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he said the thing!
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Is there any justification why this panservice was removed in the anime?
the breasts talked!
Spoile me.
Did he pass the test or not?
Actual reason or schizo ramblings?
Double paizuri...
Does he ever fuck the black elf in the original?
Lots of 10/10 oppai this episode.
this is DBZ, it's completely DBZ.
i don't think this anime is would be that based.
too many old man anime this season. i am starting to mix up the parry one and this one
>Too many
You might be an old man yourself, anon
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This definitely has the OP of the season.
Correction has been received.
Will she ever decide to fulfill the condition she agreed to?
Noor isn't even in his 30's
I love this show so fucking much. definitely one of the most underrated this season
jigglebros we're so fucking back
cool another "adaptation" to skip
>schizo ramblings?
Do you really need to ask?
Man they really drew this fight out far too much, at least it showed a little bit of his training in between.
>This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!
He didn't say anything wrong regarding this show yet.
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Compare with picrel
>Noooo stop noticing things, pancensorship isn't real!
How does the boot taste like
If he lives by supremacy of power he should simply accept that MC is his better. Shame there's so few characters that hold their principles even when it stops being convenient.
This, he's never wrong.
>moefangs pierce first
the artist knew his shit
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Just seeing her smile at the end was worth it.
she hungry
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What a (cute) monster.
Her confidence in his abilities and verbalizing it to reassure him is nice to see.
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Love this smug boomer
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This ordinary middle aged commoner E-rank...

Anyway, I guess he's no longer oblivious to his own strength. But that also makes me wonder were the story will even go now.
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Fulfilling his dream and hopefully making the hot dark elf maid his wife.
If I like flashy fightan shows, would this show be for me?
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how can the elf even compete
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Despite the split/spreading her legs wide, we're 100% certain they aren't flashing any panservice
Alicet is CUTE I tell you! CUTE!
After watching the first two episodes and reading through the manga, I'm pretty excited for this show. Mostly because the lolipire is really cute, but Rick is also a great character.
his stats will pierce the heavens
Censorship aside, almost everyone will agree 1:1 panel adaptions just aren't that great in anime, if only due to the animation required to get from A to B.
Also possibly a "don't want to make you like this character yet" thing, idk the story I'm animeonly.
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I can't believe this is actually an isekai...
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when will we get an episode about her?
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If only she flashed her other pan (not food)
>inb4 skill issue, would eat pantsu like imosae
>1:1 panel adaptions just aren't that great in anime
As long as they don't remove the important parts
They can also choose to add anime original panservice where appropriate and nobody would complain, image for reference.
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sadly the retardo in the other old man anime stays retarded for ever
I don't think the manga ever goes too deep into her backstory or anything. However, she is a very active member of the party. So we will see plenty of her this season.
the breasts replied!
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cute hungry lolipire
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some translations (close to the translation)

The Legend of Yamato
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as the english translation

Nature Composed Magic
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The inner ring spells S U M M O N.
The outer ring is a different translation of the spell incantation used in the anime into English, I think.

shivering forest
shrieking woods
tragic large tree
pathetic sprout
lie prostrate before universe
I will command
under contract
It's so hard to take this show seriously with how dense and retarded everyone seems to act. This episode was embarrassing with how Raster kept screaming shit like "Late starting old man, counter by chance, you're obviously weak and pathetic, I'm a gifted genius" while not a SINGLE one of his attacks worked. The whole noble sibling trio are all drooling idiots and seeing them act like raging cocksleeves with an attitude refusing to acknowledge Rick's power and Rick refusing to shut them up is painful and boring. The MC is not interesting enough nor is the 'fight' where he just stood there and got insulted for 16 minutes. As an ojisan I don't see how this schlock is inspiring in the slightest, like what the takeaway here is "Do what you want despite preconceived notions, and be a humble wallflower because you WILL be ridiculed extensively for 80% of each week's runtime even though you could permanently cripple 99.9% of the planet without breaking a sweat."

