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Chapter 566 - Raid
Last Thread (561-565): >>268610174
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/fjeg9Qwa

We are on the cruise!
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Reminder to keep all discussion of future chapters that haven't been posted yet under spoiler tags / images. This series may be 2 decades old and unfinished, but this may be some Anon's first experience with One Piece.
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the one piece is information about our current world. the one piece universe is set in a post apocalyptic future
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>I owe your grandfather a great debt
do we ever learn what this is about?
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The Whitebeard Pirates charge with all they got!
End of Chapter.
No SBS / Afterpage Tonight.
Tomorrow: Marineford Navy Headquarters - Oris Plaza
Sex with Robin and Nami
seeing a big wide sweeping attack like this after a few chapters of a giant battle is very cathartic
>the shitshow in the other thread
Amen OP
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I wonder if Oda remembers that he already introduced "proper" submarine-tech into the series
Kuzan basically was Garp's first Coby, raised from youth and drilled virtues and strength into him. We knew this from the first appearance of Kuzan, he speaks about Luffy's grandpa there.
Luffy and robin look cute, imagine if they were siblings
There's a difference between a ship and a submarine. Submarines lack strong viewing while underwater, and are generally reliant on periscopes and sonar, and while subs objectively can survive the ocean slightly easier than a ship, they're also even MORE exposed to underwater threats like Sea Kings. Coating is a method where a standard ship can submerge and emerge from the sea. Of course Oda knows he's got subs in the series the Polar Tang will appear in like ten chapters as is, but those aren't as romantic as a coated ship.
That would make Robin a D
those can't go down into the depths like coated ships
they still have to content with pressure
...and Goyrp
...and Sengoyku
I like the coloring of this cover
...and Wagizaru
...and the dog.
Thanks OP
Could Boa have actually done anything here? Sure she can hit him because >Kuja Haki, but is she strong enough to force an Admiral to back off?
Good mama
This scene always drive me crazy. Why Do Flamingo didn't use Haki in this attack? Does he think punching crocodille a couple of times will change his mind on joinimg him?

He's even kinda of pissed off veins here, no reason to pull punches.
>Why Do Flamingo didn't use Haki in this attack?
He's just playing around. Flamingo hasn't really put any effort in this entire time. Other than Oars, he's just been trolling with Parasaito.
I think Flamingo is just trying to scare him.
"Look how easily I could kill you if I actually wanted to. Are you reaaaally sure about not joining me?"
Thanks OP
>Ace, i'm gonna...
No! Oars, don't do it!
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
Best cover of the best arc
Thank you OP.
Sweet, only 554 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
As this arc was coming out, were people rooting for a specific side in this war, or didn't really care as long as it was entertaining? Because it's not really good vs. evil.
>Because it's not really good vs. evil.
Ladies and gentlemen, admiralfags.
The Marines aren't evil, man. I don't know what else to tell you.
>Yeah bro just let a bunch of thieving murderous pirates run loose, who needs security?
It's been established multiple times that admirals > shichibukai, but it's not a stomp. She could probably keep him busy for a while.
>And then Sengoku proceeds to do nothing
>finally do something
>stopped by Mr. 3
>just standing
Logias seem so lame
Thanks, OP.
Thanks OP
Thanks for the dumping!
Me too. It reminds me of moomin or something.
Fucking Kino.
oda and the team going to the extra effort of drawing battle damage on the base town in an arc already filled with drawing dozens of background characters in most scenes.
Bump bump no stamp gatling!!
I remember views being pretty balanced. Obviously the story is written from the perspective of Luffy, Ace and the Whitebeards first and foremost, but everybody understood what the Marines were fighting for as well even if Akainu was being an ass about it. People were mostly speculating about the future, and from the way characters and narration have been talking about an upcoming new era there was really no way for Whitebeard to get out of this unscathed.
>Why Do Flamingo didn't use Haki in this attack?
because at this point haki was supposed to be a Kuja specific ability (with some exception), so canonically he didn't know haki here
other anons might disagree with me but it's the truth
You are not strong enough!!! Bump more!!!
