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>tfw Goten asks you for help with his Math homework
>get to 2 + 2
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>when Gohan & Goten say they won't tag team Chi-Chi's ass and pussy for the 5th time that week
Yo wasup homie!
Wanna find them dragun bulls or smthin?
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...and his stronger friend, Trunks.
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I wish I could experience the fulfilment of successfully and cleanly changing our HEROES shit-filled diapers.
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>Are you implying that things could take a drastic change during Daima?
Hmm, I'm hoping that Daima is a self contained story, like the old movies.
I don't particularly like what they are doing with the animation.
>What if they aren't avaiable? Or the Namekians refuse to allow the use of them?
I'm sure they're available, the Namekians never use them, and they're always ready to help the Earthlings.
>Yes, but those androids were a part of his blueprints. It's like a gaming console and the controllers needed to play..
>They weren't fighting at that point. Goku saw it as a genuine tournament.
Right, but that gave him an advantage over Gohan.
>You did see all those indredients in the pan, right?
I'm unable to identify any of those ingredients, so I'm going to assume that they're all bugs and dung beetles.
>I'm sure the Dragon could carry out a wish such as that. I mean, he did create underwear out of nowhere..
Hmm, women underwear is nothing compared to that...
>I see. What is different about it?
Pan is eating that character...
>Are you sure? Pic related?
Is she not on the floor?
>Was it a hard floor?
>Chichi owns Goten?
She used to...
>Are you telling me he's above the rules? How is that fair?
Aren't the kaioshins the gods of creation?
>Just ice cream?
>Pan has already studied driving and cooking. See pic related?
She never studied any of those things, also, she should be studying maths.
>..But, that was when they were controlled by Baby. Otherwise they were no threat to her.
So they nerver mistreated her?
>Dolltaki considered the Pan doll to be his favourite item in his collection. He even chose death over having to destroy the Pan doll (as seen in Dragon Ball GT).
Wow, that must mean that he really cared for her.
>Initially, Pan was able to kick General Rilldo with relative ease, but then he increased his power and batted her to the side..
I see... I think General Rilldo was a weakling.
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I like to torture animals.
Post Bejita's wife.
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>I see. So, you admit that Trunks was clearly being horrible to Giru? How come Trunks doesn't get any negative views for doing that?
If Trunks have ever been horrible (like Pan was) to Giru, Giru wouldn't have stayed with him. Don't you agree?
>It seemed that way, but his foot placement was disrespectful...
It may have been disrespectful at first, but Giru never suffered any other disrespectful actions from Goku...
>Nutt seemed to be of sound mind during the whole ordeal..
What ordeal???
>What about Nuova Shenron?
Her too.
>When did that happen?
Before and after the grand space adventure.
>Pan never did any of those things. Everyone has seen how Trunks grabbed Giru's arm and without any mercy or concern for his life..
Trunks never hurt him, the same can't be said about what Pan did to poor Giru.
>They share the same bed? Doesn't that that pretty much confirm it? Even so, we still never got to know more about it..
They never showed any of the characters intimate moments...
>..There are many "Pan plans"...
There are? How many?
I think picrel is enough...
>y-yes........but it will take a long time to reach that far..
That's what makes it special.
>I mean, it felt like Daima was so far away, but now, it's almost here (and those figures will be released soon).
Hmm, how long have you been waiting for that figure?
>And those same rocks will have created every single planet, right?
Maybe, some planets are only made of gas and some of those rocks are of planets that were never formed.
>It's okay when Pan was handling it. Why? Because she was wearing gloves..
I fail to understand how that makes it okay...
>What about Pan?
Yes? What about her?
>Pan was right to be suspicious of them..
>Which one looked like an alien? Baby looked like one, didn't he?
No, he looked more like a senzu bean...
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>I believe that is case. Also, that would explain why those balls are all covered in a blanket of dust.
I'm having a hard time accepting that...
>How did they escape the chefs taste buds? He would've been able to discern between all kinds of flavours..
The chef never tasted anything made by that staff, he had no idea of what they were doing.
>I agree, but the staff were still able to deliver everything to the costumers, even if they didn't like it..
That's true....
>Are you saying that Roshi was pretending to not know anything?
No, it's just strange that someone as old as Roshi doesn't know anything about the dragon balls.
>To be honest, I completely agree with you on that. Maybe it should've been mostly about the space adventure, but there's nothing wrong with Baby, Super 17 or even the Shadow Dragons.
There's a lot wrong with Baby, Super 17 and the Shadow Dragons, these characters made the series worse, the 64 DBGT episodes should have been about finding the black star Dragon Balls, Dr. Myuu should have never been a thing, making the series about the saiyans again was a bad move, that being said, they could have done the Tsufurus differently, instead of bringing back Dr. Myuu again, they should have introduced a character that confronted Goku about the bad things the saiyans did, it should have been in the end of the series and ended up in way where we could see things from the Tsufurian point of view.
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Gohan? A sissy BITCH who gets DOMMED by every woman in the series.
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What's this shit new meme? What kind of retarded anti-logic could even be considered to call the fucking turtle stronger?
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>when you get to creampie Future Bulma after one-shotting the worthless Future Trunks as Base Gotenks
Goku FACIALED and BUKKAKE'D on the room of DOGFART and CUM.
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Good lord, imagine Caulifla pressing her stinky ass against your face.
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Bulma's fertile pussy? Leave it to us.
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>when Future Bulma swallows your nut
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>no Beerus
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Thanks for the read Panfriend
>when Gigi and Bejita have sex and reach their climax upon your defeated (4-0) body
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Our heroes grow up so fast...
SSJobber3 is worthless and I hope she finds that out the hard way after she gets raped from powering down and can't even get Kale to settle for her anymore.
>getting dommed by Caulifla & Kale
This is a bad thing?
SSJ3 is the reason Goku didn't die to Fat Buu and Kid Buu, retard.
GODten never said this.
True. He's a man of action, not words.
He kidnaps stray cats and tortures them for fun.
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>one piss
Opinion? Discarded.
CHADgetaGODS....we INSPIRE manlets not to become TRANNIES....
Daima's marketing team jobbed to Shueisha and Iyoku.
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That's right Kakarot I've finally done it. I've finally surpassed you. Behold a power only given to the Prince of all Saiyans. This is Super Saiyan Poopy. Not only does my power level far surpass yours but my stench is just as potent. We are no longer equals Kakarot you lack the shit and strength to challenge a true Saiyan Poopylord like me.
Goten and Trunks BROKE you.
Astolfo confidently says he's a man and it drives trannies insane.
>goten posting
How long will Daima even go on for?
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>if you post a kid it means you are attracted to him
Seems like you're the pedo here, since your mind automatically goes to pedophilia when you see Kid [insert any saiyan] posted.

