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Miria will not wear a revealing outfit in public
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Sag hex
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Miria is a good girl
Give me a handjob, Miria-chan!
Not on her secret stream she isn't
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Why is Arisu-chan leaving Miria's thread?
She’s coming over to suck my small hairy cock
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Miria when you choose to post in the hag thread instead of hers
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Haru when you do.
The "kya~" at the end is important and Miria knows it.
but the kyaa sounds so natural, it can't be fake...
Oh yeah? Show proof otherwise she is a good girl until proven otherwise
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Not with that attitude.
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Why are Chie's Chus different from the other lolidols'?
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That's an impossible challenge
Cause Chie knows how to chu the best
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momoka's so hot holy shit
I NEED Risa to call me a disgusting, vile, filthy, worthless lolikon!
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>As a lady, I will show you that I am not ashamed of anything.
What did she mean by this?
She will breast feed her baby (producer) in public if necessary
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Nina is lonely
Someone list the answers to all of the episode titles
Some were easier than others
The chat knows what it wants.
Time for the 9-sais to cheer her up!
Hags have stinky farts
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Another Yuri book
Considering the first book was pretty much a nothing burger I'm gonna skip this one
I want to pin Miria
small children make the best idols
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not only idols
>Risa AI kino
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Ahh mama! Babu!
Wow Momoka is actually a mama!
Also daughterus?
that too
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post more AI Kino
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What happened to the anti-idol schizo? I suspect he's that LRD guy
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I want to go on an onsen trip with mama and have a private bath
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>suspiciously stopped posting around the same time
Never underestimate mental illness.
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Burgs? Burgs.
Based HaruP buying a burg for Haru as well!
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Because she uses tongue aggressively.
God Momoka is the perfect mama
That skirt is too dangerous for someone like her.
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>happy birthday
Wait a moment, it's now?
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It's 1am in Japan
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JST midnight is the normal time to start birthday celebrations of an anime character.
...and it's an hour past that
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I can't wait to spend a long, sleepless night with Momoka!
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Whoops. Better luck next time, Momoka! You'll get P-chama eventually!
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After a night of reflection. I think I m gonna accept that Arisu wants to become an Idol.
Although in my fantasy she becomes my pure loli wife, we have baby making sex, and then we raise a beautiful family in the Swiss Alps.
Happy birthday my cute tomboy daughter Haru!
Wonder where mama is flying to for vacation
God this childish side of Momoka is so cute and adorable. I love her so much
I spot a sunflower papa in the frame!
Chillenos Babies
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What do you want? A hag or a loli. Choose one. Lolis don't have saggy hag tits.
Arisu is such a mature little girl...
Arisu, at least wait until the end of the thread if you're gonna start stripping.
Momoka is such a proper girl...
s-such grown up underwear!
W-what's Momoka saying? Is she offering me her used towels!?
She's asking you to wipe her sweat off.
Although I'm not sure what the towel is for when I have a perfectly usable toungue.
Well you get to feel her elegant body in great details with your hands with the towel
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I d love to own a boat to go out and sail through the sea, while Arisu is dressed up like this
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Why does the towel feel the need to get inbetween my hands and her body?
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Wives. That man from Appalachia in the 50s knows what's up
Neko Arisu
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Hag sex
Noooo Momoka!!!
You will get raped by the Monkeyzuelans and Narcolombians!!!
I wonder if she purrs if you scratch under her chin?
Not even once.
I bet she does, but only when she is alone with Producer.
Also she gets quite wet.
Built for sex
Imagine face planting in there...
So you can dry her off of her sweat like a good Producer would to do help their lolidols
How can I get this book?
>areolas peeking
damn, that's hot
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What about the official imas issued sailor bikini?
Chie is very clingy and affectionate with boys she likes. She would be wrapped around your arm during the day and sneak into your bed at night.
I hope all HaruPs go out and buy a big Borg to eat to celebrate Haru's birthday
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i'm going to drive there in my car
HaruPs are so dedicated
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The next step is to get married and have your own tomboy daughter
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I'm so thankful for imas releasing this costume for all the idols, including the lolidols.
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What a based and cool HaruP! Wish I had the confidence to drive around with my favorite lolidol on my car
I want to sniff Arisu's sweet little coochie after that performance.

