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Chapter 41: Forbidden Golem
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 >>268606995
Big girl.
Thicc Uneras...
And that's it. Uneras is a menace.
What would your clone copy from you?
The way his head is drawn under the bandana is very pleasing to me
Thanks OP
If I had a clone things would get real gay
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He’d probably be as lazy as me
Thanks as always OP!
Thanks OP. If I had a clone, it would be crucial that he knows he is the clone and obeys every command I give. Other than that, I don't mind him being just like me. >>268810624 hit the nail on the head. I only have one computer and one set of headphones, so my clone wouldn't be allowed to use either; and I don't really go outside ever, meaning the only thing I'd do with my clone is shave him, put him in girl clothes + makeup, and then we'd fuck each others brains out

less rude
>put him in girl clothes + makeup
You don't get it
I wonder if it's yellow.
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I'm the only one who gets it
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I want to fuck ME, not some tranny
fellas, is it gay to lust over your own self?
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The fact that you would confuse crossdressing with trannies just shows how little you understand
Is masturbation gay?
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
>(AHO)P doesn't realize there's a new daily again
Everyone laugh!
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New daily! Virgin Extinction Island
Alright I'll concede on that.
But I don't want to fuck a crossdressing version of myself. I don't want to crossdress.
I want to fuck myself in all my handsome, masculine glory. The only problem is he'd be thinking the same, so it'd be less sex and more two dudes trying to rape each other
>But I don't want to fuck a crossdressing version of myself. I don't want to crossdress.
Fair enough, different strokes for different folks. I'm just not into handsome, masculine men. I still want them to look girly, I just have a thing for dicks. Call it a penis fetish. So before I could truly enjoy sex with myself, one of us would have to undergo significant landscaping.
I'm not into masculine men either, or girly ones, or any men. I'm not gay.
I'm just saying that I would absolutely fuck myself
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Anon, it's at least a little gay. Just accept that
Only incidentally. Since I cannot be with myself I would only ever be with a woman.
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i first read that as cunt
thanks, OP. You know, I was just asked yesterday about if I would have a mini-me follow me for an entire year (ie, we couldn't separate) for $1 million and I wasn't able to give an answer then or today
Like a midget version of myself that just kinds of plods along behind me? Can we talk?
i was told that it'd be literally me but just 1 foot tall and would have an insatiable urge to be right next to me at all times, whether that was whether i was in the bathroom or in bed with a woman
would you pee on your clone or vice versa
Using myself as an onahole
Thank you for posting. I almost missed this thread.
no. only a cute girl could tempt me to do that
>Fetal movements
The ability to do menial busywork endlessly.
With the two of us, we can achieve 24/7 coverage.
She wants to be impregnated
That sounds terrific
but that's perversion of the natural order!
it is kill
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>teenage mother
I think Uneras is older than a teenager.
Thanks OP.
He would sleep on the floor.
Eternally 17
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Still a teenager at heart.
Is that Yggdra?
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I think so. Kiyuduki was the main character designer and artist for most Dept. Heaven games
That's interesting.
Chapter 42: Providence vs. Fate
And that's it. She's cute with long hair(?)
Do you fight against fate?