Take your own advice and suck-start a shotgun, pedophile.
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Fusion fodder that jobbed to a retard.
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Me? I thow babies into blenders while i'm babysitting them and then tell the parents they should of taken better care of their child.
They look like they love Rei and Liltotto.
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We know, Future SHITnksfag.
When FORGOTTENtenks claims that he's relevant and strong. Kek!
I jobbed HARD.
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I don’t partake in this faggotry
We know, JOBly.
>NO Daima panel at SDCC
Stupid TienrusBITCH.
We know, Chi Chi.
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>I don’t partake in this faggotry
And yet goku fucks you every time...

...not to mention Freeza.
NulyCHADLORDKINGBASEDCHAD btw. Holy fuck I love Nuly, he's my favorite character.
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Hey guys, how's DB Multiverse this days? Did they finish the main story? Did Son Bra won the tournament? She was my favorite.
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>when Piccolo is in a 500 km radius of you
You can't even convince me that Daima is even close to being finished.
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Say it to my face
Anonymous, Anonymous and Anonymous.
>60 seconds apart
>+2 seconds to click send
>I saw it happen with Piccolo
Stay away from 13, Tiensister.
>TienrusBITCH outs himself
Too easy.
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In the end they both fuck with each other.
He just is.
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Nobody likes this ugly creepy fuck.
me anonymous and anonymous
We only like Nuly here.
Nuly is the best.
Nuly is the greatest.
And we all love him!

No one cares about Piccolo.
No one cares about Tien.
The sight of them makes me sick.
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Everyone likes CHADccolo.
...during opposite day.
CHADten bro here. We love piccolo and we love BBC.
Finally an honest post around here.
I don't like this pedo.
You mean that meta Cooler fag? I wouldn't have even thought about it but I do recall him saying himself that he'd switch to a new character to avatarfag as sometime.
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Future Bulma.
Two horny hybrids.

