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What are your thoughts on the SOS Brigade?
i want to get the girls pregnant by me
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I could not reply to this post at the time, but now I can.
To give a realistic answer, I'm sure the novelty would wear off very quickly. The "Haruhi hill" is a PITA.
Japanese fan accounts advice you to not walk it during summer.
The temperature in Nishinomiya averages mid 80s/low 90s during the Summer.
How are nips this out of shape?
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This feels like a very dedicated attemp to keep Haruhiism alive. But you know what? I'm all for it.
There were some really interesting discussions in a previous thread. I plan to reply to them when I am more free.
That's not schizoposting, it's accurateposting. This is pretty much what the series describes, but it's subtle
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strange artwork
To this day I still don’t understand how a series like Haruhi can exist.
Has the fact that causal loops ("bootstrap paradoxes") prove intelligent design and the existence of God ever been referenced in any other fictional work, or even any scientific paper or theological work, ever?
Because Yuki literally references this in the first LN. In a way that you will miss at first because she struggles at putting her ideas into words, but if you read it with the idea already in mind that’s exactly what she’s describing.
Everything Yuki says is like this, appears like random sci fi babble at first but with hindsight everything she says makes sense.
>Because Yuki literally references this in the first LN.
Where was this? It sounds like Endless Eight stuff
In her first conversation about Haruhi. And no, I’m not talking about the endless eight. Time loops as in Kyon telling Haruhi a sentence because she told him she heard it from him in the past (in disappearance).
Few fictional works do time travel right and in a consistent manner already, but linking it to theology like Haruhi does is straight up unheard of. And it does so in a cryptic way almost like it isn’t even trying to be understood. Like it’s some kind of accident and not intentional on the author’s part. But how could Haruhi "accidentally" archive something no other works ever could? The most insane thing is, it’s actually in character for Haruhi to do so, she creates perfect stuff that ends up being much better than it has any rights to be accidentally, all the time.
>The most insane thing is, it’s actually in character for Haruhi to do so, she creates perfect stuff that ends up being much better than it has any rights to be accidentally, all the time.
Nice attention to detail there. The logo was one of these.

Was this in the anime too? I might have to reread the LN rather than rewatch the anime for once.
Yeah it was in the anime
The LNs also mention the movie they made being like this
Even in the fucking Haruhi-chan gag spinoff she wants to draw something and it ends up looking nothing like it but Yuki says it actually has 95% accuracy or something and only the way we perceive it makes it seem inaccurate
Oh also the songs she sang with zero practice or experience
idk but they are cute
Haruhi really is one of these series that keep getting better the more you think about it. The intentionally fuzzy worldbuilding helps a lot.
Exactly what I think too
It’s like the series wasn’t even meant for the public, so it isn’t trying to be understandable, it’s up to the viewer to try to understand what’s going on
Like the series was only created because Haruhi wished for a slider so it’s a way for the reader/watcher to "slide" into her world without breaking the laws of physics
Even Kyon and Itsuki?
Indeed. Tsuruya/Mikuru would be somewhat understandable, but this?
a good mix of deep characters. Mikuru kinda gets left out in the anime, but gets a lot more development in the LNs.
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Gj-bu is better
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I really liked the graduation talks and also the Michiru stuff
Specially Kyon
Thanks Yuki
Why does Hyouka get two spots?
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Loving sex with yuki nagato
Did you know that the anime referenced Dan Simmon's Hyperion? I'm not sure about the LNs themselves, but the LNs also reference some older more complex stuff. Its what puts Haruhi Suzumiya above your average moeblob/sci-fi series. It may have moe designs, but its actually VERY subtle about its ideas. Its why I have previously compared it to the work of aBe Yoshitoshi.
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>moe designs
Not specifically... It's no K-on, the character designs are fine and do their job. I don't see how they should be changed, especially the Disappearance ones, these are great.
what else does it refrence?
I know of the obvious ones like sisyphus and the works of lacan?
if you have a comprehensive list and the examples thereof it would be helpful
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Good work on persepctive especially in the first panel
Even yuki shifted her gaze lol
I fap to this doujin constantly, its everything I want out of hentai.
Haruhi has some great old doujins.
Most of the new ones are shit though
The humidity in in Japan is nightmarish during the summer. Plus, air conditioning is less common than in America
Any recs and/or links?
Season 3 when?
I’m at work, maybe in around 3 hours if this thread is still up
Haruhi is a cunt
Alr, i'll be awaiting your return
Source? Reverse searching doesnt give me anything.
Okashi nasai! by nora shinji
The old doujins i remember were the Gou doujins.
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I haven't watched this in a decade, never realized this was set in Nishinomiya. Now the Hanshin Tigers collaborations make a lot of sense.
Honestly, I smappreciate them more and more as the years pass by.
>Current Leader
Yasumi Watahashi (Executive Secretary)
>Political positions
Big tent (Center-left to center-right)
Haruhi Suzumiya Thought
16-80 Kurakuen 2bancho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0082, Japan
20 May 2003
>Youth and Student Wing
Haruhi Youth Brigade
>List of Prime Ministers
Haruhi Suzumiya (5 terms)
Yuki Nagato (as leader of breakaway faction)
Yasumi Watahashi

The SOS Brigade (SOS団), is a Japanese political party originally founded by Haruhi Suzumiya as a high school student. The party’s main goal is to make the world more interesting and fun by finding and interacting with aliens, time travelers and espers.

Originally established as an unrecognized school club at North High, the Brigade’s transformation from a school club to a political party began in Haruhi's third year of high school. At the beginning of her 3rd year, Suzumiya announced that she was going to run for the student council president election, with the intention of turning the SOS Brigade into a nationwide organization. She faced opposition from the incumbent student council president, who tried to disqualify her on various grounds, such as her lack of qualifications, her violation of school rules and her tendency to wear inappropriate clothes. However, Suzumiya managed to overcome these obstacles with the help of her loyal followers and supporters, as well as her own charisma and determination. She won the election by a landslide, becoming the most unconventional student council president in North High’s history. The success of the SOS Brigade propelled her to nationwide stardom, with Haruhi embracing her role as a voice for disaffected youth. In her college days, she participated in campaigns and boycotts against corruption in traditional society. This eventually led to a foray into electoral politics, culminating with Haruhi Suzumiya being elected as Prime Minister of Japan at the age of 27.
The SOS Brigade’s political platform is based on Suzumiya’s personal preferences and whims. It advocates for more freedom and creativity in society, as well as more funding and support for scientific research, cultural events and entertainment industries. It also promotes environmental protection, human rights and world peace, as well as cooperation and friendship with extraterrestrial and paranormal entities. Over the years, the party has achieved immense success in elevating the way of life of the Japanese people. Apart from Haruhi, Sasaki and Yuki Nagato have served as Prime Ministers from the SOS Brigade. Currently, it is led by Yasumi Watahashi, Haruhi's protege, who is the executive secretary of the Brigade. Haruhi, now too old for the strains for active campaigning, continues to guide her loyal followers as Brigade Leader Emeritus, ensuring that the flaming torch of Haruhiism will burn bright for centuries.
>Not far right
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SOS-Dan Ni Youkoso! by Kishiri Toworu
涼宮ハルヒの新刊 by Blue Catty
涼宮ハルヒの睦言 by Venom (three parter, 1 and 3 are Haruhi only, 2 has the 3 main girls)
The TIMTIM series by Timtim Machine
KYONew by Nisemididoronokai (this is the most well known one, he also did a few extras)
Suzumiya Haruhi No Maru Maru by Silmaril
Bunny Blue by Noritama
Fujimura Q's doujins are probably the best ones with Haruhi alone
And obviously the two doujins Haruhisky made
Yeah I'm glad this seems to be conveniently happening right after I did a Haruhi run for the first time in years and liked it a lot more than I initially did.
Excellent, ty
I want to be friends with them
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You are thinking like kyon's subconcious
Unironically same.
I haven't even posted about the part where Yuki rebelled against Haruhi's authoritarian leadership style, leading to a split in the Brigade and the party's name and symbol being frozen.
Adulthood is knowing Mikuru is best.
Humidity is more important than temperature. World Sauna Championship starts at 110°C but 50°C steam would burn your skin.
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>Its what puts Haruhi Suzumiya above your average moeblob/sci-fi series.
The quality was bound to degrade with how old the series is.

