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Happy birthday to /a/'s favorite flatty, Kirima Sxarp!
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Going to get a greasy slice of Sbarro for my wife, Sbarro.
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why do Sxarp threads keep getting deleted?
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Don't mind me, just dropping by to say happy birthday.
mods are cracking down on gochisa once again
One said ed*tion (big no no) and the other is a fecal thread.
This is the best bet.
There was another sxarp birthday thread getting deleted.
The scat joke thread seems to be fine with mods though.
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the jannies are trying to kill gochisa
Sxarp is a goddamn tube.
can you meg for us?
alright party's over, it's no longer sxarp birthday in japan
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Why is Syaro such a thigh slut?
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Why have you summoned me? Tell me your wish now!
I wish for us all to get together again.
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I wish for meggers to be, well, you know...
I wish for season 4 to never come out
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to successfully evade the shredders? don't worry, we are already naturals at that
Sxarp lost house.
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Translate it, weebs.
I wish for twins scissoring while mutually breast feeding.
Sorry faggots I already used the wish. See you next thread, you will never be free (ywnbf) HAHAHAHA
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Imagine Sxarp, but she has a twin sister that looks just like her (they both live in the Amausa shack).
What are the Kirima twins like?
I am literally Wild Geese
ah btw
[this dropped from sharo-chan]
i picked this midway...

oh!! I've been looking for that!!
[cocoa had it...]

