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>Naruto finally comes home
>Hinata is on a mission (at home), she's been trying for weeks
>Another day, another attempt
>She at last decides to be straight forward and pushes him onto the bed
>It's happening-ttebayo
>They're in the middle of "it"
>Out of nowhere she starts thinking of that Uchigger son of a bitch like 4th Shinobi War Flashbacks
>”SASUKEEEEEEEE” she thinks
>She gets angry
>But also Angry = More Horny
>She milks Naruto almost to death
>Kurama has to lend him some chakra just to keep him alive
>That’s how their only child, Himawari, is born
All because she had an intrusive thought about Uchiggers.
Based Hatenata
shit meme is shit
Seethe bort
Abortion is illegal in the Land of Fire.
Then why are you complaining if you're not a bort undercover?
Not a bort. I just think your meme sucks.
Wasn't it based on "Naruto" the whirl in ocean?
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
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Canon pic btw
deleted manga chapter
stop slandering
jazznata is not like that
It is
no it's not
>Naruto, Tokushima
I'm genuinely fascinated by what Hinata's canonical opinion was when the Konoha 11 decided they had to kill Sasuke. She would have wanted what was best for Naruto, but I have no idea what that would be in this case.
On one hand, I'm sure she'd want to protect Naruto, and him dying fighting Sasuke was a real possibility, on the other hand, she'd know Naruto well enough to know Sasuke dying would affect him tremendously for life, and even if she was acting purely selfishly, she'd still know her being involved would make him never forgive her. So what would she pick?
Who's this shadowy figure tenten is fighting?
Poison him and let him die of "natural causes"
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Forgot pic
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>master are childhood friend turned lovers
>their students follow the same path
Spoilers today !?!?
Naruto ended in 2014 bro
She'll kill him. He's a threat to konoha and for naruto he'll be fine with time.
Kill Sasuke ofc, he's just traitor scum.
Additionally she would take his eyes before he dies.
What's her next move?
Kishimoto didn't show her opinion on the subject because her blindly wanting Sasuke redeemed because Naruto wants it would look silly because she barely even knows Sasuke, but having her disagree would show she doesn't understand Naruto's wavelength.
truest words ever spoken
making sakura set up home next to her so sasuke doesn't come to visit naruto
Hinata and maybe Ino and Temari are saints in this shitshow of a manga.
Well if he survived he'd be married to tsunade for sure
But tsunade is a death magnet
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play stupid games win stupid prizes.
dosu wanted to kill the sand jinchuriki just so he could fight sauce.
at a time when the sound and sand were teaming up.
he deserved to die for somehow acting more retarded than gaara did in schizo mode.
Sometimes a person can hold an opinion of "idk". Or even "idc".
Tsunade would never move on from Dan, this is final.
This reeks of fanfiction. She quite literally only cares about Raikage and the story makes it clear as day. But sure, Raikage-sama will save your thread from being dead Hinata-chan
I think you're both right. Hinata wouldn't want to kill anyone, but would also not know Sasuke enough she'd speak up in his defense. Abstaining is the most obvious answer.
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Wait for it.
Naruto weirdly didn't interact with Hinata at all right after the confession. He doesn't seem to have any thoughts on Hinata at all until Neji's death, then they are holding hands. I don't know what Kishimoro was thinking.
Kishimoto wasn't good at romance and also didn't want to address it because he didn't want Naruto and Hinata in a relationship until they were 18.
Naruto is a gateway anime of the best kind. It's a good series, a cohesive vision of story and characterization that is very well done by all aspects, and which attempts to capitalize on its strengths by adding in parallels and visual storytelling. The normal anon can enjoy its themes which appeal to most for being universal. It isn't perfect but its good moments outweigh its flaws.

Not only that but this series serves as a breeding ground for passionate fans of all kinds - artists, analysts, cosplayers, kids and adults alike who engage in fun discussions both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all looking so damn cool, the jutsus, the unique snd memorable character designs, the whole ninja system and world building. Evetything about Naruto brings fans together, while the deep backstories, emphasis on the cycle of hatred, and overall relatability of the series make it fit right in with almost anyone and their sense of trying to find their place in the world. Exactly the kind of themes that invite people to share their experiences and have fun with the series.

