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From official manga and anime
I hate Kokonoe Rin. But she is hot.

I d probably kill her though.
That's more of a wardrobe malfunction than nopan.
How can you hate her?
I hate bratty little bitches who think they are in charge and teasing me all the time.
If it was up to me, I d drop her in a pool of acid.
She's obviously not wearing panties
as a lolicon, I do not care for KNJ
Call me crazy, but isn't she a liiiiiittle chubby for her age?
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Imagine Rin taking it from behind
It looks like she would like it
cute butt but usa mimi is best wife
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>cute butt
very cute for a loli
Anon, it looks disgusting
what causes this type of mental illness?
>gets the teacher at the end
Pure kino
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She wears white panties, I forget which official pic has them peaking out
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Hard nopan but for Simon only.
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This ED always sounds like Offspring's One Fine Day to me
This was a hot episode
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The poster nopan girl
Mai Hime
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don't forget
She does wear pantsu, she just makes them invisible so that perverts don't try to look at her underwear
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Don't have a relevant screencap but I'm quite certain this bitch has never worn panties in her life
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>Adapt game aimed at pre-teens
>Make MC's love interest super kinky
Based Xebec
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Have you seen what they do in YuGiOh...
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this loli!!
I can't believe they got away with that. Even back then.
I haven't gotten to Zexal yet but the short skirted love interest and fat friend make me think of Battle Network. I wonder if there was some inspiration there.
Damn, those animators gave zero fucks
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Tatsumaki was a good runner up until Murata ruined everything to adapt a joke from the webcomic. If there was ever a time for him to go off the rails and make changes, he should've exercised that power then.
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easily one of the best fight scenes of the 10's
take your meds
You’re not the badass you think you are. Look in the mirror and truly think about whether anyone would be intimidated by you. More than likely, they’d mock you.
Fat thighs, nopan and mini skirt is such a god tier and simple design.
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she's only wearing underwear while in chibi mode
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Everything Katja does makes me erect
>huh, weird that 4chan sounds isn't working, let me open the audio on another tab
>"Hello user, we're temporarily closing pomf due to people posting cheese pizza"


This was the only time i can remember a bare assed loli right on tv.
Rin sucking the cherry at 0:56 is imagery for ball sucking bt w. You're welcome.
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Wtf those are the best
>the short skirted love interest and fat friend make me think of Battle Network. I wonder if there was some inspiration there.
Do you seriously not recognize the Doraemon friend group. Tons of children's franchises use variants on it, just like they use variants on the Time Bokan villain trio
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do spat girls wear panties?
still the best nopan scene to this day
Look at the shape of both butt cheeks, it's flabby as fuck.
A cute butt
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Most people don't know this, but this anime is actually a critique and deconstruction of lolicon culture and objectification of minors in anime media. Many of the themes brought up are more prevalent than ever in modern society. It was truly ahead of its time. But sadly, Kodomo no Jikan's anti-pedophilia message was not heard by the average otaku, who only wanted to escape in the realm of fantasy and became just another loli anime.
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If that's the case, why did they release an official daki of Rin?
Which series, which episode is it from? Or is it from the game?
I think instead of stupid political words it was the author reflecting on being a naive little girl obsessed with the mystery of sexuality and turning it into entertainment.
No it isn't.
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Yes it is.
He's just replying to himself, right?
thanks op this thread motivated me to get out of bed
yeah because an x-ray view of a tampon getting rammed up a preteen was definitely a thoughtful deconstruction of the genre
It was explicit in its portrayal of bad vs good and forced vs desired in Reiji vs Aoki. There's no way you could've missed it.
That's NOT flabby.
you didn't even point out the indent from the pantsu strap on the right
Kek this anon probably turned down some girl who liked him in an autistic tantrum because he didn't get what she was trying to do
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Do you have any argument to back that up, or are you just in denial?
True. It digs into her hip flab.
thats not her hip its her ass hips are higher
No, hips are on the side. Butt is in the back.
Your knowledge of anatomy is lacking.
Whatever. The point is that her ass is flabby, which is kind of amazing since she's like 9 years old.
holy shit
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>manga about underwear
>character is without underwear
Fucking dropped.
Fuck, I wish I could post the webm where cunny is licked, but it seems mods blocked it.
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Saki is literally cheating. All characters are nopan.
>anon hasn't heard of rape correction
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Clearly she needs to go buy some. Gotta wait for the plot to unfold.
You really ought to learn how to edit short videos using free software.
pantsu ruin mahjong skill

