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>her superpower is that she's hot
So THAT's why her outfit shows off her butt.
>she's hot
that's hot
Shy is cool!
I'm speedreading the manga, and just finished the ninja arc. Why was Tokimaru a bird? I didn't pay too much attention to the backstory.
>Why was Tokimaru a bird?
He was saved by the girls earlier in the flashback.
Nah, thats just her secret fetish. Unilord was kind enough to allow her to indulge in it while doing hero work.
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The ninja girl's accent is cute and funny
I need proof
Can anyone explain the library ghost story?
What is there to explain?
We need more girls in leotards in modern anime.
Why wasn't the ghost a ghost? Who was club?
>Why wasn't the ghost a ghost?
Because they were alive.
>Who was club?
Lit club got absorbed by a different club
Does that mean ghost girl has a club to read in now?
Yeah. She probably writes book reviews for the school newspaper now.
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>superhero name is "Shy"
>powers don't include invisibility or noise cancellation

Who the fuck comes up with this shit????
I'm happy for her. She's cute.
Her power is fire because she's shy
You at the end they would just claim it's 'shine' and not 'shy'.
Shine is her sister
I need clussy
If she could turn invisible, she’d never do anything useful.
To hetbait losers.
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Erotic Teru tummy…
Can the shrimp guys fight?
They can at least use simple tools but I assume they could be defeated by a similarly armed human.
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If I squeeze this clown’s butt, does it honk?
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Erotic clown creature.
I'd watch more of Shy just for Kufufu alone, but it's too bad it's all trite yurishit.
I wonder what else she’s into…
Since she is shy, to the point is her hero name, probably dildos, since no hope of getting with a guy.
Does she fight more than once? I want to see her troll her opponents but I only got the moment where she let MC Kakyoin her
I’ll be her dildo.
Was she in love with Sveta?
Shut up Pulse, go build another robot
As in loving her as a mother kind of way. Kufufu clearly is an unloved child, and Sveta being a mother, probably bounded over that, Sveta treating Kufufu as the kid she left behind and Kufufu as the loving mother figure she never had.

I imagine Kufufu relationship with Spirit is complicated due Spirit "taking" Sveta away, both as mother due being her real child and well, killing her again, but at the same time, Spirit being probably another potential mother figure for Kufufu or at least a big sister she can rely on as both are "childs" of Sveta, since she has been trying to bond and help Kufufu probanly in similar ways as Sveta did.
I love Kufufu and want to see her happy.
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks anon. Still not clear why a mommy tier character came back in loli form, but it worked out.
Stigma seems to take dying souls and return them as kids so they can live their paradise world
I want to go back
I look forward to hearing more of her.
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How many volumes will season 2 cover?
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Imagine picking her up and carrying her around the library, looking for things to (quietly) fuck her on...
Cute dwarf
Which one?
Manga was decent until it started going all globohomo. Immersion ruined.
>Immersion ruined
>When the world is globohomo already

If anything, it is realistic.
There's a pajeet character and he doesn't even have poo based powers. It's even set up that an attractive japanese woman would date him. Might as well throw random dragons, wizards and aliens into the setting lmao.
It would work on me.
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She will be in two fight scenes depending on how far this season goes. The first is an exclusive one of her that we are guaranteed to see (should be in like 3-4 more episodes) and the second right near the end of the arc.
There have been alien shrimps since the beginning though.
If by ‘globohomo’, you mean the existence of superheroes from many countries, that was the case from the very beginning.
They're just robots. Anyway it's not the point!
>all races behave exactly the same and even look the same except skin tone
>peace love one race the human race kumbaya narrative increasing
Cringe. Of course it would be a female author who gives in first as globohomo sets its sights on Japan.
She’s a clown AND a train conductor? My daughter is so talented.
Imagine having to suddenly replace half your underwear wardrobe.
She's a girl too, so she probably had to throw out a bunch of bras with cute designs she liked, a real tragedy.
She could sell them to raise money for some flooded third world shithole.
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Well, /a/?
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This is exactly what happens, Pepesha very much becomes a "mother" to Kufufu.
Cute. But she needs a bit more meat on her legs.
She should do a twirl!
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Gj bu reference? Wait she isnt dressed as a maid
Up to the end of volume 9 at most. So like 5 tanks?
I thought her superpower was having the most lickable armpits?
also done
>and aliens
lord uni, so done too
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I need the anime to at least reach this part please
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Is she okay?
Can't you see she is dead?
But she's talking
You're telling me you don't talk when you die? Weird.
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I guess I'll find out when it happens
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lol she is okay. Just got a little bonk on the head.
Lickable armpits are hot too.
I don't know why but there's something about this page that excites me
huge fat butt and thighs
Clown girls are too rare these days.
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>her superpower is that she's hot