... does anyone even remember Uehiro?
Has a date been given for the release of the next LN?
I can't frogive them for Endless Eight.
For me, it's using Haruhi's ass as a bongo set.
haruhi is a bitch and yuki it's best girl.
they did yuki dirty in her stand alone anime/manga.
One thing people seems to overlook is that the Data Integration Thought Entity doesn’t claim auto evolution is something extraordinary in itself, what surprised then was that a carbon life form was capable of it. I see it like if we discovered a species of bee making glass nests. Glass working is not special for humans but for all we know bees can’t make glass nor we have any idea how they could make it.
very based, do you take art coms?
Aged like milk but people will deny it because of hard nostalgia.
exceedingly cute.
Mikuru is a miracle of the universe
Nagoto is based
Haruhi is menhera enough to resemble the closest thing a 9/10 3DPD it could, which is to say that despite not being my favorite, she is still a good girl, easily among the top 5% anime women ever
Permanent Haruhi threads? In the year of our Lord 2024? Can we keep the faith Haruhibros...
I wonder if Yuki can change her form freely. Could she turn into a chibi form like Achakura-chan?
Sex with Nagato and suckle on Mikuru's miruku. Don't care about Haruhi. Kyon and Koizumi are cool.
I mean, there's no reason to spam, but we understand the importance and depth of Haruhi's impact on anime and us.
Nagaru Tanigawa is a huge sci-fi dork. Kyon refers to Haruhi as a Bussard ramjet (multiple times), which is a form of interstellar drive, Yuki reads Hyperion, which if you want to go read it has some VERY interesting implications for her character, and it's been a while, but I know there were a lot of other ones.
you know what? I'm going to be spending the next couple weeks in a Cessna 310 flying around Canada. I'm gonna get these on my Kindle and reread all of them.
>Did you know that the anime referenced Dan Simmon's Hyperion? I'm not sure about the LNs themselves
IIRC, it's there in the light novel, but in a very roundabout way. Kyon says something to the effect of "Yuki's buried in some kind of book that sounds like it's about a satellite crashing". The joke being that she's reading Fall of Hyperion and Kyon is misunderstanding the title. The anime just spells out what she's reading.

My favorite Easter egg in the anime is that there's one shot of Yuki's reading shelf where you can see a beetle identification manual, implying that's why Yuki keeps picking up rare beetles in Endless Eight.
No, the Thought Entity isn't capable of auto-evolution. It's more akin to how humans really, REALLY want to be able to produce a near-unbreakable fabric. Then one day we figured out that spiders were already doing it. So now we've got loads of biologists and chemists studying spider biology in hopes of figuring out a way to artificially reproduce it in bulk.

It's not the auto evolution itself is an oddity, its that the Thought Entity believes it can reverse engineer it if it figures out how the hell a carbon entity managed to do it.
One of the only times when dfc is truly best girl
I want to do ageplay with big and small Asahina
A bunch that is as queer as a clockwork orange.
She was reading Time Enough For Love in the movie I think. Her movie version was.
Or maybe it was some other episode. Forgive me if I'm wrong.
It's funny how Puyo was keen in making Yuki a gamer, when she was a bookworm even in the Disappearance universe.
In Summer Time Machine Blues in the end, they ponder that the events that form the stable time loop they experience must have already been predetermined by God.

Ancient Greeks also had a love for self fulfilling prophecy stories, which ties back to their heavy belief in predeterminism and the idea that the Fate sisters form the entire fate of everyone in the universe.
Of course no one time travels in those stories. But the information time travels backwards in the form of a prophecy.
Well... she was also a gaymer in Suzumiya Haruhi-chan to be fair
Who do you think wrote that?
I thought it was someone else
Then why it specify “carbon life forms” instead of just say they thought it was impossible? Yuki presented the same powers as Haruhi by remaking the entire universe and she is just an interface unit.
I believe in the anime in ep 3 of melancholy yuki explicitly says that:
"Furthermore, a sector of the integration Thought Entity believes that for humans and furthermore, us data lifeforms haruhi Suzumiya is the key to out autoevolution..."
"Furthermore, a sector of the Integration Thought Entity believes that for humans and furthermore, us data lifeforms Haruhi Suzumiya is the key to our autoevolution..."
Also iirc it is once said that the DITE only capable of manipulating data rather then creating it, whitch is what Haruhi does from their perspective...
I assume this to mean that compared to the DITE and humans, who manipulate energy (of whitch matter is a form of) via concious application of their own energy (i.e. labour/work) to fufill their own needs, Haruhi can bend reality to her will and is capable of creating and destroying matter (and therefore energy) ex nihilo, violating newton's first law (Energy cannot be created nor destroyed).
A blatant example being the creation of DITE itself.
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Would like to see more content about Sasaki.
As for why DITE calls energy data, well...
In the previous thread one user compared the DITE to mechanical materialists, also called physicalists.
I believe this is an accurate description.

Physicalists essentially believe all natural processes (natural as in everything in existence) can be in principle reduced to deterministic physical processes (whose result depends only on initial physical states, whitch are again supplied by other physical processes)
If this is true, then existence and future events are fully deterministic, and one could, in principle, knowing all the current states of energy in the universe and having an extreme amount of time at their disposal, calculate the change in the states of energy in the next moment and predict the future with 100% accuracy.
Also due to the principle of reversability of physical processes it would also be possible to calculate any of the previous states of matter at any point in time, thus attaining knowledge of the past with 100% accuracy.

In this context physicalists refer to the states of energy in the universe as information i.e. "data".
This thought experiment is also called "laplace's demon".

It appears that this is the leading philosophy of the DTIE and is reflected in their language...
From the SOS Dan translation of the novel
>“The Data Overmind held interest in the life forms categorized as humans that occur on Earth. Perhaps they possessed the potential to break free of the cul-de-sac of autoevolution into which data life forms have fallen.”
So the DITE is capable of autoevolution, they just reached a dead end and hope by studying Haruhi they could advance further. Also Haruhi creating DITE is only true based on Koizumi interpretation.
cul-de-sac is a literal dead end of a road, meaning they reached a dead end in regards to autoevolution.
This is also said in the anime and immediately suceeded by >>268857454
The way I see it is that their autoevolution reached a dead end, Haruhi is the key for its advance.
If that is the case the end of their autoevolution is probably referring to their technological level reaching stagnation (their ability to manipulate energy i.e. "data").

Hence why they are so interested in Haruhi being able to bend reality to her will, and wish to understand the mechanism behind the attainment of such ability and its working principles, seeing it as a means of furthering their autoevolution.
Well, the end of advances in their ability to manipulate energy, rather then the end of the ability itself.
Considering the modern world is objectively degenerate something "aging like milk" is a compliment.
> I wonder if Yuki can change her form
> freely
It has to be an order coming from the Data Overmind, or at least they have to greenlight it
If she really wants to they may allow it post Disappearance simply to avoid starting shit with Yuki, since they know Kyon will get Haruhi on them if anything happens to Yuki
i was always annoyed when kyon started randomly complaining about having to endure yuki talking stuff as if i'm the reader wasn't 100% mind blown while reading.
Oh yeah definitely self fulfilling prophecies are the ancestor or time loops, and yeah I guess since people were much more religious back then it was likely more tied to theology by default (with the author of the prophecy often having divine attributes themselves).
I guess in that sense Haruhi could be considered to be like a "modernized" form of these tales.
Yuki was only able to do that by manipulating Haruhi’s power, and even then it turned out to all have been part of Haruhi’s plan all along, as evidenced by the fact that Kyon is saved by his future self (that was only able to exist due to his past self being saved), a stable time loop that proves Haruhi was still in power.
Yuki is Laplace’s demon, she can know everything that will happen in the future by analyzing the state of things in the present and knowing the effects they will have on the future. However, time loops are caused by themselves, so even she can’t predict them and what they will cause.
Disappearance was Yuki’s proposal to Kyon. It’s likely that she knew Kyon would reject her, but was in denial and/or intentionally didn’t try to determine confirmation of this and/or decided to try it anyway. In her corrupted state her plan was that should Kyon attempt to fix her (effectively rejecting her) Ryouko would come to kill him. Obviously she couldn’t predict Kyon would get saved by his future self, because she underestimated Haruhi and thought by exploiting her power she had broken free of the deterministic chain of events she controls, when in reality she was only able to do that because Haruhi wished for her to do so, like everything else that happens in the series.
Ultimately what she did only forced Kyon to accept his own love for Haruhi and brought them closer to each other, which obviously entirely benefits Haruhi.
nah is being a pretentious faggot, drawing parallels with plato is gay.
Fun fact: Kyon and haruhi falling of the cliff and taking shelter in the cave in Remote island Syndrome is an anime addition and is not present in the Light Novels
My day is ruined. That scene was peak.
The anime is canon anyway. Tanigawa was heavily involved with it
>My day is ruined.
I'm still blown away that he made a word joke that worked on both English and Japanese.
Exactly my point.
shame they will never adapt him making all of them pregnant.
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I've been wanting to reply to posts, but I've been a bit busy. So, and until I got some free time, I felt like sharing an old copypasta of mine.


