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The biggest rival wasn't Mami, neither Ruka... but Mini of all the characters. Maybe she can break the Mizuhara curse... or can't she?

Seems the (more common in the west) friends to lovers trope finally permeated nip culture
In other news, Reiji's other manga will be animated by Dogakobo
And will have Kappe's designs.
Mw, Kanokari keeps getting cheapass adaptions.
mini bros we will win the Kazbowl. :3
Except Mini isn't interested.
>Talking non-stop about Kazuya to her friends.
>Being uncharacteristically glompy according to spoilers.
Author is so out of ideas that at this point he needs to shoehorn in the one girl not interested in the MC falling in love with him so she can be another designated loser
She was supposed to be playing Chizuru, so acting uncharacteristically works, maybe she's trying to pretend she is a clingy Chizuru (something nobody ever saw, so she improvises)
You think Reiji is cheating on his wife with Kappe?
Daily reminder Reiji now goes with the wind and doesn't care about the story.
Checking Reiji's accounts, it seems he's more excited about Shiunji-ke adapt and the just recently announced art exposition of his own works in Omotesando than about Kanokari s4.
His 1st solo art galley "0 (Love)" will be open from august 16 to september 04. The entrance is free.
this one doesn't have much happening so far tho
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Time for a recap.
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Chapter beginning with a schizo delusion.
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I unironically think mini should have cat eyes permanently, she's so cute like that
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Neko eyes fit Mini better than Nekohara
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Umi-kun popping out of nowhere.
Also Mini giving a useless advice.
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This fucker must have pictures of studio heads fucking prostitutes or buying drugs from the yakuza because no sane person would animate this garbage
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>One and only option.
If Kazuya and Chizuru's date happens, then it's gonna fail.
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Kazuya, accept you aren't Umi and that maybe yours and Chizuru's worlds clash instead of being complementary.
What are gonna think Chozuru's few fans, customers and even her colleagues if she's dating someone from outside the showbiz.
I checked manatoki and it seems Koreans don't care anymore: Amagami has scans, Medaka has scans, Kanan has scans, even Cafe has scans, but no kanokari.
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Kazuya, the best advice you shall hear will be put after the end of dump.
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Will Miho be the other escape way/salvation for Kazuya?
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Tbf, she is a lot like Kazuya. Miho is giving Chizuru some characteristics she isn't.
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She's right about Chizuru being a fucking brat tho.
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In the end, Miho is just like Kazuya... a coward unable to call her bullshit because the brat lashes out when someone righteously calls out her bullshit.
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Dumpu endo.
Not-shit K-manga rips in 1 hr and 29 min aprox.
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And this is the best advice Kazuya should, but we know won't want to hear, worse if he only has enablers around him.
Kanokari's /a/ fanbase, especially its defenders, remind me a lot of the Solo Leveling fanbase, and not in a good way.
>After getting blueballed by Chizuru, Kazuya calls up a prostitute in desperation, but what he doesn't know is that his call girl, Miho, is acquainted his his crush..
chapter when?
>Other WSM manga already have translations up on Manatoki other than Kanokari or Cuckoo
I see Asahi fucking up.
>For me, you’re the only thing…that’s been on my mind

Except Umi w/ or without Baret and cucking/being cucked for some reason jesus.
Mini stages the meeting based on a fresh new novel that got sold out instantly (and she meets the author too). The name of the novel... Spring's Coffin. Mini intends to make Chizuru react by putting someone framed as the most ideal person who could whisk Kazuya away from Chizuru. And by whisk away, she means by taking Kazuya's life alongside with hers. How'd she react if the sole thought of Kazuya disappearing forever becomes an actual reality and not just an act?
>Author is so out of ideas that at this point he needs to shoehorn in the one girl not interested in the MC falling in love with him so she can be another designated loser

I mean she kinda already was designated.

