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So I finished reading Shimeji Simulation what the fuck?
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What are you confused about? It's all pretty straightforward.
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tbf you need to have a deep understanding of Christian lore to understand the ShimSim ending.
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Only love between cute girls can bring forth an island of order from a sea of chaos.
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that was my interpretation as well
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It's a Shimeji full of Simulation out there.
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Why is she so smug?
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Dang even Earlier Tkmiz had the flounder dare I say kino?
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The fish is omnipresent.
>simulation universe is completely fragmented with everyone living in their own world
Truly a metaphor for current times.
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inb4 his next work is about recombining those wayward fragments
>get to be away from everyone except the person you're the closest to
Sounds comfy.
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i hope they make plushies
Until you get separated and have to spend uncounted eons trying to find them again.
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I would really love actual figures of the characters
hope you anons are having a good summer so far
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This is my greatest hope and my biggest fear.
Writing the thesis and the antithesis is always easier than coming up with a synthesis before it has happened IRL.
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I wonder if tkmiz has any ideas floating around. In years past he would post art of what we now know to be future characters, but I haven't seen any recurring OCs pop up in his art as of the past few years. Maybe I'm just blind.
Have you done your reps
Have you gone for your run?
Nothing out of the ordinary.
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what did you think?
If you are introverted get an extroverted loser gf. If you are an extroverted loser get an introvert gf.
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if you are hungry, eat food
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>what the fuck?
This one goes out to all the fish
i feel like it would be a worthwhile exercise to try to make shijima-chan laugh, no matter how futile
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Sounds like something that a Majime would say.
You would be to if you ascended
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maybe i am a majime
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one can only hope
post egg or gtfo
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you sound kind of demanding so you can only have this cluck
Which came first, the chicken or the Egg?
It's taking me a lot of effort to figure out if I actually LIKE this author. I mean, his stuff is very potent, you have to admit that, but... do I LIKE it? I dunno, man.
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What do you like?
This concludes your regularly scheduled thread simulation. Have a nice day.
I really enjoyed the sound threads that were inspired by tkmiz. Reading along with them generally deepened the experience.
Sleep tight, Sakanee
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when will fish make a new mango
do we know
Pre-publication on September 2025.
>/a/ now hates fishe
what the hell...
the fag spammer is giving the rest of us sakana enthusiasts a bad name
Now these are some holes I would fill.
Did TKMIZ know all along that Sa-ka-na in Hebrew meant "danger"? Or is it just coincidence that fish was a symbol of death?
We couldn't save her bros...
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But she is running her own tiny little town... and maybe oneechan is with her.
I think she's all alone. Wish I could keep her company...
who is tsukUmizu?
you will never be a majime
What the hell I could have sworn it's Tsukimizu.
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It's like the swimsuit but with a tsu. Probably some deep lore that I'm too dekinai to understand.
Do we have any news about a new project or anything?
i'm just happy that since shimsim ended tkmiz has posted more pictures on twitter, maybe we'll even get another stream soon
Hasn't he done some streams recently.
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May 11th was the last one i know off, it's the one with the aurora
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I'm happy that someone else likes my sound posts.
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I remember dropping it because it was nonsense and from this thread it seems like it really is nonsense.
Shuumatsu had some actual discussion
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Good. Now leave.
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>misses all of the threads with discussion
>shows up to a thread months after the series has ended
>"why is there no discussion, guys?"
fuck off
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It does feel as though the ending was somewhat abrupt, though I still enjoyed it.
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>tfw a manga you've been following and were involved in the community around ends
Even out of the manga I was following at the time, Shimeji Simulation felt special.
The fishe will return in full when tkmiz's next manga debuts, rest assured.
Honestly I agree that shimeji threads have been faggier than Shuumatsu. But these post ending nothing threads are extra lame.
I disagree, but with respect to your thoughts: why not just stop bumping the thread?
What would that accomplish?
Well, the thread stays on the board for longer when you post in it. You've indicated your disdain for the thread, and so I assumed that you might have an interest in a) not interacting with it and b) it not being present in the catalogue. In essence, I'm just wondering why you would continue to engage with something that you seem to dislike.
You know, you can just call me a retard and save up the time to write that condescending shit.
I'm neither that petty, nor do I not know how tkmiz threads work. I'll decide what I like and do with myself alright?
I was just answering your question.
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>started reading it along with /a/ when it started
>took a break a few chapters short of the end
>still haven't finished it
Now I'll have to reread the whole thing since I've forgotten it all...
At around ten pages a chapter, it's not too grueling an undertaking. It's a shame you missed the storytime threads.
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Yeah it'll be a decently quick read, I just struggle with following currently releasing stuff and was feeling burnt out but it's nice to know that the tkmiz community lives on, although I guess that's no surprise with the gap between SSR and ShimSim where nothing was going on.
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Threads do occasionally appear. This one was made at an unfortunate time, I think that most of /tkmiz/ only show up to threads made after the 20th of the month, if they show up at all. Feel free to share your thoughts if you decide to finish it soon.
Not feeling a sense of existential dread.
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You have to get along with it, anon.
what about existential bread
Yeah I've started getting better the last week or so but very recently I had an existential crisis and was having panic attacks every few days. I became totally dysfunctional, I stopped doing classwork, I stopped leaving my room except to grab a quick snack (a granola bar, for example, doesn't require me to stand around cooking and letting my mind drift to things that make me anxious).

My mind is fragile. Thinking about 'deep' stuff breaks it quickly. So I love this author's work, it's profound, it's beautiful, but I'm mentally ill and it makes me anxious.
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Sleep tight, Sakanee
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>tfw my art is the shittiest on the cover by far
No need to be so down on yourself, anon. This is one of those situations where it really was the thought that counted.
It’s a shame how Gardener pretty much dissapoeared at some point of the story. I really liked her.
Everyone disappeared.
You're covering for all of us.
good night
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Compared to the other girls, she got off the worst. Yomikawa atleast had chapter 44, Mogawa and Sumida had their own conclusion, even mosasa dogs got some action during the festival, but gardener-chan just went out into the void and dissapeared from there
i might be wrong but i'm pretty sure the chick with horns that gives shimeji the stick in chapter 48 is supposed to be the gardener, just older. but yeah, she probably deserved to get a dedicated chapter towards the end like the other characters
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Gardner was never originally human. She was a anthropomorphic software.
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Hail the Fish God
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The fish god?
Phos is tkmizpilled
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Needs more Twins.

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