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All Black Hole Disco illustrations.
Which one is your favorite?
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Murata is a Renji man.
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Ulquiorra and Grimmjow are objectively the best. Ichigo is the lazies one.
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I really like Grimmjow's, looks very nice.
These are some plump hollow masks.
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Why does it seem so obvious that Unohana doesn't shave down there?
bambietta is so hot
Rukia a cute.
>AI shit
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*a slut
Why did they censor her cute butt? (In cour 1)
>Ichigo, Hitsugaya, Rukia
>Everyone else
Just like in the manga.
2. Ichigo
3. Grimmjow
4. Renji
5. Ulquiorra
6. Rukia
7. Hitsugaya
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Ryuken is lowkey the best character. Cour 4 should do him justice.
Why did they make Ulquiorra an Ikemen? This is cursed!
When has Ulquiorra not be an ikemen..?
Ulquiorra was always an ikemen, brainlet.
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Can't wait for cour 4 Yhwach's big ass moustache
they dropped that subplot
wait, who's below orihime?
I remember to like Kakashi, Kisame and Pain. It has been a while since the last time I watched Naruto tho.
kubo draws dead characters now?
He draws each character who dies in the TYBW anime when the episode where they die airs.
>ichigo looks like yuji
Hitsugaya > Renji > Grimmjow > Orihime > Ichigo > Rukia > Ulquiorra
Ulquiorra and Rukia look really weird there.
The enlarging mustache?
If so, that's bullshit. His mustache HAS been growing.
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I mean yeah he did start at a later stage of stache growth in the anime, but it did grow from that point forward.
Especially in episodes 24-26 it's very clearly full now
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Grimmjow, Orihime, Renji, Ichigo, Hitsugaya, Rukia, Ulquiorra.
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No, they just started drawing him with a bigger mustache because at this point in the manga he has a huge mustache and it's impossible to avoid, especially since they trace manga art so much like that second pic from the bottom. But there is no deliberate systematic growth of any kind. I mean look how enormous his stache is in that pic, but in the new trailer he already reverts to nearly the same size from cour 1, just a few extra strokes under the nose.
Because they started him with such a huge stache from the get go, anime onlies with perceive his bushier stache simply as an animation mistake, if they will notice it all all, whereas in the manga it's comically overt.
Tensa Zangetsu was modelled after teen Yhwach because Ichigo was in Bankai and White was in Vasto lorde form. The potent shinigami+hollow powers suppressed his Quincy powers, turning Yhwach younger.

The real Yhwach, as he gains more and more powers seems to be aging in appearance, most strongly indicated by his moustache.
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How can an innocent non-shipping post hurt the butts of crazy shippers?
Post one image hotter than this.. you can't
Yeah I don't think I can top this.
You win.
Split between Grimmjow and Renji.
Are those...
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Nothing will ever beat 'The Heart.'
I don't think your picture of Pepe fucking Yuzu silly can be topped, anon. I kneel.
Does Kazui go through Orihime’s undies drawer?
Probably Rukia's. The composition of it makes it feel like a splash page from early Bleach.
kek.. mods deleted my pic :(
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Anon as you can see in the pic you replied to first >>268736082 they are actively upgrading his moustache. That shot isn't a manga panel, it's just an original for the anime OP, and they traced it for cour 3 but updating both the Almighty eyes and the moustache.
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So according to crazy ichihime shippers, isshin = Ulquiorra, ichigo = white, and orihime = masaki, even though these fight scenes have completely different contexts. Meanwhile if you compare isshin/masaki with ichigo/rukia, it's the same story the whole way.
Read >>268737396
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>IRchizo cope
i don't think he's into incest
>read the post you are replying to
I guess then I have to tell you to read >>268739129 then (assuming you can read)
Same shot, anime original, but they made sure to give him more pupils and more facial hair. You are wrong.
Your cope collage is silly and schizophrenic, anon.
Imagine thinking there is a relation between Aizen calling Orihime a sun and Isshin calling his lover a sun. You are clearly grasping at straws here.

That being said, Masaki does resemble Orihime but also Rukia.
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>Ichigo's entire character is based on mommy issues, since Masaki was "the sun" of the family. Orihime is named after a star (Vega) and both Ulquorra and Aizen refer to her as "the sun"
>in Tanaba the japanese celebrate the reunion of Vega (Orihime) and Altair (Hikoboshi), one name meaning flying eagle and the other falling eagle. In chapter 409, Kubo shows a double headed eagle with each face pointing at Orihime and Ichigo
>the chapter where Orihime confesses to Ichigo and the chapter where Ichigo rescues her are also called "eagle without wings" and "winged eagles" respectively
>Vega is known as the weaver princess, which is why Orihime is into sewing and handicrafts club. Altair is a cow herder, which is why Ichigo's powers have a horned motif
>the encounter between the two is supposedly ruined by rain, since it overflows the river and they can't meet, which is why Ichigo's sadness is represented by rain, the unability to meet his love. Ichigo and Orihime's houses are also separated by a river
>Tanaba day is 7/7, which is why Kubo uses 7 to represent Orihime multiples times, but the holiday is held from 6 to 8. Ichigo was born exactly a week after the end of Tanabata (7/15)
>likewise, it's said Vega and Altair can meet if the morning glory flower blooms, which is the flower inspiring Orihime's hairpins, which power was awakened by Ichigo
>in the pilot chapter all this is even more obvious with the stars in Ichigo's shihakusho design and the way Orihime is separated from Ichigo (by death) but promises they will manage to meet again, somehow (even Rukia herself ships Ichigo and Orihime here)
Almost eight years and IRcucks still don't get the memo. Don't bother with them, they just want to fuck Rukia so badly they can't handle Ichigo not sharing their tastes.
Would Masaki no-diff Ulquiorra given that she was able to defend against, damage and react against White who is H2 Ichigo?
>>Ichigo's entire character is based on mommy issues, since Masaki was "the sun" of the family. Orihime is named after a star (Vega) and both Ulquorra and Aizen refer to her as "the sun"
It's cute how you try to link two unrelated things to create the illusion you have a point. Not your boogeyman btw.
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Stop coping. Karin said it in wdkaly, Yuzu confirmed it with the way she acts when Orihime visits them. It's literally confirmed at this point that young Masaki is another Orihime and both the father and his son had the same taste in women, they fell in love with similar girls.
Hollowfied Ichigo =/= White
Ichigo is a quincy omnihybrid with White giving him even more power (and back then, breaking free of OMZ power block). White is just White.
Anon you know the sun is a star, right? You also know Vega is the most important star of the sky after the sun, right? And certainly you know Orihime being called the sun is... you know, being called the sun, like Masaki, right...?
How strong is white then? He did pretty good against a captain though that was without bankai
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Ruki/a/ reigns
>Drops the sun comparison because he knows it's bs
And I said that Masaki did resemble Orihime, didn't I? But she also resembles Rukia, and you are biased enough to not admit to it.
>Guys the sun is a star therefore any character named after a star is related to the sun.
That's like saying a character related to animals must be related to a dog because a dog is an animal.
>it's just a coincidence how the MC is defined by the lost of "the sun", the most important woman in his life, and he ends up with a woman who is named after the second most important star after the sun and who is called "the sun" multiples times in the series
Ichirukeks never learn do they
lmao sorry I was going to write about how Isshin is super strong so Shiro must be pretty strong too but didn't at the end, my bad, what I wrote there was the reply for >>268739939
Both girls who ressemble each other in looks and personality were referred to as the sun in the manga. It's not that hard to understand, fans will have fun with that.
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A a writer name a better way to deal with Almighty than silver arrow bullshit.
Hard mode: Without nerfing Yhwach
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Which is weird because if you're going to be biased and say orihime is like masaki, then you also have to acknowledge that the backstory is just like ichigos and rukias. Only way you can't is turning a blind eye to it. Also, ichigo shouldve talked to rukia about his mom, that's what the hospital scene was for. The fact the anime kept it makes me think we may actually get this.
>she also resembles Rukia
Lmfao, that tomboy brocon character is nothing like the cheerful, feminine Masaki. 0 resembles neither in looks nor in personality.
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>is designed to win
>some "people" still don't understand how it happened
Need all these faces replaced with soijaks, STAT!
>just like Ichigo and Rukia's
Ah yes remember when Masaki was powerless and needed to become a shinigami to kill the hollow? Remember when Isshin was injured not randomly by Aizen but specifically to protect Masaki like a retard? Remember when Isshin made Masaki do his job for him as consequence of their encounter? Remember Isshin and Masaki dynamics being like Ichigo and Rukia? Me neither.
Also nice page of the only chapter when Ichigo and Rukia interact in the final arc kek
>just like Ichigo and Rukia's
Ah yes remember when Masaki was powerless and needed to become a shinigami to kill the hollow? Remember when Isshin was injured not randomly by Aizen but specifically to protect Masaki like a retard? Remember when Isshin made Masaki do his job for him as consequence of their encounter? Remember Isshin and Masaki dynamics being like Ichigo and Rukia? Me neither.
> crazy ichihime
anon, you know the story already ended and ichihime won, right?
You are the crazy one thinking this is a subject that is still open to discussion. Did social media really rotten your brain to the point you think you can change something already done if you argue long enough?
Orihimefags are bots confirmed
Yeah, you are biased. Masaki is feminine but can also be tomboyish.
Masaki can fight, like Rukia. Masaki can and will do playful banter, like Rukia.
That's because the Orihimeschizo is obsessed with his rivalry with "Rukiacucks" or "IRschizos" and thus can't be objective. Probably the biggest cancer of these threads.
Aizen was sniffing her hair there
She's an older Japanese woman, that's why.
Aizen's bankai is so hot.
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>tomboyish like Rukia