Kazuya has a mentally ill ex stalking him and getting involved in his love love, a rabid chihuahua that won’t take no for an answer, a mute that barely shows up once in a while, and a rental girl that doesn’t know the definition of boundaries that he prefers 100% all around him.
The only other girl that seems to have a lower chance of winning than Mini is Miho and that’s only because she was introduced so late in the story. And even then that could change in a heartbeat due to the author’s blatantly shameless fetish.
I assume this is one of Doga Kobo's "last" anime before the Kadokawa buy out.
After S2
It feels kanokari anime is mostly the main producer's (DMM TV) push than Reiji's.
It's still under production. So Kadokawa will impose their own rules.
Adaption is in danger.
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Shit scans this time.
Niggasawman finally appeared, FUCK YEA!
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Dude, he's running out of money... but also thinks love costs money.
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They don't sound the same at all, Kanokari defenders at least sound kinda like humans, Solo Leveling ones were undistinguishable from bots
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Sorry 4 the wait.
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Mini was bankruptcying her local game center. Rumao.
he can probably afford Mihu for 1 hour with that price and get more out of all these dates with Chizuru
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Mini being hit on?
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Virgin saying virgin phrases virgining through the virgin road.
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A surprisingly not self depreciating word vomit full page. Probably because it's not Mizuhara.
And so it begins.
I've called it many threads ago. I fucking knew
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1st psnel shows Kazuya having a moment of lucidity, however, that fucking last panel. Besides.
She'll sever ties with you if during the real date you still call her for her rental alias, DUH!
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Sure. "Friends" do all that shit between them.
"Friends" are word vomiting endless shit 24/7 about her "friend" to her other friends.
That's an extremely erotic bunny suit top.
Mini's legs..
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Sure. "Just pretend i'm Mizuhara".
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Quite close.
What are the odds she has a crush on him?
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The new sauce of misery porn for Kazuya has been decided. No fucking way Chizuru won't see those photos.
Date crashed and burned.
End of dump.
God she's cute
Funny how Kazuya always measures a girl's attractiveness by the amount of men that want to get in her pants.
>he's running out of money... but also thinks love costs money.

It does though. How is a woman supposed to love you if you don’t do anything to support her?
Thinking about it, if they're going to spend this much time on the date plan, then the actual date will probably be somewhere completely different because I can't imagine them just reusing Joypolis
Yeah this is moving towards a jealous fit from Chizuru.
There won't be date.
Next is Chizuru realizing Kazuya is a "bad person" (in the sense of being a liar who believes his own lies), telling him date is cancelled and giving him an eviction order of 12 hours.
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As a bonus.
Enjoy a wholesome Sensei and Nagi sharing a beer art.
If she has a crush on him, she's not aware of it yet. She does feel comfortable enough to do this without a second thought
and her friends have commented on how often she talks about him in their gatherings. She will probably be asked about it when she tells them about her date at Joypolis.
This is gonna sound weird but it's refreshing that Kazuya is not doomposting in his mind about Chizuru for once. Maybe him ending up with another girl is the best outcome for his mental health.
Ironically it's always is the best approach to stop dooming about a oneitis
>Immediately animated slop
God damn it
Reminder that Kazuya having a date with Mini and drinking together was the reason Chizuru pushed for the 3-way cohab. Her female sixth sense was picking up something back then.
KazuMini gives me picrel vibes. But Mini doesn't have ulterior motives or looks down at her master, does she?
If this was the plan all along I kneel. It only dawned on me Mini is in the bowl halfway through this arc
She will keep saying that all the way to the love motel bedroom.
she's very thorough about the practice date
Even the most rabid Chizuru and KazuChizu defenders on plebbit are bewildered at Kazuya's enjoyment if this "date".

Everybody think Chizuru is gonna seethe and get pissed.

Prepare yourself for more misery porn.
for some reason I don't see her losing her shit over this, but sad and hurt
If mini and Kazuya get chizuru drunk a threesome is not off the table
mini is fembro!
mini is cute!
mini is fun!
mini is fun-sized!
Mamibros, this a massive L for us
I must be about 50 chapters behind. Where does Ruka currently stand? Did she find out about the living situation?
Ruka hasn't appeared in 50 chapters.
Chapt. 313 or 312 was her last appearance.
No to both lol
I love how Rukafags have completely abandoned these threads
Kekoo bread ded.
Kanokari bread still alive.
Isn't Ruka the PUTA the most popular character? Wtf is Reiji doing?
No. She's the least popular amongst female demographics.
Reiji is turning Mini into the 5th kanojo.
Powerful chapter
>She's the least popular amongst female demographics
Source? I don't remember any vote that distinguished between genders in Kanokari
maybe the real gf was mini along the way
Hope Chizuru's chimp out after finding about the "date" gets a word vomit kinospread. Pure raw and unadulterated hypocrite tsun finally having a melty and unleashing all her feelings towards her customer in a furious and hurtful fashion.

