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Come witness a story of courage and trust. A tale of honor among men and the strength of their bonds. A saga that depicts the inner strength and wisdom of the tenacious underdog. A righteous message to stay strong against adversity and to never ever give up on your ideals. A manga where all of Japan's virgins start dying suddenly.

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Chapter 1 >>268807786
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Never trust those innocent types
12 thousand dollars isn't that much money considering that the sex would be lifesaving.
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I blame inflation.
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I like how she appears this early in the manga
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smells like cuckshit
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oh FUCK yes. this was such a fun manga. i miss it dearly.
That's amazing, in some way
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actual spoilers: it's 100% pure love with no NTR, and i mean that.
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It really is. I think a lot of people dropped it in the early chapters because being a virgin hit them a little too close to home so I'm glad that there's a daily now.
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This is unironically the horrific reality that men live in
it seems like too obvious of a setup for a love interest to be like "let's lose it to each other, mc-kun!" and then she gets fucked by an ntrchad
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I dropped it halfway because I was losing interest but apparently it picks up again so I will take you guys word for it.
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Gotta admit it came VERY close to it though
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She was right, but that was rude.
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What a bitch
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She cute.
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>tfw no older MMA coworker gf
That's all for today folks! Tune in tomorrow for the next chapter, same Virgin Time(-ish), same Virgin Chan(nel).

Let's break the ice: Why are you still a virgin? Alternatively, how picky are you when it comes to poontang?
Thanks, OP
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>gay arc incoming
Thanks OP
I don't connect well with people. Not to sound like I'm bragging or anything, but I'm a pretty good looking guy and I have no problems talking to anyone, I just struggle to form deep connections and I refuse to have any sort of casual relationship. I'm a true love kind of guy
They could just fuck each other in the arse. Still better than having mommysex.
She's a really kind mom... Brings a tear to my eye.
>Why are you still a virgin?
I don't talk to people.
>Alternatively, how picky are you when it comes to poontang?
Sex would be fun but I can live without it.

You have to answer your own questions too, OP.
thanks for the dump OP, looking forward to rereading this great series.
>why are you still a virgin
because i'm a homo in a place where that's not particularly safe to be. and also i wouldn't let someone touch my body if i wasn't head over heels for him.
>Why are you still a virgin?
“Creepy, stalker, ect” introvert autist boilerplate shit
‘Tism missed a signal from my HS oneitis, feels bad
Turned someone down because she was 15 and I was 18
Social anxiety to the point of becoming nonverbal in the middle of asking a girl out
Now I don’t know any girls or anyone who knows any girls
Went bald
>how picky are you when it comes to poontang?
Ignored interest from two girls because they were brown
Does the manga ever clarifies that gay sex "counts" or not
how do they check? what stops someone from just lying?
>Turned someone down because she was 15 and I was 18
Did the whole "you die if you,'re a virgin over 18 years" fly over your head?
they're not like going around killing virgins. virgins are just mysteriously dying the minute they turn 18
>why are you a virgin
>Why are you still a virgin?
I've been isolated from others for basically my entire life due to my circumstances.
I really like this manga. It might appear to be stupid, but it is really funny. The people who complain about it are taking it too seriously. Ingoku Danchi is like that too.
I'm a weirdo with no friends and social life at all. I basically talk only with the people inside my head and sometimes my mother. After adolescence I never met a women who interested me and I prefer to stay alone rather than get involved with people who I believe to not have anything positive to add. It is statistically impossible for me to have a partner and I'm not going to a hooker.
I was rejected by every girl I tried to start a relationship with, I think it's something with me that women really don't like (they hate it).
A long story short, a girl that took the same route as me every morning( I was going to the bus stop and she was going to a high school in front of the stop), change her route to one 3 times longer when she realizes i took the same route as her on the same time as her.
Even if i wanted to assault a girl, why would I assault a girl at 7:30 in the morning, near a crowded bus stop and with people everywhere leaving for work?
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>You have to answer your own questions too, OP.
Well I'm still one for pretty much the same reason, I don't talk much to other people besides my few friends (none of which are girls), and in terms of pickiness I'd be fine with a girl as long as she isn't particularly fat or ugly also I care about a girl's anal virginity more than her normal virginity to be honest.
>The people who complain about it are taking it too seriously
To be fair, it presents itself almost 100% seriously and doesn't become a raunchy sex comedy/battle/adventure manga until a bit later.
Absolutely not. From the way it is presented, it is a dark comedy manga since the very start. The author understood the bullshit he was writing.
Why are you using today's rate instead of the one from when it was released and factoring in inflation.
>why are you a virgin
I don't really know. I guess I don't come off well. There've been a good number of girls I've asked out, you'd think it would have worked out at some point. I didn't think I had a bad personality.