Naruto is basically THE anime series that most people got into as kids and it shows by being so beloved here.
Keep sharing your love for Naruto, Anons!
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That was my favorite part of his revival.
>Obito explains how fucked up the Uchiha were
>Danzo talks about how fucked the Uchiha were
>Itachi himself says how fucked up the clan was
>Sasuke: Was my clan really that fucked up?
>Tobirama: Yeah, bitch. I ostracized them on purpose because they fucked up.
did jiraiya have the most well handled death in naruto?
>dies a hero
>passes on knowledge to help beat nagato
>impact of death is felt throughout the series
>tsunade's and naruto's reaction feel realistic
>the popsicle scene
>he actually stays dead
sauce eventually broke the fate placed on him since birth with naruto's help and became a good uchiha, fitting in with that theme. you can choose your own path rather than give into the expectations of others
It's crazy to think that Shisui has only one canon panel to exist in the manga. I would like a manga on him or Kagami and the problems they would face in their clan.
>friend turned lovers
>their students follow the same path
there is interest for more content with shisui.
he came close to getting top place in the narutop poll which would've allowed that to happen. it could happen someday
I only fear that it will be riddled with Kishiretcons or some retarded shit.
doesn't kakashi trying to avoid spoilers for jiraiya's book imply he reads porn for the story?
He does read it for the story.
we need to know the story to these books then.
we need kishi to make an official manga on them
Kishimoto is too conservative to write porn
but i need to know what makes the porn books so good that kakashi reads them for the story!
Maybe ask Kishimoto about it lol
i'm going to ask him in my letter
Based. Ask him to restore Hinata's tits too.
sorry but i don't plan on bringing up anything related to burrito in my letter.
and iirc that's the only place her chest is nerfed, correct?
Instead ask him about her exact bra size.
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Sakura was the best answer out of the multiple choice this time around, but wasn't the correct answer.
Well Sakura never let Naruto make physical contact with her, so I guess not.
You Idiot.
Naruto always loved Hinata he just doesn't realize until the end.
Cmon that's a huge cope. I don't dislike The Last but it's obvious that was written for the movie specifically.
Nope, it was always canon.
No, because 1 Sakura never liked him that way, and 2 Naruto and Hinata were always going to get together. He planned that pairing but not the road that led to it.
>Nardo self-inserter delusions
For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, "It might have been."
these threads really should be banned holy shit it's just shipping and waifu autism ffs kill yourselves
Seethe harder, "manime" faggot.
kill yourself, moetroon
Kill yourself manimefag
go back, moetranny.
Now say it without crying.
guess i have an excuse to post this image again
fucking gay conference is being held in fucking France. Why hold such an important interview with Kishimoto in niggerland? fuck off.
Manime fag is still here lmao
Hello, schizo.
Kill yourself manime retard.
He's not in America tho.
America is like 15% Negro. France is like 70%. It's a waste of time having Kishimoto go to that shithole, it's not like they understand manga anyways. Just come to America or Canada.
weeb website. leave normalfaggot
>America is like 15% Negro. France is like 70
Your math needs a bit of work Canuck.
>or Canada
You're the Chinese-Canadian. Kek.
I'm not Chinese
Why do anons hate Boruto?
Better question for you, piece of shit.
Why do retarded zoomer faggots not mind b*ruto?
Because it's bad, and Shueisha keeps forcing it down everyones throats. Simple as that.
>ugly design
>lame show
>burrito makes everyone around him weaker so he can do something
>10 years of holding naruto ip hostage
>fucking gay conference
>an important interview
pick one
the interview is important no tthe conference
it's a podcast.
if you could rewrite Naruto to pair the dude with any girl of your choice which would you pair him with?
Hinata. There's no other way. NaruHina is canon even in headcanon.
Hinata or maybe the movies, girls, idk.
Kiba instead
sasuke like it should have been
You'd have to re-write the story since Kishimoto wouldn't write girl Sasuke the same. Girl Sasuke would end up like Sakura or Hinata.
the posts doesn't say is kishimoto doing the rewriting, but the user so sasuke stays the same except a girl and now you have the best romance a shonen has ever seen
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No, Sasuke and Naruto are really good together desu...very cute and they're pretty gay anyways *nosebleeds* Sasunaru is still the best even till now anon-chan! ( 〃▽〃) Sasuke and naruto, seme and uke, this is how it should be. Then it would make sense why Naruto is so obsessed desu~
I can't do my hero Sai like that.
She literally says that she'll give him a shot if/when he returns from his mission in Amegakure, which signs him to death given how Tsunade's love life has gone.
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Naruto already has a girl form you retard...and it's laughable you think sasuke girl would be anything good but shit. Naruto self inserters always want that desu. Why make Sasuke fucking awful you braindead baka?? More like the most shitty romance. I rather take narusaku then your garbage. Don't speak again on Naruto-Chan if you know what's good for you...
His final internal monologue amounting to "my life has been one screw up after another, but I'll die having done one thing right. I'm entrusting my efforts and legacy to the next generation and my prized pupil. I'm still a failure, but it wasn't all pointless," and I think it's one of the best-handled moments in the series.
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sauce or gaara.
and let's be real, naruto has way more chemistry with most male characters than any female character.
fight me.
thinking more about a recent conversation i had, it's odd how gaara's "excitement" over blood is completely dropped after the chuunin exams
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Hinata. It doesn't matter how much an irrelevant minority of people seethe about them, Kishimoto was a 100% correct in pairing them. His one mistake was not having them interact more often. The only other woman who understood and supported Naruto on the level Hinata did was Tsunade, but people aren't ready for that conversation.
Pls, dont' post Raikage
Sakura would never fuck Raikage, she loves Sauce more than anything else
Gay shit won't fly in weekly Jump. Especailly not for one of the big stuff
She belongs to Morio, actually.
>she loves Sauce more than anything else
Which can't be said the other way around. Shouldn't have tried to rape him with drugs, pink. Now he belongs to Hanabi.
Wait, kurama was reborn inside Himawari? Or was I fooled by fan shit?
I don't know desu.
Hanabi and Sakura have had the same amount of sex with Sasuke in the last 10 or so years, which is to say none whatsoever.
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Why neji not see Naruto dig hole special eyes
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>which is to say none whatsoever
He turned off his Byakugan. He basically got cocky and was tricked by Naruto.
>Ripped shirt
>Izanagi eye
w-what did she do to him....
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It appears to be the case. The specifics of why he was reborn inside her specifically where left ambiguous, with Kurama himself suggesting multiple possibilities (i.e. Himawari's powerful mixture of Uzumaki and Hyuuga blood, being Naruto's daughter in particular, fate etc), to the point that it sounded like an in-story handwaving.
>wrong because of shitty fanart
Hanabi doesn't even know Sasuke, anon. She doesn't care about him one bit either. She just wants to drink booze and dote on her nephew and niece while fawning about her Neesan.
>shitty fanart
How fucking dare you, filthy bort retard
>Tailed Beasts can permantly die
>Kurama says normally he'd be fine but this time it's different
>He dies
>He comes back despite he and the manga making it clear he was dead because of his chakra/essence being burned away
That manga can't even follow the rules it made up. What was the point.
You're talking about fanfiction. Why are you talking about fanfiction?
>Hanabi doesn't even know Sasuke, anon
The schizo lore shows otherwise THOUGH
>Actually watches bort and acknowledges the character of bort
Fuck off.
/nart/ lore is eternal.
Kek you're right my bad
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they sure don't mind gay baiting
That was Kodachi era. Plans changed. Kurama's death was retconned. He's back now. Don't ask questions.
Neji was reborn inside boruto
Not even Part 1 Neji was such an unlikable worthless piece of shit like that.
holy kek rolmfao
Yep... It explained too much too soon and Fujimoto decided to remove it from the compilations.
Neji was a cunt in before Naruto kicked his shit in
I know what I said. bort is just an irredeemable """""character""""".
in Part 1*
Peak fanfiction
I don't really care about Bort and in fact adult Hanabi's design is one of the few good things about it, but as long as it exists and it remains canon to the Naruto anime at least, how characters are portrayed there matter, and Hanabi doesn't even know Sasukek exists.
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This nigga hasn't slept, eaten or showered in 5 days
>canon to the Naruto anime
>canon to the Naruto anime at least
Lmao kill yourself aBortion.
>she'd know Naruto well enough
yea by this point they've had like 3 conversations so she probably already knows the color of his butthole
>but as long as it exists and it remains canon to the Naruto anime
Did you mean the manga
>>>>canon to the Naruto anime
Of course a bortnigger would be against SasuHana.
Do you think Hinata ever used her Byakugan to just spend an hour looking at everyone's dicks
No, she's not interested. She's Narutosexual.
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>taking shit out of context
He was specifically talking about his chakra transformation affinity (wind enhances fire in Kishimoto's retarded system). By that logic, Hinata has the exact same affinities as Sasuke.
Ok what about hanabi
There's two people that don't belong in that picture.
One starts with b and ends with ort. The other I don't even know the name of, nor do I care for it.
It is, like it or not. The manga is far more contestable.

