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I want Srajo to bounce on my cock like a frog, or perhaps a toad.
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I love my wife Nanachi!
Cute boy.
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I don't give a fuck
1149 HOURS
I'm scared she will die
remember episode 10? that was something
alright hole explorers, when is the next chapter?
Tonight bros
Cute girl (male)
aug 30
1147 HOURS
sorry anon but she has vaginismus
likely this
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TL anon, if you happen to read this I propose helping out with half of the translation if it does end up coming out all together in 86 pages the 30th of August. I didn't just learn japanese btw, I'm like 4 years in, so what do you say? I understand if you'd prefer not to, I'm just offering.
What the fuck are you on about krautaboo?
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He wrote 126 pages in 13 months rather than 150 in 12 like usual
It's quite unfortunate but likely on reflects it becoming harder to decide on the story as it goes along
She's so cute. What is she reaching for?
Longing for ojisan
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Riko wouldn't hurt a poor defensless ojisan, would she?
She would try to force him to make an abyss baby to follow in the footsteps of her mother
How devious. I bet she might even try for more than one. These are truly terrifying prospects
isn't that unlikely since he made her not die in idofront arc because people liked her?
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That's a really hot Riko design, I mean the thick hips and the wrinkles in the outfit. SAUCE??
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>He wrote
Still not
He should already adopt to medicines. Yes first they make you dizzy, etc. because goig back to normal healt is strange for the body after the long abnormal state. But after some weeks it should not cause any problem.
I feel like they're in line with her normal noodle morph depiction by Tsukushi, but here you go
Yeah, but the impact would be extra hard to kill off a character you know people like.
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Nanachi's soul will get harvested into Srajo's whistle collection
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1140 HOURS
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Why is she so cute?
Is that an appropriate cave raiding outfit?
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Sou desu, watashi wa Fluffzen.
Please tell me H.Fuuta is drawing more MIA stuff
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You’re an ugly fag.
It's a special grade relic
Will it be a ~80 pages long chapter or two 40 pages long?
1 chapter most likely
I see
Imagine the power of Riko's zr in short shorts.
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Noodle Riko is cute, but there isn't much thigh to go off of.
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i like meaty riko
I'm kind of sad that this guy switch obsession to Vtubers instead of MiA. It was good while it lasted though.
Also your Riko needs more meat.
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That's the meatiest I can post before getting banned, unless you'll accept this
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That's not a Riko, so I will have to decline it unfortunately. It is a cute girl though.
You can always use catbox if you're worried about getting a vacation.
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A new Riko, a fine addition to my collection
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I do have a couple of extremely soft Rikos that I don't know if I should post due to the artist I commissioned not having posted them.
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If it's something you commissioned them, you should have the right to post them unless they explicitly asked you not to.
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Oh I know that I have the right. I'm more thinking about whether it will affect the artist negatively due to the subject matter.
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If they don't normally do loli/sho I can see that being a problem
Oof that's a nice Riko
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No he draws lolisho usually.
I'll stop pussyfooting around it so much and just post the meme edit I made of it to soften the blow.

That artist is super good, unfortunately he keeps deleting his work and switching between femboy and loli
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Damn that's a thicc Riko, maybe too much for my tastes but good drawing
Cumming to nanachi even after everything!
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It's not for everybody, in fact it's not for most people. But he draws what I like really well.
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A Riko is still a Riko at the end of the day
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That's true. I might post all three drawings some other time, it's nice to have a little art dump every once in a while.
I wonder if Faputa has a mating season
she is in constant heat
Judging by the last chapters, I don't think so
What in all makes Made in Abyss considered "sci-fi"?
it's the robots and the inclination to have realistic fantastical creatures as well as the artifacts which are supposed to be technology from a bygone era and are used in place of their own advancements in technology even though they're kinda magical.
An anon here once told me as well that sci-fi and fantasy are not that much different if you think about it and that it is often talked about in writing circles.
