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Today we will be covering Volume 4!
Previous Volume: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/268595632/

>What is this?
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san (Don't toy with me, Miss Nagatoro) is a manga series written and illustrated by 774 (Nanashi).
—Our spineless— MC (Known as "Senpai") is a second-year high school student and a loner who spends his afternoons at the Arts Club room. He attracts the attention of one of his schoolmates, a sadistic freshman girl named Nagatoro. However, in between the bullying and teasing, something else begins to blossom.

The final chapter (154) comes out on July 22nd. Mark your calenders!
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~145 pages today
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Look at him, wandering around looking lost, sheepish, unsure and confused! It’s no wonder he attracted a gremlin
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A rare maiden-eyed Senpai
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Not sure why the title was put so late into the chapter, technically this is the start
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I thought this shit was over
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Why'd you think that?
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Naga nails
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Neither missing a chance to touch Senpai’s hair, she probably knew it would wind up Toro even more
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Will be skipping future filler pages as per usual
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Yoshi loves to pet
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>>268830774 (checked)
Yoshi is the best girl and it's not even close.
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>it's just a prank, bro
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One thing I haven't commented on is the different flashback styles 774 has used. This one looks like TV static
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Don't ask me what sound RRG makes I have no idea
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She can read minds!!! That or she’s C Auguste Dupin
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Please Don’t Murder Your Friends Miss Nagatoro!
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It looks like she has a fake arm that senpai has pulled off
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Her instinct to ruin everything kicking in
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She's 100% cat here
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After 152, this is extra sweet.
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This whole extra is sickly sweet, kind of disappointed I didn't do this before the chapter came out but oh well
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When Yoshi isn't on screen the audience should be asking "Where's Yoshi?"
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>and there's a new friend
Senpai really sucks at remembering faces
A genius's way of locating lost individuals. Yoshi never ceases to amaze.
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it looks like Nagatoro is asking who the sketchy dude is
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Those Jaguars are great
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Pussy magnet
You use que do
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vile harpy!
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Such pretty hands.
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It's weird seeing this page without the edit
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Run away and hide
Top 3 of the chaddest moments of his life
Kek true, too used to it
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This is one of my favourite chapters
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She was trying ti kill him!
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Extremely self-satisfied gremlin on bottom left.
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Just look at her!
Happy gremlin on right below
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>Men! We don't know what we did!
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Taking a short break after this chapter but I promise you'll have something good to look at
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Or maybe I'll just stop now...
I want to sqush Naga thigh
>giving up before even trying.
Woah, he's literally me.
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Just the thigh?
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>Bare Naga tummy.
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Please also post the vol extra where Naga explains the difference between pre and post workout stretches
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Of course!
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senpai is literally me after posting pages non-stop for 2 hours
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Legendary page
>ywn have a cute girl bully you into becoming a better man and ultimately become husband material for her.
Bros...why live?
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Break time. Brb in a few minutes.
Never say never!
is the last chapter today?
Next Monday, so 7 days and 1 hour
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3 Bonus chapters remaining.

The final chapter (154) comes out on July 22nd. Mark your calenders!
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I wouldn't think anything of the shirt if this was any other author besides 774...
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The extra that spawned a thousand gifs
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One of the few times I'll say the anime did it better
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Only when I'm posting images
Thx for the bump
True, it stung more in the anime
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>Senpai introduced Naga to Hajime no Ippo
Beyond based
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As far as unexpected contact gags go this is probably the weakest one
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Scrunchy Yoshi cameo
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That would've been a good fanart to post for the previous volume
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That’s weird I saw one where she said
Senpai you’re grrrr
Grasp of this rooms lucky/unlucky direction[don’t remember the rest]
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It's a wordplay joke for creep/gross/pervert that I assume doesn't translate well into English
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And that's all for today!
What was your favorite moment this volume?

Final chapter next Monday. Do not forget!!!
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>What was your favorite moment this volume?
The stretching bonus because it's a good reminder for when I exercise. Plus Naga ass is always pleasant.
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Can't believe I forgot to include these. Fuck. Guess I'll have to start over.
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Running + Stretching chapters. Explanation unnecessary
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new chapter today?
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>only one week left until it's all over.
I can't believe it's really ending. I don't wanna say goodbye.
This happened to me too. Almost impossible to not to shadow box after Ippo.
next week
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The face of a gremlin you wants to hold her future boyfriend’s hand with interlocked fingers while they walk
Bonus chapters in the volume the following month.

Bonus porn on the revived Fanbox a few months later if we're lucky.
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The japanese sound effect is that of strong pulling, which you can only do in English with a grunting noise. A full "argh" makes them sound like their yelling and "hng" has unfortunate sexual connotations
I like how instantly docile nagatoro becomes when chadpai appears
I’d like to make you “hng”
I forgot that even senpai notices that she's basically always blushing around him
God damn look at those bongos
She mogs every other girl we've seen so far
Seethingtoro a cute
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She's so smol and so angy.
Gamo mogs dumbtoro.
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Think again
Imagine saying hayase mogs when her tits and ass look like something out of >>11055559
VERY fast Nagatoro running at incredible hihg speed
Let me fix
I love how all of Yoshi's int points went into str and dex
100%. Yoshi outstrips the other girls by a country mile. She can also run that fast.
Poor Yoshi. I bet when she was at the grocery store as a kid and her mom left the checkout line to pick up something she forgot Yoshi became very anxious. I know I did.
When the prospect of boys comes up Yoshi short-circuits, same as when she has to do basic arithmetic.
Yoshi really wants to fluff the sheep
this is actually my first time reading this, so i guess i have to go finish reading it myself to get caught up huh
Enjoy the trip :)
Goblina cope
Toro will always be mogged by everyone else
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Even by Margaret Thatcher?
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biggest lie ever uttered
This is pottery
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post the video