>also pretending being able to fight is anything special when most female characters in Bleach can also fight
Ichigo and renji are two lucky bastards
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Yhwach did nothing wrong.
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Sousuke did nothing wrong
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I love him
>>tomboyish like Rukia
>>also pretending being able to fight is anything special when most female characters in Bleach can also fight
Most characters not named Orihime, that is. And before you say dumb shit like "but she went against Yhwach" remember she only defended Ichigo and herself. She has no fighting feats beyond those.
>Masaki is feminine but can also be tomboyish.
lol. Masaki is tomboyish now?! Lmfao.
>Masaki can fight, like Rukia. Masaki can and will do playful banter, like Rukia.
Masaki can fight like all of the characters in Bleach. Masaki can and will do playful banter, like all the female characters in Bleach. What's next? Masaki has two legs and can walk just like Rukia? Masaki has a mouth and can talk japanese just like Rukia? lol.
Stop coping, the two characters are nothing alike, Masaki is the Orihime type while Rukia is the Tatsuki type.
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You cannot.
Maybe if Tensa Zangetsu's ability was some abstract way of cutting through fate it could be done.
But Yhwach goes ahead and breaks Tensa Zangetsu with Almighty so that's out the window.

There is a reason why powers like Kyoka Suigetsu and Almighty do not appear in fictional works outside of amateur writings like fanfiction without having heavy limitations or direct counters.
Ichimonji would be on this list too but Ichibe needs to hit you with it's ink. Not hard for him to do but it's a condition.
>Aizen has a condition
He can activate Kyoka Suigetsu silently without posing or anything due to having bankai, it also works on all beings like Soul King Yhwach with only the blind like Tosen dodging it.
>We don't know for sure Aizen has bankai
Aizen, the dude who talks about reaching the peak of shinigami doesn't know bankai? Don't be disingenuous.
Bleach? Best animanga.
>tfw no bleach delinquent slice of life where the rival schools of humans, shinigami, arrancar and quincies duke it out under bridges, in school competitions, and the battlefield of love
The whole shipping war still going on here is one of the most retarded i’ve ever seen (and i endured /SnK/ of all places).
Masaki is a bit of both Rukia and Orihime, the design is more similar to the latter despite part of her backstory being more similar to the former (but also in part with orihime , since the very arc ichigo rescued her from her hollowfied brother).
The parallels works for both the girls, considering the both plays important roles for the protagonist.
That’s said, rukia works better as ichigo’s bro/best friend rather than lover , mostly since most of their “sentimental” scenes comes mostly from the anime (fillers and movies expecially . Considering that at the end of the story is not important which of the two ships won (unless if we want to dweel deeper into kazui being more of fullbringer abomination than a shinigami abomination. In that case yes), how the manga ended didn’t hurt the story since both played their important role in TYBW and ichigo’s life without getting sidelined or barely mentioned
>Masaki is a bit of both Rukia and Orihime
That's literally my point. The Orihimeschizo is going mental and trying to make this a shipping war because that's all his mentally ill ass ever does.
>yes, Masaki is tomboyish like Rukia, and Orihime can't fight
Here's your (You)
Neither Rukia nor Masaki are tomboys
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I thought I've seen it all in Bleach threads, but calling Masaki a tomboy is crazyyyy!!
You are forgetting Masaki fell in love with a Gotei 13 member, just like Rukia!
oh wait
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She's got the cheeky/teasing humor that rukia has for ichigo. Show me where orihime teases ichigo like this.
Probably more retroactive foreshadowing for the silver arrow knowing it will play such a pivotal role in the end.
But probably The Almighty must be nerfed somehow, even just a small one like “draining YHWA ‘s energies if used to many times in a row” or ichigo’s recovered true bankai being his main focus to the point he can’t notice the arrow
Masaki even has short hair like Rukia.
Yeah, that's crazy. Both Masaki and Rukia fell in love with Soul Reapers and ended up marrying them (Isshin and Renji). Insane parrallolz.
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>The whole shipping war still going on here is one of the most retarded i’ve ever seen

It's a pretty tame thing that only gets brought up on /a/ by anons falseflagging as shippers so they can engage in endless shitposting wars, there are no doubt some genuine Orihimefags but it's very curious how they all manifested out of nowhere once the Manga ended and the pairings were made official.
This is not a cope, we have /a/ archives that document everything between 2008-2016. There were Orihime fans but only 1 poster 'Porky' who was a dedicated Ichihime fan.

Let's make some comparisons, imagine if Sasuke was female and Naruto still ended with Hinata.
If Bakugo from MHA was female and Deku still ends with Ochako?
We would not have this endless shipping war if it was Renji who showed up in chapter 1.