Nah, kill yourself faggot. Acknowledging the status of a corporate product is completely different from liking it.
are you going to pretend naruto saying "I'm a perfect match for sauce" doesn't sound gay af?
>Acknowledging the status of a *shits himself and screams autistically*
Fuck off aBortion.
You don't recognize Naruto?
>The manga is far more contestable.
The manga is canon. Not the anime.
forgot pic >>268858375
>The manga is canon
No it isn't you stupid faggot.
Naruto fell forward so he didn't have control but what was Sasukes excuse for not turning away and letting Naruto kiss him
Lol what are you smoking retard. The anime has never been canon.
>The anime has never been canon
Neither has the bort manga, ever.
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And yet, Hinata is the female characters that canonically understands Naruto the most. And she could in fact know the color of his butthole if she wanted to, considering her KKGK, but she's to pure for that. So in short, you're wrong about everything.
has naruto ever looked at a girl the way he's looking at gaara in that picture?
We love Boruto and Raikage
>the status of a corporate product
Everyone knows that the Naruto anime isn't canon and that the manga is the only canon. Anime is just the manga plus extra shit.
Gaara should just force sand up people's noses and grind their brains to pulp

Would be easy wins
>tfw you go through naruto fanfic authors you used to read and find nothing new from them or even in their favorites
this decade has been completely fucking empty of anything good
...You know the nose doesn't directly connect to the brain, right?
Who said it has to, tard
yeah, he could easily blind people too by getting sand in their eyes
Well, we don't get anything new that people can build off. Well except for Boruto, but everyone ignores that.
This is a kids series & magazine. NO excessive violence is allowed!
he could force his sand up a different hole then
>muh super special nigger fire that doesn't stop burning until it destroys its target

>everyone just outruns it or even absorbs it
kek, sasucuck is a total loser
T-that wasn't during a battle. Doesn't count!
Get back to twatter, nignog. And no, at least if you aren't a retarded speedreader that completely ignores the context. Kishimoto has had both say and do stuff seemingly far gayer (almost entirely without meaning to) and this is what you bring as evidence?

