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The finest Kitas and Ikuyos, right here!
Why is Ryo so perfect bros?
We need 24/7 Kitas
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I can't live without her anymore
I can't believe people find this boy attractive.
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>he didn't play Kita's game
my fucking dickkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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>fixes you
But I can’t be fi-
>fixes you
There's no fixing me
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>he didn't play Kita's game
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I fell asleep and Kita wrote 'faggot' on my face.
She ruined this game
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She was fine. The curry lover's CV was much worse.
Boysex with Kita?
Cheating sex with Michiyo while her husband is away.
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Sex with Naoki
Michiyo, Bocchi, Ryo, Nijika, Kita, Seika, PA, Yoyoko, Kikuri, Ame, Futari, Yami, Jimihen, Hinata, Akubi, Eliza, Fuko, Kuruyo, Nene, Shima, Sasaki…
Ya they both sucked and ruined the game.
The maids and Akiha were good.
What makes pantyhose so eroitc?
Agree on Akiha. Withhold judgement on the maids, especially Hisui, until red garden comes out.
I couldn't help but wonder if and who Taneda would have voiced if she was healthy.
Oh, Kita my sweet... my sweet, sweet little Kita... ohhhhh...
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Simply stop drinking.
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I'd rather not, personally...
No eggs, you see...
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What's his problem?
Big if true.
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Kita sucks
Subaru sucks too
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Kita does not suck, Subaru on the other hand does.
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Guitar Hero's boyfriend
My willy
My willy
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k-kita... *sploooot*
Who shot ya?
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anon didn't marry her pls understand
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Imagine having a Kita boywife
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Yes, please.
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sex with frankfurter girl
dwango hate
russian hackers hate
my well curated playlist of BTR MADs and shitposts I affectionately named Bocchi the List!, gone forever
of all the sites to go after
I just don't get it
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Ronald deserves punishment.
Only through suffering can atonement be made for his sins.
She is so sexy.
Would alcohol help Bocchi's anxiety?
Yes. But she won't take the easy way out and end up like Kikuri, an eternal child dead in her 30s.
Kita helped my erectile dysfunction
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Humans were drinking alcohol five thousand years ago, and we are still drinking it. Alcohol is our friend, and I can't abandon a friend
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bed time...
God almighty I need to snuggle with Kita-chan.
Skinny with big boobs is always a winner
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I want to trade places with Nijika
Is this all that's left of BTR general? Just horny Kita weirdos?
Yup. This place has truly downfallen to shit due to summer. Reddit is so much better it’s not even funny.
Alternate reality where their band failed
Bocchi would be fine with her YouTube channel
Kita could so ASMR videos or something stupid and she'd be fine with her simps
Ryo would find a rich guy to take care of her
Nijika might be in trouble
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>big boobs
Bloatcchi the Fat
She can make me worse
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>Bocchi would be fine with her YouTube channel
Yes, but she will need left someone else take care of her finances, otherwise she would spend all her money in my new gear.
>Kita could so ASMR videos or something
She's an instagrammer with a lot of followers already. Volumes ago was said that she even has more followers than Yoyoko (the lead singer of a popular band)
>Ryo would find a rich guy to take care of her
This, but with a girl.
>Nijika might be in trouble
She just would continue working at starry.
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I want my face to be whatever surface Kikuri seats on.
not green
The girl who is wearing them
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Still not green.
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>it's green
oh no no no notgreenbros!
This reminds me of Aoba Suzumiya
Who is that?
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31 year old woman
Sorry, these things can happen when I go really hard on this hot adult woman
Why is she such a failure? At this point, Nijika will get married first (to me) before she does.
31 year old gay woman.
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Why is she gay for Bocchi specifically?
Moe gap between real Bocchi and Guitar Hero
Nice headcanon yurinigger
I don't want to take credit for it because it's actually canon but thanks :)
>no ass
>no tits
>no thighs
What part about Kita is supposed to be soft?
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her endless unconditional love
Why was the jacket so green specifically?
her tan (not green) jacket
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>no tits
Eternal reminder.
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Friends, could I realistically use some kind of AI to give content-relevant filenames to my folder of 15,000+ barely organized Kita images? I divided them up evenly into 15 subfolders, but Xfe is still struggling with thumbnail generation. I'd like to be able to select pick images out for posting and personal viewing without having to rely on thumbnails.
It's doable with simple scripting. I don't know any models that can recognize poses, but you have YOLO and other mixes for objects. If you get most of your stuff on boorus you also try Hydrus.
Hydrus seems very useful. Thanks for the tip, anonymous.
That'll be 5 posts of Kita killing in descriptive and gruesome manner. You can pay in installments.
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This, I just outsource my tagging to boorukeks
I'm still interested in AI tagging solutions though. Would be handy for other sources like Twitter where not everything is uploaded to boorus
Imagine not scrolling through 15,000 images of Kita until you find the one you’re looking for. Skill issue
3 posts of being killed by Kita in a vague and disappointingly mundane manner is as high as I'll go.
I'll take it only if it involves her smashing my skull into pieces. The implement of choice doesn't matter.
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cumming police
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Bocchi is so lucky
that expression alone is obscene
That's a corndog you retard.
there's nothing weird about being horny for Kita
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thanks for fixing the dumb blond
i want to be inside kita 24/7
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I love my wife Ryo!
How about (you)?
Your wife owes me 40 dollars.
If your worried about 40 dollars you shouldn't be lending money.
If you want to get married it shouldn't be to a girl who borrows money from strangers.
I sure would marry a girl who is smart enough to swindle idiots. We can make a team.
She wasn't smart enough to avoid getting raped to death, however
She just wanted a daughter like bocchi
why did the anime made this scene look very romantic?
because it kind of is. in the manga kita was blushing and shit too, because she was embarassed about thinking bocchi's really cool after her solo during their first show. we finally get payoff for it during the school performance at the climax of the arc, when kita finally says she wants the world to know how cool bocchi is and that she wants to become talented enough to support her and make that possible. the anime doesn't deviate from the tone of the original. bokita became popular for a reason. hell, there was talk about it before the anime
now I can't stop thinking about having a Kita imouto
>headcanon gogglevision filters out the color green
That explains it
>new chapter soon
where the fuck is cover hamazi
>Hiroi manga translation still lagging behind
Take the time you spend not reading the manga that hasn't been translated learning Japanese
As if anyone knows how to get raws
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over-sized hag breasts
people forget all this scanlation businses operates on a purely volunteer basis. how can you be demanding about the product illegally delivered to you for free often in the highest quality in your native language at reasonably regular intervals
I'll give you my raws
She says she's selling frankfurters
I don't make the rules
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This is a true love story song
A triumph, and a Glory song
With only one small caveat
This one hasn't happened yet
It's not the strongest narrative
But details aren't imperative
What matters is the way it ends
They've got sixteen mutual friends