Heh, Thicko
>sci-fi and fantasy are not that much different
The fact that all the stuff that would normally be magical or at least supernatural is established to be neither magical nor supernatural. At the very least it sits in much more "materialist" kind fantasy (maybe like Walter Moers' stuff?), not sure it fits well into the classic "low" or "high" fantasy either. But especially now that even "souls" have been established to be entirely linked to the forcefield in the abyss, it's all feasibly just advanced tech shenanigans based off electromagnetic interactions with peoples' brains.
And of course Tsukushi seems to mention reading sci fi
What are the chances the volume is in this level of quality?
if there's another chapter or extra after 68, very likely
I reckon 70% will be Riko with the normal style, 30% Ozen with this style
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I'm okay with this.
Fuck, all this horny Riko posting is giving me a ranging stiffy.
what did he mean by that
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_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________no clue either____________________________________________________________________
he means he's rushing (the chapter/volume)
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1126 HOURS
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Anyone with 2 braincells should have been able to figure that out. Unfortunate to have to share a thread with people who are as dumb as Faputa looks half the time
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that was not easy to figure out sosu
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Same anon.. Just encourage her and let her talk forever about her adventures
Chapter this Friday? :)
It was a clever decision. That style really fits the Ozen part.
in 3 weeks? sure
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Too much riko Too little Prushka
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Imagine Prushka as the protagonist instead...
Ehhh Well MMM. I don't think it'll work
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Your wish is my command
I wish anime girls were real
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Prush tush
>save broken girl
>turn her into your beloved daughter
>make an epson deskjet ink cartrige out of her
what the fuck was his problem?
You're misunderstanding, while she was important to him it was because she was a valuable experiment and an asset, unless she proves herself special enough to be studied she would eventually get cartridged.

He is the embodiment of relentless pursuit of scientific progress and of knowledge
either Tsukushi's in the final stretch
or he's doing it, /mia/
4 years of duolingo or actual class? There's a difference
Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Bondrewd was in the market for a miracle and this is the kind of price the Abyss asks in exchange for miracles.
>4 years of duolingo
He's going to be super good at asking for eggs
They're in the seventh layer. If main characters are going to die at all, which seems likely, it's going to have to start happening pretty soon.
He's making the Riko-Prushka sex bonus chapter
And then he made her receive the full 6th layer curse
Is Japanese duolingo really that bad?
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blessed Prushka is super cute
kek, I remember how MiA ate up this slop whole. The few anons complaining were shut down.
3/10 bait
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1117 HOURS
why are her boobs so big what is bondrewd putting on her rations
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Frap my beloved
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Pills that make your boobs bigger of course.
For me it's humananachi
built for bondrewd experiments
I want to be burried in them
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Honestly, who doesn't?
Made for giving paizuri to daddys rod
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I disagree, they're made for fondeling.
Disagree, they are made for me to use them as a pillow
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whoa momma
damn, jannies will pwn u
The weak should fear the strong.
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godlike tummy, everything else is ehhh
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>almost 6 months since last chapter
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also this one, gotta be one of the favorites, eepy prush
neither, just grammar books and dictionaries
Let's pray for that
I desire a Regu onahole
why would it be better if there would 3 chapters come out each one with 15 pages in every 2nd month?
Begone ESL. MiA has one of the worst release schedules of any ongoing manga.
We get around 150-160 pages in every year. I don't care if is it ~12- 13 pages long chapter in every month or 2 chapters with bigger page number and half year between them.
>150-160 pages in every year
If only...
This Volume will be only 128 pages short...
So chapter on August 30.
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What sound does she make if you blow her other hole?
And remember that 10-15 of those probably aren't going to be actual chapters pages this time.
Tsukushi lives on Layer 7. He releases a chapter every month but due to time dilation we need to wait for half year between those.
Too old.
those baloons keep getting snatched by monsters and he has to redraw entire chapters all over again
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WTF is her problem?