Kubo fucked up pretty hard. The Fullbring arc was THE arc to make progress on Ichihime with Ichigo stuck in the Living World living a normal life and all Kubo does this arc is show Ichigo obsessing over Rukia and absolutely nothing on Orihime.
It's why to this day I'm convinced that Kubo did what he did as a troll.
>the dude who talks about reaching the peak of shinigami doesn't know bankai? Don't be disingenuous
The best explanation kubo could go would be that he spiritually renounced to his bankai by his own choice , and by doing so it passively and permanently empowered his shikai. Considering how crazy the guy is and how stupidly shortsided the other shinigami are, i could see it being a possibility since for your average captain , sacrificing your bankai just to have a stronger shikai (aka shit in most cases) would be like insulting the Soul king’s mother in his presence.
I'm not an Orihimefag, but being a tease is not the same as being a tomboy.
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>Senran Kagura with Bleach characters
u buy?
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Rukiatroons keep getting BTFO'ED kek
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You're making our side look weak with this post sister.
>ichihime so nonexistent that it happens off-panel and has to be referenced by a THIRD PARTY in an ambiguous way
shit like this is why nobody cant take it seriously
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Can't wait to Yhwach to saying this line in cour 4
Cute husband and wife teasing each other.
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Whoops forgot the pic
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>IRcucks broke so badly they are now calling Masaki a tomboy to justify their dead ship
You gotta love it
>cheeky = tomboy
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>Think Masaki is not a tomboy
This is the hill your dying on?
A new low for Orihimefags.
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>trailer hit 2 million in 5 days
Jokes on you, Yhwach has way better lines than Aizen, Aizen suffers the "regular guy tries to write a genius" problem, Yhwach is just a massive, literally godly chad force.
When he breaks Ichigo's absolute peak of power and tells him he was allowed to be the protagonist and defy fate against all odds multiples times, simply because HE wasn't the enemy he had to face? Aizen would never.
Man, I love Uryu. I love these guys and their funny interactions, too bad the new anime has no room for these moments now...
another garbage shipper thread
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>one for all and all for one!
Kinda ironic that Yhwach is both One for all and All for one now that I think about it.
Underrated kek.
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>Kubo fucked up pretty hard. The Fullbring arc was THE arc to make progress on Ichihime with Ichigo stuck in the Living World living a normal life and all Kubo does this arc is show Ichigo obsessing over Rukia and absolutely nothing on Orihime.
This. I don't know how I'm expected to take orihime's feelings seriously or see how the writing "made it obvious" when ichigo was too busy thinking about someone else.
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>thinks Masaki acts like a boy
>posts fanart because it's the only thing he has
Pitiful lost soul.
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Kanae my beloved
Based Kanaefag, you're a shining beacon of hope in these threads infected by Rukockroaches and Himeturds.
Masaki has tomboyish behavior as seen here:

You are literally denying reality now.
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>replying to himself like a schizo
>also, Rukia never jumped into a gigai and took one day off during 18 months to visit Ichigo and Ichigo never talked to Rukia in the FB arc after he regained his powers lol
Cope harder IRschizo. Ichigo and Orihime kept getting closer to each other during the 18 months period meanwhile your Rukia never bothered to visit and Ichigo never talked to her after he got his powers again. They went their separate ways as usual, just like the Nakamas they are.
>acting like a boy is when a girl teases
>acting like a boy is when a girl is head over heels for a guy
Kek. Also nice redditspacing.
Orihime also went from losing her shit for being invited to Ichigo's room (without even actually entering) to making herself at home and even tease Ichigo >>268742528
But IRkeks are too busy jerking off to Rukia to look at what other characters do and how they interact with eachother.
A girl teasing a guy is tomboyish behavior, yes. Usually men are the ones doing that to women.
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does every shinigami have a shikai spirit and a bankai spirit or is it just ichigo and kenpachi who have shota/loli bankai and adult shikai?
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Despite Yhwach being kinda one-dimensional after he absorbed Mimihagi his insultes are still great
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>teasing is a boy thing, girls don't tease!
... I've never seen a sadder way to admit when you got no bitches. Now I genuinely feel bad for you.
... At any rate...
>The best explanation kubo could go would be that he spiritually renounced to his bankai by his own choice
This or his bankai isn't that useful in fight, maybe something like "My bankai allows me to see the truth about everything i want" and that will be the explanation of how he learnt about SK state
>He's pretending he gets bitches
>When he knows shit about societal behavior
Keyword: usually.
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Pierrot Films? Yeah I'm thinking kino.
No, anon, it's not usually so one-sided to call a girl who teases a tomboy, you are genuinely terrible at relating to other human beings, a genuine sociopath or just full of shit. Again, I'm not even making fun of you anymore, I genuinely think it's sad you think teasing is usually a boy thing, and no, I'm not a man of many bitches, but even I have been teased by girls, specially at work, it's what normally happens when a girl kinda likes you and goes for you. You will experience it someday, I'm sure of it.
>>replying to himself like a schizo
You are a mentally ill shitposter who has dedicated the last 8 years of his life to this.
I doubt you even like Orihime.
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>A girl teasing a guy is tomboyish behavior
>that black and white balance, that hip cape, that hidden fullbringer X, the dualwield
How can people prefer other Ichigo Shikais over this?
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I will be forever mad on Pierrot for cutting one of his best scenes
>No, [let me use an hyperbole to seem like I have a point], you [projection and ad hominem]
You are terrible at this, you know? I didn't say a girl that teases is a tomboy. I said that it is a tomboyish behavior, because men are usually the ones who are that forward. I shouldn't need to explain this to you at all.
We see him like this in 5 chapters max.
Anon, how is this teasing? And how is it the same as rukia's/masaki's teasing? Where, you know, they're actually mean?
I mostly don't care for the armor part of it and the smaller blade, other than that I think it's a cool look.
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Thing that makes Yhwach the goat that he ain't gives a shit and walks away like a chad
>I didn't say a girl teasing is a tomboy, just that she acts like a tomboy, y-you are projecting! Men are usually the ones showing interest
Again, sorry you get no bitches, but I still believe you will experience being teased by girls in the future, this is a big world after all, someone will be that forward with you.
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In TYBW Kubo started the tendency of over designing the characters. Ichigo is the prime example. There is just too much going on. It used to be simple and tasteful.
You are trying so fucking hard
Go take your meds, headcanonschizo.
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I hope in cour 3 it'll be Uryu who beat them so they won't look so suicidal
>character who is an amalgamation of all things has an outfit that properly represents all things
Oh no, how could he...
Is her pussy really was that good that Ryuken went against his God?
That's deviating from the original story. Won't happen.
the lamest cope
<That's deviating from the original story. They already did that at the end of cour 2
Also they mentioned several times that there will be a lot of changes in cour 3 and 4
Displaying a tomboyish behavior doesn't make someone a tomboy like you keep trying to make it seem that was my point. And notice how you changed "being that forward" to "showing interest" which is not the same.
You're disingenuous and overly emotional to the point you feel the need to try to make this discussion something personal. Very insecure of you.
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>teasing is male behavior
>if a girl teases her friend or whoever, that makes her tomboyish
I can't breathe!!! Rukiafags are truly something else!!
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They should talk more
>He changed tomboyish to male
>He changed the subject of what it was an obvious an act of romantic display to an amicable one
Any more fallacies you want to share with the class?
>obvious an act
Obvious act*
Your cope aside, you already agreed Masaki isn't a tomboy, like Rukia.

>notice how you changed "being that forward" to "showing interest"
I used forward because it's literally what you used in your cope of women rarely teasing, you poor, sociopath anon.

