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AD2080 Japan is an aging nation with only 50,000 children left, while adults are obsessed about the fight against aging using the most radical means of experimental medicine

An ordinary cheerful 14-year-old Sanda discovers a super power in himself - he can turn into a jacked Santa Claus when he puts on something red. Initially forced to help his classmate Fuyumura in search of her friend Ono, anda eventually realizes what a great responsibility has fallen on him for all the children in this country. But will the boy's heart be able to withstand the adult challenges of this crazy world?
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Chapter 20 - Supernatural Kick

Previously Amaya, Ono, and Fuyumura gave the best doping for Santa - children's sleep so he could fight with principal Ooshibu on equal footing. But what will happen next?
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Not bad for an old man
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It seems that this is not enough
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You kick like an old man, Santa
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If he's not bleeding, why does he lose the screw?
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So artificial legs too
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Time to prove Santa's immortality
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He mentioned that an artificial heart means no sexual life, so he probably didn't need that part. Yagiuda's trick failed
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Someone watched the fight in the shadows
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They definitely know each other
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This grandma knows how to fight too
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No cane for you, young* man
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A new character was introduced: a rector of the school(comically shrunk because of her age)
>If you wanna feel young, walk without a cane
That's all for today Santa believers, as you see Santa's ass was saved this time, but who knows what will happen next. Sanda reveals himself to the principal and looks like Santa lost this battle.

Also, I failed this time with links to previous threads

Chapter 1 >>268175901
Chapters 2-7 >>268207825
Chapters 7-13 >>268436956
Chapters 14-19 >>268644402
Ewww old
But she can still drink alcohol, unlike a robotic rejuvenated man, she is a good talker too
Man's got a screw loose.
No he said a 92 year old's heart means that. Of course an artificial one would be youthful and vigorous
Did he not replace his heart?
I feel like that's one of the first things you should replace, since it's a single point of failure.
>The school has both a principal and a rector
Aren't those basically the same thing? What's the nuance of their Japanese titles?
Yes he did, that's why he talked about how bad his old heart was when he threatens Yagiuda with it >>268645274
I am not sure but I guess in this case they found a sneaky way to stay in the school together
the nuance is a rector knows kung fu
Dude's put together with wood screws
Reverse Pinocchio treatment.
>nut kick
Ah, the Itagaki classic.
Truly she has the blood of her forebears.
We just need the piss.
Thanks for the storytime, anon.
So is the anime gonna reach the "teacher uses the toilet to poop out the ring but actually it was just a ruse" chapters?
The what
Well, I doubt the Ono-Fuyumura-Sanda arc is enough for 12 episodes, so she definitely should appear
It's not as coorazy as it might sound, like everything in this manga.
It was a bullet, not a ring.
Chapter 50-51.

But will that scene be in or no?

It's been a while so apologies for the mix up.
>But will that scene be in or no?
It's an important character building scene, you can't remove it
>Paru draws a monster
>a few pages later
>no, this hottie can't be that bad
Catching up via older threads with this odd-ass cool manga, thanks OP. Finished Beastars at some point and wasn't sure what to think of it, but this looks more promising and very slightly less weird. Just finished >>268576185 and I want skeletal goblin wife to rely on and support!
fuyumura can probably put that screw back, she has like 3 different screwdrivers
The hell is a rector?
It's latin/olde bri'ish for principal, or something like that
someone who rects
I mean, is she wrong?
Thank you for posting.
it's a word that appears when your manga gets translated from JP>ESP>ENG.
Wait till you see how MTL it gets in the newest chapters.
Honestly, I checked raws and google translate can't translate 理事長 right and detects it as a Chinese word for "chairman"
Ooshibu is 学園長 btw
I wish they had a QC guy. The grammar can be pretty bad
I am glad you liked it, Santa believer, there are very correct conclusions
Naturally well-aged vs. the unnaturally unaged.
Scanlators didn't miss the point
i beleib in santa claus
Based and Christmaspilled kid
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And Santapilled
I will always believe!
so after reading chapter 69 does that mean that every big american/western holiday is gonna get a fucking descendant
Honestly, I doubt any other American holiday is well known in Japan, maybe only Valentine's day
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It's time to post spooky Fuyumura again
This is the time, Santa believers to continue this story, I hope you've been good kids today.

Previously the fight between Santa Claus and Ooshibu was stopped by a mysterious grandma who turned out to be a rector(?) of this academy
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Chapter 21 - A Baby Born From Time
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Hands still reveal your age
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Can't say looking like an emotionless mannequin can be considered a young
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crunching joints-kun
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Hm, she knows Ono
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Those words stuck with him
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And that's really sad
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So she's "riji-chou" and Ooshibu is "kaguen-chou".
Literal translation would be more or less "directing leader" vs. "academy leader". So yeah chairman and principal are probably the closest translations. The point is she is his superior, I guess.
>seeing a child or grown person cry is really sad
>here we get to see both
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Santa is bad even in carrying elder people
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hit him with the
>Say less
also checked combo.
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She attracts him
How very on the nose advice.
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You did great, Santa
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Well, just after Ono was found, no time to rest
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right into a debt pit
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>he didn't believe Sanda
What a freak
Sanda never revealed his name, only that he's 14 years old. And Ooshibu's eyes disconnected before he could see who yelled out to him.
Thanks for the storytime, anon
That's all for today, Sandabros, as soon as one ambitious task disappears, another, even more ambitious one immediately appears.

Santa is ashamed of the weakness of his body and wants to become stronger to protect even more kids
Easter's been gaining a little traction lately, if only because of ~aesthetics~ and because it gives artists an excuse to draw characters in bunny costumes.
We assume that Kazao is the Easter Bunny, but it wasn't spelled
Good kids respect wise adults
The ultimate question: do I read ahead with wonder-filled eyes of a child, or do I wait for storytimes like a good boy?
I would recommend waiting until at least the 5th volume because it's absolute cinema but it's not that bad to read further. It's a comfy manga to return to after
Alright, I will gladly wait with my fellow sant/a/nons for this cinematic experience. Also
>tfw not allowed to call things comfy or kino on some other boards because it deeply upsets people
It's like not even being able to call fun things as fun anymore
Still, it's very obvious, Sanda, Fuyumura and Amaya are hanging together
I get the feeling all the students look the same to the principal prior to them hitting puberty. like they might as well be stick figures with the word CHILD written on the face for how he treats them
Abuse of position authority to attack subordinates!
Thank you for posting.
The argument is accepted, I knew a teacher who didn't remember any faces so 2 guys could pass exams for the entire class
Holy fuck this bitch is anorexic
>like long hair
>big tiddies
>blondes usually
>being a human being rather than a skeleton preferably
>Fuyumura is super pretty and attractive to me for some reason
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You're not ready for a pure skeleton love
take the skeletonpill anon
Same, but I knew a tall and thin girl IRL and can say for sure she had some strange attraction you could logically explain. Fuyumura catches this thing
Yeah, irl they sometimes had an appeal and I'm not sure why. They look huggable despite being as bony as fuck, I know I liked a girl when I was in highschool and a friend made fun of me saying I like girls with boys' bodies
What he could do about? She's older
They fucking, right?
since when was attraction supposed to be logical?
Nothing in life is random.
this manga is so fucking bizarre
It does it well.
that's more a matter of semantics than anything, mr laplace
For sure

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