The most humilliating way to find she actually loves Kazuya. Not like she wasn't asking for it tho.
1yr ago an anime site in japan made a poll about kanokari's favorite characters for female audiences. Mami was the most popular, then Chizuru and Sumi, and after a power gap, Mini was in 4th, there was another gap before Ruka's 5th place.
>After her melty, Chizuru realizes she loves Kazuya, but he's already happily dating Mini. The manga now switches focus to Chizuru in her desperate attempt to win him back
Mini would be the best in bed by a mile
Leave it to Cuckzuya to start catching feelings after thinking about getting cucked.
Mami has the tightest pussy without a doubt
It’s also cold and dead, like her womb.
I have heard something like that before, but I never saw that poll, the website or even a single photo, not even on Reddit, do you have any of those?
>things happening
>in kanokari
no way lmao this is a one-off. he will still simp over chizuru.
There won't be a date, we even get him daydreaming about the date, Reiji wouldn't make it twice. It will probably be a downpour and they'll have to reschedule.
It's pretty obvious the date won't go as planned, the question is what will be the problem. the rain, mami, mini, a combination of these, or something else entirely
>Is quite a bargain compared to paying for a rental date!!
this is just sad
>If she has a crush on him, she's not aware of it yet.
You really underestimate how much more self aware women are about the whole romance dynamics compared to guys. Women only have real true crushes (in the sense you mean it) for alpha-sigma guys, or in Japan it's the manipulative host club guys, for the sake of whom they will actively and willingly give away their own money, body, affection.

With guys like Kazuya, for Mini it's a convenience more than a real emotional attraction in the sense you're implying. It's not a strong emotion.

The only girl who ever had a chance at liking Kazuya for his true self is Mami because she's the only one who knows him deep enough to acknowledge his deep hidden arrogance because she's like that too, the only reason why the manga doesn't focus on this is because the whole story is precisely about Kazuya desperately denying his true nature and compatibility with Mami. Well that's what the reveal about Mami being intelligent implies.

Ruka and Sumi both think he's some super rich pimp sex haver type of guy and they try to "tame" him for themselves while Chizuru actually semi-knows his true backstory and thinks he's mid and not worth her sincere attention but the story shows that Chizuru is back shallow bimbo so it's more about Kazuya struggling to lower himself to that kinda primitive level of romantic communication (if Kazuya actually wanted to legit seduce Chizuru for sex, he'd go full beret-Umi host Chad nanpa flirt on her)

And deep down both Kazuya and Mami know this
I think it's hilarious that he realizes how just much money Choziro jacks him for every date. He's chosen to embrace the WORST of all worlds: paying way more than a hooker and paying way more than a gf yet he is neither getting his dick touched by a hot slut OR having a real gf.
>The only girl who ever had a chance at liking Kazuya for his true self is Mami because she's the only one who knows him deep enough to acknowledge his deep hidden arrogance because she's like that too

Mami only knew Kazuya for like a month before they broke up and is doing a lot of projection because he acted like her last boyfriend she loved who dumped her and immediately went for another woman.
Have we ever gotten a chapter or panels from Mini's POV? especially regarding her feelings/thoughts about Kazuya?
how come there are no good mini doujins
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A while back Mini talks about him while she’s taking a bath with Chiz. ch273
I meant more introspective thoughts, kinda like the ones Chizuru has

