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Why did Kyouko not come to Mitakihara earlier and help the others? Territory is not an excuse since they knew each other and are even grouped in a timeline.
I can think of 801 reasons why
Too busy having sex with her bf (me)
It could be that she was not always allowed. No resets yielded the same results except Madoka dying.
That is a lot of yaoi she is consuming.
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It was for the best. Either she dies because Mami lost her cool after finding out the truth and kills her or she dies in self-sacrifice so Sayaka isn't alone in the afterlife and to let both Madoka and Homura escape.
Is Kyouko a homosexual?
In some timelines, she has a daughter to take care of which takes up her time.
What do you think?
Rebellion exists.
Go read The Different Story
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I did but it is not canon. It was good though.
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So cute!
Not like it matters. They are alive post Rebellion.
Have anymore kyouko and yuma?
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Here's Kyouko, Yuma and I moments before tragedy. I lost a good deal of them....
Because she was avoiding Mami. Then she heard Mami died so she came over to look into it.
Friendship exists.
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She was killed by Mami after she teamed up with them to kill Oktavia in a timeline or two.
What the fuck are you even talking about? She only knew Mami and they weren’t on good terms
Of course not. Just look at her. She’s beautiful. Faggots are ugly.
Also she confirms in TDS that she’s not attracted to girls.
There is nothing gay about this scene except for the person that just posted it.
Kyouko and Mami’s conflict is canon though. TDS is but one of the many works that show it
She only wanted the territory after Mami died. Otherwise she'd have chased Mami away instead of leaving
Kyouko had a homo edit?
If it’s homo when a man does it that means it’s hetero when a woman does it.
But homo in this case is same sex.
I know.
Behavior that is typically homosexual for men is typically heterosexual for women and vice versa.
What? If a woman is homo that means she like women. Are you trying to confuse me?
That means she likes women and will try to seduce them by acting like a man.
That pic is originally a man acting like a woman (faggot).
Here it’s a woman acting like a woman (not faggot).
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Those are some strong pocky.
She's a BITCH
she looks like a 2hu
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Pocky baked 1 million times.

Them's fightin' words.
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Which one?
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im taking a ride with my best friend
I hope she never lets me down again
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hom hom you are the reason im still here
you are truly a great person homura
i love you
We are never going to have a vol.4, are we?
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Forever and always.
New Homora KINO just dropped
>Your name is Akemi Homura, and you are a very bad person. You could be labeled as such for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the most acute - the kind of evil so bad as to be taboo to speak of, rarely depicted - is this: once a world, every world, you coax one of the girls infatuated with you from school back to your apartment and fuck her, regardless of what she wants.

>And then, of course, comes the second time someone found out.
>Sakura Kyouko was crashing at your apartment, as she tends to do across worlds. It seems at some point out on your ‘date’, that fact slipped your mind.
>You have the girl restrained, tear tracks running down from under her blindfold, more fingers buried in her cunt than should be able to fit. The whimpers trying to escape her mouth are blocked by the barrel of the Desert Eagle you’re shoving down her throat.
>(Despite everything, none of it was making you feel much of anything at all)
>It’s then that the other Puella Magi happens to come back from witch hunting. She walks right in on the two of you.
>At that point, your memory goes black. It was almost funny, blinking to find yourself weeks into another world’s April. It must’ve been bad.
>But it doesn’t matter. It didn’t happen in this world, just like it won’t have happened in the next. There is no past, there is no future. Only the eternal present.
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What is this?
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i do love my homura
Meguca fics are always weird shit like this
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I'm sure she feels it too.
eternal love between us two
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ill be poor and lonely untill the day my worthless life finally finds an end
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she is too precious
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archivu ha dame
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I truly do hate myself but I hope homura doesnt hate me as much
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my little homura
I want naked transformations in rebllion 2
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i just want more homura for my cold soul
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The reason is in CD drama 3. Anyways, kyoko changing a lot and risking her life for sayaka makes me think it was something more than 'i want to be friend with sayaka'. I don't think she would the same for madoka, who as a magical girl had similar ideals with sayaka.
It’s because she saw herself in Sayaka and blamed herself for not managing to avoid her suffering that fate.
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Would she saw herself in madoka? I doubt it.
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No not again...
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Madokami maybe. But otherwise she would have no reason to.
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you are the best homura
The reason why Kyouko saw herself in Sayaka is because of her traditional and heroic personality, which she kept despite being a magical girl thus destroying Kyouko’s cope of being a magical girl and being heroic being incompatible
Madoka isn’t really like that until the very end where she sacrifices herself for everyone else
Me with Kyouko
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im glad i have you homura
you motivate me to get up
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you are my everything you beautifull soul
im sorry i dont deserve your love at all
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hom hom
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its a shame we can never be truly together here
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But you are in spirit.
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my cute
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one can hope

