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Anyone else misses old late 90s/2000s tech anime that focused on the emergence of the internet? It really felt like it was a vast world of possibilities at the time.
>It really felt like it was a vast world of possibilities at the time
Promise always ends in disappointment like this, doesn't it?
no, I'm a luddite
I do miss sincere optimism.
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Holy shit this anime is literally UNWATCHABLE.
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I do too anon.
I'm unable to replicate what he said, but an anon on here compared it to the interstate or the era of cowboys. It was something newly emerging, but now it's solidified into something mundane.
We're like cowboys lamenting that barbed wire made us obsolete. Or travelers lamenting that family diners are extinct and replaced with highway rest areas.
I wonder what the next great area of possibility will be? Will we live to see it?
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that OP is a banger though
Never cared to watch the show but I did enjoy the original ps2 quadrilogy
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Yeah same. Sign and Dennou Coil in particular is one of my all time favorites since 2004, respectively 2006/07 or whenever the latter was fully subbed.
I miss when the internet in stories (and reality) was more than phone shit and attention whore drama. I especially miss the sense of mysticism around it. If a modern anime should have an AI character they're are just introduced to be a waifu or daughteru with gimmick.
I grew up thinking .hack//sign was an amazing anime
Then I rewatched it and realized it's actually shit but with an amazing soundtrack
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the facecam generation was a mistake, I remember a time when the only face widely known because of the internet was the numa numa guy
I dislike how rare genuine story telling has become. I like some satires or deconstructions too every now and then. But when it's everything I am getting tired.
I am especially sick of irony and meta jokes that refer current trends and otaku MCs that I am supposed to relate to because we share a hobby or something.
I think the issue is that the mass doesn't use the net as a place to explore or a hobby by itself but a way of spreading what they are already doing and saying in real life. Because of that to most people the internet is just the place to get attention from, to socialize they already know or would want to be close to and to scream about all kinds of politics. There is no place for exploration here, it's actually the opposite. They desire echo chambers and embrace algorithms and the ability to block and mute.

Going online in the 90s and early 00s blew my mind. Like some magician I was suddenly capable of watching cinema movies in secret, from my home and for free. Find games from other countries I had never heard of, discover anime or shit like the RPG maker that allowed me to make a game myself. This was the shit was fantasizing about as a kid, back when everybody was still laughing when I told them about my desires. And now people don't even pirate anymore.
>otaku MCs that I am supposed to relate to because we share a hobby or something
I think Arifureta and The Eminence in Shadow did it phenomenally well.
Yeah I think before everyone turned into NPCs after consuming too much internet algorithm the ideas were quite creative.
White pill: We are closer to actual vr mmorpgs then ever before so there is a big chance anime media will exaggerate the mmo experience even more than it already was back then.
>AI character they're are just introduced to be a waifu or daughteru with gimmick
That’s just how anime usually treats everything. For example catgirls are not an exploration of biology but just fetish shit.
>the commercialized internet is just kind of depressing
What is funny is that William Gybson(Neuromancer writer) was amused in the 90s that the internet what he envisioned and called "cyberspace" was not a corporate controlled hellhole to enslave us with rampant AI but some network where people shared hobbies and coocking advice and such.
Only two decades later we got a dystopia that is more horrific than any cyberpunk writter could've imagined while also being 10 times less intersting and exciting.
>talk a little about what's happening onscreen
This is what I never understood. Over the course of years people linked me maybe 60 videos for sure and swore that they were totally not like the other videos I hate so much but genuine in-depth analyses. And everytime I watched them it was just some dude explaining what's literally shown on-screen or explaining the premise of a damn anime I have already seen and give a summary.
I never finished a single one of them or skipped ahead to check what else they have to say and they never said anything else. At best some chronology of influential anime that every random anon could have given you.

I never understood the point of these videos. I can only imagine that they are solely watched by people that don't watch anime but pretend to do, so that they can learn about the content and important scenes of a series in 20 minutes. It's like watching shitty racaps that are interrupted by stupid jokes.
I lost so many boomer acquaintances because of this. People are aware of social media addicted zoomers, but in my opinion boomers are even worse. Unlike zoomers they believe every shitpost they find and come to missionize you. And if any of them should have your address they will bother you with screenshots of blurry Facebook posts about the dumbest conspiracy shit you have ever heard about and force you to agree with them or they will block you and never talk to you again which is what happened.
Stop talking about this you're making me feel bad for not having hobbies
Its because I'm desperate to have friends but have zero opportunity to do so. I'm a virgin who can't live his own life im absolutely miserable
>Its because I'm desperate to have friends but have zero opportunity to do so.
I mean same. But I fail to see the connection here. Some boring video from a random dude doesn't feel like friendship to me. I am immune to celebrity idolization and gossip talk, maybe it's that. Couldn't list more than 7 or so living actors at best.
Any voice is good. I have NOBODY in my life. I don't care or know anything about modern society and media. I just want to hear voices talking so I don't feel so alone
Chilling. Perhaps the most poignant post I shall read all day.

Let me help you out baka-kun. I will not only give you hobbies and advice, but also the way to obtain new ones.
I'm playing Venus Blood Frontier right now, a strategy eroge because it was mentioned on /hgg2d/ on /vg/, specifically from a webm post with music that I liked.
All the characters and locations have their names from Norse mythology. A few months ago, I picked up a book on norse mythology and this was the perfect reason to pick it up and start reading it. I now try to read a myth every morning as I wake up, drink water or coffee, etc. If I was talking to a normalfag I would say "yeah I like norse mythology" rather than "yeah I like researching the background of interesting erotic games" lmao.
So it went "music that caught my ear" -> play game -> read up on game inspiration / terms.
"Anime" itself can be a hobby, if you watch several shows each season / try to enjoy older impactful ones in the same way that people are film buffs. But just watching them isn't really enough to talk about it with people, you need to be able to discuss it and that involves thinking critically about it, so you need to basically sit after watching something and go "why did I like this". If it's just shiny colors and explosions then watch Michael Bay's films (and also never come back to /a/).

I just don't have any ability to assess things. I can't tell if I like or dislike something
Nothing interests me enough for me to pursue
Sounds like depression, get that checked out.
Yeah I guess we are different then. I rather imagine friends and enemies and think up stories I experience with them. I don't have friends but I have standards. If I wanted to hear voices I would watch a good series instead.
It's called parasocialization. It's the reason zoomers watch vtubers, and the reason a lot of boomers leave the shopping netword on so they can hear a facsimile of human interaction.
It's actually a normal human response that people like you and I have had (knowingly or unknowingly) beaten out of us repeatedly.

Rather than youtubers, remove yourself another layer and move to books. Anyone can open their mouth and blather on about whatever, and it's usually trash and not worth listening to, unless you aspire to be something like Dark Side Phil or whatever DSP stands for.

Pick up a book. Read what people have spent much more effort and energy on, and it shall improve your vocabulary as well, which will make it easier to converse with people. And you'll be more interesting than "yeah i watch youtube".
Anyone worth their salt would like you more for reading Dostoevsky than listening to podcast #4758585.
I just don't care about books anymore. I don't see the point. Its all just media. Its all just junk.
Fuck off
I don't like discussing media with others. Its boring. I hate going to anime cons.i hate discussing the books I've read or the games I've played. It's not fun. I don't understand how anyone enjoys it
If you don't have any way to block ban or mute you just get ten million bots.

It's rampant on so many old forums and is at least keeping up with everything we have now
Yeah what >>268715979 said. I have this too but it wasn't always like that. As a kid and teen I had interests I was fanatic about. Then when I hit the 25 everything slowly vanished and I stopped feeling things, or at least positive things.
Ten years later I still didn't manage to get rid of it, meds don't do anything to me. But it's worth a try since most others claim that they are helping. Having no interests is a sure-sign of depressions.
Doesn't help that life gets like 30 times worse once you start slave waging 80% of your wake lifetime away. And that's coming from someone that experienced years of non-stop bullying at schools. But even THEN I was happy when I was at home and engaged in my hobbies or escapism. Now I cannot even escape since my mind is stuck in nothing.
>don't like discussing media with others
then why are you on /a/?
I think I am autistic. I cannot do something while also listening to voices in the background so the latter becomes grating after ten minutes. I even have to switch off music I like. It's great while I listen to it and let my fantasy run wild with it, but the moment I do something else I only perceive it as annoying noise.
Nah, I'm the same way and I'm not autistic.
I mean, you could be autistic for other reasons, but it's not that one.
Every normal person hates going to cons. The only ones that like them are attention-addicted trannies and legit spergs.
>i hate discussing the books I've read or the games I've played.
Yeah this is why I hate youtube videos. I see no point in discussing a plot or listening to someone regurgitate it if I have already seen or read the respective series. Interesting dialogues should bring something new to the table and be enjoyable for both sides, but nowadays I feel like everybody just wants to hold monologues in front of an audience they expect to clap.
Yeah but it's not about bots but people that block everybody with a slightly different opinion or taste than themselves.
Because he wants attention and pity points.
I mean he made a generic (but well written, not to be critical of the post) post about him, so yeah obviously to some degree. I was willing to extend an olive branch of sorts because sometimes youngfags just need to be guided in the right direction but later replies proved it was a somewhat wasted endeavor.
>Fuck off
I'm speaking from experience and suggesting help you mong. Nevermind, kill yourself.
That's good to hear. When I was visiting relatives as kid they always had to have the damn tv running 20 hours a day and it pissed me off so much that I always switched it off when the left the room for a moment. Then they always came back, switched it on, and went away again or talked to my parents and never listened to it. That garbage was always running you couldn't even have a nice christmas without advertisements actors screaming the names of some shitty products. Would have lost my mind if I stayed there for more than a day.
Yeah it have the same issue. People claim that normalfags had no hobbies but this isn't true, they maybe just have hobbies others don't know about or ignore. Even if it's social media shit, it's still a hobby. As long as a person is able to feel happiness they will crave the things that are causing said happiness. Not having anything that makes you happy is a sign of depression. We just live in a stupid would that solely associates depression with suicide attempts and assumes you are healthy as long as you can stand up to take a shit or talk.
.hack had a nice atmosphere
I feel your pain. I don't even have a Television that's plugged in / cable in the house. (I technically have one from a decade ago when I used to play console games).
I posit that it legitimately makes people mentally unwell having such distracting noise in the background 24/7.