Thank you for posting.
you are fucking retarded
from memory people had an expected skew towards the pirates, but alot of the animated discussion came from later developments of the arc we have yet to reach, and as such i won't spoil
Which thread? What happened?
why would he plan for crocks interference when he was in jail
Makes sense.
>Franky started off as an absolute menace
>He joins the Straw Hats and we're suddenly supposed to sympathize with him
>Robin started off as an absolute menace
>She joins the Straw Hats and we're suddenly supposed to sympathize with her

Why does Oda do this?
>Brook started off as an absolute loser
>He joins the Straw Hats and we're suddenly supposed to sympathize with him
>ain't none of you faggots get to be happy until i'm happy
>and my rival's dying wish makes me pretty fuckin unhappy
Brook is sympathetic, Franky and Robin are bad people
He probably made a quick plan when he heard of the evasion
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Chapter 567 - Marineford Navy Headquarters - Oris Plaza
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All of the strawhats have their own morally gray qualities. They are fucking pirates after all. I think the only truly upstanding crewmember is Chopper.
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Damn, Diamondfist Jozu can take an admiral
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>He stabbed him with pure haki!! Is Aokiji Dead?
>Of course not, fool!!
Aokiji should have died here. period. end of story. I do not accept this outcome
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You don't understand logias
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How did Luffy survive a direct clean sword attack?
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End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: Have it your way!
>inb4 "aokiji made a hole in his own chest to avoid whitebeards attack xd"
I don't remember Kizaru being this blunt.
Did Oda ever give Nami and Robin's measurements?
He did tho
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>Ace is...
>... the only brother I have in the entire world!!
based whitebeard
To be fair, he thought Sabo was dead at the time.
>aokiji made a hole in his own chest to avoid whitebeards attack
He literally did.
Thank you OP.
Thanks OP
You don't understand haki
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And we're supposed to believe Marco is crazy strong. Something like Katakuri's level of strong. Please...
The only time vice admirals looked strong
None of the panels show him make the hole before the attack
Thanks OP for the daily OP
One of my favourite colour spreads
Early one piece has dbz syndrome, the strongest characters never go "ALL OUT" right away. It sort of makes sense not to use everything when you're surrounded on all sides but still.
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This is one of the strongest assets the marines have btw
Thanks, OP.
He did it as the attack was coming, like a split second dodge.
Do you know how comic books work?
Admirals have OP fruits. Not much more. Great offensive capabilities. But the rest of their abilities seem to trail far.
>He saged him with pure haki!!
>Is the thread dead?!
No!! Don't be ridiculous!!
Ice Bump. Partisan!
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
>not show in any panel him doing that
>nobody saying that he did that
That’s just headcanon from both of you, Oda made a small mistake and thats it
Sweet, only 553 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
Kizaru going out of his way to punk on Luffy. He doesn't show it but I bet he's pissed about Sabaody here.
I love how Moria is just having the time of his life in every panel he appears.
Thanks OP
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Why is luffy wearing heels? They make him look... FRUITY
That's what logia users do to avoid haki damage. Did you skip the whole fight with katakuri or something?
That kimono person looks cool, I hope we get to learn more about her
Spoilers, anon-kun!
Saying a character's name and df type isn't spoilers
In that case you can clearly see him doing that but not here with Aokiji.
If this wasn't so, how the hell could logia be truly strong fruits for admirals to begin with? They'd be the same as paramecia. Morphing your body into ice, flame, maga, light, etc is very useful defensively.
Oda quickly retconned that. He's a special paramecia, not a logia. He's made of mochi not a natural element.
It's almost uncharacteristic for him, but is probably his real feelings.
The lazy attitude is surely a mocking act. People thought he was going to betray the government in Egghead, but actually he's extremely loyal and hates pirates, even if it pained him to have to kill former friends.
>Older than Hancock
>Not the leader of an island of women
why am I such a fuckup bros...
