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>considered a 3/10 series now.

What went wrong?
It's mediocre, but that rating seems like just a troll. By who?
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2 shit seasons in a row then the good content is in theater jail x3 instead of simulcast. Reminder you STILL can't watch SpyxFamily movie on anything better than a Brazilian camrip yet, and that came out last December. Now take Infinity Castle and multiply that by 3. Not only do you have to wait for each movie to come out, you need to wait another 6 to 9 months+ on top of that to see it on your PC. Theater shit is fucking retarded and outdated.
seordsmith village sucked ass
So did training arc
You're just saying that because the author came out as a non-binary
I never understood the hype for this series, the animation is majestic but the story is generic as fuck, some characters are dowright unlikable.
Still don't know why the japs larped this up so hard.
>the author came out as a non-binary
I didn't know that. Now I'd say it's a 1/10.
Theatrical release is extremely retarded for the middle of an on-going series. It's not so bad if it is a final conclusion to long running series.
I feel that a lot of the popularity just comes from being a fantasy story played straight-up in a sea of reincarnation, MMORPG isekai and highschool school romcom harems. I think having a real conclusion and not dragging on for 10+ years also helped it. If you don't consider all that context, then yes it's pretty mediocre.
Kill yourself KikeSawFag
It's not the final conclusion though, there's still Sunlight Countdown. And three movies is different from one, so is the wait. A year at best to each movie, but that's just theaters. So in practical terms 1 and a half to 2 years EACH movie for a format (VOD) people actually care about. That's ridiculous.
All these bait posts won't give Berserk a good adaptation lol.
What's wrong with Swordsmith Village? Red Light District was better, but SV wasn't bad at all.
I meant the manga having a conclusion. When you said series, I just assumed you meant holistically speaking, not specifically the anime adaptation.
My bad
>is that a lel brother sister combo cast!?!?
>the characters are soo lel cuuuute!
>the comedy is lmao XD funny!!
>omg look at that old fudel Japan setting!!
you first, kiketsu no yehuda fag...
According to whom lmao?
this was too overhyped since S1 when the best arc is ironically the last one
>What's wrong with Swordsmith Village?
IMO awful villains with the weakest stories and least charisma out of the Moons, with the possible exception of Zenitsu's rival. Mist is way better in other arcs than this, his introductory one where he's an annoying prick. But Love is fine. Rough pacing in general, no big emotional moments except Nezuko's right at the tail end.

Japan likes KnY because it pushes family values on a dying nation completely devoid of them and its ever-declining birth rate which triggered something primal in them. The setting also resembles the Meiji era, back when Japan was an economic superpower and not some impoverished shithole it is today.
The opinion of someone who doesn't understand Nezuko's character can and should be ignored.
A toilet rag has more substance than that sorry excuse of a gaming """news""" publication, and I don't even watch KnY.
Nezuko has a character?
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Yes, she's cute, quiet, obedient and has either big breasts or flat chest depending on what you prefer at the moment. Perfection.
She's a cute demon girl who likes headpats, and that's it.
It's no One Piece.n
Yeah, she's a loli McGuffin. Very stunning and brave.
>The setting also resembles the Meiji era, back when Japan was an economic superpower and not some impoverished shithole it is today.
Most educated /a/non on this board.
Go back.
They say Taisho era at the end of like every episode
I'm on episode 5 of the 5th season and this just fucking sucks ass. It feels like I'm watching moe rather than a battle shounen.
Was always shit. Normalfags are waking up I guess
The writing was always middle school tier but the latest arc is just especially bad.
How do you fuck up a training arc in a battle shounen?
>good content
>infinity castle
Heh. Good joke. The final arc in KnY was mediocre shit
I'm aware the series is set in the Taisho era, but that period was mostly just a continuation of the Meiji era.
no other plot movers to focus on, we don't need to see every training arc the MC goes through. a training arc can be a good opportunity to focus on another character who progresses the plot from a different angle.
is the training arc that bad? seemed alright in the manga.
Too much filler
Ugly characters
Im still on episode 5 but nothing that significant happened. Just feels like a bastard kid between shounen and moe. No learning rasengan or bankai
I think the problem is that its the 3rd or 4th training arc in the story and Demon Slayer is a relatively short story compared to others
those last 2 seasons were just that bad. I regret watching that pointless crap.
nothing of substance even starts happening until the last 2 epsiodes
Yeah. The show doesn't take itself seriously. I was expecting more tension in that conflict between the two brothers but it was just a nothingburger.
It was never good, not even the animation
If they knew they were doing movies why not release the show closer to the movie date???
Its really bad.
All those people on twitter are seething because someone had the nerve to call a shit arc a shit arc.
The series is basically over and they're wasting time on something that has nothing to do with the end.
Even if it was necessary to adapt it, it wasn't mecessary to stretch ot put over 8 episodes. They overmilked hard. There's a reason people only talk about 2 episodes out of the 8.
Damn it I was typing in a rush
>Episodes have terrible pacing
>Animation is zoomer flashy=good shit
Garbage source material.
Garbage adaptation.
It was 6-7 chapters in the manga
They stretched and filler padded it to 8 episodes.