The real reason though is that most people are terrified of their own thoughts, and do whatever they can to drown them out.
.hack//SIGN is one of the very, very damn few examples of an anime that depicted a mental issue properly IMO. At least to me it was relatable enough to blow my mind back then. The healing progressed slowly, over the course of 20+ episodes. And there were times when Tsukasa regressed again after something made her insecure or distrustful again.
And there were no over-reactions or psycho shit. Instead a lot of reactions were subtle for anime. Like her losing her smile for second after realising that Mimiru took Bear with her. She pretended to act normal but you noticed a sudden subtle distance since she didn't trust adults by that point. Plus there is a lot of hinting and some symbolism hidden about her mental state if you observe the game part and mysteries connected with her. I remember rewatching it a bunch of times and always noticing some new details. Like many anons I also believe that the dancing OP woman is real life Helba with her VR glasses.
>The real reason though is that most people are terrified of their own thoughts, and do whatever they can to drown them out.
Yeah might be why so many are addicted to phones. They even take them to the toilet when they go. It's probably much more effective than background voices, since phones demand full attention. In my city we have like one person getting run over by a subway or tram per month because of phone staring. They cannot even walk without scrolling tiktok or posting in what's app. It's not just a young people issue.
I was talking more about reaction videos, but as other anon said it's a friend simulator type thing, comfy familiar baby sitter to watch your favorite shows with since you're alone and miserable
Yeah this is completely foreign to me, despite being very isolated myself. But even when I had friends I never wanted to watch anything with them. I cannot enjoy a show if I feel observed or when someone is sitting besides me, it just annoys me. It's like masterbating and having somebody else watching you or eating something delicious and being forced to communicate with others instead of savoring it in peace.
It's just like Flying cars. Also I loved Tron.
>But even when I had friends I never wanted to watch anything with them. I cannot enjoy a show if I feel observed or when someone is sitting besides me
reaction videos are kind of the opposite of that but still not everyone can just turn on a camera and be able to talk about what they're watching for the first time, definitely need a little acting ability and social skills to seem enthusiastic
I don't like videos either because I hate people holding ages long monologues (know enough of them in real life) but what I have is that I love to google a topic I am interested in and read the articles or posts that agree with me because it feels good. I also feel like I COULD be friends with them. But in the end I never once dared to reply. I am just genuinely scared of twitter and blogs, so I just google and enjoy the posts others make and feel better because there are people out there that think like me even though they will never notice me.
I probably helps that reading is much easier than listening to me since I cannot focus on the latter.
My wife asked me to download it as she hadn't seen it since she was a teenager and I hadn't seen it at all. Holy fuck that show drove me nuts. Scenes just happen with zero setup, reasoning or payoff. Literally the only properly fucking structured episode is the one where Mimiru hangs out with that rando girl A-20 and helps her do stuff.
>Holy fuck that show drove me nuts.
I find I have different reactions to shows that I watch with people vs. by myself.
Watching by myself allows me to immerse myself more, which allows me to overlook some things that would otherwise bother me, whereas watching with people causes me to be more critical (in my mind, obviously I don't talk during it).
>he says as he mobile/productwhore posts
there's representation of tech and there's being retarded with it
>We just live in a stupid would that solely associates depression with suicide attempts and assumes you are healthy as long as you can stand up to take a shit or talk
Considering all the attention-starved hypochondriacs on twitter and how happy psychiatrists are to dispense pills, I'm a little skeptical of that.
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>But in the end I never once dared to reply. I am just genuinely scared of twitter and blogs
I know that feel, I never had the best social skills but those meager skills I did have diminished to almost 0 in the past decade
I think I was always kind of ruined as far back as elementary/middle school but 15 years on this site didnt really do me any favors
It's been a while since I watched it and while I remember being a bit bored by it I don't really recall much just coming out of the blue.
The games are a lot better imo, at least from the vague memories I have, they probably wouldn't hold up too well today as they'd feel archaic in more ways than 1
the chans are different than twitter and most blogs or forums in that if you are a complete BAKA in one thread, it doesn't follow you to another. unless you're a tripfag, but then there are legitimate reasons those are met with such disdain and hostility. it's trying to bring a completely opposing culture to this.
there are places for it, like certain threads where one anon is a seven seas leaker or something, but otherwise yeah.

so don't be afraid. by next thread your mistake won't exist anymore.
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Yeah, I had these great memories from it as a kid but it was entirely due to the music and how well it vibed with the "lost world" scenery of the show, I can hardly remember anything else except that I found the weird downward eye tilt of the animation style off-putting
>Will we live to see it?
I seriously wish so. Young internet was too short of a time when you compare it to cowboys. We deserve something like that again
fucking nfts
There are more straightforward stories than satires, pastiches, or "deconstructions" as a general rule.
Anon's using the wrong term most likely.
"I can parry anything" is a very straight forward story but it relies on a gimmick. It's not a deconstruction just because it's not a stereotypical story.
Is that Sam Hyde's voice?
I'm a digimon fan so of course I love them.
That franchise is still going but there's less of the optimism from Adventure...
Appmon is a great series but the message is if anything a warning about big tech and apps and unfriendly AI.
Watch sports anime
the show has constant jumps where it's apparent significant jumps of time happen with no explanation, like you're literally just skipping chapters in a book. Characters seem to shift sympathies at the drop of a hat, BT in particular. It was jarring as fuck and it just kept fucking happening right to the end. At least Bear was a total fucking bro and Mimiru was a believable fickle fucking teenager
Pluto Kiss IRL when?
Besides the explosive AI development cumulating to the birth of Aura, things like neural chips for deep dives.
A handful of what is sci-fi tech back then have been developed to an extent now.

The only sci-fi trope we still haven't gotten developed are giant pilotable robots and lightspeed interstellar travel.
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I miss 2000s anime in general, not just sci-fi anime.
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>I miss 2000s anime in general
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that webm looks cool, what is the context??
To me, getting to read the prequel novels, AI Buster, before having to watch Sign made it bit more understandable.
Otherwise it'd be just some kids with emotional issues stuck ingame, and people going into comma due to 'game bug(ai)' messing their brain.
Tsukasa and Subaru were one of the worst written couples in anime history. Nothing about them being together made sense.

As much as I love .hack as a whole, SIGN was really not very good. It had some decent scenes, but overall it was kind of a mess.
Mai-Hime Mai sees her brother die then looks at Mikoto who thinks he killed her brother then suddenly snaps and summons Kagutsuchi to kill Mikoto.
>Tsukasa and Subaru were one of the worst written couples in anime history.
Fuck you they were a good couple.
It was definitely a very experimental time for the medium. I think it was a mix of the rise of the internet, the start of a new millenium and attempts to get over the lost decade.
We’re definitely in this era of irony and self awareness I’ve started to grow tired of. Most recent thing I can think of that felt really sincere and genuine was Gridman. It’s ironic that it’s one of the Trigger projects with no Imaishi involvement since it evoked a sense of wonder and hope very similar to what I felt watching Gurren Lagann.
It's good to pick up other hobbies and see how they intersect with anime. I got into latin music a while back and got really hype when I could identify everything in the Trigun movie soundtrack. Anime is the intersection of a whole bunch of art forms so you get accelerating returns the more different art forms you consume.

This is incidentally also the point of socializing, seeing how your weird hobbies intersect with other peoples'.
No, I really don't miss the time where the mini-trend was a show about nothing, and a show about talking about nothing while nothing happens and an amazing soundtrack plays over nothing. I miss the old internet, but I don't miss these awful shows.
You don't find 5% of the episode being animated while the other 95% is lip flapping over still frames about conversations that have already played out to be entertaining?
Sad thing corporations either buying shit up and enforcing their rules (youtube) or straight up killing entire medias (flash). Hopefully flash does a comeback and people start making animations and games for fun instead of for clicks and microtransactions
Vtubers? At least they are funny and you are not supposed to care about their opinions instead of some literal who talking about shit like if he were some kind of expert.
I am like that as well but I have very few anime/manga that I enjoy discussing. The rest of the time I am here just for nostalgia threads or for the few funny shitposting threads.
>I dislike how rare genuine story telling has become. I like some satires or deconstructions too every now and then. But when it's everything I am getting tired.
vtubers are the same shit. Reaction videos to popular internet trends, screaming, fetish baiting, more screaming, and even political grifting (ie; pippa and kirsche)
The fact that Subaru wasted her life to groom lost youth on the internet is what makes it so sexy.
>Anyone else misses old late 90s/2000s tech anime that focused on the emergence of the internet? It really felt like it was a vast world of possibilities at the time.
i kinda don't as 70/00s anime is pretty much all watch.
newest show i have watched was dragon ball super and i consider that a mistake.

also this thread is kinda gay. Stop following trends and seasonal trash and see how your life improves. For any recent stuff just read manga and be done with it.
People who dont know they are secretly euros, in the US, the thread
I love Hosoda's digimon for that.
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I miss the days of every anime getting a comfy PS2 tie-in game. They're all so fun to explore and usually innovated in the story.
A lot of anime vn style games were pretty shit imo.
was her father touching her or just beating her up?
Just an asshole who didn't care about her. There was that one scene where she was brought home by the police because she was caught stealing(can't remember what, probably feminine shit) because he doesn't buy her shit or give her money. At the end of the series he literally tries to pull the plug on her himself because he doesn't want to pay for her and the hospital staff has to fight him off.
cool dad
To be perfectly fair, Flash death was inevitable because it’s corporate closed-source software. It’s never coming back, you can easily just do your own animations and implement them through html 5 or JavaScript now.
this too...
Yeah then we found out what the world was like through the internet and now people don’t have kids anymore to spare them from the horror
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The best part about the .hack anime were the openings/endings and Ouka

How have they not used her for anything else in the series?
this song always makes me feel warm and fuzzy
Maybe it's different in the US. Most americans I talk to take meds. It's almost impossible to find a psychologist in my country. Even less one that actually helps you. Most people just bear with their mental illnesses or eventually kill themselves or do it like boomers and become alcoholics.
I noticed that I can talk to teenagers and young adults now, 15 years later. But it's too late, I left the schools ages ago. I was too isolated as a kid so my social skill level was years behind that of everybody else and now I that I knew how to talk to them I have to deal with adult millennials, gen x fags and boomers who are jaded pieces of shit so it doesn't make communication easier.
Because it was but boomers are soulless and killed the fun
I used to listen to the entire soundtrack to SIGN while chilling at home during my teen years.

What a time to be alive, 2006. When my biggest problem was wondering if my crushes liked me back. I eventually started dating one of them, and then we got married and had kids. Now we're both fat and miserable because the world is a fuck.