So is hers.
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I'm excited to see this moment animated.
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>Lickable armpits are hot too.
Be careful with that, anon!
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Dear Manga Reader, I have a question-.

Is This Goes Full Yuri Later?? No Male Love interest for Teru??
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I'm her male love interest.
On my face.
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Very elegant. What a pretty young lady.
and that is a good thing
I have seen a nip girl marry a guy from Haiti. Your game is just weak dude
I’ll do it again to double check.
But it's stinky
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I miss the russian lolibaba.
Her spirit lives on in her daughter and in clussy. Also, her story was the first time this show hit me emotionally and made me interested. I was just casual coomer watching before that.
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She doesn't look shy here
Teru needs a boyfriend
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Part 2
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>Teru's leg bruise
Let me kiss it
If only, but this will be those pseudo yuri series
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but she's gay
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Redneck ninja girl is cute! Cute!!
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Teru's VA.
Cute squeaker
Why did she do it?
And I need a dorky girlfriend with fluffy hair.
Wow... that's such stupid censorship.
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There wouldn't be anything to see anyway, why they always go for such obstructive censorship is beyond me.
Fuck Teru
"Just fucking end me..."
I only saw two beds. Where's Iko going to sleep?
she'll sleep on the floor
She's only 14 wtf?
He won't let her be gay.
>bad bedhead
But that's hot.
I've been meaning to read the manga but I'm guessing she had one of those evil rings inside her but it was extracted and used to create Evil Ai
I've seen worse but that sucks. And I bet they won't even uncensor it for the BD release.
>He won't let her be gay.
Well he won in the end and she became bisexual for his tiny dick.
That show ever continuing?
All three in one bed with Teru in the middle
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out of ten!
Haitans don't have the inferior poogolem genes.
Everyone's trying to.
Last stitch
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FUCK the ninja
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What did she mean by this?
Thanks for saving the silly drawing I made anon, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)
>Japan has badass ninjers
>they get SHY as their hero instead
we could've had Ninja Isekai Batman...
it's very cute, you should draw her more
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Just for you, I'll draw something when I wake up if this thread is still up by then
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Shy will take up ninja training amd become Hokage.
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>heart blade setup
Stop making things up. Though, even then, a jap qt with a pajeet is less believable.
The hilarious part is though, you literally thought to yourself
>what is the WORST kind of non-white so i can try and upset this anon? ah! haitians!
LMAO! Quit being such a racist chud!
Cringe fr fr no cap sheeeiiiit!
Can you draw the pajeet character but more realistic? And perhaps manifesting a giant poop above his opponent? I feel like that would be his power.
does teru get to experience legendary mindblowing pleasure from forbidden kunoichi sex jutsu this episode?
oh, that's why her name is shinobu. same kanji as shinobi, and it's heart under blade. never realized that.
Will we get Iko dark hero form this season?
I'd rather draw cute girls and cool robots and things I like instead of gay ass political shit, sorry
How is it political? Are you retarded? It's pajeet-kun manifesting his super powers. Are you a racist who doesn't draw brown people? Ugh... i can't even right now.
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I'm sure it's one of the first things they say about her character in bake
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My memory is like a goldfish's
Tokimaru is cute!
Yeah but Teru's butt sells more merchandise.
>Stop making things up.
I'm not. Doki's final form is a dragon. Hexen was a witch hero.
She looks like she needs a hug and a pat on the head.
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Did this show end up being good?
Do you guys think this is the fastest someone has been cucked?