Big fan of this teenage creature

She's always cute
Thanks as always OP!
she turned goth, oh no?!
stuck-in-a-wall uneras...........................
600 years isn't 'eons'
Thanks OP
I've given such things quite a lot of thought of the last year or so, and I've decided to embrace the flow
Too fat to escape...
So Uneras wants Magu and Ruru to fuck?
Good god
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They last fought 600 years ago, but they last conversed eons ago
Thanks OP
>Do you fight against fate?
I fully intend to live forever
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>battling fate itself to achieve immortality
If I had a genie, one of my wishes would be to unban Reverend Insanity
Gothic Lolita Uneras.
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I'd love to become a vampire like Araragi. Even knowing that if I was killed I would go to hell forever, it would be well worth overcoming death. Short of that, I'll hope for scientists curing death within my lifetime
live forever or die trying
Thanks OP
>Do you fight against fate?
I'm trying my best
>Senpai won't notice me
Muscar should move on.
She's flipping the bird
Sorry Uneras, but my OTP is Magu X Ruru's Mom
Thanks OP
>Do you fight against fate?
Fate is for homosexuals, like the greeks. Whatever mess i get into is my own doing.
Thank you for posting.
Thank you, OP!
Since Uneras is still in her complete form somewhere with the holy knights, why can't she just make another sealing crystal for Muscar with her full power?
thanks, OP. I'll do what I can, but I know there's a limit
Every day.
Magu the Nagus.
>scientists curing death within my lifetime
You know it would only be for the ultra rich.
Nice. It's about time Froslass got a mega.
Poor Flygon? Skipped yet again.
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Monsieur, I am petit bourgeois
Thanks for the read, OP
Fate's given up on me a long time ago
You need to be grand bourgeois.
Yeah probably, but what's the alternative? I don't plan to pretend death is a good thing like someone with Stockholm Syndrome
Big Uneras is sexy
>what's the alternative
Fight god.
That's one way to escape it.
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kuro my love
Big tits goth gf
Thanks OP
she really is a digimon
what tits?
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Mahjongm takes the souls of men. It makes sense that it works for challenging god as well.
Nice digits.
one more time
Chapter 43: The Day of Extinguishing Light
Hi anon
And that's it. Happy birthday, Ruru.
Do you celebrate your birthdays?
Thanks OP
It doesn’t mean much to me anymore, but I had dinner with extended family last time to make them happy
Ok. I think it should be obvious at this point what the deal is.
>handmade dolls
Thanks OP.
I don't care much for them but my family does.
Except this year. i was supposed to go back home to celebrate but i had to stay at work for 3 days, i had to make it up to them and pass some time together on the weekend.
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Happy birthday
I do yeah, but I don’t care much for it
Thanks as always OP!
>kids aren't allowed in the arcade after 6pm
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Thanks OP
Seems most anons here aren't much for birthdays, and I'm the same. I stopped caring around the age of 14. These days for my birthday I have a small party with my family and cousins, which I really enjoy
I didn't need to see this today anon.
>it's not right that a third-year should have to worry about child-rearing
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You don't like poignant moments from funny manga?
>Magu's cheating on Ruru
Say it ain't so...
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She deserved to win
Look at that chad stride.
Who got the gift of Uneras?
Us, when the author made her and the magazine published it.
on a school night it'd make sense, you want kids home doing their homework or eating or sleeping or whatever

if the area is particularly bad with delinquents or general bad kids they might do that every day if they don't have adult supervision though, they have a policy like that at the mall around here if i remember correctly
Okay, you guys can have a turn when I'm done.
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>July 2021
What? No. It can't have been that long ago...
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She deserved far more page time. Most characters in that manga did
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Can't believe Yoshiko ruined her own manga
Thank you for posting.
look at all of them!
he's so cool
thanks, OP. I try to, else it's another, meaningless day; usually I get a nice Japanese meal
magu is a warm and wet hole, after all
He is very loose, though.
This fate is inevitable.
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actual magu spoilers
oh no
Maybe I'm coping, but I do see her as the most likely final match for him
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>a vampire like Araragi
Nah, Araragi is a bitch, especially for a vampire.
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>live forever
>life of adventure
>0 downsides
Araragi has it made
>0 downsides
Let's not get into that, but the first two aren't anything special as far as vampires are concerned.
Thanks OP. I still celebrate them. This year it was nice and efficient. We grabbed curry and the whole thing was over in a few hours. I think everyone should celebrate their birthdays. If you hate them, just get it over with fast.
That's not that bad. I still remember like yesterday the Hibike threads filling the catalog in 2015, and the mom isekai / senko-san threads filling the catalog in 2019. I didn't even watch any of those series, I just remember the catalog. I could have sworn senko at least was post-covid, like 2022.
Beautiful moment.
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Due to his special relationship with Shinobu, RRRG doesn't have to worry about being in the sun or anything like that. He gets to be immortal with no drawbacks
>doesn't have to worry about being in the sun
Even that isn't special among vampires. Araragi is barely a vampire. He has almost none of the traits that make vampires attractive and cool. He is also not the kind of person you should want to be like.
>0 downsides
Any potential downsides are negated by an eternity with Shinobu as your life partner
You don't want to be a vampire. You want to be a stronger vampire's eternal blood bank and bitch.
There are worse fates
That GA thread died too soon.
he's a super vampire that's almost completely immortal
Total victory.
Thanks for the read.
I usually go out to dinner with my parents, and then when I get home, I grill up some pork chops and drink my way through a bottle of bourbon through the night.
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Was there seriously a fucking GA thread while I was sleeping
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