I wish I could go back to the time when I just listened to this soundtrack and daydreamed because times were simpler then.
I literally only have tv just to play games or watch some downloaded movie. I CANT with ads, not only they are pozzed but they give me literally vertigo "OH HELLO YOU WANT TO BUY THIS THIS THIS *sing annoying song* sometimes i dont even know what the fuck they are sperging, its like if I got inside of some asylum or something
I also let some long show running in the background if i feel like it, but NEVER ads for godsake
Some anime are better played 2x speed (at least) and this is one of them (which isn't optimal either since it means you can't enjoy the OST at the same time)
>by next thread your mistake won't exist anymore.
Otherfag, but this. Talking online is usually even harder than in real life because people love to read things in bad faith but do a mistake or get your text misinterpreted once and it has consequences and causes a stigma that never leaves you. Image boards are the only places where you can talk freely. And because it's honest you can have dialogues that are on a whole other level than the ones in real life even, where you usually have to be thoughtful about every word you say and have to fake mimics to avoid misunderstandings.
being fat parents is not the world's fault
>a vast world of possibilities at the time.
like... isekai?
>Some anime are better played 2x speed
Wrong. Might as well not watch the anime if you don't enjoy it. That's retarded.
Honestly gimmick shows always only work for the first episode. It's annoying how much of this exists. Sometimes even I think that a gimmick is cool, but 23 minutes later I already had enough of it and the rest of the series usually just repeats the initial jokes endlessly in different variations. I wish people wouldn't rely on that and think up a cool or good story and characters instead and add gimmicks later, for extra fun, instead of basing the whole premise on a single joke.
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>I am especially sick of irony and meta jokes that refer current trends and otaku MCs that I am supposed to relate to because we share a hobby or something
That has ALWAYS been there. The only difference is that now you have the perspective of the entire industry instead of the tiny slice you had access to as a child.
I love the ost of this series, the anime and the games are great.
consistent with the rest of the products of this 'universe'
newfag fail
>post was less than 5 min ago
i don't need to reply to something, nor did people need to before catalog happened and mobile shitters posted
obviously anime in op was from last year as well
t.burger with no attention span
Half the reason I "reply" instead of just posting is clicking the reply opens up a text box and it's more convenient than scrolling all the way up.
>but just delete the number then
>>Politics everywhere
>>Your boomer parents and teachers programmed to literally hate you and never help you but also literally praise immigrants kids. You know how much your father image falls when he smiles more at NGOs spots than your own kids
At least I don't have to deal with this.
Please stop trying to grasp at every boogeyman possible for the sake of making your failures/inaction someone else's fault but yours. The majority of your generation has still managed to find fulfilling lives despite the economic downturn they lived, so could you.
It's just an attention starved tranny, don't respond to them.
sounds like a you problem then, a script can default to blank with no need to scroll, no need to mess with any added numbers
you can also set it to default to sage
Why is this thread so weirdly active? SEA/Aussies getting home? Who cares about such posts?
This thread is about as exciting as the anime was.
everything was great until 2010, after this all began go to shit
People realizing they're old and venting about that.
Idk. This could have been a good thread to share old internet memories or just anime/manga with nostalgic depictions of the internet.
Anyone nostalgic over the early internet should seriously consider playing Hypnospace Outlaw

What I miss about old anime was how well the synergy between light-hearted moments and dark content worked. Unless it was actual kids' (<12y) shows you rarely got series that were purely safe unlike the majority now. Even harems had their tragic twists, even if the MCs eventually managed to overcome them. Then at some point they discovered that mildly-popular pandering shows that only tell the audience what they want to hear are way easier to write and sure to not make them lose money unlike many ambitious projects, so they started mass-producing that.
Yeah, like, i still remember all those edgy kino movies/games. Life was fun. Now everything is so bad even normies stopped pretending everything is okay
Hell tv is depressing as fuck
>Put it on
>First thing I see is some really angry teenager girl wearing like shit saying, very mad YES IM NB NOW WHAT???
....Jesuschrist you should be being a happy teen wearing nice clothes, holy kek, tv is depressing as fuck
Idk I find plenty of anime even nowadays where the characters die and tragic things happen. Hell just watch/read shounen. They still keep using the same formula they've been using for decades. I am sure you'll enjoy them.
I disagree. 2010s were a superb decade for me, some of my all time favorite stuff released.
I think it's because the anime fanbase was smaller back then, even in Japan. Anime were harder to access, even in Japan itself where you had to stay up late at night to watch it. It was mostly already dedicated fans did this. And because the fanbase was more dedicated to anime as a whole they were more inclined to check most of it out. The fact that the seasons were less crowded also helped.
Nowadays you have the yuri fans that watch nothing but yuri, the isekai fans that watching nothing but isekai, the shounen fans that watch nothing but shounen and so on.

Nowadays most fans sits in their own small bubble and refuse to check out the rest and since there are so many anime that pander to them they never run out of shit to watch. When I got into anime in the late 90s/early 00s the fans I know in real life and online watched everything. The same dude that enjoyed Wolf's Rain would also talk to you about Haruhi, Saikano, Berserk or Sailor Moon.

Modern fans are fucking sheltered and would suffer a mental breakdown if they ever watched something that doesn't explicitly pander to them.
what bothers me is the amount of people yelling now.
I'm a big guy (for you) and I'm able to be physically and psychically imposing, but it still makes me uncomfortable to hear or see.
the random people you see on the street aren't the source of your problems, chill guys.
>When I got into anime in the late 90s/early 00s the fans I know in real life and online watched everything. The same dude that enjoyed Wolf's Rain would also talk to you about Haruhi, Saikano, Berserk or Sailor Moon.
Eh there have always been subgroups. For example you would never find a fan of stuff like Lain or Texhnolyze ever touching a shounen like Bleach or Naruto.
Yeah there isn't much. Gridman, Odd Taxi, I would add another few but even if you have one series per season it's still depressing how forced this retarded irony and meta bullshit is. And the people that like it are even worse. I have no idea when and why it started. When I still went to cinemas as kid I always had a few retards in there that laughed their asses off everytime something tragic or serious happened, but back then they were still a retarded minority. At some point something (probably the internet) spread that shit to the point at which every dimwit believed to be smart by claiming that sincerity and emotions were for the stupid.
I wouldn't wonder if youtube "critics" played a role there. I never watched it, but if every second video is from some idiot that tells you why a beloved thing is shit it probably influences the susceptible
But I know I am an Euro. And I would never visit the US.
I cannot remember him trying to kill himself. What he did for sure was trying to pull the cord that kept Ann/Tsukasa alive in the hospital when the doc wasn't watching.
Now that I think about it parental abuse seems non-existent in modern shows. Wonder if it reflects a trend or if they just don't want to bring it up anymore or if younger parents are less likely to be angry alcoholics.
Are we still believing a new Mai-Hime series will happen soon?
Yeah this. The older generations in my country managed to live with a job and could rent an apartment alone. Not possible anymore unless you are already rich, very lucky or have some connection which usually means that you are rich because the rich are the ones with the important connections and they rarely socialize with anybody they consider below them.
The worst is that politicians are too rich and cozzed to be aware of it or don't care, so they demand everybody to just work when work is doing shit and surplus hours are never getting paid. I lose 70% of my fulltime job income for rent and neither is my job minimum-wage nor is my apartment or the city quarter itself one of the expensive ones. But fuck this shit, here you pay like 800 EUR (= 870+ dollars) for a single room that is so small you can barely move in it. You know, the ones that have the kitchen integrated into the very same room.

Also shops and restaurants pay like 25000 for the rent a month, not counting employees, orders, maintenance and electricity. It's fucked, but what can you do if a 70 year old who got rich by selling soap on a bench 50 years ago doesn't believe you.
I started to dislike the internet when social media started to spread outside of its containment zones, but I openly despised it when it turned everybody into fucking idiots. The young people are trend addicted attention-whores and the boomers got clinically insane and obsessed with conspiracy theories that are dumber than anything you have else ever read and that's coming from someone that enjoyed conspiracy theories myself in the 90s. There is just almost no boomer left you can talk to like a human, they behave like religious fanatics but unlike religion the shit they believe doesn't even have any rhyme or reason and certainly not any moral message beside acting like an asshole as hard as you can and to bother every bystander with your stupid shizo shit you believe to be the new gospel.
I genuinely believe that no sane person was ever positively influenced by adds. Maybe everybody knows and they just choose to play the game of pretending since the system would crumble otherwise.
And yeah, phonefags that watch adds are legit retarded to me. I would never ever use a website with unblockable ads, nor would I ever pay money to get rid of them. PC master race.
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Yes but also not really. Isekai back then had a negative connotation. The characters either desired to get home again, wanted to help but got dragged into a nightmare or they wanted to stay for the wrong reason.
.hack//SIGN isn't an escapism series, it's a series ABOUT escapism. Like NHK and SSSS.Gridman.
>I cannot remember him trying to kill himself. What he did for sure was trying to pull the cord that kept Ann/Tsukasa alive in the hospital when the doc wasn't watching.
Thats what I said. He tried to pull her plug himself since the hospital staff wouldnt do it.
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God I wish we could have discussed Gridman. It was such a good show but a single idiot managed turn every thread into unbearable derailment crap.
It's bad but not THAT bad.
Mai is still beautiful.
Nowhere did I claim that irony and meta jokes were invented 10 years ago. I even said that I sometimes enjoy them since some of the series are good, with Gintama or Excel Saga being examples for that. My point is that it wasn't ubiquitous enough to brainwash a whole generation into jaded sociopaths that think that sincerity was for faggots.
Riches also got cucked, before they had the rich life AND the world for them, this means a lot of rich men would go to any part of the world but a few bad ones to meet their future wife. Hell remember the trope of rich kid going after the cutest girl, not the richest girl
I mean even if I were rich I wouldnt want my kids next to those degenerate riches nor the world ruined
Reminds me of a case of a rich kid who got stabbed in the beach and died, say thanks to your father for bringing trash from outside lmao

Before people used to have more freedom, also even if you make it you still have many others that didnt, its not weird to know cases of millennial parents worriee because their kids cant find "non urban" kids to play

I can even find isekais that cringe anymore since besides the delusional harem It really is better to live with the nature and spend more time living/working something manual (not pretending to work in an office) and living

I think boomers are too spiritually disconnected from younger people and riches are too miserable and soulless to do something good
I know that GU looks much better than the old .hack games, but I always preferred the old ones. Not that GU is bad. It's a cool sci-fi-fantasy JRPG. But this is the thing, it's like all coolness with a bit of drama. The old games managed to convey the sort of mysticism Sign and the games themselves tried to evoke. We all know the "born too late to discover Earth - too early to discover space" feeling. But then the internet came and for the first and last time it felt like there was a new world to explore again. And games like that subsisted on that desire to explore. The World was uncharted territory with bugs and mysterious phenomenons, internet ghosts and AIs that the kids couldn't explain. It's a bit like Dennou Coil, despite the different tone.
I miss this because I miss stories that try to tell my that there are still some mysteries left out there. That slave waging and boring social connections with small talk aren't everything that's left in this world.
>"born too late to discover Earth
Travel. You are not at too late to experience the world.
>That slave waging and boring social connections with small talk aren't everything that's left in this world.
There are hundreds of activities that you can do. Stop limiting yourself.
>Why is EVERYTHING an -ist or a -phobia nowadays?
Like all "me better than you" ideologies and most anger issues it's most likely not about what they believe but a form of deflection. They have mental issues that aren't tied to politics or groups but project into them and use them to justify their own bad behavior. You might have casually noticed infighting within a fandom once when you're innocently browsing for fanart. It's always one person or circle attacking fans of a certain character, series or pairing they don't like or consider rivalry. But instead of saying "I am not a fan" like normal people they use morals as an excuse to cancel their personal enemies. When you click their own profile you'll notice that they like the exact same types of characters they claim to condemn, they just start a crusade in an attempt gain control over a group or simply because it makes them feel superior. Old people do that too, same MO, other subject.
Either Asians or NEET Euros.
t. NEET Euro here.
>I wonder what the next great area of possibility will be?
maybe AI. though corporations and normalfags are trying to ruin it as hard and fast as they can, possibly even before it has a chance to properly take off
TV went straight to shit (more than before I mean) when the first generation started to ignore it in favor of piracy in the early 00s and late 90s.
From there on they also started with those godawful scripted reality shit shows that attract the same type of fan as e-celebs. TV was never the same again after that shit and casting shows blew up. Youtube is the same. People watch it not because of the content (that is mostly pure shit) but the "influencers"
A man is lucky to run into such a thing once in his lifetime. If he's very fortunate there may be two, but by their nature such times are rare and special. But once the men with money and power start showing up - and the proles in numbers - you're already witnessing the telegraph poles spreading across the former wildlands.
I admit that this is true. We liked everything, just not Naruto. DBZ was older, so people still saw that before they got access to the internet.
I think that this is a reason for why Moot banned Naruto in the first place. Not only was it mainstream unlike the other anime, it was also watched by a whole different type of person. He opened the floodgates of hell when he allowed that series on /a/ and the board never recovered.
Not sure. I never left the huge ass city I was born in. Richfags are unworldly idiots afraid of shadows (especially rich women and feminist in general) because they do not hang out with normal people so they only know the world through their own made-up horror stories while it's them that cause all the shit that's happening in the world.