To me, the anime that Haruhi reminds me the most of, is NieA_7. I'm a huge aBefag, and my favourite anime by the guy is Haibane Renmei, but NieA is a close second (Lain and Texh are so-so, though I know those two are more popular) One thing abut NieA_7, was the theme of the surreal become the real, the extraordinary becoming the ordinary: in NieA_7, an alien landing takes place. However, and for some bizarre reason, the alien population did not look too different from humans (save for elf ears and an antennae) and the majority of them integrated well into Earth (mainly, Japan's) society. The idea, while nice, relied too much on suspension of disbelief, made more difficult by how solemn and somber said anime was. The other was the larger than life genki girl who was the titular character - both NieA and Haruhi were the central focuses of the show, but not the narrator/protagonist - that was played by a more down to earth character (in NieA's case, Mayuko, in Haruhi's case, Kyon) Both characters cause havoc in their respective partners life but, when both of them disappear at some point both Mayuko and Kyon come to realize the value of having someone larger then life around. A third theme is the meaning of Life. Haruhi herself pondered the point of her existence, and the futility of it, in contrast the overwhelming nature of Infinity. In contrast, Mayuko was a cram student who didn't know what she wanted to do in life, and had become a social recluse.
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cont. from >>268862753(me)

All this being said, I find that Haruhi did it better than NieA, it became one of my personal favourite anime series (about equal to Haibane Renmei in favour) because, Haruhi took the juxtaposition of the extraordinary and the ordinary, and it got something interesting out of it. In NieA's case, it was made open but was never really explored. And the thing about many anime series where you have 'a secret, hidden world' lurking underneath the real is that, it lacks believeability and depth (shakugan no shana comes to mind). In contrast, Haruhi takes this juxtaposition to another level by having a character who is actively interested in the supernatural but, not only can she not interact with it, if she does do so, it may end up destroying the world. This irony is further enhanced by the fact that actually, Haruhi has almost godly power to create anything but, and because she is not aware of this, she remains unaware of the existence of the supernatural despite its efforts. Thus, Haruhi becomes a twin dichotomy - between Haruhi, who wants to chase after the supernatural, and make her more Life more interesting and meaningful (on top of putting her name on anything by doing various projects), and Kyon and the rest of the brigade, who live in the world Haruhi has created, and have to both tackle the danger she creates, and the dangers that are posed to her. NieA_7 doesn't do this, and to be honest, I cannot think of many stories that do anything quite close to Haruhi (the exception may be the Marvel Universe, with characters like Franklin Richards and The Sentry. Moreso the latter. But in those stories, the 'supernatural' is an accepted phenomena, the same does not apply to Haruhi)

Its why, to be honest, and even though its often identified as one, I never saw Haruhi Suzumiya as a moe/moeblob show.
I don’t think many people still consider Haruhi moe except for the /dbs/ people who call everything that isn’t db moeshit (which is an inside joke among them)
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Based Kyon.
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>time loops and theology
Steins;Gate does something similar with the lab member badges being tied to God or the choice of the universe. The badges were introduced from the future and had no discernable origin before that, meaning they caused themselves to exist. The lab member positions also stay consistent even in worldlines where they do not all join, Suzuha remains Lab Member 008 even when 5,6 and 7 are not there. The implication of the stars replacing their names instead of just bumping Suzuha to 005 is that they were always destined to be there.
Steins;Gate doesn’t have internally consistent and deterministic time travel like Haruhi does though, it borrows tropes from different forms of time travel
>Steins;Gate doesn’t have internally consistent and deterministic time travel like Haruhi does though
I disagree, in what way is it not?
>it borrows tropes from different forms of time travel
sure, but that does not necessarily make it inconsistent, doesn't Haruhi also do this with Endless Eight as opposed to the example cited from the disappearance?
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Me? Completely forgotten most of it. Haven't rewatched the show or film in years.

Haruhi is dead.
Endless eight isn’t time travel, it’s the world being destroyed and remade over and over again
Nothing is traveling, in fact the future no longer exists during the endless eight.
Steins;Gate has multiple timelines and it’s possible for time travelers to change the past, these things are only possible in Haruhi if done by Haruhi herself
Thats not what Yukis motivation is at all, its made abundantly clear how her actions are driven by her accumulating errors which are actually emotions which she only refers to as errors as they make her act in ways completely alien and inexplicable to her and the Data Overmind, and these emotions especially after Endless Eight are mostly in the form of boredom, frustration, loneliness, and longing for a world in which she is both free from these frustrations, and able to indulge fully with the many wonders of the world that she had encountered.

I mean, you could argue that this was Yukis plan once she went abberant, however that just doesnt make sense, as it would basically mean that she was taken over by her alter ego, when the alternative interpretation is that she was simply at the peak of her frustration and longing at that point, and was thus acting irrationally at the time, with no real plan in mind, outside from making sure the alternate world existed, and giving Kyon an opportunity to choose.

I mean, if Nagatos love for Kyon was indeed such a key motive behind her creating the alternate world, then why does she never bring anything like it up during the short story that the wrote in Editor in Chief, instead she spoke about the many wonders of the world and she would like to see them and learn about them, and the many functions which were initially not a part of her, but which she would like to be a part of her, if only she were allowed, and pondering how long she will have to wait for these things to come true.

The only point which clearly refers to Kyon is in untitled 3, where the metaphor of the man on the coffin, is clearly about how as long as Kyon keeps his promise, Nagato will never be erased and will continue to exist, which shows how a great deal of her attachment to him began here, and the part where she gives Kyon the choice is because she trusts him and his judgment a lot, as well as his ability to make the right choice.
Tl;Dr Kyon is pretty much completely correct about her reasons for creating the alternate world during the epiphany scene, which makes sense, since this scene is all about him admitting to himself what he knew was true, but refused to admit to himself, and having him still act as an unreliable narrator in the scene then would go entirely against the purpose of the scene.

This doesnt mean that he isnt still an unreliable narrator in the future stories, but that having him be one in this moment is entirely counterproductive to what the author is trying to achieve with the story.
It’s possible you could argue that her feelings for him aren’t romantic but she at the very least wants him by her side in a world without Haruhi and at least at the peak of her corruption would rather have him dead than face the reality that he prefers the world with Haruhi and her power.
It’s likely her feelings regarding him changed after Disappearance too. She has much better control over herself than when she did her thing.
I disagree, like Kyon said, “Nagato would never want this”, Asakura represents Nagatos Id here, her primal desire to experience the alternate world, whereas her decision to give Kyon a choice is her Superego, she feels as though it would be wrong not to have him have a say in the matter.

Her motives just work so much better here as they feel extremely organic and having developed from realistic circumstances, instead of them having her act in way which is completely rational but out of character because of her errors, as opposed to acting irrationally but in character because of her errors.

Also in regards to the timeloop, I believe every instance of time travel in the series is only possible because the world was already perfectly predetermined when Haruhi first unlocked her powers during the Tanabata, and thats why Time Travelers cant go back before that moment, because by doing so they would be violating causality, and the timeloop in Disappearance works the same way.