Do the math.
How long until you start RTH, RTHly?
Start talking about Bleach already.
>Bulma watches her gay son have sex with his boyfriend
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Me, myself and I. BOOM BITCH
>they couldn't actually name 3
Gigi would tank a hakai.
I’ll have you know I started posting TWO weeks ago.
CHADgon Ball Soulslike when?
Bejita already has Giselle and Goku would want Liltotto. Who gets Meninas, Candice, and Bambietta?
Bejitard is a permanently angry and balding jobber.
CHADstolfo is a beautiful, strong, honorable and noble paladin of Charlemagne.
>Who gets [...] Bambietta
Africa has an army?
Do you guys like yuri?
What Dragon Ball character are you?
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ok tienbro
Two Tienbros? What do we do?
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>one-shots King Piccolo with a punch
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Androids? Won.
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>Watching moe is bad even though it helps me cope with being bullied every single day and living in my mom's basement
lol.... lmao even. Anons...
Is 9S the Krillin of video game original characters?
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True also I love rape.
...roll out the red carpet and show them the way in.
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You mean because he's a manlet who watches the girl that he loves get fucked by BBC?
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On it.
Your worthless father is rotting underground.
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I don't think he was hiding it
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Why are DBfags so retarded?
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Kek he literally has his foot in her face.
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>no B
>no S
Apologize immediately.
Spy vs. Spy > Goku vs. Bejita
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>believing they ever left
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How is there still no Dragon Ball edit of this?
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>Link leading to CP
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An edit isn't needed because our hero did it first.
Fun fact: All 3 characters in this pic had sex with each other.
Holy FUARK... My HERO is THE shining beacon of HOPE that PIERCES through the darkness...
Daima is going to job to the presidentials so hard.
>a country with a population of 38 million people holding it's own against a country of 144 million "people" is somehow not embarrassing for the bigger country
Stupid Russhit.
>Marron is a KEK
Just like her father.
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SSJ3 is the best form by a long shot and its a tragedy that it's become the dedicated jobber form. Its honestly the strongest looking form for saiyans because of the eyebrowless look.
Based Tienbro being a humble cuck and giving his queen to Piccolo.
This is an official illustration made by akira toriyama
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>Transexual faggotry
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Based and true.
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HBOCris is padding their Aqua HBOC folder like Eris pads her chest. Funny.
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you will NOT disrespect cute transgirls!
Shouldn't you be fucking Pan right now, Uub?
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>not a bulge
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I've been driven insane with homolust. It's over. Sissyza won.
...igi is having sex with Bejita AGAIN.
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>PoliticalSHIT and moeSHIT.
The halls have fallen...
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Does Bejita have unlimited stamina?
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>gay porn and pro-russia post deleted at the same time
Really makes you think.
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..upward into godhood.
....A lifetime pass to breathing in my farts directly from my chocolate starfish
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It would appear that these halls once again require my intervention.
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I take a shit for 15 minutes and I come back to intense homosexual lusting in the halls...
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What a despicable action
I spy moeshit in the den of gents.
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As do I.
>no punctuation
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Almost as despicable as padding ones breasts, no?
>that bulge
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My LEGION... WAKE UP. We have work to do.
Diet Gon and killua
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You want us to post more moeGOLD? I got you, fellow CHADrenscholar.
>anti-Toyo thread
>gay porn everywhere
Buy the manga.
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...AND burgers TO CONSUME.
I don't see any porn.
>Buy the manga.
I buy copies of the manga every day.
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It's time to save these Dragon Halls.
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What's your favorite mahou shojo?
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Astolfo Black? Would have successfully and effortlessly executed the zero mortals plan.
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>Astolfo Black
No but his fans are. Begone, SLIME.
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Shut the FUARK up.