Wonder what fruit Jimbe would have been
Yeah but otherwise they're the same thing
>countless arguments about Seastone weapons being pointless because they can just shlorp around it
>meanwhile, haki strikes:
I don't know what else to tell you anon, we're talking about a feat that can be easily pulled off at kuzan's level. I don't know why you have to cope so hard about this.
>luffy almost always wears sandals
>sandals even with a suit
>abandons sandals for sexy red heels

One Piece is a pridefest
This is why I don't like ice as a logia, Ice isn't some malleable substance like Mud, Snow, Electricity, fire and so on.
It makes sense to be able to mold your body like that with those logia but Ice I just don't get.
This was a sucker punch by the strongest Marine in the world, it's more surprising that Marco didn't get his ass knocked out.
Also Garp for sure want's somebody to save Ace, he's just trying to make them work for it. Even if he doesn't realize it his actions speak for themselves.
Always thought that Kizaru was speaking from experience here
Thanks OP
>knows his limits
>sets realistic goals
>diligently pursues said goals
>even after 2 major setbacks, doesn’t falter in his duties and disciplines
>enjoys almost every second
I aspire to be like Moria.
You aren’t beautiful.
oh no not the Maga fruit
>Oda made a small mistake and thats it
is it a mistake? Everything here seems like a very deliberate choice, why else make the characters shout out that Whitebeard is using haki and that this attack should have killed Aokiji? If anything I would assume that Whitebeard is only able to use haki momentarily due to his condition and that his attack here was a normal one. Notice how the tip of his weapon glows when he is about to attack
how tired out he looks after
and that his weapon is not glowing when he is attacking Aokiji
And he is nakama pilled
I'm not the anon that started the argument, I just said that It doesn't show him doing that before the attack
Guts alone aren't enough, Straw Hat Bumpffy. It takes more than effort alone to save a thread. You've got to have posters.
OP is the only poster I have in the entire world!
>Who gave you the order to bump?!
>if you wanna get to page 10, it'll be over my sage'd body!!
>You brats!
The tip of WB's spear glowing means he's using his devil fruit on it, not haki. Every time he has it his attacks are a wide shockwave, and it's the same glow on his hands when he broke the first giant's mask just by grabbing it.
>GRAAH!! Bumpbeard is charging again!!
why doesnt kizaru just shoot a laser beam through luffy here?
Jozu and Kizaru would be the strongest tag team if they ever fought on the same side. Imagine having a giant prism shooting light beams all over the place
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Chapter 568 - Have it your way!
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End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: White Monster
I mean, even in One Piece this should be an instant kill move.
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forgot the page... Sorry for the slight delay, power has been rough recently.
so why did Sengoku give up on executing Ace early?
this here is a perfect opportunity for Sengoku to just cut off Ace's head
To be fair Garp is probably one of the strongest in the series
Is old age is the name of the sword he got stabbed with? Because he surely isn't older than Kureha who is pretty active
> AM chapter posting

OP please
are the magma dogs shaped that way due to akainu's excellent control over his fruit or is it more just a subconscious manifestation that reflects the user?
Thanks OP
I like how the magma look like in the colored version
Kureha use a medicine that have let her reach the age of 117, she doesn’t have normal health
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what's that, you want to know the secret of kureha's youthful appearance?
Thank you OP.
>You want me to give the thread another bump? It would kill it!
Hang in there brazilbro
OP is brazilian?
>OP is Luffy
Thanks OP OP
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
Thanks, OP.
This arc really highlights how much Oda asspulled for Haki later on
Thye mentioned haki in this arc though.
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What did he mean by this
apparently Garp is even older than Whitebeard, wtf. How come he aged so much better?
Some people just age better, doubt there's a reason for it, WB just got sick and garp didn't.

Tho desu in the OP world, where people can live up to 140, these guys should be in their 120s before they get old old
Garp didn't catch pirate aids. But yeah it's kinda odd that they make such a big deal of Whitebeard's age when Garp is older and still chipper. Whitebeard should be in his 80s or even 90s at least, but I guess Oda wanted to keep his age closer to Roger?