However Im somewhat skeptical about this being Haruhis plan, as its not like Haruhi knew what was going through Kyons head, and that this was what he needed to become closer to her, and instead the timeloop was directly a result of alternate Nagato still possessing the power to alter the world, as we see normal Nagato do just that after she is restored to normalcy, which means that the powers could of very well been acting because alternate Nagato at that point strongly desires to have Kyon be saved, which temporarily overpowered whatever block she put on her powers.

The only way I think makes sense for Disappearance to have been Haruhis plan, which I think is actually true, was because she knew how Nagato was feeling subconsciously just like Kyon, and wanted to allow her to use her powers as she felt that this would allow her to help herself.
No, the data entity, and similar life forms, are literally abstract manifestations of information, not energy. The reason they have to absorb each other is because they're not capable of producing new information. In order to grow, they have to find other data lifeforms who have unique information and integrate into themselves. More information gives them more functions and abilities.

The Data Entity's issue is that it's the biggest fish in the pond. It's already eaten every worthwhile data lifeform out there (and even bigger ones like the canopy domain don't have any unique information). There's no way for it to add new information to itself at this point. That's why it's interested in auto-evolution. If it obtained true auto-evolution, it would gain the ability to produce new information and continue growing indefinitely.

The irony being that Yuki has seemingly already obtained auto-evolution and has outgrown her initial parameters. The Data Entity is just incapable of realizing what happened and only sees it as unknown errors.
It does seem like a sudden jump to have Yuki suddenly attempt to murder Kyon but I believe that is the point. Feelings can lead people to do things you wouldn’t think of them doing, in fact that is also why I think her being in love with Kyon is a likely explanation. Someone who’s in love can get very possessive, here it would be her basically going from kuudere to yandere. The reason why it’s hard to imagine her doing this is because of how inexpressive she is but again, that was the whole point. And in fact the endless eight does better than telling you about just how bad her feelings are, it makes you feel them yourselves. There were pictures of some fans destroying their Haruhi merch over this arc. It’s not unreasonable to imagine Yuki could have in the heat of the action written a script where something terrible happens. She was PISSED.

The fact that she had Ryouko be there is hardly up for debate, honestly. Ryouko had no reason to be there. Why did she remember a conversation with Kyon that happened in the future, when she herself (presumably) didn’t time travel? What was she doing there in the first place? She came out of nowhere and that was clearly a failsafe corrupted Yuki put there to protect her world. In fact Ryouko references this herself, saying to Yuki "this is what you wanted right?"

As for the time loop, the reason why it makes more sense for it to be Haruhi’s doing is because part of it takes place outside of the time period Yuki altered, and there was no mention of time outside of it being altered as well by past Yuki. It also doesn’t really make sense to imagine Yuki would make a failsafe system to almost kill Kyon but then also another one to save him; if she wanted to accept his decision she wouldn’t have had Ryouko be there in the first place. It’s not like Yuki can unconsciously manipulate the world like Haruhi. She only got to play with Haruhi’s power once, and used it to get rid of it entirely (or so she thought).
Yes, I agree that Ryokos presence was because Yuki wanted to make sure the alternate world existed no matter what, however I disagree that this was a result of her core motivation, and more a result of her split motivation.

Basically what I believe happened was that Nagato in her irrational state, created a world with contradictory motivations, on one hand she wanted Kyon to be able to make a choice for himself, and on the other she wanted to remain in the alternate world no matter what.

And this conflict of interest is what ultimately lead to her giving Kyon a choice, and creating Asakura with the order to make sure the alternate world remains intact.

So basically, I dont think Yuki wanted Kyon killed as a whole, but rather it was only a part of her that wanted to deny Kyon the opportunity to choose, whilst another wanted him to be able to make a choice.

And also, I already explained why I dont think love was a major motivating factor for her, outside of giving him a choice being motivated by something resembling love to an extent, and a major proof of this, is the short story she wrote, and the supposed love/attachment to Kyon is never brought up in it, implying how in her mind the reasons for her creating the alternate world, were from her developing the desires to experience the many wonders of the world which she was fascinated with and possess the parts of herself that she was not born with, whilst being bummed out by having to wait presumably a long time (endless eight), and not being allowed to pursue them.

And this is pretty much also how Kyon put her motives as, and even Koizumi and Mikuru, so yeah I dont think her love for Kyon was that important of a motive outside of her wanting him to be able to make a choice.
Yeah that would make sense as well especially since Yuki normally always wants order, her having conflicting thoughts when corrupted would work as well as a contrast to that, but still, it’s hard to deny that Kyon specifically was important to her in some way. Her Disappearance verse counterpart pretty much spells it out, literally breaks down crying when Kyon returns her club invite.
As for the short story she wrote, that takes place months after the events of Disappearance and after Yuki has been purified by her own future self, so whatever her conflict was when she made the Disappearance world may have changed since.
would you get H.S. pregnant?
Around a dozen times at least
I dont deny that Nagato was attached to Kyon in some way before, but I think it was more in the sense of trusting him and his judgment immensely, as opposed to strong attachment.

Though thinking about it, I think it makes sense that she was somewhat attached to him, because he did treat her somewhat normally compared to everyone else and helped her with the library card, which she was clearly quite touched by, however because of the story she wrote, I think its pretty clear how she wasnt attached to him as strongly pre-disappearance as she was after, which makes sense when you think about it, as prior to it, Kyon was mostly distant in his appreciation of her, in a very similar to how he was with Haruhi, and Disappearance changes his attitude towards both, and thus Nagatos attachment to Kyon went from a theoretical perception to a practical/real perception.

I disagree with that, at least in principle, since I think the conflict was the same, it just manifested differently.

As further proof, in Surprise she is shown to be quite resentful for not being born with the ability to express herself, which is quite consistent with her motives Ive said she before, so I dont think that the conflict changed, so much as the circumstances surrounding the conflict changed, and thus her approach to it.
never liked that whole adventure, it over stays it's welcome.
Well the thing is, she never had feelings before so she never learned to contain or deal with them. So it’s not that hard to imagine that she would grow attached to Kyon and not know how to react to such feelings, especially considering Kyon’s ordered and predictable nature compared to the chaotic Haruhi. Kyon always seemed like he wanted order and was suffering from the chaos Haruhi brought, just like Yuki, so it would create some kind of connection between them. And unlike Mikuru and Koizumi Kyon isn’t affiliated with some 3rd party faction and has complete agency over his actions (obviously within the bounds of causal determinism). So if anyone would be able to agree with her and want to stay in her world, it would be him.
Huh, just realized something.
If we go by koizumi's theory of the supernatural coming into being on tanabatta 3 years before the events of melancholy, then both in dissaperence and in the episode where kyon and mikuru return to tanabatta to make the time loop stable, yuki just came into existence maybe an hour or two before both kyons meet up with her.
It’s implied that the symbol Haruhi (or rather Kyon) drew in the yard is what made the Data Overmind take interest in humanity. "I am here"
If that was the case, then how did nagato move in so quickly (however long it too kyon and mikuru to get to nagato's place, 30 mins?).

The more likely explanation is that she and DITE literally came into existence while Haruhi was rewriting the timeline as she was interrogating John Smith about the supernatural.
She would need to come to earth, set up rent as a minor, furnish her place etc.

Also yuki herself never says that Haruhi's interest in supernatural had anything to do with them coming to earth, rather it was haruhi's powers that drew their attention, the ability to create data.
Yuki likely just materialized into the apartment
> She would need to come to earth, set up rent as a minor, furnish her place etc
The data overmind can just do so instantly or even retroactively. They transcend time after all
> Also yuki herself never says that Haruhi's interest in supernatural had anything to do with them coming to earth, rather it was haruhi's powers that drew their attention, the ability to create data
That’s her perspective though. It’s clear the actual reason why they came to earth was because Haruhi wanted to meet an alien.
And her message on the ground was specifically supposed to summon aliens
I agree that there was some sort of attachment to Kyon she had before Disappearance, but it was more distant and what she idealized in her head before he declared he would protect her, due to how her short story is structured.