>SHITly went to hell for attacking CHADstolfo
>CHADly went to hell to make FAGstrolfo suffer more
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>pads out of nowhere
but enough about what aqua probably does with her intelligence stat on her adventure card
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I find it funny how games often have a what-if scenario where Zamasu or Goku Black betray the other.
It's the same damn person.
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So this is a Super Saiyan God...
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Happy 78th birthday to Toshio Furukawa, the voice of Piccolo.
Dumb girls are cute. Liars who pad their chest are not.
In to the trash bin.
>Voices a bunch of other jobbers
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>78 years old
Are they not allowed to retire? Nozawa is 87 years old.
The implications and innuendo here is pointless as #16 is a fully mechanical android; he lacks genitals.
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He comes up and asks for a fight, what do you do?
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>Hmm, I'm hoping that Daima is a self contained story, like the old movies.
What if it ends up being the very thing that links Super with the EoZ thereafter?
>I don't particularly like what they are doing with the animation.
It's very similar to Super, but I feel it appears to look much better.
>I'm sure they're available, the Namekians never use them, and they're always ready to help the Earthlings.
Initially, Earth was pretty much an unknown place to them, and Kuririn and Gohan were met with suspiction from the Namekians..
>Right, but that gave him an advantage over Gohan.
I did.
>I'm unable to identify any of those ingredients, so I'm going to assume that they're all bugs and dung beetles.
What? How can you just automatically make that assumption?
>Hmm, women underwear is nothing compared to that...
That's another thing, how did Shenlong know what a pair of underwear looks like?
>Pan is eating that character...
>Is she not on the floor?
She is, but GT never showed anything more than her just sitting there and calmly watching TV.
Uncomfortable, right? I can't stand it..
>She used to...
Since when did Goku hand over the keys to Goten?
>Aren't the kaioshins the gods of creation?
That depends on which series you are referring to?
What else?
>She never studied any of those things, also, she should be studying maths.
Pic related? That is definitive evidence of someone who had previously learnt to drive.
>So they nerver mistreated her?
>Wow, that must mean that he really cared for her.
Some people really care a lot about their watch collections. Dolltaki probably saw his dolls in the same way..
>I see... I think General Rilldo was a weakling.
Based on?
>If Trunks have ever been horrible (like Pan was) to Giru, Giru wouldn't have stayed with him. Don't you agree?
I kind of agree with that. However, Giru also had no fears being in Pan's presence..

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JirenDAMN I need him to crush my head with those thighs.
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Continuation of part one..

>It may have been disrespectful at first, but Giru never suffered any other disrespectful actions from Goku...
Hmm........Goku also smacked him over the head in episode 16..
They were all electrocuted at the same time...
>What ordeal???
Pan plight? She was trying to survive during that fight..
>Her too.
>Before and after the grand space adventure.
Eh........specifically when?
>Trunks never hurt him, the same can't be said about what Pan did to poor Giru.
Hmm........see pic related? Trunks obviously has some kind of anger issues. Besides, Pan had a reason to be suspicious of Giru's behaviour, whereas Trunks had no excuse whatsoever..
>They never showed any of the characters intimate moments...
I've never thought about that, but you are correct. Still, it's a shame that we never got to see it..
>There are? How many?
There are at least nine Pan plans...
>I think picrel is enough...
Pan was just sitting there in a serene manner. Goten was the one with the problem..
>That's what makes it special.
Eh.........but that's like, 14 years away..
>Hmm, how long have you been waiting for that figure?
That depends. Which one are you referring to?
>Maybe, some planets are only made of gas and some of those rocks are of planets that were never formed.
Right, but don't they all come from the same source?
>I fail to understand how that makes it okay...
I mean, Trunks was seen wearing gloves, but they didn't seem like the type to protect hands from hazardous things. Pan's gloves seem to be made of a leather mixture, whereas Trunks is probably just suede..
What was that apple even made out of? Did you see how energetic Giru became after eating it?
>Yes? What about her?
Pan was also performing a Kamahameha..
Because they made her feel worthless and had no value towards the cause of heroism.
>No, he looked more like a senzu bean...
Baby? I always thought he looked like a pile of clay...

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Continuation of part two..

