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Stage 37 - The Gift

Previous chapter: >>268804531
Archive: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20Neon%20Genesis%20Evangelion%20Chapter
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ShinKari bros, we won!!! Cute and canon!!
my heart :(
rude Kensuke

Thanks, OP.
I don't remember how this goes in the manga. My heart is (not) ready regardless.
I'd be creeped out by that too.
Why would you make a figurine of a guy you like?
Is Hikari doing voodoo on Toji? Maybe that explains why things turned out the way they did
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>asuka made THAT???
how the fuck Misato and Ritsuko survived to this?
>Why would you make a figurine of a guy you like?
They are kids dude, I find it cute. And she wanted to give it to Toji.
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Misato's massive breasts protected them
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You'll never know real love. You'll only have a fake taste of affection that will fade out as soon as times get a little bit hard. You'll die alone, and no one will care.
Oh you are in for it.
This is where things start diverging from the anime and hard.
I'm coming back to read this later.
Since I already forgot about it, might as well take the opportunity to go in blind.
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Rare direct interaction between Maya and Shinji, a shame about the circumstances that brought it about though.
I mean, I'd think an Eva fan would be some kind of faggot if he didn't think like this. What man wouldn't want to be groomed by her?
She is literally a child pretending to be an adult and ultimately the worst guardian Shinji could have had.
She gave him a home, care and saved his life. How is that bad?
And? That's not the point I was making.
>She is literally a child pretending to be an adult
So her having sex with Shinji isn't statutory rape, then.
>So her having sex with Shinji isn't statutory rape, then.
The fuck are you on about? that never happened
>blud is so far down the IQ bracket he's stopped being able to understand hypotheticals
happens to the best of us
best girl
Can any child just waltz into NERV? No one supervising Toji?
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>when I get back
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Thanks OP
This hurts so much to read. I just want to stop it all from happening but I can't
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To the anons that were posting about SEELE being jewish, it has been confirmed (+ they're inspired by a jewish old testament group)
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Maya x Shinji is the patrician's pairing
>even the reverse weeb's lunch is burgers and hot dogs