I am a ghost, said the girl when we met about xxxx before.
When I asked for her name, "I do not have a name." was her answer. "Since I do not have a name, I am a ghost. You are probably the same." the girl continued.
That is correct. I am also a ghost. If a being is able to converse with ghosts, then that being must also be a ghost. Like I am now.
"Well then, shall we go?"
She said, and I followed. The girl's steps were so light, she looked completely alive. "Where will you go?" the girl asked me, as she stopped moving her feet and turned around.
"You can go anywhere. Was there a place you wanted to go to?"
I was lost in thought for a moment. Where have I gotten to? What is this place? Why am I here?
As I stood still, I couldn't help but gaze into the girl's dark eyes.
"Weren't you thinking of going to xxxx?"
The girl had discerned my answer. When I heard those words, I finally understood what my own role was. Yes. I was on my way there. How could I forget? For this important matter, I had a reason to live and exist.
It is something I must not forget.
"So, that's that, then."
The girl smiled happily. I nodded, and expressed my thanks to her.
"Good bye."

The girl disappeared, leaving me by myself. She had probably returned to her place. And in the same way, I had to return to my place.
White things were falling from the sky. Numerous, tiny, fluttering, aqueous crystals. They fell to the earth and vanished.
It was one of the wonders that filled time and space. In this world, such wonders were common. I stood absolutely still. The passing of time had lost its meaning.
Those wonders of bound cotton continued to fall, one after another.
This shall be my name.
And with that thought, I was a ghost no more.
Until then, I had never been by myself. I was one of many. I was a part of the set.
My group was bound together like ice, eventually expanded like water, and finally diffused like
And a single particle of that vapor, was me.
I was able to go anywhere. I went to various places, and saw various things. But I did not learn
anything. There was only the act of seeing, for that was the only function allowed me.
For a long interval, I was like that. Time was pointless. All the phenomena in that artificial
universe held no significance.
But in time, I found meaning. Proof of my existence.
Matter attracts matter. This is the truth. I was drawn in, because it possessed form.
Light, darkness, contradiction, and common sense. I had encountered, and connected with each
one. Those functions were not in me, but perhaps I might not mind having them.
If I were allowed to, I would have them.
As I continue to wait, will those wonders keep on falling?
Those tiniest of wonders.
Well, your second anwser does support my conclusion and koizumi's theory?
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A black coffin remained in the room. There was nothing else.
Above the coffin in the middle of the dark club room, sat one man.
"Good day."
He said to me. He was smiling.
Good day.
As I kept standing there, a white cloth alighted from behind the man. In the middle of the
darkness, the cloth was enveloped by a pale light.
"Pardon my lateness."
The white cloth said. Or rather, the person who was wearing the big, white piece of cloth.
Through holes cut out where the eyes would be, black pupils were looking at me.
It seemed like the one inside was a girl. I could tell from her voice.
The man laughed in a low voice.
"The recital has not yet started."

I was remembering something. What was I going to present here? Quickly, now. But I could not
"There is time."
The man said. He was smiling at me. The apparition of the white girl danced around happily.
"We will wait. Until you remember."
The girl said. I gazed at the black coffin.
There was only one thing; I remembered why I was here.
My place was within the coffin.
I had come from there, and I had come back here so I could return. But the man was sitting on
the coffin. As long as he doesn't leave, I cannot go in.
However, there was nothing in me to present. I wasn't qualified to join the recital.
The man started singing in a low voice. Synchronizing with the white cloth's dance.
As long as he doesn't leave, I cannot go in.
The man did not move from above the coffin.
"There is time, still."
The recital.

Also the original version of Yasashii Boukyaku by the author, whilst the initial part is quite cryptic, it does show her appreciating the significance of Kyons choice, and the latter part clearly shows her longing for a normal life.
Is there anything disproving the Kyon is god theory? Kyon stated how he wanted to be a sidekick so he could enjoy adventures while the actual responsibility fall on someone else shoulders. He got exact what he wishes for. He also got in a school full of pretty girls, this was mentioned as not being just the art style, they actually are the kind of girls that could be idols but nobody mentions anything about the guys. So Kyon creates Haruhi so she would set up a world he can live his adventures as sidekick.
Where di he say that?
>He also got in a school full of pretty girls
Does he actually care about that? It doesn't seem (anime wise, haven't read the books) like he puts any effort toward that sort of relationship.
I don't think so. Rewatching Endless Eight I (the very first loop), I remembered that Kyon spends his last moments thinking about homework.
Kyon always complains about Koizumi's tendency to violate his personal space, but the only time he actually pushes him away is during the loop of Endless Eight where he embraces him, and only after Itsuki suggests him to confess to Haruhi. And during the hot springs episode of Nagato Yuki-chan.
Remember Asakura vs Yuki fight? This is their power. Rent? All the pertinent files says the apartment is being rented to a specific person.
Furniture? She probably could materialize it as well. Maybe they avoid it to not fuck things too much like how changing the weather can fuck up things (but that is probably due to requiring a large change over a wide area) but she still could get discarded/abandoned stuff and teleport it to the apartment. Maybe everything in the apartment already was there when she moved in.
By the lack of response I'll assume you were mistaken.
You should read this reply in the first haruhi thread:

Kyon didn't create Haruhi, if he really is god, at most he gave her her powers because she jolted him out of his pessimistic state of mind he shared with her 6yo self.
Also him creating Haruhi would make the entire story lose its impact of character development if Haruhi was merely a figment of Kyon's will and imagination.
Right in the Prologue
>“Deep in my heart, I wished that aliens, time travelers, ghosts, demons, evil organizations, or espers might just pop up in front of me one day.
Compared to the ordinary world I wake up in every morning, the worlds depicted in cartoons, monster movies, and comics have a certain charm to them.
I wished I could have been born into one of those worlds!”
>“Wait a minute. Assuming that aliens, etc. were actually to attack, without having any particular special powers, I would have no way to do battle with them. So I did some brainstorming.
A mysterious transfer student suddenly arrives in my class one day. That student turns out to actually be an alien or time traveler or something along those lines with unknown powers. Then, the student happens to be fighting against some evil gang and I just happen to get caught up in that fight. The other student is the main one doing the fighting. I’m just a sidekick. Hey, that sounds cool. Damn, I’m smart.”
Ideas from Kyon childhood predicted the events in the series.
Ah, I fucked up the >
This is just further evidence he thinks like Haruhi
it was fun to watch as a kid, and then when I watched it again as an adult, it was really gross and the fan service made it hard to watch/share.
Pretty convenient that a hot girl who thinks like he used to make his wishes come true so he can enjoy the adventures he wanted while she remain oblivious about all that while she don't join the fun.
Basically Kyon is bored
Kyon wants a life of adventure
Kyon unconsciously create an entity to make it for him (if he did himself there would be no surprises after all)
Now Kyon's dreams come true.
What are you even talking about? There is barely any ecchi and the original is a book with zero lewd images.
Kyon isn't bored, kyon was in a state of pessimism.
And if it were truly his desires made manifest, wouldn't he be fully on board with it?
Better yet, why would he be opposed to her treatment of asahina and general negligance of the people surrounding her if it was he who envisoned her?
There are also other deficiencies in this theory, kyon for instance wanted to break out of the endless 8 but couldn't until he got aruhi to feel like their summer vacation is complete

And in dissaperance he wanted to get back to the pre-dissaperance world but couldn't without nagato's help
aruhi -> haruhi
For the same reason he didn’t do the changes himself. If he did there would be nothing interesting because he already would know. He made Haruhi to create the conflict so he can play out the sideckick caught in the middle of conflict.
The endless 8 only ended when KYON finished HIS homework.
these two are good examples of something Kyon wnated to happen but couldn't do himself, especially dissaperance.