>more projection
Teasing someone is not a male behavior and if a girl teases someone that doesn't make her tomboyish. You looking real crazy right now my guy.
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I love her so much bros
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The Power is Yours!
Don't judge him, it's not his fault no girl ever flirts with him.
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Renji, Kubo has surpassed himself making him even sexier than usual
That kind of seems like the only low-consequence fight that could be happening in this scene.
it's a hint, the new edition is still possible
>you already agreed Masaki isn't a tomboy, like Rukia.
She displays tomboyish behavior like Rukia.
>I used forward because it's literally what you used in your cope of women rarely teasing, you poor, sociopath anon.
That was not the point I made. I don't think you have any semblance of reading comprehension.
Assuming you're not the same guy (doubtful) my point wasn't that it was a male behavior.
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Hey guys, Pierrot Films just sent me the improved sakuga version of this footage.
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>Pointing and laughing at someone i-isn't mean! It's super nice and wholesome!
Anon, I know you lack social skills, but realize that the teasing masaki/rukia do to isshin/ichigo is the kind that gets under their skin/playfully makes fun of them. You see it in a bunch of other romance couples too. Orihime doesn't do this.
>She displays tomboyish behavior like Rukia.
No she doesn't. And again teasing someone is not tomboyish. Just like how Rangiku is not considered tomboyish because she teased Ichigo that time when she wanted to sleep in his house or when she teases Toshiro.
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>also, Rukia never jumped into a gigai and took one day off during 18 months to visit Ichigo
Kubo did this to show us how much he missed rukia you retard. And even when she comes back, she realizes how much ichigo meant to her. But seeing how the fullbring arc is rushed (ichigo doesn't get his own fullbring), it's only possible kubo pushed that kind of talk somewhere else. Like here:>>268740497. Again, if the main character is shown having big feelings about someone, people are gonna relate to that more.
Rangiku's actions land more on the side of seduction than anything else. She is using her natural womanly attributes to her advantage, after all.
I didn't watch yet the second cour, is it good?
Did they add just a few scenes or was it really plenty (like game changing compared to the Manga)?
It would never happen, but I'd love to see a reissue with the TYBW anime content added into the final volumes of the manga. We know Kubo did explanatory sketches and even storyboarding. Rurouni Kenshin got a manga remake and series like Bastard, Yami no Matsuei, One Punch-Man, and I think Shaman King got extensive, even multi-volume redraws.
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It was kino.
He's drawn Rukia and Ishida before in two separate Jump spreads and an Ichigo tribute illustration when Bleach ended.
Candice is an american hottie
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Are you retarded? Yoruichi, Rangiku, Tatsuki and even Orihime did the same thing with Ichigo in different situations. Even male characters laugh and point at each other. Stop being delusional. Rukia is nothing like Masaki, also Ichigo is most of the time annoyed with Rukia because she's disrespectful, barging in, yelling at him, acting bossy, their interactions are similar to his interactions with Renji/Tatsuki.
Imagine sniffing Orihime’s used thongs
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>[Headcanon cope]
The Fullbring arc was about Ichigo and how much it meant for him to have power. He didn't even talk to your Rukia after he regained his powers, he went to retrieve Ginjo's dead body from the SS and didn't even have an interaction with her, so much for missing her lmao. He had a playful interaction with Renji than the arc ended and he barely spoke to her again in the TYBW. Stop living in delusions.
They redeemed Royal Guard and ruined Gremmy/Kenpachi fight by cramming it all into single episode so depends on what you want from second cour
>only low-consequence fight
Bazz/Hashbrown fight was also low- consequential
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Indeed. Pierrot Films were focusing a lot of lewd screenshots on Candice.
Are you new? They stated multiple times that they're deviating from the original story starting with cour 3.
I meant that Uryu could feasibly be a part of. It'd be a terrible idea to have him crash Bazz v Hash.
>that manface
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>fights and defeats Shutara
>fights Ichigo
Is this enough urgency or are they gonna make Uryu do even more?
>Yoruichi, Rangiku, Tatsuki and even Orihime did the same thing with Ichigo in different situations
I know rangiku did, but I don't recall anything with orihime on the same level as rukia and certainly not rangiku. Show me where she did something like they did. I'll wait.
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>how much he missed rukia
She teases people, like girls do, and doesn't handle her own gang of boys like Rukia and a tomboy would do, keep trying.

>-hah, you changed what you said!
>+It's what you said.
True, nothing you say matter because you are trying to convince people teasing is a mostly masculine thing in a desperate atempt to... to what? Orihime already won. Rukia already lost.
>Yami no Matsuei
Wasn't Nagare raped by a snake in the manga?
>He didn't even talk to your Rukia after he regained his powers
He straight up ignored ginjo and talked to rukia right after he got them. Again, knowing that the fullbring arc is rushed, I don't see why it's unreasonable to expect that they talk more in the next arc. These two are the main characters of the story, or at least, kubo ended it with their relationship, not ichigo and orihimes.
>implying Ichigo allows Orihime to use underwear
Friendly reminder IRkeks are literally just animeonlies who were tricked by Pierrot enless filler and Orihime erasure and really think Ichigo and Rukia some sort of duo for more than the first arc, they don't even know that after Byakuya shows up, Ichigo interacts more with Mizuiro, Keigo or Satsuki (let alone Orihime and Chad) than with Rukia for the rest of the series.
You know, this may be just me but I think Rukia and Renji were already romantically involved in the fullbring arc and by the last arc they were already dating/fucking
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imagine becoming canon yet having to still having fight about it because the ship was poorly written. ichihime is lucky it won because if it didn’t then the small fan base would have disappeared back in 2016, ichiruki still has a big fanbase despite not happening
Rukia IS the facto tomboy archetype. That was her entire gimmick, and no amount of revisionism will change that faggo.
no bigger simp for Ichigo than Orihime
Neither of those instances have orihime actually teasing him like rukia or masaki. She means those things in a nice wholesome way, not a playful teasing way.
>ichiruki still has a big fanbase despite not happening
Bitter fanbase, because here they are still arguing because what they really wanted was to be canon.
Accep it, everybody prefer canon status to popularity.
people respect canon now but that wasn’t the case in 2016 and 2017 and maybe even 2018 when people were still shitting on the ending for many things, not just ships. it’s better now but the same might happen if the anime doesn’t change and expand things
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>spergs out in the thread out of nowhere over his non existent fictional ship
>people BTFO him and his headcanons with the canon story
>them answering and BTFOing me means that their ship is poorly written
lel. Even little Kazui is laughing at your ass.
Not only that. They (well one guy here, the orihimeschizo) have become completely schizophrenic to the extent they can't argue without thinking the other side is a shipper like them (him).
kek look at the arguments for both sides, some anon just does a copy paste with some ichiruki and ichihime posts. i see the same posts with the same wording and images in every thread
See >>268742528
Also, Masaki laughing and at Isshin and teasing him one time when she first saw him wearing a doctor's outfit is nothing like the disrespectful Rukia and the way she annoys Ichigo to the point he starts calling her names. That's more like the Renji/Ichigo, Tatsuki/Ichigo dynamic.
>Kazui now has this kind of thought process
I wonder if he has daydreams as crazy as his mom 's used to be as well as the bread addiction.
Kubo really loves Orihime and Rukia alot huh? It's weird to see an author like both their girls, Kishi doesn't give a fuck about Hinata or Sakura where as Oda heavily favors Nami
Anon, nobody is fighting, Orihime won, we are just humiliating people who not only deny reality but push retarded stuff like calling Masaki a tomboy to justify how they should have won the battle they lost a decade ago.
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anime fans have really became like kpop fans.. everything is about numbers, sells, views etc.. it's really sad.
The real hard mode here is for to stop speedreading Bleach. Aren’t you tired of this shit?
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>canonhime writting: >>268739470
>copekia delusion: Huh... did you know women don't tease? It's mostly guys haha... Masaki was such a tomboy, like Rukia!
See >>268742528
>Shows the same fucking thing
Anon, I
>laughing and at
Masaki does have tomboy tendencies though. She is a mix of Orihime and Rukia, after all.
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>Shinigami live hundreds if not thousands of years
>This brat is aging like a human would and seemingly is going to human schools because she likes her osananajisami human boy friend