I know right?
Not really, Mini doesn’t overthink like the other two mentally unstable MCs. All we know is she’s not attracted to him in that way but just admires him and enjoys helping him.
>but just admires him and enjoys helping him.
This isn't the behavior of aomeone who just "admires" him >>268868985, >>268869055, >>268869107, >>268869167
This is not a Mini-Kazuya manga. This is a Mizuhara-Kazuya manga with 3 other girl beta orbiters who already planted their presence even before Mini ever showed up. Naturally along with her constant, endless shipping and the competition it’s hard for anyone to come up with ideas for her that doesn’t devolve into “random faceless fat guy or ikeman filling her holes” for the millionth time.
there aren't actually good Kanokari doujins
>inb4 Yahiro Pochi
his doujins are boring shit, this applies to his other works too, not only Kanokari ones
Ok saying that this is all pure platonic might be cope.
There are ZERO Mami doujins. That should tell you enough about kanokari's pornscape.
>has appeared ONCE in 50 chapters
That's... not any better.
Something happened this time here. Cuckoo is a walking corpse since Hiro dumped Nagi.
Alright I’m calling it Kaz is gonna have one of his retarded “accidents” on Mini and it’s gonna flip her switch all of a sudden.
We all know better by now. Miki will keep teasing Hiro until the endgame, when she will pull off the only trick she knows: to make the main girl (Erika) win.
If you think about it, other than Chizuru, the only other girl who has a chance if even the slightest, is Mini.
Mami will forever be the evil one. Even if she redeems herself, she'll forever be the girl who stirred shit up, the reason the story went the direction it did in the first place. I give her a pity 1% of winning the bowl at this point, and even that is too high.
Ruka is the mid-story gf, and that alone beings down her chances by a lot. Combined with her unhinged nature, and more importantly the fact she's cucking herself so another girl can shine, she has almost a non existent chance to win. I give her a pity 1% as well.
Sumi got her own spinoff, and for that reason alone, her chances to win are 0%.
That leaves Mini, who's perhaps the most relevant girl at this point. She's more helpful than Sumi ever was, she has that free spirited childlike charm that Ruka dreams to have, and she's a good clumsy girl that is the opposite of the cold, evil Mami. Her only disadvantage is that she was always the "helper" girl and that she was never considered to be part of the bowl, but this chapter hints that this might be changing.
Chizuru still is the most likely winner, but at this point you can't dismiss Mini's relevance. I give her 20% chance to win, and personally I root for her.
it's hilarious how reiji's mind works even though he tries his best to pretend he's normal
I don’t mean to be that guy again but Kazutrash and Miniship suddenly betrayed Chizuru by going out with each other.
Even though this was supposed to be a scout outing for a perfect date Kazutrash took the initiative to call another girl out to eat, hanged out with her, touched her, played arcade games with her, and even took love photos with her for no reason. What a piece of shit.
meanwhile chorizo is doing compensated dating even though she knows this guy loves her and has invested something like $100k into her at this point.

if she wasn't a piece of trash she would have turned him down literally 220 chapters ago
I bet Mini is into some kinky shit. Otaku girls be like.
I think that's the whole point. This arc is a set up for Mini to enter the bowl, but we were gaslit to believe it's about his date with Chizuru. Masterfully done.
>What a piece of shit.
wait, how
I mean the dynamic is spelled out. She already calls him "master". Only problem is Kaz hasn't displayed a manly side at all but once that is crossed she could completely melt for him.
I love mini and this arc has reinvigorated my interest in this series
The fact that he's rehearsing a "perfect" script to go out with Chiz is already very scummy and manipulative. How is he gonna explain the lack of excitement when it's his 2nd time there? It's just fucking weird, they should have walked around the entrance, ate, and left. He spoiled his own date like a retard. And now Chiz won't have as much fun either.
yea it's incredibly stupid, it's not like it'll be so difficult to figure out where the lockers/bathrooms are, he literally figured that out easily as shown in this chapter and it took no time. that date is bound to fail, or as I suspect, it's not gonna go as planned at all.
Once again Kazuya ain't that different from Reiji into being a selfish scumbag. Doing scummy shit behind his oneitis' back.
I am so ready for things to go south. This is the peak Rent-a-gf I know. The series still needs a reason to call itself that right? They will fuck up and I am so here for it.
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Are you telling me Kazuya didn't wake up to Mini when he saw THIS, but he did when he thought of other men hitting on her? Such an unironic cuck...
I'm not particularly against them having a good time, but all this meticulous planning is bound to fail, or backfire somehow. Even if it does go well, maybe Mini throws a wrench somehow. So many possibilities for how this can go wrong.
>but he did when he thought of other men hitting on her?
It's like Reiji does it on purpose or something, it's like he portrays an actual cuckold, but people pretend this is some great love story.
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You jest, but Kuri inserted that expectation on Kazuya's mind a while ago. Imagine if Mini somehow gets the same idea.
He's clearly blushing here, so he did see her that way, even if he was not conspicuously aware of that. But it only clicked for him after being on a totally-not-real "practice" date with her. Seeing her being hit on just made him realize that she's actually kinda cute and totally gf material which he never considered before. Other people seem to like her, so why doesn't he? she's fun, cute, kind, etc.
Kinda like having a childhood friend that one day you realize how cute she is and you start to feel a certain way about her.
He was lusting over her there. It's not uncommon, he's done the same for all other heroines. The thing is it took the idea of other men courting her to perform the mental jump from "this girl is hot!" to "man this qt is so dateable".
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>date with chizuru
>constantly on edge
>overthinks every step and every word
>doomposts in his mind all the time
>forced to act like someone it's not you

