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How would you spend your day as the tiger team's leader if you had to take over for some reason?
yes, fuki is there too, she just isn't the leader for reasons
Cuddle pile, training/playing games, then more cuddle pile.
I would teach them math so they're not idiots anymore and so they're able to recognize sexual predators (most of /a/) and run away from them
Can I just spend the day playing board games with Fuki? The brats can do what they feel like in the meantime.
I would give them the free day and then observe.
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>sexual predators (most of /a/)
i really like fuki, i wish i could caress her chest
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How will learning to count help them avoid predators?
Well of course just being able to count isn't enough, you need some algebra as well
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Tickle the tigers!
Getting tickled by the tigers!
They would defeat me easily…
The otoko was a weakling after all!
Looks like Fuki needs to be held close and comforted.
She may not let you go
Fuck them
You're just gonna ditch them?
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I love her
Itadori should try that prank on Asagao or Tachiaoi
That’s fine by me. She can hold me for as long as she wants.
I'd try and teach Itadori and Ume some actual new jutsu with Fuki, fail with hilarious results, get sidetracked and end up having a fun day, and dump Chapter 20: Fuki's Smiling Face
Oh yeah, and issue Itadori some correction.
Rindumb forgot to say, "I'M DONEY WITH THE FUNNY" after her pun
Use the bottom left panel as necessarry. Also, there was never any previous, out of order, page posted here.
Reminder: Ume is the one of the least skilled underclassman, who's only skill is cooking. Asagao and Ajisai are also the least skilled, as Asagao is stupid and Ajisai is a baby.
May Lord Enma forgive me in hell for using the wrong 'whose'.
>Fuki gives you that glare
What would you do?
Reminder: It is incredibly cute how Fuki wears geta to stand taller than her teammates when she's actually the same height as them. It's also admirable as she used to be a crybaby back in the beginning, but wears her geta to try and be more mature as the leader of her team. Fuki deserves all your love and headpats.
>The brats give you their iconic look
What do you do?
Higuruma is such a darling for always having a big ol' smile on her face.
And Tiger Squad end. Remember to always give your brats proper correction, and girls with big foreheads and small eyebrows are very cute.
You'll get locked in the basement and get to come out only for cuddling
What did the spinach do??
Little girls trying to be mature need even more tickles.
Which upperclassman is the most reliable?
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I will restrain Itadori to the ground and tickle her unguarded neck until she surrenders to me!!
What if she isn't ticklish?
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It's Sunflower Day or something in Japan
Itadori's erotic armpits...
Could also be Mokuren
fuki is a miracle of the universe
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Fuki is really small.
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I wasn't feeling gloomy but thanks
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Asagao has defeated one upperclassman, so she's slightly above Ume and Ajisai.
Getting dogpiled on by the dog team
X marks the spot
Asagao should be well above Ajisai. If she was actually skilled fighter she could actually be in the top tier in the village.
Pat her head and hope she doesn't kill me.
Happy Fuki is so cute.
Do not hit her with shovel, there's no treasure there
You're supposed to shoot her in that place
Her head isn't bulletproof, she'd die if you did that
Fuki is weak to laughter
I'd be happy with just Asagao on top of me but if the other three want to join in, great.
Not if you use a water gun, or something else that can shoot out liquid substances
Can I have the other three if you don't want them?
Was Itadori's kyapi really that alluring?
Of course.
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rindou is cuter than ajisai
Not reelly.
Getting tickled by Fuki.
I’m weak to Fuki’s laughter. Hopefully the other two tigers don’t find out.
They can run, but they can't hide
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She’s practising for tonight.
She's not going to do well in the impersonating contest if she isn't also using transformation jutsu
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Which Itadori is the best?
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Getting dogpiled by three Itadoris is the best.
What about four Itadoris?
If there’s room. I’m not that big.
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Which one is the cutest?
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So, are these two related?
Yes, they're both my wives.
Sorry, you can have only one of them as a wife, kunoichi rules
Probably. It’s easier to populate your ninja school if you’ve got a bunch of siblings.
Wouldn't finding siblings be harder?
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Okay, then I'll take Ume as my wife and Benis as my concubine.
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Sumire's sister is so cute
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What is she going to do?
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Mokuren believes in you.
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Mokuren died...
She's going to run off with the bowl.
ajisai is a good girl and would never cheat on you
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Tigers have been defeated
I will carry them home and tuck them into bed.
All three at once?
It’ll take a while with two arms.
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unfortunately common in the village recently
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I thought that it's dogs that beg, not tigers
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You'd think that kunoichi would be good at twister
...so others could live.
Was it worth the sacrifice?
Ume isn't very good at kunoichi stuff and Fuki's fat butt got in the way.
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Sounds fun!
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Why would I want to rape a kunoichi though?
I love Ume
benisumomo > mizubasho > shakuyaku > konoha > everyone else
You can tell that it's the best girl when her hair is pink
Fuki would mop the floor with Higiri in a fight
Benis and Hagi should swap places
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So, Fuki is the most well liked tiger team member, right?
Hagi attempting to rape me would be an interesting experience.
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She will peg you with a kunai
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Thanks, Mokuren
Housenka offers the best anal in the village
I would have guessed one of the bigger girls but I’ll try Housenka if she’s so confident.
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Depends on who you ask. Fuki is probably the teachers’ favourite but a lot of us like Itadori.