I don't understand, I know Kubo fucked up because this has been pointed out to him before and he hastily covered his ass with a half baked "T-they choose when they stop aging physically" which could have some degree of truth to it had it not been shown that Renji,Hinamori,kira and Hisagi went from teenagers to young adults in a typical high school 3 year between the shinigami academy and joining their first squads, Hinamori to Squad 5, Kira to squad 3, Renji to squad 9, later to 11th because of his personality and then again to 6th when he surpassed Ikkaku's strength but didn't want to be a 4th seat. Actually who is the 4th seat of squad 11 between Ikkaku and Yumichika? It must of been weird as fuck to know the guy below you is stronger than you
rukia is the moon to ichigos sun. isshin called masaki the sun, ichigo never called anyone his sun
Do you really wanna get into this fight,anon?
>but Aizen called Orihime a sun so that's the same!!
>Ichigo never called anyone his sun
Look at this fucking retard and laugh
>Orihimeschizo is samefagging
>they choose when they stop aging physically
That's not what he said. I don't remember exactly but I think he said they stop/slow down their aging when they reach their peak of strength
Calling Masaki tomboyish is crazy!! I guess Rangiku is tomboyish too with the way she keeps teasing Toshiro and had short hair one time. And while we are at it, we can consider momo as tomboyish too because she fights and teases Hitsugaya, as matter of fact all of Bleach females can be labeled tomboyish by this guy's retarded logic lol.
>the default copium
As expected, Rukiafags just don't read Bleach.
>ichigo never called anyone his sun
By that logic he also didn't call Rukia his moon
All except the character handcrafted to be Ichigo's sweetheart, of course.
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Would Rangiku date a short, autistic, small-dicked 4channer?
>not tomboy-ish
Just say you didn't read Everything but the Rain.
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>IRcuck thinks the Masaki sun thing is from Isshin's perspective only
People who think Rukia was meant to be with Ichigo? Confirmed to don't know jackshit about Bleach.
Rangiku is not real.
Man I feel bad for genuine Rukiafans who just love her wholeheartedly and not because they self-insert and fantasize with Ichigo fucking her
You should feel bad for the Orihimefans that deny any semblace of Rukia in Masaki and default to shipping wars out of nowhere for no reason.
Man,the hall of anal devastation is going to be very fun to see once the ending happens and we see the brats animated for the first time.
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>rukia is the moon to ichigos sun
Rukia said she was the moon to Ichigo? The fuck is this retarded shit? Are you talking about the titles that Kubo gave to the extra chapters to showcase how Rukia giving Ichigo power, the thing he wanted most in life, changed his life.
Man I didn't even think about it. I can see people genuinely killing themselves because the anime didn't change the couples
Okay, then. I challenge orihimefags to show me 3 instances of Ichigo having interest in Orihime romantically and I'll relent. Just 3, if you can't do that then you have to admit the ship was forced
All anime girls are real and owe me sex
Damn, after seeing that trailer I finally understand why people love hearing the word "Bankai" it really is satisfying, is this what JJK fans mean when they say Domain Expansion?
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>show me instances of the man who dated, married and impregnated Orihime having interest in her
What about you stop coping and show instances of him being interested in Rukia? Oh wait you know you would never find anything but your headcanon.
Sad, saaad loser.
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Orihime is so lucky
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Imagine the canon sex between these two love birds.
>gets brutally beaten up by a ghost-panther-man
>his girl says to stop getting hurt
>"You heard the lady, we are done."
>oneshots his enemy
The power of love, milkers and chadness.
Grimmjow was owned by the power of love.
>I do think she's revealing too much, BUT...
but what Ichigo?? He wanted to dive in there head first.
I'll accept these two but I won't accept this one>>268749935

You owe me one more
Go fuck yourself
Can you blame him? Big ginger orphan titties.
Grimmjow lost so hard to the power of love that he's an active IchiHime shipper in the novels. He felt in his flesh what love is like
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>I won't accept Ichigo having the idea of cherishing Orihime so rooted in his heart that his most primal instincts kick in to beat anyone with power to threaten her, friend or foe
lmao, Ichigo loves Orihime so much so can become a brainless ghost zombie and he will still prioritize her
>ichigo still gets hit after this
Aizen is so handsome and cool and strong and smart I wish he was my dad
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He goes crazy for his future wife.
Ichigo looked the most hurt when Tsukishima brainwashed Orihime into using her rikka on him, I swear I remember him even saying in his head "Don't look at him like that" while she gives the guy the same smile she usually gives him
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Friendly reminder that Ichigo completely forgot about dying Rukia the moment Ulquiorra mentioned Orihime
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>"Kurosaki's mate is the happy-go-lucky human girl." Grimmjow says, remembering the woman Ichigo had risked his life coming to Hueco Mundo to save.
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Wait >>268739470
>Altair is a cow herder, which is why Ichigo's powers have a horned motif
Holy shit, the moment Ichigo's hollow powers manifest horns for first time is when he has to act as the cow herder Hikoboshi and protect his beloved Orihime
Ichigo also got ready to throw hands at Tsukishima when he mentioned calling Orihime. He was already at his home being chatty with her sisters and talking about Chad, Keigo and other friends, but the moment Ichigo snaps is when Tsukishima mentions Orihime.
I went back and binged the soul society arc and I am surprised how much I liked it. I remember exactly why I fell in love with this series when I was a teen watching it for the first time, it definitely holds up today. It's so good that I'm genuinely baffled that the same kubo who wrote that also wrote thousand year blood war.

I really loved how it was basically a big 4D chess match between Aizen and Urahara. No one really talks about it but it's really cool how Urahara is his intellectual equal and one of his main drives for Azien's plan is basically trying to prove to him that he's the smarter man. It's a cool, subtle power play between two great minds that never really felt like it was to convenient at least until blood war where Aizen then just became precognisant. I liked it a lot better when Ichigo was a fluke he never anticipated, not the grand central plan to his evolution.
Okay this is getting stupid can we stop talking about this shit now? Nobody cares!

>Quoting a non canon novel
Just stop it already.
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That's the women he fell in love with after all.
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He doesn’t. He tells Ulquiprra he has to hurry up because he knows Rukia is in danger. He goes bankai from the start because wants to get it over with, read the chapters.
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Pierrot Films?
>baiter asks for proof
>Gets it
>Immediately gets mad and wants everything to stop
Hall of anal devastation really is going to be amazing in the anime next year
>he has to hurry up because he knows Rukia is in danger
Ulquiorra wasnt actively shopping him from going for Rukia. Ichigo attacked when he mentioned Orihime
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You ichirukitards were always stupid and always want to talk about your defeat, it's too late.
stop talking to yourself
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It's interesting to compare Ichigo reactions to two similar situations
this is how I would've done it (and honest to god, how I thought HE was going to do it).

1. Instead of Jugram fighting Uryu for literally no fucking reason, have Uryu convince him to switch sides. Like fuck, he literally gets convinced in the end anyway.

2. have it be one giant effort to stop Yhwach with all parties in on it. Aizen, the Arrancar, all of them. Make it a huge showdown and a spectacle that Kubo is known for.

3. it should be Uryu's victory. Rather than Ichigo swooping in, or his father doing it with the dumb ass arrow, have Uryu and Jugram use their abilities in tandem to cancel out the Almighty, even if for a short time. Have Aizen help with this.

4. In the end, Uryu should deliver the final blow, not Ichigo, not Ryuken. This is supposed to be the Quincy's big moment and since Uryu was always going to betray him, it should be a demonstration of his resolve to side with the soul reapers against his own kind.

