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Ongoing sequel to Ikigami.

A national prosperity law has been passed in a dystopian nation resulting in citizens between the ages of 18-24 being randomly selected to die for the good of the nation. These citizens are given 24-hour notification of their impending death. The ostensible reason for this system being to help demonstrate the value of life.

Episode 2, Act 1: After-effect
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Previous Ikigamis: >>268612412
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And that's all for today. What's your opinion on meganes?
they're great
Can't have shit.
Thank you for posting.
They are cute OP.
Thanks, OP. So we get another bullying chapter, huh?
They are cute on cute girls (not this chapter's girl though).
Where's my positive effect of the NWA on the morals of the citizens now?

No evidence the fuck, she posted a point table for harassing and perpretrating crimes against somebody. Plus the phrase which the teacher knew was scribbled on the book is enough circumstantial evidence to get the law involved. Pass that to any press with her name and she'll die a social death too.
>Where's my positive effect of the NWA on the morals of the citizens now?
It would have been much worse without the NWA, dear citizen.
For a better explanation on why, please stay put and ask our officers when they arrive.
We could use more of them. That said, dear god, this is turning into something out of Jigoku Shojou/Hell Girl.
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thanks, OP
fucking women, every time
megane a best, especially if they have thick eyebrows
i chose my escort in Tobita Shinchi because she had "oppai to megane" and she giggled when i said that
>braid and glasses are the best
Based beyond belief.
Wow, sensitive much?
Those are low interaction numbers for something like this.
The font choices do ruin some moments. I wish the typesetting was better.
Horror movie moment.
Thx mate
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Thanks for the read, OP
Built for getting flustered
Are they supposed to be highschoolers?
Wouldn’t make sense if they were in middle school
Yeah but they look like adults

Has reading comprehension fallen this far? It literally says she was in middle school during the bullying and probably elsewhere too.
>Has reading comprehension fallen this far?
Back to you. I'm explicitly quoting this page >>268812086 where they're in highschool.
Junior high school ( >>268812053
) is middle school in Japan my man, even clearer if you can into nip since it says 中学校 right there. The only high school the ikigami'd entered is the nursing one.
My point is that they look 20-25
I approve.
Deserved desu
I wonder how long it'll be before that smartphone looks dated.
Clearly we need to increase the quota.
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Way ahead of you, dear citizen.
A bump for all the true patriots reading this.
I could see them being 19-20.
Maybe they couldn't get age appropriate actors because of the violence involved.
We're not dead yet.
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>resort to using miscreants as couriers
if the NWA was privatized this wouldn't happen
But minister anon, think of all the sweet, sweet corruption money we'd be missing out on!
even corruption these days are handled by third parties. just lay back and reap the profits!
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murder suicide lets go!!!!
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>social miscreants not allowing the thread to become a national welfare hero
Oji-san posting is the best part of these threads
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Episode 2, Act 2: After-effect
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How does randomly killing off 18-24 year olds help a nation prosper and demonstrate the 'value of life'?
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It doesn't.
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There's very sound logic behind it
Read the prequel manga
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That question is answered in Ikigami
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And that's all for today. Are you a good speaker?
What a self-entitled bitch. Just become the first TV announcer with a speech disability.

I won't be talk no jutsu'ing myself out of anything but I don't fumble too much either.
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Howdy, OP
thanks, OP. I can give presentations well enough, but that's about it. I can't convince anyone of anything on a personal level
It makes people value their lives by knowing it might end. In a safe, peaceful society, it's the only way for citizens to experience that so they don't become decadent and self-destructing. The feeling of loss is the only thing that makes us people. That's the glory of the National Welfare Act.
Thanks, OP. Yeah. I can speak, you know, words and stuff.
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>Are you a good speaker?
thats some dangerous thoughts citizen. keep talking like that, and i have to report you.
Thank you for posting.
Geez pop, nice going.
Some people just arent worth it.
Guess she didn't see this one coming.
Thx mate.
That question doesn't sound very patriotic.
Only with a lot of preparation.
Thanks for the read, OP
Yo, anon.
What would the profit model be?
This is why need the NWA.
You have to pay an Ikigami processing fee upon delivery. Yeah that’s right, you should have to pay for the privilege of being told you’re dead in 24 hours. This isn’t a charity!
That would make being a messenger a far more dangerous job.

Picked up, thanks OP.
You need to read the original first, silly.
Realistically speaking this would be a quite dangerous job since they're the #1 target for frustration.
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Read the original first. Appreciate the National Welfare Act. Then come back.
Yeah, the only defense would be that the person receiving the ikigami is automatically suspect and thus the pension is at risk.
Gotta dream big.
All hail the NWA.
I'm surprised HQ hasn't gotten a mail bomb or something like that.
It's not our turn.
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Episode 2, Act 3: After-effect
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and there you have it folks
Just bully the mentally handicapped, they'll just get over it
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damn straight! god I love the NWA
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And that's all for today and all for the last fully translated volume.
You aren't under a lot of stress, are you?
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And that should have been a spread...
Thanks for the dump
It would be hard to get/make one in 24 hours and The Nation is so full of glowies whoever is left would probably not be able to go very far.
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>a woman was able to come to terms with her bullying and move on
>she was learned forgiveness and kindness and helped her former bully
>the bully became a better person and educated herself on the injustices of the world
>all thanks to the GLORIOUS National Welfare Act
Miscreants will still find a way to say these are bad things.
What if one of the people who get it is the stepson of a foreign politician? Like what if someone from Japan adopted a child and this one turns out have the it?

Would that be considered an act of war? They would be murdering a foreigner from an allied country?
Howdy, OP
i've seen this trick before
thanks, OP. Not that much stress, I can still pick and choose my battles
once again, the future is preserved and made a better place
Ah, uh, no I don't have deadlines looming all over me while I waste time reading manga and shitposting, definitely not...
>i've seen this trick before
Place your bets:
>just a busybody doctor
all thanks to NWA
I come everyday for this post...
But mr. bald headed glowie, couldn't this have been achieved by training and employing capable school faculty workers who know how to handle bullying cases and don't budge at the slightest hint of intimidation?
It would have been much faster, less expensive and best of all no one would have had to die.
Oh for fuck's sake!!!
Thank you for posting.
The lies miscreants will tell. Truly staggering.

RIP spectacle monkey.
I used to be but not anymore. It's a big improvement.
I know it’s against the concept of the series but I’d really like to see more depressing kinds of ends and stories where someone just completely loses it or they get depressed and spend their remaining time getting wasted and then die a pathetic death alone in an alley between bouts of puking their guts our instead of the usual “they expired surrounded by their family at home”.
This is not for you.
The hidden message: Thanks to the NWA, one in a thousand die a meaningful death, usually surrounded by their loved ones. Isn't that great?!
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May this thread bolster the board's welfare.
Outsiders don't understand the glory of the NWA. Only those who live it know the truth.
Anon, too soon... again.
What are you gonna if this thread hits bump limit?
A bump for the NWA.
It looks much better that way.
This thread has served in the war against The Federation so it doesn't need to die anymore.

Are you still alive, old man?

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