One of the worst One Piece arcs, it just plodded along with lazy plot devices and not as much hype as later arcs. Wano is better
Garp snacks on rice crackers, Whitebeard drinks a giant's worth of alcohol a day.
The only human that’s very old is Kureha and she have the secret of eternal youth, the only other characters around her age are giants
Thank you for posting.
That would be terrible.
>New World mooks can take out a Pacifista
As an anon pointed out previously, it's crazy to think that, with all the Strawhats have done, they'd still only be fodder-tier in the New World. They really aren't ready for any of the post-Paradise threats.
She also didn't spend decades doing anime superpower battles that surely take a toll on a body
Thank you OP. I've been enjoying reading with everyone and i admire your consistency and dedication.
D genes?
Real advice
Comes across to me like he's dropped the mockery, like he's genuinely just telling him that he's out of his league and never really had a chance to change this fate.
>do you have to keep destroying everything
>bitch don't you talk like you're not made of magma, if you cared enough you could stop it
>If I don't keep bumping... And they sage /a/ce... I...
>I couldn't live with that!!
Sweet, only 552 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
Dog shit TL, the better one is
>In time you will come up with that answer
Or something to that effect, basically saying that it's up to Ace to decide if he should have been born or not and nobody else.
My favorite one is
>That kind of thing you only find out by living
Wish I had the Japanese page to see how Oda wrote it
That might partially be why he worded it like this.
Do you know you're a retard now Ace, better treasure your precious fucking life now eh???
>That's something you'll only understand by living
Yonkou tier
The idea that the WG have spend lot of money for the Pacifista army only for New World fodder to take them out is hilarious
Those guys are all New World Captains
HAKI was basically a self insert during the reihleigh training arc with luffy.
During this time their was no hakim and its was the typical logia, paramecia, and animal devil fruit users.

No, he's right and you're retarded.
Theirs no reason for him not to use hakim as it's thr only way logia users can damage or touch each other unless they have a natural affinity advantage like fire vs ice
Jesus, that completely changes the meaning. It's honestly insane how Viz is so bad that (technically illegal) scanlations for popular manga are still needed.
>Theirs no reason for him not to use hakim as it's thr only way logia users can damage or touch each other unless they have a natural affinity advantage like fire vs ice
All those typos and you call someone else retarded?
Before you establish "no reason" to not use it you need something called A Reason To Use It since it's a fucking choice. It's almost like... Doflamingo has no reason to try and kill Crocodile since he doesn't fucking care.
Your phone auto-corrected Haki to "hakim" not once, but twice, saar!
Thanks for the read, OP
>Those guys are all New World Captains
So Brownbeard tier?
Honestly seems like Kizaru is taking it easy on him here. I guess he sympathises with Luffy, not being strong enough to save his friends.
Kizaru is a deeper character than the average fightfag thinks. So is Aokiji.
I can't wait for Sakazuki lore to be honest.
I'm surprised he didn't turn out to be Edwar D. Newgate because all the cool guys tend to have D in their name
Can Buccaneers be Ds?
>being a pirate emperor with the entirety of the world at your throat and also some of your bratty sons who need correcting.
Whitebeard is a blonde; they age the worst of all humans.
imo it always seemed to me that if the navy wanted to go all out they wouldve fucking destroyed the WB pirates.
i mean they still did but they did more damage than necessary and no sinking the island isnt an option for whitebeard.
like imagine if fucking sengoku got off his ass and stood infront of whitebeard or garp, what the fuck is he going to do? theyre not ill like he is.
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>I wonder who could be behind this post?
if the marines weren't fighting on home turf they would have gone harder I think. They already sacrificed Enies Lobby to a buster call and while Impel Down isn't completely destroyed its reputation is definitely compromised and since most of their guards are hurt they're working on a reduced capacity for a while. Losing the entire triangle of power with Marineford would be a huge blow to their reputation
which is why you send Garp to fucking deal with whitebeard so he cant destroy shit instead of the admirals who are more evenly matched.
cuz imo at Marineford Garp >> WB, he's not at his prime but he's not debilitated by pirate aids
Garp is a human nuke who is on par with Whitebeard when it comes to collateral damage when he fights
nobody in the marines can make Garp do anything
literally on the same page he's kicking croc's hook.