i can believe kyouko supports the lgbt. even more because she likes apple and rosso.
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It is true. She wants you. You just don't know it.
Homura makes me so horny
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The real, 7 colored rainbow has nothing to do with your subversive masonic garbage.
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sayaka madoka you need to be 18 to be here.
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im too tired i just need her embrace
hom hom---
sayaka and madoka are girls.
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She's talking about the incubators, right? As a strong being, she will give it to you when your time is up or you dream about her.
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Of course, i'm talking about her embrace.
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my only star
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rewatch rebellion
cutting down on booze too
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That's good, it'll be better for your health.
or atleast tryin.
but i am not smoking anymore that was horrible and compounded with everything else.
still dont feel good but that has helped somewhat.
smoking is a comfortable ritual but quitting is the right choice if you dont want a heart attack
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That's good to hear.
fighting for homura!
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An endless struggle to be sure, but she did tje same.
Lets not lose our heads though
Lauren release date will be revealed and marketing campaign will begin at Aniplex Online Fest in September. Movie will release worldwide simultaneously on the second Thursday of December.

I will on Halloween
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What a coincidence, I was just rewatching Madoka.

I had forgotten what a little faggot pic related was.
Sayaka deserves better.
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>losing a guy to a non-meguca
She could just have forced things.
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>Has hitomi as a gf, and sayaka as a gf in the psp game but still loves music more.
He was a based.
Meanwhile in the psp game
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Just parents teasing madoka. Nothing strange here.
This take me back when i was a child deciphering english words written with unowns.
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It was fun using a team of unowns online and speling stuff like ass. Maybe Kyouko anon can change the unowns to witch runes instead.
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I don't know anything about pokemon online, turn-based rpg is just not fun for me but i still played pokemon until 4th gen, i was poor and my experience came trying to decipher counterfeit cards in bad state. kek.
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Ha. I did it in White.
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>choosing white over black
It was just coincidence.
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I prefer white forest.
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It is a good reason. Embrace nature.
Its the better choice anyway. black city looks good with its blue and black but you just want to take in nature.
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kek, i didn't think of that but that's actually funny.
Only hard part would be making the sprites ig
btw in Clover the unowns are replaced by 4chan boards. They also have a signature ability that has a different effect depending on their form. The /a/ one has sturdy and gets an omniboost on switch in if all your other team members are dead
Is Sayaka wasting her wish on another guy comparable to a girl giving her virginity to someone else?
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Don't forget to hug a tree

I realized I have seen Clover long ago. I looked up the roster and laughed because I recognized Vandash
what can megucas do to reach the zoomer audience?
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Not skibididoka....
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Vandash is funny.

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Yes it is.
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she looks so happy. must be homura thats about to sit.
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Pretty sure that'll snap her neck.
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She was busy eating.
Isnt he fucking hitomi? Why is he with sayaka?
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You don't want to know why.
That cheater.
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Infidels are the worst.
Does your uncle work for shaft?
he does not know he travelled 2 years to the past.
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>tfw your national football team is not as good as Argentina or Spain.
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You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.