actually that's something something SELF DESTRUCT

dont wanna bother using google translate for that blue wall of kanji
also sloppy translation
I wonder if I have to typeset this demonstratively lazy job for that other fag anon to jump in.
Lazy ass translation. Her name is Sxrap.
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pay your rent bitch
me and my wife Sxarah
Anon's cute wife Cthulhu.
chino is an old hag now
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this >>268841796 >>268841836, but with the tw*ns and meggers instead
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Stop twins hate.
Stop meg hate.
Stop coco hate.
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reddit meme
Me too Chino, me too.
Wild Geese is like a freeloading, abusive boyfriend that leeches off and randomly attacks Sxarp yet Sxarp still lets him stay.
wild geese sounds like a sxarp husband (me)
This but tw*nigger
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She tries so hard
what happens when you sniff chino
Workplace sexual harrassment
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Keep going.
I want the Chimames to get back together. For this reason alone I simply CANNOT watch S3 beyond episode 3. Their separation simply hurts me too much. It has been almost four years and I still can't bear to retake watching the series. Whenever I see them, I get horny (specially with Megu) and I find myself going back to pixiv to furiously mastubate with AI cunny art until almost tearing my dick appart.
It hurts bros.
Why did the mangaka decide to separate them? It hurts!
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We got a ChiMaMe chapter just two months ago, ChiMaMe is forever, it doesn't matter if they go to different schools or made new friends.
Eternal life and happiness
You die.
public sex with chino
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Why do rabbits want to make her her so much?
what did you mean by that?
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what did Chino mean by that?
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Megu will save Sxarp house.
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Cocoa wife NOW
virus anon never backs down
Aoyama's Blue Mountains!
>It hurts bros.
stop masturbating so much
one more
ip grabber
just thinking about chino
Ironically this thread was made less than a minute after her birthday ended in Japan
just not thinking about chino
just trying to not think about chino
I put this through google translate and I got a virus
I have your gochibux now
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New Rabbit House special, for every coffee you order they lose one more piece of clothing.
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why does this image say her birthday is on the 16th?
it was drawn for clout by a filthy secondary who didn't bother to double check if the date was right
can someone fix
1. the date
2. the feet, make them sexier
then it would be a great image
I'm just looking at this trying to comprehend how small her panties must be or whether she's wearing any at all
she doesn't wear panties at work, not for a slutty reason, it just gets sweaty wearing that outfit all day, this lets her regulate her body temperature.
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how did Koi draw literal perfection? how do you come up with someone this perfect? i've come to the conclusion that Syaro was not a made up by Koi, more that Syaro is a real girl in some kind of 2D plane of reality, Koi must be pulling ideas from this realm, maybe through meditation, maybe that gives you the ability to see into other planes of existence, or at least access some kind of universal consciousness
all the nutrients go to her butt
I go to her butt
… is my cute and lovely wife who likes handholding and headpats.
Chino-chan likes the three H’s: handholding, headpats, and hugs.
this is what i've been training for my whole life.
Late hbd charro
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Logging into Chino
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my cute rabbitchinowife
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No season 4 announcement.
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Why can't they just announce it? I'm fine with waiting years but at least announce it...
They're waiting for Tippy to get on board.
You mean new Tippy VA? I thought they had already casted him.
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tourist from the catalog here, the phrase says for company secret reasons.
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CocoChino cute odekopathy.
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kuru kuru
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kuru kuru kuru
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One sniff of that and your member will be erected for 24 hours
please dont make gochiporn edit out of mityasxarp
>I'll do a heart transplant
WTF Megu.
I wish I could touch Eru's boobs too.
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There should be more Mitya lewds actually.
imagine hugging chino
meganon, please add this spinning megu to that meggerlicious temple of yours if you're still in these threads
i want to hug chino sniff chino
Is there a pictue featuring all of Rize's hairstyle? For me, it's ponytail Rize.
imagine life without chino
Twintails Rize best Rize.
mofumofu chino.... mofumofumofu chino... MOFUMOFUMOFUMOFUMOFUMOFU CHINOOO-CHAN
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Wrong pic? I think you meant to post Megu instead. Weird that you also got her name so wrong. Maybe your computer has a virus, you should get it checked asap.
I don't understand obsession with feet. Is it the correlation between being stepped on or something? Are there any footfags that aren't bottoms?
Welcome to New Rabbit House.
there's probably some parasite in the brain of footfags that makes them find feet sexually attractive, like how toxoplasmosis makes rats horny for cat urine
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Dumb virusposter.
i cannot survive without chino chan
i must sniff chino chan
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Cocoa is so damn cute.
It's incredible how much Lust Megu can provoke in me, it's actually scary.
imagine marrying Cocoa
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What a life it would be.
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I want to be her imouto-husbando.
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What do you mean? I'm already married to her.
>cocoa when she tells you she's pregnant with your child
No you are not
You are not me
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buy I am
Why are you lusting over Meg
>also included the megu post
Cocoa drove you locoa
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I like the kiss bait in S3 OP
Brian damage.
Hug a twin.
chino calms me down
chino messes me up
I don't care about being stepped on fetish but there are many reasons to like feet:
- Feet are a weak spot that feel cold easily, and can be ticklish and sensitive, signaling vulnerability and being in a more comfy and intimate setting. By extension, being barefoot outside can indicate being more in touch with nature which is an attractive trait, or communicates boldness and being comfortable with the world.
- Feet and toes can be very expressive
- Feet are usually dirty because you walk with them, and that makes clean feet straight out of bath kind of special (think about the feet of a freshly bathed girl in bed)
- Small or certain shape of feet can simply be feminine.
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None of this really has to do with how fetishized they are or even being "sexy." Definitely not enough to warrant having entire folders full of images dedicated to it and obsessive replying about feet even in some of the most innocuous images. I think my confusion lies more in how a foot doesn't have anything to do with sexuality (i.e. reproduction) like breasts (for nursing) and wide hips (for childbirthing).