The freedom you talk to only applies to the 80s till the 00s. Before that there were massive restrictions for people here, e. g. not getting an apartment if you weren't married and it was worse for women. Then everything got better in my state (and worse in other states due to communism). The 90s were great, but also the decade of crime. Drugs were lying around everywhere when I was a kid and we had like 12 serial killers during that time. Not that I complain, kids LOVE serial killers. I walked through parks in the hopes of catching them since kids are chuuni but still. Then with the 00s everything was streamlined and sanitized and it was the beginning of the end.

The modern restrictions are the result of borderliner parents that desire the perfect kid. The same type that controls what the kid consumes or prohibits them to eat meat, they aren't better than fundies (that disappeared a century ago). Boomers are retarded but chill, the parent kids desire. As long as we weren't causing trouble to others and were home before nighttime we were free to do whatever we wanted. But here is the thing. If we DID cause issues to others they kicked us in the ass instead of victim blaming the other and suing them for saying something bad about their kid. Now it's the opposite, especially with the rich.
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>Travel. You are not at too late to experience the world.
I wish. I would travel all the time if I had the money, but I can barely pay my rent and food with my fulltime job. Traveling to completely foreign countries or weird historical towns is the only thing that that makes me feel happy these days.
It certainly helps that the every other country I visited has people that are like 500 times nicer than my own. For 20 years of my life I believed that being an asshole devoid of emotion towards everybody else was normal until I realised how people from other cultures behaved. It's unreal realising how fucking evil and arrogant most people around me are compared to most of the rest. Fuck this country, the only slightly better people we have live far up in the north.
The problems with TV were retarded network executives who were too quick to cancel shows (FOX was especially notorious for this) and even more retarded cable execs who refused to budge when their customers begged for an a-la-carte model. Streaming is dogshit and a huge downgrade from what TV used to be like, but it won because the competition imploded from its own shortsighted greed and stupidity.
Kind of shot itself in the foot by having the sequel movie go "btw, here's a hot thigh gf for (you)" though. Granted, it's hard for franchise media to ever stay consistent on anti-escapism themes.
WataOshi also handled it well. Not coincidentally the MC's past life and otaku hobbies are an integral part to them and how they react to the isekai world and characters, instead of an excuse to point out clliches or wink and nudge at the audience.
Sadly that is an issue again nowadays, at least for shows that are streaming service related.
They don't wait for a show to accumulate a fanbase, they deem it a failure if it doesn't attract gigantic masses of clout and subscribers within the first 48 hours or so. It's retarded as shit.
A lot of the timeless classics and widely popular movies or series of the past got popular thanks to word-of-mouth, fanart and/or general knowledge about the show and this needs time. They kill off every potential cult hit because they only divide stories into mega hit everybody talks about a day later and failures, no matter how many are watching when the time comes. This why we get so man brand and sequel shit, because they are based on existing franchises that don't need time to attract people.

Fuck streaming services they are almost as bad as tv.
>I think that this is a reason for why Moot banned Naruto in the first place.
moot never banned Naruto you autistic fuckhead, he literally made the entire board N/a/ruto
Depends on if you consider Harlan Ellison and "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" cyberpunk or not.
That sounds awful, where do you live?
They do still make VRMMO anime...it's just that the technology of the internets isn't getting any newer so...
Not that anon but I have the same experience and I live in the southern USA. Everyone here is actually sociopathic and it makes socializing physically painful to endure.

I wonder if that anon also lives around here, and if not, where else in the world I need to avoid.
Yeesh, and people say blue states are bad.
I don't think think that anybody but myself still cares but some based autist has translated almost everything of .hack that wasn't officially translated before, so we have actual TLs for ZERO and the likes. https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=.Hack//ZERO:Volume_1 (use the Tool sub menu to turn it into a pdf).
It's the same dude that also translated LINK. Never liked that story a lot, particularly for how shounenlike it feels compared to the rest of .hack, but played regardless last year. I admit I like Flügel and his adopted loli.
Are there even any non-shit, not-YA-novel sci-fi writers nowadays? Anything just half as good as Philip K. Dick, Gibson, Asimov, Orwell whatever. How come that the only sci-fi I ever see earning praise these days is the Three Body problem. Read that too but it honestly bored me, mainly because the characters felt soulless save for chain-smoker cop.

I probably focus too much on non-fiction so I just miss it and the good shit never makes it into the news. But it's also hard searching for it, there is too much garbage people publish since every fucking idiot believes to be a gifted writer nowadays.
Modern lit is also shit, no one knows how to tell a sincere story anymore.
Sincere stories still proliferate lit, but they're either all aimed at women and/or are amateurishly written.
A really easy 'hobby' to get into that will net you lots of talking points with regular joe's is watching sports.
Maybe your dad is into a certain sport, watching it together will give you something to bond over.
>in favor of piracy in the early 00s and late 90s.
LOL blame corporations for being such old fashioned retards.
jfc dude, what the fuck kind of TV are you watching? I just watch old reruns and movies.
I grew up in a time when social media was just starting to grow, but still ubiquitous enough for every other student to have one, and even then I still thought social media was stupid. Keep in mid this was during the MySpace/Facebook age, and things have only gotten worse since then.
I just rewatch old stuff.
Currently rewatching yowamushi pedal and it's awesome as I ride my bike. Every couple years then it's time to rewatch.
Germany. Traveled to a bunch of places in Italy, Balkan countries, Iran, Poland, Spain and fuck knows what and the only other place I considered as asshole-ridden as my own country or at least state was Brittain.

Surprised that some places in the US have the same issues. Maybe it's about regions, not countries. Though in Italy, Serbia and Iran I visited all kinds of towns and the people were always friendly. Could talk to a rando and they would reply as if I was friends with them and met strangers who would come and invite me for no reason.
Where I live others might scream at you if you try to help them. Like a friend helped a driver involved in a car crash some years ago. Later, that same guy sued him after his attorney told him about a way to churn out money of the guy that helped him because the bandaged he used were officially "expired" for a month. Fuck him, even an asshole should have a shred of pride. Not even talking about screaming borderliner women that seem to be everywhere these days.
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Watching/seeing screenshots of early 2000's anime just makes me sad on some level. I guess I just miss the simpler times in my life.
It's funny how as a kid you desperately want to be a grown up, but when you actually become an adult you want to be a kid again
On some level perhaps. But I feel I've only grown as a person ever since becoming an adult even if I've spent that adulthood as a NEET. Not being restricted by school has made my interests grow since I am able to now tackle these things on my own terms and time.

For sure there are things and periods in the past that I'd like to experience again with the benefit of hindsight, but maybe not as a kid.
IMOQ and GU depicts entirely differnet eras of the net. At first I didn't like the GU but it grew on me with time. I still like IMOQ better tho lol
We already have VR mmorpgs and they're garbage because the entire genre is garbage.
>inb4 by VR you mean magical brain link that will never exist
I actually think the trend is moving back towards sincere storytelling. Some of the biggest anime in recent history have been kimetsu, frieren, mushoku, etc. Those are from demographics/genres that have been saturated with irony for a while now, but the works themselves do portray a sincere story and have still all gained major popularity. It's actually looking hopeful. The main issue imo is comedy anime which apparently just can't function without criticising tropes or adding their own spin.
Yeah this is another issue. When I browse the genres I like, particularly history, it's almost impossible to find anything that isn't romance slop between some bland noble dude and a self-insert feMC for 40 year old housewives. In my language they even have similar titles. It's always the female version of an occupation, like "the apothecary (fem.)", "the prostitute", "the painter (fem.)" and they are as formulaic as isekai. Nobody even seems to bother writing anything else unless it's the usual shitty mystery that reads like dan brown.

Youth is something that will always be romanticized by humans regardless of age, you only understand how incredibly valuable period of time it is for everyone after you have grown past it.