Please tell me Rick's cured of this "I'm so weak" bullshit now that we've seen the conviction of his dream be pissed on for a full 2 episodes. He said that he must be stronger than he thought after the fight but you never know, this feels like the kind of anime where the MC just tanks pure vitriol for most an episode before winning in a single hit.
Yes, Rick very quickly realizes just how strong he is, but he does try to hold back from just annihilating his opponent, so dunno if that will bother you.
This fight against Raster in particular just pissed me off a lot because the 3 nobles were so exceedingly weak and irrelevant yet the majority of the runtime is them just begging to be ripped from limb to limb yet our humble Rick doesn't do that. I get crippling Raster would be kind of psychotic and I'm just mad that such worthless characters took up so much screentime. Rick should have just pinned Raster to the ground and refused to move, let the howling inbreed tire himself screaming "I'M A GENIUS A SAVANT YOU'RE A WORTHLESS OLD MAN LATE START". If anime aren't going to cripple these ridiculous caricatures then I'd love to see them psychologically broken so they shut the fuck up.
i put the anger bait parts on speedup. not dropping because i'm still interested enough where this can go now that he has the bare minimum of self awareness.
>It's so hard to take this show seriously
bro... you're not supposed to take it seriously
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why did they make him to be so retarded?
does this trope continue throughout the season?
North-san seems a little too unrealistically delusional, like he still actually believed in his own hype. Should at least show cracks in his confidence along the way.
Season will probably end at the conclusion of the tournament, so that will be pretty cool to see animated.
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Because this is a light novel adaptation and I'm tired of reminding people.
She's a fucking vampire you dip.
If the design is pretty much lifted from the manga that's not an argument. You can play that card in Roshidere but not here.
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I think this is supposed to be Rick's literal very first outing into the outside world after being gaslight for 2 years about him being weak as shit. Suppose that does change, the writing probably won't turn super stealthily smart or anything.
I for one will continue watching for the maid.
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Vampire child sex.
what pisses ME off about autist retards like yourself is
that you write a 5 page essay about shit you haven't even begun to understand AND don't know what a fucking paragraph is!

the whole fucking POINT of the show is that old man IS literally a monster himself
who LITERALLY GOT KILLED countless of times during training

the arrogant brats are arrogant for a reason,
Not just the designs, the panels are also a 1:1 copy of the manga, with the exception of changing panties to spats.
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Why does /a/ have so many speedwatchers nowadays?
He literally already said in this very episode that he realized he isn't weak like he thought.
Even if doesn't completely go away right away, you can at least obviously see it won't be ep1 and 2 over and over again.
Based vampire girl lovers. Know that we knight girl lovers respect your patrician taste.
Based, you watching "I Parry Everything?" It has a pretty good knight girl in it.
Yes, though I prefer the princess in that show.
Disregarding speedwatchers, Japan loves writing completely oblivious/dense main characters that never fucking learn, despite mounting evidence over the course of the story. As such, it makes sense that some people might be reluctant to believe the MC won't be a dumbass going forward (regarding his confidence, anyway).
I'm not too worried myself after he finally saw how strong he is, but you never fucking know how idiotic the writers will be.
>What pisses me off

>Is when people don't use leddit spacing!!!!

>And man are they autistic.....

>When they use words to be critical of shit writing!!!!!

>Good thing I can just downvote them and be protected from realizing how shit my analytical skills are

>I mean the point of this schlock is he's strong but doesn't know!!!!!

>That's why when he gets hit by le strongest attack and feels nothing everyone involved shouldn't question anything!!!!

>That's the point, the author is an idiot so every character in the story is an idiot too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>If the design is pretty much lifted from the manga that's not an argument
LN story, manga designs. Have you seen how hideous the ln art is?
Next arc is good, he also gets a really good opportunity to go all out in it. So that will be fun.
I absolutely agree, and it pisses me off as well.
But in this case I haven't seen something to suggest that is gonna be the case (yet).
>f rank adventurer from the final town where everyone is sss rank even the grandma's
>haha this is just what anyone can do
>i'm just your normal f rank
>everyone in my home town is capable of at least this much
It doesn't happen, he will completely smarten up in the next episode or two when he one-shots a dragon.
They still kept the LN designs, but the manga art is better
at least in this one they tell you his teachers were gaslighting him
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the face of someone who messed with the wrong boomer
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>1 minute into the show
Ok worst anime of the sea-
>1 minute and 10 seconds into the show
Very interesting, seems promising, will keep watching.
Yes, the "PLOT".
This show certainly has some massive plots of land.
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Это мой батон ..верни...
Is this guy from tensei kizoku (aired previous season) ?
I want to marry Alicet
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just picked this up

so this is basically Kenichi + Chilling in my 30s?
>not a burger
It is almost 1am, go to sleep.
So if I get this right, MC only has a low MP bar but maxed out every other stat? Seems about right, MP is always the less important stat.
Yeah, pretty much.
Funnily enough it seems to work in the same way as Mushoku, though I think the age limit there is lower.
Kinda weird that you apparently can't do anything about it though even though they can kill and ressurect someone as a form of training.
>MC actually died during training.. several times
>so he has a good excuse for acting like a pussy
>MC got gaslighted into thinking that he was still weak
>so he has a good excuse for underestimating himself