Oh look it's your girl.
the narrow sections make it look like a womb
Man, his basement sure is deep.
haha very funny did you come up with that yourself?
>I'm ready to settle down now
I want to bounce on Srajo's strap.
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Page 10 sosu
Very based that "that" post Is still up
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dammit dude why didn't she get on the boat.....
we were THIS close to fluffy prushka
Guarantee that mods and jannies have been pulled elsewhere for an "all hands on deck" to moderate pol
Nah, this thread is just like that. Has been for many years. Usually there's no fags scrolling in them just based cunnychads
Riko did not appreciate this mog
Will Reg die by the end of the series?
Everyone will die by the end of the series. Except Riko, she be stuck in an hellish immortal existence at the bottom of abyss, all alone forever.
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>Nanachi survives and something something abyss magic makes her human again
>"finally that lewd boy will stop sniffing and feeling me up while rubbing his boner on me"
>Reg starts molesting and sniffing her even harder
I'm curious how what Wazukyan said, would happen.
>Something far worse than unfulfilled dreams
I call him Frappuccino
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I'm not sure which is more likely, Frapam is a girl or Frapam is a guy and wearing a dress like Marurulk and Menae.
Frapam is Srajo's child
The father is her white whistle
why do they have 6 nipples
I'm not sure that's how Juusou work.
Well, imagine giving birth to something like Frapam.
Only a weird juusou collector like Srajo wouldn't chuck that baby into the abyss
>imagine giving birth to something like Frapam
I bet it probably didn't feel that bad compared to a normal baby.
dog physiology
My theory is that the abyss makes everyone more erotic.
More sensitive spots to titilate you with
I just realized not all mammals have the same number of nipples. I didn't think about it.
My penis in Reg's butt
those ears are begging for scritches
No way, Humanachi was stinking
>Pic unrelated
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1103 HOURS
Why would she need a strap when she already has a perfectly good bio penis?
Fellas either one is good I would not be unhappy as long as I get to be intimate with the Lord of Mystery
I still prefer to have sex with her using my penis ideally, though.
>not being cultured enough to recognize Fuuta Hoshino on sight
Also it is Fuuta, not futa. The artist don’t draw futa often
All this abyss exploring should give Riko some strong thighs and ass muscles sadly not enough carbs to make them extra plump they need to find something rich on sucrose so they would carry it around and use to preserve foods/making sweets and thicken up.
He was a dedicated father who would do anything to make his daughter dream come true. Now she is a white whistle just like Papa and they can all explore the mysteries of the abyss!
Do you think girls with big tits just wake up with them when they become 18?
Those are not nipples and the liquid they produce is not milk.
Yeah well their sultry faces and wet mouths eager to kiss and lick and suck are irrefutable as are their helpless, writhing, erotic, worm-like bodies. One has no choice but to pick them up and firmly squeeze them against your bare body
I don't think they're going to find any sugsr in the Abyss, not unless they find some abandoned factory or something
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I wish we had more odd shaped bodies. We have a zombie, a robot, a murder moth and now two puppies all with the same general body shape. Only Nanachi is slightly different thanks to her odd legs.
Endless sugar relic
Neck yourself
you really should commit
Nah, this site has no mods left and that's a good thing
It have to mean something, you can't randomly kill off the main character like some cannon fodder. The setup, drama, etc.
I remember Anon said it the official TL was right here, he just did not notice the same when he translated if. But he will probably correct it on mangadex later.
I don't think that they'd end up with just big asses if they had endless sugar.
>Srajo to bounce on my cock like a frog
You got any evidence to back up that she can do this?
>1000+ HOURS
It's so over
Why wouldn't she?
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1096 HOURS
This looks like Riko eating a condom filled with semen??
i love this artist MiA related works
it is
>Chew well then swallow, okay?