Classic Sakura
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The voice actor for SenpaiMom should have just been Senpai's voice actor doing a girly voice
>t. Gamogged seething that her friend with smaller tits mogs her ass
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Cope goblina
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moments before disaster
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Poor Yoshi
>Goblins are ugly
>Orcs are cute
Got it
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Nah it's more
>Goblins are scraggly and annoying
>Orcs can crush your pelvis
Lol. Use something that’s not at the start anon. Yoshi didn’t even have her ahoge yet
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the faces..
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Gamo had an ass at the start but it was sucked out by an ass vampire
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Based Naga nails poster
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Based and blessed. Throughout heaven and earth, she alone is the precious one
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One scene the anime did it better.
>Every girl that we've seen so far
I'm not talking about girls that haven't been introduced yet. Sports bunny Nagatoro has the biggest ass vs the swimsuit girls and it's not even close.
not quite as unfortunate as representing straining with "nnnnnnnnnnn"
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Wish that were me...
I've lost interest in Nagatoro.
NTR soon.
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Gamo's Gamos
>Biggest ass
And they called Gamo fags delusioanls
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6 days left
I want to marry that orc
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Warning: not for faint hearts
I forgot the spoiler, srry faint hearts
It's sketching time with the Sunomiya cultart group
Damn, good luck Nagatoro was thinking more about kissing Senpai, she didn't realize her brothers were doing the comments section of a certain popular Lynyrd Skynyrd song.
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The more I read it, the more confused I become
I could physically feel the good brain chemicals pour once I got to this page. Pure elation.
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ok i'm caught up, was pretty good
Glad you enjoyed it anon, last chapter is next Monday.
I can hear it
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Nagatoro, only on Game Boy Color
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8-bit slut
Nagatoro loves Lomo Saltado
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>he'll use us in his dirty manga
Oh so Senpai was the one who actually drew the joys of breeding.
She fears the BSC
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The NTR extra. Nice.
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I like the evolution between these two moments
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The callback chapters were great, which is why I firmly believe 774 will have Naga use the ticket in the last one.
774 forgot about this shit.
>774 did you forget?
>anon: HE FORGOT
It was asked three years ago btw.
Did I say I have verifiable evidence? I said I believe he will remember. That image being from 2021 is not proof he forgot either, smart ass
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Such speed...!
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Man, I'm having a hard time writing the greentext. I think I exhausted myself from the first 3 chapters, specially Sana beating the shit out of Naghostoro.
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What a pure and innocent girl
There's only one chapter left. There's no way she's going to pull this and ask him to do something. It has no space on the story anymore.
>It has no space on the story anymore.
There is. In the official hentai doujins after the last chapter. Will we invade /h/ when that happens?
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>+70kg of boobs
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>+70kg of butt
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>+70kg of Shikki!
What date is the last chapter coming out, /a/nons?
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Listen here fatty whore. You're gonna get a couple of simps and degenerates comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are fat the way you are. You hear me fatso? FAT. Please lose weight. You’re bigger than anything and everything you slovenly pig. Lose weight for me, fat girl.
>mfw thinking of you not losing weight
Next monday
We get it, you're a fag
Can you please go home now?
Waiting to see it officially being vol 20 cover
no u
And Love embraces the darkness of the night
All things as they are

- Gravity
darn right oh. I want you on the volume cover
how fucking romantic!
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would carry her around
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There’s this cute girl that works at the warehouse I’m at. She’s tan and smol and looks like a mega cardio bunny, kind of a bit hyper at times. Her ass looks so good in leggings and she even has puddings.

Goddamn I wish she was single and I had a bit more rizz.
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Where do you work anon? I’ll gladly take up that duty
I don't want to see Naoto kissing goblins, in bed with goblins or finally having babies with goblins and marrying a goblin.
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Well that's too bad
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Would you prefer he kissed an Orc?
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At an Amazon fulfillment center. Soul crushing as fuck but it’s the little things like finding your irl Naga that makes life OK.
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missed the chance for a title drop there
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>At an Amazon fulfillment center.
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5 days left
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I'm not ready
I almost dropped Nagatoro from volume one. Back before the anime was announced and it was just anons hyping up the brown girl (not a nigger) manga.
>"This girl is just real cunty. What's the appeal? Pai-san is a little bitch. Neither of these characters is compelling. What the fuck am I reading?"
I stuck with it though. When she starts to give little hints that she's not a complete cunt the story picked up for me.
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Mogged from above
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Mogged from below
Thank you for posting.
The last time he ate south american food we had the NTaRt arc...
Congrats on sticking it through the filter arc anon. Glad you stuck with it can get to see it at the happy end with us
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Even in a nightmare Yoshi is still an autistic parakeet
I don't love this artstyle, but it's still cute
What on earth are they doing out of frame there
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Wonder if we'll get a final anthology for the series' ending
That would be great
On the road to Lomo Saltado
I haven’t been paying attention did this end yet or is there another week left.
The final chapter (154) comes out on July 22nd. Mark your calenders!
I refuse, delay it further
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>only 5 days left until the final Yoshis come out
I'm not ready...
It's OK anon, we'll still have the extras
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Anyone here reading Kanan? It got recommended by Nanashi.
it derailed a thread once, not falling for it again
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