>I'm having a hard time accepting that...
Explain why? It's completely plausible..
>The chef never tasted anything made by that staff, he had no idea of what they were doing.
But, they chef must've sampled some of the meals they had planned for the menu? The chef clearly stated that he gave advice based on the samples he was sent.
>That's true....
I mean, not everyone liked the chef's previous menu, infact, some of the customers even refused to acknowledge its existence and deems it as "optional". Personally, I think those people are crazy to even consider the notion..
>No, it's just strange that someone as old as Roshi doesn't know anything about the dragon balls.
If Roshi knew about how those balls worked, then why did he willingly had it over?
>There's a lot wrong with Baby, Super 17 and the Shadow Dragons, these characters made the series worse, the 64 DBGT episodes should have been about finding the black star Dragon Balls,
I mean, we did more or less get this, but (for me) it wasn't long enough and I believe the space adventure would've eventuallly captivated the audience.
>Dr. Myuu should have never been a thing, making the series about the saiyans again was a bad move, that being said, they could have done the Tsufurus differently, instead of bringing back Dr. Myuu again, they should have introduced a character that confronted Goku about the bad things the saiyans did, it should have been in the end of the series and ended up in way where we could see things from the Tsufurian point of view.
I supposed you would need to see it from their perspective. Those saiyans were an aggressive race, which cannot be reasoned with and without mercy, genocided the Tsfurian people.
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Made for daddy Piccolo's BGC.
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So you'd lose to the strongest...
More in line with God form. You are tinkering well with it. Refrain from posting more, however, that's enough.
Piccolo is a muslim, therefore, I dislike him.
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But I love him...
You are free to love him. In your own folders...
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>I will blaze a path forward, a honorable path, and the dragon ball fans only need to walk in the path i have made. the demons found in these clyde v Seth revelations will have no place in OUR Dragon Ball community. no more racism, hatred, or hazardous behavior, lets end the tears
Ask Gigi.
Flat girls and those embarrassed enough to pad them allegedly? The cutest.
Liars are not cute.
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Dinner time!
Dragon Ball Super.
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Mind? Broken.
Goku and Bejita.
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...jobbed to everyone except a Saibaman and I considered a joke in these halls.
Gohan, Chi-Chi, Goten, Videl, Pan, and Mr. Satan, and Buu.
....is non canon.
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Where is the lie?
Trunks, Bulma, Bra, Tights, Dr. Briefs, and Panchy.
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Kiss Gigi
>Are they not allowed to retire?
They can, but the nips love voicing their characters. Goku is basically Nozawa's alter ego.
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I remember Nozawa saying she wanted to voice Goku until the day she died.
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Punch Gigi
> ...jobbed to everyone except a Saibaman and I considered a joke in these halls.
>and I considered
Dragon Ball Chou.
Holy tank.....
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Goku is amazing at Math and geometry
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Bejita's score? 100
SHITccolo killed the thread.

>this is the person Toriyama chose to succeed Goku, even though he already had two sons
Did Toriyama have brain damage towards the end of the manga or something?
Many are saying this.
>padded and still small
Daily fucking reminder Tien's third eye is actually his conjoined twin.
Didn't ask, Eris still is the cutest.
>didn't deny it
So you admit it.
This. THIS.
File deleted.
Sorry detective, I'm a one device guy!

No lies detected.
SASUGA MIA SAMA for not getting banned!
Gotta go fast
Piccolo's movie flopped because he is a shit character not because of Super.
>Piccolohomos are obsessed with Bejita's ass
>Gigihomos are obsessed with Bejita's cock
We're DaimaGODS, doe.
Ugly shit character btw.
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>Bejita's score? 0
>Kakarot, you're number ONE and I'm not a warrior
Yup, yup.
Old CGI Miku is so fucking ugly. No idea how she ever became popular before they upgraded her visuals.
How does one get as mindbroken as the anti-Piccolofag?
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>ListBITCH making more people post moeshit
Kek, what a counter-intuitive dumbass
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That's the point, dumb retard.
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Venti will never be banned.
Venti will never be a tranny.
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Xion warped you
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>Fiona's not banned
This means there's still a chance she could kiss my husband.
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>cirno is banned
>but not reimu
Beautiful amazing character btw
>the anti-Piccolofag won't teach me his schizophrenic ways
I will never be a true schizo...
Cope, venti lost.

Disgusting aids ridden faggot character.
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What does G stand for?
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>moeshitter RTH
>no u
Kek. All you have.
>draw a woman
>give it a bulge

>*throws acid in her face*

Lol cope, no sane person likes tranny characters or gayshit impact.
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Yup, they're all here.
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What about this? :3
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Hot bulge.
Should I use this tool to make Jiren into a femboy? Or can you do that for me?
Don't throw acid in her face! That's mean!!!
PiccloDAMN i want to suck it so badly.....
Based Tienbro.
No tranny faggot 'fem'boy, aidsboy, disgusting trap looks like this btw.
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Calm down, Tienbro. Start posting Tien again to relax.
>*gouges her eyes out with a rusty spoon*
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The fuck
Still no proof that anyone likes this diseased faggot. Cope.
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Stop being so insane.
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My heart belongs to Femboyly but I would love to see you make a Jiren!
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Pokesluts won.
We can't, Korinbro.
TRAPly is so cute....
Mouth watering...
Men don't look like this.
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Says who?!
Why does he keep posting venti when everyone hates that thing?
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Yup yup.
I want to lick his Tommy.
speak for yourself.
Since when did guys have child bearing hips?
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>Why does he keep posting venti when everyone [headcanon]
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For a while now!
Kys faggot. You have aids.
How many AIbros are there now?
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Nobody wants you here nor your chinese spyware tranny characters

