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Happy birthday Yuu!
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Chapter when
Happy birthday!
9th of September.
That's a long time...
S2 when
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Probably never.
popularity ~= quality
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Is anyone watching the live action?
It's less than two months from now.
I'm not gonna make it. Don't wait for me, anon...
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Cute alien cork.
God hates salesfags.
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Happy birthday to the cutest alien
There's a live action?
Cute uchujin
>There's a live action?
Yeah, its like the only thing the authors tweeted about in forever
It's true.
Stop bumping
>not posting the fast one
Make me.
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Hbd 悪い宇宙人
Very pretty.
First I've heard of it.
I am pretty sure there's faster one, but this will do for now.
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Pekola the Holy Angel.
One more, just for this anon.
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Usually I don't watch live actions, should I make an exception this time? Like is it good?
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Dumb sexy gaylien.
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Happy birthday!
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Posting rare MTTK.
Happy birthday!
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cute mttk.
This series would've been more memorable if it were Hoshizuku Psycopath.
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>Hoshizuku Psycopath
Umika is a deranged yandere.
Yuu is a legit schizo who thinks she's a alien.
Matataki is a dangerous and violent sociopath.
Haruno is still a angel.
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Isn't Yuu bigger yandere than UMK?
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The mangaka drew the bad alien timeline.
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>[May I always be together with Umika]
>Show me what you wished for...
>[May I manage to go to space with everyone]
>Why are you running away...?
>Umika you're being weird.
I demand more cute images.
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>Umika: I really...
>Umika: love space...
>Yuu: Me too.
>Yuu: I love space... and the sea (Umi)
Mttk the serial clamblocker.
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Which Hoshikuzu gives the nastiest shit?
Why are ESLs incapable of making good posts?
That looks like something from a sentai.
sex with raimon
Even more!
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Ok. fine
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this dork engineer scored with this >>268855605 goddess and you are basically retarded
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Forgot to capitalize the a
Good catch.
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I want a full doujin of this made by the author.

Matataki would become more chill if Haruno just smothered her with her humongous harunos.
The author routinely commentating the live action while drunk is amazing: https://x.com/rasuko_okuma/status/1811365098025619657
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It's not fair MTTK gets to have THIS.
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That's funny.
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emerge --verbose sci-astronomy/stellarium
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The most powerful alien
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Only if they keep this scene
im gay for hotaru
i still need to watch this
A gay alien took my virginity
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>I still have my odeko virginity intact at 30 years old...
Cute dork.
100 posts for Yuu!
Is the manga doing well?
Are you?
Sex with Yuu.
me ?
It could be better.
Depends, are you a gay alien?
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Yeah, going on five volumes and showing no signs of stopping, in fact it recently set up a bunch of long-term plot points. It also got the Kirara cover again this month.
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That's good to hear.
Shoujo manga has taught me the right forhead hasn't come along yet to sweep me off my feet
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>page 10
So when is Yuu's birthday anyway? Is it officially July 15 or is it whenever Marine Day is?
Can't be, rmn mttk is not best girl in her respective series unlike ysr mk

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