See what I mean? In this case both were horrorized by the accident and Naruto later explicitly almost barfs just thinking about it, but it at least looks gay without cutting important dialogue first.
Sasuke was traumatized by Naruto and he's afraid of kisses now, that's why he used to tell Sakura he was traveling all the time but still visited the Hokage office weekly without even setting a foot in his house.

Don't worry, Hanabi will cure him.
>The manga is canon.
Let's say it is. It's still almost a completely separate story from the Bort anime, whereas the Bort anime is completely in continuity with the old Naruto anime. That's the difference between the two I'm getting at. Obviously, im discussions where there's contradictions that arise from comparing the manga and the anime, the manga takes precedence because Kishimoto allegedly works on it or at least supervises Ikemoto more closely.
>Kishimoto has had both say and do stuff seemingly far gayer (almost entirely without meaning to) and this is what you bring as evidence?
so you agree there is naruto x sauce gay baiting?
>would make him never forgive her
I doubt Naruto is that kind of guy.
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>It's still almost a completely separate story from the Bort anime,
That's because the Boruto anime made shit up to cope with the weekly nature of the anime. If it was seasonal, none or most of the non manga content wouldn't exist. In Naruto most of the anime lines up with manga since the anime didn't need to wait for content.
D-don't laugh. It ALMOST burned Karin's cloak that one time.
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Meanwhile everyone loves Bee.
The difference between nigger and nigga.
remember when gaara's sand tanked the raikage's lightning kick?
>whereas the Bort anime is completely in continuity with the old Naruto anime.
That's because of Pierrot not wanting to stop the weekly format but since the manga was monthly they were forced to make loads of filler. None of this matters too since Boruto isn't canon at all
you forgot to take jump out of the name field.
just letting you know for future reference
I didn't forget anon.
No. First because neither character is gay in canon, and second because Kishimoto was not trying to bait your faggot/woman ass into thinking otherwise. He's just genuinely clueless.
Whose idea was it to make a weekly anime for a monthly manga?
He was in the same rank as Kurenai.
Pierrot, TV Tokyo or both. They got greedy since Naruto made them loads.
>Kishimoto was not trying to bait your faggot/woman ass into thinking otherwise. He's just genuinely clueless.
clueless about what, anon?
I think Tsunade is hot
The timeline you're showing me just strenghtens my point. There's drastic differences between the Bort anime and manga that aren't just the result of needing filler (like Boruto's jogan, Urashiki's entire character, Sarada's rank status, Sumire's summon etc etc) and are likely caused by conflicting ideas between Kishimoto and the anime's writing staff, whereas said contradictions obviously don't exist between the original Naruto anime and the Bort anime.
About a retard with nothing but cock ob the brain like you mistaking what he has repeatedly stated he intended as filial love between Naruto's & Sasuke for eros.
Is a nignog and nobody cares about him. Case closed.
i'm not the only one who calls naruto and sauce's relationship gay, anon.
and you said they did even gayer stuff than the things i was posting as evidence so you clearly see it too
Ignore him, he's the spamming abortion AKA 1schizofag
>between Kishimoto and the anime's writing staff,
Kodachi was the link between the anime and manga. When he left, communication died out. Ikemoto even said he doesn't pay attention to the manga. Kawaki is the 2nd most important character in Boruto, and he's completely different in both versions.

Bort is hard to follow because bortfags can't agree about what takes precedence. And this only happened because Pierrot did their own thing and then tried to line it up with the manga until diveating again.
you think kishimoto ever said and did the same things nart and sauce did with his friends?
More like nobody likes Ikemoto's version of Boruto and basically veer off in their own direction when being in charge of telling a story for it.
How can Pierrot line up with the manga when barely any content comes out every month and Ikemoto ignores whatever the anime does?
>We've gone almost a full year with at least one active thread up every single day and avoiding absolutely any and all bort discussion
So proud of you /nart/, we're very much ALIVE.
>Raikage mentioned in almost every thread
>i'm not the only one who calls naruto and sauce's relationship gay, anon.
I don't give a fuck. It doesn't matter if it's one or a million, they're still wrong. Each and every single one of you faggots.