>date with mini
>can hold a conversation w/o being cringe
>both have fun
>no mental doomposting
>accepts you no matter how much of a cringelord you are

Pic related, she was not looking forward to Chizuru's date with Kazuya...
>dates Ruka
>dates Mini

>Ruka disappears
>going to soon be on a real date with Mizuhara
>Umi for no reason with Mizuhara
>Mini suddenly gets hit on

yyyyaaabba dabba doo!!!!
Mini needs to be tongue punched in her fart box
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It all makes sense now. we were so blind. Mini is the end goal
The cohabitation arc began on chapter 255. We are at chapter 337 right now. We have spent 82 chapters so far...
Weren’t they only living with each other for like a month?
Yes, a month. We are 3 weeks into the cohabitation period Chizuru set up.
>82 chapters
At chapter 82, Kazuya and Chizuru were having a JK uniform date (just 1 chapter before Ruka's visit to Kazuya's parents). In universe, that was roughly one year ago...
only 82? pathetic
If you think about it, this whole date is just a grooming session.
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grooming the readers into becoming minifags
This makes Hawaiians look like a U19 series.
This just became Hajime no Ippo levels of stagnated. And it's on purpose. Author now "is going with the wind".
No wonder nips got sick of the manga. Even 5ch.
You see that’s where you’re wrong. There’s so much shit he can do instead like Mami trying to get back with Kazuya or an actual Chizuru dating arc but the retard purposefully ignores any route for story progression
>but the retard purposefully ignores any route for story progression