I like this
W-What would it look like if the camera was on a lower angle...
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no, it's just the norm for most adaptations these days
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so is the vampire loli actually 10 years old or is she like 1000 actually?
It's not ever stated, at least in the manga. I never read the LN, but she is likely not super old.
If each one of the four party mates mastered a domain, and Rick mastered 3/4, is he now the most powerful one of the party? Or is he their jack of all trades guy.
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They aren't really doing the anime any justice given how they pancensored so much
This thread is too slow, where are the ojisan anons?

Even Chilling in my 30s had more active threads
I've been here, my love of the lolipire has kept me active
>46KB .webm
>with those dimensions
For what purpose?
I'm an ojisan watching my ojisan bro.
That said the thread is slow because the show is slow so far. It could have been much better paced. First episode was fine, 2+3 should have been in one.
Panfags don't deserve to be pandered too
Nope, manga story too. Haven't you seen how they lift panels straight from the manga?
Funky anime, but when is MC plapping his
>big tits elf
>big tits receptionist
>child vampire
Is this the only show with boob jiggle this season?
Now that you mention it... I think you're right. The only other show that should've had some boob jiggles (Mob kara) censored the oppai loli so no boobs to jiggle.
Maybe Megami Cafe will have some later this season.
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How are you both forgetting Elf-san? Or are you not counting softcore porn.
I wanted to forget it.
I always forget about this show
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But it's fun and stupid and boobs. Don't tell me you skipped on Futoku no Guild, too.
Don't compare quality content like Futoku to Hentai level shit.
the absolute state of anime
Futoku was amazing.
Elf is fat fetishism, and thus disgusting.
I doubt anyone would go through being killed multiple times like this MC did.
> is he now the most powerful one of the party?
they showed him all beat up by his senpais in the first episode, so I guess not
I don't mind "fat fetishism" if it's done like the manga, the art is amazing. The anime is just... not good.
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Is this show for real? Can I still get my elf maid mommy gf even after the age of 30?
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Heroes are the best when they're almost retarded.
yes but you have to chop logs with you bare hands while their falling towards you from a waterfall
yes, but you'll have to die several times
>you'll have to die
how do I sign up?
her teaching me how to do that is part of the elf maid mommy gf package deal though, is it not?
Not watching this until someone tell me which one is the true uncensored version, I'll just wait for the BDs like with Mahoako.
Wait, is the SubsPlease release not fully uncensored? Am I missing out on more boobs?
Tower of God surprisingly had a brief one on last episode.
Nah it's most certainly uncensored, I doubt the AnimeFesta release will have anything more.
Based off the manga no one has fought with no reservations/handicaps so far so at the moment we can only assume they're all around equal standing in strength, with Rick being potentially strongest when using a skill that makes up for his deficient mana supply.
I can't believe someone else watched chilling in my 30s.
I think Cafe Terrace has boob jiggle
we had a decent amount watching it
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holy shit that is fucking hot, is it fan art? or official?
Given the artstyle it seems official
does she start following the MC around at some point or what? why is she given so much attention?
He ends up running into her a bunch, and even trains her a bit.
I thought she was gonna end up as the designated loser heroine.
No, it is a circled 5.
There is one in the shoulder piece as well and a 0 in the shield and background.
She kind of is, at one point He and Reanette go to a secluded village, where she shows up and Rick laments that he can't spend any alone time with Reanette.
Is this good art with bad style or bad art with good style?
it's okay in technique and might have some soul for some jrpg anons
idk, I think it looks hideous.
She's the designated pantsu fanservice character.
neither her or the elf/dwarf mongrel got fleshed out as characters in the manga so far