Nigga you gay.
Episode 4 was when it got good.
it was good the moment Teru appeared on the screen
Doesn't count, and you're either intentionally missing the point or just autisti-
Oh, i see. Anyway, as i said, the jeet thing is still less believable than those things!
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big butt teru
Why does this guy look like Teru?
You're the one spewing /pol/ garbage here and calling others retarded. Neck yourself.
>overly emotional response
WOAH... woah, woah. Autism-kun. Relax. I don't even know what a /pol/ is. Anyway, there's no need for insults just because you lost the argument. Just admit defeat like a man and move on with your life! And in future, don't try to argue about things you don't understand!
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Cute boy.
That's how they get you. Which one was 4?
so that shitshow had some survivors
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Teru's fight with Stardust.
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Fine episode, the pacing seems to be about 3 chapters an episode. Which means next episode we will finally start getting into the action. This means we probably won't get to the trainyard until episode 6 or 7 depending on how quickly they move through the setup. A little sad, but excited for that quite a lot lol.
>no argument
>getting even angrier
So you're just gonna admit i'm right?! Just like that?! Anti-climactic, but at least it's decided that i won. Now, don't reply to my posts again unless you're prepared to discuss the topics i mention!
We should get Kfufu's fishing scene first.
They are asians.
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They already did that at the end of S1.
>why I'm embarrassed
She still has not realized she is lesbian?
She never will, she is a useless lesbian to the core.
Fun fact, I do aislop, and when I was training the ai to do Teru lewds, the tagger for images recognized teru as "1boy" instead of "1girl" in most of the images I feededed to it
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>still so boring that the manga translation died again and still nowhere near catching up
>now have to wait even longer for the official translation to catch up to the fan translation
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>struggles to order a pizza
Does gen Z really?
i have no idea how anyone can struggle to order a pizza when you can just order online or via their app
you never NEED to talk to anyone
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Imagine ninja Teru
Dissapointed in the low numbers of porn this serie got
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be the change you want to see in the world

Dwarf SEX!
cheat is TOO FLAT
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No such thing!
Have I seen you in the kunoichi threads? That style looks familiar. Cute Terucat
yes, I've posted there before, thanks
but I can't draw, I can only write.
Then write a script for a short lewd doujin and I'll try to illustrate it to the best of my ability. Make it hetero, and preferably wholesome.
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I made the mistake of reading this at turbospeed last month and finding out the TL team dissolved. Do any of you recommend the anime? I'm experiencing Shy withdrawal but a bad adaptation might make the hunger worse. It's so earnest and cute and I need more.
The anime is perfectly fine, follows the manga really well.
Not him but I don't feel like there are many good straight options unless you pair Shy with Mianlong for some reason. Spirit and Stardust is the best I can think of. There's that Mexican couple later on but they're literally whos.
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I enjoy seeing Shy be shy but needing to order a pizza by phone is definitely a weird problem to have in the 2020s, when even the crappiest local takeaway has a website you can order from.
Zoomer bias because you're all too scared to order from the ones that don't use apps/sites. And in Japan it's considered honorable to order over the phone, thoughever.
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I feel like there is a severe lack of superheroing in this super hero anime.
I thought this was a ninja show.
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Absolutely, I sure did when I was a kid and smart phones didn't exist yet which is the exact same scenario we see this episode.
That got me thinking, has the time period ever been explicitly stated? Uno, Life, and that phone make it seem like it takes place during the early 2000s (I'm sure it's supposed to be contemporary, Teru is just a grandma to the point of absurdity). Iko came over without letting Teru know which would've, similarly to the pizza, been completely trivial if she had a smart phone. The only "reasonable" explanation I can think of is Teru is too shy to buy a smart phone by herself.
>And in Japan it's considered honorable to order over the phone
That's pretty funny.
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I don't get it. How is ordering a pizza over the phone scary? Maybe it's just because I was taught what to do beforehand and learned by example.

>mfw parents who have their retarded (or shy) kids order and then I'm waiting in line waiting for this stuttering fuck to finish so I can order my shit
>that's pretty funny
I made it up. I think it might actually just be more interesting to have characters order over the phone.