It is clear kyon has no ability to alter reality like Haruhi does, at most he is a C.C. to haruhi's lelouch, if he isn't just a straight up normal who got involved with haruhi due to their shared perspectives
And unlike Haruhi who straight up pulled kyon into a closed space unconciously he could find haruhi until taniguchi gave him a hint even though he badly wanted to.
could -> couldn't
You are not getting it. He can't play sidekick if he is omnipotent. He created Haruhi so Haruhi will be the one making the changes while he can play as a powerless sidekick. Being a powerless sidekick was his wish, now he get to play the events as a powerless sidekick and have the problems solved in that context. It is like if I asked someone to make a game for me and you asked me why I didn't simply skipped to the last stage since I was the one ordering what the game would be about.
>Being a powerless sidekick was his wish, now he get to play the events as a powerless sidekick and have the problems solved in that context.
I think this is the reason why Kyon took those photographs at the computer club (which the anime changed).
reread the prolouge:

Fact is, no one had ever transferred into my class. I’d never seen a UFO. Going to all the local haunted spots yielded nothing in terms of ghosts and demons. Staring intently at the pencil on my desk for two hours didn’t even move it a micron. And I’d be more likely to burn a hole in the head of the guy sitting in front of me than to read his mind.
You have to admire how well the laws of physics were written while fighting the urge to laugh at yourself. At some point, I stopped being glued to the TV watching specials on UFOs and stories about psychics. They couldn’t possibly exist, though I kind of wished they did. I figured my ability to hold on to my convictions while accepting reality was a sign that I’d matured.
When I graduated from middle school, I also graduated from those childish dreams and became used to the normalcy of the world. Nineteen ninety-nine was my last hope and it wasn’t like anything was going to happen that year anyway. We reached the twenty-first century without humankind making it beyond the moon. It looked unlikely that travel to Alpha Centauri and back within a day would happen in my lifetime.
Having pushed such thoughts to the corner of my mind, I entered high school without a care in the world—
And met Haruhi Suzumiya.

These were his desires before high school, he was reminiscing about it as a literal intro to the situation he found himself in chapter 1.
These desires he hadn't manifested before in spite of wanting them and he eventually accepted reality as is (unlike haruhi).
Why would he manifest haruhi all of a sudden, if he hadn't manifested the other stuff before?
The changes happened 3 years ago, this is the time all factions agree upon. Kyon only became aware of them 3 years later. Things already were into motion so he had to live those 3 years so he can enjoy all the things going on time traveling included. Again, he is playing as a powerless guy caught in the middle of the events so it makes no sense to ask "why can't he just be omnipotent?"
There is no definitive timeframe as to when kyon strated having these desires, however there is for haruhi.

There is also a significant event that had occured at the exact time the changes happened, the meeting with john smith (hence why she holds tannabata to be important).

And things being set in motion doesn't explain it, why would he have to wait three years? Why wouldn't his ideas be manifested immediately like koizumi presumed haruhi's did three years ago?
Still, he also never envisioned anything exactly like what happened (especially not the SOS brigade being founded and being what it is).
Further still, thing panned out exactly as haruhi wanted (and koizumi explained) in her subconcious haruhi thinks that aliens, time travvelers and espers might exist, but isn't sure)
whereas kyon's idea of the supernatural included not-so-intelligent creatures such as ghosts and UFO aliens who wouldn't have human intelligence and be wary of haruhi as the three groups were, not letting themselves be known.
God I love this video
It's a teen story. Koizumi drops pseudo babble all the time and teens love it because it's their newly acquired ability to understand more complex stuff, it's their perception of the world expanding to a high degree (fulfilling their image of God).

It has social circle, it has boys and girls (but not too many boys otherwise that makes things too tense for competition), it has the relatable school setting, it has the secondaries/normalfags you can feel superior to because they are not in the know, etc.
The world changed before Haruhi met John Smith. Before Haruhi met John Smith present Kyon already was in the past. The world already had time travelers before Haruhi met John Smith.
IIrc they explicity say time travelers cannot go back more then three years to before tannabata.
And the only reason why they can even get there on the night before haruhi changed the world is because it was necessary for John Smith for be there for the change to happen.

As you said, they agree that the world was changed on tanabatta three years ago.
Why exactly this occured is the main mystery of the story.
It doesn't even have to be Kyon giving haruhi powers on that night, it could've been the night when haruhi's excentricity emerged as she stated that she started seeking out the supernatural when she entered middle school.
Or it could have been the first time she was validated in her desire to find the supernatural (by John Smith), just like kyon validated her when they started talking.

This could have given her the encouragment that the three types of supernatural kyon confirmed to exist do in fact exist and this made her power manifest.
Wait can Yuki sync before tanabata?
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She didn't exist before Tanabata, so no.
i would like to have a grouo of friends as based as them
Well, the timeline might have been altered on tanabatta, making her exist in the past.
Makes sense, though it doesn't confirm either theory.

I don't recall, but where was it said that the message caught DITE's attention (or where is it implied at least?)
Yes but present Kyon was there before Haruhi met John Smith so that clearly was not the trigger. The world changed on that day but it was not when Haruhi met him.
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See >>268867899
She hadn't been called yet and she had no reason to be there before Tanabata either. She's an interface that's only there for communication, and specifically with SOS Brigade members
Kyon recalls literally nothing about his day on tanabata 3 years ago.

The only significant thing that happened that day for the characters existing at that time without time travel was Haruhi meeting John Smith.

unless you are saying somewhere in the novel kyon recalls he wished for the world to change at the same time when haruhi was having her meeting with John Smith?
Wasn't her main duty to observe haruhi though?
Rather then to be involved with the sos brigade.
Though if I think about it, couldn't yuki have synchronized with her future self, discover haruhi's world altering and have gone to observe her when she was born (or even before that?)
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The Data Overmind doesn't need interfaces to just observe.
Interfaces are explicitely stated to be there for communication and interaction.
She does observe Haruhi's reaction to these interactions though.
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Again, Yuki didn't exist at that point. The Data Overmind only started taking an interest in humanity 3 years before, when Kyon wrote the "i am here" message on the yard.
Makes sense, so then yuki would have been created when the tanabatta incident happened to interact with sos brigade members
or that is when she came to earth at least, it is clear she has a will of her own because at the end of dissaperance the DITE is discussing punishment, a disciplinary measure, whitch would be useless on an automaton (it is also later said asakura was a faction member, and was able to act against the general orders of the DITE on her own will)
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It's also when espers like Koizumi got their powers, and the earliest point in time time travelers can go back to
He likely unconsciously changed the world a bit before that resulting in the entire events of the novels including older Kyon time traveling back to that night and meeting Haruhi.
there's no evidence for that

how about we apply occam's razor and say that kyon really is a normal student who started gravitating towards haruhi not because he was special in any way, but rather because he shared her worldview and thus treated her ideas seriously rather then trying to force her to conform to societal standards like everyone else tried?
Also, beyond there being no evidence there is no character motivation nor any significance that kyon attributes to that night in his life unlike haruhi, who was greatly influenced by the events.
She not only holds tannabata in very high regard, her idea of the supernatural was shaped by john smith, and it is the reason she went to north high instead of the academy ( it is heavily implied she hoped to find something interesting there since John Smith was wearing their uniform and validated her ideas).
You can also see her reaction in dissaperance when kyon revealed himself to be john smith.
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Present Kyon being there already disproves that her meeting with John Smith as the trigger. The world already was changed before that even if just by a few hours.
John smith being there is a precondition for the meeting between him and haruhi to occur, and therefore it was necessary for time travel to work up until that point, the universe bended over backwards to suit haruhi's will
This is actually consistent with sasaki's theory on haruhi, where she theorized that while haruhi can alter reality existence still mostly operates on non-supernatural laws, and haruhi mostly only effects her immediate surroundings.
This would be why time travel didn't extend further then three years back, why koizumi's organization only has 10-12 members (as stated in the suprise of haruhi suzumiya ) that mostly revolve around haruhi and why the apple trees that blossom during haruhi's movie take of the koizumi-asahina walking sceen promptly die off when haruhi doesn't require them (it is Fall after all)
That is to say, reality bends to haruhi's willas much as it is necessary, but still operates on real life laws when it isn't.
John Smith yes but John Smith being future Kyon who traveled back in time makes the change happen before Haruhi met John Smith. Since they can't travel in time before the change then they wouldn't be able to do that if the change happened after Haruhi met him.
More evidence that Haruhi is not the original god. Haruhi have enough powers enough to set up the events necessary for the adventure.
*only have enough powers
They are merely mechanisms of haruhi's powers
besides what necessitates the existence of an "original god"?
The origin of haruhi's powers are unexplained (and maybe never will be, like most mechanisms by whitch for isntance MCs get isekaid)

Also, forgot to mention this is probably why shamisen stopped talking after the movie arc.
I really like how subtitles, especially of songs, were done in the sub, highest quality subs I've ever see.