I would like to know where this “story progression” is because the only progression I see is directly to a mental home.
bro at this point he getting with mizuhara would be a bad ending. let's see where this goes, whatever.
>how to identify best girls in one easy step
The story progression for a romcom like this would be kisses and hugs with a best girl like Mami and maybe sex if the MC is lucky. But even with the sales dramatically increasing they still won’t try to give the series a glimpse of romance
this is the true end game and no one can convince me otherwise.
Chizuru is gonna discover these pics isn't she
Mini and Kazuya look kinda cute together. I might actually forgive this manga if they cheat on Chizuri in 2028
Exchange hugs and kisses for who is cucking who the hardest and you suddenly see who is in the lead and who is losing in this cuckcom.
Do you think Mini's advice is good?
sex with Mini
Mini is an open book and really honest so we don't need to hear her inner monologue because we already know what she's thinking
the twist will be that at the end of the practice date mini kisses kazuya
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>the double spread that changed kanokari forever...
Her advice comes from second-hand anecdotes, manga/anime/vidya, and shitposting threads on 5ch mixed up with her own biases. So an /a/non's opinion, basically.
Mami, do something, plsssss
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Thanks to this chapter, I must revisit Mini's appearances...
>Mini is standing closer to Kazuya's balcony than Chizuru
>Kazuya is standing closer to Chizuru's balcony than Mini's
The symbolism was there all along. Bravo
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It's fun recalling that the reason why she started calling him Master is because she related to Kazuya's spendings on rental dates, comparing them to gacha pulls.
I'm probably gonna do the same
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We might even get another panel like this soon.
He had an emotional impact on her since day 1. Maybe, just maybe, she started to develop a crush on him right then.
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>there's no logic behind it, it's just what my soul wants!
bruh the signs were truly there...
bruh if this is correct.. this is the greatest subversion in romcom history
Mini is le supportive shipper friend archetype, those are never meant for MC.
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This was unironically the peak of the cohabitation arc. Imagine how it would be if they made an S5 and adapted it.
I honestly don’t get what direction this is going. Thought Mami would have gotten around to doing something by now but she is as useless narratively as Ruka and Sumi. Mini has been holding this ship together since the movie arc but was never recognized for it and now she is the only thing keeping Chizuru and Kazuya close while getting closer and closer to them herself. I can only guess Reiji is aiming for another Hawaiians where everything will come to a head again and it will blow up in everyone’s faces just like last time.
Direction? What direction?
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And here we see Mini cockblocking Kazuya's attempt at dissuading Chizuru from dating Umi (in exchange for the retweet for the movie). Man, we were so blind.
And that’s the problem there is no real cucking until the girls are kissed, hugged, and fugged
iirc, this scene has Kazuya telling Chizuru that Umi isn't doing it for free, which turned out to be true and Umi reading the script ahead and telling Chizuru she should go to dinner with Umi afterwards.
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I will fap to Mini in honor of her new found appreciation.
And Chizuru had the audacity to defend Umi.
What is this thing?
>I honestly don’t get what direction this is going.
Reiji already said he is just going with the wind, narrative-wise.
Yet the supportive shipper can get caught into feelings. See Toradora.
I once fapped to her "pantyshots" from the anime on her birthday.
mini killed obaachan
I believe it.
Pooping scene when?
The mute girl and mini are the ideal women and are therefore 100% unattainable in the romcom. Only absolute garbage like Chizuru and Ruka are available for sex/marriage because they are the only ones shitty enough to be with the shitty MC.
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We already had one
I meant Chizuru...
Mini's minis..
I haven't really kept up with this manga since kazuya lost his apartment.
So what is happening here? He is going on a practice date with the girl-next-door, to practice going on a date with the girl that is not even his girlfriend and has to pay money for to go on a date with in the first place?
He was supposed to check out the venue with her, but it turns out to be more of a date than his rental dates with Chizuru.
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he finally asked Chizuru out for a real non-payed date which she accepted, and is going for a practice date with Mini to prepare for the real date, but it turns out the practice date is kind of a real date. we still don't know if it's a nothingburger and we're getting baited or something deeper is brewing
He went on so many dates with Chizuru, who's already a rental for things like practice dates in the first place, yet he still feels he need to practice for his "real date"?
please do not use mini images for mini
Ironic isn't it? but I think it kinda makes sense, in a payed date you don't really care what you do, you just wing it and go with the flow because you know you don't need to impress anyone, she just provides a service to make you feel good, whereas in a real date you actually have to be on top of your game, lead, be interesting, etc. all of which makes him more self conscious than necessary. So ironically the mentality and state of mind he has on a payed date is closer to what he needs to have on a real date but he's shooting himself in the foot by overthinking and over-preparing for it
You know how shit the manga currently is when its 5ch threads, its 5CH THREADS, are getting pissed. I think the only places that are still largely supportive/defensive of the manga are the sub and server.
What are they pissed about?
Not only that, he is also getting closer to a different girl than intended.
The same things we are pissed about (lack of progress, Reiji stalling time).
See for yourself
Meant to reply to >>268901971
Which is a good thing
I like the current development, but it's probably a nothingburger which would suck
So why exactly do the server and sub still love the series anyway, apart from being Chizuru simps
>You know how shit the manga currently is when its 5ch threads, its 5CH THREADS, are getting pissed. I think the only places that are still largely supportive/defensive of the manga are the sub and server.
Even plebbit is pissed at Kazuya for this chapter and think there will be consequences.
So besides of a simp, he's now a scumbag and a certified asshole.
Wait: even the sub is upset now? I didn't expect that. I guess it's just the server left that's still doubling down on the defense?
I still like it
I tend to forget Mini has big tits
i don't read this but i don't mind looking at random threads for images showing the girls looking cute
You're in the minority
If Mini actually wins or pulls ahead for even a minute, I will kneel to Reiji and forgive the past 100+ chapters of this manga

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