I never could into sports.
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The fish has not been here lately. I always tell myself that maybe he improved but then i heard news that he has been in other threads...
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Kyoushark was hungry.
my fish wife
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Muwa muwa
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Super cursed image.
Is that anime good? Its been sitting in my list of anime to watch for a hot minute.
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For homura!
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It is very cute and easy going. I enjoyed it a lot when I first saw it. Even my little sister loved it lots. I still have yet to watch Omuro-ke though.
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Its what makes a subaru a subaru
Kyouko only knew Mami and only because they are not allowed to go to another place due to grief seeds being a precious item.
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Why does this remind me of magical girl noir quest?
This is what happens when there’s only one relevant man in the cast
Kaiten needs to introduce more boys.
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In a magical GIRL? Unless they are magical boys, no they don't.
They could just be secondary characters but still somewhat relevant like Kyosuke.
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What relevance would they bring? Kyousuke is the reason Sayaka contracts, but the others are already MGs.
It would avoid situations like >>268888169
Would give shipfags and artists more freedom
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That's it? Nothing in anime?
Adding boys is meaningless because they cant bring anything interesting. They cant see kyuubey much less contract to fight.
Maybe they could become canon love interests for the girls idk
But six main girls already provide shipfags with 15 possible combinations.
And if you need even more for whatever reason, you have like a thousand additional girls from MagiReco and other side stories.
That will not be good. Most people that watch this kind of anime dont watch it for romance.
Magireco isnt canon.
Not all shipfags are faggots though
> Most people that watch this kind of anime dont watch it for romance
The current community tells me otherwise. There is clearly a demand for romance in Madoka.
I don’t get it either, but that’s how it is.
Its usually yuri romance wanted too. Only a small handful at best want it differently.
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Well that would be a good way to filter the yurifags out, I see this as an absolute win.
But they can also go the opposite route and filter het out. There is no time for hitomi and kyousuke because thats not whats wanted.
> But they can also go the opposite route and filter het out
That would be a disaster and prove they’ve fallen for the degeneracy of the modern world.
OG Madoka was calling out that kind of shit.
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As much as I love MadoHomu, I didn't watch Madoka for any romance. I'll stick to actual yuri romance series. If they become canon, great. If they don't, oh well, no skin off my teeth. I don't think boys will be added for the sake of romance especially since there is no build up. Why would they fall in love with someone they met, after all.
For Sayaka Mami and Kyouko it could help with their arcs each in their own way.
For Madoka and Homura it wouldn’t serve any purpose though.
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I really can't see it helping anything.
Well, it would obviously help Mami get over her loneliness
Could help Sayaka get over Kyosuke and basically stop being a cuck
Could give Kyouko someone to transfer the blessing of her wish to and help her rebuild her family
Wishes can be transferred?
Wishes done for someone else maybe.
It probably depends on the specific wording of the wish.
Madoka varies. Homura is for madoka. Mami is to live. Sayaka is for kyosuke. Kyouko is for her dad. Sounds like none can be done.
I mean rebellion did make it so Homura’s wish still works in a completely different context so you never know what they can add next
We also don’t really see the specific wording of Kyouko’s wish
Im sure she had to have mentioned her dad in the wish. He lost it and not the mom or sister. Same with mami.
>kyouko homo
I don’t know. It’s only been said that her wish was to "mesmerize others" leading to her having illusion magic.
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Kyouko is so kissable.
>OG Madoka was calling out that kind of shit.
MagiReco is canon and it always will be.
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Keep spreading the word.
Incubators basically work like the jewish elites that push this shit
Also Kyouko’s entire arc is about accepting that traditional values and megucahood aren’t mutually exclusive
She was sad she couldn't have sex with Mami anymore.
Mami is a girl though, so she never could.
Actually Madoka was about a worker uprising against capitalist class exploitation
That includes uprising against the faggotry these capitalists push to make the people weak.
It is also about embracing transgenderism
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Hey, you forgot to dial 8.
It is also about the benefits of veganism and eating bugs
ywnbaw. Apple mock you for not knowing what she goes through.
…being outlawed in every country, yes.
why are you replying to yourself?
As well as the benefits of feminism and the triumph over patriarchy
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man... how many times have i had to do this?
Go away. Your infesting the air with a rotten stench.
Not to mention the benefits of a Marxist Revolution.
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You are made fun of by your family.
>it’s a real one this time
It is also about why the nuclear family is outdated invention of patriarchy
Makes sense, I always knew nukes were a jewish lie.
not a single soul likes trans.
Some use it for unfunny baits and then complain about threads being shit while shifting the blame on other posters
yes but i never do tranny posts.
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Maybe he needs his meds?
It’s usually the quick madodown poster making them.
you still make me tilt my head about you.
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If I was, I wouldn't be the first nor would I be the last. Kyouko anon also mentioned another one thst goes by !Rosso. Stop being obssessed.
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I'm sleepy.
Go to a therapist, !Akemi.
You didn’t reply to me on the other thread btw. Do you concede that Homura’s feeling isn’t romantic love and that there is in fact nothing gay in Madoka?
Sayaka best girl
Do sayakabros really?
It's certain most girls are gay but Kyouko. She's straight and fucks oji-san for money.
It's certain most girls are straight but >>268901201 . He's a faggot that loves to project his mental illnesses (like all yurifags).
There is nothing mentally ill about being a prostitute, and Kyouko loves taking 5 at once.
Yes there is
But yes my cock is indeed equal to 5 at once.
Your cock is small and flaccid. Nothing compared to the oji-san Kyouko loves
Nice headcanon.
Factually inaccurate though.
Post non-meguca pics that could work just as well with megucas

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