>and you said they did even gayer stuff than the things i was posting as evidence so you clearly see it too
No you illiterate fuckwit, I said "seemingly" because there were scenes between them in the manga that friendless sets of holes like you could willingly misinterpret, not because it was deliberately trying to paint either of those characters as homosexual.
Kill yourself 1schizofag.
>Threads either die or take days to reach bump limit.
>Boruto is mentioned every thread either out of spite or complaining about how terrible it is.
You're probably new going on second hand information, so it's okay.
Line up just means adapting the manga the best they can. But they also sometimes mix in filler into it.
It wouldn't be mentioned if we didn't get raided by those bortfags.
what other seemingly gay things did they do than?
also, lmao at your raging
>Threads either die
Never happened, nigger.
Spam is against the rules faggot. Fuck off you disgusting fetishizing mutt.
I don't know and it doesn't matter. Kishimoto says he based the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke (which by the way is garbage and it's written like garbage, I don't know what kind of mentally ill person would ever want to make it even worse by being romantic) in his relationship with his own brother. Many of the over the top crap it's littered with like the murder attempts are obviously all fictional and probably were added to increase dramatic stakes. By his own admission, he even stated once that to many people Naruto & Sasuke act like demented people.
Yeah, whatever you say.
Nothing. It's all in your schizo brain.
Not your boogeyman, retard.
I post less than you and Raikage will forever be on topic as long as Naruto exists
Sure thing bort.
>>Boruto is mentioned every thread either out of spite or complaining about how terrible it is.
Why didn't you mention the fact that they come here to shit up the place.
meant for >>268859309
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What is he doing these days?
>ywn have this
Why did he have to draw it bros....
why is naruto holding Raikage's woman?
Isn't he still at Pierrot. Based animator making shipcucks, seethe.
>Saying the R word
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>I will never that this
>I will never that this
Anon was so lonely he had a stroke as he posted...
kek whoops
You'd think there'd be some ninja with like a long range sniper-like jutsu. That would very useful.
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>Isn't he still at Pierrot.
I don't know. He hadn't done much for Bort even before the anime was canned, and I remember reading somewhere itts that he went independient.

>Based animator making shipcucks, seethe.
That he was. Great taste and one hell of an action animator.
>Be Hyuga
>Can see everything in a 6 gorillion meter radius
>Only offensive Jutsu is close range
Bravo Kishimoto
Guns are for cowards.
t. Kishimoto.
He's right. Just use a sword.
>filled her up with 12 kids
Naruto will save Japan's birthrate.
Could have used fire style or something.
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You can convince me that milf Hinata would be much use as a combatant.
probably only useful as a diversionary tactic long range would be nice but then you need information about what your allies are doing close up
Hinata is by far the strongest female of the original cast.
temari? tsunade?
both irrelevant.
and hinata is relevant?
she's relevant in my heart
Magnitudes more.
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Depends. If she kept the Hamura chakra dhe would be the strongest Kunoichi itw bar none. As it stands, Kishi forgot about that and she'd still be great asset as reckon but that's about it. The thing is though, every enemy right now is so busted in theory that every single jounin and chunin in the village might as well be genin for all the difference they'd make.
*then she would be
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Naruto pls, go back to the irrelevance dimension.
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There are three characters from boruto in that picture, wich one belong according to you?
No one. I'd kill that blonde retard. I'd kill him nice and slow as he bleeds to death along with his emo boyfriend. This way, this trash ass manga might finally have some merit instead of being a play-safe basic bitch manga.
why is Hinata's ass so...FAT
is this the work of a jutsu!???? a secret of the Hyūga clan!?
She's been working out.
understanding is not knowing but I get it, she just does OK?! kek
Could that asspull sword that Itachi had seal a tailed beast? Would it have one shotted Madara? Kaguya?
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Tsunade, Just to see the glorious fandom meltdown from pairing the mc with an hold hag 50 years older
Your hero... Sai?
das rite
imagine the smell...
What has he done to earn that for you?!
Madara was literally scared to face him while he was killing the uchiha clan
>He doesn't know
Her own shadow
Based and canon.
Take this! Ramengan!
That design is from Bort...
BING BING WAHOO by Kishimoto.
Why didn't Kiba impregnate Tamaki?
He's impotent
V Jump Demographics 2023 (vs. 2018)

Primary school (1st - 3rd grade): 6.2% (vs. 20%)
Primary school (4th - 6th grade): 13.2% (vs. 25%)
Junior high school: 8.9% (vs. 24%)
High school: 7.7% (vs. 12%)
Vocational school: 0.7%
College/University: 3.8% (vs. 4%)
Adults: 59.5% (vs. 15%)