One episode was literally only 3 pages in the manga.
The part I find funniest about the training arc is it was literally pointless.

All the characters who need to asspull powerups do it mid fight against the upper moons anyway.
>6-7 chapters stretched to 8 episodes
Jesus, who the fuck thought that was a good idea. That's more of less what One Piece has been doing for years now and it's always pure crap.
Every once in a while IGN makes a correct review
Just go watch the movie bro, it's gonna premiere in the same month just like the latest compilation movie.
I disagree on principle alone
>theatre jail
My man, S3 aired two months after the movie, S4 did after three. You can see they're not wasting an entire year anymore like they did with Mugen Train. Who cares what SxF is doing, they're nowhere near as big as KnY
Those are compilation movies to new seasons. Glorified previews. That's not at all like full, separate movies. Tell me you can see that.
>You can see they're not wasting an entire year anymore like they did with Mugen Train.
Mugen Train was the ONLY actual movie of any of those! In fact, it's the only parallel to what's happening with Infinity Castle. Bro...
They can only stagger the TV anime (therefore also the streams) season for so long before stations and partners like Crunchyroll get upset they aren't getting their super popular series for their audience.
Well, they clearly didn't mind waiting for an entire year in the past, so I'm sure Aniplex can make them wait a bit more this time, all so they can squeeze out that box office profit.
You're not seeing my point. Mugen Train is the only applicable precedent to these three movies. Do you seriously not see the difference between Mugen Train and Infinity Castle trilogy, and the glorified preview moneygrab compilation "films"?
Training arcs are garbage enjoyed only by melaninated individuals who think that the gym is a personality
The vast majority of profit a movie makes these days is within 60 days of release. If they wait any longer than that, they're missing out on money from other sources.
Just because it's a precedent doesn't mean things will go the same way, it's just bad for business.
Show me an anime movie, actual movie, that has released that quickly. Don't discount the example of SpyxFamily's movie. It's more applicable than any of the preview compilations.
>final episode is nothing but a 40 minute drawn-out introduction to the big battle
>capture the fanbase of zoomers who move onto whatever their favorite tiktoker says to follow next
I enjoyed this series a lot until season 3. Season 1 was perfect.
must be truly atrocious if those slop eaters gave it such a low score
I don't think you understand the modern anime fan and how they hate reviews like this.
Modern anime fans just want filler and slice of life trash that goes nowhere. While normal people want progression.
Shamone's overdramatic bollywood-tier jumpcut and zoom-in filled walk up the mansion was just embarrassing
and they were so proud of it, they showed it twice
the last two seasons haven't even attempted to lay the groundwork for any emotional payoffs. mitsuri was completely mishandled and barely had any relevant screentime (and no character development) in her own arc and hashira training only commits to the most surface-level character development. every scene with a tanjiro and a hashira exists to make the viewer gape his mouth and point at the screen in excitement simply because they exist; nothing is fucking happening.
The only redeemable part of Mitsuri's character is her forced romance with Obanai, unironically. If it wasn't for the sailing ship to garner some last moment sympathy these characters would easily be among the worst-written, worst-received of the main cast.
Manchild that could never sustain a real relationship.
Jeremy back from vacation?
>thread shitting on Deku reaches 400+ replies
>suddenly several KnY bait threads
It's pretty obvious
There's very few interesting things that happened, and despite being a training arc, Tanjiro get through all of them easily just mogging the other (pussies with no backbones) trainee, except for the last training which is the only interesting one.
Don't know what schizo shit you're on about. The show/series has objectively when down in reception in the last 3 years.
MHA is even worse.
everyone who dislikes [thing I like] is a [bot/contrarian/crossboarder/schizoposter]
Mob psycho season 3 is a 10/10
the movie trilogy will be kino
Fuck off.
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I finished watching the entertainment district arc a few years ago and just kind of forgot about the series
how long ago did the manga end, like 5 years now?
I hope you cry about this and respond to every post that uses the word. Make a bot that helps show how assblasted you are. Here I'll help you get started
Have fun in the Chainsawman threads.
I hate Chainsoy Boy too. And I still hate fags like you.
it's a dumb meme that should've stayed on /tv/
cross-board meme infections are perpetrated by those of low intelligence
You mean the Meiji era when 2/3rd of the Japanese population were illiterate rice farmers
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>Meiji era
for me it's Rurouni Kenshin
What a funny thing to say considering it is a battle shounen.
The main character crying
>What went wrong
people thought it was anything over a 1/10 series.
It is kind of wild they decided to pad out the season with filler and just did it with random mooks and training rather than the actual literally who Hashira.