It's too bad he hasn't uploaded anything since March
Just because they have endless sugar doesn’t means they would eat only sugar. They aren’t Americans. They have a very active lifestyle so I expect all the meat plus sugar would help them gain muscle and a reasonable layer of fat over it. Muscle should be mostly on the lower body since they are mostly walking on rough terrain all day.
This artist does good pregnant bellies. Riko needs one.
Probably just some monster seminal vesicle. A delicacy! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milt
He drew an extremely pregnant Riko once
After the volume drops we won't get shit til 2025
That's the thing though, humans have a tendency to eat sweets even when there are other source of nutrition present.
And it's not like Riko or any of the other characters would have any knowledge about how eating nothing but carbs leads to spikes in blood sugar, weight gain, and generally more lethargic behavior.
My booru grabber isn't pulling it up.
It's on his fantia under the free supporter tier. It's not tagged so you probably have to look through a couple of his posts.
If you can't find it then I'll post it once I'm off work
This is the sad reality. And this volume is only like 128 pages or something? Fuckkk
>does not surf fantia during work
No it's actually because I'm phone posting and don't want to go through the process of password retreval
Jesus christ it's a Monday (workday) and I haven't worked at all and instead I masturbated twice to Riko by 3PM, and it's all this thread's fault.
Look for that fat Riko anon posted, that's sure to make you hit a dry spell.
>masturbated six hours in a row
are you a fertility god or something?
I thought Riko was the fertility God
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nishagora is an actual venus of willendorf
I remember that figurine as having a bigger belly
Gigantic fat fucking retard cat built for head pats!
Don't forget belly rubs and chin scratches
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Tsukushi is broadcasting a purple screen again
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its not worth watching unless you can understand moonspeak
Did he delete the tweet almost immediately? I had notification on, yet I missed this one. I'd appreciate if some anon could post the link.
Never mind—It shows up now. Just some weird twitter shits I guess.
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But anon. What about Prushka?
Here you go sir
Prushka is for headpats and love, not for fapping to her erotic pictures
What if we go back to writing erotic greentexts including headpats?

can't take her seriously when her name translates to something like
>they be shittin'
in my language
What was the official?
I guess it's kind of unfair since when I did the 1st and 2nd fap, I did also fap lots to the NAKED PICTURE OF Prushka + Riko ITT thread, and for the second fap there were like 3 other Prushka's from funnyari that I fapped to/saved, but I don't think I put her into either of my two faps' journal entries. Let me double check.
Alright, the first entry (~11:09 France time nut) does mention "MiA Riko + Prushka", but the second entry (~15:06 France time nut) only mentions "MiA Riko funnyari".
t. Pollack
All is forgiven.
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>What was the official?
Noble blooded.
Here: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/265770483/#265795434
>Alright here's an actual mistake on my side, I thought Nanachi was slurring やることないな "yarukoto nai na" since she tends to speak with the jp equivalent of a drawl.
And where did he say he will update it on mangadex?
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Have any of the random no name males in the Idol Front penetrated Prushka's pussy?
Fair enough. But Riko is fair game then?
it was just a question towards him
But why? Doesn't she also deserve headpats and love rather than to be fapped to?
just so
When will Riko have her first period?
After she gets her BMI up enough to signal her body it's time.
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I'm not sure I understand.
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People keep talking about Riko, Prushka and Reg. But what about Marulk?
i just leave it here

it needs more loli
What the actual fuck?
Seems like Reg is doing a youtube poop
I should probably correct it. I have time to do that later tonight.
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I hate people who make things like this
Hey, haven't seen you in a while
Why would Faputa do this? Also, this is genius. Not sure what they're saying though.
How are they supposed to make babies? She needs to lay her eggs inside him!
>purple and ghosly
confirmed dead.
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The Bun is back.
>dark and faded
even more confirmed dead
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Definitely Life-changing
>[X] Sexually Arousing
There are "people" who do this, are proud of their work and perhaps even live among us, grim
Just for the sake of curiosity, have you ever created anything?