>nobody in the marines can make Garp do anything
In retrospect, how fucking strong is Garp if no one can strong-arm him into anything he really doesn't want to do?
He's the strongest Marine at this point but if the Admirals jumped him he'd lose.
It's less about not being able to strong arm him and more how big of a mess that would he for the WG to deal with.
How would they explain
>Breaking News: Marine Hero Garp the Fist who is responsible for defeating the Pirate King Rodger has been killed by two navy admirals!
There's no winning. Either Garp went awall or the marines are traitors.
Also Garp never does anything straight up bad. He just does shit without permission before hand.
What about Usopp? Well except being a liar and cowardly.
I mean they will slowly getting stronger the usual way with each new island, like the other Supernovas survived just fine although they become part of 4 emperors gang mostly.
The World Government has infinite money though.
>no sinking the island isnt an option for whitebeard.
It is, and it honestly would’ve been a smarter call. He could’ve flipped the island and got some fishmen to pull Ace out of the ocean before he drowned.
He's remembering his fight with Fujitora.
But why was it Haki that was chosen? It's well known that Oda is an HNK fan and the new world was based on HNK's Shura. Couldn't he come up with another technique for the timeskip?
Not even you can defeat necro threads, Bumpbeard!
I also think this is the best phrasing
yeah, yonkou need their opponents to have heart attacks in order to win
You are fucking retarded.
like what?
a second set of rokushiki?
That could have worked if Oda didn't limited it at seven techniques
One Piece!
damn i thought teach would be older then that
Tekkai can become armament haki and observation haki can be a sixth sense, conqueror is a bit out of place but it can be put in it too
>Ro D. Ger
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Chapter 569 - White Monster
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GODA etc
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End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: The Bridge of Life
>I don't talk about certain things in the main story because I omitted them on purpose.
>I think that too much unnecessary information will only confuse the readers.
Zou just means elephant in Japanese iirc so I doubt he was referencing zuniesha in that panel.
Thank you OP.
Yeah, but oda has stated 140 is average so take it up with him
bit disappointing that Oda’s having to use haki repeatedly in this arc, feels like a missed opportunity to not get more creative means of mitigating the admirals or saving Ace.
uhm, Jango-bros?
It’s better to start setting up Haki now for when it becomes more prevalent in the New World so it doesn’t feel more forced than it already is
H-he’s gonna be ok r-right Whitebros…?
iirc in the anime Luffy didn't recognize or even acknowledge Koby here
so what exactly was Mr. 3's plan here anyway. Was he gonna attack the other guy with his sword?
>Akainu was right in front of white beard
>Suddenly other marines attack whitebeard instead of having Akainu finish him off
Theyre literally going easy on the WB pirates.
nooo don't point out plotholes
Thanks OP
One guy was aiming to the dick
The anime made this scene so good
I ignore everything that happen during fights because that's when most plotholes happen
>Sengoku should we just kill him?
>No hes an old pal who has pirate aids, just go easy on him, I'll even hype him up to our soldiers
>Just let the old man have his last time to shine, admirals make sure to strike at him once and then leave him be, it'll be more believable for him this way
TIL marineford is just Sengoku giving Whitebeard one last adventure.
>countless homes destroyed
>hq building is totally fucked
>island and everything near is fucked up forever
>ecological disaster
>dozen warships destroyed
>hundreds of pirates and navy soldiers dead
>both sides lose significant resources
was it worth it?
Sengoku is a piece of shit so yes.
>even the robot was attracted to her
There has to be more to her power than she lets on.
>even t-bone got a hit in
Damn, never knew that he had it in him.
Hakihaters will say that this scene sucks.
Thanks, OP.