That's how I would've played it out. I genuinely believed him and Jugram were going to team up because that would've been a near perfect counter to the Almighty and it wouldn't feel like an asspull.
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>U: Rukia is dead, you know.
>I: Whatever you say mate, I'm going to save her.
>U: Huh okay. By the way, I'm the one who kidnapped Orihime.
>I: YOU WHAT??? *starts one of the most legendary fights in the entire series*
Sternritter 'C': The Cope
>starts one of the most legendary fights in the entire series*
Tbh the only legendary part of this fight is this moment (and anime made it better by adding Nothing Can Be Explained)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhqTgK2MQZE Kon-chads rise up
>1. Instead of Jugram fighting Uryu for literally no fucking reason, have Uryu convince him to switch sides. Like fuck, he literally gets convinced in the end anyway.
Uryu vs Haschwalth had to happen since the arc was building up their rivalry ever since Uryu is revealed to be a member from the Wandenreich. Even if you have Haschwalth join the good guys you would still need a fight to convince him to do it, he was literally the most loyal follower of Yhwach, him switching sides like nothing with just a speech would be OOC.
Kubo is still a fucking retard for changing her hair color in new anime
>he literally gets convinced in the end anyway
No he wasnt. He told Uryu to swap damage to him in the end because oh his balance autism
It could've been done though. He probably feels rightly screwed over because Uryu got to be Yhwach's successor instead of him. You could make it happen with enough effort

He said he'd already seen how it would turn out, he knew Yhwach was going to get capped. It could've been feasibly done.
I didn’t say he didn’t, but go read the chapter again. He tells Ulquiorra he has to hurry up and defeat him. He wants to go back to check on Rukia, that’s why he has a line about hurrying up. If ulquiorra didn’t kill him he would have gone back to rukia
Momo should have died
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He didn't choose, he went straight from Squad 11 - Squad 6 VC when Byakuya chose him, was never stated if he was a seated officer or not

>Squad 11 4th seat
Kubo has said this seat is empty. This fits with canon and isn't one of Kubo's regular eccentrics.
There's 2 ways of becoming a Seated Officer. 1: Current Squad captain decides you are xth Seated Officer. 2: You are recognised as the 3rd/4th/5th etc strongest Shinigami in the squad so you get the seat.
The trick here is that it's canon that every Shinigami promotion is voluntary, you can say no to any of them. So Yumichika can just say no to the 4th seat promotion and it'll remain empty unless Kenpachi one day names some other Shinigami 4th seat.

Fun fact, until Kubo gives us new rules. If a Squad loses both their Captain and VC the Third Seat does not become VC, VC remains empty a new Captain is promoted and that Captain names a VC.
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Friendly reminder that even after all the arrancar arc stuff with orihime, it ends with an ichiruki farewell that could've been ripped from any other romance manga.
Was this post imported from 2015? Are you in the wrong thread perhaps?
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I don't accept either of these. 1st one cause he never connected with orihime the same way he did with rukia when she got kidnapped. There is no "memories in the rain" arc where the story goes to connect the two characters from just friends to actually caring about each other. Also if he did care about orihime in this 1st case, he would've dated her. That he instead went sulking about rukia in the fullbringer arc shows that he was still closer to rukia than orihime.
2nd one also fails cause of the 1st reason, there was no point in the story where they actually connected beyond surface level interactions, so to have him like orihime suddenly cause she's hot makes no sense. And even if we accept that this is a valid instance (cheating) then by this logic, he also likes rukia for blushing at her ass.
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>he would still have gone to check on Rukia, who was supposedly death, it's just that fighting the guy responsible of taking Orihime there was more important
Yeah, that's the thing
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They said a captain will reveal his bankai in cour 3.
The face of a winner.
It ended with Ichigo losing his powers, leaving him sad and depressed because he had just lost what he desired most in life. His farewell with the person who gave him those powers symbolizes this loss. Her gradual fading away means his powers truly disappeared—a sad scene showing Ichigo who made the ultimate sacrifice to stop Aizen is now facing the reality that the power he wanted so bad is now gone forever.
Yeah, Shunsui.
no, anime only
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>I don't accept either of these.
You are just in denial. No need to type walls of text. I'm right and you are wrong, Ichigo confessed to Orihime and not to Rukia, he was in love with Orihime and not Rukia. Those moments you refuse to accept foreshadowed his love for her and him choosing her later to be his wife. You saw it coming yourself, which is why you've been sperging out over everything related to Orihime and hating on her for years.
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Okay realistically speaking, how long will people like he cry over canon? How many years will it take for them to let it go? I can't even imagine the life of someone who still has nightmares over his ship sinking almost a decade ago
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>Ichigo, my son, which one of them will you marry?
>The cow-titted girl with an equally huge ass who is devoted to your cock?
>Or the literal washboard who can't help but be a bitch all the time?
>Alan Walker front and center
Based taste on his part.
you are not gonna get aired bro.
>does every shinigami have a shikai spirit and a bankai spirit
who knows even kubo might don't know lol
People who cling to ships this hard usually have problems IRL, they probably don't have shit going on for themselves, no career, social life, goals or ambition so their ship becomes their purpose. Nature abhors a vacuum as they say.
>It could've been done though. He probably feels rightly screwed over because Uryu got to be Yhwach's successor instead of him. You could make it happen with enough effort
Haschwalth never cared about his position. Even if Uryu was the official successor he was still given the role of being Yhwach's half and even was allowed to carry his power. It's only by fighting Uryu that he realized that following Yhwach's blindly and turning against his only friend was a mistake.
Looks like a new fight with Mayuri unless it was a fake out
But that's not how this went down, the usual Orihime shitposters opened the shipping war in this thread with these posts
As another anon has said, if Ichihime was so popular and well loved it would not require constant essays of justifying and arguing why Orihime is the heroine of the story, it would instead be readily apparent.
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The anime was the one who changed Rangiku's hair color to orange. She has always been blonde in the manga. The new anime merely depicts her with her canon hair color.
Bejita's wife is so beautiful...
>light novel
I mean, if you have to rely on a light novel to explain how the main character fell in love with his wife, then the writing fails. It doesn't even do that though, it takes place 4 years after the last arc.
> Those moments you refuse to accept foreshadowed his love for her and him choosing her later to be his wife
This is dumb logic. If ichigo ended up with aizen, that means you have to go back and "reinterpret" their interactions as foreshadow romance, which is dumb.
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These three solo your fave verse no diff
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You love being in denial. People saw it coming since the Grimmjow fight. Keep coping and screaming at the clouds, 10 years of cope has passed, 10 years of cope are still to come. Keep coping and crying year after year.
Lovebros its our time
>People saw it coming since the Grimmjow fight
Show us
and it sucks
Who are the 2 characters from Bleach in this poll?
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Forgot to post the poll.
Orihime owes me sex
We know, random oji san.
What kind of poll is that?
Chizuru, get out of this thread.
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I wanna give Uryu a brother
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>Rukia and Orihime fans fighting over Ichigo bowl yet again

two good ships that should have happened and the anime was based for giving us toshiro/karin material, kubo should have added it into the manga
Ichigo would've bullied the fuck out of Toshiro for even trying to get close to Karin
Already addressed this. Some changes

>Have Yhwach already die and come back against Ichigo and Orihime in the throne room fight to inflict maximum despair.

>Rest of the fight proceeds as is. Yhwach goes to the field only to find Aizen

>Ichigo and Renji pursue after having his bankai repaired. Ichigo announces to Renji and Aizen that Yhwach can revive himself after death

>Shunsui who recruited Aizen for the final fight is already aware of Uryuu's betrayal through Ryuken, as well as Yhwach being under Kyouka suigetsu. The plan is to get Ichigo, Aizen and Uryuu to combine to bring down the Almighty.

>Lengthen the Haschwalth fight. Make it more poignant and have Haschwalth choose against Yhwach after Auswählen. Uryuu brings a dying Jugram with him to the battlefield.

>On the battlefield, Aizen is concealing Uryuu and Jugram's arrival and that particular future from Yhwach through KS. Keep the panel of Yhwach stabbing Ichigo, only to discover it was Aizen.

>Immediately, Uryuu switches the Almighty between Yhwach and Jugram (we know this is possible because Jugram is handed over the Almighty when Yhwach sleeps).