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>video has been up for 8 months
good chorizo from bondrewd
Getting frustrated with Riko's shallow, overly tight cunny which can only fit a few inches and having sloppy, balls-deep sexo with Prushka instead!!
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What would fucking a cloaca feel like?
Is this was the typical creation, it's time to an hero to escape the clutches of the demiurge and avoid the sin of creating anything. Luckily this universe is a good one and abominations like that are the exception.
So I'll take that as a no.
Gross and gay.
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>this universe is a good one and abominations like that are the exception.
Is this anal vore?
i think it would be neat if we had a new chapter before 8/30
yeah wouldn't it be nice
I am sure that everyone, including me, created something, thank God that normal people have the concept of self-criticism and respect for others so as not to post this
Excluding shit like HxH or other things that are effectively on hiatus, is there any other manga out there with as shitty a release schedule as MiA? Or is it the worst?
Tight and probably not very hygienic
D.gray-man releases 20 pages chapter quarterly.
>less pages per year but more consistent/frequent updates
At this rate I'd probably take it over what we get.
Nice. Diamonds.
>not very hygienic
Male birds do not get infection so it is hygienic.
Yes, but at least it has a release schedule, you can expect a chapter in every third month.
Meanwhile you never know when will a new MiA chapter come out. inb4 Volume in every year. Yep but chapter releases are still unpredictable.
Tepaste is a tight virgin too!
Then you are a fool
Male birds sometimes have dicks that fall off after use.
Reg's penis is still there so Faputa is not a race which causes cock fall.
If she was then Reg's penis would have to be a corkscrew shape to fit anyway.
Reg can extent his arm. He probably can turn his penis into corkscrew shape.
I'm not sure I see the logical follow through here, but it's an incredibly funny mental image.
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1072 HOURS
As musing as blob faputa is, I hope the anime gives her the dignity of appearing on model once she's relegated to the role of team mascot
they cute
Just wait until there's something to fight
They will need her strength to survive the 7th layer, then Fap haters will be on suicide watch
Because most birds who have evolved re-growable penises have also evolved counter rape cloaca that have a corkscrew shape.
Look up ducks for reference.
How does he draw so well?
>still not done
how the fuck is he so damn slow
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Are you implying that Prushka is well used?
she got fucked pretty hard by the abyss a few different times
(the abyss is tsukushi's self insert)
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Don't say that about the flower of the Abyss anon. I thought we established she's for loving headpats and not rough intercourse.
Interesting, then Reg will need to put in enough effort and be rock hard, hot
She’s not really a mascot, more of a fighter that has nothing to do right now.
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There are actually a lot of really strange and very unique birdhole adaptations out there. It could be that she's more like an echidna and has 4 wombs connected to her cloaca
This has gotta be cover art or some extra page
Nanachi is always a go getter
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Faputa will be brutally btfo in any future fight scenario because she can regenerate (and it will be funny)
Can she still regenerate without the village now? I’m not sure.
What else could the recharge thing in her eye be signifying?
Just that she is a relic, but not sure what her ‘recharges’ are for. Could be regeneration or something else. Did she need to eat the villagers to regenerate or is it just something she can do? But if she is a relic and can regenerate because of it, I’d assume there is a limited number of times she can do it? Not really sure.
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Don't let the cute scenes fool you the fact that they were closely guarded on her secret implies its plot relevance. Remember Faputa being an actual creature that is immune to the curse and immortal is a much bigger deal than Reg who is a robot with the same qualities.
The big secret has gotta be her ability to chat with souls. Srajo didn't really seem to care that Reg was immune to the curse.
No, just that she's ripe whereas Riko is barely on the cusp of puberty.
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>has 4 wombs connected to her cloaca
imagine the litters
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Built for vaginal
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I am jealous of the rat.
Wait, so is Reg a "living being"?