That is pretty funny, I bet he would prefer the Phoenix Wright localization to the original
>shinji with boobs X shinji
Cultured taste.
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Can't Gendo be proud of his son for being a ladies man?
Is he a westaboo? He just looks like a /k/fag to me.
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did someone say best mom?
>I'd think an Eva fan would be some kind of faggot
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You're onto something there, anon
>First Eva
>Now one piece
Japs are waking up
they're literally based on the protocols of the elders of zion
Kek no
What was her strategy here?
How is Toji so stylish
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it's just a tracksuit
I bet you wouldn't look as cool as him with a tracksuit
Cool robot
phones do not make a "pi pi pi pi pi pi" sound
Maybe it has an alarm clock sound?
Seems like this chapter didn't garner as much discussion
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No Rei or Asuka material to play goober tag with.
Class rep is so unappreciated :'(
nice tanline
Just be glad I guess that she isn’t at the center of 30 year old fan beef.
This didn't have to be this way.
Why God?
How did they fucking miss and Angel infiltrating THIS far?
Thanks OP, I should stop reading here and pretend everything went right somehow but I wont.
Angels can appear anywhere and without warning, and they don't need to reveal themselves as Angels right away. See Sahaquiel, Leliel, and Iruel.
>I should stop reading here and pretend everything went right somehow
The last exits for that was before Lelliel, at this point there are no more exits
SEELE knew about it beforehand, they wanted this to happen
You really have to understand that at the core of the plot, most of the higher ups WANT the angels to win. The reason nobody gets simple therapy? The reason security is a shit show? All intentional
It's not really that they want the angels to win, it's more that SEELE actively dislikes having to rely on the evangelions (which they repeatedly refer to as heretical false gods) and don't trust NERV at all
You could even theorize that the Jet Alone project got assistance from SEELE in hopes of phasing out the evas, which is why Gendo had it sabotaged
>most of the higher ups WANT the angels to win
They don't, they need all the angels to die to enact their plan
Hot take but Toji's death was due mostly to the NERV bridge crew's knuckle dragging incompetence in this fight.
Hot take but the whole Toji situation is forced drama that's not well done at all
You're right they should have had it happen to Asuka or something
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Should've been him
>t. Rebuild writing team
because it's more dramatic that way
Despiste being the pilot Shinji has no control over where this is all going.
And that's a good thing
We know, Gendo
It was even dumber with Asuka, they had her become some angel hybrid thing which didn't even matter and wasn't acknowledged because she was also a mass produced clone and she jobbed with the angel powers anyway
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>show entry plug getting crushed
>immediate cut to Hikari making a meal for 4
He's an agent from Seele
Not to mention they had to contrive a totally strange reason they couldn’t use unit02 anymore.
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The valentine treaty makes sense as a bit of background lore but if it exists then it would make zero sense for the americans to send unit 03 to japan since they'd have to decommission an eva to use it anyway and it would be infinitely more useful standing guard in a neighbouring country
Just another way in which the rebuilds were poorly thought out
My whole thing is if angels attack Japan because of Lilith then Eva’s are really only useful IN Japan. Unless they leaned more into the third party conflict thing, but that barely makes sense either.
I forgot how ugly she is in the anime
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>My whole thing is if angels attack Japan because of Lilith then Eva’s are really only useful IN Japan
The thing is that no one but NERV high command and SEELE are supposed to know that
And somehow no one questions why the angels only show up in the city that's literally designed as a fortress to fight angels in
I suppose but it’s still pretty foolish to bankrupt your nation to build a robot that just ends up sitting there.
>bankrupt your nation
In the anime, the USA is the last nation to approve the building of more Evas and they come around due to the economic benefits of the jobs it'll provide
I guess it all worked out then.
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So did Gendo plan the destruction of the Nevada branch or was that branch a genuine non-factor in his plans?
They were doing testing and development on the S2 engine which is unstable, I doubt it was in his plans to have some base in the middle of the desert be wiped out. Also Gendo isn't as big of a master planner as he makes himself out to be, he tells his son to fuck off and then immediately almost gets BTFO'd by Zeruel because he didn't account for Yui rejecting him, but then when his son comes back and Unit-01 awakens he goes back to "Yes, all according to keikaku" mode
It's overly blunt and quick, but on the other hand with that accent he had it coming.
>tfw no groom lake nerv shenanigans
i crei every time
Well, one of the proposed endings for the original series was for a bunch of angels to suddenly show up and destroy america
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They try to silence her but she won
Thank you for posting.
Thanks for posting anon
Necrobump for my American evabros (eu hours are so dead)
What? Which countries are you talking about?
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It should be pretty early in America though right?
>enter thread
>save OP pic
>leave thread
Best girl.
Only good girl, let's be honest.
Maya is best girl
Probably a meaningless detail, but why give Shinji this task instead of Rei?
She has favoritism towards Shinji, see >>268838705
Because is useless
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tbf you have to have a very high IQ to understand all of Gendo's machinations.
Rei is in the middle of her poetry hour and she's not answering the phone until it ends.
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Stage 38 - Ambush
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They made Eva 03 very creepy in the manga, cool choice
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Thanks OP
It could be that they called him first since he's the best pilot
Is he trying to sex rei?
Rare surprised Rei
>jobs too quickly for the manga panels to capture it
One of the best soundtrack moments
Is this rape?
What the fuck even happen here? Psychic attack?
My headcanon is that this was Keel Lorenz the entire time.
Think the manga was trying to keep him mysterious and creepy, hence not really showing the attacks this chapter
Would things go the same if Misato was in charge of the operation?
Gendo's orders make sense but something feels off.
Gendo should've just lied and told them Toji wasn't in it, but of course he's got no sensitive touch to come up with that.
Still wouldn't have saved Asuka or Rei nonetheless
It's kinda doubtful that Misato would have deployed all 3 units to a defensive line without properly scouting out what the enemy is capable of.