Imagine the smell
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this reminds me, Nia is nopan (confirmed) in the school spin off
pantsu does not exist in ritz's world
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does video games count?
>the only solution for nopan skirts in 3D games
I barely remember anything this anime other than the girl being a huge slut
Isn't that the anime where breast milk gives superpowers?
that fucking creature.. an agent of the devil
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Big soft plump butt is kinda normal on girls, they can only maintain it until they are 18 after that is downhill.
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All women asses should have a slight flab
only the manga readers know how shit the adaptation was
what was the director thinking
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that's a nice ass
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But they end up together at the end, what gives?
Y’all niggas posting in a Sybb thread
>y'all niggas posting in (wordsalad)
try it again in english
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It´s summer.
wowie that butt shot is erotic
that isn't nopan
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Someone post the Abenobashi webm
Really? I guess it was tame compared to the manga.
Lolipire gf
Hot af
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id chew on her bandaid
Reminder that Aqua WON in the webnovel
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Genki daisuki
What does it feel like to be nopan? I don't wear pantsu so I can't relate.
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This episode changed my life. Shame the show is mid.

You do it.
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Gainax did good nopan. Rest in pieces.
Love that moment, even if it's just a quick flash. Cheeky bastards
Full, fluffy bush.
Someone's got a wild evening planned
why do you post like that
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Such a sexy little ass.
Based collage
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You're gay and retarded.
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From the same episode, I definitely assumed she was going nopan in this scene too. They show that she's going no bra. No panty peek means she's probably got her raw pussy all over Takkun's PJs.

I watched that episode way more than all the others for some strange reason.
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sometimes she forgets them
Stopped reading at "deconstruction"
Megussy... too bad she's taken
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What an episode
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Is there literally any reason to watch a lolicon show such as Kodomo no Jikan or Prisma Illya as a non-lolicon?
You won't get any useful answers because only lolicons watch them.
Sure, the comedy and characters
You'd watch kill la kill even if you were GAY right?
Note that they are old / FATE so you might not like it but try new things
>shirt and shoes
>but bottomless, with no skirt, pants or underwear

This gets me harder than anything else
Kill yourself, phoneposter. You watch Prillya for Shirou, just like every other piece of Fate content.
>What's this from?
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Forgive me, Nasu-sensei. I should have known better than to ask. Of course everyone watches Prillya for Shirou, what was I thinking?
This means people watches the new superman because Jimmy is literally Black Shirow and Kara is Seibah?
why would you want to watch a show for the mentally disabled?
Nanako-san by the Erased mangaka has loads of nopan stuff
it isn't BL or yaoi.
implied nopan is one of my favorites
good thread, keep em comin boys
the author also made yaoi, so you lose either way lmao
Komodo No Jikan
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This character doesn't even try to cover it up.
So what is the best loli fanservice show this past year if any?
And they're tight, too-small PJs too, imagine the rubbing
surprised no one's posted her, she puts on panties very quick but at the start she's nopan

Ironically shows like kodomo no jikan and moetan have higher quality standard animation than most of the slop you seasonals consume.
Wish there was more mooning in anime
why is penis allowed but never any slit in anime?
Based. I used to be into mesugaki, but I got gradually turned off after realizing how annoying they are. They're only redeemable in rape correction hentai.
Japs love shotas.
Proto-Megumeme? Better than what we got.
Hers is literally shown in that movie
Boys are funny, girls are sexy
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More than no panties, it may be best to embrace the idea of having more may be less. If you wish to contemplate the concept, it may be better to consider your options.
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Looks a bit awkward, but I wasn't expecting this.
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Webm too large to post but you actually see her slit for a frame
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damn wish more anime did that
that's like the 2nd example I've ever seen compared to the literally thousands of little boy dongs
Yupiel sama, my beloved!
anyone have the webm of the uncensored interspecies reviwers ending?
>See slit
>Immediately starting thinking about nigger porn
>Think other people are the ones obsessed
Fuck off back to your shonen generals you roach.
I'll let you know when you make a good point.
Unironically based af
>i don't know what it's like to not wear panties because i don't wear panties
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I wish the animation wasnt so shit the doujin was alright
In fact most hentai today is shit or some l2d/slideshow
Becacuse it is the cheapest studio.
T-rex is the expensive one
Dear fucking lord, that's one fat labia
You're gonna have to try harder than that.
follow your own advice and just say "less is more," gpt-kun
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more like it's a female mangaka writing about her own childhood fantasies; women aren't that deep
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Anon, you monster.
>Is there literally any reason to watch a romance show such as Clannad or Spice and Wolf as a BL fan?

why the fuck would you even ask go stay on your safe space and never go out.
Why is femKu like this?
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not enough data on this one
Fuck you. You're a disgusting disgrace.