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The way I see Fappy during Srajo arc is that she was intentionally playing dumb. Nanachi talked about not letting out secrets, Riko that is too quick to trust people (see how quickly she got comfortable on the Ido front or the village)
yes he is
he is a cyborg
is faputer embarrassed at the question?
A little female child's nipples are visible here.

A little female child is having sex here.
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Yeah I wish it was my penis in there
a bit
What would you do if Tsukushi pussies out and Nanachi is just fine after this cliffhanger?
Write several thousand words about how the story sucks ever since they entered the 6th layer
do_no Riko sexo
I assumed she regenerated eating villagers because the villagers ate her siblings. Kinda like when she used her siblings to regenerate the first time, the siblings became part of the villagers and she used that to regen.
I will commission more Nanachi porn.
Cute pussy
This artist is good he gives her little boobies and he gets how erotic her bare back is
He gets it
i come and go, i come and go. sometimes i just lurk without posting. most of the time i lurk without posting.
They're actually not that big in echidnas, but that shouldn't stop Faputa from having 4 in one womb
Riko's pussy
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How do you defeat this?
I lift it up and sniff it.
How would it be pussy out move? The sensonary problem would explain the events. So either outcome has a basement and not an asspull.
Riko and Prushka cunny
Did you know that echidnas only have 3 nipples but get litters of 4
I guess that's a pretty good description
I thought they didn't had nipples and just "sweated" milk. Maybe that was for platypus.
>Ozen grooming Lyza and Marulk
>Nanachi and Mitty
>Riko and Prushka
>Vueko has lewd thoughts about Riko and Reg in the volume 7 extras
>Vueko and Irumyuui
>Tepaste and the twins
MiA is a yuribait pedo manga
nice bait
Riko plap
How is this bait? You don't know what that means, retard
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>Tepaste and the twins
I think that's monotremes, the closest relatives of mammals
reg and prushka...
you know why your headcanon is a bait
he is an idiot
he can just think about children adult relationship sexually only and projects his bullshit
So chapter on August 30, right?
Only Vueko with Pakko is yuri, everything else is speculation
That is the lastest we are guaranteed to get it. But who knows, maybe we will get it on WCG before then.
Echidnas and platypus are both monotremes.
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Tsukushi is lucky we put up with his slow ass
What do you mean put up with?
What can you even do about it?
Whine about it on the internet
It's confusing
What kind of a name does Akihito Tsukushi sound like the person would be or is reminiscent of, in Japanese?
He chose the name Akihito Tsukushi, so what kind of person's name does that sound like? A mysterious person? A country bumpkin? A cool guy?
I want to go get a pieve of Nna-chan's delicious fluffy ass
We already were shown the creature earlier and how it collected fluffy creatures similar to Nanachi to keep as pets. Anyone thinking it took Nanachi to eat is a speedreader
With cock
Guess im a speed reader. Is the creature on level 7?
the fuck are you talking about retard
You are confusing the anime and the manga you nigtard. That page of Lyza's note is not as detailed in the manga.
Amongus sus.
Go re-read the last chapter. Page 1 and page 10
>Verification not required.
So you are an idiot. Neither of those pages depict the creature that likely took nanachi.
What kind of fanfic are you reading?
You're blind. It's the arm of the creature of page 1, and the creatures on page 10 are reminiscent of Nanachi. Look at their tails, it looks like Nanachi from behind with the helmet and back fluff
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No you are wrong, utterly and absolutely wrong. The creatures on page 1 are the super badgers from the 6th layer. The same ones that faputa fought in the village. Rimeyo and Neyozel are still in the 6th layer when they spot them.

Pages 10 does depict creatures in the 7th layer that have bunny ears like Nanachi but neither of these pages show the creature that people SUSPECT has taken Nanachi nor do they provide a clue that MIGHT suggest the creature may not intend to harm Nanachi.