No, I was implying that they never did, moron.
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I'm not a Piccolobro.
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Uhmmm but boys have been breedable for a while now!
Houndooms and Hypnos are so lucky...
Taking drunken Nuly home...
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Shounen manga ranked

1. Hunter x Hunter
2. Yu Yu Hakusho
3. Dragon Ball
4. One Piece
5. Naruto
6. One Punch Man
7. Bleach
8. Dragon Ball Super
9. Black Clover
10. Fairy Tail
Nuly feet. Yum.
We love Venti here actually
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Yeah this is garbage. I'll check up on your guys later.
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I'm out too. This thread got so horrible.
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Did my boy Piccolo so greasy.
Nuly should be sitting on my face instead.
Oh sorry honey I meant uhhh KRILLENN!!
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You won't be missed.
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>What if it ends up being the very thing that links Super with the EoZ thereafter?
Daima like Super, are both sequels to the Buu arc, if Daima is going to recognize itself as a Super prequel, that means that it's going to be a very short series.
>It's very similar to Super, but I feel it appears to look much better.
I was referring to how it's going to be animated, I don't really like how the "camera" moves like it's on a swing.
>Initially, Earth was pretty much an unknown place to them, and Kuririn and Gohan were met with suspiction from the Namekians..
I guess they were a bit wary of them, but I think they knew about Earth and Piccolo.
>I did.
No, not you, the senzo bean...
>What? How can you just automatically make that assumption?
Because of Pan's preferences.
>That's another thing, how did Shenlong know what a pair of underwear looks like?
The dragon knows all.
>She is, but GT never showed anything more than her just sitting there and calmly watching TV.
There was literally no reason for her to be there...
>Uncomfortable, right? I can't stand it..
Why not?
She gave birth to him...
>Since when did Goku hand over the keys to Goten?
I would assume that it was when he started to go out?
>That depends on which series you are referring to?
What do you mean?
>What else?
He gave her love?
>Pic related? That is definitive evidence of someone who had previously learnt to drive.
That doesn't mean she learned how to drive...
And to how to read and write.
So... why did you claim they were mean to her?
>Some people really care a lot about their watch collections. Dolltaki probably saw his dolls in the same way..
I think he transformed Pan into a doll because he liked her.
>Based on?
Based on Goku killing him with just one blow.
>I kind of agree with that. However, Giru also had no fears being in Pan's presence..
I'm pretty sure he felt nervous around her.
kek she really said that
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>Hmm........Goku also smacked him over the head in episode 16..
That must have been very lightly...
>They were all electrocuted at the same time...
Who was?
>Pan plight? She was trying to survive during that fight..
Plight??? I don't remember it being that dramatic.
The dragon?
>Eh........specifically when?
Whever she was near of her family...
>Hmm........see pic related? Trunks obviously has some kind of anger issues. Besides, Pan had a reason to be suspicious of Giru's behaviour, whereas Trunks had no excuse whatsoever..
Trunks was under a lot of stress, but he never physically abused anyone (unlike Pan, who used all sorts of physical violence).
>I've never thought about that, but you are correct. Still, it's a shame that we never got to see it..
Huh, see what?
>There are at least nine Pan plans...
Can you enumerate them?
>Pan was just sitting there in a serene manner. Goten was the one with the problem..
Hmm.... If Pan was just sitting there, why was Goten so peeved?
>Eh.........but that's like, 14 years away..
I guess it is.
>That depends. Which one are you referring to?
GT Pan.
>Right, but don't they all come from the same source?
Yes, without a doubt.