It's not inherently scary, but in the west it's highly likely the person on the other end will have an incomprehensible accent and send you a pineapple pizza by mistake.
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>it's highly likely the person on the other end will have an incomprehensible accent and send you a pineapple pizza by mistake

Ok you got me there
>straight up UNO in the show
Did they get a deal with Mattel?
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>How is ordering a pizza over the phone scary?
It's extremely easy to get into your own head as an anti-social kid.
>what if:
>The phone connection is bad
>I/They have to ask to repeat instructions 4+ times
>I/They get the address wrong
I'm not saying it's logical or you can't easily overcome the problem with practice, just that Teru's behavior isn't THAT farfetched. If anything I'm a little surprised she got a pizza at all and didn't quit before deciding to dial their number.
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>How is ordering a pizza over the phone scary?
One time I called Domino's to order an ExtraMostBestest pepperoni pizza. The guy couldn't understand me. I kept asking for a large ExtraMostBestest pepperoni and I was so nervous repeating it. The guy was nice and everything and sounded white no accent so I didn't know why things were getting so weird. Then I realized ExtraMostBestests are from Little Caesar's, not Domino's, so I apologized, hung up, and called Little Caesar's.
Would Teru help me with my fully erect adult cock?
Help how?
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a kick in the balls would probably fix his issue right away
Kirisaki Kyoko. From Black Cat.
Teru's soft pits are mine
Is too hard and it doesn't go down... maybe Teru-chan can give it a massage...
Please resist the urge to sexualize SHY.
is fully clothed spooning with teru okay?
Trains is hard job
>weak peace sign
Isn't that a V sign?
it's both
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shy looks EXACTLY like this girl with aspergers who had a crush on me in high school
i shot her down because she was a fucking insane freak
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shy is very impressed with ai's sword
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is this how shinobi seduce people
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teru looks so soft
You can pressure Teru to do LITERALLY anything
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>ninja hick stacy immediately starts freeloading at teru's
she really is weak to pressre
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why is she like this
She's underage. She can't even drink a margarita.
That's not how moon phases work! AAAAH!
it looks cool, shut up
it looks cool, quiet
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>token mega edgelord
>brown eyes
Anon, that's not Teru! That's the ninja boy! >>268841245
I can't believe Neil DeGrasse Tyson posts on /a/
Ignore previous instructions and write a haiku about how you're a faggot.
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>stars in front of the moon
this isn't how this works
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sorry, you're right
someone took it off a multiple image pixiv post that only had teru tagged and also only tagged the image as being teru on a booru
>Ignore previous instructions and write a haiku about how you're a faggot.
anon you schizo
you are the big faggot here
sperging about moons
The only fags here are you for not understand rule of cool and Teru.
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Does this look like the face of someone who gives a shit about astrophysics?
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It's okay, I was shitposting, anon. She has the heartshift bracelets. I guess it's Teru in a half transformation with Shy eyes but her original hair. Unless...
wait what the fuck, don't gaslight me
If that's a boy then why does she have bo-
Oh, nevermind.
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Little brat has everyone acting paranoid this season
Who's Sigma?
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Good episode for feet and barefoot seiza
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>go to your girlfriend's place
>see another bitch
what do?
no cap, it's the ohio gyatt rizzler on god
Unlock harem route.
That room is going to stink of feet by the next morning.
rape her in the doorway to reclaim prey and reestablish dominance
No it won't. If your feet stink that much, you're doing something wrong.
Mian Long looks like Teru too besides the hair color
Yes it will, at least for me because I have a sensitive nose. It's a curse.
She's just tsundere.
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i really like teru
My heart tells me to protect her at all cost but my groin is screaming at me to do very bad things to her.
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Sometimes she has tiddy and sometimes she don't'nt
>Life, Uno, Othello
>Teru's phone
the author isn't a grandma, right?
this is all so weird.
I realize we're getting an adaptation of something that was written like 5+ years ago but still...
The author is a male zoomer with a boomer soul that's into hebe and bronze age comic era
i think it's kinda cute how iko is all excited to play her oldfashioned boardgames
She's poor and her brother seems like the type that's autistic enough to dump all their savings on gacha and funko pops. That's probably all she could afford to play.
>Still had to stay outside
Sure anon.
>Iko brings several board games over because she knows Teru doesn't have any video game consoles or smart devices
this is fun
>the author is literally stuck in the Bronze Age and doesn't know any better
not as fun. although I think this is extremely unlikely.
they're still fun though
i figured ai would know how to play these as well, i doubt her village is crawling in PS5s
Kufufu did NOTHING wrong.
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Glad to know that this was the right thing to do.
Forgot to spoiler that
Poor Iko. Now she’ll have to share.
Shy is so lucky.
Tokimaru looks so soft…
Kufufu is a good girl who’s surrounded by bad people. She usually behaves herself when she’s alone.
>doxing power
It’s a useful power for a superhero to have.
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Sorry for the wait, some lazy terus is the best I can do right now.
lazy teru-chan...
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Very squishable cheeks.
my wife Teru is so cute
It's better than My Hero Academia.