Look at this, english, romanji AND kanji (creativly placed vertically too!)
kys freeloader
Do you think world governments in Haruhi are have realized that there are aliens, time travelers and espers running around?
I seeded more haruhi then your school has SSD space
Prob not, due to this >>268881895
Also everything supernatural revolves around and/or is obsessed with Haruhi and the SOS brigade
They probably don't care about goverments when there is a literal god running around.
The principle that God doesn't have flesh and bone as a necessary form is a prerequisite to then assert that God is eternal, because flesh and bone is not eternal, which means that Haruhi cannot be the original unless she's an incarnation.

To say that God is made of physical parts to exist is to imply that those physical parts predate God and also caused God which means that God didn't create those and therefore is not the all-creator.
If we are going by catholic theology then god is supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, haruhi is omnipotent while not being omniscient nor omnipresent (probably...), so attempting to comapre her to this definition is a resolute faliure, likewise, if we go by sassaki's materialistic understanding of existence, a true "christian model" god is unnecessary if reality outside of haruhi's direct will operates on a materialistic basis
If reality that exists outside of the direct effect of haruhi's will
How can you be omnipotent without being omniscient? She literally could not control her powers in the form of the esper dimension demonstrating that she is not omnipotent, this could literally be a Koizumi exposition if he has not said this already.
Her beliefs shape reality itself, she is capable of changing nature by will alone and creating matter ex nihilo.
If she knows of an icecicle on a house in canada she could will it melted.
her power is only limited by her wilingness and knowledge.
You can argue that is not omnipotence, but at that point we have degraded to arguing how many angels can dance on the pin a a needle, it is a fruitless discussion that even if it has a conclusion it has no purpose.
>her power is only limited by her willingness and knowledge.
No it was shown so far that her powers are only linked to her emotions (could be and probably are not limited to) and also that she doesn't need to know to manifest that power.

Also at one point Yuki had more power than Haruhi demonstrating the lack of omnipotence.
At the end of melancholy she wished for the world to be recreated and it would have been so if kyon hadn't convinced her otherwise.

As for yuki changing the timeline, this was likely was said to have been either yuki "borrowing" haruhi's power or her messing with haruhi's reasoning in the past that lead her to not enroll into north high.

It is implied that even though haruhi is omnipotent, she can be killed, hurt or tampered with if she is not conciously or not trying to prevent such interferance
if she is not conciously or unconciously*
And her physical vulnerability, again, harkons back to sassaki's theory of reality operating on IRL laws unless haruhi wants to directly effect them.

Her physical body is as resiliant as a normal human's is, though she is notably quite gifted athleticly.
This may be due to her self confidence whitch she developed from her willfulness after her excentricity developed as a measure in an attempt to find the supernatural as she entered middle school.
(motivated by existential fears she developed at the baseball stadium).

She simply believes herself to be better then others in sports so her body is enhanced for this to be the case.
Though she may also be naturally gifted, it is unclear.
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it's time to let go
>My favorite Easter egg in the anime is that there's one shot of Yuki's reading shelf where you can see a beetle identification manual, implying that's why Yuki keeps picking up rare beetles in Endless Eight.
I love these. Kyoani was so good at it
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>It does seem like a sudden jump to have Yuki suddenly attempt to murder Kyon but I believe that is the point. Feelings can lead people to do things you wouldn’t think of them doing, in fact that is also why I think her being in love with Kyon is a likely explanation
The way Asakura talks to Yuki during the stabbing scene is extremely oppressive. She's basically rejoicing in the irony of everything and calling out Yuki because this isn't really Asakura speaking here, it's more like a part of Yuki's personality through an Asakura instance. She's cynical and self-hating, but also very dedicated. It's like if you were eating fast food while on a diet, or spending time procrastinating instead of doing your due work and laughing at yourself bitterly for that once it's time to pay for it.

Same for Asakura speaking to Kyon and telling him to take care of Yuki, it's pretty much Yuki speaking. The entirety of Disappearance is basically Yuki's call for help as she can't manage to communicate properly and people fail to understand her (see: Someday in the Rain, where Kyon doesn't notice the cardigan and nobody really seems to pay any attention to Yuki). So this is how she speaks. This is how destructive (earned) tantrum, and everyone got burned, but everyone grew up from this too. It's part of life, growth, auto evolution you might say.

That's also why it HAS to be future Yuki saving Kyon. This is a Yuki who grew up from all of this confronting her past self and flaws.
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This opens a possibility I was considering since Dissociation. You know how most of the theories about Haruhi tend to lead to her being the key to auto evolution, or "creation", or "life"? Yeah, but how about the time anomaly/time travelers theory? What if Haruhi is still auto evolution even in that scenario, but in the sense that she bridges the gap between today and tomorrow? Basically "linking" you to your future self, to the possibilities of tomorrow. I got this idea because of some lines in Dissociation/Surprise and I might revisit it when reading it again
Another evidence is how sure Kyon is that Haruhi won’t destroy the world. He is around a supposedly living god that supposedly already destroyed the entire universe out of boredom and still goes against her to white knight the oppai loli. with all they have done to keep her entertained and not destroy the universe and he still almost punch her over a pair of tits. Deep down he must know she can’t really destroy the world.
>As further proof, in Surprise she is shown to be quite resentful for not being born with the ability to express herself
Is she? I don't remember that. In fact I mostly remember Yuki seeming very content with her lot after Disappearance.
If that were the case the safest option would be to give her some sudden instant death before she accidentally destroy the world.
Wait a minute:


What the fuck, was this done on purpose?
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I didn't know this was the og version of this song. Both are great and tell you a lot about Yuki. Disappearance is so fucking good for ending with Yuki's acapella of that song, it very much incorporates it into the "canon" of the story in a blurry/meta way.

Disappearance is basically about Yuki being unable to express herself or to even understand her own feelings. The only way she ended up expressing herself was through extreme actions after emotions that got bottled up for months without any catharsis or relief. The big rooftop scene, arguably one of the most important payoffs for Yuki, has Yuki explain everything in a seemingly dry/monotone infodump on her end (although it's very obvious judging by the way she talks and stands that there are feelings of shame, maybe regret, bittersweetness, anxiousness... fear?). The only real part of "original" dialogue (aka: not an explanation about FACTS) is her "Thank you" at the end. This is how Yuki expresses herself: lots of hinting at emotions and a few words that convey a LOT about this.

But then, as this movie about Yuki's feelings and hardships to communicate or even understand these feelings, you've got Yuki herself singing about her existence, fears, emotions, transience... It might be seen as a "canon" way of Yuki to show how she feels, a glimpse into her mind, only allowed "outside of the story", just like she will never spell it out for any character in the story and they have to piece it together. We, as spectators, get to see it from the front seat for once and we get to appreciate it.

That's also why the final scene is pic related. This is an obviously important scene for Yuki (emotionally speaking) but she wont say anything about it or even show a smile, because that's not how she's built. Her face is hidden behind the book. But we can interpret the book as what she likes, as her more human side and therefore it can be seen as Yuki's gesture to show she appreciate this without saying it.
Eeh, I think it wasn't that long. It wouldn't feel complete if it was any shorter.
Based Niea7 anon. Good to see you still kicking around.
It's a really nice rewatch though
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Super Driver or Bouken Desho?
Super Driver by a mile. You're a retard if you think otherwise.
Elaborate. They're both really solid.
Bouken Desho by a mile. You're a retard if you think otherwise.
No elaboration needed.
nigga, have you heard of a guy named John Smith?
Mikuru is best girl. I'm a follower of Mikuruism.
They feel forced
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Better style, more engrishu, particle physics, and KYON.
>more generic
I feel bad for people having such a shitty taste.
>particle physics
Pretty cool indeed.
Super Driver broke up the endless eight. It was unironically the highlight of each episode.