>Yhwach surprised pikachu face. Yhwach tries to Auswählen back his power but Ichigo says Bankai and rest is history.

Still silver is more poetic since the last echt earth quincy created it as revenge for his dead wife that eventually defeated Yhwach, but it can't be included due to its very immediate reveal.
>Ichigo and Renji pursue after bankai is repaired
What the fuck happened to renji still KEK still get his arm cut off immediately and gone till the very last episode?
forever. the majority of shippers wanted ichigo with rukia and those that grew to respect ichihime dont ship it, they respect ichihime cause its what kubo wrote. if kubo wrote tatsuki as the endgame girl, they would have defended that too. ichihime is more popular and accepted these days, but ichiruki is still the most popular ship so people will always mention it
What a terrible thread.
Stop complaining and make it better.
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Renji got blow away immediately. He didn't lose an arm, but it's still pretty embarassing.
Poor Hitsugaya
>Thread full of shipping bullshit 8 years since the ending
I ain't entering these threads till october. Deluded shippers ruin everything.
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>This is the reason hitsugaya wants to be taller. To escape Rangiku's bosom ambush
she will probably just try harder
She would just surprise jump him and smother his face on her bosoms.
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>I liked it a lot better when Ichigo was a fluke he never anticipated, not the grand central plan to his evolution.
Ichigo never was part of his main plan, but he did incorporate him into it when the opportunity presented. Deep down Aizen was a scientist. It felt like he was always more interested with the limits of what he creates/can create than becoming the SK himself. Ichigo helping him evolve was just a convenient consequence for him. Aizen would have found other ways to see Ichigo evolve if it weren't for that.
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Something like that. Icy would still grouse but isshin would absolutely know what's up and cackle about it.
>Cons: the lazy cat gets bragging rights for jumping him. Again. For the nth time
>Pros: Full body contact & armful of "your precious lieutenant" that forever cherishes you
I love it
Renji was way above his paygrade. Him tagging along is more symbolic of his relationship with Ichigo than being actually useful.
I definitely agree, it just sucks that he gives this rousing heart-to-heart then gets immediately blow away. That pretty much sums up everyone's participation in that fight except for the deus ex machina arrow.
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Eh, it was obvious that Kubo only sent him and Rukia there to cheer up Ichigo and Orihime after Yhwach crushed them.
Better in Hell arc
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>was never stated if he was a seated officer or not
Renji was 6th seat in squad 11 when he was promoted to vice-captain
Renji was in squad 5, not the 9
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Cute strawberry
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Best girl
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Aizen was way more considerated of Renji than Hinamori. He could have killed him here very easily if he wanted the hogyoku in Rukia. He didn't kill him because he really didn't want to, I wonder why.
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zesty espada
Stupid sexy Nemu.
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2 million views in 6 days.
The hype is real.
Ichigo's and Hitsugaya's the least, the rest are very good
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Renji and Rukia went from children to teenagers in 10 years. After that their growth is much slower, and this will probably happen with most shinigami, they grow at a similar rate as living humans when they are children, and then their growth become slower. Hitsugaya, for example, is a bit different because he is older than Hinamori but he still looks like a preteen.
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File deleted.
Man, this sure is busy as hell.
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Cute and canon.
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The new opening? a banger indeed

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Change and Velonica are better
>mangled AI slop
Why would anyone listen to this?
Not really. It sounds generic as fuck.
Change is shit.
Eh, the song is not really my type.
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The song sounds near identical to Kitani's first opening, but has just barely enough edge over it with a slightly rougher rock'ish sound. On its own it's okay, but if the animation goes hard and carries it, I can see myself really liking it.
I will have to see it with animation to evaluate it better. These are still the best songs of the new anime:
A pity they weren't an opening and an ending
At least they made those great AMVs so it's not that big of a pity.
>These are still the best songs of the new anime:
>No Auswahlen theme
Really nigga
Then it's a you problem for thinking the anime version was the original one.
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Why is Uryu like this?
Learn what a song is, brainlet.
What the fuck is this edit?
I'd rather you kept the PV voicelines behind it than this crap.
He's the original tsundere of Bleach.
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Don't be sad he's gone,
be happy you finally got to see it.
Is Bleach actually considered good? Is it really even worth watching?
I've been trying to watch it for like a decade but I can never bring myself to do so. I can never finish it. I always get bored. Maybe not bored but more like fatigue. I try binge watching it but I just wind up watching other stuff then forget about it for months of a year before trying to continue.

I liked it originally (never saw it in completion just talking about when it was airing originally in the earlier seasons) but it just seems to drag on for so fucking long and the animation is kind of ugly to look at. The pre HD era look and low budget doesn't do it any favors and most of it isn't even available in HD which is disappointing.

I'm like 2/3 done and have been trying to watch it all before starting TYBW but I always wind up watching other stuff like Gate, Frieren, Gushing, MGSO Asuka, Zombieland Saga, Slime diaries, Re:Creators, FMA and Akame some are newer but others are also old but the point is nothing else I have watched in the past year has 400 fucking episodes. Bleach has its moments and I like the overall story but even the non filler episodes (I'm trying to watch all the filler shit regardless) feel like filler half the time. I like the story and characters but not the pace. 250+ episodes in and I feel like this could have all been summed up in 80 episodes with room for beach/fanservice episodes and side stories included.

I realize a bunch of people grew up watching it as it aired but I watched some of it in the beginning but didn't watch much anime, so wasn't tuning in for it so I was always 10+ years behind and it was concluded before I even really wanted to watch it from start to finish.

I'm considering abandoning looking for plot summary vids on youtube and just abandoning Bleach and jumping into TYBW instead. Has anyone else done this?
kys zoomer
>kys zoomer

samefag mad
Don't watch Bleach. Read Bleach. Even the canon episodes have terribly bad pacing and the studio completely butchered the aesthetic.
Forgot to add: watch Tybw only. You can read it still. The first half is top notch, and it's still good until chapter 653, but after that there is a noticeable drop in quality
I like how it sounds. Song-wise I like it more than the first two openings.
That's how shonen anime were back then. If you don't like the pacing you can always read the manga instead since it's way faster, and Bleach especially is a quick read when you binge read it.
I don't really have a setup capable to read mangas with, no portrait display at the moment or ones with high enough res in landscape like 5k or 8k where it would still look fine and be easily viewed.
I'll consider this if my current attempts fail to finish it by the end of the year. I'll be upgrading my computers and remodeling the room by then so that'll be an option.

At times it feels like I'm playing World of Warcraft and watching NPCs talk during the quests.
>NPC A talks
>5 seconds of silence...
>NPC B responds
>5 seconds of silence...
>5 more seconds of silence... crickets begin chirping.. (server tickrate dropped, nothing personal haha $15/mo for this shit)
>5 more seconds of silence....
>NPC A finally acknowledges response
>5 more seconds of silence....
>NPC A decides enough time has passed then begins a new part of the dialogue
It can be ridiculous at times. WoW NPC dialog is a fucking meme and Bleach isn't on that level but the pacing still isn't good. I assume this is just a cheap way to pad runtime and my current attempt to alleviate the suffering is I'm watching it at 1.25x speed now. Feels nicer this way, I never watch shit sped up but here it feels necessary. Some scenes are a little fast but a lot of Bleach is so damn slow that speeding it up does more good than bad so far.