Borutofags are narutards?
He's retarded and appeals to homosexuals for some fucking reason.
Also she deserves better than to hang out with the dog clan. Dogs are shit, cats are THE shit.
Kill yourself 1schizofag.
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he was still a psychopath until the end of kohona crush how was it even dropped
Dogs get huge, meanwhile cats
Guess they failed in getting young audience huh?
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Who wants a loud, retarded, giant drooling retard at home
>retarded retard
I know what I said. Dogs are fucking stupid.
The only ones getting young audience are the zoomer nu shonen manga. Naruto and dragon ball to some extent as well.
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>Who wants a giant, overprotective, and loyal animal that can also help you hunt in your ninja missions.?
I sure as hell don't.
To anyone who will give it food, sure.
Fuck you, you catnigger. Dogs>>>>Cats. Dogs are smarter, stronger, friendlier, can get jobs done and are overall less pest spreaders. Kiba just happens to be a fucking faggot.
I'm not that guy. Now you're the 1schizofag.
Dogs can be trained to reject food from strangers and even to identify poison by smell. Cats are too stupid for that.
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>Dogs are smarter
lmao they all have brain damage
LMAO they always bark at me like I'm some sort of threat to national security

Cats are the thinking man's pet.
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It was just a kiss.
It was just a smirk.
It was just an obsession.
It was just a panic attack.
It was just a complete dedication to bringing him back to the village.
It was just Sasuke beating Naruto unconscious and leaning extremely closely over his face in the rain and staring at him deeply.
It was just Naruto marrying a dark haired, non-talkative person with special eyes.
It was just Sasuke marrying a confident, loud, member of his team who was obsessed with him.
>literally posts a schizo afraid of his own shadow who never had sex
Manliest cat owner. This is off topic so I'm just gonna leave this here https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/dog-cat-brains-neurons-intelligence-study-spd#:~:text=Dogs%2C%20it%20turns%20out%2C%20have,be%20about%20twice%20as%20intelligent.

>they bark at me
Have you considered you smell like shit, drugs and piss? Take a shower you hippie.
>It was just Sasuke beating Naruto unconscious and leaning extremely closely over his face in the rain and staring at him deeply.
Is this supposed to be romantic?
>schizo afraid of his own shadow who never had sex
Sounds like the most based man in history to me
No. The resident fujoshit is just mentally ill. (S)he also did just call Sakura ""confident"" so imagine the kind of illiterate retard we're dealing with here.
Who suffered the most? Kakashi or tsunade?
Both get to do whatever they want with Shizune's body
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They were both heavily traumatized to the point neither fully became functional adults, but I think Kakashi getting to travel the world with his best pal seems like a better retirement than poor Tsunade giving off massive cat granny vibes, especially since Kakashi was never that much of a people's person while Tsunade was very family oriented but she never got one of her own. That's why her not spending ant time at all with Naruto and his family even in Bort's filler seems so bizarre to me.
>That's why her not spending ant time at all with Naruto and his family even in Bort's filler seems so bizarre to me
It's made specifically to destroy everything you previously knew and loved.
How likely is it that married ninja use henge cosplay during sex? I'd wager 120%.
>Hinata and maybe Ino and Temari are saints in this shitshow of a manga.
She abuses her child and spouse like a total cunt, and she almost crippled Ten Ten.
Who jobbed the most?
Tenten was asking for it.
By total? Kakashi. By track record? I think Tsunade's is slightly worse.
Reminder that Temari was smiling and waving at a guy who was then instantly crushed by Gaara's sand.
Imagine the smell
And she was very beautiful while doing it.
>Tenten was asking for it.
She didn't say a single word to Temari before the match. The sand cunt just decided to bully poor 10/10 for the sake of it. Too much sand in her vagina I guess. Also, I love how the anime made up their entire fight but still had Temari came out unscathed, not even dust unscathed while the manga at least implied Ten Ten scraped her a couple of times.
Naruto makes sure to keep her happy now, just like he does with Hinata.
She looked at her funny, backbreaking was needed.
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Hinata smells like cinnamon and sunshine (with a tinge of fish cake)
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The smell of cinnamon unironically gives me headaches....
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Then it's like a pesticide for Uchiha rats? Good.
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>That's why her not spending ant time at all with Naruto and his family even in Bort's filler seems so bizarre to me.
tsunade and kakashi don't exist in boruto
Why do you have to bully him so hard Hinata
and trash
They do in the anime.
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It's not enough. Next, she should convince Hanabi to wear cinnamon scented perfume too.
>Next, she should convince Hanabi to wear cinnamon scented perfume too
But she already knew about it so she avoids it like the plague
Most of the old fanfic authors either moved on or literally died.
Boruto fanfiction is such a waste land. It's just some BoruSara shipping or some legacy character shipping and that's it, even though Boruto could benefit from some well-written fanfiction more than Naruto, but I guess you really need interest and passion to do that which Boruto doesn't inspire.
>literally died.
for real? fr fr?
/bort/ died precisely because TBV killed any hope people had for the story.
We couldn't schizo post anymore.
Still funny how /bort/ was still active when there was no manga content for FOUR months.
It doesn't help that Boruto itself ignores loads of stuff from Naruto. It's a small world that isn't even good either.
Wouldn't it be piss easy just put Naruto stuff in Boruto if you wrote about it?
Idk. That's pretty much what Pierrot did with the anime.
To me, they didn't do it enough, but it was better than Ikemoto's zero attempt.
Kodachi and Ikemoto are weird. Boruto felt so disconnected.
Incoming headcanon but:
Anko, provided she was given some more screentime and wasn't raped by Kabuto. Having someone that could relate being used by Orochimaru and help him out in the final mission would have been nice. I just like anko overall and felt she was utterly wasted.
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He got a new figure. It will cost 10,000 Ryo
Anko's design was great too
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Hinata. They're made for each other.