For a second I thought the Arisu cutout was gonna be one of those where you go and drink a yellowish juice that comes out of her cunny.
Arisu-chan promoting grapes instead of strawberries? She must think grapes are a mature fruit since it's used to make wine!
Arisu just took payment from her most recent customer!
>I thought the Arisu cutout was gonna be one of those where you go and drink a yellowish juice that comes out of her cunny.
Arisu would never. She wears diapers so she doesn't make a mess.
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How could you forget to sniff Arisu's cute little armpits while you're at it?
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>sit down to have a sip of tea with Alice
>2 whores are there
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Take that back! My mama is not a whore! She's a refined and elegant l@dy!
Miria only wears revealing outfits for her shota husband!
Nice, how was Arisu's drink, anon? Also quite a cute little thing to make Arisu a tourism advisor for that area.
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I ve checked her genitals before. She doesnt wear diapers. She is a good girl who knows peeing in her pantsu is a no-no.
Delicious pits...
Mamma mia
God imagine if Momoka walked into your bedroom at night wearing this. I'd not be able to get a wink of sleep.
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Imagine the flavor of her pits as you give it a prpr
I-I don't think this is a proper way to talk about the underage idols you are producing!
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The cougar squad
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But you said you'd take any job that comes your way, like a mature idol would and not throw a fit!!
I m gonna produce em some babies if you know what I mean...
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>I ve checked her genitals before

What did you see?
Something exquisite and adorable...
God I love Haru tumtum
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>being able to ensure you have a daughter instead of a son
>being able to ensure she's a tomboy
god i wish
why is she dressed like a cheap whore?
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Why do you type like that? Not even using capital letters?
I love Arisu so much.
I d love to wake up next to her every morning and sniffing her cute little body...
Man Chie is such a good kisser. Wonder where she learned it from
Imagine giving it a little tickle
Damn, didn't know Koharu is already developing in the chest area.
More sailor bikini U149s
because this isn't a research paper. get over it
Do you think Haru's growing breast tissue gets sore when she gets hit in the chest with a soccer ball
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I want Arisu to tell me that everything is gonna be okay.
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Arisu doesn't want to become an idol, she IS an idol. And we all will enjoy her future gravure videos and shake her hand and enjoy her concerts; where she danced and sang just to please us, her fans. And eventually, while you're working your wagie job, we'll take her to the love hotel and cuck you . Don't underestimate producers, faggot.
No, this is 4chan, you retarded fucking zoomer. Learn how to type. You have half of a brain.
>he hasn't seen Miria's secret streams or fan meet-ups
I think Chie is definitely the type to hump her pillow.
>>Arisu doesn't want to become an idol, she IS an idol.
Wrong. I used magic to stay Episode 11 where she is still not an Idol per se.
So you are the bigger faggot for injecting your gay cuck fantasies upon another man who ve you never even met.
She is my beautiful daughterfu and we live in the Swiss Alps, growing cattle, and selling meat at the local market.
I mean don't female soccer players still play and use their chest to get the ball? She should be fine though producer is more than happy to help he message her chest if it ever gets sore.
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Maybe she's keeping it a secret from you, she's quite vocal about it, here at the office
Arisu is a grown up girl who doesn't need diapers anymore! Anons need to stop slandering her bladder control!!
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God Risa is so fucking hot.
Shes a slut
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>Maybe she's keeping it a secret from you, she's quite vocal about it, here at the office
This requires daily checkups from now on of her genitals.
A mature lady doesnt wear diapers!!!
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The normal outfit she wears is so lewd and sexy! How it shows off her tummy, thighs and pits is just so dangerous!
She is literally begging for cock
She's fucking 12!
a 12/10
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out of 10!
Risa's papa is so lucky, he gets to see this walking around the house everyday...
Uohhh exposed lolidol bellies erotic ToT
oops clicked wrong one meant for >>268878278
Arisu looks so amazing and natural in a microbikini ToT
Care to explain that image then?
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Kodomo no Jikan taught me that budding breast tissue is very delicate.
Obviously producer tricked Arisu into wearing it because he brings up adult diapers and how very mature old adults wear it and so using Arisu's insecurity tricked her into wearing a diaper as well
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Wow, arisu is so easy to manipulate!
I wonder what other things Arisu could be easily manipulated into.
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One thing I know is she's definitely also easily manipulated with delicious ichigos
I manipulated her into wearing her gym school uniform whenever she is at home so I can grope her round little butt every time I see her.
She looks so sexy wearing it!!!
fun fact: ichigo used to be a pretty popular enkou term
Woah I can see it!
The source of chie tea
Imagine drinking Chie's tea fresh from the tap
Holy puffy!
Taking Haru to the beach for her birthday!!
oh no, my weakness
unbuckled shorts
Chie coinslot...
She's spent way too much time in the sun already
>insert coin into coinslot
>press button
>get your tea from the dispenser