Tiger OVA soon…
I’ll have to take away her pointy things but I’ll let her use Rindou’s pink tool.
Announcement any day now...
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Fuki is also her team's favorite
Cuties. But they should finish drawing the board before playing with her.
But if they finish the board, Fuki will not pay attention to them anymore
She will if they ask her to teach them how to play.
But then they have to play Go
I think more girls should try wearing clothes similar to what Tsuwabuki is wearing.
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Where's she going?
I can't believe I'm going to lose to her...
I don't think that she has control over it at the moment
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Your opinion about this mangaka finally creating a Sucubus for his manga ?
I thought that Tsubaki was already supposed a succubus, was I lied to?
She's a demon!
A sex demon.

A succubus.
She's just horny
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We already have Hasu.
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Look how flat that upperclassman is. Embarrassing.
The kunoichi are pure
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Pure sex
It's because that's fanart
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do not
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How is Asagao so big?
She eats a lot of meat.
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Good girls need lots of headpats.
That doesn't look like a headpatting
She can't be eating that much more than the rest
Is the full artbook scanned somewhere?
That's from one of the BD booklets, those are probably available at the usual place
Tachiaoi will lose to my cock and she will belong to me!!
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What is she making?
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Looks right to me.
Would you like some headpats, anon?
herbal viagra
Don't be a fag, anon.
How is doujin anon coming along?
fuki is my favorite design
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no meat for weeks, and no sightings of the boar team lately. this is the worst!
you can tell that it's the best girl when her hair is purple
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I've gotten the line art for several pages mostly done, pic related is one of them. Still gonna be a while before it's all finished.
I want to rearrange Mukuge's socks so that there aren't any matching pairs.
That would be painful
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It's fine, I can wait since it looks this good
Why would she make that?
Looks great! I love seeing more Touwata too.
One day less until we get season 2.
What? I didn't say that you'd get those from me.
It wouldn't because she's hypnotized
Hana asked her to make some but she didn’t say why.
Why would Hana need it?
Trade them for the rabbit team
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What did Ume mean by this?
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That's the best part.
Why would you want that?
I think the cheeky brat wants to be chased and tickled.
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Why wouldn't you want that?
seems unnecessarily painful
It's necessarily hot, especially when it's reciprocate.
Is she really a brat? She isn't on Konoha's list.
Azami and Tanpopo aren't on the list either. Ume just isn't in the top 5.
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But Azami and Tanpopo are good kids
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Are you sure about that?
Do not bite the kunoichi.
Correct. They are only for kisses and licks.
What have they done wrong?
Who's winning?
Depends on what they're playing
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She's got one of the coolest jutsus. I wish she had more opportunities to use it.
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Dunno with how the manga was, it would always solve the thing instantly or be useless. Both of these get pretty tiring if repeated multiple times
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>kunoichi gets continuation
>as a western cartoon
Look at those chubby Housenka thighs, how cute.
I'm going to catch Higu's leg and lick her foot!
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Why do you think that you can catch her?
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Remember that time when Yamamoto drew both Itadori and Ume but never drew Fuki?
Why doesn't he like Fuki? Is she too mature for him?
>too mature for him
No such thing
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>Asagao vs the snake team
I'll save her!
What's she plotting?
Your demise
Kikyou and Uikyou look a bit slim today
She has already carried out her plan and is now waiting for you to notice.
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Housenka's panties...
Only if she caught Higiri off-guard. I imagine Whirlwind Jutsu could counter Fuki's strings.
How many days left?
On a serious note, the gap between the upperclassmen and underclassmen are high.
Imagine a fight between the weakest upperclass (that would be Rindou) and the strongest underclass (that would be Touwata). Rindou will still smuggingly play around with Touwata before she gets bored and defeats her for real.
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Which Snake is the leader?
I want to rearrange Mukuge's socks so that there aren't any matching pairs.
They switch often but also like to swap clothes so nobody really knows.
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I don't think that Touwata is the strongest underclassman
Touwata, Fuki and Sazanka are probably the contenders for most skilled underclassman but Asagao has the most brute strength.
Why is Rindou bad at ninja stuff?
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>smoke bomb
>other girls started wheezing and crying like a bunch of untrained brats
>Touwata immediately scans the area for danger
Mizu... I mean Benisenpai trained her well. She must be really proud.
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She was trained in a village as a boy but by men who treats her like, well, a girl.
She's the Ajisai of her former village.
>gets captured and is unable to escape >>268895934
It's 3 against 1. Not to mention that the strongest ninja is distracting her and that fat Asagao pinned her down.
I don't think that Mizu was distracting anyone there, and why did she not use substitution jutsu or something if she's not strong enough to fight Asagao like Sazanka?
Higiri feels like the kind of dork who would get absolutely trashed by the string jutsu.
I want to get pinned down by Asagao
It's fundoshi
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wake up
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Toe-water is cute!
I love the tiger team, but they can be kind of rowdy, don't you know?
No, not even a tiny bite, get your own
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Locking Asagao in a cage and placing food right outside her reach
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Don't care and I hope his new manga flops.
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This confirms Ume is a superior kunoichi to Asagao and Ajisai. Unlike them, she can at least transform well enough to fool some people.
She wouldn't have gotten away with it at all if she had tried to fool her teammates without a distraction

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