That being said, I'm very glad I was able to experience school and being a teenager before smartphones became a widespread thing.
There's no better way to experience this OP than watching it on a late night when your eyes are starting to get heavy with sleep. Especially when you play it on a TV.
>I'm very glad I was able to experience school and being a teenager before smartphones became a widespread thing.
I am with you on that one. I don't even want to imagine going through school in an era of ubiquitous smartphones and social media.
What I hate about the Internet now is that you can't even opt out. It's a necessity for things like apply to jobs and doing your work, I don't live in a big city and with physical stores closing or carrying less items I can only get certain things online, everyone and their mother is on social media and now I am the outcast for not having any. More and more of what we used to do in the real world is being pushed into the digital space and the alternatives are being removed. So many times I've thought of throwing away my smartphone but then I need it for some actually important thing IRL. I hate it.
This. Football is perfect for that.
Weird shit but what I also do when I feel like bonding with random seatmates in the subway. Of course I don't talk to everybody, but you can notice the signs. A good talking point is always to mention literature when you see someone reading, sometimes they are the ones starting convos with me when I read a book. Was recently reading Klemperer and a guy in front of me noticed and started to talk about history. Later it turned out that he's the author of a book about our local central cemetery (huge shit and historically relevant) that I had on my to-read list. Weird shit. He doesn't even live in my city, only nearby.
I feel incredibly sorry for this new generation of children. Little kids aren't meant to have a constant stream of short-form content flooding their brains 24/7. I only hope they don't repeat the same mistake when they have children, and whatever technology looks like then
This. The main issue is that no CEO and exec ever engages in the hobby his corporation produces. They only force their employees to produce what they believe people want but they know nothing about people, especially not young ones.
Honestly I always hated it and never wanted to be an adult. I was smart enough to know that you gain absolutely nothing with it but lose your freedom for it.
The only reason for why I understand kids that want to grow is to get away from their family if they family is shit. But my parents were chill, so every birthday was like a horror to me and now that I am grown up I know that my fears were justified.
That's a good point yeah. I like my mental growth, but everything else is bad. I hated school but it never bothered me much since it's just a few hours per day and my teachers never cared that I spent those hours thinking up plots and drawing comics. Good times. Now I am just depressed and incapable of being motivated or focus on anything, regardless if I am working or NEETing. And I don't even use smartphones or social media.
Noticed that too. Honestly 2024 is the best year for a while for me. And we are getting more actual fantasy announcement as well which is always nice.
I feel that goes for society in general
Especially with bullying advancing to a new dimension. Imagine being bullied at school and then they even post cringe videos with you on the net with your face and name attached to it.
When I was bullied in schools it was annoying as shit, but the moment school ended around noon or 13:00 I stopped caring, since it was when the real part of the day started. I instantly disconnected and moved on the second I left the building and walked home and at home I was in peace and nobody from my class would ever found me or know where I live anyway.
Now you don't have that privilege anymore and it sounds fucked up as shit. I would probably kill the uploader if someone ever posted some stupid video about me on tiktok or whatever places internet addicts are using these days.
if she was your daughter, would you do stuff to her?
This. I love culture and amazon is destroying it. Every shop is closing since monkeys only order from amazon. Soon the whole city will be nothing but restaurants, pubs and hookah bars. I LIKE these, but I also like shops. A world without shops, be it the huge fancy ones or the cute room-sized are part of human culture to me. I remember talking to small shop keepers as kid. Many of them were cute grandmas or grandpas or some funny immigrant couples. They remembered their customers and talked to everybody for fun or told you to pay next time if you didn't have the money with you.
Now all of that is gone. Everything closes, the rents are astronomic and everybody prefers amazon shit because they save 5 cent buying there and they overstress postal services and their workers with this. Many even deliberately buy 20 things at once and sent all of them back after trying them. Fuck them, I legit hate this culture. I hate the modern internet. How ironical this is, considering that the old internet was like a miracle to me. It even helped me grow so much after living a rather friendless life as a kid. And it was full of cool new things. And now I often wish it wouldn't exist. Especially smartphones. To hell with smartphones.
Even though I'm content with what I grew up with, sometimes I wish I could've experienced the dawn of the internet first hand. Seems like such an interesting time to be online.
That's really cool anon.
I've read books on public transport before but nobody ever talked to me.
Probably a difference in culture, people don't really 'cold talk' to strangers here.
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I can't believe I am getting nostalgic when I remember my father shouting at me and telling me to delete that one game since "it's slowing the compuhta down".
I experienced a lot of the technologically-illiterate parent memes firsthand. He also had those toolbar hells since he always installed them without noticing and I had to get rid of them to make the browser usable again. I mean things like pic related.
Weird how I am missing all of that now. The old internet, the stupid toolbars, my father, etc.
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It's honestly weird to think not all that long ago, I'd always have to clean the family computer due to all the weird malware and toolbars that my parents and sometimes I would download. Nowadays theres nothing. Viruses seem to be so uncommon nowadays. I don't miss it at all, but I also kind of do.
Yep. NBC too
I had to deal with smartphone culture towards the end of high school and god damn was it terrible. I really do hate the fact that anyone at anytime can record anybody and they'd be none the wiser. It's why I hate these modern content whores who go around and bother people for views.
NTA but being able to converse depends on the kind of transport imo. nobody talks with eachother in short rides here (everybody has earphones).
This is more an issue with the homogenization of the internet than anything else. In 2002 if you wanted to watch funny videos you went to Newgrounds, or Ebaum's World; if you wanted to look for new content you searched for it on Yahoo, Google, MSN, or Ask Jeeves; if you wanted to keep up with friends you had to go to MySpace and Geocities and AIM and MSN, because not all of your friends would be using the same services, if you wanted to talk about a topic with other people you went to a website for that topic. And going to all of these websites took time and browsers didn't have tabs yet (and computer memory limited the number of browser windows you could have open at once) so you were forced to interact with one or two items at a time.
Now everything is done through 5 or 6 websites and the few tasks that don't yet have one company with a clear monopoly (instgram, tik tok, YT shorts, other micro-video blogs) have made accessing the content trivially quick and easy through phone apps.
It's sad to remember what we've lost, but would any of us really trade the convenience of what we have now to go back? I like having tabs, I like only needing to use Discord to both see what my friends are up to and to connect to voice calls for raid night, I like only needing Twitter and Reddit for game updates straight from the developers, I like that all the videos I could ever want to watch are on YouTube. I do miss the magic, the creativity, and the community that we seemed to have lost on the way here, but remember, the internet is the way it is because we chose this.
the internet is cool as shit
what takes the charm away is social media and the fact that everyone has a smartphone
I want to say yes for the 90s, but for 2000 I remember this ugly moe blob exist.
There's an issue here though; with broadcast TV people would watch new shows on a network because they either trusted the network to have decent shows and let it run, because they wanted to watch a specific programming block, or because they wanted to watch something specific and the new show was on right before or right after. New shows attracted attention by simply airing in the correct time-slot and maybe a commercial or two.
Streaming shows don't get this benefit, when you stream something you have to chose to play it, they won't get hype by just being on. And while word of mouth exists, there's no pressure to watch the show now because it's not on Sunday at 8, it's on whenever I say it's on.
So many VNs got anime adaptations that fixed the terrible art that it always blows my mind that AIR looks as bad as it does.
I noticed that a lot are actually friendly but scared of doing the first move since everybody assumes everybody else to get angry. Sometimes I start by looking at the title of their book to gauge how they behave. Usually they are happily showing it, I say "thank you" and maybe add some own thought on the subject. Then they talk about it and later ask about my book and you get a convo. Old, reading people seem to be the easiest ones to approach. Maybe they are lonely themselves or just culturally interested.

This is probably specific to my own city but I also ask fluent Italian speakers if they're from Italy. They often aren't and tell me were they are actually from and mention their years in Italy or how much they liked it there until they eventually left, since the job market isn't doing well there for various reasons. Or ask someone about their language if it's something I have issues to recognize (shit like Urdu, Hungarian, Kazakh etc). I heard that asking others about their original country was considered inappropriate, but many do it and it was always a good convo starter so far. Especially if you know a bit about history. I might be a sperg though.

In the past handheld gamers were also easy to talk to. But they are addicted to pay-to-win mobile shit these days.
Maybe because Air was never good. I had no problem dropping it and Misuzu always repulsed me.
I couldn't even start it. The art is too bad.
There are fools in every generation, but I do wonder if Boomers and Zoomers are more susceptible to social media BS because they didn't experience pre social media internet like most of Gen X and Millennials did. Boomers didn't adopt the internet en masse until social media and corporations had a foothold, and Zoomers literally aren't old enough to remember a time before the net was like that.
People used to read magazines and newspapers on the toilet anon.
ReBoot > you favorite anime about internet
You even get this click addiction from people who barely have 100 followers. It's just a bunch of users that randomly followed them and don't really care and yet they waste half of their life away by making content for that account and believe to be Jesus if they get a bunch of new followers. If I was capable of feeling sorry I would feel sad for such people.
Not that numbers matter or that big accounts were less retarded, but it's insane that almost everyone using social media gets clout addicted even when it means jackshit and if they are just a nobody among two billion other accounts of their size or bigger.
Nope. Lain is better since it's a masterpiece.
I used to read the shampoo bottle
It's a good thing you censored that word, because some faggot could get offended.
I think this is the big department store chains VS comfy small shop issue that even South Park talked about. We kind of want the old times back for the variety of places but once you are used to a more convenient alternative your brain refuses to go back.
Searching for fanart by clicking on blog links of obscure angel fire fan shrines that linked you to other obscure fan shrines was fun in its own way. It was like searching for a treasure. After 16 fan shrines you eventually found a link you didn't see yet and BOOM, another fan shrine with 15 whole new fanarts you have never seen! But in the end you just want to collect fanart. So going to pixiv and click on the next 104-pages long twitter log for your favorite anime is quickly done so I do that.

Does fanart lose value that way? Honestly I believe so. I notice how I often rush through fantastic artworks to save the next one. And I look at them less often since there are so many. But I won't complain about getting too much of a thing I love. It's complicated and our brain is shit.
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It's sad how sci-fi went from a genuine exploration of what the future would hold for humanity to a homogenous blob of cliches used to decorate some generic setting.
Before the asset bubble popped in 1992 and Japan looked like they were about to surpass America, there was a widespread fascination with what a future dominated by Japanese corporate imperialism would look like. Meanwhile the 90s and 2000s were carried by the advent of internet which completely reshaped society. Compared to those times, the current Japan has stagnated and their optimism is dead, leaving sci-fi in a worse place than it's been in a long time.
The people from your country i've met where all very friendly. my father was part of a german dad biker 'gang', some of the nicest people i've ever met.
Do you live in a big city? When i moved from a relatively rural town to the largest city in my province i noticed people being way less friendly.
What a basic bitch
>Compared to those times, the current Japan has stagnated and their optimism is dead, leaving sci-fi in a worse place than it's been in a long time.
That's true for every country desu and idk, I enjoy even some of the low brow sci0fi like Symphogear. It can be extremely fun at times even more enjoyable than akira.
one of the lastest tiktok trends here is for a group of kids to corner one poor guy and force them to kneel and say ''i'm sorry'' on camera. If he refuses they get kicked the shit out of
Kids are fucking psychos man.
... What the actual fuck? That's just terrorism or gang violence, except the crims collect their own evidence.
>anon your game gave the computer a virus!
How do you even know that?
I feel very fortunate that my parents just didn't bother with computers at all at home, so I had free reign on the family PC.
>I might be a sperg though.
from your post its obvious you have at least basic social skills. You may be right about everyone assuming others don't want to talk.
I'll try asking someone about their book when i get the change
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>asking context on fuckign mai hime
Watch it, it's a masterpiece.
Oh, and where not allowed to say that those groups tend to be from a certain....background.
Because is such a problem it was featured on national news.
>browsers didn't have tabs yet
NetCaptor had already been around for years and Mozilla and Opera had also both added tabs by then.
Yeah, I prefer to pirate and watch things whenever I want but I miss the tv era a bit because we lost the sense of community we had when everybody was on the same page about the things that were airing. Back then I casually heard passengers talking about the newest episode of something I was watching as well. You can say that everybody knew the same series, even if they didn't watch them.
This is lost now. I won't ever casually or even willingly find anybody that watched Showa Rakugo, Yarub or Trash Detective. Everybody watches something else at a different point of time and you can't hold a conversation about movies or series anymore.
Tbh I am no longer in school. I don't have the same desire of talking about the same shows my classmates watching. I am quite happy that I have access to everything from the past and I am not stuck with the big thing or seasonal stuff. I know others have a sense of nostalgia but I don't.
I honestly wish streaming (even illegal streaming) would cease to exist to get some pirate-only internet back that nobody else has access to.
It's also a good filtering process. I wouldn't have considered pirating filtering before, but considering how hard it seems to be to most people it probably is.
Yeah but are they actually Germans living in Germany or guys that moved to the US ages ago and adopted their culture? Because nothing I have ever heard an American say about their Germans sounded in-character for my own people, be it the good or the bad traits. That said, German women that love the US are the worst people I have ever met in life for reasons I don't really want to talk about on 4chan. Never met a man that liked the US but I wouldn't wonder if they were different.
Bikers are always cool. Maybe it's coincidence and you lived in a nice place. I noticed it in my own state. The south is chill and rather young, outgoing normal people. The big cities as well as the small towns. Then there is the northern part which is basically orc territory. The northern cities are abandoned and the few that stayed there are often clinically retarded, the south is modern and lively. Though with big cities it can be an issue the more stress the people have. Working culture fucks people up. Everybody is always rushing from one place to the other and the bosses are some aloof assholes that treat you badly and won't even remember your name whereas working places in towns are more personal.
To me sci-fi was always fantasy anyway so the status of the real world was never relevant to how I perceive sci-fi. If it's close to reality but cooler I consider it a what-if route.
Besides that I love authoritarian dystopias in fiction. It's just a great playground for ideas IMO and I love imagining myself in such settings, be it as enemy of the state or as dictator. I just think that sci-fi has great sandbox and twist potential if done right so I am sad to see it being narrowed down to laser pistols or casual VR stuff in most anime now.
I am sure you can still find whatever you like. I remember someone reccing a manga similar to what you desire.
Social media turns people into sociopaths. The world narrows down to clicks and clout which are seen as more valuable than life itself. Honestly fuck social media. Not only the layout they have, but the "like"- and algorithm system is made to manipulate people. This is especially an issue if parents abandon their kids and let them rot in some shitty day care center and put the phone into their hands when they get home in the evening to not waste their time with them.

