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I smell a duel in the air... will you answer the call?
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Mudballman as a Rush card.
Of all possible cards, they picked mudballman?
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Get in the deck
2nd episode of 3 starting!!
The final Seven Stars
Kappei Yamaguchi's voice /a/cting is superb as always at least.
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!! Now that you mention it that is 100% his voice
He's so good at doing creepy evil characters
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Apologies on my complete absence from last week. I actually had a 3 day ban during that time. Doing storytime catchup on episode 41
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so daitokuji had tuberculosis and went full metal alchemist and somehow got entangled with forces beyond comprehension?
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also next episode shown everyone celebrating judai. i thought the seven stars incident was kept in secret save from students and few teachers involved (which btw the ratio teacher and student involved should've been the opposite)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_K3JCG4e3U intensifies
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Episode 41 done. Just want to say that I missed you guys while I was banned. You guys and the weekly GX threads are the reasons why I post on /a/ these days. It's always a bl/a/st posting with you. Will storytime episode 42 later today.
many such cases
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The m/a/n's range is insurmountable.
Sho is shit, de no ne.
>missed three weeks in a row
God damn it. where are we at next week? Did Ryo stand awkwardly in the background again this week?
>feitan too
Man he's a fucking legend
Welcome back to these hallowed halls fren
He and Asuka stand awkwardly by the water next week while the CHAZZ hatches a plan to MAKE HIS MOVE next week. Hope to see you there!
>the CHAZZ
Manjoume-san da!
I like to compare him to Seki Tomokazu where's he's mostly known for silly voices but is also very good at the serious or villainous roles.
Manjoume's love shenanigans and the Sangenma/Sacred Beasts' first true appearance.
Meanwhile in episode 44, Manjoume sanda channeled his inner Kindaichi again.
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I actually liked episode 44 in terms of art. Can really feel Judai's gloom here.
Pointy chins are usually a sign of a low quality episode.
DM's episode 200 being the biggest culprit with that Kaiba chin.
My heart beats in overdrive
Even if I lose, just let destiny choose
Honestly a bummer both Asuka and Manjoume got offscreen losses.
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I would unjokingly watch a whole YGO series of Manjoume's detective hijinks.
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The first time /ourguy/ Bubbleman ended up a disappointment.
Imagine your Fusion with Featherman having lower attack than the non-Fusions, Sparkman and Wildman.
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This week's Sparkman.
Crazy that we're two weeks away on finishing season 1.
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This is the final Seven Stars duelist, Amnael. Say anything about him.
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Gotta make use of Bubbleman as a fusion material somehow in Rush.
When he smirks, you know you're cooked.
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Does it have to be something nice about him?
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It can be anything you want to say. Even rude things to Amnael.
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Honestly I don't know if I needed to see the full duels. ( ̄o ̄)
The GX sound effects.
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Absolutely based.
Can't FUARKING wait.
B-but Amnael is a nice guy. He just wanted Judai's power level to go up.
Gotta get your GYATE on!
If only Matsuno was still here. I can't move on from his passing.
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Episode 42 storytime.
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Episode 42 done. Storytime on episode 43 will come tomorrow depending if this thread continues to get bumped or becomes archived.
Was it just Daitokuji's episodes this week?
Basically, yeah.
Majoume having this huge elaborate costume and getting completely overshadowed by a thot with her tits out is just too real.
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The voice of Daitokuji sensei.
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The look of bewilderment on Ryo's face as he can't understand why they'd want to see Asuka in cosplay so badly always gets me. You just know Fubuki took him to parties and he was just wondering how this would improve his respecto dueru.
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kek it's true
GX is more realistic than I gave it credit for.
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>Chronos thinks he will be the focus of the episode because he never got around to paying Titan
ok that's funny as fuck
We all agree that Clayman and Bubbleman are the true heroes, right?
Speaking of heroes, it's really funny to me how Sparkman's only appearance this week was being summoned by Hero Siginal and immediately getting destroyed after.
GX had some good comedy during its run.
I would've at least like to see the gameplay aspect and see whatever new cards they would've played.
>He just wanted Judai's power level to go up.
In the very end, he was a good sensei.
Honestly didn't expect Final Fantasy VIIxGX art here.
Just a month and a half left til Judai's birthday.
>watch as I make my Clayman a Parallel Rare!
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Rush HEROs.
you just know they will give them more support down the line, I'm curious to see what it will look like
Thank goodness the Rush Neos fusions don't have the Return to the Extra deck during the End Phase effects.