And she's got
Animal Spirits
And he's got
Heartfelt lyrics
Put them together and
You can hear it
It's the song everyone knows
And she's got
Animal Spirits
And he's got
Heartfelt lyrics
Put them together and
You can hear it
It's the way the story goes

Now everyone seems unaware
That these two are a destined pair
But I checked out their astral chart
This one is a work of art
Now I know she reads astrology
And he can't stand astrology
But he's quick with an apology
When he wisecracks the zodiac

Oh oh oh
And when the rising action rises
There is only one thing left, and that's the climax
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Broad shoulders.
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feeding bloatcchi
cute and canon
>Nijika and Ryo looking at each other intensely after stopping BoKita's 3-day sex marathon
I can't believe I lasted 3 days in the cuck chair
What killed the bokita?
bocchi's harem
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Kill, Fuck, Marry
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the confirmation of boyoyo
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delusional boyoyokek
you might even be yoyoko herself
it's the age of sasabo
I don't even know who that is
>shittiest Hackamoto's short work aka LookBack trash movie already mogged BTR movie's numbers in 10 days and with less than 105 theaters
is it OVER? the band popularity narrative...
I would buy her a drink no problem
But she has to finance her bass collection herself
>p-please get mad over this other anime/manga
gotoh's wife (real)
Kita is so lucky
Cute and canon
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Bocchi the SPAM
>forced a burger shop to sell a discontinued product because it's her favorite
Yoppi I kneel
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>cut the egg yolk and it runs all through the spam and soaks the bun
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They're really making these again?
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cutest woman on the planet
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>another first take from AKFG
>Rockn' Roll, Morning Light Falls on You
>bocchi the twitter reposting
more covers?!
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Kita the cradle robber
the other girls are all less attractive than kita. thereby they all must submit to her and join her harem by default
1 hour until season 2 announcement
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Sex with Ikuyo for all time forever and ever LOVE IKUYO LOVE
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Hamazakis oppai genocide will continue until all girls are as flat as Kita
Nijika looks flatter than Kita in these
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>dorito is gone too
It's over.
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Bokita my beloved
her hair is wet
lmao based
We were robbed of Nijibutt.
Kita is wearing a frilly top, Nijika is honest.
>Kita is not fla-
flamingo neck my penis
The last nail in the Bokita coffin
kita ferociously jerking the long, wet shaft of the pink creature
kita is seriously so fucking hot I can't take it I have work to do but I'm gonna spend the whole day fapping to this cover hamazi aki ruined my life
Most mentally stable Kitard.
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I just want to be Kita
shiko shiko shiko shiko
She's a small indie mangaka please forgive
We've been robbed! What a hack! Not enough boob! Not enough butt!
Ryou's wives
I talk like this
Kita orgy
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no time for orgy
too busy fap fapping
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prove it

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