It's probably just a numbers game, though. I don't meet many girls to begin with, and the kinds of girls I like don't go out much either. And even if they do go out they've got a bunch of weird sexual hangups, poly, asexual, only after sex, aromantic, whatever. I like their personalities and interests but the way they do relationships is just strange to me.
Don't take it personally. Western society has a lot of interaction anxiety problems right now. This is a world where people are deathly afraid of having a stranger strike up a conversation with them on a long bus ride, it only gets worse when they start considering sex.

In my opinion it's the fault of the sluts. Sluts and mansluts are supposed to go out and find virgins and bring them into the world of sex so they can relax about it. Instead they just fuck around their own increasingly incestuous circles.
Had the same problem. She found out I was getting off at her stop, which was slightly later than needed, so she told everybody she possibly could that I was stalking her and following her home. Bitch, that stop was the fucking super mall with a train station! You took the train for like 3 more stations! I lived alone! I had to buy my own fucking food! There was a free bus that took me home from there! Christ
There was this one time my phone broke and the crappy replacement phone had no line so I had to ask people to borrow a phone. When I just simply approach a lady to ask if I can borrow her phone she acts all scared and runs away.
I hope MMA lady ends up getting gangraped.
This daily's taken off pretty quickly
The seethe during the first 5 chapters was insane.
Thanks, OP.
Virgins are a hot topic.
>The seethe during the first 5 chapters was insane.
I remember lol. They're the ones that ironically could get something from this manga's message.
I'm autistic. I've had women show interest in me, but I only realize it when it's too late. Right now, I'm in a situation where I rarely get to talk to women outside of my family, so it's hard. The odd thing is that when I do get to talk to women, their social skills are worse than mine. Women can seriously just coast on their looks without ever needing to be good at conversations.
>be me
>end up at pro-palestine rally while biking around town
>see cute girl there by herself
>ask her if the rallies happen on a regular basis
>she ignores me, even though I'm right in front of her
If I was the kind of person to hurt women, ignoring me would be the worst way of keeping yourself safe.
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>hitting on girls at a political rally
it got close for 1 chapter and then became a nothingburger
if it really did happen this manga would've gotten axed since literally the same thing happened to another one after baiiting it for like 140ish chapters
My friends told the same thing + "You are a guy, we never know".
It is what it is. Is just a "funny" story now. But really, I think there's something wrong with me, not physically, something fundamentally.
The last girl I tried to ask out on a date said yes, and then canceled( "maybe other time") and never even looked at me again. After that i simply got feed up, and decided to focus totally on getting a good job and buying a house, and ignoring any romance.
What happens after felt like a bit of an asspull since she backtracked on her statement
i dont remember exactly how that shakes out but people do sometimes say things in the heat of the moment and regret it later.
He stands up for one of the other virgins who were 2 seconds ago larping as a chad and bulling the virgins until he got exposed and she found it heroic enough to change her mind
something else about she liked the way he used to be in the past i think, it was a bit of an asspull after saying he would've been better off dead imo
The real question should be how do virgins feel about losing their virginity to girls who may have varying degrees of previous ex-partners
that's fair, but still, put yourself in the shoes of a high school girl who kinda likes someone and then he suddenly shows up in the middle of the night and goes "LEMME FUCK YA" yknow?
I mean i do understand where she's coming from a little bit but he also was trying his hardest to show that it was more than that
Funniest part was she used the two decades old expired condom and then two years later they show her with their baby
>I am literally going to fucking die
>but what about my feelings >:(
fucking kek. true to life
if i was gonna die unless you let me fuck your ass, would you let me bro :(
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>But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
Yeah my poopy asshole getting ripped apart is the same thing as average intercourse. Why, what’s the most you’d do to save a life?
Does anyone here have their powers yet?
Cant they just have sex with each other?
OP do you plan to include the fake trump tweet pages in some of the later chapters or are they too cringe?
I'm not
A little
No I probably won't, I'll just post tl notes I think are important.
You imposter!
The note with the sex chair thing is important. I wouldn't have understood how it worked without that note
Thank you for posting.
>can save the life of the guy you like by doing something most couples do
What a bitch. I take back what I said last thread, worst girl
>>can save the life of the guy you like by doing something most couples do
They're not a couple.
And I didn't say they were. But she likes him, and therefore would like to be a couple with him, which would eventually entail having sex.
Yes it's moving things farther along schedule than she would otherwise like, yes it's not as romantic, but it would save his life
What bothers me isn't even that she refused but that she got offended and treated him like trash over it when the guy is going to fucking die.
them's good pickings
thanks, OP. I wouldn't say I'm picky for poontang, but I have no confidence in phyiscal approaches. Dating apps go nowhere and I've told myself to stop spending on escorts
is she not a virgin? if she was it'd just make sense to do it with him
Went ahead and binge read in like 2 hours. Pretty decent, though I can see why some anon are worried it clashed with current event.

