She does and thanks him afterwards.
>when you found a new bvll for Hinata
Goten won.
>cuck realities
...a free trip to Memory Loss Lane.
Goku shook his hand and he died. The end.
INTERIOR: crocodile aligator
Goku: i drive a chevrolet movie theator
He cannot help himself. It’s an ailment they all share, all of the various individuals like the Toyobitch, Tienbitch, etc. Even the Bulmabitch and Turlesbitch were like this.
...a bvll for Palace.
Dragon Ball.
Does anyone have the manga panel of Bejitto saying he’s surprised at how pathetic Buu is?
Goku and Bejita.
Vegito. Vegetto. Vegerot.
Goku vs Bejita.
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>Trunksbro? Outed as a mindbroken tienfag
>GotenGODs? Reveling in the spoils of VICTORY
Yup, this thread was a decisive UBERMENSCHten victory. FAGGOTnksbros know your place beneath ALMIGHTYten's boots, this isn't our first victory nor will it be our last.
I need that picture of plump Chi-Chi from yesterday, the one with her in a purple outfit.
Scrimblo Bimblo
Oh boy, surely a string of battles between these titans wouldn't be onesided.
I’ve never seen an attempt at creating a new characterfag get squashed in a single thread. Truly an utter and complete GODten victory.
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Kek what a weak bitch
...said GoTROON as he watched a bull plap Palace in a corner.
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roshiGOD here. here you go CHAD.
That hand belongs to Gohan.
>FAGnks immediately think of both black dicks and trannies
You're a disgrace to these halls.
Wonder why they both bother to put on this opera. Do they just want a character to triumph so they can be an "iconic characterfag" or something? The "Gotenfag" and the "Trunksfag".
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>black dicks
GoTENSHINHAN... says a lot about you.
>black genitalia out of nowhere
Ok, you're telling me the gotensperm isn't the Tiencuck?
They're both carefully orchestrated puppets. Neither are genuine.
See >>268701214 and >>268701288
Nice try tienbro
kek lets not forget >>268700987 (Dead)
>links gotencuck posts
>accuses anyone of projecting
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Even his falseflags don’t work anymore.
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Back to your cuck shit of a general little bitch.
People are finally catching up on how shitty your art is. Literally saying it's worse than Togashi's.
Final post? Goten won.
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Final post? Pan won.
Why THE FUCK is Raditz missing from this image? Fix it... NOW.
>no argument
Take your L, Gokek. I'll take my win >>268697684

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