That being said the entire Hashira cast is underdeveloped
Tell me a shounen where MC doesn't cry
Forced popularity.
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>uhmm... 3/10 is the most I can give
A 3/10 is being very generous. I would've given it a 1/10.
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do you think tanjiro can smell nezuko's period?
He can also smell her ass, pussy, armpits, feet, and bad breath.
the entire hashira training arc could have been 1 35 minute special without cutting anything important
Look at all these seething replies. I think you are right and got them.
>4 minutes of slow motion footsteps
unironically the worst shit I've ever watched in my entire life
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>Modern anime fans just want filler and slice of life
Anime is healing.
>But Love is fine.
i liked her character design and her fighting and all but she took all the threat out of facing an upper moon. Same thing with amnesia boy but that may just be the shit villains.
For whatever reason DS tries too hard to balance out it's dark themes so having the "sugoi" titty hashira mixed with all the chibi elements clashes with the setting too much. It's been doing this for a while and it's starting to get grating.
I pretty much agree with everything else.
making us sit through hours of filler content just to end on a cliffhanger as soon as the first fight of the entire season begins is fucking insane. nobody will be talking about this slop 3 months after it ends.
>i liked her character design and her fighting and all but she took all the threat out of facing an upper moon.
I liked when she was mindbroken by the sonic attack. Those two moons did kind of fuck up the high tier demon reputation though, especially after a lower ranking one like Gyutaro showed what a beast he is.
Ugly 3dcg fish.
well /a/ is full of retards who slurp up shit. They would definitely clap for an anime series about two people sitting around and not saying a thing.
finally casuals are learning
not what I expected but at least the qualification is fair
Man, Jeremy has been very active lately. What happened?
KnY - 3/10

JJK - 6/10

CSM - 9/10

Is IGN secretly based?
>manga is short and sweet, 200 chapters is lightning fast for a battle shonen
>anime gets stretched out and milked to hell and back
ufotable are fags
modern anime fans can't enjoy a simple serie unless it as 10000 forced plotwists, "MATURE!" writting and retcons with dubbious morals
The anime just had a really good first season. The manga sales were decent but nothing huge. It's a pretty straightfoward battle shounen that doesn't overstay its welcome. If it didn't get as good an anime that it did, it wouldn't have blown up.
>The manga sales were decent but nothing huge
It’s the fastest selling manga in history
Post anime dingus.
Well, yeah. Because pretty much everyone bought it by then. It has at least 145 million copies sold in Japan alone. Can’t go higher than that.
It was always a 3/10
Gyutaro's fight got special treatment in the anime compared to the manga, it wasn't nearly as bombastic and over the top.
KnY episode 8 trended at 100k on Twitter
>The manga sales were decent but nothing huge.
lol. lmao, one might even go so far as to say.
What is One Piece? And quite a few others.
>The manga sales were decent but nothing huge.
Should I have been more explicit there?
>The manga sales before the anime announcement and airing were decent but nothing huge.
God you histrionic tribalist faggots are unbearable. It had a bad season, most people apart from the fanboys agree on that. So that makes the whole show 3/10? Or it's 'lost it's heckin' relevance!!!'. Gay.

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