Strong point is probably throwing in new characters and they somehow make the plot more crazier but still good.
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Why paying that much when you could pirate sex for free, tho.
>pirate sex for free
This is the weirdest euphemism for rape, I've ever heard.
lol what's this from?
Pirates usually have rape so it's not weird. Try "special romantic operation"
The title alone must be drawing a lot of anons.
Thanks OP
Such unbelievable amount of rizz, fr fr
Honestly I thought this was genius satire and didn't really get the hate. Not even south park at its best could do this premise and topic this funnily. nah jk that's probably not true. still though it's at least as well written satire as medium south park
Thanks for the read, OP
Sitting under a pile of all the usual reasons, but the biggest one is that prostitution is still illegal. With my luck, hiring an escort would either lead to going to jail, or them saying "no thanks" due to being an escort instead of a whore, and not being able to get a refund for paying for the Super Deluxe Dick Melt Package due to either "it was for time spent, not services" or "call the cops then :^)"
I think that's Orc-kun from Dungeon Childhood Friend.
oh my god she comes back
>bitch actually likes the MC
>MC hurriedly asks her to have sex with him because he actually likes her back and he wants to lose his card to someone he cares about despite his life literally being in danger if he doesn't do it with someone
>slut shuts him down because she thinks he should be a good japanese boy (ascetic monk) despite knowing his life is in danger
Let me guess, I'm supposed to empathize with her because she's a woman and it's the right thing to do.
he's got like 4 months before he dies, he could at least try dating her first during that time.
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>not having sex is a literal death sentence
>dude panics and asks for sex
>girl tells him to go die instead
>somehow still find a way to empathize with the girl
you'll learn.
>Why are you still a virgin?
I am ugly, fat, mentally ill and have an awful personality plus i refuse to sin and have sex before marriage. Sometimes I think that it's all a gift from above that prevents me from sinning in worse ways
>i love you lets date each other
>4 months later
>hey can we have sex?
>sorry i think we should see other people
>roll credits
>why won’t people let me steal their phones?
This has nothing to do with girls retard
The strange thing is, I think losing your virginity really does change you. It sort of...I don't know, takes away from the mystique of women, I guess. It lets you see them as more down-to-earth, something you can do.
I dated three girls in college for varying periods of time, and slept with two. Not all of it was satisfying, but it changed my perception of myself a lot.
This is smarter than people are giving it credit for. Most of it isn't going to resonate unless you've experienced or are otherwise aware of just how bad virgin shaming is in Japan. Yeah, the shaming happens just about everywhere around the world, but Japs are fucking ruthless about it. Honest dudes who don't want to whore around to get "experience" and would rather not treat sex as a recreational experience are in danger of becoming woman-hating wrecks because of how much snide vitriol is thrown around socially. And women who would otherwise be okay with virgins are indoctrinated into seeing all of them as subhuman and being afraid of interacting with them because they have no idea how to take the lead. Most Japs are deathly afraid of social uncertainty and will sacrifice being a decent person to stay socially comfortable, whether that involves hating virgins or convincing themselves that they're okay with hating all women. It's just a horrible situation all around and it's hard to place sole blame anywhere.
It's not over.
>Let's break the ice: Why are you still a virgin?
I'm gay in a country where making that obvious would probably mean me getting murdered. So no dice.
So what's supposed to be the message of this garbage?
That men and even little boys are worthless if they aren't proper cum dispensing dildo sex slaves for their female masters and females only specifically?
I was literally hoping the MC would be chad enough to say that he'd rather die than defile himself with that femcel piece of shit but the author being the cunt licking white knight that he is, makes the MC worship her instead.
It's just the author shitposting
Why does everything need a message
Its to make (you) seethe and reveal yourself as an incel-chud.
Isn't shitposting supposed to be funny? Also, why should they only let themselves be used by roasts? Why can't they fuck other boys?
I'm not letting you fuck me, femcel freak. Only creepy femcels and their cunt lickers find any value in this trash.
Yeah, I'm still one. I've always been a shut-in and don't have any interest in relationships. Sex isn't something I see the point in going out of my way for.
It's got a bunch of messages in it throughout
But the main (intended) message is that it's okay to be a virgin
It isn't true and doesn't actually work but whatever