Being able to read at my pace sounds great. I hadn't considered that.
Any recommendations on the ideal screen res for reading manga? Is there any digital standard to aim for like with 1080p/4k for video? I would like to view things at a native res without scaling if possible. I don't feel like buying physical copies but if there's a place they can be rented I'd consider doing that instead.
I love Bleach
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>Ichigo's training with ichibe leads to him obtaining soul king status/powers to reflect the almighty
>That training also makes ichigo the candidate to be soul king, so that when yhwach dies, ichigo will take his place
>But when ichigo first met rukia, part of his soul transferred to hers, and vice versa. In order for the process to be complete, rukia has to give him all of her powers
>Instead, rukia cuts soul-ties with ichigo so that he doesn't have to be the lynchpin
>They kiss
>They fight yhwach
>Death and strawberry
Something like this should've happened. Or at least have ichigo/rukia do something important together.
Bad fanfic
It seems he is strongest when looking like a fully middle aged man, around 40something
i am so hurt they didnt put this in its such a cute moment, hopefully they can find somewhere to fit it in with cour 3
Tony kaku
Stop posting Ishida
Is that aizen on the left?
bleach fucking sucks
I think it's Byakuya.
Bleach fucking rocks.
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I assume this is a vice captain list
The featless lieutenants shouldn't be ranked. Also Kaien should be higher than Omaeda.
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Omaeda's gigachad dad should be way higher. Even Soifon treats him with the utmost respect.
Every vice-captain has a feat, one just needs to read slower.
Except the ones from TBTP. Some of them, like Rose's former VC, weren't shown in the manga.
>Iba's mom
>Love's lieutenant
>Byakuya's father
>Omaeda's father
Those are featless. Hell besides Omaeda's dad who appeared in some omakes none of them appeared in the main story at all.
So what's the context of this image? Soifon's family serves the Shihouin family not the Omaeda.
Bro he clrearly fucked up. Whatever shit he was writing at the start is irrelevant.
actual copers
Get Hisagi out of there, his bankai is literally unable to win a fight
Omaeda's dad feat is fucking Yoruichi in front of Urahara
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Flat Ichigo bros.
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>Gin fresh out of academy, using a zanpakuto for only a year completely btfo Squad 5's 3rd seat.
>Proceeds to be stuck at VC for 50 years
holy speedreading
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Will BBS continue to have better art direction and special effects than the anime?
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Best girl.
The One True King.
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The 2nd OP was a banger too but the visuals sucked. The success of an OP isn’t just decided on the music alone
The visuals were great. The animation sucked, or rather there was barely any animation, it felt more like an ending with mostly still images. It didn't fit the high octane energy of the song at all.
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>AI shit
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>zaraki fresh out of kindergarten, using a stolen asauchi completely btfo a senior captain
>proceeds to be stuck at ss arc shikai ichigo level for the next 500 years
Didn't he put a limit on his own power so he could enjoy fights more?
we're pretending to be speedreaders
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Halibel thanks Nelliel for saving her.
They are co-Queens of Hueco Mundo. I can see this.
haha what if Nemu didn’t notice you and like accidentally sat on you haha
Her butt probably has some hidden weapons that will kill you in the most painful and humiliating manner.
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slow POKE
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I'm really loving that chorus.
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Best girl.
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>will Kurosaki-kun notice my oppai?
Looks like generic arena sloppa.
Why we couldn't get the storm series treatment or a kino jrpg?
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Ichigo nutted in that? Lucky bastard.
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>Looks like generic arena sloppa
>Why couldn't we get generic arena sloppa
brainlets make no sense
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The pacing of the 2004 series was good, with the exception of the fullbringer arc and the latter part of the arrancar arc.
If you skip all the filler you'll be able to watch everything including TYBW in 2 weeks if you're completely free in that time (that's what I did).
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What do you think about the theory that Kubo is altering the canon and Ishida is genuinely changing sides?
So Ichigo is beyond captain level right
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How would that even fit with literally the rest the story
Captain level is basically meaningless when there are some really weak ones but also some really strong ones
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That' would be so fucking kino.
>How would that even fit with literally the rest the story
Literally fucking easy since Ishida doesn't do anything in the story.
Anon Ichigo doesn't need his Shikai to be stronger than nearly every captain ever and his Shikai is already the strongest character in the franchise bar Yamamoto, Ichibe, soul king Yhwach and god Aizen
Then Bankai Ichigo is the strongest character ever
Bankai Ichigo is canonically weaker than Yhwach and Bankai TYBW Aizen.
God I wish Ichigo would die and not drag down the story.
Bankai Ichigo is so strong Soul King Yhwach with the power to overwrite reality decided he had to break it with his powers INSTANTLY. Yhwach wins by hax, not by strength.

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Was Soi Fon a lesbian?
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We don't know.
Hollowfied true shikai Ichigo is stronger than SK Yhwach without The Almighty
>yhwach win but is not as strong
Lmao even.

Ichigo won't even have landed a hit on Yhwach if it wasn't for Aizen
Holy fucking shit fuck, this JJK game is fucking awful. If the new Bleach game is at least better than this than we're in the win. It's from the Senran Kagura devs so it should be solid.
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>cums on the battlefield
Renji is so cool
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Bi. Sub to Yuroichi, dom to her husband Omaeda.
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They moved him from the sidewalk down a quiet sidestreet to like a multi-lane main road in town. I know he's invisible and maybe cars would just pass through him, but still... someone should've seen Ishida lying in a pool of his own blood in the middle of the road at least given the lit windows in the background.
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This is the only Pepe you can post on /a/.
Also Urahara had Yoruichi on his shoulder
I don't get it was she really wetting herself?
They used one of the fighting locationa instead of making a random street. The game isn't high budget so they are using what they can.
is kubo becoming more fag in his illustrations??
>most male characters look like faggots.
>orihime isn't showing her sexy body.
>rukia isn't wearing sexy clothes just androginous look.
That's why he was getting neg diffed even with Yhwach's eyes closed.
is this going to be another shitty character game aiming for kusoge of the year or is going to be what was promised.
>A whole new experience of bleach
>Game will use jump force engine
>Create your unique custom character and explore bleach universe
>Visit all locations in bleach world.
>Revive classic fights using your custom character.
>Change your character appearance (female characters will have hundreds of clothes options even some used only for openings)
>Choose who is going to be your master and learn their techniques
>Or use a combination of skill to create your own style.
Seeing the images makes it look like is going to be a cheap fighting game like the wii version that was such a mess due to shunpo and sonido that was unplayable and will happen the same if this is just a fight game.
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Correct, not my fault you are a DBZtard who thinks battles are decided solely by the strength of the fighters.
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Prinz Von Licht-sama is so chivalrous
We've only seen about half of the Vice Captains even fighting, several we've only seen do maybe one move, and others we've never even seen their zanpakuto, much less their shikai ability.

>Far above Captain: Aizen
>Above Captain under specific circumstances: Nemu
>Captain level: Gin, Renji, Rukia, Hisagi, Kira, Sasakibe, Hachi?
>Became Captain w/o measurable feats (haven't even seen shikai ability): Iba, Lisa, Isane
>Solidly Vice Captain: Ikkaku, Matsumoto, Kaien, Mashiro, Yachiru, Omaeda, Hinamori, Hiyori
>We've seen ~1 move: Akon, Yuyu, Rindo
>No idea what their abilities even are: Nanao, Sentarou, Kiyone, Okikiba, Seinosuke, Omaeda's dad, Iba's Mom, Sentarou's dad, Byakuya's dad
>Not a Vice Captain: Yasochika Iemura (he's 3rd seat)

The TBTP VCs could be stronger or weaker than their contemporaries. Omaeda's dad was supposedly stronger than him. Byakuya's dad could be purely a nepo pick, or he could be a competent fighter. Then we have career lieutenants who refuse captaincy despite having Bankai. For all we know, Okikiba could be another Sasakibe or he could just be there to do paperwork. Then we have people like Nanao who have a special skill but no combat ability.
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And that's why Uryu is based

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