How does this make you feel?
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I've been fapping to these characters for 15+ years and i don't intend to stop any time soon. How the FUCK did Kishimoto manage to create such sexy women?
The only ship changes I would make are Sasuke-Karin and Rock Lee-Sakura
Your terms are acceptable
Retard. He doesn't deserve that.
>Rock Lee-Sakura
Lee doesn't deserve that either.
I feel Kodachi made more of an attempt to connect the two.
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But wait!
>zoom in, enhance
>interlinked (interlinked)
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>How does this make you feel?
Sakura would be a good wife to Lee.
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Excellent taste, my friend.
Sakura wouldn't be a good wife, period. To anyone.
Not him, but she would need a complete character arc of getting the cunt beaten out of her and getting past her shallowness before she could be with Lee without making it seem like pity or another haphazard ChojixKarui.
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I love seeing Hinata be a whore for her husband.
Why did she expose her massive cleavage to a shota?
Tsunade isn't even a woman and never will be.
>No genin Hinata
3/4. An attempt was made.
Naruto elicited several contradicting feelings inside Tsunade that day, some of them forbidden.
I quite enjoyed what I've seen of Naruto. That is to say, I've seen like three episodes of it: the first episode, the one where Rock Lee beats the shit out of Sasuke, the one where Rock Lee goes the distance with Gaara.
my bad. i always lump the chuunin exams and konoha crush arcs together.
i'll rephrase:
it's odd how his "excitement" over blood was completely dropped after the konoha crush arc
not even a female so who cares
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spoilers incoming
Nobody cares fuck off aBortion.
Konohamaru losing his v-card at long last.
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Genin Hinata appears two pages later
>drawing breasts
0/10, not even trying
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just for you
I don't know who those people are.
Kill yourself aBortion.
Kill yourself, narutard.
Can't beat BoruEida.
Hanabibros... we've lost.
i got my stamps i ordered today.
so i'll probably send my letter tomorrow
live on, naruchad
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No, we actually won.
Also non-canon
>Also non-canon
To filthy outsiders maybe.
>Also non-canon
That's actually perfectly canon. Need me to post the lore again?
You mean the fanfiction?
It has evolved beyond that. But of course a Sakurafag like you wouldn't admit it.
I'm not even that anon or a Sakurafag. I just know not to elevate fanfiction beyond what it is: just fanfiction, no matter how much you like it.
Good because it's not fanfiction, it's /nart/ canon.
sweet jesus
>it's not fanfiction, it's fanfiction
Start making sense
You can seethe all you want. I WILL make /nart/ lore get published one day. Mark my fucking words.
It is and always will be fiction written by a fan. You will never change this.
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So are you guys expecting anything out of the interview or will it be a nothing burger. Or, worse, a boruto-focused interview.
I said I will get /nart/ lore published. Officially. When bort gets cancelled and shoved under the rug.
My fucking.
So fanfiction.
Learn to draw well and we can refer anyone to it
Even if you do, it will still be fanfiction. Bort is fanfiction. Shueisha can't help you here. You are powerless before the truth.
Don't argue with this guy. He's unironically terminally in these threads and thinks whatever he posts is more important than Kishimoto. Just let him have this. He's lonely.
What's canon
Shut the fuck up you cringe faggot.
Naruto chapters 1-700. Hope this helps.
I'm 100% expecting only bort trash. Kishimoto is only there to bring people to the event because they know no one will go if it was Ikemoto alone, but only bort will be discussed, because they're cherrypicking the questions that will be asked.

In other words we will never find out about Hinata's exact bra size....
And Gaiden.
Whatever I (Me/Eu/Yo/Ore wa/Atashi/Kimi wa) decide is canon.
Aren't they feeling ashamed of having to beg kishimoto every fucking time for boruto shit? It's been 9 fucking years. It and Ikemoto should stand on their own at this point
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Kishimoto actually used to acknowledge Boruto before Kodachi got fired. Since then, he has completely ghosted it, which makes me think something about it made Kishimoto upset, but we'll probably never know the full story due to japanese secrecy.
Kodachi saw what was inside Ikemoto's Hard drive and needed to be silenced.
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You can send us a letter from abroad, as long as you cover
abroad, as long as you cover the delivery costs.
delivery costs. You are free to choose any shipping company.
shipping company.

Please note that you can only send leaves, no gifts will be accepted.
will be accepted. All parcels must be received by August 15.

You will only receive confirmation of receipt if you choose a service that
service that allows delivery confirmation.