The real message is that all women (except your mom) are evil and would happily watch the male virgin population die without a care and that as a virgin you're subhuman to AT LEAST half the people on earth.
It actually does a pretty good job of showing how absurd the sexual power imbalance and how quickly men even on 4chan will run to empathize with a woman who would sooner allow a man to fucking die than allow him to get anything even slightly self-indulgent from sex.
if you don't find it funny then you should stop reading
Thank you for posting.
Can't do that with some random girl. Had actually interested in just two girls in my entire life. First rejected me, second was into me but hated guys who into videogames so I didn't bother. I just don't feel anything for most women outside of body reactions. Forced myself into dating just to get experience and to check if I just far too picky, didn't go anywhere. So I'm here now.
It wouldn't work. Because if you're a virgin then only reason why you do that is because you don't want to die. But my experience tells me that there will be few girls in every class or school that will take your virginity without problems if you ask nicely.
isn't raping a prostitute just some form of thief?
Mom of virgin sons should make an association where they swap sons and have sex with them. It'd be a less awkward solution.
rape (self-defense)
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Thank you for these first two chapters. Virgin brotherhood is brotherhood in its purest form. I wanted to read this manga for a long time now.
>Why are you still a virgin?
The main reason for most people, me included, is that usually they don't socialize much and/or are not good at it so they lower their chance of losing their virginity early.
what do you mean it isn't true?
It's perfectly okay to be a virgin
Thanks OP
I am an aloof person, the exact kind of autist that ends up here. It takes me a lot of effort and time to get comfortable with people to the point we can become friends. And I'm afraid of sharing my honest thoughts on many things so a relationship seems like something that wouldn't work out unless i lose that fear.
When i was younger i had a few girls show interest but i was too dumb to realize.
I'm also not going to look for prostitutes ever, even though they are legal here. Part of it is pride, and fear of incurable diseases that i had since i was a kid.
Right now it does seem to be glorifying being a simp.
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Chapter 3: RAMPAGE
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Does Eiri have a dad? Is he just fine with this arrangement?
If you were a father, would you let your wife fuck your son to save his life?
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The grandma looks terrifying.
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Lucky guy. She looks cute.
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this is triggering me too much
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So either Granny's still bleeding or she has some STDs
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Yeah of course I would how is that even a question
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>men start dying en masse
>"but what about women?"
Oh okay, I get the reason for the name of the manga now.
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It should have been me.
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Just like in real life.
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So, it's just how male virginity is seen in Japan but in very exaggerated way. I'm right that this disease only exist in Japan?
No shit. Dude is going to die tomorrow. Of course he's that desperate. Lack of sex will literally kill him in less than 24 hours.
Entire manga summed up in 2 sentences.
And it seems men can't even fuck each other to help each other. They must have their bodies defiled by subhuman roasts who want to exploit them.
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>you just want me for my body…
>you just want me because you’re going to die…
This manga does a good job of using comedic hyperbole to point out how retarded it is for women to expect men to convincingly lie about their intention behind sex to protect female ego, like there has to be some grand poetic meaning behind everything to do with women.
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This guy's mom should just have sex with him.
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>tfw no serious boring glasses gf
That's all for today folks! Tune in tomorrow for the next chapter, same Virgin Time(-ish), same Virgin Chan(nel).