This is why I respect people without kids that don't get them because they don't like or know how to deal with them but not parents that absolutely want to have them to check their bucket-list and shove them away right afterwards because they want to own kids but not to actually treat them like people. They only care about school grades and output, maybe to post that on their own social media and get clout by competing over the most efficient son and daughter.
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The internet really was a crazy thing to experience back then. You could explore and find all kinds of cool places made by passionate people, strange internet architecture and aesthetics.
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As a big time .hack// fan, I do think it's kinda rough on a rewatch but I still like it. There's a fuckload of stills and meaningless silence or slow pans of hyper-closeups of the face to avoid actually animating anything.
If you're interested, try out the videogames. .hack//IMOQ and .hack//GU both hold up really well, they're significantly better paced with a more interesting and involved story.
Probably not true for your country but I noticed that Asians turn in to psychopaths when it's about social media. We had a young Asian girl here killing another another girl because she had more tiktok likes than her. And I regularly hear about Koreans or Japanese killing themselves due to some social media slandering or some shit or online drama. They were always phone addicted countries so maybe it's that the shit spread for longer there. I remember anons claiming that Japan liked phones instead of PCs, during a time when PCs were still the mainstream choice in the west.
Fuck yourself buttrice, nobody gives a shit
Read the LNs they are good. Honestly, .hack LNs in general are surprisingly cool. I cannot remember anything else from Japan with a twist like CELL. At least I cannot think of anything right now.
>To early 2000s
>Early 2000s
I'm so old early 2000s anime is almost imposible to appear retro in my eyes. For me it was just the 90s. Siad this, .hack was shit
To me 2006 will always be "new" because I remember how I already watched anime for long enough to consider Clannad symptomatic for the new annoying trend of anime and how I was later shocked to hear that a good friend only started downloading anime that year since it was recent as fuck and I wondered how many good series he must have missed that I already watched "seasonally" (if the fansubs appeared soon enough, that is).
Old MMORPGs are just glorified chatrooms, as portrayed in anime.
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Sengoku Youko is airing this season, anon. Mizukami's writing in general is very genuine and optimistic.
They are all native germans living in germany. i'm from the Netherlands
No Americans involved
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I'm bad at gathering my thoughts, but
I think basically the internet/world wide web in itself was such a COLOSSAL jump as a concept that it might have made people's perception of the future go crazy, resulting in a lot of somewhat sincere, but ultimately anachronistic media.
I think fully immersive VR whenever it happens (along with AI developments along the way) will be much closer to what people in the Y2K era perceived as being around the corner, though ultimately unlike in anime the overwhelming majority of people are apathetic gay retards so shit will still be somewhat dull, gay and retarded.
That's just called "being in your thirties". Everyone that I know who is 30 or older is burnt out and hollow inside. Never get a job!
This sounds retarded but I hate that you can't just say anything casually anymore without being questioned and provoked because the shit you say might not be 100% scientifically correct and you didn't link a source for your claim but please only a source that the respective other considers trustworthy which is almost nothing.

I am not saying that history or science are bad, I am saying that I want to say the things I am thinking about in some harmless dialogue, chat or thread without reading through 5 specialist books about a subject I don't even care about since you aren't allowed to say anything that doesn't have the informational value of a fucking master thesis. Yeah sometimes shit I say isn't perfectly accurate. But so is the shit others says and I could do research for every damn sentence someone else makes if I cared but I don't.

Not saying you shouldn't correct others sometimes but if you aren't allowed to say anything anymore that isn't proven to be 100% real and up-to-date including every fucking detail you can't say shit anymore. I couldn't even make THIS post since I cannot prove that the shit I complain about even happened. I would have to find and screenshot a billion old dialogues of mine and browse social media for a month to collect 1000+ of such cases that prove that it also happens to other people.
More importantly, the developed and semi-developed world’s population today is much older on average than people in France were before the French Revolution. Revolutions are always done by the dissatisfied elite class and supported by young people who have too much emotion and too little to lose. Wealthy (and by the world’s standards 95% of people around you are indeed wealthy) middle aged people like to complain, but they aren’t gonna mount any barricades.
Stuff like this makes me wonder if people are just naturally nicer to newcomers or tourists. It would explain why everybody else (save for Brits) was so friendly when I traveled around.
I think this is central issue. Let's say that magical sci-fi made it possible to actually immerse fully like in .hack or SAO I believe that it would still be nothing like fiction simply for how boring people and the companies in power are.
Shit costs money so if we would ever be lucky enough to get a good game it would probably shut down soon since there is no interest. And to keep interest they would have to implement what the masses like and the masses are even starting to move away from real games in favor of mobile shit so they would implement social media dynamics to attract the mass.

It sounds still interesting on paper as long as the world would be cool. But after getting disappointed endless times during my second half of live I became hopeless and believe that it would eventually only amount to a short-lived fad that seems cool and interesting for like day until I realise that it's literally just a generic fantasy game with 360° perspective. Or maybe I am just depressed and can't have fun anymore.
I noticed the strange as fuck phenomenon that makes normal women do the opposite. They get chiller and happier with the 30s and it makes no sense to me. The weirdest part is that it's the tomboys I know that end up like men and feel dead inside. Maybe it's related to the social life people have. Many women in their 30s settled for a partner and once they have one it is in most cases said partner that works fulltime while they switch to part-time or stop working at all.

So yeah, it's probably related to work and social connections and old friendships that you tend to lose when you hit the 30s.
It's more that you can't say anything that disagrees with the current status quo or else you'll be put on a cross.

This whole nonsense of gender, sexuality, and even autism being a "spectrum" is so fucking infuriating. That they rewrite science books to be based around the current social fad. Sociology and psychology need to stay the fuck away from real science. It's like people admitting the earth is actually flat. It's bullshit.
Yeah that too. But I swear it happens with everything. You make a harmless comment about cats and get some cat expert involved that calls you out for telling your friend something that isn't correct. It's annoying as shit and discourages everybody who isn't insane from posting.
And yeah the virtue signalling is retarded as shit and I never met a gay person, autist and such that even cared. I am a certified sperg myself and I use autism as buzzword when it fits. Recently someone I know got mad at me for distinguishing high-functioning autists from Kanner autists because it's ableism. How am I supposed to talk about anything if I am not allowed to specify what I say? There are retarded autists that can't talk and shit their pants and autists that developed and are basically schizoids, adults with a different perception that makes it hard for them to integrate and deal with life. Of course do I have to clarify if I am talking about the latter or not if I discuss an autism related issue.
>Wonder if it reflects a trend or if they just don't want to bring it up anymore or if younger parents are less likely to be angry alcoholic
The last show that had an abusive parent I can think of is MHA, and he got redemption arc anyway
I only order online when I absolutely can't find something physically, which is sadly becoming more common, especially with DVDs/Blu Rays and music.

Nothing will ever beat browsing something theough physical stores and being able to look at the merchandise yourself, bookstores especially. Being able to flip through a book and look at specific pages or passages is invaluable, while kindle previews on amazon can only get you so far.
I immediately disregard the opinions of anyone who uses the term ableist/ableism unironically. It's the dumbest fucking word in the english language next to Latinx.
Such a shame this didn't get a good BD release like Lain.
Not even just anime, I got into hard rock and heavy metal thanks to Blazblue, and Guilty Gear and that lead into more appreciation for music and soundtracks in general.
I don't even understand the point of some of it. Like wanting the word retard to be banned. It's describing the exact thing retards are. Nobody said they hate retards, just that retards are retards.
What I also hate is when they attack others for assuming that disabled people desired to be able to walk because they mix disabilities up with genuine personality traits since they are retarded. I never met a wheelchair user who wouldn't want to be able to walk. What fucking assholes. If you condemn the disability you don't condemn the person. I bet that nobody that talks like that has a disability even though they always claim to have some. Well besides suffering from retardation maybe.
It's always the self-loathing types that project their own hatred of themselves to all other disabled people and thus try to speak for them, even if they claim otherwise.
It's ironic you mention that, because I was just reading about some controversy over deaf children getting hearing aids in order to be able to, well.. hear.

And apparently people are up in arms over it because the kids are "too young to consent to being forced to hear" and "what if they prefer their deafness?!"

If I met someone in real life that stated something so retarded I would spit on them, and I'm not a confrontational person.
>I'm so old early 2000s anime is almost imposible to appear retro in my eyes
But Why?
It's fucking retarded yeah. And you ask the same thing back. They didn't consent either, so maybe they should think about whether they would prefer to be deaf because I bet they aren't.
>what if they prefer their deafness?!"
Then they could just not get the hearing aid.
Dumbass bleeding hearts
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The shitty part is we're also overexposed to the select few people who actually "made it" and managed to become affluent from some bullshit internet shit, it's suicide fuel seeing how easily money flows to the people at the top of this internet pyramid once they've "made it", people at the bottom line putting in similar effort/hustle to the ones at the top but the people at the top only grow more popular due to algorithm shart and their fortune grows without having to do much extra. Having the ability to "make it" also often comes down to genetic factors of your appearance or having the halo effect and decent social skills, it's just so hopeless being at the bottom and having to look up and see what's going on up there
"Right place at the right time" was always a big part of a lot of peoples success
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My black&pink MisatoShinji wife
I sometimes feel like these people were actually turbo fundamentalists in disguise that simply coat every demand they have with some alleged moral concern to come off as considerate human rights activist. This would describe almost every one of their reactions actually because the things they claim to be and the demands they have are two whole different things.
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It is the same as the “cultural appropriation” crowd. People love to see people from other cultures enjoying their culture. Who would look at this Japanese guy all happy dressed as a cowboy and be offended? At worst people would find him goofy or ridiculous.
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>MisatoShinji wife
why did you say that?
take it back
Even if this sauce tastes like shit, I want it just based on the label.
It's almost all luck related. This is one of the reasons for why I felt dead inside. Competence and diligence are meaningless since it's mostly about luck and related to that sympathies, similarities and connections. I witness too many incompetent coworkers that got a raise for simply existing while the good ones rot. I am a justice fag so I work hard because I feel bad letting the customers down. But once you get the first burnout and notice that you can still only barely pay food and the rent while the leeches get a raise or twice the money you simply quit and give up.