It was absolutely worth it for the navy considering they won. Got to eliminate Ace and WB without losing many of their own elites (Just a few warlords), which showcases to the world that individual Emperors are by no means the Marines' equal and put a scare in any future would-be pirates, as well as start a scramble in the New World for Whitebeard's former territory, keeping the remaining Emperors too busy fighting each other for a while and stretching their forces thinner at least until Whitebeard did the thing and Blackbeard showed up to gobble up his former territory. At that point, all their gains were completely dashed.
Thanks OP. Getting closer to the time skip and the moment I leave these threads. :c
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
>power vacuum leaves space for someone else to take the previous ruler's place
no way Sengoku is that much retarded
Who, besides precisely Blackbeard once he stole Whitebeard's fruit, would have been in any sort of position to establish themselves in Whitebeard's seat? While enduring territory grabs from the other three emperors?
Sengoku's mistake was overlooking Blackbeard, if he wasn't around, any power vacuum left by Whitebeard would have just resulted in, at worst, the remaining emperors stretching their territories thin, and at best the marines managing to take over large swathes of WB's former islands or escalating tensions resulting in two of the emperors weakening themselves by going to war with each other.
Probably something like that. Take out the other executioner, candle wall, candle key, then gtfo.
that reminds me, back in the day I was theorizing pretty hard about the future of the whitebeard-pirates. I figured they would try to hold on to the emperor-title after marineford, but without a unifying pops-figure nothing would be holding them together anymore. Every division-leader would figure they would be the best whitebeard-successor, infighting would begin and eventually this would result in the divisions splitting up and forming their own independent pirate crews (the first division would become the Marco-Pirates, the third division would become the Jozu-Pirates, etc.). And with this basically being the end for the whitebeard-pirates it would be easy for the next guy (read blackbeard) to use the power vacuum to his advantage and become whitebeard's actual successor on the worldstage
The revenge war we did get makes more sense, honestly. Attempted revenge against BB for killing pops/to protect WB's old territory makes a lot more sense for such an familial crew. Splitting up is more the purview of crews like Big Mom's and Kaido's that secretly or openly hate each other/their captain.
big 'ol coconut
Trading a passive geriatric man for Blackbeard in the Yonko position is not a win.
Yeah, that's the point of the second spoiler.
It was a fun adventure for both sides
The Beast Pirates really have no future after Kaido's death, the Big Mom Pirates will probably just have a fight between Katakuri and Perospero for the captain role.
Thanks OP btw.
Why are there drops of blood on the panel where Koby uses Soru?
the power vacuum only affects non-wg affiliated islands, so there's a chance he just didn't care.
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Oda draws him right there, so it's not like he forgot. A plot hole isn't when the author does a weird thing you don't agree with.
embarrassing showing
Anon, it's setup for how haki will be an important tool later.
It makes the situation feel more desperate imo. If luffy hadn't gotten lucky and fired off that haki blast ace would be dead. That's how outclassed he is by everyone around him.
Luffy’s punch was so strong it affected other panels
nami's tummy and thighs
Sweet, only 551 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
But she isn't here.
sometimes old age just hits different. I don't really understand it myself. My cousin died of old age at only 25, shortly after getting his latest covid booster. Anyway, I trust the oda.
the seven scabards
I'm glad koby got a cool moment semi-recently but i hope we get to see him become the next garp tier marine
Looks like he already had some blood on his face
She must have some level of ability to force stone on someone/something
I like luffy's haki progressively starting to awaken more and more as a sign of his strength increasing but why did it take til the end of dressrosa for usopp to get his
Usopp develops the only color that fits his ambition in a moment where finding someone was the most important thing to do. The only other "awakening" the crew has is Zoro when facing the strongest threat he's ever faced, coming to terms with his regal ambition. Many Observation users manifest in ways unique for them; Aisa hears the "voice" of people on Skypeia, Enel sees things over his kingdom in terms of straight/cold numbers, Katakuri predicts moments in advance because of his vigilance towards his family, Sanji is extra-perceptive towards women, etc.