Let's break the ice: Do you have a rubber? Could you provide for a baby?
>Do you have a rubber?
>Could you provide for a baby?
I can't even provide for myself lol

You have to answer your own questions too, OP.
>You have to answer your own questions too, OP.
No and no respectively. I don't answer my questions in the same post with the last chapter page for presentation's sake but I'll answer in a separate reply if requested.
I'll be prying for your answers every time, OP.
I highly doubt it's using "comedic hyperbole".
The author seems to genuinely believe this. He's a white knight piece of shit.
If this was a parody, he'd have Kurumi brutally reject the femcel who told him to die by saying he'd rather die over letting her fuck him later on but he instead starts worshipping her.
>Do you have a rubber?
My parents started leaving packs of rubbers in the bathroom for me when I was around 16 or 17 but I've never used them.
>Could you provide for a baby?
God forgive, I'm a lazy NEET...
Couldn't the government pay for public use whores?
Even if they were ugly as sin at least they could say they were doing something.
This is basically what happens later on.
The government kidnaps those boys and has them raped by whores.
The author is fucking disgusting.
There should be a few easy-going girls who'll be like "we can't just let our classmates die because of something as dumb as virginity" and solve this problem in few days. At least at scale of one class or school. Because there are always girls who will sleep with everybody who ask.
> Do you have a rubber?
> Could you provide for a baby?
Yes, no problem there, have two.
I think characters inside of the story still have to take things seriosly. Insane shit happened and now it shows who people actually are. Then suddenly shit stops happening and everybody start looking around in a very awkward ways.
It's kind of interesting how all those peoiple are going to live if diesase won't stop. Like every man is born as a virgin and boys will be forced to have sex no matter what before their 18th birthday. And that's on top of everything else.
Thanks OP
No, and no, right now. But I would eventually like children
Of course this was said by the woman that looks like that.
Just hit up the nearest hospital and say that you have the "virginal sickness", show your ID so they know that you're about to die and ask for the "vaginal treatment" from a nurse.
They can't legally refuse performing a treatment if it can heal an illness from which you're about to die.
Please use the spoiler function, young boy.
>Insane shit happened and now it shows who people actually are.
The things you do when I put a gun to your head and tell you that I’m going to kill you isn’t a reflection of who you “really are”
You mean the whores who just increased the price 10,000x to profit off dying men?
That's the idea.
I've been ignored quite a few times like this. I always end up giving them a weird look and going "Hellooooo? I'm talking to you" and usually that's annoying enough for them to respond. Make them feel like the weirdo because they are
Thanks OP.
None. And i have seen people with way less than i have provide for more than two, so i have no excuse not to provide.
I don't remember any mention of his dad
>You mean the whores who just increased the price 10,000x to profit off dying men?
That is private whoring, and if anyone can subsidize bullshit it's a government anyway.
Just wait until you meet the virgin hating femoid and the reason why she hates virgins
Nobody gets ripped off more than the government, the price would be 50,000x by the lowest bidders. Who’s going to pay for that? The demographic that represents taxpayers just started dying by a factor of millions.
Thanks, OP.
>Do you have a rubber?
>Could you provide for a baby?
I'm jobless thanks to my mental illness and personality
>Do you have a rubber?
Surely I will be surprised by sex after all these years right bros
>Could you provide for a baby?
Jobless disabled niggers have like 17 children between 4 similarly worthless fathers. It’s current year, anyone can “provide” for a baby. But yes I make a decent bit above average, not that it improves my life in any way
I always thought this was dumb
He was just going on about his grades and prospects so I don't think he had intention of becoming a NEET...

