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We are going to settle this right now
Who was best girl
Suzu and it's not even close.
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The sex would be fantastic with any of them but I think the ojou girl is a little bit more perverted
Shino my beloved.
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File deleted.
Mrs Tsuda.
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As usual, fpbp
Who was the dumbest SYD?
Can't believe the manga is over...
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Any relation?
Amakusa Shiro
Hata apparently means either Loom (as in the weaving machine) or flag/banner
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Shit, you're right, imouto is a thing... Her, judo, then suzu.
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Best girl. Will accept all of your kinks and bring some of her own.
Also best body.
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made to be used as a sex toy
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family bond happy time
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I love Shino.
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ANYONE who says something other than Shino is a GODDAMN FUCKING RETARD!
That is all.
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You know, it is possible that ALL girls are best girl.
Tsuda just crushed all their flags.
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Came here to post this.
Seconded. Bouncy boobies are a bonus
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Kotomi is a genius
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>no tiddies
Hard pass
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Why did you post some gay edit?
Night /a/ has a lot of older anime. Real ojisan hours. Anyway it was Suzu>Judo>Imouto.
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Are we really supposed to choose?
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Yes. Suzu seemed the most into him and the most sincere.
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We need more Uomini. I guess the new chapter's out soon.
late night early morning but where in the world?
American website but honorarily australian because of australian moot back in 2014.
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How is this a big debate?
All the syds are pretty smart compared to the casts of most other series.
smarter than Aka's stuco
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Ranko chan
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False alarm, I checked which Kanji her name uses 畑 and it just means field or maybe fertile womb in some colloquial circumstance?
>drilling seed into Hata's hata
Does Tsuda (津田) mean peaceful ricefield?
Anyone remember the episode where Aria's skirt was suddenly blown by the wind, revealing her skin-colored tights which made Shino surprised?
>omg le heckin boobs
Nip humor is cancer.
anon don't sell it so short, it's a compound joke,
big bouncy boobs,
suzu is short,
slapstick humour
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Who you're calling short?
My beloved!~<3
Boob humour is in western media too, baka.
Sorry. I meant petite.
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Look at how flat she is, goddamn that's hot
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Don't open
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Short is good though
>anidb character profile page
>fetish trait: small chest
even in her fantasies she's only a B cup...

They can't have heard the news about her hidden big boobs
B is for Best
Her fetish trait is being potentially an eldritch deity.
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>and it's not even close.
Only because you have to reach down so far.
now post her yelling
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She may have tall ambitions, but she is a realist
I can't believe they made 3 seasons out of the same joke
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>Suzu should die alone because anyone with her would be a pedophile
Why are you such a horrible person?
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What's your point?
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Honestly most of the girls in this are great. Not really a wrong answer but cousin, imouto, and judo chick, prez, and shizu are probably my top 5
Mutsumi is close, but Suzu is still best
>School uniforms took this from us
Damn you Japan
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>Who was best girl
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The normal person
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nipples through clothes is such a nice thing, I wish every show had it
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>I have no scientific proof for that
Those are fake, she doesn't have nipples
Currently about halfway into S2 and I have to say 4koma gag manga adaptations really don't work that well if you're watching them in one go. Feels like it really was intended to be watched weekly since I find myself not wanting to watch more than 2 episodes at a time.
I can't say who's best yet but I definitely can say who is worst; Hata from the newspaper club. What an annoying bitch, definitely one of the least funny characters I've ever seen in a gag manga. Her voice is also insufferable, which is likely on purpose.
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>Dum dum dum
>Tweet tweet tweet
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Suzu had it rough, being both the straight man and a punchline
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I haven't followed this for a while, is the series over?
He needs to fuck her, otherwise she'll grow up to be a nasty old woman molesting staffers and children on private islands.
I've seen the future. I know I'm right.
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Each time one of these manga ends, I feel myself closer to death's door.
Yeah he married Suzu.
Out of these three, FMK in order from left to right is fuck, kill, marry.
Out of the whole series, there were too many and I haven't reread any of it since the final chapter dropped so I don't remember enough to say for certain. My heart says judo or newspaper club though.
It used the format from the OVA so you're supposed to watch 1 episode every six months
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Are you skipping Tsuda or did you just miss Suzu down there?
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The question has the word "girl" in it
It's 2024, boys can be girls.
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She's serious for her age, but she's not a woman yet
Anything over 149cm is basically male so the only girl is Suzu
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Tsuda misses Suzu "down there"?
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Uuuuoooomi my beloved
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>i still have all my edits since the daily days
Suzu's dog.
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little sister no contest, and tokki
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Tsuda has unrestricted access to Suzu "down there"?
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So, are they going to adapt the remainder of this series, or did the controversy between Go-Hands and King Amusement stop this completely?
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...Maybe not completely unrestricted.
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Aria chan has biggest tiddies. So her.
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She also had the best charisma break moments
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And remember kids, she won because she was the closer to him
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I remember having a screencap about something like "only Tsuda wins the Tsudabowl", but I can't find it now
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And gay
Was it a nothingburger end?
For me, it's Uomi.
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One of the best dailies ever done on this board.
The last good daily, I would say.
Honestly Kotomi is the one that cracks me up the more
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Bottom image Suzu is peeking under Kotomi's skirt
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Rubbing Suzu's boobs, telling her it will make them bigger.
Anon, there's no way she would fall for something so unscientific.
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She fell off the puberty tree and hit every branch
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Is that why there were no branches left for Suzu to hit?
I like the perverted girl the best.
Are we REALLY not getting another season?
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I agree that its suzu, but hata is a close second
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I've done this with my niece before, but I need to do with with a Suzu gf instead.
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Aria sure had her moments when she wasn't the biggest pervert in the room.
She had her moments when she was as well
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How did he remain a virgin his entire 3 years of high school while surrounded with so many horny schoolgirls? That's one thing but a couple of them are extremely aggressive about it too.
>How did he remain a virgin
He didn't
How often did he fuck Shino
Fpbp, Ranko, Mori, Uomi and Prez are strong competitors though
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He keeps it in the family
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>He didn't
Did it go in during one of the comedic fall scenes?
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tiny hands typed this post
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definitely the sexiest daily
>ctrl+f "tokki"
>only one result
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Do you think Dejima's past actually lives up to its reputation?
I miss Chiaki Omigawa's voice.
Probably not
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Little sister and the camera girl are my favourites.
Both would be my wives
She's pretty big
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For you.
How do you guys even remember? I'm pretty sure I watched all of this show but must be at least a decade ago, couldn't even tell you any character names.