I mean take this anon>>268870172, 100% of that image has nothing inherently sexual about it at all. It's just the girls are inside so their shoes aren't on, or that one image of the pool where Megu is referencing that one nip horror movie where eveyone is upside in the lake.
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Hugging the twins.
Probably a hunter-gatherer thing, good feet walk long.
There are many things that are not inherently sexual like cute hair, face, eyes, hands. It's just "nice" in a way that helps you enjoy the girl overall. Exaggerated flaunting about feet could be either some kind of autistic obsession, but mostly a social phenomenon, where people make it into a symbol to show off and worship. Kind of how big boobs are often portrayed as superior over small ones, disregarding preference. I'm sure hand/eye/nose/etc.-otakus also exist but it's not as striking, novel and marketable thing to obsess over.
Apparently the feet nerves are close to the genitalia nerves in the brain wiring.
footfags are subhuman
gochi feets yum yum
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you mean sup(er)human
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take off your socks pls sxarp-chan
Cocoa is copying Roze's style.
Chiya's clothes are very wifey.
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Put those socks back on fucking slut.
Living a happy life with my cute wife (chino)
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I love Cocoa so much it's unreal.
well, it is real, idiot
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I love Cocoa so much she became real.
cum inside me chino
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i wish i was you
wifey clothed gochis wives
They why is she your wifey clothed wife?
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If we could convert love into mass, we could make Cocoa real.
Cocoa does not seem very happy coming into the real world
Cocowa doko?
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It's time
Koi sex.
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footfaggots are even worse than tw*niggers
chino chan…
Wife so cute
chino toes licky licky
>goon archive
tell me you have a tiny pecker without telling me you have a tiny pecker
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Twins feet!
Gochisa cat cafe, that would be something.
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>cat cafe
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I can see your panties Cocoa-chan...
my favorite gochi is Cocoa
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sniffing between chino's toes...
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Gochiusa cat cafe, but the cats are Fuyu, Eru and Natsume.
It will stink…
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They don't look comfortable.
Because of the dirty oji-sans watching.
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Is it considered feetfaggotry is the feets are not bare?
>They don't look comfortable.
It's because of the green slippers.
degooning chino
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hypergooning chino
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my wife chino-chan is puzzled
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Chino isn't for gooning.
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true, she's for edging
Gigahandholding chino
finally a good post
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I'm the one getting deleted?
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Chino is an unpleasant, ungrateful, piece of shit of a person.
You cant even hug the damn thing without having her complaining.
Fuck Chino. Hope she dies in an automobile wreck.

Meanwhile, Maya is a cheerful, beautiful and adorable girl!
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slutty brat still thinks she's a tomboy
i'm gonna fuck that thought ot of her
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This, Chino doesn't deserve Cocoa.
Maya is also a little shit though, for me it's Fuyu.
Imagine gooning to characters from a dead show, my my couldn't be me
You posted Maya
Colorblind anon...
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Patting Eru in inappropriate places.
Sniffing Chino in all the appropriate places
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I'm planning to rewrite the shrine from scratch, but I'm busy learning all sorts of things to make it more interesting. Next release will hopefully be on her birthday.
Chino is the purpose
getting paid to have sex with Chino
>a filthy secondary
What’s it mean?
me too, CHIno, ME TOOO
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Poor Haru from im@s got almost no birthday art, even though his anime was only last year. Sxarp did extremely well on her birthday. But maybe But I might be biased because I'm following much more Gochusa artists than im@s ones.
Maya's innocent fanged laugh...
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cool artist
Someone who doesn’t know the primary source material, i.e. watches only the adaptations of manga/lns or only posts 2hu porn without playing the games

Alternatively it’s often just a general, ambiguous insult used by people that don’t understand what it means.
I wish Chino would come and shoot up this thread for real
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Wanting you dead does not make me a degenerate
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>Soon all posters will be only bots
everyone here is already a bot, including me.
fuck you
syaro.. my poor sharo....
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I love the twins.
season 4 will only happen after i fuck them
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she's so fucking sexy
yeah well she's my wife so fuck off
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i love Sxarp
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fuck, how does this keep happening? meant to post this image.
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where did everyone go?
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Stop lewding Sharo.
Suicide booth.
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Well this joke no longer makes sense. Why would they ban only the S H E posters?
Mods combobreaking.
I blame Sxarp for that.

Rize's dad and Cocoa's mom were both in love with Chino's mom as well? Cocoa's mom seems to really hate Takahiro even though he's a cool dude, so that's the only explanation I got.
meds now
They probably had an affair, and Saki found out and killed herself. Cocoa's mom thinks it wasn't her fault she was seduced, since she probably never experienced that level of attraction towards her own husband, so in her mind she couldn't have helped it, and it was all Takahiro's fault.
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Mate, you need to learn to read between the lines. Cocoa's mom and Chino's mom were definitely lesbos in highschool.
I posted the S and I am not banned (yet)
I posted the H, and O, but only the first one was deleted, and I only got a warning for that.
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Imagine if the entire plot of Gochiusa is Choco 4D chess to get Cocoa and Chino together and live again the yuri romance of her adolescence through her daughter.
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Where is Rose?
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Quadruplets with my wife Cocoa but only twins with Rize.
feeding fertility drugs to the gochis
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milk, breasts milk

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