>I mean, Trunks was seen wearing gloves, but they didn't seem like the type to protect hands from hazardous things. Pan's gloves seem to be made of a leather mixture, whereas Trunks is probably just suede..
Are you referring to Pan's fingerless gloves?
>What was that apple even made out of? Did you see how energetic Giru became after eating it?
Did I see??? I probably did...
>Pan was also performing a Kamahameha..
Hmm, sure......
>Because they made her feel worthless and had no value towards the cause of heroism.
How were they wrong?
>Baby? I always thought he looked like a pile of clay...
To be honest, I always thought he looked like a garlic clove.
Mid list
the last category please
My precious boywife is so cute.
No one likes you and you both have aids.
18 said this
Goku or Bejita?
Krillin or Tien?
BUNNYly sexo.
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>Explain why? It's completely plausible..
I mean, something as dangerous as the black star Dragon Balls, shouldn't be left unguarded for anyone to use, they should have been destroyed or kept locked in a safe place.
>But, they chef must've sampled some of the meals they had planned for the menu?
No because the chef couldn't cook any more for that restaurant, so he left everything to the staff, cooking and all.
>The chef clearly stated that he gave advice based on the samples he was sent.
He only said that to make the costumers think he was still attached to the restaurant.
>I mean, not everyone liked the chef's previous menu, infact, some of the customers even refused to acknowledge its existence and deems it as "optional". Personally, I think those people are crazy to even consider the notion..
Sure, but you are talking about the new fast food chain, these new restaurants are controlled by the chef's business partners and sponsors, those crazy people, are people who can't appreciate real food.
>If Roshi knew about how those balls worked, then why did he willingly had it over?
He obviously didn't...
>I mean, we did more or less get this, but (for me) it wasn't long enough and I believe the space adventure would've eventuallly captivated the audience.
I think that the whole story should have been only about travelling from planet to planet, searching for the bsdb's, culminating with the confrontation between Goku and a Tsufurian representant.
>I supposed you would need to see it from their perspective. Those saiyans were an aggressive race, which cannot be reasoned with and without mercy, genocided the Tsfurian people.
Yes, and Dr. Myuu was a victim of the saiyans, yet he was still portrayed as a bad guy, the same with Baby, it should have been a different character instead of a rehash of that Plan to eradicate the Saiyans, thing.
Ket, I want to touch you.
HxH is gay pretentious pseudo-intellectual shotacon garbage.
WTF I love HxH now?
Our hero.
Not its not its actually as great as it pretends to be, and the gay shit is pretty sovlful so its not annoying.
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He's so fucking cute...
Daima should be finished already since it's running 20~ episode and they're trying to release it on a very tight schedule given the 40th anniversary of Dragon Ball is this year, 2024. Also, Daima was intended to be short, especially since they had announced it to be a web series only.
The lack of marketing/promotion makes it feel that it's unfinished, but it should be in post-production with rendering/editing footage, etc being complete.
Toei/Iyoku is probably getting ready to finalize VA roles, OST, and other miscellaneous things like product merchandise.
Cute femboy shota mother(male).
But which one is Bra's father?
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Because little girls are hot as fuark.
>Dragon Ball
What's that?
Dragon Ball is better than YYH
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>These threads have like an evil vibe lately.
Many are saying this.
It's Mr Popo (his genes are very weak)
>Captcha: NTRX8P
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18 WISHES her ass was that PHAT
Was he really?
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Pretty accurate for a wiki.
OroCHADmaru BRED this bitch
Surey not?
Mr. President?
>super chuddimus maximus 3 achieved
You should be on Twitter, you're wasting your powers on the low lives here