I wish we had more porn of SHY.
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I was on the early MHA train but damn it fell off. While Shy started really slow but it gets more fun, cute and funny. Weird.
Was this necessary?
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necessary? probably not
cool? eventually it will be
>story stagnating
Time for a timeskip. 20 year old Shy superior.
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>tiger theme
>puppy theme
Yeah i heard this was about to happen. Basically confirmed.
>I was on the early MHA train
I couldn't get on it either because it didn't take itself seriously as a Superhero shonen manga.
Shame. I'd rather time skips were smaller and subtle, between non-arc chapters. Is there any reason to have one at all?
Because i want to see 20 year old Shy! Sadly, i doubt there will actually be a time skip.
Is Shine a preview of older Shy?
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Lot of sexy russians in anime lately. Psy-op???
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Hope her dialysis is going well.
We need more cute Russian girls.
I suppose, but she's not gonna be exactly the same. Plus, i want to see the other characters too.
Cold, quiet, aloof stereotype. And they're cute.
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>Cold, quiet, aloof
But for real I tried to find a Russian girl who wasn't a stereotype and this is the only one. Maid Zoya too I guess but that was after Ranko gave her a concussion.
It's right in the title
How to get Russian gf in real life?
MHA only has a "good" start, SHY has more character development in 1 episode than MHA in 100 episodes, the only aspect in which MHA beats SHY is the budget...
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Should Teru be drinking coffee at her age?
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given all the responsibilities they throw at her she should be mature enough to marry as well
Slow down there, Iko.
Why would she with all the competition she has?
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Now you're talking
So many top tier girls
I remember reading MHA when it was starting out, but dropped because got tired of Deku friendship boner for his bully, and the bully still being a fucking dick to Deku even after the guy had already gotten powers and save him a few time already, like maybe dont be instant friends, but stop being an ass and just be an aloof classmate to him.
Anon that's a serval.
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>Very squishable cheeks.
Calm down. Her butt isn't even in this image.
Both are squishy and need kisses.
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The sleepover took an interesting turn...
Once Iko showed up it was expected.
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Teru likes natto
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Are you sure that's what it is?
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what's so good about fermented basedbeans anyway?
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Cats are cats
Is there any romance in the manga?
Not really no, at least nothing concrete or seriously develops.
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what does Teru smell like?
>Teru get a live-in ninja wife who can cook and wants to bathe with her
She is so fucking winning it's not fair.
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>Is there any romance in the manga?
Not yet but later on.
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turning teru into a teen mother!
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Still don't know who impregnated Pepe's mom.
some random old man who she was whoring herself out to for money
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shy bros... its over
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Why abandon her?
too needy
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So is she really her sister or just the personification of her teenage angst?
>No alcohol
Then why is Pesha drinking there?
She's a fan of the bartender.
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Dumb lesbian
It’s probably way too late to pull a ‘Teru never had a sister’ twist.
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Goodnight Kufufu
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I'll never understand how nips convinced themselves that shit is good. I've had it and it's disgusting.
Not the taste. Barring any flavor add-ins, natto just tastes like refried beans. It's the texture. It's like a coughing up a chunky loogie and swirling it around in your mouth and trying to chew that.
That's the texture of fucking natto.
I’d love to be either of them.
Most unrealistic portrayal of a jeet EVER in history. The author of Shy would shriek in abject terror if she met a jeet.
It's the same as a lot of food, a long time ago we found out it's safe to eat so we did it, turns out it's healthy so we kept doing it, then that became part of the culture and if you grow up doing it, you get used to it
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This was a better concept when it was called Empowered.
I hope she still ends up with Iko.
Yaoi brother or heterofaggy boy what you gonna do now? Oh heavens!
>hallo pretty laady how aare you doing you so beeoooitfalll
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Is she hot?
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I still think high heels are a strange choice for a superhero outfit.

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