>The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya, part 1

> “Words…” Nagato spoke in a thin voice, barely above a sigh. “Words are difficult. I am not currently able to conduct discourse with another organic interface. My verbal communication facility is insufficient.”

>I’d known that much from the beginning. But her silent nature was an important part of who she was—both for me and for Haruhi, I said.

>“I…” she began, her expressionless face transparently biting back the frustration she felt. “If as an individual I had been given social capabilities…”

>Her pale expression was infinitesimally close to blank.

>“The possibility of my gaining tools like Ryoko Asakura’s was not zero. I was not made that way. I cannot change my predefined index. Until I cease functioning, I will be… as… I am.”

>Nagato’s eyes were closed about three millimeters as they gazed up at the featureless ceiling.

Now you can argue that Kyon saying how she is biting back frustration is just him being an unreliable narrator, however it is pretty clear from the manner in which Nagato talks in this scene, from stuttering her words, to literally changing her mind on how exactly she was going to express herself, as well as just the contents of her speech, how she is being quite invested emotionally in this topic, which would support Kyons observation of her biting back frustration.
Oh wow, I had forgotten that. Pretty grim. I forgot about it because of the ending where Kyon goes over multiple characters to say what he thought about them and in Yuki's case it was something like "she's our Yuki who doesn't really smile and it's fine just like that"
That stopped me dead and broke the vibe and passing.

2 or 3 repeating eps, maybe 4 on the outside, could have gotten the loop across. 8? The studio staff must have been huffing their own farts, congratulating themselves on how clever they were.
I mean, its pretty clear that the direction of Nagatos character is that of her eventually becoming a normal human, but by being true to who she truly is, and simply how she thought she should be which is what the alternate world version of her ultimately was, and Kyon repeatedly saying how he loves(not romantically) Yuki just the way she is, and instead what he is concerned about is her developing her own interests, very clearly supports that.

Because the way Nagato acts is extremely reminiscent of high functioning autism, and Tanigawa even described a girl he knew during high school, who very clearly inspired a great deal of how Yuki is as person, as foreword to Disappearance of all stories, and thus her being essentially an aspergirl is down to the author basing her off of an aspergirl, not because he specifically wanted to write an autistic character.

All that to say that I think she gets a happy ending, and the way Ive seen other anons describe it, by having Haruhi learn of her powers, and deciding that its not so much the supernatural that made the times with the SoS brigade fun, but the people themselves, turns every member of the SoS brigade into normal people.
John Smith/Kyon didn’t change the past. What he did in the past was always there.
My guy, she almost did bat the end of melancholy.
It was only because Kyon managed to convince her otherwise that the original world was preserved.
At multiple points Kyon says he says to Koizumi that he doesn't fear her recreating the world because unlike melancholy Haruhi, the latter Haruhi is more and more accepting of the original world because of her experiances in it with the sos brigade drive her to see it as fun and furfilling as she relies on the supernatural less and less.
>please stop liking the classics!
>we didn't work as hard on more recent stuff, but you shouldn't care
>you just shouldn't ok?!
just not gonna love your crap, and that's that.
Read it while Freshman year in high school. Weirdly enough, I did not self-insert as much as I did with Diary of a Wimpy Kid back in middle school, but it was a hilarious read.
You ARE going to watch seasonal yuri garbage and become a faggot loving subhuman that wants to be a little girl and you will like it, chud.
>What he did in the past was always there.
he could only go back because Mikuru came back to send him further back to meet Haruhi during Tanabata. If he didn't it wouldn't have happened, which is the only reason he had to.
hmmmm, actually, I'm going to buy a 3rd set of the light novels after giving away my last two to different people.
Haruhi is just a story about growing up and accepting the world for what it is, both wonderful and mundane and sometimes frustrating and shit.
You don’t understand deterministic time travel.
There is no "if he didn’t". He did, and couldn’t have taken any other course of action, because the universe is deterministic.
That’s why what he did in the past was always there in the past.
tsk tsk tsk.
him having to proves it's non-deterministic. he did have a choice, and we know this universe can be rewritten, edited, destroyed, and created on a whim.
I.. I kneel.....
Go watch/read more time travel stories.
I recommend the first two seasons of Dark.
>Go watch/read more time travel stories
go read the Haruhi books, you clown.
Only the anti-sos brigade attempted this out of desperation after they repeadetly failed to convince Kyon.

The aliens don't want to kill haruhi because they want to discover the mechanisms behind Haruhi's powers to further their own auto-evolution.

The espers worship her as a god outright.

The time travellers understand that haruhi dying would mess up the timeline as she is the precondition for the discoverer of time travel to graduate, and god knows what other events.

All three of them fear the consequences of her dying.
I already have. See >>268896241
then maybe improve your reading comprehension, because you don't even have a surface level understanding of the Haruhi universe.
Yes I do because unlike you I actually understand its mechanics
>I actually understand its mechanics
you just seem to ignore what actually happened. you don't understand it, you are projecting other stories' systems onto it. This is stupid because Tanigawa knows a fuckload more about writing sci-fi than you do (which is obvious from the widespread classic sci-fi references and tropes) and doesn't need you to project your limited cognitive capacity onto his carefully crafted universe. It is blatantly established several times that the story is non-deterministic. the universe is literally destroyed thousands of times in the endless summer, it's totally rewritten in Disappearance and Kyon's older self is sent back in time to make sure Tanabata happens properly. those arcs absolutely rely on the risk of a timeline either not being repaired, not being initiated or being broken out of to drive the story-telling. it's the literal conflict of the plot.
>uhm acktually it doesn't matter, everyone in the story is just stupid and doesn't understand it like I do.
when you think things like that it should give you immediate pause because that's generally a sign you are being a retard.
Retard, yes HARUHI can rewrite the universe and change things because she’s the one to define the causal string. Other characters can’t.
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>Other characters can’t
are you well?
do you have brain damage?
Yuki did that explicitly by using Haruhi’s power, you’re proving my point
>only Haruhi can do it
>well, unless someone else does it!
dude, give up. the plot revolves around non-deterministic time travel and rewriting or securing unsecured timelines or realities. that's the conflict of half of the storytelling. you can fucking cope all you want but it's just you screeching about stuff you don't understand. haruhi didn't send Kyon back in time to secure the Tanabata events, he didn't need to because it was deterministic, he had to because it wasn't. otherwise what the fuck are the characters doing? there is no conflict in the story, it doesn't matter if the Celestials run rampant, it doesn't matter if Tanabata happens, Kyon's choice in Disappearance isn't a choice, what does it matter if Mikuru blabs about the future, who cares if they are stuck in the endless 8 forever?
it is non-deterministic, and that's absolute.
If the tanabata event wasn’t deterministic it wouldn’t have been part of the past before Kyon went back in time, retard.
then why did he go back to do it since didn't have to?
Because he was predetermined to do so.
damn, sounds like he had to otherwise shit would have gone wrong.
There is no "otherwise".
have you given up yet? you are being absurd. Your conclusion is that the story is utterly pointless. nothing any of the characters do has any meaning and did not influence anything at any point.
it's obviously wrong because, even when Haruhi was not capable of influencing the story, it was driven by other characters. you are pathetic.
> Your conclusion is that the story is utterly pointless. nothing any of the characters do has any meaning and did not influence anything at any point
…from an omniscient perspective, which we do not have.
Does he eventually do it in the LNs?
so what you are saying is that the story is non-deterministic.
The universe is (as long as Haruhi wishes it to be).
Back in the day I preferred Super Driver, it was shiny and new
Now I prefer Bouken Desho, it just hits the nostalgia notes too hard, it just feels like Haruhi you know
Idk, both are killer
yeah if you're wondering why authors don't do (full) bootstrap paradoxes very often it's because most people think like this and think the story is pointless and meaningless if everything is revealed to already be predetermined. Kinda mirrors the debate about determinism irl actually which some people also get very angry about.
the correct conclusion. rarely does a show get 2 bops, let alone two bop OPs and a legendary ED.
Time travel is just one of these sci-fi concepts that are very popular yet actually understood by very few people
Tomare is good aswell
All Haruhi OPs and EDs are good.

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