It's not that big a deal, moms will just fuck their sons when theyre toddlers.
What a gay
>I always thought this was dumb
It's supposed to be. It's exaggerated commentary on how women see virgins as losers who won't be able to provide as adults. Notice how she doesn't extend the same criticism to her obvious shitbag boyfriend in the coming chapters. Boring girls who get a taste of popularity can be absolutely horrid.
Incest is immoral
I've read ahead a bit. It's an intereting way to show what happen if you had sex when you aren't ready to have it with person that you don't want to do it.
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>hey you’re like literally gonna die if you don’t have sex in four months, this is non negotiable, if you are still a virgin a few months from now you will not survive
>ummmm no I’m gonna wait for my heckin true love yeah I just saw my friend die painfully in front of my eyes a few days ago along with millions of other virgins and I know the risk of death but I’m not going to do anything because uhhhh
Are we supposed to sympathize with the protagonist at all? Is he unironically retarded or just suicidal? I get that if he immediately went to a prostitute or something the story would end, but the actions of him and his friend are so illogical and lacking in survival instinct they seem almost inhuman
It's called romance, anon. It's beyond cold logic, and it's the driving force of every great story since Sumeria
>or so I've heard
Brilliant idea Anon.
>killing yourself for no reason is romance
Ah yes instantly dying at 18 because you didn’t have sex in highschool, the ancient struggle of the Sumerians
hai, shikishima desu
so how does the pull-out game work with the disease?
thanks, OP. Yes and yes.
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Ok anon, tell us where would you go from there?
What is the logical course of action?
I assume you're safe as soon as you sink in. The real question is whether 'just the tip' works or not
>he immediately went to a prostitute or something the story would end
Read at least 10~20 chapters anon...
Isn't that the whole point of storytime threads? It's not JUST supposed to be a place for people who have already read the manga to discuss it in full again.
Just pay for it like this >>268839720 dude is doing, yeah he’s getting ripped off but any amount of money is worth it if it’s your very life at stake.
Spoil me, does it “not count” if you use a hooker or what?
>Spoil me
I'm working from memory, I think you only need to wait 5 chapters or so.

But to answer your question: Supply/Demand and forced prophylaxis
so does that mean mormon "soaking" checks out?
As far as I'm concerned you lose your virginity once penetration occurs. So the penis down to the groin should be inserted. If, say, half the penis is inserted that's a bit of a gray area. The woman can no longer claim virginity but I wonder about the man
it's called having convictions dude.
If i were the protagonist i would just die
What convictions? The “conviction” to kill yourself for no reason?
No, a woman of the house like that has gotta still be fertile
How do you not understand?
Having an ideal or thought that you would rather face death before giving up
Thanks for the read, OP
>Do you have a rubber
>Could you provide for a baby
Probably not, but I'm utterly shameless in asking for and receiving help. Gub'mint can be the real daddy and I'll be the sitter if need be.
And what idea or thought is at play here? It’s not like he has to do something harmful, disgusting, or bad to survive, like “oh I’d rather die than kill and eat someone else to live”, in which case you’d have a point. But no, it’s just having sex. It’s like starving yourself for death for no reason when there’s perfectly good food right next to you.
>And what idea or thought is at play here?
he doesn't want to lose his virginity to a whore but to the girl he likes. Being willing to face death for that is admirable
> It’s like starving yourself for death for no reason when there’s perfectly good food right next to you.
yes, people do that for what they believe
>I’m dying of thirst
>oh no, here, have this water bottle bro
>uh fuck off I only drink distilled artesian spring Icelandic icecap water
Being picky is a belief now?
It's not the same.
he is not being picky but chasing his ideal. I mean the reason he got rejected was because he succumbed to fear and wanted a quick fuck with the girl he saw he had the best chances but only after she rejects him he realizes he acted like a desesperate guy instead of being true to his love
No rubber cause how else can I make babies? And yes I make enough to provide for a baby and my would be wife to stay at home.
Is sex even that good? Normalfags make a big deal about it to the point of looking down on virgins but I have a hard time believing it can be all that good.
>Normalfags make a big deal about it to the point of looking down on virgins but I have a hard time believing it can be all that good.
I think the point is about presumably being attractive or cool enough to score. That's why people make fun of people who pay for ass.
>Is sex even that good?
they say it's amazing. People do a lot of bad stuff for it
>Let's break the ice: Do you have a rubber? Could you provide for a baby?
thanks op.
no and no.
Up until fairly recently, the infant mortality rate was 50% at best. What's widely considered to be one of the worst things that a person could possibly go through was everyday reality, and yet people continued to have babies despite the very real risk that they would endure the same pain once again. That means having sex is at least as good as burying your child is bad.
I dropped this around the resistance part, God the manga fucking sucked
the real blackpill here is that anyone can take footage and put text over it
There is nothing admirable about risking your life over your high-school crush who told you to die.
From pure physical perspective it's not better than fapping, usually worse. Entire point is that you do it with other person who want to do it with you.
Problem is that people put a lot of extra imaginable value into it.
Some men just can't have sex with women they don't actually like. You'll fell really disgusted and/or dick just won't work. Like imagine dream of every /a/non, when girl ask you out just for sex, things are better than you ever dreamed. And then you just can't stay hard. If you see sex as something super important and it's your first time then you'll instantly get a lot of mental problems. Or you'll be really disappointed because you didn't feel anything pleasant and be like "why was I bothered with this disgusting tiresome shit?": You don't want that.
This shit is complicated.
well this is depressing. It really makes me feel not human
So it's slightly better then drinking beer?
>true to his love
Nigga it’s his dumb school crush, he would forget about it a few months after graduating like >>268890040 pointed out.
Even so, It’s not like you’re getting buttraped by some dude (which would still be more than worth it to save your life), it’s like eating a kind of gross meal at worst.
you don't get it man. You would probably let your mom fuck you just to continue to live
Kill yourself nigger.
Not everybody can see it as just a gross meal. This shit is complicated, manga is like "what would happen if we take this very cimplicated thing and force everybody to same standards to show how absurd it is".
Thanks OP. I had one but it's probably expired by now. I could probably provide for a baby but I don't really want a baby. My sister had a baby a few years back and it sucked. Babies are the most annoying and boring things ever. You're just stuck with this barely functional lump watching it repetitively do things to learn while its brain develops, all day, every day.