And yet I still feel bad. Customers are treated like trash by many employees. And I have an old mother that can barely speak the language here who would die in misery if I wasn't there for her, so thinking about all those lonely weak people that might be stressed without end or lose their money because the ones that should help them don't care makes me feel sick.
I'd buy this sauce. I refuse to believe there's an American who would take serious offense to this
Those early threads were very comfy. It was right after peak Franxx insanity so it initially flew under the radar.
This is especially funny. And I never met anybody that didn't want to share their culture. It's insane.
But again my shizo belief is that they thought that term up to bully others from doing what they do. Looking these people I noticed that almost all of them are white women claiming to be ethiopian, kurdish or something because one grandgrandgrandgrand father allegedly came from there. They impose rule onto everybody else that don't apply to themselves. It's an attempt to attribute traits to themselves they believe would make them interesting and banning others from doing the same since it would mean that they aren't special anymore.
Alternatives to flash player have been developed and improved since then. People still create content just not in the same volumes they used to. The alternatives already are pretty good, it could make a comeback once it is perfected since popular platforms like Youtube are becoming more and more aggressive/hostile. Also I miss the anime music video era.

He looks so happy how could anybody be bothered by this.
You just gonna scroll past without saying イーホー!
Weirdly enough KlK and to a lesser degree Franxx felt like the last series that felt like a genuine hype to me. Newfags disagree and I love Frieren and Dungeon Meshi but I don't consider these series huge hypes here, I am talking about 4chan culture, not general popularity. I mean series that made the threads explode, generated tons of simultaneous spin-off threads and a ton of OC content and I don't notice this anymore. Now the popular anime get a somewhat fast paced thread and a slow paced one afterwards on the airing day and casual random threads during the week. This isn't what I mean. Everybody that witnessed the TTGL or CG craziness knows what I am talking about.
any art of her?
I don’t watch any vtuber stream but I see some clips/animations made from streams and it sounds like a friend simulator. Vtuber playing some game while talking about random stuff, joking around each other and talking about personal experiences. If you don’t like one there are plenty to choose from with different styles.
Not much. I drew a bunch myself 15 years ago but I have no idea if that deviantart account even still exists.
Because its the same artist as Eva
Did you not know that, buttrice?
I never watched any but hearing that I wish I could brainwash myself into believing that they were talking to me in their videos but I am to rational to enjoy life, it's the same with alcohol.
I genuinely miss Sadamoto designs. I am disappointed over how rarely he got paid to do more considering what hits his early shows were. The last work with him was Great Pretender and the characters looked great again. But before that it was a decade long radio silence IIRC and he didn't do anything else afterwards AFAIK.
Such a crime. So many great artists and character designers don't get the dues they deserve.
Franxx was definitely the last series to really dominate the board. It did feel like a mid 2000's series that came out over a decade late which is probably why it did.
I agree those two shows you mentioned were like the last big big anime here.
You still can notice really big hits in /v/ or /vg/ (mostly doomposting but still similar levels of speed), also you can tell me to kill myself, this is the part where I probably lose you, but the emergence of the second wave of Vtubers in /jp/ (the ones that actually streamed rather than making bite-sized videos) and the eventual creation of /vt/ around 2020 and 2021 felt like a new wild west era for those that followed closely, the threads were really hype with an insane speed but nowadays it feels like that initial fanbase is more fragmented, many indies debuted, more Hololive (JP and EN) generations debuted, there's still a lot of active fans, but I think that beginning (at least "beginning" in terms of getting more mainstream with westerners) had its own flavor, it was like following an exiciting journey in a strangely similar feel to the times of Gurren Lagann/Kill la Kill/etc etc in /a/.
Yeah instead we get too much of that style that I call the doll style. Not sure how to describe that shit but a lot of cutesy anime like love live have it and it makes everything look like genshit impact to me and it's shit in general since it makes characters lack expressiveness.
Art done by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Evangelion)
Story done by Kazunori Itō (Ghost in the Shell movie, Heisei Gamera trilogy)
These games are so fucking good
Segregation mentality seems pretty strong in USA and it is not a political side thing. You kinda can see this in how shows go either mostly white with token (usually black) minorities (I guess this is most stuff around), mostly black with very few non-blacks (like Fresh Prince of Bel Air or Black Panter) or forced diversity (like captain planet/power rangers). I’m not from USA but none feel natural to me. I find it normal to have friends from other races/ethnic groups specially in a diverse country but they wouldn’t be “one of each” “Sorry Yoshida you are a fun guy but I’m already friends with Chang so the Asian friend slot already is filled but I will keep your contact in case he moves away”
Segregation itself is very strong in the US. Where I live in the Midwest, cities are very starkly divided by race for decades even up until today. You can drive from one end of the city to the other and see the racial makeup of the people on the street change. Lots of reasons for this, from how houses are sold to how the interstate cuts through a town, and rules about which schools kids can attend. I don't know if it's like this in other regions, maybe someone else can chime in.
They talk to the chat so occasionally they do talk to you specially if you make fun /creative comments.

There is this Japanese dude who picks a bunch of comments from 4chan threads, translate them into Japanese and put them into a video voiced by anime voice synth software and his Dungeon Meshi videos got super popular. He also translates back Japanese comments from the previous video in English. It is a fun bridge between 4chan and Japanese internet. Memes arise from these interactions, bonding over their taste for characters, sharing views and experiences and shitalking each other.
>Maybe it's related to the social life people have. Many women in their 30s settled for a partner and once they have one it is in most cases said partner that works fulltime while they switch to part-time or stop working at all.
I think it's a hormonal or spiritual thing.
I'm a male NEET and I'm the same way, so I can assure you at least it doesn't seem to be related to work (or at least solely related).

The issue isn't the words, it's being accurately described. Retard means "slow", hence "fire retardant". They feel offended they're pointed out as different. It's the exact same history as the string of words used to describe blacks in the US. First it was nigger because people mispronounced the portuguese nigre, meaning black. Then they got mad at that and used negro, spanish for black. Then that was bad and it was "colored person". Around this time the NAACP (national association for the advancement of colored people,which is still around lol) and it became "people of color" which is the current iteration. May be missing a word or two in that history.
Point being, descriptors were both accurate and served to distinguish them as a group, and once they're distinguished as a group fault or blame could be laid at their feet for their own actions. This is somewhat mitigated by "people of color" encompassing so many other groups it's effectively worthless except to say "non european".
>Now the popular anime get a somewhat fast paced thread and a slow paced one afterwards on the airing day and casual random threads during the week. This isn't what I mean. Everybody that witnessed the TTGL or CG craziness knows what I am talking about.
I know exactly what you mean, but at least half of the mods deleting duplicate threads.
I think it's funny because I quit anime after Franxx for like 5 years, until just recently. It's REALLY trippy going back and looking at Summer/Fall 2019 anime because I distinctly remember things like Senko-san and the Mom isekai in the catalog. And then if I page forward one season at a time, I don't remember any of it. For five fucking years. I had /a/ open in a tab the entire time and frequently tabbed over to it. But it's like the moment Covid hit, my brain switched off. So it's fucking surreal to see Senko-san when I go to the Summer 2019 page because in my head it JUST happened, like last year.

I sometimes wonder if the anti-vaxxers were right and it literally did something to my brain that only got reversed recently.
>also you can tell me to kill myself, this is the part where I probably lose you, but the emergence of the second wave of Vtubers in /jp/
While you're correct in your assertion, I would say that it's simply too out of the interests of many people to care. I have no doubt there may be revolutionary occurrences happening right now in some niche or hobby I care nothing for. It's simply not anime and also not as big and expansive in its effects upon the global culture as the internet was, even regionally like wild west. It's probably something "omg bro this new breed of bananas will take the fruit market by storm". The vast majority will just pass them by in the grocery store.
Obviously no normalfag cared about Geass Sundays or .hack
But half of this shit was extremely cynical.
Christmas is ruined for me because every year during the summer, I'd wake up to my mom watching shitty Halmark Christmas movies at full volume. By the time Christmas comes, I'm fucking sick of it.
.Hack is really bad, to be desu.
Link for channel?
The 2000s gave you lots of shows that were about basically nothing happening with lots of atmosphere.
Lots of skilled directors but little money meant that shows were trying to squeeze as much style out of as little material as was possible.
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why the fuck is this show only has 480p release?
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I like the creepy minimalist unsettling monster designs, very eva-esque, though they look a bit more "iconic" in Eva
I fucking hate the nothing happens plot and the pacing is atrocious. everythingabout it s fucking bad. no wonder it fucking flopped while SAO went and revolutionized the genre
You don't need more
If you mean .hack//SIGN, afaik, it was made using early 00s digipaint, so the master is 480p and anything higher will just be an upscale.