Gendo just used the old 'wait behind your walls for the enemy to come to you' trick. Not very dynamic. He didn't even use non-Eva forces as recon.
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It sees you.
Eva wouldn’t be the same without Sagisu music
lol jobsuka. Didn't even last one second.
it would have been worse for Shinji because at least Shinji have a little more faith in Misato and it would completely break down their relationship, Misato would have done the same as Gendo
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Thanks OP
Bardiel is a very cool fight in every way.
Shinji I am designating 4channel.org as the 19th angel. Theyre calling me a ni- I mean causing the 3rd impact as we speak. Take them out.
What is this 4channel.org you speak of?
Anon, I-
Poor Rei
I wonder what she felt when she sacrificed the Unit 00. Did she feel the "emptiness" where her arm was supposed to be or did she feel pain? Before she blew up, of course.
Really shitty of Anno to copy from Sadamoto so hard
Why? So EVA can be a bigger Nagai rip-off than before?
So, even bigger Nagai ripoff, got it.
Wow I never bothered reading this, it has pretty shitty pacing and the action & drama feels literally weightless unlike the anime
You can just report it for racism, Gendo
Maybe they should adapt it into an anime.
/a/ is not so bad that calling someone a nigger gets you banned by that. Yet.
Just call them double nigger.
Well, knowing that it's one of his friends would probably have made things worse
and yet here, Toji goes out of his way to talk with Shinji about it because they're friends and he's frightened after what he's witnessed when it comes to eva and angels. it works better here than in the anime.
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The spammer is back
Because Misato was running from the responsibility. She kept saying "I'll tell him after this" over and over until she lost the chance to be the one to tell him. This is an important part of her issues with maturity
Fukken saved.
Not a robot
B…but she’a like a doll!
It's crazy how much more likeable Shinji is in the manga, not even sure why. Maybe it's the slightly more simplistic way his expressions are drawn.
He's written more like a standard cavalier shonen protag and less like the passive scared kid he's in the anime
Because the only way that Sadamoto found to make him Interact with Rei was taking away everything that was interesting about him and turn into an harem protag
I think you're bitching just to bitch. Shinji isn't some bland faceless harem self insert and it's obvious the further the manga gets into the story.
How? He is completely generic and dont act on his traumas like in the anime(which is the whole point of the series btw)
oh shit
that's pretty cool
It can happen, but I've only seen it when the one saying nigger was an obnoxious faggot in other ways too.
>the further the manga gets into the story.
how much longer does it go? it's already in the last third of the show
The Anime has pretty shitty pacing too. That's just the curse of MoTW type series.
Manga is 40% through
>taking away everything that was interesting about him
Shinji is many things. Interesting is not one of them.
Realistically, they should have kept a car with NERV agents at a predetermined pickup point near the school for transportation and tell all the pilots to get there in case of an emergency. It shouldn’t be the pilots’ responsibility to figure out how to get to the HQ in a middle of a lockdown
jeez i guess its stretched a lot?
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why does shinji look like a literal girl in so much official art
Not really imo, but it adapts EoE (equivalent to 4 more episodes) + the main thing is the longer Kaworu arc
He's male Nadia
Always funny
He looks so fucking gay
He looks so fucking straight (+has a harem)
>harem he doesn't get to fuck or really do anything with
Chad move
>(+has a harem)
Of bitches who prefer another man over him? Lol.
>Touji injected white liquid inside Rei
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For two of them he actually broke the spell of another guy
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me when I lie
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>people unironically self-insert as this
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Me when I don't understand the point of the episode literally titled "Sincerely Yours" / "I Need You" or the image of the previous post where Asuka freaks out over seeing Shinji in the same "place" as Kaji in the vision where Arael is forcing her to confront all the feelings she's kept bottled up
Built for BDSM
are the self inserters in the room with us, yume?
Get in the fucking robot.
It's so spot on.
The doll is broken, Gendo should suspect something
What about her?
Is more interesting character in the manga.
You can tell that Sadamoto actually cares about her compared to Anno
Cares? What are you talking about? Rei's character is defined by how it's portrayed. She is "The Rei" because of the events in the show. By making her "cutesy" or "typical anime moeblob" is what made her character so repulsive in the Rebuilds.
Why we like Rei, is because of the events of NGE and EoE. The pain or any other emotion she experienced is the reason we she is Rei Ayanami.
If you take away the "pain" of Rei Ayanami, you can't "feel bad" for her. You can't "feel" the Original Rei Ayanami.
*we know she is
Don't let /m/ hear you say that.

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