Have a nice day!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)"

I'm still thinking about going simple route of A4 page with stickers or some high quality letter written by someone in my country. But I don't know how to find actual quality writers and this might take longer than expected and there's a deadline to consider.
You joked, but I wouldn't be shocked of there are skeletons in Ikemoto's closet. That would be the thing to completely put the Boruto IP in the vault.
>quality writers
translators who can write in Japanese*
Kishimoto is coming because if someone asked Ikemoto a lore question about the series, his brain would blue screen. Kishimoto would at least bullshit an answer.
w-why would you do this?
Part 2 Ino is the nicest of all the Inos we've seen
Kishimoto is going to come to France with a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of sake, and shirt with the kanji on it saying 'BRING BACK SAMURAI 8".
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How many children would Tsunade have if Dan didn't die?
How do we frame Ikemoto for an unforgivable crime?
Lol, that won't be needed.
Just make a prosecutor read Boruto
Then the prosecutor would be the one committing the crime of murder.
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SHITda is dying
>Fan: Ikemoto-sensei, why did you give sarada that design?
>Kishimoto: Sarada skin is a special type of skin that needs to breathe.
lmao spotted the rare codecuck
Code is fucking Asuma's dyke daughter.
Fuck off aBortion.
Of course, sir. NOT.
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Crazy how this game is probably older than some people here
SOUL poster art.
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Sakura is ugly as fuck there.

But yes Naruto if he wasn't beta should have constantly sexually harassed Sakura.
Was this Nishio?
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Pinkshits fucking wish.
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sweet hot cunny
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This thread was 80% fine until Bortfags arrived, which easily puts it into the upper tier of Naruto threads.
Take out Shartnata and replace her with Sakura and this becomes good art
its not great because of the "unless you fall down into a bottomless lake you can be resurrected" shit makes rest of the work dumb
Seethe aBortion.
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Here, paste your shitfu yourself, you fat pig.
It took you 3 hours to type this low effort reply?
Seethe aBortion.
I don't even like bort, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Sasukek, pls.
This is good art. It has all my favorites
>Dead (literally) beat Namikaze "I rather die than be a single father" Minato the psycho is someone's favorite character
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Based. Speaking of beloved characters, there's going to be a new collab campaign by Pierrot China and these are the chosen characters.
My brain didn't even register Rin. God damn shes so forgettable, unless your name is Obito I guess.
Bro killed thousands for a glorified NPC.
Rin is there for the lolicon audience.
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I always appreciate more official Tsunade art
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Tragic, innit? Obito is the literal definition of a SIMP.
only Hinata and Ino matter tbqh,
the rest of girls are just irrelevant.
You're forgetting about Sasuke's wife AKA Best Girl
>Ever mattering
>Sasuke's [Fanfiction]
>Doesn't deny best girl status
It's a step forward. You'll get there eventually.
>You'll [delusion]
The hell are you smoking?
Where are Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura?
Ino has long been the alpha female in Konoha.
It's very funny that borushit isn't prioritized by merch companies.
>Where are Naruto
Busy with paperwork at the office.
Secret date with Hanabi (Hiashi already knows but pretends not to notice, Keikaku is proceeding accordingly).
>and Sakura?
Crying about the divorce and having to deal with Morio.
The only characters they bother promoting from that side of the IP are Boruto and his Sasuke equivalent Kawaki. That's usually it. Maybe you'll see Sarada and Mitsuki if you're lucky.
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Tsunade is always relevant to my dick.

Hot damn, that's one fucking hot Tsunade.
>deal with Morio
Getting constantly impregnated by Morio*, you mean.
I mean I doubt she would let him immediately after. She would say no and try to get him to stay away but eventually she gives up because otherwise she'll end up alone like a Tsunade 2.0
>Ino has ACK!
Sakura would need to just look at Tenten to finally reconsider, lol.
Shueisha deserves every bit of this clusterfuck, lol
>Where are Naruto, Sasuke
Probably coming in the next wave
>Secret date with [OOC FAN RABBLING]
Sasuke doesn't care about femoids.
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kek you might as well have fapped to a man, anon.
Actually Tenten fucked Lee and got fucked by Temari, with 3 inch anal beads.
Only gets "fucked" by Temari as a booty call. She ain't getting married, getting pregnant, and having a family.
>Inofag still thinks his jealousy infused meme will catch on
>as a booty call
Well okay yes but those anal beads still went inside of her.
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This artist is great. He drew this Hinata too.

I will get her to reconsider.
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Blank period Ino has such a lickable tummy.
>Seething this hard
>Sasuke doesn't care about femoids
That's just a cope you're saying so we don't identify you as a pinkshitter but we all know what you are. I can read you like a book.
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Reminder that she was a 100% going to give J-man a chance, and then he croaked (heh). On the one hand it shows she hasn't completely given up on love, but on the other it kinda cements her status as a doom bitch.
Here you go friend, new thread just for (You)


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