I wish they'd retrain most of Jaden's card. Retrains of the OG 5 Heros, retrains of the Neos+Neo-Spacian stuff. Retrains of the manga Heros + Masked Heros. Most importantly retrain of Divine Neos. Evil Heros are getting new reveals in three weeks, so at least there's something to look forward to.
i need lewd pictures of her on my desk, by yesterday, parker!
almost my entire asuka folder is porn so I can't post it
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Episode 43 storytime.
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Then post the ojamafication folder (おジャマ化)
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Episode 43 done. Will storytime episode 44 later tonight or tomorrow.
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Asukker... Come hither to mine bosom...
Is it possible for you to post them on catbox or a pastebin?
just go to gelbooru, pixiv or any of the other big sites and search for asuka / alexis and you will get the same result
Oh okay, I'll accept that answer.
Gre/a/t tr/a/ck.
Asuka episodes are usually better drawn and animated. This not so much but you still get nice shots of her through the duel.
At least Sailorman dealt damage to Amnael
I hadn't seen too many of his roles since I'm more of a mangafag, but I respect you anon... may he rest in peace.
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I've only seen Kappei at the last 2 years of One Piece's event at Jump Festa so seeing his older picture here and how they did the "kpop/jpop type of pic" for him is kinda funny in a wholesome way.
Fucking based in the very very end, as well
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> no one posted their ojamafication folder
ok guess i have to step up
Dunno if you've already seen these, but I've found these videos that had Kappei in them.
What did Supreme King Judai mean by this?
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Thanks, I might check them out later tonight.
You're welcome.
He is so funny. Pure duel autism
Makes his whole season 2 onwards stuff funnier in retrospect.
truly one of the most entertaining character journey in the series for me. every former gifted child has a hidden sadomasochistic skeleton dressed in leather in the cupboard
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Episode 44 storytime.
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Episode 44 done.
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>What's their game? Poker? Blackjack?
>Duel Monsters
this guy must have been living under a rock while Kaiba was reshaping the world in his image
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give her more support konami
>holy fuck, I thought duels were hot but putting a car battery to your nuts is somehow even better!
And having heart attacks.
Give her more armpit scenes Konami
Turns out strapping electrodes to your chest isn't good for your ticker.
Holy sex
Cyber Blader retrain, but she's a Cyber Angel ritual.
The YGO protagonist signature indicator.
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Judai sure loves using this card.
it has the word hero in it, plus back then it was a quick and easy way to summon a high level monster. I also used it back in the day.
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Future reaction image.
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Storytime on episode 45.
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Episode 45 done.
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The first episode preview with more than 3MB.
A momentous occasion.
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Never do alchemy, folks.
> no (You)s

I cri
I couldn't come up with a clever reply, sorry anon-kun.
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You'll get Elemental Hero Cyber Angel Neos and you'll like it. There's honestly a nonzero percent chance of that happening.
I mean, after shit like Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon and Armed Neos, I think anything's possible.
That's ok anon-san.
Need her to explode my nuts
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Future Sparkman image
I'll like it.
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Episode 46 storytime.
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The Trap Card is Elemental Absorber and the Spell Card Planet Alignment?
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Episode 46 done. I'll try my best to be available in the next weekly GX thread for making episodes 47-49 clips.
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Which card won this?
Current Pot of Greed activations: 22
Current Bubbleman activations: 11
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Not exactly sure, I only saw pic related and >>268877799 as the sent illustrations.
Considering the way the attack was blocked, I'll say yes on the trap card being Elemental Absorber.
Here, have some soul.
Bubbleman was one of the few that never became corrupted by evil so yes
Th/a/nk you.
That's nice.
Woah, the anime's own design of Rallis looked far more cartoonish than the irl card.
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Yeah, I don't know why they changed it so much. Maybe they didn't have the design finalized yet.
Damn, he's reprising his role in Ranma 1/2 fucking legend
>he's reprising his role in Ranma 1/2 fucking legend
What the fuck? This is my first time actually hearing this. I seriously thought he was gonna get replaced by a more modern generation VA. I doubted Kappei too hard, gentlemen...
Makes me think of a Kirby enemy/boss or a cutesy mascot whenever I see it.
I KNEEL. Usopp was just to warm up for the Ranma remame
A definite downgrade.
Who is she stripping for?
Also, never really liked season 4's reasons on Kaiser's heart problems

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