shrimple as
you don't like caramel Haru?
It'll hurt like hell after a day or two
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I never realized how much Haru is associated with the color mint.
I don’t think Haru would taste minty though
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The chocomint idol
I wonder what would happen if they dared to introduce one or two 8 years old idol.
Potentially interesting doujin from a mid tier artist incoming https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120417936 the art is on model but still eh
I want to Chie kiss with Haru.
>new poruserin pics haven't been uploaded yet
The smell of Arisu's sweet little coochie.
Pretty sure it's against child labor laws for children under 9 to take any kind of apprenticeship or employment.
Wow that's one dedicated HaruP! That Haru plush is so cute
Tachibana-san is such a good little girl...
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A girl did this altar, is haru popular with femalePs too?
Daily reminder that a female ChieP (I believe it was) did a long doujin about pregnancy and childbirth and she was writing from experience
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>I was normal once
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With all that physical activity, Haruuuu would be the opposite of minty fresh.
toasty tanlines Haru! Wow!
>ERP general
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I need all the tanlines Haruuuuus
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W-where did you learn that term, Arisu-chan!?
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Which U149 is the most net savvy?
Arisu's always on her tablet, but she probably only visits normie websites
Risa is always on her phone, but she probably only reads up on idol gossip and fashion magazines
Arisu knows how to find and install Minecraft mods
Probably Miria with her secret streams. Maybe Chie if she's discovered "researching" for her bunny purposes
My weakness is tanlines. Looks like Haru is a walking weakness of many producers
I want Arisu's milk so badly...
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I want to drink Miria's milk so badly...
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You already answered your own question. Better question is, who is the LEAST?

My money is on Momoka. It's always the beauties who are tech illiterate.
What did they mean by making Miria wear a milk shirt?
I though maybe the 9-sais are also the least tech savvy
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That doesn't happen here.
I don't know what that is.
Hina ToT
Toasty lolidols are quite a treat in general!
I wish I could be Chie's pillow.
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>The schizo returned
I wish I could be her giant bunny plushie
You getting cute with me?
I remember hearing she loves putting insect eggs up her uterus.
Imagine a Rika sister...
I wouldn't survive long with a Rika imouto.
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Imagine dressing as a slut as a fashion statement but you're actually pure on the inside, and then your little sister copies you and becomes the real deal.
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What's ERP
How is Rika so effortlessly sexy!?
Eat ramen please, finish your noodles, Miria chan.
Definitely difficult with how cute and clingy she'd be
rare ship
She'd probably want to sleep in the same bed as you!
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So Rika is the sluttiest loli idol after Risa right?
>he thinks Risa is sluttier
Risa is a poser
God that'd be amazing!
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Kaede squeezing into her old JK uniform!
Fucking cute
Wow it still fits her!
Ready to hunt shotas
Why do hags always hunt for shotas?
Motherly instinct too strong
Interesting, looks like Momoka's motherly instincts haven't taken over yet, or maybe her motherly instincts was redirected towards producer
Rika's definitely the sexiest loli idol.
She's a child.
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Very based and cool HaruP! Hope the HaruP has a great time today celebrating her birthday!
Out of 10.
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Imagine hanging out with Haru after she's all tuckered out from a big birthday.
God that would be amazing. Seeing the birthday girl doze off after having lots of fun on her birthday!
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It's bedtime for ohimesama
She's unbuttoned her shirt on purpose, isn't she?
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Happy birthday Haru chan

What a bright adorable smile!
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Haru is my favorite tomboy who isn't good at explaining her feelings. Happy birthday.
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why are you black?
I wish I hadn't opened that. Disgusting.
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Jesus christ, this thread has been attracting all sorts of "people" these past few days.
>these past few days.
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Why are lolidols?
Attention and cock.
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I hope Haru is able to celebrate her special day with her fellow lolidols.
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succubus Kaoru
Can't hunt for shotas anymore after being hit with the loli beam!
sauce on the miria art?
cute girl confused about her gender expression and body
what chapter is this from?
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Would Kaoru be able to eat these piiman?
She's a good girl so I'm sure she would try her best
Now ojisans will hunt for the lolihag

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