If you mean Trigun, then no idea as I would think Trigun was cel-based and should have higher res available.
watch Megaton Musashi
Back when the internet was basically magic to anyone that used it but didn't actually know how it worked.
SAO is gutter trash that panders to a generation who learns things through Tiktok
SAO might be trash but it's not BORING. being boring is the #1 sin for an entertainment piece.
It's worse than boring, it's cringy.
Anyone who nostalgias for that show has never gone back and finished it.
anime as a medium is great because it's cringe
Yeah. I was born in '96 and I had amazing childhood while grim adulthood and future outlook.
SAO was legitimately good though.
It only started getting backlash with youtuber review sentiment was trendy to shit on it.
This. whenever I see successful youtuber/streamer earning my yearly wage in 1 day efforrtlessly playing video games and watching vdieos. I just want to kill myself.
It had fanfiction tier writing from the first few episodes. What are you even talking about?
the absolute state of zoomers
In 50 years kids that have to upload fingerprint scans to use the Internet will write stories about the hackers of the 90s and 00s that were able to match the power of whole governments and corporations or about the posters and anonymous figures that could disappear and reappear across the net without anyone being able to follow them and say whatever they wanted.
>"he's a beta tester and cheater! Beater!"
it went to shit after that, which was the 2nd episode.
Jesus fucking christ please leave this thread, you weren't even born at the time we're discussing.
I like the visual theme and music but it really isn't very entertaining. Maybe something to watch when you just want to slow down instead something to get pumped up for.
He combined all episode videos of season 1 Dungeon Meshi into a single monter video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QXFQb1vGbs
There are a bunch of reddit posts in the early episodes as well but 4chan dominates later on to the point of having episodes with only 4chan posts.
I think I might start following the Sakuna threads
I am nostalgic for what the internet could have been, not necessarily how it was. I think that's the key difference between people who lived through the era and people who've always had internet access. Even back then, I knew that it was crappy, primitive, and not living up to its potential. It is only within the last two decades that we have the technology to really make the internet shine, but it is too late.
My /co/mmentary: It is like how The Simpsons now has better animation, but nothing worth caring about.
I don't want to relive the past; I want a future worth looking forward to.
Cyberpunk had a massive amount of concurrent threads for weeks. But it was released all at once in streaming, and we couldn't have periodic discussion threads as the story progresses.
watch romcoms and cgdct
Because the 1990s were just ten years ago.
I have the opposite issue. Truth has become secondary to entertainment in every aspect of life. [Citation needed]
u cant appreciate it unless you played mmos in their golden age.
I disregard anyone who is offended by "Latinx" because they are probably Latinx.
I miss 90s and 2000s anime in general
>but remember, the internet is the way it is because we chose this.
Most retarded take I've ever red in my life

Unless you mean that globohomo billions of dollars that shaped the actual internet (i.e. facebook who amounted something like 12 billions dollars of losses in its first 7 years of running, exactly as every normal person may do without going bankrupt) are "we"
I saw Sao when I was a teenager and it was great, however as a series it left a lot to be desired. He eventually managed to upgrade from Ordinal Scale but it was too late everyone hates Sao and doesn't want to give him a chance. The first Sao is bad but Alicization is great, even brilliant in certain aspects, but no one wants to see two poorly written seasons to get to the good stuff. I still don't understand why they don't make a remake or continue with the story
>why the fuck is this show only has 480p release?
Early 2000s digital animation is kind of a bitch like that in general. One of the great things about film is that when you have the masters you can convert it to pretty much whatever you want resolution wise. Digital isn't so lucky because a 480p anime will always be a 480p anime and going above that can actually make it look worse. Go into ms paint and try doubling or tripling your posted jpg and watch what happens. It's basically that.
Oh piss off. Everyone with a shred of common sense was calling this trash from day one.
I was calling shit from episode one when they started talking about shooting microwaves into their brains. Here's a fun tip about sci fi technology. You don't have to actually explain how shit works. More to point; not having any explanation at all is a better option than having a stupid explanation. Because no. A very helmet that shoots microwaves into people's brains cannot exist and would not ever make it to the shelves.
Portuguese and Spanish language genders everything, even inanimate objects because this is how their language is structured. “door” is female while “dish” is male. Gender trying to push gender neutral shit on other cultures is cultural imperialism, (and so is moralfags trying to change anime to their sensibilities, etc).

Trigun isnt a digital anime.

Its all still there, you can watch it alot easier now than you could back then.
it sort of died out as social media took over
feels bad man
the 00s were just a continuation of the 90s and then by 2013 it was all shit.
>I dislike how rare genuine story telling has become
this is because in the modern age its cheaper and a safer investment for corpofags to just rehash something old or slap a new season onto something instead of taking a risk on something new.
thats why the last 15 years have all been the same fucking music/movies/shows/anime/games over and over and over and over again
The deaf specifically are weird about that. The nature of their disability leads them to create communities that use an entirely different and not mutually intelligible language from everyone else around them. And so some of them do end up perceiving their disability as a sort of cultural identity. Some even try to argue that it isn't a disability. That's why they are, as a group, uniquely resistant to attempts at treatment, even of other people. They see it as an attempt to eradicate their culture.
Almost no other disabled people are like that and would gladly be rid of their disability if possible.
That was no guarantee it would end up this way. If we could only know collectively what we know now, so many thing could be solved.
And that means it possible that knowledge becomes widespread.
Thing if if you watch small vtubers with viewership in the tens or the hundreds then you can actually interact and hold a conversation with the vtuber. This is why I mostly stopped watching big vtubers, without the element of chat interaction streaming becomes a worse version of television.
Very interesting thread, discussion is not dead yet on /a/. I’m glad.
Love how vermin otaku always blame suits for this. It's not the suits who are at fault for this, it's the consumerbase that makes sure that Warm Piss and Kimetsu no Yaiba gross 300m at the box office. If every original you fund flops (just look at something like Flip Flappers or Sonny Boy), then the market has spoken, and it has spoken in opposition of original productions. Everything that happens happens because the consumerbase wants a certain product, and all the suits do is accomodate those preferences the consumerbase has inplicitely uttered. Stop blaming the people who pay for the frontloaded investment and who, after seeing their originals flunk dozens of times, can't be bothered any longer. Just look at Look Back by Oshiyama. It's grossing a measly 5m at the Japanese box office. That's 80 times less than the Kimetsu no Yaiba movie. The consumerbase has spoken, and it doesn't care about anything unorthodox. It's that simple. If anything there is way more unorthodox anime still being made than is financially justifiable.
I watched it like five times over the years so I think that's on you.
>mobile poster as OP
That info about OP pretty much summarizes what can be expected of the rest of the thread though. I guess sadly that's to be expected even if OP wasn't that.
It's because dot hack was made during the era of MUDs and like right before WoW became a phenomenon.
>.hack//IMOQ holds up really well, it's significantly better paced
That's highly debatable. I just finished the fourth game the other day and honestly the pacing felt pretty bad. There's a lot of padding where you go through a dungeon, get to the end and nothing interesting happens. It just feels like the material that they had wasn't enough to be stretched over 4 entire games.
And that also applies to the gameplay. You basically get all the mechanics in the first half of the first game and then more or less nothing changes until the end except damage numbers.
>And now people don't even pirate anymore.
It's amazing how hard it is for people to just download fucking torrents.
agreed. I played the games yonks ago but I distinctly remember how many times the plot would just stop and you gotta accept invites from side characters to go run a dungeon together where barely anything is said.
Also holy shit the grinding for rare virus cores to open the gates
>Trigun isnt a digital anime.
Christ you're dumb. I didn't say it was. I said, and take the retard out of ears for a second, that if you try to blow up a digital image, it doesn't work so good. You can blow up the Trigun masters easy peasy because they're film, but you can't blow up a digital file.
>Everything that happens happens because the consumerbase wants a certain product
It's bewildering to me that anyone would still be saying this after over a decade of shills and bots being used to outright fabricate popular consensus. This position was always stupid because marketing is a thing that exists, but it's even more retarded now.
Dot Hack's OP was one of my favorites.
Silent Mobius also had a fun theme
90's had a lot of fun cyberpunk shit. I wish had more hours in the day to binge shows from that era.
I must say, one of the reasons I’m still browsing 4chan nowadays is that it reminds me of the old internet. It’s not as good as it used to be sure, but the site still kept its rudimentary interface and usage compared to what Twitter has become now.
Nobody asked for your Latinx blog.
That's a lot of words to say nothing. Brevity: wit.
>I dislike how rare genuine story telling has become
So... that just happened!
The problem is when boomers and (((investors))) blocked any evolution and make things harder and more uncomfortable, when it should have been the opposite
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>Silent Mobius
You and me? We nigs.
The big annoying part is that people still act like they're subverting, parodying or whatever you want to call it stuff that hasn't even really existed in ages. People will say something about Tolkien-esque fantasy being cliche and overdone but when was the last one you say that really played it all straight. And even when it was more common you still had people trying to take the piss. For every Lodoss there was a Slayers and even Slayers knew how to better balance it's humor aspect and knew when to play things serious. The style of parody you see today is basically just the writers staring at the camera and as loudly as possible shouting how they're totally self aware about this trope or cliche but then going ahead and doing it anyways. This isn't a parody of the genre, it's a parody of parody.
Almost the entire "internet reviewer" landscape is a barren wasteland of creativity and literacy.
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That's because none of them think the way they should be thinking: Like a director or artist. They try to think like academics instead, hence why they keep citing completely unrelated things in an attempt to structure their points. Anime analyses are predominantly made by people who are obsessed with anime on an intellectual level, but that's not really what "getting them" tends to be about. In fact most directors would laugh at the anime analysis crowd for thinking about anime the way it does.

The anime analysis space lacks people who analyse and think about anime like actual artists do, who understand that many of the symbols included are only included for superficial and subconscious reasons rather than intellectual ones. Until that happens the space will never truly evolve. How many people out there analyse animation, storyboarding, art direction, its texture, linework or sound? You know, the things that set anime apart and elevate it above their light novel source material? Not a single one I can think of. Instead they obsess over plot, characters, politics, social criticism and history and try to construct an argument from snippets they've found on blogs and wiki pages. Really silly imo.
>but would any of us really trade the convenience of what we have now to go back?
Hell YES I would. I'd rather stay on one colorful site for hours than browse 20 tabs of nothing white background, text sites or modern ""social media""
Those are the smart ones, even.
The dumb ones don't even get as far as that, they stop as just repeating the plot to you. Oftentimes poorly.
But yeah, their mistake is treating media as something to be solved and dissected and laid out on an autopsy table, thinking that will teach them its real meaning. The problem is that they have the, "food comes from the grocery store" problem with regard to media creation. Like that it just exists out in the world, rather than being the product of a bunch of people coming together and trying to make something interesting. That it is all just human hands at work. And you need to approach it more like you would when you're trying to understand why your girlfriend is mad at you, instead of like a math equation, lol.
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This. Dragon Ball GT is amongst the prettiest anime out there, but none of it's reviewers can ever focus on analysing it's actual beauty and the passion behind it's creation. How much effort it took to create an entirely new story when the studio was still adapting the last remnants of the manga. Remember, there was not any break between Z -> GT. Everyone in Toei was hard working on GT before the world had even heard of it. And they came out with a damn fine product, one that's still being discussed every single day, for over 25 years later.
I'd go for 20 tabs of colourful sites myself.
I like how Dennou Coil made a non-doomer "near future" sci-fi that is both comfy slice of life and life threatening conspiracy shit.
I bet Tsukasa probably has a daddy fetish, it'd be hard not to be her daddy.
I'm old enough to have watched early 2000s anime when it was new and I can't *not* see it as retro. The whole experience was dramatically different from how it is nowadays. Back then, we were reliant on fansubs, most of which were still hardsubbed back then due to groups' paranoia over other groups "stealing their subs." We had to lurk in 20 different IRC/DC++/Hotline servers for the latest episodes and there wasn't the reliable release schedule that we take for granted today. Every show had a 4:3 aspect ratio and potato-quality AVI, VIVO or OGM encodes. That time period was closer in spirit to the days of purple VHS tapes and yellow subtitles than it is to today's anime market.
At this point, even the early 2010s feels retro to me since it was the last time we had a prominent fansubbing scene for anything other than niche edge cases, and one where groups would still actually translate stuff themselves sometimes instead of just tweaking the official scripts and adding typesetting.
She's more of a mommy girl to me, considering her relationship with Subaru.
Easily the lowest IQ poster in this thread, congrats retard
I love that artstyle. Fuck you.

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