A shame what happened to her...
Venti is'nt even a femboy. He doesn't dress up in women's clothes, he just a cute boy.
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So he's just a gay twink?
1. Bastard!!
2. HnK/FotNS
3. Hajime no Ippo
4. City Hunter
5. Kinnikuman
6. Saint Seiya
7. Rurouni Kenshin
8. DB
9. YYH (just because of the Dark Tournament arc btw)
10. Astro Boy
No particular order.
No lies detected.
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How could this happen?
Boys have hips like that.
I think its safe to say these threads are dead. Covid and monkeypox must've killed half the posters.
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NEED to that thing in my mouth.
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>Holy... holy SHIT... is that... is that KEKLIN/ANROID 18 BBC NTR FANFICTION... is that FEMALE NULY??? this is the most EVIL satanic shit I have EVER seen...
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That's lame. Faggots are at their best when they wear frilly clothes and behave like women.
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The absolute state of DB threads.
Which of Bardock's wives do we prefer?
Post RATruto.
I want to rape him.
>when you cum but Gigi keeps sucking
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He's literally built for my cock.
The ones that aren't boring dogshit from Super.
That's a Gokubro alright.
That looks like the average Vegita and Super fan alright.
The fandom died with Toriyama. That's why there's a lot less traffic jams in Mexico now.
I there's a mosquito in South America that does that to people.
A Kikoho like the one Tenshinhan used on Cell would have completely annihilated Piccolo after fusing with Kami. In fact, that alone could have defeated the Androids.
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Makima smells.
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Why is Vegeta's wife so old and saggy?
...of Saiyan cum
Gohan's cum to be specific.
I thought that was in Pakistan?
Finally, Goku can kiss Chichi
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Skill issue
I'm white. I don't read. If I see a nigger in a post I just assume it's a bad message.
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He's still out there somewhere
He might even be in this very thread...
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>Gokek's wife can't even tank being decapitated
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>Toei: Mr. Akira, fans of our series have been protesting because of Vegeta's total lack of contribution in all major fights! They say they're tired of the so-called "Goku-Show"!
>CHADiyama: *raughs* That isu because I designed SHITjitaANIMARU to always JOBBU and be numba 3!
>Toei: B-but... but please Mr. Akira! Our ratings have gone down the drain!
>CHADiyama: Yare yare da... I guess you could make SHITjitaANIMARU claim a win in an off-screenu dueru..
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Better question, why does Vegeta let Goku spend so much time with his wife?
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Goku is such a great dad. Bejita must be so proud
He most certainly is.
>Gohan getting him drunk so he won't annoy him and Chi-Chi when they start mating like animals later that night
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What a wholesome family.
>States the canon truth to assert GoBVLLS supremacy
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Uhh Shitgeta bros? Why is Trunks looking at Goku like that?
>She allowed him to grope her and didn't stop him
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In other news, Super Trannies BTFO
Me and femboyly.
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Trunks is just admiring his father's eating skills. Nothing wrong with that.
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Never kissed his wife
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>Kakarot, thank you for sleeping with my wife and giving us children. The saiyan bloodline shall remain strong now.
Rations for a dog.
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Vegeta-sama even needs Muten Roshi's help?
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Cuteness never dies!
I want to grope Nuly's ass...
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As long as it's Teen Gohan then it's all good.
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VegeKEKs? Are you still there?
Why is EVERY thread like this? Do you faggots have nothing to talk about? Must you resort to cuckposting? Bloody hell
>Trunks getting Vegeta drunk so he won't annoy him and Bulma when they start mating like animals later that night
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We moeCHADS are the last bastion against the cuckshit menace.
The Bejitabro Anthem >>268845730
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There's a good reason why the Dragon Ball fandom is so hated.
Blame Super and Tori for making Gocuck canon and ruining the franchise.
>Bloody hell
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Cry harder Cuckgeta.
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We can talk about the cutest DB characters...
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>Calling the fans of the character you hate a bunch of cucks is bad because...???
Bongbro... its been AWAYS like this...
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Based Jiren poster.
This slut is just asking for it.
good lord that shoulder is MASSIVE
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>Gohan getting Vegeta drunk so he won't annoy him and Bulma when they start mating like animals later that night
ftfy for max lore-friendliness
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Bejita bros I...
Why is Omniman sitting next to Goku?
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So this is how the internet dies. Not with a bang, but with cuckposting.

Super was a mistake.
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Why didn't bejita save her?
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What'd I miss this time?
broly was too strong for him
The pirate colony is dead
Go back there, they need you.
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You missed my boywife!
Piccolo? More like picCULO
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Daily reminder that if Goku went berserk and decided to rape bulma Bejita would not be able to do ANYTHING.
SHITccolo killed thread.
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>gokublack image
Thats a weird looking Bulma.
Daily reminder that if Gohan went BEAST and decided to rape bulma Bejita would not be able to do ANYTHING.
Wait a minute, you're Implying it wouldn't be consensual. Bulma would ride anything that came out of Goku's nutsack.
Whats he so happy about?
Bulma wants his cummies in her pussy
PEDOccolo lost.
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Faggot artist btw.
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Vegeta was the og Omnimanlet

I know that's why I posted it.
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>Bulma's boyfriend
I know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
>undefeated against Goten
At least 1-0 (purportedly with multiple "showdown" wins with no losses).
Grandpa Gohan....

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