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GetBackers Volume 11 Chapters 85-88
Previous chapters 74-84 >>268569767
Shido and Madoka interlude!
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He looks like Akabane
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Don’t think Ban is going to be particularly useful here, washing dishes with just one hand.
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They figured he’s cheating on Madoka and fucking Hevn with his horse cock for jobs.
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I got that.
Just wasn't expecting to see that
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It’s even mentioned in the anime.
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Shido is so pure.
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>I’d know if he were here
What’s up with all the random telepathy in this series? First Ban, now Madoka.
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A Plague Tale: Shinjuku
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And that's it. See you folks tomorrow for the start of our next arc!
Thanks OP
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
To the top.
Thanks again.
Where is tsundere mallet anon?
Get back?
Always blew my mind when I learned that Getbackers wasn't a giant shonen that everyone knew about like YYH because of all the cool fights.

I asked the other kids at school what they thought about Getbackers and they just looked at me like a retard.
Very underrated shoujo.
sometimes I think he intentionally treat the GB like shit just to keep them under his thumb
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When I was 14 a buddy at school tried to get me into GetBackers and I called him a faggot
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The battles in the anime went so hard it was probably responsible for lots of my chuuni behavior during that time.
Thank you, OP. Glad to see this thread survived the Jump flood.
That's very understandable.
Paul, what the fuck.
Thanks for the dump, OP.
Not nearly enough weird sexual abuse for that.
Does Fudou count? He would probably rape Ban if he got the chance. He also eventually tries to murder Ginji to get rid of the competition.
To be fair those Jackasses ruined his cafe and broke his cups and plates multiple times. Not to mention all the unpaid tabs
>genuinely had a dream that the thread 404'd
It did... but you got it back
The what now?
Just like in my classic shoujo mangos.
Paul should have handed them over to the CPS when they first came to him, since they were both 16, homeless and without any legal guardians. Too late to complain now.
Great artist, but I don't like most 90s shonen . I also feel that the adaptations were better than the original source material
>I don't like most 90s shonen
No problem here because this is a shoujo! Fun unrelated fact: Miura himself called Berserk a shoujo and I will always find that amusing.
Golden Age would fit right in among the dark shoujo classics of the 90s.
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>My face when Ginji addresses his boyfriend as "Ban-chan".
Could've fooled me with all the badass fights and hot bitches
>Ginji as the good-hearted, clumsy and pure shoujo heroine with secret incredible powers
>Ban as the not so tall, dark and dangerous main love interest who is kinda abusive but also utterly devoted to the MC
>side characters who are friends of the MC
>villains obsessed with the MC and/or her love interest
>everybody has a trauma
>actual shoujo bubbles here and there
Kek. Never thought about it this way, but it really is a shoujo.

As another anon has already mentioned, Miura considered Berserk a shoujo manga at heart too. Badass fights and hot chicks are hardly restricted to shounen.
That's funny.
>One of the most wholesome pairs in shonen story comes from fucking Get Backers
Man what a weird age was that
Pretty much all the main pairs in Getbackers follow a similar soulmate template, which for some reason is virtually absent in most shounen.
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Chapter 89.
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Alright so Ginji's gay in general, not just for Ban
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Oh shit, wasn't Clayman a woman actually. She looks like a dude
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And that's it. See you folks tomorrow!
Thanks OP
Ban sure has managed to piss a lot of people off
I remember watching the anime and never really understanding the power levels, especially the black haired dude was a mystery. What power did he have?
Those are some serious sketching skills Ban has.
Thanks for the dump, OP.

Up until now almost everyone GB fought has been either Ginji’s friend pissed off at Ban for taking him away, or Ban’s former acquaintance who now wants to kill him. Winning friends is clearly not his strong suit.
Cheers, OP.
He is a god
Hush, Ginji.
Thank you for posting.
It's complicated.
Ban bump.
Maybe she's just ugly like that.
Thanks OP
>no chibi mode during business meetings!
over 200kgf grip strength
As an animeonly, i thought the power scaling was all over the place. Ginji was thunder emperor but had trouble taking out regular mooks sometimes.
who? Ban? Shido? or AHH!kabane?

theres 3 guys at least with black hair here.
Super Deformed, the official term coined in japan for all those chibi versions of characters.
Why not just chibi?
If this were a tournament Ban would be Banned.
Ask Tokyopop. Ginji’s chibi form is called tare in JP (droopy), so Ban is saying “stop going all droopy” in the original.
They generally try to keep their power levels hidden, both to avoid traumatising the normalfags and because of their own traumas (both Ban and Ginji had been called monsters many times in their lives).
>Quit hitting me!
Stand up for yourself, Ginji, Domestic abuse is not okay.
He is a man of talents
>Constantly thinking of Horse porn
What the fuck Midou
Not just porn; giant horse cocks specifically.
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Thanks for explaining. What a weird term, of all things, to call that.
Morning bump.
To be fair, it's basically just him trying to antagonize and taunt Hevn in every way possible because he dislikes her. Not very smart considering he needs jobs from her, but Ban has negative EQ.
In a way it's amazing they've survived this long.
he's just jealous because Ginji keeps making eyes at her
Can't let that hoe take his bro.
Having superpowers helps, but yeah. They’re literally keeping each other alive. Though Ginji would probably do okay with some help from his friends, but Ban would end up dead in a ditch somewhere if he were left alone.
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Chapter 90.
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A wild truck-kun appeared!
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And that's it. See you folks tomorrow for the start of volume 12!
Thanks for the dump, OP.
>Atsushi (the mangaka of Soul Eater) is gone
>no final drawing or anything at the end by the guy when the other assistant mentioned in that same sentence drew some farewell stuff
Thanks OP
That's easily handwaved as data transmission within the simulation.
Anon, are you an anime protagonist by any chance?
Cheers, OP.
>already spent one Evil Eye and the mission didn't even start
Jesus christ this arc is gonna be a mess
Thank you for posting.
Isekai time.
Yeah, missed opportunity for sure.
Oh well. I still prefer GB over Soul Eater.
Is GB as an IP dead? No chance even for a soulless remake?
Get Back!
It still sells out merch so it's not dead dead.
It’s still getting new merch, but there hasn’t been any new content since 2011 or so.
That's probably for the best unless the original author is interested.
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The interesting thing is that both the anime and manga are still getting merch.
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Yeah, it's not actually dead. More like in semi-permanent suspension. I could see it getting a reboot down the line but only when bigger names have been exhausted.
Don't stop now.
How popular is Soul Eater?
I'd say it is definitely more popular overall in the normalsphere. Looking up some figures showed it on a bunch of top 10 lists and so on.
It sold 19.6 mil copies as of 2019 (the manga) but GB sold 18 mil by 2009 so GB may have more total manga copies sold. Soul Eater also got a 2cour anime with an original ending like GB plus it had a spinoff manga, unlike GB. Soul Eater only had 3 games made, compared to GB's 5.
Considering how utterly soulless the Ranma remake looks, I’m not sure I want a reboot/remake. The manga was too edgy for anime even in 2006, let alone now.
above flame of recca, law of ueki, and hitman reborn. but that one This Is Halloween amv did a lot of legwork keeping it from fading into obscurity in the west

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