She's one of the cutest lolis of all time. She's precocious and sweet; her teasing is innocent and erotic at the same time. She's been traumatized throughout her life and deserves love and compassion. Brats without malice are disguised angels coping with a harsh world. You'd be beyond blessed to ever have a daughter or a partner as enchantingly charming as Rin. She is a treasure.
calm down, she is not real mate
You're just a P. Also kuro is better.
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>Ripped out ALL of the hairs
Christ that's like a vaginal scalping.
surprised it didn't rip her clit off
Shes an innie
Is this a difficult concept? Do you know the sensation of, random example, taking off a diving mask? Would you know all of it if you didn't touch a diving mask in your life?
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I don't think I've enjoyed a hentai anime in like 10 years. The quality is just so poor across the board, and they don't greenlight stuff with interesting fetishes anyway. Even when its based on a manga that I loved the animation always looks so much worse, see Nudist Beach
the vagaries of running an internet image host
Probably drawings being criminalized again. Did we had more elites being exposed in child sex schemes lately?
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Shopped innit. She is wearing something in frames before and the quality is different.
Don't like implied nopan as much, a lot of plausible deniability. Especially with how widespread convenient censoring is in animation. Those pesky steam/hair/whatever just can't get away from girl parts. I think you could make a perpetual motion device on this mysterious attraction effect.
Have you seen wax depilation?

Yes, somebody does i would imagine.
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Why does he have such a plump rear?
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kek imagine
>Shopped innit
That's how it is https://youtu.be/hY7u2SQGtXE?si=upO_5Wuo51nD5ZgM&t=1430
i get what you're saying, but also i know what it's like to not wear a diving mask
I miss this idiot
It's a femboy
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More like this
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For some reason this character has a ton of nopan fanrt even though I'm pretty sure there's nothing in the series to imply she doesn't wear them
Tats was disappointing
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are cameltoes like that real or just exaggerated for losers like me?
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No fucking way.
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>a woman's loli fantasies is anti-pedophilia
Everyone shake their heads and call this guy a faggot.
You let the mesugaki win, didn't you?
And Kill la Kill is a something something deconstruction of something something scantily clad high school girls.
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holy fuck
Just go watch the anime: Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
And as for your first choice...
I've already seen it
she got GOBBED
Then you're just gonna have to watch things made by the same studio or author then.
And if you've already done that...
Well you're just gonna have to suffer like the rest of us.
Get the fucking out.
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>Only a few episodes of Abenobashi stuck out in my memory
>Rewatch it years later
>Turns out the memorable episodes were all directed by Imaishi

Had a similar reaction when I found out why episode 5 of FLCL was so weird compared to the other ones.
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I enlarged this image expecting to see some wild, wild shit.
Some out of this world type shit.

... Uhhhhh... ????
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Anon, she's polish
they are all child you freak
holy kino
>nopan chick fucking dies
God dammit
how can she be Polish when she's older than Poland?
There's a pretty good chance you are descended from someone who has not only raped a child but married one, too.
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Not cameltoe retard
This is artisanal fanservice. She's unconscious and naked, but also attacking a boy's anthropomorphized ideal self. It tries to defend itself and protect her at the same time, taking light damage to do so. Robots are amazing so they can do that kind of thing. It really serves the visual storytelling to have access to nudity in this context, and activates neurons to increase word of mouth and reposta such as this. A real synthesis of directing and marketing. Bravo y2k gainax.
I could pick her up by the stomach with one hand and put her in a jar.
To experience a different perspective.
It's not loli if she's the shota protag's love interest.
You can have more and less at the same time. That's the whole point of implied nopan.
Catbox it. I'll try to magic it smaller.
It's literally just pro-nudism.

Whats she doin' behind the seat?
Do real girls do that? I only saw 3 years old nopan.
Don't think so, though lately I've seen quite a few girls not wearing bra under the shirt
It's because wearing a bra in general, contrary to older beliefs, doesn't actually prevent sagging or anything like that at all, and in fact may slightly exacerbate sagging with age.
However, sports bras are actually good specifically for when exercising, because the titties flopping around a whole bunch is actually uncomfortable and even painful the longer it goes on, so keeping them securely in place is quite helpful there.
Clannad is not a romance show.
I Love this one, bad animation or not. I wish it was continued.
That would be rational and backed up by scientific evidence. So it's probably not the reason. They're annoying and expensive, and who cares if you're just grocery shopping?
Why are you gay?
Clannad is also well known for having a shitty ending for being a animated ERO-VN
VN adaptations almost always suck ass
Also Clannad literally had H scenes if i remember well, just like the days games
Which sidelined the tomboy milf early on
Ignorant racist retards spreading the word porn on everything Japanese like it was their shit.
Your mom had an H scene in the same way.
But enough talking about your life anon.
Convenience is a valid enough reason, sure, but the science is (mostly) agreeing with that too anyway.

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