Is my brain just cooked?
had to scroll way too far for this
Are you sure it wasn't posted earlier in the thread too? She's very easy to miss.
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How do you fags like Yx2 so far?
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I read through the series fairly recently. Polly or whatever her name is is worst girl BTW and a completely pointless addition.
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First post and is this based
A little dissapointed this ended on a friendship ending, at least we got a panty shot for once.
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I'd hope that GoHands would do at least one more film to finish it off, but chances are we won't get that lucky.
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You are me, and your taste is great.
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>worst girl BTW
Close but not quite
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There was no way it wasn't going to end like that though. You'll just have to settle for huffing paint and imagining something better.
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The perfect woman
Kek. Underrated
I am now wishing that D-frag doesnt have such an ending, only because I think that such ending wont be funny for such comedy manga. Like I want the underdog like Funabori, the constantly mocked/praised as the perfect wife, actually win because all the other girls are too crazy.
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She should give in and turn on the AC if she's still sweating that much naked.
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Yaotome x2 anime when? I think we have enough material for a 1 cour by now
I wonder how often the characters of this series masturbated.
Robot club girl were doing every other time she was present
Never, they're all pure maidens
Good night, /a/
It's 5:30 in the afternoon
They are virgins, and even then, we all know none of the girls were pure aside from Suzu, the rest had their minds in the gutter and they frequently seek the pleasure of the flesh via their hands or dildos.

And even then, with Suzu crush on Tsuda, I have my doubts.
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She would probably try justifying it by reading papers about how it's good for your health do to it every so often
Judo is the most pure
All of them were annoying desu
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Deal with it chestlet
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Close 2nd
I feel judo is just a trap, once she truly learns the ways of lewdness and sex, she will go turbo slut.
I'm rewatching S1 with Coalgirls subs and half of the jokes are terribly translated. What are some actual good subs?
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Honestly, every girl in SYD is top tier
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What archetype is this?
Smug Suzu.
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My 3 favorite scenes
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Yeah but can she say Massachusetts?
Massive huge tits?
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good taste
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Man if I was Tsuda I wouldn't have been able to resist.
Horatio homewrecker.
Wasn't there another show about the lone guy in the student council?
I always get these 2 confused.
no Ichizon yea, they aired not too far apart so I used to always do it too.

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