is it just me or did they increased the titty fanservice from the source material to make up for the removed panservice?
good compromise if you ask me
I will now watch your anime
Anyone know if the LN is translated? Doesn't seem to be, but still wanted to check.
I wonder if ossancore will continue getting anime. There's at least new hotness backwater swordmaster that could be up for consideration.
If they aren't and you still want to read them, start learning Japanese and read the WNs with a dictionary.
Yeah, I'll probably do that
well Sasaki's second cour is coming
fuck man out of all the ossancore mentioned ITT that is easily the one I care the least for
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>you can still make it if you are over 30 bro, just die a bunch a times
>backwater swordmaster
just finished reading through that, pretty good. I enjoyed it. Lucy, the magic commander girl is really cute, definitely favorite girl.
>Sasaki but not Salad Bowl
Fuck this unfair world
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I hope they don't cheap out this part of the manga, it was pure unadulterated kino. Very rare to see a MC honoring his teammates efforts.
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>I wonder if ossancore will continue getting anime.
Ossancore is very rare, just a few kino manga are released now and then.
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I like this one too translation is dead unfortunately
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>Is this show for real? Can I still get my elf maid mommy gf even after the age of 30?
And train until you get this body fat percentage.
Mangaka seems to have fun with the single pages.
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More based mangaka single pages.
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Not "ossan" core since he look in his 20s even after 15 fucking years.
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More like Dad core, some are entertaining tho.
cute daughters, they need protecting!
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Don't be ashamed of being old anons, just be a cool ossan, a daughter magnet.
oh right, that aired in winter
Ossancore is going to get more and more popular, because the people watching these shows nowadays are entering their 30s and 40s
These look nice. Love a good dad story.
don't say 40 the MC will cry
sh-shut up
I'm only 33!
japs are not making kids to replace the current viewership either
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Manga is pretty comfy but so slow, some chapters took months to be released, if you like S rank musume I think the novel is a better option.
I'll add one more since is cute, we need more ojiisan/ossan manga.
He's not retarded, he's traumatized by the brutal training and how strong his party is. It goes away eventually when he realizes he's actually strong, shortly after he Fights his team mate in a tournament and comes close to winning.
I added that one to my list just the other day, funny enough. Can't remember where I saw it, though. How could I say no to a cover that cute?
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Was I the only one that thought this guy was cool as fuck?
that's Wilhelm
I was gonna say budget Walter but he looks more like the ReZero guy.
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He didn't do anything, though, outside of being the only person so far to actually deduce an S-rank's power level before looking like a complete dumbass and getting absolutely bodied.
There have been cooler old guy combat butlers before him, so he's pretty low on the totem pole for me.
I just think he looked cool with the dual curved swords, that's all
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Sh-She's fast!
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>How could I say no to a cover that cute?
Could you?
Stop making me want to fuck the orc.
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MC reasons to be a moralfag are reasonable this time.
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Old veteran butlers are based as fuck.
That ones shit due to the author pussing out of the "incest" route and making his love interest a musclebound cunt that constantly shits on the daughters for "ruining" mc's life while mc just says "haha that's just how she is girls".
A very common trait with nip authors it seems. It feels like every story I read from the Japanese do this. They have a cool premise, and an enjoyable story at the start but always at some point they fuck everything up and just turn it into pure shit.
Unfortunate then, I'll probably drop it after she is introduced.
Or just rage quit over a single nu comment.
unless you're behind she's already been introduced. It's that cunt regina.
I have a soft spot for badass grandpas.
I just started the manga like an hour ago. So I will keep an eye out.
I mean I've been reading Japanese stories for many years, and they always tend to deviate from their original premise, or introduce some absolutely retarded plot point that completely destroys what they built up to that point.
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more uoooooh.
God damn do I love this cute little lolipire.
Only brats that need rape impregnation more than Angelica are Furry Wrestler Maou and D&D Munchkin Dwarf
>no panties
when did modern anime become homosexual?
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I'm sorry, who?
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Manga sure has better fanservice.
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It was pretty mediocre desu, the other one with mercenary Kazuma too (combatants will be dispatched or something i think).
Konosuba was lightining in a bottle.
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Are you sure?
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It is about his daughters telling him he could still chase his dreams so the heart is there.
so what now?
he's an adventurer but I'm assuming he's not ready to starting the big monster yet
He is literally S class in all but name.
But in truth, they will start searching for the six gems that will unseal Kaiser.
>train until you get this body fat percentage
Finishing up my summer cut so not far off. I'd need to roid to get that FFMI though
I feel like there's surely better uses for a world-class shock absorber
best spam poster /a/ has ever had.
fuck pantsu removal.
I love blonde twin-tails!
the op is great
i can't help it but imagine tartaglia everytime he speaks
can someone please edit out her blue sweatshirt and show her boobies?
such a fuckable ass
good lord
>eating garlic-based foods
she must be microdosing to build up an immunity to holy magicks.
>there are people who unironically support pantsuschizo's spam

It's just vamp propaganda to lower your guard.

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