That clue comes from somewhere entirely different, a page from Lyza's letter that only provides this clue because Tsukushi provided a higher quality version of it to the anime production. This level of detail is not shown in the manga. Don't call people out for speedreading if you don't know what you are talking about.
>how it collected fluffy creatures similar to Nanachi to keep as pets
those are its fucking babies retard.
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>There's an Umbra Hand ahead of Rimeyo and Neyncel
Why does its tail look like one of the streams, on page 36
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how good can nanachi square up if needed?
she isn't just ze fluffy right? Could she deliver some heavy blows?
too much fluff to deal any damage unarmed
It doesn't. You are making up that connection in your head.
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Torka obviously.
Why does part of the appendage on page 36 look like the sizzling stuff on the 7th layer?
Yataramaru duh...
in all seriousness, maybe Bondrewd just planted some dude in the entrance to the 7th layer for 2000 year shit
Now you are asking questions with answers that we do not have yet.
did this guy improvise on the lower body of the figure? cause it sort of fits
>sharing information
the roar sign thing might be what Bon was using to peek into Nanachis vision?
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It's time to be sent to kill japs again.
I don't think so given the reciprocity of the roar sign, Rimeiyo is not receiving info when she should whereas the relic that allows Bondrewd to see theough Nanachi is one-sided
through* Nanachi
Loving sex with Riko!
Roughly raping Riko and Prushka!
Hatefucking Srajo!
Vueko Ryona!
Snuffing Tepaste!
>Vueko Ryona!
what would that look like
Bruises, black eye and a little bleeding
Riko clit tweak
Hanging Ozen naked!
Nishagora fart compilation
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Was there at one point a fart chart that was routinely posted in these threads or am I mixing it up with another thread?
Pretty sure there was but it's derivative from something else that I can't recall
>no tummy
. >:(
I wonder how many umbra he actually have. A dozen were lost just to finish Prushka with the stingers and stuff. I would expect him having to replace the ones on the 7th layer periodically unless those are far stronger than any umbra we have seen so far. Our tall lady is a elite combat unit and even she is cautious. Maybe they have a reverse cartridge unit, a person set up in some sort of hibernation state to last a long time hidden in some safe place and serve as relay for the roar.
Is this a MiA figure?
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Rikoback, erotic
>ywn experience soft Riko tummy
It's all so unfair
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Forever beyond your reach
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Nanachi's Nanachis....
nanachi is small bnuuy
not big
Man that's cute. Would look real cute if she was bigger in that outfit
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Riko's abyss
I wish I was toiletkun
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its a garage kit based off of fanart tsukushi drew of a vtuber
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I love my wife Srajo
>He chose the name Akihito Tsukushi
You mean the kanji?
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How long do I have to suffer now?
August 30
it can be an illustration
an illustration of what?
44 days
of how the communication channel does work
Rimeyo placed herself in a middle point as an example. in reality it does not prove there is someone ahead of her, it was just an example
the illustration would convey the idea well enough even if she was at the end of it, I think it's not unreasonable to take it as there being a longer chain for communication
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Oh my God
That's too cute.
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1048 HOURS
Akihito Tsukushi isn't his actual name, it's a pseudonym.
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His true name is Shigeya Suzuki
Wtf, even cooler
I see
How does a toaster get this cute
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shoving hard, slimy, knobbled tentacles into all of Riko's tight holes!
Who would poop on that thing wtf Riko
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To be fair, if there was ever a girl that would poop on that thing, it would be Riko.
Is the Roar an artifact or an Umbral hand?

>garage kit
Oh, I see. That illustration is really cute.
I remember fart charts being really big for cyberpunk edgerunners, there was quite a detailed one which got updated many times. I do think some have been made for other series, but it wasn't at the same level as that one.
I don't know what you mean by that question, it says it's by sharing consciousness to communicate meaning it's clearly done with umbra hands but whether it's its own relic is uncertain

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