Give me like, a 10 year old. I like tweens. Mostly independent, still young enough that you can make formative memories with them, you get a good few years until they turn into loser teens, and then they become real people (25-30) before you fucking die. I have a second cousin who's a tween, he's cool.
I rejected every girl who was every into me but one of them got me drunk and that’s why I don’t have wizzard powers :(
Man, the whole premise falls apart really fucking fast, goddamn
What did you expect?
Thanks for the dump OP! It has been cringe but fun read so far.
>Let's break the ice: Do you have a rubber? Could you provide for a baby?
No rubber at hand. I am currently unemployed, coasting of savings from last job, so couldn't provide for a lid either.
Tiny blogpost ahead... I lost my virginity at 25 to a hooker, cause I was too anxious and insecure about it. Sex was alright. As for why I was virgin so long. I am 6/10 on my best day. I am ok at building rapport with people of both sexes, but don't go to places, where you can meet women seeking relationship and when it comes to flirting and picking up signals I am just terrible. There was one time, when I was 18, just one month before end of final year of highschool. Me and 2 of my guy classmates and 2 female classmates were chatting during a break between classes, when suddenly one of the two girls said to me randomly:" Hey anon, there is a test coming up, why don't you come over to my house and help me study? Wink,hahaha!" For a millisecond I thought she invited me for a fuck, but thought to myself surely she wouldn't do it like that in front of other people, so I blurted out something like: " we are both A's students there is no need, hahaha..."
I knew her since elementary school, she had a good personality and was fun to hang around, but was like 6 at her best like me, so I wasn't really attracted to her. I am pretty sure she was a virgin too. Afterwards she never approached me or gave me any signal ever again. Highschool ended and I never met her again and still beating myself up about it till today. Was I too much of a pussy and offer was real or was it just a joke from her side. What do you think anons?
This manga is fun and wacky.
Nice to see this taking off now
probably among my favorite reads, it's undeniably shit but it's so fun
In general it's a bad idea to have sex with somebody you aren't attracted to. Especially if it's first time in that sensitive age. And girls usually are more anxious and insecure than guys.
nah, unironically great
The duality of /a/
This manga is going in really hilarious way.
>one of them got me drunk and that’s why I don’t have wizzard powers :(
I think you got raped.
I've only been in love once in high school but never got the courage to confess. I still regret it 20 years later.

After that, I've never come across a woman that interested me and I developed an extreme fear of physical contact so sex is out of the question.
I'm not but it took me until late 20s. Never had problems with anxiety or fear, no problem talking to people, but really introverted and with niche nerdy interests. Those few girls I was interested in rejected me. No hard feelings, can't force it anyway. Tried to date time to time for years just in case if I meet somebody nice, never "clicked". In the end lost it with some weeb girl, we just talked about ecchi anime and similar stuff for few hours. I found her interesting and invited to my place. It was nice but nothing special. She didn't want to date and nothing happened after that.
You never finished it?
Is this supposed to be allegorical to real life virgins that are too obsessed with their virgin status and become really creepy towards women?

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