Nami could develop a weather-inclined Observation, Chopper's could be medically-inclined, and Brook's would likely be soul/emotion related, but really I'd be fine with none of them otherwise developing Haki. It would feel especially silly if everyone started using it, frankly.
I kind of prefer the way this scene is done in the anime, even if overall I feel the marineford arc is kind of a mess in the anime.

You really feel his desperation.

i kinda sleep on this particular power system so I'm not really aware each observation user has unique powers. I figured it was generic dbz powerup, knock people out, unlock freecam visuals, etc. I also read it years ago and I'm sure i forgot a ton of stuff
I'd prefer if Brook got armament haki, with the explanation being that the chill of the dead affects everyone.
The other anon is wrong, CoO has multiple uses, but people have affinities for certain uses, not unique powers.
Affinities might be the better way to describe it, yeah, whether by target or range or lapse.
I think Franky has science based haki. He has manifested his will into his cyborg body wether he realizes it or not.
The Sage Government won't won.
Thanks for the dumping
He won...
It's over...
it's probably just meant to be dirt that got whirled up by Koby's move, and the colorist was a bit careless
I feel ya, Aokiji, I really do.
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very neccessary reaction panel
Marineford chapters keep ending with Sengoku on the last page going all "it's time to fight" "it begins now" followed by him doing nothing the next chapter and repeat
>Year of our lord 17 July 2024
>still thinking about the vax
Do we know anything else about Kizaru? I stopped reading at Dressrosa. I know he was in one of the later arcs but I have zero idea about him other than that.
>Doesn't know how conquerors haki works
Akainu being there is the plot hole, both Kizaru and Akainu fight WB and each get a good hit in and yet they just dont do anything else, they just let WB recover for free
Not really.
could Perospero even defeat Cracker?
besides Luffy and Zoro (because he can cut through anything)- I don't even think there's anyone on the strawhat crew who can beat Cracker, unless Jimbei gets a feild advantage with water around him. Certainly not Sanji. Not Franky.
guys stop spoiling stuff
The bump of the supreme king!!
>Anon boy!! If you bump again, you're finished!!
>The bump hormone only tricks your thread!!
I can't help myself, the spoiler spoiler no mi is so powerful to me...
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Chapter 570 - The Bridge of Life
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Holy shit, it's naruto
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>Born with it
Chosen piece really started here.
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>He's the son of Dragon the revolutionary! Little wonder he possesses this innate power!
>Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!! Eh, Dragon?!
are we to assume Dragon has this haki as well?
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love how easily Mihawk is decimating the guy Zoro had such trouble with.
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I wish Mr. 1 had more to do in this arc
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Grandfather vs. Grandson!
End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: The Execution Platform
Luffys such a manlet
Thanks OP
hey, it’s the Thunder Duma guy, haven’t seen him in a while.
>Command an army against the World Goverment
He should have the strongest one but we know that it's never going to happen
Did Jozu lose his arm here?
That goatee... is the goat MR3 already in place here?
Oda used to have restraint
>person is related to someone special, therefore he is special!
I hate this meme so much it's unreal
>Inazuma got better from the treatment quicker than Luffy

Gotta say, the bridge is probably one of the best ways to get Luffy on the plataform, but this is some bs

For better or worst, Oda never let consistency get on the way of a cool scene
IIRC Luffy got hit by a cocktail of poisons while Inazuma and Iva just got hit by Hydra's, which is meant to be painful and paralyze the target. Magellan robbed Luffy of his senses before the Hydra got him.
I remember that one and how everyone was losing his mind of Croc threatening Mihawk.
chosen piece started with crocus.
thanks OP for the daily OP!
fuck you garp
Oda wants Crocodile to be relevant so badly.
Thanks, OP.
So where are fujitora and green bull during this?
they aren't marines yet.
They were drafted during 3d2y
imagine being Vice-Admiral, spending your entire life working your way up through the ranks, risking your life to deliver a blow into the legendary Whitebeard's face, and as soon as a spot for promotion is open being snuffed in favour of two literal whos.
Thanks OP
Thank you for posting.

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